introducing creative commons

INTRODUCING CREATIVE COMMONS IN THE CLASSROOM Maria Tipaldo 11515923 ETL 523 Digital Citizenship in Schools

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Post on 06-May-2015




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  • 1.INTRODUCING CREATIVE COMMONS IN THE CLASSROOM Maria Tipaldo 11515923 ETL 523 Digital Citizenship in Schools

2. Creative Commons can be used as part of a whole school approach to promote the responsible and ethical use of information by: both providing students with a source of materials for their work and Offering students options for licensing their own creations 3. Copyright protects an owners right to a work If youve created it, you should get the credit Copyright protection is automatic 4. This short video provides a summary of copyright and fair use in simple terms Source: 5. Digital environment has changed things- reuse, remix & share on an unprecedented global scale 6. The mistaken idea that material on the internet is in the public domain and therefore can be freely used. Copyright applies to all forms of media- images, websites, moving and sound media. (Combes, 2005; Stripling, 2010) 7. sheets/schools/creative-commons-information-pack The Smartcopying Creative Commons Information Pack is a useful resource for educators 8. Making media and sharing it with listeners, readers and viewers is essential to the development of critical thinking and communication skills Centre for Media and Social Impact (n.d.). Code of best practices in fair use for media literacy education. Retrieved from: media-literacy-education