intro to robots conditionals and recursion. intro to robots modulus two integer division operators -...

Intro to Robots Conditionals and Recursion

Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Intro to Robots

Conditionals and Recursion

Intro to Robots


• Two integer division operators - / and %.

• When dividing an integer by an integer we throw away the remainder.

• To capture the remainder (before we lose it) we use the modulus (%) operator.

• then

7 / 3 = 27 % 3 = 1

n % d = rn / d = q

n = q * d + r

Intro to Robots

Use of Modulus

• Some numbers, like credit card or identification numbers, are encoded so that the last digit can be “calculated” from the previous digits.

• Suppose a 16-digit number has its first 15 digits as

• and that the 16th digit is calculated by • adding the digits as eight 2-digit numbers

• Repeat until there are only two digits

• the larger of the last two digits is the 16th digit


04 + 59 + 13 + 29 + 56 + 84 + 32 + 56 = 333

03 + 33 = 36


Intro to Robots


• Which if these two 16-digit numbers is “valid”?


• In a short while we’ll see an algorithm for verifying that a 16 digit number is valid using this method of calculating the last digit.



Intro to Robots

Boolean Expressions:

• A boolean expression is one that is either true or false.• In Python, true and false are represented as 1 and 0.• The operator == compares two numbers and decides if

they are equal

• Other such operators for numbers are

>>> 5 == 60>>> 5 == 51

x != y -- x is not equal to yx > y -- x is greater than yx < y -- x is less than yx >= y -- x is greater than or equal to yx <= y -- x is less than or equal to yx == y -- x is equal to y

Intro to Robots


• The operator = is the “assignment operator” not the “comparison operator”.

x = y -- the variable x takes on the value of the variable yx == y -- returns 1 of x and y have the same value; 0 otherwise

Intro to Robots


• What does the following do?

• We can use a function definition to capture this logic without any mistakes

print ‘even’*(a%2==0) + ‘odd’*(a%2==1)

def parity(a):

return print ‘even’*(a%2==0) + ‘odd’*(a%2==1)

Intro to Robots

Boolean or Logical Operators:

• There are three logical operators – and, or and not.• Their meaning (semantics) are the same as in English.

x > 2 and x < 10 -- true (1) if x is greater than 2 and less than 10not (x > 2 and x < 10) -- false(0) if x is greater than 2 and less than 10 -- true (1) is x is less than or equal to 2 or x is greater than or equal to 10x <= 2 or x >= 10 -- same as above

Intro to Robots

Conditional Execution:

if x > 0: print ‘x is positive’

condition; if true, everything indentedis executed


HEADER: starts a new line, ends in a :

BODY: sometimes called a program block. Everything indented after the header.

Intro to Robots

Alternative Execution:

• This can be encapsulated in a function to hide the code details:

• Or using the function we wrote earlier

if x %2 == 0: print x, ‘is even’else: print x, ‘is odd’

executed if condition is true

executed if condition is false

def printParity(x): if x %2 == 0: print x, ‘is even’ else: print x, ‘is odd’

print x, “is” + parity(x)

Intro to Robots

Chained Conditionals:

• What happens if you need to choose from among three or more things (instead of just two):

if x > 0: print x, ‘is positive’elif (x == 0): print x, ‘is zero’else: print x, ‘is negative’

Intro to Robots


• Write a function called compare(x,y) that does the following:– Returns 1 if x > y– Returns 0 if x == y– Returns -1 if x < y

def compare(x,y): if x > y: return 1 elif x == 0: return 0 else: return -1

Intro to Robots


• Verify a 16-digit number.

Intro to Robots

Nested Conditions:

Decision Tree

x == ‘A’

x == ‘B’

y == 0

y == 1

y == 0

y == 1

Do A0

Do A1

Do B0

Do B1

Intro to Robots

Nested Conditions

if x == ‘A’ and y == 0: Do A0elif x == ‘A’ and y == 1: Do A1elif x == ‘B’ and y == 0: Do B0else: Do B1

if x == ‘A’: if y == 0: Do A0 else: Do A1else: if y == 0: Do B0 else: Do B1

if x == ‘A’ and y == 0: Do A0elif x == ‘A’ and y == 1: Do A1elif x == ‘B’ and y == 0: Do B0elif x == ‘B’ and y == 1: Do B1

if x == ‘A’: if y == 0: Do A0 elif y == 1: Do A1elif x == ‘B’: if y == 0: Do B0 elif y == 1: Do B1

Intro to Robots

Return Statement:

• The classic reason for a function is to calculate a value (y) for a given value (x).

• In Python, the value returned by a function is expressed in a return statement.

y = f(x)

def min(a,b): # returns the smallest of two numbers if a < b: return a else: return b

Intro to Robots

More than one return type:

The built-in math function sqrt() fails on a negative number

This version of square root “gently” avoids an error message if you try to calculate the square root of a negative number

Intro to Robots

Recursion: def countDown(n): if n == 0: print “Blast Off!” else: print n countDown(n-1)

Intro to Robots


• A recursive definition is one that has two properties:– A trivial (base) case with a trivial definition– The definition describes something of a certain

size (n) in terms of the same thing but of a smaller size (n-1).

• Problems can have non-recursive and recursive definitions/descriptions.

• Not all problems can be described recursively

Intro to Robots

Towers of Hanoi


Move one disk from A to BMove one disk from A to CMove one disk from B to CMove one disk from A to BMove one disk from C to AMove one disk from C to BMove one disk from A to B

Intro to Robots

Towers of Hanoi Problem:

• Problem: Move n disks from ‘A’ to ‘B’ Using ‘C’

• Solution: Move the disks using the following rules:– You may only move one

disk at a time– You may never put a big

disk on top of a small disk

• Problem: Move n disks from ‘A’ to ‘B’ Using ‘C’

• Solution:

1. Move n-1 disks from ‘A’ to ‘C’ using ‘B’

2. Move 1 disk from ‘A’ to ‘B’

3. Move n-1 disks from ‘C’ to ‘B’ using ‘A’

Non-recursive Definition Recursive Definition

How! What!same problem;smaller size

problem size

base case

Intro to Robots

Recursion and the Stack:

• Remember that each time a function is called space is reserved for its variables and parameters on “the Stack”.

• We saw this by introducing an error in the base case of the definition of the Towers of Hanoi program (divide by 0) and when the error occurred, the Python environment prints out the stack.

Intro to Robots

n = (3-1) = 2

n = (2-1) = 1

n = (1-1) = 0

Error: division by 0


hanoi n = 3

hanoi n = 2

hanoi n = 1

hanoi n = 0

also called main

Intro to Robots

Infinite Recursion:

• What happens if there is no base case.

def countDown(n): countDown(n-1)

stack gets to be too big_toplevel_

countDown n = 3

countDown n = 2

countDown n = 1

countDown n = 0

countDown n = -1

countDown n = -2

countDown n = -3

countDown n = -4




Intro to Robots

Keyboard Input:

• Python has several built-in keyboard read functions.

• raw_input() reads keyboard input into a string until you hit return.


you can supply a prompt

Intro to Robots

Keyboard Input:

• You can use the input() function if the input is integer type.

• Just make sure you enter an integer and not something else.

Intro to Robots

Keyboard Input:

• The myro system also comes with its own keyboard input environment; a separate dialog box that is invoked by calling

ask(“A Prompt”)

Intro to Robots
