introducing inspire - july 2013

Introducing INSPIRE Last updated:10 July 2013 [email protected] @andnewmangeo

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This is an updated version of my ‘Introducing INSPIRE’ presentation. The slides cover: the what/why/how of INSPIRE, the UK Location Information Infrastructure, and what you need to do to comply. Both the slides and associated notes are available (click the "notes on slide x" at the top of the comments section of the page)


Page 1: Introducing INSPIRE - July 2013

Introducing INSPIRE

Last updated:10 July [email protected]@andnewmangeo

Page 2: Introducing INSPIRE - July 2013

3. Delivering INSPIRE» What do I need to do?» 5 Steps to INSPIRE Success

4. Find out more...



1. INSPIRE» Why» How» What» When

2. UK Location Information Infrastructure» Architecture» Web Services

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To improving environmental policy making and delivery

• Environmental impacts do not respect borders

• A macro view is required to understand Climate Change

• environmental policy needs to be based on robust evidence

• Understanding and protecting environmental assets will boost the economy

INSPIRE data will also be useful in other areas such as health, transport, & commerce

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• Data is collected once and kept where best maintained

• Data is easy to discover and reuse

• Easily combine data from different sources

• Data is readily and transparently available

• Data can be used at multiple scales

• Good governance improves data management

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Not a GIS


C. Ansorge, Umweltbundesamt, 2012,

• Common standards for data, metadata and services

• Catalogues allow users to identify what information is available

• Data is delivered as a service

• Data specifications make data interoperable

Distributed service based infrastructure

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INSPIRE Requirements - Data

• Publish spatial datasets that are within scope of 34 legally defined themes

• INSPIRE does not require us to collect any new data


Annex I Annex II Annex III

• Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS)

• Geographical Grid Systems (GGS)

• Geographical Names (GN)

• Administrative Units (AU)

• Addresses (AD)

• Cadastral Parcels (CP)

• Transport Networks (TN)

• Hydrography (HY)

• Protected Sites (PS)

• Elevation (EL)

• Land Cover (LC)

• OrthoImagery (OI)

• Geology (GE)

• Statistical Units (SU)

• Population Distribution – Demography (PD)

• Natural Risk Zones (NZ)

• Atmospheric Conditions (AC)

• Meteorological Geographical Features (MF)

• Oceanographic Geographical Features (OF)

• Sea Regions (SR)

• Bio-geographical Regions (BR)

• Agricultural and Aquaculture facilities (AF)

• Habitats and Biotopes (HB)

• Species Distribution (SD)

• Buildings (BU)

• Energy Resources (ER)

• Mineral Resources (MR)

• Soil (SO)

• Land Use (LU)

• Human Health and Safety (HH)

• Utility and Government Services (US)

• Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF)

• Production and Industrial Facilities (PF)

• Area Management/ Restriction/ Regulation Zones and Reporting Units (AM)

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INSPIRE Requirements - Deadlines

INSPIRE is a 2 step process:

1. Publish data as-is through standards compliant web services (view and download) with standards compliant metadata


Nov 2011 Full discovery metadata & view services for annex I and II data

Dec 2012 Full discovery metadata, view & download services made available for annex I & II datasets

Dec 2013 Full discovery metadata, view & download services made available for INSPIRE annex III datasets

By 2017 INSPIRE Annex I data specification compliance

By 2020 INSPIRE Annex II & III data specification compliance

But for new data or extensively restructured data:

2. Transform the data to comply with standardised data specifications

By 2013 INSPIRE Annex I data specification compliance

By 2015 INSPIRE Annex II & III data specification compliance

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Technical Requirements - Services




Visualise data in client applications

A web service that returns a geo-referenced image of a defined extent

Find data quickly and easily


Consume and analyse data

A web service that returns geographic data for a defined extent


Apply standard data specifications

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INSPIRE Requirements - Business


– Have licensing arrangements that allow information to be shared

– Set up e-commerce arrangements where charging is applicable

– Introduce monitoring mechanisms to demonstrate that the information is being made available

– Introduce co-ordination mechanisms to ensure effective operation of the infrastructure

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UK Location Information Infrastructure (UKLII)


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Who Does What

Data Providers

• 4 key components for providing access to data:

– Structured information about datasets and services (metadata)

– Services that allow datasets to be visualised (View Service)

– Services that provide access to data content (Download Service)

– & transformation


• Central Discovery Service (metadata catalogue)


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• UKLII requires that metadata is published for all datasets and services

• All metadata is captured to a defined UK standard (GEMINI2)

• UK Location has also published guidance on implementing GEMINI2 for UKLII / INSPIRE

14* Other metadata tools are available

• UK Location provides an on-line tool for creating GEMINI2 metadata* - “the Metadata Editor”

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View Service

What it is

• A publically-accessible network service

• Provides an image of part of a spatial data set in response to user-defined requests

• A Web Map Service (WMS)

What it isn’t

• A web mapping application (although they may use a View Service)

• A GIS (although a GIS may use a View Service)

• Does not provide access to the data itself (only an image)


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Download ServiceWhat it is

• A Network Service that provides access to the raw data

• Data, rather than a picture of data

• Or, in INSPIRE terms:

– …enabling copies of spatial data sets, or parts of such sets, to be downloaded and, where practicable, accessed directly.INSPIRE Directive, 2007

What it isn’t

• A web mapping application

• A GIS (although a GIS may use a

Download Service)


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Discovery Service• A central service provided by Defra INSPIRE Team

• Data publishers register metadata for datasets or services

• Data users search metadata to find datasets and services


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Transformation Services

• No discreet transformation service

• Data can be transformed as it’s published• Data can be transformed within network services


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1. Search

2. Preview

3. Consume

Search over 1000 location datasets and services•Text search•Map based search•Filter by publisher, tag, type and more•Machine to machine services - Permanent URI’s; RESTful API, CSW service

Preview location datasets in our simple web viewer•Overlay layers from up to 10 web map services•Change layer orders and transparency•Click to get feature information where available

Integrate location data in to your applications•Web Map Services available for over 200•Download Services

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Delivering INSPIRE*

20* or Publishing Your Location Data

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What do I need to do?1. Review your data holdings to identify any data within scope of INSPIRE

For local government LGA have provided an indicative list of data topics to help with this activity

For central government the Defra INSPIRE team can provide advice and support

2. Setup view and download services to deliver data to users View Services let users visualise data in client applications (View service

technical guidance) Download Services let users consume and analyse data – (Download

service technical guidance)


3. Create metadata for your datasets and services and register your metadata at The DMS Operational Guide explains how to do this Consider publishing metadata for datasets before you have services in

place, particularly if you won’t have services in place by December


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5 Steps to INSPIRE Success

The following roadmap may help you deliver INSPIRE:

1.Understand your data2.Options Analysis3.Make a business case4.Develop and Implement Services5.Maintain, Improve, Benefit


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1. Understand your data

– You need to:

• Understand what location data your organisation maintains

• Identify data that is in-scope of INSPIRE

• Look at how your data is published (if it is)

• Consider issues such as licensing, IP, charging

• Discuss issues emerging with data owners/custodians

– Decisions:

• Agree priorities for data publication particularly for INSPIRE

• Agree publication approaches for datasets

• Agree data sharing policies if you don’t have them (licensing etc)


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2. Options Analysis– You need to consider how you will:

• Provide view, download services

• Create metadata for your data and services and register it with

• Transform your data (phase 2)

– Decisions

• Phasing of delivery

• How will I create my metadata?

• How will I deliver my services?





P2 P3 P...

1. Direct 2. Agent 3. Shared Service/Portal

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3. Make a business case

– You need to convince your budget holders that they should invest in sharing

location data.

– Your business case should set out:

• Why you need to act

• What the benefits are for your organisation and others

• The options you have considered

• What the implications of not acting are

• A recommendation

– If taking a phased approach make this clear in the business case


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4. Develop and Implement Services– Define the business requirements and functional requirements

• Ensure you are applying the relevant standards and guidance

– Develop the solution

– Load the data

– Launch the services

– Create metadata for the datasets and services

– Register the metadata with

– If taking a phased approach ensure your solution is “future proof”

Consider publishing metadata for datasets before you have services in

place, particularly if you won’t have services in place by December


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5. Maintain, Improve, Benefit


– Keep your data and metadata up-to-date


– Regularly check you are publishing all the required data

– Work to publish more data

– Respond to user feedback and priorities

– Consider the requirements of INSPIRE when defining new data products


– Start consuming data as a service to reduce data processing costs and ensure

you are using current data


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Find out more...

INSPIRE Guidance & tools

Local government indicative INSPIRE data topics

UK INSPIRE Helpdesk [email protected]


Devolved government organisations

Each devolved government has a local INSPIRE team. Who should be contacted in the first instance

Local government indicative INSPIRE data topics

LGA INSPIRE Team [email protected]