intouch july 2011 forweb

A s the camp progressed, different aspects of mission started gripping the minds and hearts of the participants. First, topics like Biblical Basis for Mission - OT & NT, History of Missions, Challenging lives of select missionaries, Field Survey, Mission in Pluralistic Context, Students in Mission, Women in Mission, Mission at your Doorstep, Understanding your call, and Devotions on the Theme were taught by Hansraj Jain, Shibu K. Mathew, Solomon Pushpraj, Emmanuel Benjamin, Mrs Mercy Benjamin, Yeshuratnam, Prof. Ravikant Kant, and Parimal Christian. Mission movies (The Mission & The End of the Spear) were screened. Later, 4 teams visited mission fields: one to Kedgaon to get exposure among rejected women at Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission; one to Maharashtra Village Ministry field-Parali serving marginalized people groups; one to MUST slum work, Pune, and one to the marginalized villages J amshedpur CMTC was held, 23 May - 5 June, 2011, at Church School Beldih, Jamshedpur. 24 delegates from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, UP, & MP attended the camp. The camp began with a keynote address and sharing when all introduced themselves and shared their prayer requests. The next day, delegates were divided into four families, each entrusted with the responsibility of worship, day-leading, singing, and hall arrangement for each day. The Lord spoke to the delegates through Quiet Time from I & II Timothy. God used different staff in teaching UESI doctrines where delegates were nourished in their faith. Handbook Sessions helped to understand UESI clearly. Practical Talks were thought- provoking, catering to the needs of the students. The two-by-two sessions were also edifying and helped to enrich personal lives. Games were hilarious and filled the students with life and vigour. The devotions on discipleship- NMTC 2011 National Mission Training Camp 2011 was held at Bible Centre, Pune, MH, 7-19 May 2011. Theme: “As the clay is in the potter’s hand” Jer. 18:6. 10 participants from 5 states (Maha.-2, Meghalaya-4, AP-2, Karnataka-1 and UP-1) attended. JAMSHEDPUR CMTC 2011 Continued on page 2 ... UESI InTouch July 2011 1 Vision Statement: UESI seeks to evangelize post matric students in India, nurture them as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may serve the Church and society. UESI InTouch July 2011 Vol. XIII No.7 Rs 2/- Continued on page 8 ... A Report on Ujjain CMTC 2011 T his year’s North Central CMTC was held at Ujjain, 30 May - 12 June 2011. Initially, it was discouraging due to less participation. Three girls & 5 boys participated from Jammu, Haryana, Gujarat & MP. The sessions were mainly in Hindi, some were in English translated to Hindi. Our picnic to Ujjain refereshed all. We are grateful to God for Continued on page 2 ... In this Issue The Evangelical Graduate CMTC Reports Whose Mission?

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Page 1: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

As the camp progressed, different aspects of mission started

gripping the minds and hearts of the participants. First, topics like Biblical Basis for Mission - OT & NT, History of Missions, Challenging lives of select missionaries, Field Survey, Mission in Pluralistic Context, Students in Mission, Women in Mission,

Mission at your Doorstep, Understanding your call, and Devotions on the Theme were taught by Hansraj Jain, Shibu K. Mathew, Solomon Pushpraj, Emmanuel Benjamin, Mrs Mercy Benjamin, Yeshuratnam, Prof. Ravikant Kant, and Parimal Christian. Mission movies (The Mission & The End of the Spear) were screened.

Later, 4 teams visited mission fields: one to Kedgaon to get exposure among rejected women at Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission; one to Maharashtra Village Ministry field-Parali serving marginalized people groups; one to MUST slum work, Pune, and one to the marginalized villages

Jamshedpur CMTC was held, 23 May - 5 June,

2011, at Church School Beldih, Jamshedpur. 24 delegates from Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, West Bengal, UP, & MP attended the camp. The camp began with a keynote address and sharing when all introduced themselves and shared their prayer requests. The next day, delegates were divided into four families, each entrusted with the responsibility of worship, day-leading, singing, and hall arrangement for each day.

The Lord spoke to the delegates through Quiet Time from I & II Timothy. God used different staff in teaching UESI doctrines where delegates were nourished in their faith. Handbook Sessions helped to understand UESI clearly. Practical Talks were thought-provoking, catering to the needs of the students. The two-by-two sessions were also edifying and helped to enrich personal lives. Games were hilarious and filled the students with life and vigour. The devotions on discipleship-

NMTC 2011National Mission Training Camp 2011 was held at Bible Centre, Pune, MH, 7-19 May 2011. Theme: “As the clay is in the potter’s hand” Jer. 18:6. 10 participants from 5 states (Maha.-2, Meghalaya-4, AP-2, Karnataka-1 and UP-1) attended.


CMTC 2011

Continued on page 2 ...

UESI InTouch July 2011 1

Vision Statement:UESI seeks to evangelize post matric students in India, nurture them as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, that they may serve the Church and society.

UESIInTouchJuly 2011 Vol. XIII No.7 Rs 2/-

Continued on page 8 ...

A Report on Ujjain CMTC 2011This year’s North Central CMTC was held at Ujjain, 30 May - 12 June 2011. Initially, it was

discouraging due to less participation. Three girls & 5 boys participated from Jammu, Haryana, Gujarat & MP. The sessions were mainly in Hindi, some were in English translated to Hindi.

Our picnic to Ujjain refereshed all. We are grateful to God for Continued on page 2 ...

In this Issue

The Evangelical Graduate



Page 2: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

leadership and expositions on II Timothy were led by Prof. Deepesh Kundu and Dr Himadri Sinha. The delegates were challenged to be used by the Lord as Timothy.

One night was observed as a prayer night for UESI’s needs. The half-day picnic was refreshing. A talent night was organized to give opportunities to the delegates to come up with their creative potentials. The staffworkers and graduates hosted a grand dinner for the students which was enjoyed by everyone. On

the last two days, EFICOR conducted workshop on Social Concerns.

On the whole, it was a spiritually replenishing and edifying experience. We thank God for students, graduates, and staff who supported towards the camp. The camp ended with a surplus. Praise God for school authorities for accommodating us free of charge.

Shaila WanesaDirector-CMTC Jamshedpur, 2011

Uniqueness of UESI ministriesUESI is not just a mission to students, but a mission by students to students. We train students to witness to fellow students and train them as leaders in their EUs. We are blamed by some for allowing students to lead the meetings. Many of us, graduates and staff, can remember how we struggled as students when we were asked to lead a Bible study in our EU cell. As a result, when EU Students go out, they shine as leaders in the Church and society.

An EGF member’s role in ministry does not end with giving money. You are also an active worker. It needs a lot of grace to be an EGF member. In other organizations, your contributions will be published, your talents recognized, and you will be on the pulpit or stage. In UESI, with all your experiences and abilities, you have to allow an inexperienced student to lead the programme and you sit and watch. After the meeting, you correct and develop that person. You open your home without knowing what kind of students will come in. (That is how many of us were mentored by our seniors!). ”The Evangelical Graduate” enclosed deals with mentoring in detail.

It is not an easy thing to be an UESI staffworker either. When other ministries have ‘staff’ and ‘workers’ separately, you are expected to do both the jobs! So, in some countries they are called as ‘Travelling Secretaries’! You are called for “full time ministry!” Yet, you have to play the second fiddle most of the time. Your main responsibility is to motivate graduates and alongwith them to produce student leaders. Hence, ‘catalyst/facilitator’ is the description of an UESI staffworker.

We have to help one another as students, graduates and staff to be more effective in our ventures in reaching the students and graduates of the great Bharat. At the same time, we have to be clear about our roles, responsibilities, and our limits. When each of us realizes our specific responsibilities and carries them out faithfully, there will be harmony and the ministry will flourish.

“David . . . served his own generation by the will of God” – Acts 13:36. We as students, graduates and staff are expected to serve our generation which is very much decaying day by day by corruption and lower moral values. Homosexuality, lesbianism and ‘live-in’ relationships are decriminalized in this decade. Drinking, drugs, and porno are rampant in the campuses. Do we care? If we avail ourselves of all the opportunities before us to witness to the students and graduates and develop them as leaders for the Church and society, we will be able to say with Jesus, “I have finished the work which You have given Me to do.” (John 17:4), and with Paul, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Tim 4:7).

P. Jeba [email protected]

UESI InTouchJuly 20112

Jamshedpur CMTC 2011

His faithfulness and to all who prayed and supported in possible ways.Feedback from a few participants:“I am able to know God deeply.” Blesson, Jammu “God is preparing me for His work. I felt like a family.”

Pappu, Haryana “I have to improve myself according to the need of ministry and also to be faithful in my ministry” Reena, Gujarat I. Rajlaxmi Director-Ujjain CMTC

Ujjain CMTC 2011

...Continued from page 1

...Continued from page 1

UESI CrEaTIvE WrITErS WorkShopHigHfield, Kotagiri, tN.

28-31 July ’11 (Thursday - Sunday)Fee: Rs. 1000 for Graduates, Rs. 500 for Students/Staffworkers

Contact:Mr P. John Jebaraj James

[email protected], 0 98848 97673


Page 3: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

UESI InTouch July 2011 3

Graduates DepartmentWe are glad to bring to you this issue of The Evangelical Graduate on mentoring. We have the UESI-AP model and the UESI-TN model given here. Above all, we have the Biblical Model too in which our Master Trainer, Lord Jesus Himself has role modelled as Mentor for His disciples. We have given some reference books for you to read and develop your own mentoring model. The need of the hour is mentoring. “ Though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel, ” I Cor. 4:15. Will you father new converts that they transform into fruit-bearing disciples? Read and be blessed to be a blessing.

B.C. Pandian Graduates Ministry Secretary

Mentoring is used, in academic sense, for one who facilitates

a student in advancing to a higher level. A mentor acts as a facilitator rather than as a teacher. Mentoring has ample opportunities for roles such as teaching, guiding, advising, counselling, informing, instructing, and caring. Mentor must be knowledgeable and wise, Job 26:2-3.

God’s commitment is to provide source of knowledge. He made Himself known in and through Jesus to reconcile with the human beings despite their mistakes/sins, John 1:18. The Gospel of John says that God and Jesus knew each other. Jesus revealed God to His disciples to know Him and become the source to make Him known to others (17:1- 26). Thus, a biblical understanding of mentoring could be to know God and make Him known to others.

Wisdom means ability to

utilize knowledge and experience with common sense and insight. Joshua was full of wisdom to lead Israel as Moses has mentored him accordingly, Deut. 34:9. God is the source of wisdom and He provides wisdom to

accomplish a given task, 2 Sam. 14:20; 1 Kings 3:28; 4:29; 5:12; 10:24. When Solomon became king, he sought only wisdom and knowledge and all other things followed him to accomplish his given task.

In NT, the wisdom of Jesus is compared as greater than Solomon’s, Mt. 12:12; Lk

11:31. Later, Paul clarified that Jesus is the wisdom of God, 1 Cor. 1:24. Wisdom (Prov. 8; Eccl. 24) was personified in Jesus (Matt. 13:54; Mk. 6:2). Though John does not use the term wisdom (sophia), the word logos justifies the purpose of Jesus’ personification, John 1:18; 15:15; 17:6, 28. This wisdom is given to the Church so she proclaim God, Eph. 3:10. James teaches us to seek wisdom to do the will of God, James 1:5; 3:17.

The Bible mentions many mentors. Their motto was to prepare younger generation to carry on God’s vision. We should understand mentee’s needs and meet them. Mentors must seek God’s knowledge and wisdom to shape the mentees to partake in God’s ministry. So dear graduates, equip yourselves with knowledge and wisdom and be effective mentors.

Bindulatha BarikSecretary-UESI Orissa

Mentoring: A Biblical Perspective

Why Should we be Mentors?• Jesus is our Role Model – he was a Mentor and so, we need to be mentors. Besides, this was his final command in Matt. 28:19• We will find meaning and fulfilment for our lives. We spend hours, days, months, and years in earning and establishing ourselves but nothing gives purpose and meaning like investing time and energy in young lives.• It will sharpen you and keep you sharp. While mentoring youngsters, you intentionally need to learn and keep yourself up-to-date on many matters including sports, politics, current affairs, and issues they want you to address. If we need to teach, we also need to learn. Your listening skill gets sharpened. Your concern for individuals increases.• It will make you more grateful. The whole idea of mentoring springs out of a grateful heart. It will become more grateful as and when you learn that the paths through which our loving Lord leads you suddenly becomes

intentional and not accidental. You are filled with gratitude and more gratitude. That is how you get to become more grateful.• You will leave a real living legacy. We all want to leave something behind us that will tell the world what we lived for. If we invest our life in mentoring people we will leave a living legacy of younger generation who in turn will become mentors and the chain will go. • You won’t be wasting your life. We tend to ask these questions: What am I doing with my life? Did God put me in this world just to go to Church, raise the family, then die and go to heaven? am I living a life fulfilling God’s plans? or am I wasting my life? If you are an effective mentor you will never ever come across these questions. John piper in his book “Don’t Waste Your Life” says that the greatest tragedy in a Christian’s life is to feel at the end of his life that he has wasted his life without accomplishing anything for God. So don’t waste your life, do what Jesus did. pick up some less experienced people and mentor them. (Excerpts from “Mentor Like Jesus” by Regi Campbell)

BIBLICaL MoDELS: In the Bible, we see the Mentor – mentee relation-ships in the following pairs:

• Moses & Joshua

• Elijah & Elisha

• Jesus & the disciples

• Barnabas & Paul

• Paul & Timothy.

Study these models and learn from them too.

The evangelical graduaTe

Page 4: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

The evangelical graduaTe

GREEk MYThoLoGY Mentor was the name of the person to whom Odys-seus (Ulysses) entrusted the care of his son, Telemachus, when he set out on those famous wanderings of his that we now call an “odys-sey” and which took him, among other places, to the Trojan Wars. Mentor was the wise and trusted coun-sellor of Odysseus as well as tutor to Telemachus.

UESI InTouchJuly 20114

Mentoring (Gk) means enduring. It is a sustained relationship between an individual (mentor), usually older, always more experienced, who helps and guides an individual’s (mentee) development. This guidance is not for personal gain.

Mentor’s continued involvement offers support, guidance, and help when mentee goes through a tough period, faces new challenges, or works to correct earlier problems. Mentors play critical roles

where the mentee is a youth, and parents are unavailable or unable to provide responsible guidance for their children.

Early disciples, when scattered throughout the then-known world, were actually mentoring small groups of believers. Later, they became churches. UESI is rightly concerned with mentoring.

Among biblical examples, we admire ‘Jesus and the disciples’ model. Jesus handpicked the 12 and knowing that He had a

limited time before leaving this earth. He invested most of His last 3 ½ years in them.

In India there was “Gurukul Learning” where students, who lived with teachers, learnt from their teachings and lifestyle. Akin to this, the disciples moved out of their homes and families and followed Jesus wherever He went and associated with Him closely, learning from Him. Be ready to play the role as the situation demands from you.

B.C. Pandian

• One who is a diligent student of the Word, is able to apply the Scripture and make decisions.• Before he or she makes disciples, he or she must be one already.• One who has taken following Jesus Christ seriously (according to Jesus’ terms).• One to whom individuals are important• One who has a shepherd heart willing to spare time and effort.

• One who is a trusted advisor, keeping confidence.• One whose life is transparent in family life, at work place and in society.• One who has an exemplary, consistent Christian life.• One who is unbiased, impartial, without preconceived ideas or judgmental attitude towards young people.• One who is abreast of what is happening in the society and understanding

the times. (I Chron. 12.32)• One who is able to meet the total needs of the person.• One who is able to count the cost of giving oneself in building up young lives• One who has a servant attitude to serve and help young people. Ms Prema Fenn, Field Partner, UESI

The call is costly but the result is invaluable blessings for many including you. So invest for eternity please.

The Art of Mentoring

Qualifications of a MentorFELLoWShIp


Here a graduate, a student leader, and a new student convert meet weekly for prayer and fellowship through which a mutually beneficial relationship is developed. While everyone is benefited in the process, the young convert is the focus and is mentored. This is a formularized set-up initiated locally at every college centre. It is working effectively in some places and not so in some other places. Overall, the model is good for us to emulate. Are you ready?


This concept is prevalent in UESI AP where one or two students are men-tored by a graduate as they meet regularly to meet and pray together. Here a student leader brings another believing student to the graduate who has offered to invest his time and efforts to mentor these youngsters into mature disciples. Do you have time to invest in these young lives?

MENToRING JESUS WaY1. Jesus was focused on His purpose.2. Jesus handpicked every one He mentored3. Jesus modelled along the way of life.4. Jesus taught them along the way of life.5. For both Jesus & His disciples, relationship was a mutual commitmen. Emulate Him. What bet-ter way there can be for you to be a blessing?


NATIONAL GRADUATES’ CONFERENCE 2011@ Mission India Campus, Khedgaon, Nagpur

29 Dec.11 -1 Jan. ’ 12 (Lunch to Lunch)

Theme: “Adequate, Equipped for every good work” II Tim 3:17

Speakers: Rev. Dr Malsawma (Former staffworker of UESI, presently Pastor of City Church, Kohima)

Dr Idicheriya Ninan (Former staffworker of UESI, Presently teaching in SAIACS, Bangalore)

For more details contact: B. C. Pandian, NEGF Secretary, UESI office, 19, Millers Road, Chennai 600 010.

E - mail ID: [email protected], Mobile: 0 94449 71392

Page 5: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

pRaYER DaY IN SRINaGaRGraduates from Jammu & Srinagar gathered in All Saints Church in Srinagar on 21 May

‘11 to plead for Kashmir, Jammu & Ladakh regions. Despite a bandh in Srinagar a few believers managed to come and joined the prayer. Mr Richard from TN who visited J&K for mission exposure also joined the prayer day. Mr Sam Prasad & family came all the way from Vizag, AP, just to be with us, encourage us, and to pray for J & K. They visited students, graduates and staff in Jammu, Udhampur and Srinagar to encourage them. UESI Executive Secretary Mr John Samuel

joined the prayer time.

After the prayer time, J&K EGF Committee met. Miss Goyir Nyodu was interviewed and

appointed as a coordinator for Srinagar city. We are grateful to God for bringing her from Arunachal Pradesh to Kashmir.

Our firstfruit, Miss Poonam Sotra, joined the staff team and she will be attending Study Centre and staff training. She needs your prayer support. We look forward to see great things to happen in J&K.

Mrs Aarti [email protected]


Isaiah 51:5 says, ‘The islands will wait in hope.’ For Andaman & Nicibar Islands, the waiting is over! Thanks to the initiative of UESI-TN and the many visits to Andamans by our graduates and staff in the past. Last year UESI-TN decided to send Mr Shelton & family. They move to Port Blair on 8 July. Their burden is to evangelize the Nicobari students and develop them as disciple makers that they may go where outsiders can’t enter. They also have plans to reach Bengalis and other linguistic groups in North Andamans. They can be contacted through: [email protected].

You are welcome to visit Port

Blair availing the LTC facilities and help during student programmes.

Asir Thiyagarajan State Secretary, UESI TN

FERTILE GIFT To UESI kaRNaTakaDr Ravi David’s family has gifted a 10 acre fertile agricultural land on the outskirts of Raichur city for the ministry of UESI. The registration of the property in the name of UESI was done on 27 May 2011. UESI president Mr J.S.A. Julius dedicated the land for the expansion of God’s kingdom. UESI-K is grateful to Dr Ravi David’s family for this generosity. We trust that this will be a great blessing for North Karnataka.

Jayasheel State Secretary-UESI Karnataka

UESI AP Centre, Nambur, Vijayawada

15 to 17 July 2011

Theme:“Sanctify yourselves;

for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among

you” (Joshua 3.5)

Guest Speakers:Bro Deenabandu &

Bro Sathkeerthi RaoPlease join us as

individuals, EUs and EGFs

Register at [email protected]


confErEncE 2011

Often people speak of mission as a project or programme. But the Bible teaches us that mission is ultimately God’s. God is a missionary God and Bible is a missionary book. Chris Wright argues in his book, ‘The Mission of God’ that we should be looking at the “The Missional Basis of the Bible” rather than “The Biblical Basis of Mission.” The Bible does not just contain a number of verses that happen to provide a rationale for missionary endeavour, but “the whole Bible is itself a Missional phenomenon. The writings that now comprise our Bible are themselves the product of and witness to the ultimate mission of God.”

The word ‘mission’ carries the idea of sending or being sent. Throughout the Bible, we find God as a sending God.

1. The Father sends the Son.

(John 5:28; 8:42; 1 John 4:14; Col. 1:15-20)

The Father sent the Son into the world to seek and save the lost. God’s mission of redemption is centred in the Person and work of Jesus.

2. The Father and the Son send the Spirit

(Luke 11:13; John14:16, 17, 26, Acts 1:8)

Before His return to the Father Jesus promised to ask the Father and that the Holy Spirit would be given to them. The role of the Holy Spirit was to bring conviction to the sinners and empower the believers for witnessing.

3. Jesus sends the Church into the world.

(Jn.20:21; Matt.38:16-20)

The mission of God continues as Jesus sends the Church into the world as the continuation of his mission. As Jesus was sent by the Father, the Church is sent into the world to bear witness to Christ through its life and action.

Because our God is a missionary God, our identity in Him is reflected in our being a missional people.

Jacob SamuelChairpersonUESI Training Dept


UESI InTouch July 2011 3


HigHfield, Kotagiri, tN.

1 August -15 October ’11 (10 Modules)

Brochures & registration forms are available with

UESI Office / Staffworkers

Contact:UESI Study Centre Director,

Mr Isaac ThomasHighfield,

UESI Conference Centre, Kotagiri, TN - 643 217

[email protected], 0 94862 93919


Page 6: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

21JaMMU & kaShMIRPray for Manali Evangelistic camp for J&K Students from 7-10 July ‘11; for Sanasar Evangelistic camp for Udhampur students, 21-24 July ‘11.

22hIMaChaL pRaDEShThank God for newly started EBS at Kandaghat; for newly started EU cell at S.Nagar; for 4 students from HP attneding CMTC. Pray for Pre-Evangelistic Retreat in July at Shimla and for the follow-up for the new contacts in RKMV College, and HPU.

23UESI - TNPray for the Trainers’ Workshop at Trichy, 23 & 24 July; for TNEGF, HSS Committees, 30 July & State Executive Committee on 31 July; for the effective functioning of 50 ICEUs & 150 EGFs; for the 6 new staff and 4 state coordinators to be trained well.

24UESI - TNThank God for the 160 students trained in 7 LTCs; for 35 students trained in State CMTC & 16 students in UESI CMTCs; for 18 participants benefited by Bible Seminar & 22 in Missions Training; for new State Secretary, new President and new graduate and students in the SEC.

25IFESPray for 600 participants from around the world at the IFES World Assembly in Poland, 26 Jul.-3 Aug. ’11. Pray that this would be a time of encouragement, learning, hearing from God, and planning for the future.

31UTTaRakhaNDPray for new UKEGF Committee 2011-12; for the needed 1 lady and 1 male coordinators for the state; for Mr Ashok, coordinator who shifted to Haldwani to know the place, people and develop the ministry; for students who attended for CMTC and LTC to take leadership in their places.

1UESI MhThank God for the DTC / GSTP, 30 May-3 June; for new staff joining from 1 July, Mr Raman & Ms Sheetal; for outreach efforts being taken in the state; for MH celebrating its Golden Jubilee this year.

2UESI - MhPray for the new EC members & their leadership; for UESI MH Golden Jubilee Conf., 29 Dec. ‘11 – 1 Jan. ‘12 at UBS, Pune; for the need of staff especially for outreach centres; for a renewed commitment of all to see revival in the State.

3RaJaSThaNThank God for smooth shifting of Jacob Varghese & family; for ministry that is picking up in Jaipur; for 1-day retreat at Jaipur where 12 students attended; one of our Pilani EU student who has topped her class in exams.

4RaJaSThaNPray for the follow-up of the retreat; for Bible study for to be started in Jaipur; for all Bible study groups to increase in quality and quantity; for contacts from the local churches; for financial needs to be met.

10UESI kERaLa Thank God for new Govt. Pray that we have a peaceful academic year. Thank God for the GSTP held, 25 May - 8 June; for 21 students attended; & for their mission commitment. Pray for follow-up, for them to involve actively in student ministry.

11UESI kERaLa Central Region: Thank God for the Teens Camp & those who accepted Christ. Pray for starting 3 evangelistic groups, 1 believers group & 1 Teens group; for regular mentoring.

12UTTaR pRaDEShThank God for the 35 students at Katgodam Ev. Camp and graduates & staff who involved; for State Leaders’ Meet and AGM at Dehradun with 40 members; for Dehradun LTC with 32 students; for the students who attended CMTC.

13UTTaR pRaDEShThank God for finances from students & graduates for Summer Camps; for Diamond Charles Lyall who has joined as the coordinator; for Anup & family, Nivideta, and Benalin joining as UESI staff from Aug.’11; for Barun Collet joining U.P. after Staff Training.

14 & 15RaJaSThaNThank God for the increased of 20.81% in the year 2010-11. Pray for preparations for Fragrance ‘11, State Women’s Conf. 4-6 October, 2011; for Koinonia 2012 committee, 15 Aug. ‘11.







Prayer Diary

UESI InTouchJuly 20116

16UESIPray for the Lord’s presence & guidance to lead the AGM; for members’ travel from all over; for meaningful deliberations & decisions; for the Lord’s abundant blessing on members’ efforts in reaching students in 2011-12.

17koLkaTa ICEUThank God for the new leadership both in KEGF and KICEU; for Circular Baptist Chapel and Emmanuel Ministries for their constant help and support to EU&EGF ministry in Kolkata.

18koLkaTa ICEUPray for Team Spirit and unity among KICEU/KEGF Committee and staff workers and all to own the ministry; for God to send committed believing students and faculty members to different Universities and college campuses.

19koLkaTa ICEUPray that the Evangelistic Camp, 12 - 15 August, will be a great success. Please remember the resource persons, finance, and many students will attend.

20hIMaChaL pRaDEShThank God for HP EGF Committee meeting held, 28 May ’11 in Manali and for the service of President Dr Philip Alexander and Vice President Dr Christopher in HP EGF Committee.

26IFESPray for CECE Staff and students in Ecuador as they host their National Conf. 31 July - 4 Aug ’11. Pray as they reflect on I Peter and the theme of “Living Stones” and plan for the year ahead.

27JaMMU & kaShMIRPray for Financial requirement Rs 50,000 for both evangelistic camps; for new contacts to get in Srinagar to start cell groups; for revive NIT Cell group in Srinagar.

28hIMaChaL pRaDEShPray for new contacts in Sunder Nagar MLSM Degree College, Govt Engineering College, Govt Polytechnic, Sanskrit College, HP Dental College, Sai College of Nursing, Abhilashi College, and Dreemz College of Polytechnic and Pharmacy.

29UESI-kaRNaTakaThank God for provisional affiliation to Humnabad & Tiptur EUs; for decision to observe Tuesdays as Day of Prayer. Pray for developing Nelhal land as Student Centre for north Karnataka through NGO ‘CARD.’

30UTTaRakhaNDThank God for VI UKEGF Annual Conf. at Dehradun, 3-5, June ’11; for Ev. camp, Pauri with 30 students and 17 who accepted Christ; for half-a-day retreats on Career guidance in Moussuri and Kotdwar; for students who attended for LTC and CMTC.

5MaDhYa pRaDEShThank God for the new ICEU Committees at Bhopal & Indore; for new Bhopal EGF Committee; for 40 members who participated in Prayer Conference, Ujjain; for the new graduates added to ministry.

6MaDhYa pRaDEShPray for inaugural functions of Bhopal & Indore ICEUs in July; for Prayer Conferences: Rewa-30 July, Jabalpur-31 July; for Ev. programmes in MP; for MPEGF Committee and P&E Cell; for staff & coordinators needed; for starting more EGF cells.

7BIhaRThank God for 11 students regular in Evangelictic Bible study cell in Patna; for restarting EBS cells in IIT and Veterinary college; for regular Ara EBS cell; for North Central Zone Mission Camp Follow-up meeting for 9 students.

8BIhaR Pray for forthcoming Ev. Camp Follow-up Retreat; for 2 EBS cells for friends of other faith to know Christ and grow spiritually; for more graduates in Patna EGF; for Patna EGF Secretary Mrs Ranjna Misra and President Mrs Nirupam Prakash who develop the ministry in Patna.

9BIhaRPray for affiliation of Purnea EU, and for the committee to function well; for all the 5 Bible study cells at Purnea to function effectively; for reshuffling of Bhagalpur ICEU Committee.

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CMTC Kotagiri 1, 2011

UESI InTouch July 2011 7

Every year, EU Committee members of India look forward to attend

Kotagiri CMTC. This year, CMTC Kotagiri–I was held, 24 May - 8 June 2011. Right from 23 May evening the students started arriving at Highfield.

The climate and the scenery of the woods were as usual breath taking! After tea at 4:30 evening on 24th May, the programme was kicked off with welcome and orientation by the camp director. There were 33 energetic and noisy participants representing 9 states. God then began to move and stir the hearts of the students as the flames for God were once ignited in their hearts.

There were 6 groups named after the tribes of Israel. Every day students from different groups led the worship and

they learnt on how to lead the Worship sessions, too. Mr Ebenezer our graduate and a lecturer from Chennai provoked the young minds through Doctrine Sessions. There were sharing of thoughts and discussions after each session.

The vibrant staff, Shirley Isaac, Esther Yesuratnam, Jim, Arpit, Preeti, Zulu, and Gladys Lee led various Handbook Sessions which were fruitful. All the practical talks were packed with group activities, creative interview, and case studies which made the students take wise decisions for their campus life. Students were eagerly looking forward to Isaac Thomas’ sessions on II Timothy every evening. No doubt, God has moved the hearts through the lives of Paul and Timothy.

An one-day workshop was

conducted by World Vision India. Mr Gladstone and his wife led the workshop packed with activities, games, and videos. Students took concrete decisions. John Daniel’s and Gurubabu’s Practical Talks were enthralling and appreciated by students. Their presence made a significant difference.

Games in the volley ball court organized by Arpit and Preeti were fun-filled not only testing the physique, but brains as well. There was also an exam conducted to test their learning. The excitement rocked Highfield during Talent Night, Bonfire, and Candlelight Dinner.

On the last day, a solemn dedication service was conducted with the help of Rev Immanuel of Union Church, Kotagiri. Students were given participation certificates and seniors dedicated them. Many were heavy-hearted to go back. Their spirits were energized and they were determined to keep this fire burning for God!

Read on to know how God moved during the camp:

“Through the devotions, I could relate myself with Timothy and be a witness in the campus.”- Sunil Lawerence, Hyderabad

“I learnt a new way of looking at the Bible through PBS.”- Sandeepa, Roorkie

“I said to the Lord, “One thing, Lord! I am ready for You.”- Prasanth, Andhra Pradesh

“When I came here, I was an introvert and now I am an extrovert with no stage fear”- Joshua, Karnataka

“I learnt to become mature in my characteristics.”- Kenneth, Gujarat

“I had a good time and truly I am leader now.” – Shine, Hubli

E. Johny Lee

Director, CMTC Kotagiri-I

UESI pRaYER DaYUESI is a movement fuelled by prayer and faith. Every year the members set apart a day to spend in God’s presence. That is Oct 2!

Across India, in many places EUs, EGFs & State Units come together to move the Hand that moves heaven and earth. Don’t miss to join the one that happens in your area. If not, you can initiate such. For details, conatct staffworkers of your area.


norTh IndIA ConfErEnCE on

WoMEn’S ConCErnS13-15 August ’11

Venue: AICUF Ashram, Bhopal

Theme: “Co-Heirs in the Kingdom of God”

Delegates: Final year students & graduates

Director: Ms Corrie Susan

Page 8: InTouch July 2011 ForWeb

Beloved in Christ, Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

In I Corinthians 3, we see that Paul had planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. We are labourers together with God and every person shall receive one’s reward according to his/her own labour. Christ is the foundation and the work of those who labour for the extension and strengthening of His kingdom on this foundation shall be tested by fire to find what sort of work it is. As we enter into a new academic year, may the faithful Lord continue to enable us to reach out to more campuses with the Gospel and strengthen the students in His faith and reward us appropriately.

Jul. ’11 Need: Rs 17.5 lakhs

Highfield- Book Room and Seminar Hall Construction + other works: Rs 25 lakhs

Pension Fund: To deposit in pension accounts of senior staff: Rs 76 lakhs

• Work on Highfield Book Room and Seminar Hall Construction is in progress

• Work is in progress in defining the Admin and Finance Operating Manual,

re-implementation of accounting package

• Preparation for AGM-2011 at Nambur are nearing completion

• We will focus on a few more areas in this financial year (implementation of uniform accounting practices, initiate opening of bank accounts at each UESI unit level, review of staff salaries (due in 2012), rationalize websites, etc.,)

Request all the contributors to inform UESI Office by e-mailing to: [email protected] as it is important that we account for each contribution received and acknowledged.

In Christ,Ashok PalukurthiE-mail ID: [email protected]

Finance FocusPublished on 6th of every month. Regd with Registrar of Newspapers for India No: 69823/98.

Postal Regn No: TN/CCN/483/09-11 & WPP No. TN /CCN /19 / 09-11

UNION OF EVANGELICAL STUDENTS OF INDIABox 1030, 19/10 Millers Road, Kilpauk Chennai 600 010, IndiaFax/Ph. 044 - 2642 1478/ 2643 3754 Website: E-mail: [email protected]

PUBLISHEd By: dr A. Samuel RichardOn behalf of: UESI Publication Trust 19/10 Millers RoadChennai - 600 010

PRINTEd By: Mr devavaramMeipporul Achagam278 Konnur High Road, Ayanavaram, Chennai - 600 023

Design & Layout: George Korah, Primalogue, Bangalore.

Please note the bank account details to send your contributions through online transfer / NEFT / EFT or write your cheques in favour of UESI and deposit locally. you can continue to use our HdFC account also to send your contributions.

Bank : HDFC Bank

A/c Name : UESI

A/c No : 01241000018374

Branch : Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010, TN

NEFT Code No : HDFC0000124

Bank : State Bank of India

A/c Name: UESI

A/c No. : 10332929906

Branch : Purasawalkam, Chennai - 600 007, TN

NEFT Code No : SBIN0001515

UESI is required to maintain the details of all contributions. May we request you to send your details such as name, place, date of remittance, purpose, amount (and address if contributing for the first time) thru an e-mail to [email protected] or SMS details to 0 92834 29232.

July ’11 Need Rs 17.5 lakhs

Highfield - Book Room & Seminar Hall Construction + other works Rs 25 lakhs

Pension Fund: To deposit in pension accounts of senior staff Rs 76 lakhs

of Satara. All were challenged by the simple and sacrificial life of the missionaries.

Dao: “I have never seen people living with just Rs. 1000/- p.m. I can see God at work. I will serve such needy people even if I may have to resign my job.” Ammy: “God gave me true perspective of my life and cleared my doubts. I will carry my candle into dark places.” Raju:

“The field visit has opened my eyes to the needs of people everywhere. I commit my life to serve God as a fulltime servant.”

Mr Sariyo, Meghalaya: “Ï had been saving money every month from pocket money to come to NMTC. Ms Ammy, an intern: “Ï didn’t go home for Christmas so I could get leave.”

Participants experienced God shaping

their lives. Their perspective of life is changed. Three have sensed God’s call for mission work and wait on Him. The rest have committed for God’s mission as the Lord leads. Please pray with the participants that the vision the Lord has given to these precious lives may be fulfilled.

Parimal Christian [email protected]

... Continued from page 1: NMTC 2011

OrGanize eU SUnDay in yOUr chUrch! dear EU, EGF members, staff family,

Please meet your Pastor and request him to permit the local EU, EGF to have an EU Sunday in your church in September or October. 18 Sept. is the UESI Formation day. Contact UESI office/ staffworkers for brochures. Or print one to suit your local situation.

UESI GS Office now functions from new location. This will also

function as UESI delhi Office. Pl note the address:

WZ -34/7, First Floor, Mukherjee Park Extn,

Tilak Nagar, New Delhi 110018Contact:

Adminitrator: Mr ranjeet , (0 90132 13597)

UESI Delhi State Secretary: Mr Sathish Simon, , - (0 98992 65939)

Just a click away ! Campus Link subscriptions, money transfers & contribu-

tions to UESI PT are just a click away ! UESI Publication Trust, A/c No.: 027801002039

ICICI Bank, Kilpauk Branch, Chennai. you can deposit cash/cheque! E-mail deposit details to:

[email protected]
