interplay: hallucinations a telematic performance form jimmy miklavcic, beth miklavcic another...

InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

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Page 1: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations

A Telematic Performance Form

Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth MiklavcicAnother Language/University of Utah CHPC

Page 2: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations

Another LanguageBeth Miklavcic – Artistic DirectorJimmy Miklavcic – Executive Director

• Mission– Combine different art forms in innovative ways, and to broaden

access to community arts education with the aid of today's communications technology

• Modus Operandi– Telematic collaborative performances– Internet 2 & web site as virtual venue– Lectures, demonstrations, interactive digital newsletters

• Location– Salt Lake City, Utah–


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Page 3: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations


• Informal consortium of sites on Internet2 that utilize the Access Grid technology as an artistic medium and performance venue.

• Current members of the artgrid consortium include:– University of Utah Center for High Performance Computing– Arctic Region Supercomputing Center at the University of Alaska,

Fairbanks – University of Maryland – Envision Center for Perceptualization, Purdue University – University of Montana – Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois, Chicago – National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada – Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada


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Page 4: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations



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• Create a viable communications environment that addresses artistic research

• Create spaces, both real and virtual, that accommodate creative multimedia and telematic performance

• Stabilize video streaming technology for use in performance and communications

• Incorporate scientific technologies into the creative & performance process (i.e. motion capture, virtual reality)

• MARCEL Network – International counterpart

Page 5: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations


• A multi-site telematic collaborative performance or distributed real-time abstract/surreal cinema.

• Each site processes, mixes, encodes, and streams their content unto the network.

• Manipulate individual events and weave them into multilayered, distributed tapestry of images.


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Page 6: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: HallucinationsParticipants

• University of Alaska – ARSC• William Scott Deal – Composer, Percussion• Miho Aoki – Computer Animation• Paul Mercer – Node Engineer

• University of Maryland• Nadja Masura – Video• Brian H. Buck – Dance

• University of Utah CHPC / Another Language• Beth Miklavcic – Author and Director – The Surface of Things• Aaron Henry, Tony Larimer, Marie Larimer, Priscilla Steed -

Performers• Jimmy Miklavcic – Director of Hallucinations• Sam Liston – Node Engineer, Audio• Erik Brown – Camera Operator• Kent Christensen – Video Documentation


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Page 7: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

Artistic ConceptInterPlay: Hallucinations

• Explored hallucinations within social, political, visual and audible contexts.

• Each of the primary artists chose their own context on which to base their expressions

Beth Miklavcic – The Surface of Things, social hallucinations.

Scott Deal and Miho Aoki – Perceived communications and encounters.

Brian Buck – Moebious Strip

Nadja Masura – Hallucination inside the political and commercial machines.

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Page 8: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

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InterPlay: Hallucinations Artistic Content


Scott DealPrimary music for the performanceLive percussion – electro acousticFive compositions – ranging from ethereal to percussiveStarted and ended with electronically processed snare

Miho AokiTwo animations

Klaatu – music controlled motionObjects and characters in the animation werecontrolled by one of Scott’s compositions

Interactive animation

Page 9: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

another language

InterPlay: Hallucinations

Artistic Content


Nadja MasuraVideo works – processed images representing political and commercial iconsMAX/MSP and JitterU. S. flag, burger, political figures, etc.Performed with three foot doll

Brian H. Buck Motivation of movement based on Moebious Strip Costumed in green with hole revealing red shirt underneath Performed in white cinderblock classroom

Page 10: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

Artistic Content

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InterPlay: Hallucinations

Utah – The Surface of Things

Beth Miklavcic – Author and DirectorCast

Beth Miklavcic – Opponent AAaron Henry – Opponent BTony Larimer – JudgePriscilla Steed – Opponent CMarie Larimer – Judge 2

Stereotypes, first impressions and our real selvesWork in four partsBoth Opponent A and B had cameras that enhanced each character’s POVThe Judge passes judgment on the ridiculousness of the encounter, more concerned about getting to his whiskey

Page 11: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

another language

InterPlay: Hallucinations

Artistic Content

Utah – Direction

Jimmy Miklavcic – Director

• Monitored all video streams, local and remote• Coordinated the visual experience, pairing any of

the video feeds through three Sima video mixers• Total of ten live video feeds to the grid• One stream to WM9 server• Sam Liston manipulated Utah’s local display• Alaska and Maryland controlled their own displays

Page 12: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations

Three variations of AG configurations


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Page 13: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

TechnologyInterPlay: Hallucinations

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TechnologyInterPlay: Hallucinations

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InterPlay: Hallucinations Technology

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TechnologyInterPlay: Hallucinations

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TechnologyInterPlay: Hallucinations

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Page 18: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

another language

InterPlay: Hallucinations Performance


Beth and Aaron – choreographed camera movement

Seven drafts of the script – The Surface of Things

Tony Larimer joined in April


Difficulty in scheduling due to opposite time zones

Began coordinating Scott’s music with Beth’s Surface of Things

Surface of Things required several cues

Back stage communications consisted of hand signals

Full cast rehearsals began Monday before Friday performance

Page 19: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

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InterPlay: Hallucinations Performance

PerformanceFriday – April 23

Local audio began to deteriorate just before performance

Audience choice – stay or come back Saturday

Multicast problems, switched to Unicast

Saturday – April 24

Replaced audio system and AP400 with XAP800

Sunday – April 25

Minor audio issues

Page 20: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

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InterPlay: Hallucinations


Third performance, first with remote collaborators

Successful in incorporating fragile technology into artistic process

Opportunity for the audience to experience an emerging art form

Great working relationship and friendship grew out the process

Desire to build on the newly laid foundation

Consistent testing of the technology is crucial

Continue development of Enhanced Performance Grid Node

Must reevaluate and modify traditional performance process

Page 21: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

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InterPlay: Hallucinations Future Plans

All are committed to continuing the InterPlay process

Establish Access Grid network and Internet2 as a viable venue

Monitor new developments in AG technology

Establish an Art on the Grid venue server, simulate theater structure

Next performance – InterPlay: Loose Minds in a Box

Supercomputing Global 2005, Seattle WA

November 17, 2005

Eight sites, Virtually Reality, Motion Capture, Remote MIDI Control

Page 22: InterPlay: Hallucinations A Telematic Performance Form Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic Another Language/University of Utah CHPC

InterPlay: Hallucinations

University of UtahCenter for High Performance Computing

University of AlaskaArctic Region Supercomputing Center

University of Maryland

Another LanguageBoard of Directors and Members

Access GridSalt Lake County Zoo, Arts & Parks Program

Salt Lake City Arts CouncilUtah Arts Council


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