intro to africana studies lehman college aas 166 prof. williams · 2019-09-19 · intro to africana...

Intro to Africana Studies Lehman College AAS 166 Prof. Williams Chapters 1-2 Africana Studies Foundation

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Page 1: Intro to Africana Studies Lehman College AAS 166 Prof. Williams · 2019-09-19 · Intro to Africana Studies Lehman College AAS 166 Prof. Williams Chapters 1-2 Africana Studies Foundation

Intro to Africana StudiesLehman College AAS 166

Prof. WilliamsChapters 1-2

Africana Studies Foundation

Page 2: Intro to Africana Studies Lehman College AAS 166 Prof. Williams · 2019-09-19 · Intro to Africana Studies Lehman College AAS 166 Prof. Williams Chapters 1-2 Africana Studies Foundation

Course Logistics

New students, website, BooksMaulana Karenga Chapters 1-2

A Great and Mighty Walk, part 2

Class Agenda 9/4/2019

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Black Studies Relevance (16)

“A relevant education for Black Studies advocates was an education which is meaningful, useful, and reflective of the realities of society and the world.”

1 Solve pressing Black community, society, world problems

2 Join revolutionary struggle to end racist oppression in world

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-Afrocentric vs Eurocentric value systems

Social concerns

-Collective outlook; resist co-optation

Academic concerns

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1 Teach Black experience in all its variedness

2 Assemble/ create body of knowledge contributing to intellectual, political emancipation

3 Create intellectuals committed to community development vs careerism

Black Studies Objectives (18-19)

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Black Studies Relevance (20-21)

1 Definitive contribution to humanity's understanding of itself

2 Contribution to US society's understanding of itself

3 Challenge university to teach the entire truth

4 Contribute to rescue/reconstruction of Black history and humanity

5 Contribute to new social science

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"Thus, Black science like Black sociology will, of necessity, reflect a cultural context and conception. A primary task of the Black Studies scientist will be to ask if there is a uniquely African as well as General human approach to science?"

Black Studies Disciplinary Scope (23)

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1 Teach Black experience in all its variedness

2 Assemble/ create body of knowledge contributing to intellectual, political emancipation

3 Create intellectuals committed to community development vs careerism

Black Studies Objectives (18-19)

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1 Black History

2 Black religion

3 Black social organization

4 Black Politics

5 Black Economics

6 Black creative production

7 Black Psychology

Black Studies 7 Basic Areas (24)

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Seven Basic Cultural Areas1 spirituality and ethics

2 history

3 social organization

4 economic organization

5 political organization

6 creative production

7 ethos

Kawaida Philosophy (24)

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Culture: “all the thought and activity of a given people or society”

“[T]o talk of an African worldview is to talk of a frame of reference and conception of the world rooted in African culture.” (26)

Culture Definition

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Molefe Asante on Afrocentricity

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Afrocentricity (42)

“placing African ideals at the center of any analysis that involves African culture and behavior. “ “A theoretical framework or methodology which stresses African agency and thus treats Africans as active subjects of history rather than objects or passive victims”

Afrocentricity assumptions (43):

1 African culture worthy of study and critical to understanding society and human experience given its key role in each

2 Methodological orientation = studying and understanding African people from their own perspective

3 Black Studies is not simply a body of data but a way of approaching and interpreting data

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-Intellectual and emerging popular approach

Afrocentrism (41)

“Favorable position taking on African people and issues concerning them without sufficient intellectual grounding”

Eurocentrism: (41)

“an ideology and practice of domination and exclusion based on the fundamental assumption that all relevance and value are centered in European culture and peoples and that all other cultures and peoples are at best marginal and at worst irrelevant”

Developmental Initiatives

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Black Women’s Studies [and Gender Studies]

Key factors:

1 Increased advocacy in the 1990s (44)

2 Key role women played in building discipline-specific academic organizations

3 Creative tension and discourse between Black womanist and feminists and White feminists and between Black Studies and White women studies (47)

4 Criticism of relations in Black Freedom Movement (47)

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Multicultural Studies

1 attempt to dilute/divert attention from demands and maintain power /worldview of established order (49)

2 superficial cultural diversion from issues of wealth/power

3 continuation of struggle for just & good society

Multiculturalism from Afrocentric framework (51)

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Classical African Studies (Section 2.6)

Key moments in re-orienting the view of Pan African scholars toward the African experience:

1 ASCAC (Association for the Study of Classical African Civilizations) organization founding (1984)

2 Ivan Van Sertima’s Nile Valley Civilization Group

3 Work of Cheikh Anta Diop

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African Origin of Civilization 1974

Civilization or Barbarism 1991

Arguments for Black character of ancient Egypt

1 Physical anthropological evidence

2 Egyptian self-definition as Black: Kmtyw; Kemetiu3 Eyewitness reports from contemporaneous Greeks describing Egyptians with African features

4 Cultural similarities

5 Artistic evidence of Egyptians presenting themselves with African features

6 Geographic evidence: physical location on African continent

Cheikh Anta Diop (54-55)

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1 Reconcile African civilization with history2 Enable Africans to build a body of modern sciences3 Renew African culture

“Far from being a diversion in the past, a look back toward Egypt is the best way to conceive and build our cultural future. Egypt will play in a reconceived and renewed African culture the same role that the Greco-Roman ancient past plays in western culture” -Cheikh Anta Diop, quoted by Karenga

Diop plays a foundational role in Africana Studies in centering it in the experience of the African diaspora

Diop’s counter to “falsification of history” (56)

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Why Focus on Kemet (Egypt)? (57)

“[I]t is not a question of one civilization to the exclusion of others.”

1 Antiquity2 Abundance of historical documents

3 Level of achievement4 Meaning to other African societies

5 Contribution to human knowledge

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