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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Interview with _______________, lead singer of Black Parachute Q: So, youve just returned from your first official World Tour. How does it feel to be back at home in the UK? A: Though the tour was phenomenal, it is good to be back home. The people here are loud and crazy and though we have had a great international reception, the people here are absolutely insane, and I, well, we, have missed that greatly. Q: The reception abroad was positive then? A: Yeah, it was incredible. We had been told we had fans elsewhere before now, and that our 2010 tour with Gerard [Way] and his crew in My Chem[ical Romance] had helped massively, but the chanting and the roaring and the, the screaming we were welcomed with on stage was just, wow. The audience went wild for us and we could not have dreamed for a better reception. I even got to meet a few of the fans and they nearly tore my arm off, screaming we love you guys. At one point, ___________, our manager, was assaulted by mobs of fans waiting for us to arrive back at the tour bus. It was crazy! Q: But glad to be home? A: Definitely. The tour was great and the publicity and fans are fantastic but I think we all need a little chill time before the real work begins. Q: Ah yes, I was just coming on to that. You and the guys are heading into the studio next month to begin recording, right? A: Yeah, the second album is already being written by us in our spare time. No matter how much we try, we cant escape from the music; it just keeps pulling us back. Q: Youve already begun writing it? A: Yeah, we would be sat in a diner in America somewhere waiting for the food to arrive and suddenly ________ would begin tapping a beat on the table with his fingers, and then ________ would begin humming a bass riff and ________ would begin doing the same for the guitar while I made up words on the spot that fit with the song. We must have returned with an entire suitcase full of Subway wrappers and diner napkins with notes and words scrawled across them in pen. Q: So you have fun on and off stage then? A: We do. Though we are a very serious band with deep messages hidden in our tracks, we dont like to act seriously all the time. We like to be fun and energetic, having our fans input into the band and doing wacky stuff on and off stage. We have fun throughout the entire process, from the writing and recording to the live events and fan meet and greets. Without that fun and positive behaviour, wed be bored out of our minds! Q: So what is to follow the album production?
  2. 2. A: Well following the new album being produced and released, we are, of course, going from festival to festival across the UK to allow our fans the chance to see us Q: You said from festival to festival. How many are you attending exactly? A: To place it bluntly, if there is a festival in the UK, we are there. Q: Really? Which festivals are you attending and why have we not heard about this yet? A: The announcement is not supposed to be for another few days but, frankly, I was gonna burst if I didnt come clean. We are attending Download Festival, Slam Dunk Festival and both Reading and Leeds Festivals, as well as having places at Glastonbury Festival and Isle Of Wight Festival too. Q: Wow, that sounds difficult. Why do all of the festivals in one year? A: We were originally only supposed to be doing one but we didnt know which so, in the end, we decided to go to all of the major festivals. And as far as difficulty, it really will take its toll on us but we have the energy and the determination to make it work. We arent doing this for us, we are doing it for the fans! Q: So, if I can pry, which band is going to be the most exciting to perform with? A: There are so many great influential bands! So many who we've looked up to over the years! But, if I had to choose. I can't. It's impossible! I am excited for everyone! All Time Low, Bring Me The Horizon, Metallica, Royal Blood, You Me At Six, Patent Pending, Of Mice And Men, Marilyn Manson. Everyone! Q: Okay, we are almost out of time. One final question. When will the album be out? A: It's gonna be out around about October or December, with a whole bunch of songs on it and a tour afterwards! It's gonna be great and I can't wait to see the faces of my fans again.