intra-abdominal injuries in the battered baby

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1972, 47, 211. i Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby Syndrome P. GORNALL, S. AHMED, A. JOLLEYS, and S. J. COHEN From the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Booth Hall Children's Hospital, and the Duchess of York Hospital for Babies, Manchester Gornall, P., Ahmed, S., Jolleys, A., and Cohen, S. J. (1972). Archives of Disease in Childhood, 47, 211. Intra-abdominal injuries in the battered baby syndrome. In the period 1961 to 1970 six battered children suffering from intra- abdominal visceral injuries were treated in the children's hospitals of Manchester. In addition to the signs of visceral lesions all the children were found to have histories and physical signs clearly pointing to the diagnosis of the battered baby syndrome. Epigastric and small intestinal injuries predominated in these children, and in this respect the pattern of trauma differs from that seen in children injured in road traffic and other accidents. Delay in referral contributed strongly to the death of two of the battered children. Six cases of abdominal visceral injuries in the battered baby syndrome were treated in the children's hospitals of Manchester during the period of 1961 to 1970. These are compared with 69 other cases of abdominal visceral injuries, seen during the same period, which were due to road traffic accidents, injuries from sport, falls from a height, and accidents on derelict building sites (Table I). and he improved a little with intravenous fluids, but barium meal showed partial jejunal obstruction (Fig. 1). Laparotomy (S.J.C.) revealed a haematoma just below the duodenojejunal flexure (Fig. 2) which was evacuated. Two further findings considered to be possible evidence of previous intra-abdominal injury were some thickening of the capsule of the right lobe of the liver, and several small intestinal adhesions in the epigastric region which were divided. The child made a full recovery and went to a foster home for 6 months. TABLE I Case 2. A girl aged 2 years 8 months was trans- Mode of Trauma in 75 Cases of Visceral Injury ferred from another hospital with vomiting and a Treated in the Manchester Children's Hospitals, history that she had bumped herself on a chair two 1961 to 1970 days before. Previously she had been admitted at 8, 1961 to 1970 17, and 29 months of age for failure to thrive. Though her weight had been well below the third centile-on Cases Deaths e-ch admis she-gained weight well -on a nornal Road traffic accidents 41 diet while she was in hospital. Investigation for malab- Other accidents 28 - sorption and intercurrent disease were negative. On Battered children 6 2 examination she was pale and dehydrated with sunken I__ ___ ___ ___ _ _ eyes, and had bruises on her trunk, limbs, and face. Abdominal distension was also noted, but appeared less obvious when she had vomited. She was rehydrated Case Reports by intravenous fluids, but signs of peritonitis supervened. Case 1. A boy aged 2 was admitted with bile- At laparotomy (S.A.) 200 ml bile were aspirated from stained vomiting. Three months previously he had the peritoneal cavity and exploration revealed complete been admitted with bruising of the penis and lower avulsion of the common bile duct from the duodenum. abdominal wall, and at the age of 17 months he had The duct was reimplanted over a T-tube. Post- been in hospital elsewhere with skull and forearm operatively the patient recovered slowly. A T-tube fractures. On examination he was pale with multiple cholangiogram performed on the 17th day was satis- bruises, but investigations showed no coagulation factory and the tube was then removed. The patient defects, though his parents claimed he bruised easily. ,was discharged hQ*me, but outpatient attendances since There were no remarkable abdominal signs on admission )discharge have been irregular. She was last seen 8 months after operation when she was still very small Received 16 November 1971. and underweight for her age. 211 on October 25, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.47.252.211 on 1 April 1972. Downloaded from

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Page 1: Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby

Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1972, 47, 211.

i Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered BabySyndrome

P. GORNALL, S. AHMED, A. JOLLEYS, and S. J. COHENFrom the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Booth Hall Children's Hospital, and the Duchess of York Hospital

for Babies, Manchester

Gornall, P., Ahmed, S., Jolleys, A., and Cohen, S. J. (1972). Archives ofDisease in Childhood, 47, 211. Intra-abdominal injuries in the battered babysyndrome. In the period 1961 to 1970 six battered children suffering from intra-abdominal visceral injuries were treated in the children's hospitals of Manchester.In addition to the signs of visceral lesions all the children were found to have historiesand physical signs clearly pointing to the diagnosis of the battered baby syndrome.Epigastric and small intestinal injuries predominated in these children, and in thisrespect the pattern of trauma differs from that seen in children injured in road trafficand other accidents. Delay in referral contributed strongly to the death of two ofthe battered children.

Six cases of abdominal visceral injuries in thebattered baby syndrome were treated in thechildren's hospitals of Manchester during theperiod of 1961 to 1970. These are compared with69 other cases of abdominal visceral injuries, seenduring the same period, which were due to roadtraffic accidents, injuries from sport, falls from aheight, and accidents on derelict building sites(Table I).

and he improved a little with intravenous fluids, butbarium meal showed partial jejunal obstruction (Fig. 1).Laparotomy (S.J.C.) revealed a haematoma just belowthe duodenojejunal flexure (Fig. 2) which was evacuated.Two further findings considered to be possible evidenceof previous intra-abdominal injury were some thickeningof the capsule of the right lobe of the liver, and severalsmall intestinal adhesions in the epigastric region whichwere divided. The child made a full recovery and wentto a foster home for 6 months.

TABLE I Case 2. A girl aged 2 years 8 months was trans-

Mode of Trauma in 75 Cases of Visceral Injury ferred from another hospital with vomiting and aTreated in the Manchester Children's Hospitals, history that she had bumped herself on a chair two

1961 to 1970 days before. Previously she had been admitted at 8,1961to 1970 17, and 29 months of age for failure to thrive. Thoughher weight had been well below the third centile-on

Cases Deaths e-ch admis she-gained weight well -on a nornal

Road traffic accidents 41 diet while she was in hospital. Investigation for malab-

Other accidents 28 - sorption and intercurrent disease were negative. OnBattered children 6 2 examination she was pale and dehydrated with sunken

I_____ ___ ____ _ eyes, and had bruises on her trunk, limbs, and face.Abdominal distension was also noted, but appearedless obvious when she had vomited. She was rehydrated

Case Reports by intravenous fluids, but signs of peritonitis supervened.Case 1. A boy aged 2 was admitted with bile- At laparotomy (S.A.) 200 ml bile were aspirated from

stained vomiting. Three months previously he had the peritoneal cavity and exploration revealed completebeen admitted with bruising of the penis and lower avulsion of the common bile duct from the duodenum.abdominal wall, and at the age of 17 months he had The duct was reimplanted over a T-tube. Post-been in hospital elsewhere with skull and forearm operatively the patient recovered slowly. A T-tubefractures. On examination he was pale with multiple cholangiogram performed on the 17th day was satis-bruises, but investigations showed no coagulation factory and the tube was then removed. The patientdefects, though his parents claimed he bruised easily. ,was discharged hQ*me, but outpatient attendances sinceThere were no remarkable abdominal signs on admission )discharge have been irregular. She was last seen 8

months after operation when she was still very smallReceived 16 November 1971. and underweight for her age.


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Page 2: Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby

Gornall, Ahmed, Jolleys, and Cohen

FIG. 2.-Intramural haematoma of jejunum in Case 1.

FIG. 1.-Barium meal of Case 1 showing upper jejunalobstruction from an intramural haematoma.

Case 3. A girl aged 1 year 9 months was admittedwith a story of having been dropped accidentally 3hours before, when her father had been throwing her upplayfully, and of vomiting since then. Clinically shewas severely shocked, the systolic blood pressure

being 50 mmHg. There was bruising of the upper

abdominal wall, dorsum, forehead, and knees. X-raysshowed healing fractures of the right 5th, 6th, and7th ribs. Resuscitation with intravenous fluids hadsome effect in the 2 hours before laparotomy (S.A.).This revealed two anterior lacerations in the liver, a

tear in the jejunal mesentery, and a retroperitonealhaematoma. Postoperatively on the second day sheconvulsed and survived cardiac and respiratory arrest,but she died on the fourth day.Necropsy confirmed the clinical and operative find-

ings. No intracranial lesion was found to account forher convulsion.

Case 4. A boy aged 2 years 4 months was admittedwith malaise and respiratory infection. He was thesecond child of an unmarried mother. On examinationhe was pale and ill with bruises on his back, left loin,and arm, linear marks on his buttocks, and bums on

both his legs. His abdomen was described as 'tense'.Investigations showed a haemoglobin of 9 * 9 g/100 ml,

normal clotting time and platelet count, but a reducedprothrombin concentration and prolonged bleedingtime. Skeletal radiological survey revealed no fractureand intravenous pyelogram was normal. The next dayhis condition deteriorated and as the signs suggestedintraperitoneal bleeding, laparotomy was performed

(A.J.). There was a tear of the gastrohepatic ligamentand a laceration of the undersurface of the liver, bleedingfrom which could be controlled only by the insertion ofa pack. The pack was removed gradually over 5 days,and the patient recovered well. Hje was dischargedhome on the eleventh day. Kl-The child-was seen again at the age of 9 years forinvestigation for epileptic manifestations. It had alsobeen learned that his elder sister was admiitted to anotherhospitaltj8 monthsof age with multiple bruises andbilateral forearm fractures.

Case 5. A girl aged 11 months was admitted with a2-day history of vomiting bile. At 5 months she hadundergone laparotomy in South Wales for rupture ofthe duodenojejunal flexure. There was also a historyof fracture of the left clavicle. The child (Fig. 3)weighed only 6-4 kg, which was well below the thirdcentile. She was moderately dehydrated. Abdominalx-ray showed some distension of a small intestinal loopand a few fluid levels. On a presumptive diagnosis ofintestinal obstruction due to intraperitoneal adhesions,she was treated conservatively with intravenous fluidsand nasogastric suction for 6 days, with some success.However, she relapsed, and at laparotomy (A.J.),though adhesions were present, the obstructing lesionwas found to be an intramural haematoma of the ileum,which was evacuated. She recovered well and gained700 g weight before discharge 3 weeks after operation.Her mother said that she bruised easily but no coagula-tion pathology was found on investigation.

Eight months later another obstructive episodeoccurred and at laparotomy (A.J.) this was attributed torecurrent adhesions. The patient returned to SouthWales and was lost to follow-up in Manchester. How-ever, it has been learned that at a later date a youngersib was battered and both are now in care.

Case 6. A boy aged 2 years 4 months was trans-ferred from an accident department elsewhere withvomiting reportedly occurring since a large meal ofspaghetti. While the history was being obtained the


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Page 3: Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby

Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby Syndrome


FIG. 4.- Erect abdominal x-ray of Case 6.

FIG. 3.-Case 5 on first admission.

parents were quarrelling between themselves for nothaving taken the child to hospital a week earlier whenhe was said to have fallen downstairs. On examinationhe was shocked, with bruises all over the body, blackeyes, a haematoma of the forehead, and a cut on thepenis. X-rays showed an occipital fracture and perio-steal thickening of the distal metaphysis of the leftradius. Erect abdominal x-ray showed gas beneath thediaphragm (Fig. 4). Laparotomy (A.J.) revealedsevere peritonitis from a large perforation of the pelviccolon, which was exteriorized. The child died thenext day.

Necropsy reinforced the clinical findings. The skullfracture appeared to be some weeks older than thecolonic injury, but was not associated with any intra-cranial lesion.

DiscussionDiagnosis. Kempe wrote in the paper in

which the term 'battered child' was originallycoined (Kempe et al., 1962), 'The syndrome shouldbe considered in any child exhibiting evidence ofthe fracture of any bone, subdural haematoma,failure to thrive, soft tissue swelling, or skin bruising,in any child who dies suddenly, or when the degreeand type of injury is at variance with the historygiven . . .'. In each of the reported cases two or

more of these criteria were seen, except that nonesuffered subdural haematoma. Also in this seriesthere are criteria emphasized by the NSPCC (Skin-ner and Castle, 1969), viz. previous hospital atten-dance for injury, and a history of injury to anotherchild in the family. In 2 cases, the parents'excuse that the child bruised easily was not supportedby laboratory investigations (Helfer, 1968).

Age. Characteristically all these children wereunder the age of 3 years (Table II). There were8 others in the same age group out of a total of 75cases of visceral injury.

TABLE IIMode of Trauma in Cases of Visceral Injury Under3 Years Old Treated in the Manchester Children's

Hospitals, 1961 to 1970

Cases Deaths

Road traffic accidents 6Other accidents 2 -

Battered children 6 2

Type of injury. The liver is a frequent victimin battered children, and the mortality is high.Camps (1969) reported 19 liver injuries in 100 fatalcases of battered children. Touloukian (1968a)reported 1 liver injury in 5 necropsy studies, andMcCort and Vaudagna (1964) reported another 2cases of liver injury 1 of them fatal. Simpson(1965) reported a conviction for murder after thedeath of sibs, both of whom suffered liver rupture.There were 2 cases of liver rupture in this series,


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Page 4: Intra-abdominal Injuries in the Battered Baby

214 Gornall, Ahmed, Jolleys, and Cohenone of them fatal. In both of the cases violence hadevidently been directed into the epigastrium.

Intestinal injuries are the most commonlyreported intra-abdominal lesions in batteredchildren. Intramural haematoma of the duo-denum or jejunum is well documented (Kempe,1971; Touloukian, 1968a; Eisenstein, Delta, andClifford, 1965), and in some of these cases the moreserious aspects of the child's clinical picture maydivert attention away from the possibility ofparental abuse as the cause of the injury (Stewart,Byrd, and Shuster, 1970). Two cases of intra-mural haematoma were seen in this series, andastonishingly in Case 5 the haematoma was thesecond intestinal injury received by the child, whohad previously suffered a rupture of the duodeno-jejunal flexure. Rupture of the intestinal tracthas also been observed (McCort and Vaudagna,1964; Touloukian, 1968a), though surprisinglycolonic rupture does not seem to have been reportedpreviously; the case in this series died, and theparents admitted delay in bringing the child tohospital.

Avulsion of the common bile duct has not beenreported before, but is in keeping with injuries inbattered children to relatively fixed viscera in theepigastrium, the duodenum (Stewart et al., 1970;Touloukian, 1968a), the pancreas (Bongiovi andLogosso, 1969), the root of the mesentery (Vollman,Keenan, and Eraklis, 1966), and the liver (see above).Comparison of these injuries in battered children

with the general pattern of abdominal visceralinjury can be made from Table III. The kidneyand spleen are the most commonly injured abdomi-nal organs in childhood (Touloukian, 1968b), butthe only reported injuries in these organs inbattered children are 6 renal and 3 splenic in Camps'series (1969) of 100 fatal cases. By contrast, smallintestinal injuries, including duodenal, are the mostcommonly reported visceral injuries in batteredchildren. There were 2 in this series, but out ofthe 69 cases of accidental visceral injury, only 5were in the small intestine.

Mortality. The 2 cases which died arrived in astate of advanced shock, and in one case delay inseeking medical advice was admitted. Neithercase had extra-abdominal injuries except for bruis-ing in the superficial tissues. By contrast all 4fatal cases of abdominal visceral injury from roadtraffic accidents also suffered severe cranial orthoracic injuries which contributed to their deaths.

In conclusion, we wish to emphasize the needto be on guard in paediatric and general surgical

TABLE IIIInjured Abdominal Viscera in 69 Children Accidentally

Injured and 6 Battered Children, 1961 to 1970

Road Traffic and BatteredOther Accidents

Kidney 27Spleen 18Liver 15 2Small intestine 5 2Large intestine 2 1Common bile duct 1Mesentery 1Pancreas 1Bladder 3

N'ote: In 2 accidental cases both liver and spleen were injuredand in one accidental case both large and small intestine.

practice for the battered child with possible ab-dominal injuries. The suspect case is any child,particularly under 3 years of age, with bruisingor who appears undernourished, presenting withvomiting or other symptoms, however vague,relating to the alimentary tract. As indicated bythe 2 fatal cases in this report, a seriously imperilledchild may be seen if there is delay in referral.

REFERENcESBongiovi, J. J., and Logosso, R. D. (1969). Pancreatic pseudocyst

occurring in the battered child syndrome. Journal of PediatricSurgery, 4, 220.

Camps, F. E. (1969). Injuries sustained by children from violence.In Recent Advances in Forensic Pathology, p. 129. Ed. byF. E. Camps. Churchill, London.

Eisenstein, E. M., Delta, B. G., and Clifford, J. H. (1965). Jejunalhematoma: an unusual manifestation of the battered-childsyndrome. Clinical Pediatrics, 4, 436.

Helfer, R. E. (1968). The responsibility and role of the physician:medical aspects. In The Battered Child, p. 46. Ed. by R. E.Helfer and C. H. Kempe. University of Chicago Press,Chicago and London.

Kempe, C. H. (1971). Paediatric implications of the batteredbaby syndrome. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 46, 28.

Kempe, C. H., Silverman, F. N., Steele, B. F., Droegemueller, W.,and Silver, H. K. (1962). The battered-child syndrome.Journal of the American Medical Association, 181, 17.

McCort, J., and Vaudagna, J. (1964). Visceral injuries in batteredchildren. Radiology, 82, 424.

Simpson, K. (1965). Battered babies: conviction for murder.British MedicalJournal, 1, 393.

Skinner, A. E., and Castle, R. L. (1969). 78 Battered Children:A Retrospective Study. N.S.P.C.C., London.

Stewart, D. R., Byrd, C. L., and Schuster, S. R. (1970). Intramuralhematomas of the alimentary tract in children. Surgery, 68,550.

Touloukian, R. J. (1968a). Abdominal visceral injuries in batteredchildren. Pediatrics, 42, 642.

Touloukian, R. J. (1968b). Abdominal trauma in childhood.Surgery, Gynecology, and Obstetrics, 127, 561.

Volhman, R. W., Keenan, W. J., and Eraklis, A. J. (1966). Post-traumatic chylous ascites in infancy. New EnglandJournal ofMedicine, 275, 875.

Correspondence to Mr. P. Gornall, F.R.C.S., RoyalManchester Children's Hospital, Pendlebury, Man-chester M27 1HA.

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is Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.47.252.211 on 1 A

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