interpersonal-- relational theories geoff goodman, ph.d

Interpersonal-- Relational Theories Geoff Goodman, Ph.D.

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Interpersonal-- Relational Theories

Interpersonal-- Relational Theories

Geoff Goodman, Ph.D.Geoff Goodman, Ph.D.

I. The Relational Orientation

I. The Relational Orientation

A. Psychoanalytic encounter co-constructed between two active participant (mutuality)

B. Humans are motivated by sucking objects, not discharging drives

C. Patients perceive and interpret “real” as well as “distorted” aspects of therapist in transference

D. Therapist self-disclosures produce more openness and trust in therapeutic relationship

A. Psychoanalytic encounter co-constructed between two active participant (mutuality)

B. Humans are motivated by sucking objects, not discharging drives

C. Patients perceive and interpret “real” as well as “distorted” aspects of therapist in transference

D. Therapist self-disclosures produce more openness and trust in therapeutic relationship


E. Authoritarianism is replaced with an approximation of egalitarianism

F. Focus of treatment shifts from exploration of patient’s fantasies to exploration of mutual enactments (1-person to 2-person psychology)

G. Both transference and countertransference are mutually constructed (perspectivism, not absolutism)

E. Authoritarianism is replaced with an approximation of egalitarianism

F. Focus of treatment shifts from exploration of patient’s fantasies to exploration of mutual enactments (1-person to 2-person psychology)

G. Both transference and countertransference are mutually constructed (perspectivism, not absolutism)


H. Recent evidence for 2-person psychology from time-- series analysis conducted by Jones and Josephs

I. Focus on here and now in transference rather than reconstruction of past through retrieval of memories

J. Attention paid to both interpersonal and intrapsychic realms of human experience (i.e., intersubjective)

H. Recent evidence for 2-person psychology from time-- series analysis conducted by Jones and Josephs

I. Focus on here and now in transference rather than reconstruction of past through retrieval of memories

J. Attention paid to both interpersonal and intrapsychic realms of human experience (i.e., intersubjective)


K. Sexuality and aggression are inherently relational constructs- response to external and internal objects

L. Reciprocal influence between interpersonal processes and intrapsychic relational processes (transactional model)

K. Sexuality and aggression are inherently relational constructs- response to external and internal objects

L. Reciprocal influence between interpersonal processes and intrapsychic relational processes (transactional model)

II. Theory of DevelopmentII. Theory of Development

A. Lack of emphasis on development because of focus on here and now rather than there and then

B. Organizational schemes emerging sequentially (Ogden, 1989)1. autistic- contiguous2. paranoid- schizoid

A. Lack of emphasis on development because of focus on here and now rather than there and then

B. Organizational schemes emerging sequentially (Ogden, 1989)1. autistic- contiguous2. paranoid- schizoid


3. historical modes which vary according to four domainsa. articulation of self-- other boundariesb. split vs. whole object relationsc. quality of reality testingd. awareness of irreversibility of time repetition compulsion

3. historical modes which vary according to four domainsa. articulation of self-- other boundariesb. split vs. whole object relationsc. quality of reality testingd. awareness of irreversibility of time repetition compulsion

C. Four basic modes of relationality (Mitchell,


C. Four basic modes of relationality (Mitchell,

2000)1. non- reflective presymbolic behavior--

reciprocal behavioral influence and mutual regulation

2. affective permeability-- shared experience of intense affect across permeable boundaries

3. organization of experience into self-- other configurations

4. intersubjectivity-- mutual recognition of self-reflective agents

1. non- reflective presymbolic behavior-- reciprocal behavioral influence and mutual regulation

2. affective permeability-- shared experience of intense affect across permeable boundaries

3. organization of experience into self-- other configurations

4. intersubjectivity-- mutual recognition of self-reflective agents

D. Major theoretical formulations placed among these four basic modes of relationality1. attachment theory-- mode 12. object relations theory of Fairbairn/ Kernberg-- mode 33. relational theory of Ogden and Bollas-- mode 24. intersubjective and psychoanalytic feminist theory-- mode 4

D. Major theoretical formulations placed among these four basic modes of relationality1. attachment theory-- mode 12. object relations theory of Fairbairn/ Kernberg-- mode 33. relational theory of Ogden and Bollas-- mode 24. intersubjective and psychoanalytic feminist theory-- mode 4

III. Theory of Psychopathology

III. Theory of Psychopathology

A. Attachment to “bad” (i.e., unsatisfying or unavailable) objects (see Fairbarn)

B. Psychopathology is the product of defense, not developmental arrest

1. relationship conflict-- babyish self considered safety strategy2. not unconflicted arrested self-- babyish self considered lacking in recognition and mirroring3. developmental arrest privileges needs of earliest developmental periods over current relationship needs

A. Attachment to “bad” (i.e., unsatisfying or unavailable) objects (see Fairbarn)

B. Psychopathology is the product of defense, not developmental arrest

1. relationship conflict-- babyish self considered safety strategy2. not unconflicted arrested self-- babyish self considered lacking in recognition and mirroring3. developmental arrest privileges needs of earliest developmental periods over current relationship needs

Continued…Continued…C. Mental health-- flexibility to experience

different relationships in different waysD. Familiarity causes people to cling to

pathological patternsE. Modes of engagement become adaptive

and maladaptive relationship templates for subsequent encounters1. effectiveness in avoiding anxiety2. fear of loss of contact with self and others if surrendered3. conflicts arise between specific relational configurations and predominant self-shaping relational patterns

C. Mental health-- flexibility to experience different relationships in different ways

D. Familiarity causes people to cling to pathological patterns

E. Modes of engagement become adaptive and maladaptive relationship templates for subsequent encounters1. effectiveness in avoiding anxiety2. fear of loss of contact with self and others if surrendered3. conflicts arise between specific relational configurations and predominant self-shaping relational patterns

IV. Theory of TreatmentIV. Theory of Treatment

A. Entering into the subjective world of the patient and becoming part of his or her relational world

B. Broadening the structure of the patient’s relational world beyond confines of childhood constraints

A. Entering into the subjective world of the patient and becoming part of his or her relational world

B. Broadening the structure of the patient’s relational world beyond confines of childhood constraints


C. Therapeutic change1. not through interpretation2. through expanded participation of the analyst in the patient’s experiential world3. therapist participation takes place whether interpreting or remaining silent4. therapy is the experience cure, not the talking cure5. observation is always contextual, not objective

C. Therapeutic change1. not through interpretation2. through expanded participation of the analyst in the patient’s experiential world3. therapist participation takes place whether interpreting or remaining silent4. therapy is the experience cure, not the talking cure5. observation is always contextual, not objective

V. Pioneers of Relational Theory

V. Pioneers of Relational Theory

A. Sandor Ferenczi1. broke from Freudian tradition near the end

of his life. 2. first developed the idea of mutual

participation of analyst and patient3. returned to Freud’s first theory of

psychopathology-- seduction theorya. psychopathology originates in abuse and its

denialb. technical neutrality of analysis repeats the

trauma of parental code of silence (denial)

A. Sandor Ferenczi1. broke from Freudian tradition near the end

of his life. 2. first developed the idea of mutual

participation of analyst and patient3. returned to Freud’s first theory of

psychopathology-- seduction theorya. psychopathology originates in abuse and its

denialb. technical neutrality of analysis repeats the

trauma of parental code of silence (denial)

Continued…Continued…4. modifications of analytic technique

a. engage in “real” relationship with patients to counteract phoniness of parental relationshipsb. make up for deficits in loving by loving patients more authentically then parents didc. privilege of experience over interpretation and remembering of early experienced. experiments with mutual analysis

1) mutuality--different roles2) symmetry--same roles

4. modifications of analytic techniquea. engage in “real” relationship with patients to counteract phoniness of parental relationshipsb. make up for deficits in loving by loving patients more authentically then parents didc. privilege of experience over interpretation and remembering of early experienced. experiments with mutual analysis

1) mutuality--different roles2) symmetry--same roles

B. Otto RankB. Otto Rank1. also broke from Freudian tradition2. first developed the idea of birth

traumaa. separation from mother traumaticb. fundamental conflict falls along a

continuum1) wish for separation, autonomy, life,

individuality (Bowlby’s exploratory system)

2) wish for merger, dependence, death, loss of self, return to womb (Bowlby’s attachment system)

1. also broke from Freudian tradition2. first developed the idea of birth

traumaa. separation from mother traumaticb. fundamental conflict falls along a

continuum1) wish for separation, autonomy, life,

individuality (Bowlby’s exploratory system)

2) wish for merger, dependence, death, loss of self, return to womb (Bowlby’s attachment system)

Continued…Continued…c. therapist encourage psychological birth

through acts of willd. restoration of confidence activates will

and produces individualitye. acts of merger can produce creativity3. both Ferenczi and Rank represent two

ends of continuuma. Ferenczi- mutuality, merger, and intimacyb. Rank- autonomy, separation, and individuality

c. therapist encourage psychological birth through acts of will

d. restoration of confidence activates will and produces individuality

e. acts of merger can produce creativity3. both Ferenczi and Rank represent two

ends of continuuma. Ferenczi- mutuality, merger, and intimacyb. Rank- autonomy, separation, and individuality

VI. Critique of Relational Theory

VI. Critique of Relational Theory

A. No theory or preexperiential needs that motivate relationships

B. Psychopathology occurs only out of impingements upon a maturational pathway

C. No taxonomy of diagnostic classification of psychopathology

D. A perspectivist position cannot simultaneously privilege relational interventions over others

E. Relational therapist sacrifices his or her position as an older, wiser secure base

A. No theory or preexperiential needs that motivate relationships

B. Psychopathology occurs only out of impingements upon a maturational pathway

C. No taxonomy of diagnostic classification of psychopathology

D. A perspectivist position cannot simultaneously privilege relational interventions over others

E. Relational therapist sacrifices his or her position as an older, wiser secure base