intranet solutions: 6 stepping stones to a successful intranet portal

6 Stepping Stones to a Successful Intranet Portal in 2017

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6 Stepping Stones to a Successful Intranet Portal in 2017

6 Stepping Stones to a Successful Intranet Portal in 2017

Your Intranet is your virtual office building, your 21st century place to connect, communicate and collaborate.

A successful Intranet Portal is not out of reach its just six simple steps away.

How can you create a Successful Intranet Portal that dramatically increases communication and collaboration?

It is an increasing important question

"96% of CEOs have determined that poor collaboration and communication is the primary cause of workplace failure." SALESFORCESTUDY

6 Stepping Stones of a Successful IntranetPortal

1. Solve Big Problems3. Make it Mobile5. Centralize Communication2. Global and Local4. Easy to Use6. Make it Home

Step 1. Your Intranet Portal must solve significant work problems.

When your Intranet Portal doesnt solve big work problems adoption issues occur.Watch Video here -- Your Intranet must solve big work problems

Work problems

Slightly better, but not worth it

It also needs to solve work problems in significantly better ways.

A great Intranet massively solves work problems for the User.Watch Webinar Here --

Work problems

Adoption Efforts vs Work Improvement RatioAdoption EffortsWork Improvement Ratio1x10x



Email was a major improvement, solving work problems in much better ways, so very little adoption effort was needed.

Get a Price on our Intranet Portal Solutions HERE

Step 2. Your Intranet Portal must function on a global, local and personal level.

Successful Intranets usually have 3 distinct levels and functions.

2. Make your portal global, local and personalC. Personal LevelA. Global LevelVision and LeadershipTeamworkOwn Tasks

B. Local Level

Imaginethat an Intranet is like a space station. It should have astrong central hub (global) surrounded by team sites(local) that have a sense of autonomy while maintaining connection to the central hub.

Step 3. Your Intranet Portal must be mobile friendly and function on every screen.

Your Intranet should work effectively on mobile, tablet and desktop.

When creating your Intranet be sure to utilize responsive design functionality so that your portal automatically adjusts for different tablet and mobile screen sizes. You dont want to have to re-design your Intranet portal every time Apple or Samsung put out a phone with a different sized screen.

3. Make it Mobile Friendly

61% of workers report working outside the office at least part of the time. CITRIX MOBILE ANALYTICS REPORT 2015

Companies gain an extra 240 hours of work per year from employees due to mobile working. iPASS

Step 4. Your Intranet Portal should be easy to use.

4. Make it easy to find thingsImpossibleSlightly BetterBest

Searching for content shouldnt be like searching for your socks.

An Intranet Portal can host over 60,000 documents. Making sure that your Users can quickly and easily find content is vital component to creating a successful Intranet. At Emgage we like to say that content should find the User.

Having well-structured navigation with layered complexity and visual MegaMenus.

Allow your users to personalize their own navigation.

Content Tagging with Search Memory.

Ways to make finding content easier

Step 5. Your Intranet Portal should be the central point for ongoing communication

5. Your Intranet Portal is your Communication PlatformEmail overload and email sprawl mean that important messages are often getting missed.

Effective internal communication need to be measurable.

A well configured Intranet Portal allows you to both measure and improve your communication.

An average employee spends 13 hours a week reading and responding to email, making email the most time-consuming work activity at 28% of an employees work time. THE MCKINSEY GLOBAL INSTITUTE

How often have you found yourself saying things like, did you see my email?

We live in a world of email overload and critical messages are often missed or left unopened resulting is miscommunication and inefficiency.

Its time to embrace your Intranet, it is more than a work platform, it's a communication portal.

Step 6. Your Intranet Portal should feel like home to your users.

Your work environment affects your productivity. Your Intranet portal is your virtual work environment.

6. Your Intranet Portal should feel like homeIntuitiveChaoticNot ProductiveProductiveNever want to leaveOrdered

Your employees are your first customers. Treat them well and they will treat your clients and customers well. Therefore, your Intranet and how it looks and feels should be just as important to your organization as your external facing website.

Your Intranet Portal is a living and breathing organism you need to be able to quickly change it as your business needs and structure evolves.

Your Intranet doesnt have to look like plain old SharePoint.

When it comes to look and feel, no code design solutions allow you to make changes quickly and effectively.

Book a Live Demo of Our Intranet Portal Solution Today!