intro to gas dynamics

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  • Theory of Compressible FlowsM.S. Mechanical & Process Engineering4th Semester

  • IntroductionGAS DYNAMICSIt is the branch of fluid mechanics concerned with causes and effects arising from the motion of compressible fluids particularly gases.Fluid MechanicsStaticsFluid DynamicsAerodynamicsHydrodynamicsGas DynamicsIn this subject we are concerned with following fundamental physical lawsLaw of conservation of massNewtons second law of motionFirst law of thermodynamicsSecond law of thermodynamicsAbove laws are applicable to all fluids and all flow processesAbove laws are applied to a fluid utilizing the continuum concept

  • ContinuumDue to elastic collisions limits of velocity are between zero and very high velocity Continuum concept may not be applicable for a gas at low pressure (High altitudes)Distance b/w two consecutive collisions is mean free pathMean free path is inversely related to molecular diameterAll materials, solid or fluid, are composed of molecules discretely spread and in continuous motion. However, in dealing with fluid-flow relations on a mathematical basis, it is necessary to replace the actual molecular structure by a hypothetical continuous medium, called the continuumContinuum postulate assumes that every differential element of body of fluid contains a large number of molecules such that the average statistical properties of molecules in the differential volume represent macroscopic properties of fluid in region of that differential volume.

  • Continuum, contd.For continuum postulate to hold, mean free path () 0.01 gas is a combination of discrete particles

  • CompressibilityAmount by which a substance can be compressed is given by a property compressibilityCompressibility is fractional change in volume per unit change in pressureIsothermal CompressibilityRise in temp is controlled by some heat transfer mechanismIsentropic CompressibilityCompressibility in the form of densityLiquid d is smallGas d Is small for low speed flowIs large for high speed flowAnother index

  • whereCollisions between the fluid molecules causes the propagation of sound wavesPropagation of sound waves is affected by molecular density of the mediumWhere molecular density is low, dissipation of energy occurs without colliding with any molecule (free particle flow)It is an important quantity in gas dynamicsWe shall study further details about speed of sound in Chapter 3For Ideal GasThe Acoustic SpeedThe speed at which a sound wave or small pressure disturbance is propagated in the fluid medium

  • It is the ratio of local fluid speed V to its acoustic speed Mach Number
