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Page 1: INTERNSHIPS HANDBOOK LEIDEN UNIVERSITY … · Give feedback on and mark the student’s final internship report. ... Any international



Version 3.0 December 2015

Page 2: INTERNSHIPS HANDBOOK LEIDEN UNIVERSITY … · Give feedback on and mark the student’s final internship report. ... Any international


Table of Contents

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2

Internship Basics ...................................................................................................................................... 2

Internship Requirements ......................................................................................................................... 2

Important deadlines ................................................................................................................................ 3

The Internship Step by Step Guideline .................................................................................................... 4

Form A: Guidelines And Format For An Internship Proposal .................................................................. 6

Form B: Cover Sheet Internship .............................................................................................................. 7

Form C: Internship/Research Project Host Registration Form ............................................................... 8

Form D: Guidelines And Format For An Internship Final Report ............................................................ 9

Form E: Internship Evaluation (to be completed by LUC Student) ....................................................... 10

Form F: Internship Performance Evaluation Form (to be completed by the supervisor at the Host

Organisation) ......................................................................................................................................... 12

Checklist Forms and Reports ................................................................................................................. 15

Page 3: INTERNSHIPS HANDBOOK LEIDEN UNIVERSITY … · Give feedback on and mark the student’s final internship report. ... Any international


Introduction Doing an internship provides students at Leiden University College with a great opportunity to apply the

content covered in a classroom setting in real-life situations. This handbook provides a framework to ensure

that this experience is beneficial for all parties involved (student, employer and LUC faculty).

Internship Basics During the LUC internship programme the following key individuals will play a vital role in order to successfully

complete your internship: your tutor, LUC internship supervisor (may be your tutor too), the supervisor of the

host organization and the coordinator of the LUC Internship Programme. The coordinator of the Internship

Programme is Hung-Wah Lam. Questions and documents can be emailed to: [email protected]

The tutor will see whether you satisfy the general eligibility requirements for the internship (i.e. whether the

student is not on academic or social probation, the minimum hours of the internships and whether the

internship suits the study plan of the student).

The LUC supervisor can either be your tutor or somebody else of the LUC Faculty. The LUC supervisor will take

on the following responsibilities

1. Give feedback on the student’s internship proposal.

2. Sign all the required documents for the internship application of the student.

3. Function as the first point of contact both for the student and the internship host organisation during

the internship.

4. Give feedback on and mark the student’s final internship report.

The supervisor of the host organization will be supervising your daily work at the Host Organization, evaluate

your performance at the end of your internship and mark your internship with either a Pass or Fail mark.

The Internship Coordinator supervises the entire internship process: from application to final evaluation and

makes sure that your credit and final grade is being processed by the Registrar. For all questions and in case of

unresolved issues, please contact the Internship Coordinator at [email protected].

Internship Requirements There are two ways of doing internships at LUC. First, all LUC students can participate in internship programs

outside their studies at LUC. Although these are often greatly beneficial to students, these internships will not

be awarded with credits and therefore fall outside the scope of this handbook.

Second, students can apply to take part in the LUC internship programme and make their internship count

towards their degree. In this scenario, an internship may be eligible for an accreditation of a maximum of 5

internal ECTS that count towards the required 180 ECTS of an LUC degree as a 200-level course. Such an

internship will be evaluated with a Pass or Fail mark, and will not count towards the student’s GPA.

Please note that as per 1 January 2016:

- Students must submit the required forms and internship proposal prior to the start of their

internships. Failing to submit these documents in time will lead to an uncredited and unmarked


- Internship credits are can no longer be tagged as part of their major, minor, or Global Citizenship

and will be regarded as internal credits.

- The Final Report and the Internship Evaluation must be submitted within 4 weeks after the last day

of the internship. Missing this deadline will result in a Fail mark for the internship.

In order to apply for this accreditation, the student must at the time of the internship application meet the

following requirements:

1. Students must NOT be on academic or social probation as defined in the student handbook.

2. The internship comprises of at least 140 hours of work (5 ECTS).

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3. The internship has to be part of the student’s study plan at LUC and recognized as such by the

student’s Tutor.

These first 3 steps will be checked by your tutor.

4. The student has completed all the necessary steps as detailed in this internship handbook (see also

the Checklist at the end of this handbook).

5. The internship has to be conducted over:

a. The summer (i.e. outside the academic program of LUC)

b. As a course substitute during the regular academic program in year 2 or 3. In this scenario,

the student must still partake in sufficient courses during the semester resulting in a total,

including internship, of:

i. 60 ECTS during an academic year;

ii. 30 ECTS during a semester;

iii. 15 ECTS during a block.

c. Only in exceptional circumstances will we allow for an internship to be outside requirement

5a or 5b. The Board of Examiners must approve such exceptional circumstances.

Important deadlines It is the student’s own responsibility to have all documents submitted in a timely fashion, both for the

documents that are needed prior to your internship as well those that you need to submit after your internship

in order to obtain the credits and final mark.

Please allow at least 3 weeks to complete steps 1 – 4 (see below). Without the approval of your tutor, LUC

supervisor and the supervisor of the host organisation, students cannot commence their internship.

In order to earn 5 ects for the internships students must satisfy the following rules:

- Have all the filled in and signed by the relevant parties Forms B and C and submitted with the

Internship Proposal before the commencement of the internship to the Internship Coordinator.

- Complete the internship successfully;

- Receive a Pass mark from both the LUC supervisor and the supervisor of the host organization; and

- Submit a Final Report within four weeks after the last day of the internship.

Please allow your LUC supervisor and the Registrar 3 to 4 weeks in order to evaluate your work and processing

your final mark and credits.

A special note to third year students: make sure you submit all documents in time to have your credits

processed before your graduation!

International Internships

Your internship provides an excellent opportunity to go abroad. However, in general a higher level of

verification and background work is required to identify a suitable international partner, and students are

advised to begin the process early if they intend to complete their internship abroad. Also, please familiarize

yourself with the relevant visa and resident/working permits that may be needed (outside the EU). These

procedures will require processing time!

Additional information and requirements necessary for completing an internship with an international partner:

• Visa and resident/working permit requirements for the country where the internship activities are to


• Immunization requirements for the country where the internship activities are to occur;

• A “letter of acceptance” from the local supervisor of the international partner who would directly

supervise your internship, describing the nature of your activities, location and setting, work

environment, expected hours of supervision, and providing appropriate contact information

(telephone and e-mail).

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Any international partner that is an NGO (non-governmental organization generally dedicated to a charitable or

environmental cause) or religious organization must have legal status within the region (i.e., be registered with

the municipality, state, or country) where the internship activities are to occur. The application must state the

type of certification, which may be verified by the Internship Committee.

Do not forget to leave the LUC Internship Coordinator your residential details and emergency contacts!

The Internship Step by Step Guideline

Step 1: Finding an Internship An internship enhances the classroom learning experience provided at LUC. For this reason it is important that

the internship fits well within the plan of study for each individual student. It is the responsibility of the

student to identify an appropriate internship partner, and to discuss this potential internship partner with their


A suitable internship partner should meet the general criteria itemized below. Note that final approval of the

internship partner is by the LUC Internship Committee and occurs as part of the formal review of the internship

application. A suitable internship partner should:

• provide training and mentoring in your area of interests, whether research or work based,

• provide an internship experience that furthers your professional or academic training,

• have a defined supervisor(s),

• provide a safe working environment,

• provide specific tasks and responsibilities.

Step 2a: Discuss with your Tutor / LUC Internship Supervisor

Your Tutor is your first point of contact to discuss the possibilities of an internship. However, you can choose

to have your internship supervised by your Tutor or LUC Internship Supervisor, who is an LUC core staff

member able to supervise your internship. After identifying an internship organization you will need to discuss

with your Tutor, and if applicable your LUC Internship Supervisor, whether it is a suitable organization.

Step 2b: Contacting the Host Organisation

After approval by your Tutor or LUC Internship Advisor you contact the potential host organization. First

impressions count! Make sure you prepare well for this first contact. Think about why you want to join the

organization, what you want to do, when you want to join them etc.

Step 3: Writing your Internship Proposal

Based on your discussions with your Tutor or LUC Internship Advisor and the host organization you have to

write a proposal. For detailed instructions see Appendix A. This document has to be approved by your Tutor

and, if applicable, your LUC Internship Advisor by them signing the coversheet (Appendix B).

Step 4: Inform the Internship Coordinator and submit documents

After you have discussed your internship with your tutor/LUC internship supervisor and the future supervisor at

the Host Organization, please inform the Internship Coordinator by submitting the Internship Proposal (A), the

Cover Sheet Internships (B), and the Internship/Research Host Registration Form (C), and a curriculum vitae

(résumé). Make sure you have completed and submitted these documents prior to the start of your internship.

The internship application is not approved until all signatures have been received on the Internship/Research

Host Registration Form.

Step 6: Enjoy the Internship

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Step 7: Complete Internship

At completion of the internship the student needs to hand in three documents:

• A Final Report (instructions on Form D)

• An evaluation of the internship experience by the student (Form E)

• An evaluation of the student by the supervisor of the internship organisation (Form F)

Students will receive a past or fail mark by LUC supervisor (based on the report) and the supervisor of the

internship organisation (based on the Intern Performance Evaluation, Form F). Both assessments (i.e. Tutor or

LUC Internship Advisor and the Supervisor at the host institution) have to be a Pass in order to receive

credits for the internship.

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Form A: Guidelines And Format For An Internship Proposal

The internship proposal must be well written and organized, and includes a description of how your proposed

internship fits within your long term and immediate educational goals. This should mention specific LUC

learning outcomes, as well as how the internship you propose complements your broader curriculum. While

specific information in regards to your activities and assessment will be clearer after you have started your

internship, try to include as much information as possible at this point. The proposal can only be completed

after a partner is identified.

Contents of the internship proposal:

1. Title page: to include name, address, contact information, student ID #, major, date.

2. The Internship Proposal must be signed by your

3. Body of the proposal:

a. Introduction: overview of yourself, motivation for wanting to do an internship

b. Description of the partner: profile, history of organisation, location

c. Rationale for this internship partner: how does this partner fit within your larger educational goals

and curriculum? What specific course materials (skills, concepts, topics) will your internship draw

upon? How does it fit within your major?

d. Nature of activities: how will your days be structured (hours per task/duty)? Will your work

change during your internship? Is the work independent or within a team?

e. Describe internship in context of organisational hierarchy: how will your internship activities fit

within the organisation (as much as possible at this point)

f. Assessment: How will your work with the partner be evaluated? Try to answer this from the

standpoint of format, content, and timing.

a) Format: Will the partner supervisor provide oral or written feedback to you and/or LUC?

b) Content: Will the partner provide you with specific criteria, deadlines, and/or goals in which

your activities will be assessed?

c) Timing: Will your work be evaluated on a regular basis or at the end of the internship?

g. Both your LUC Supervisor and Supervisor of the Host Organization must sign the internship

proposal (last page) to prove that they have read and agree with the proposal.

Important note: as of 1 January 2016 it is no longer possible to have your internship credits count towards

your major, minor or Global Citizenship. It will be regarded as an elective course.

Formatting guidelines:

• 1,250 – 1,500 words

• double spaced

• Font: Times New Roman, size: 12 pt.

• 2.5 cm page margins

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Form B: Cover Sheet Internship

Student Information

Name of student: ____________________________________________________________________________

Student ID: _________________________________________________________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________

Name of Tutor: ______________________________________________________________________________

LUC Supervisor’s Advisor name: ________________________________________________________________

Year Entered LUC: ___________________________________________________________________________

Total ECTS*: ____________________________ Overall GPA*: ________________________________________

*As indicated on your most current transcript.

Internship Program Information

Title of Proposed Internship: ___________________________________________________________________

Type of Internship: Research based / Work based (encircle one)

Name of Internship Host Organization: ___________________________________________________________

Name of Internship Supervisor at Host Organization: Mr/Ms:_________________________________________

Location of Internship (city and country): _________________________________________________________

Start date (dd/mm/yyyy): ________________________ End Date (dd/mm/yyyy):_____________________________

Address of Internship Partner:__________________________________________________________________

Contact information for Supervisor:_____________________________________________________________

Phone no.:__________________________________________________________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________

Approval Signatures

1. Student: ________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

2a. Tutor: _________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

2b. LUC supervisor*: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________

3. Supervisor Host Organisation:_______________________________________________ Date: ____________

4. Internship Coordinator: ____________________________________________________ Date: ____________

*If your Tutor will also act as your LUC Supervisor, please leave this line blank.

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Form C: Internship/Research Project Host Registration Form

Student Information (to be completed by the student)

Name of student: ___________________________________________________________________

Email: ____________________________________________________________________________

Host information (to be completed by the internship or research supervisor)

Name of Host Organization ___________________________________________________________

Address of Host Organization (street, city, postcode, country)________________________________



Name and title of supervisor (Mr/Ms/Dr/other) ___________________________________________

Supervisor phone___________________________________________________________________

Supervisor email____________________________________________________________________

Please indicate the industry your organisation represents___________________________________

Are you able and willing to conduct a written performance evaluation with your intern?

Yes or No

May we contact you, if necessary, for further feedback regarding your experience with your LUC intern?

Yes or No

Would you be interested in posting other internship or full time employment opportunities to LUC students?

Yes or No

Student Project Information (to be completed by student and internship supervisor of the host organization)

Project start date___________ Project end date______________ Hours per week___________

Salary or stipend provided? Yes No If yes, amount_____________

Are any additional expenses (housing, board, transportation, other) provided?

Yes No If yes, explain _________________________________________________

Comments (if any)

Approval Signatures (to be signed in order)

1. Student: _________________________________________________ Date: ____________

2. Supervisor at Host Organisation: ______________________________ Date: ____________


Please email this form to: [email protected]

Thank you for your co-operation.

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Form D: Guidelines And Format For An Internship Final Report

The internship final report is a description and reflection of your internship experience. Your internship is not

completed until both the Final Report and the Intern Performance Evaluation Form are accepted by the

Internship Coordinator. The Final Report must be well organized and well written, and directly addresses the

sections below. The Final Report will be evaluated by your LUC Internship Supervisor who will mark it with a

Pass or Fail mark. The final report must be submitted within 4 weeks after the last day of your internship.

The report should contain the following sections:

2. Title page: to include name, address, contact information, student ID no., and date.

3. Please include all of the following points in your final report:

a) Description of partner and your internship activities: provide a brief overview of your specific activities

within the broader context of the partner’s mission

b) Knowledge gained: What new information or knowledge was gained from the efforts associated with

your internship?

c) Learning outcomes: What LUC learning outcomes did your internship contribute to?

d) Curriculum: how did your internship complement or build upon your LUC curriculum? Be specific in

terms of course topics, concepts, and technical skills.

e) Reflection: What lessons have you learned from your experience? Have you modified your long-term

goals as a result of the internship?

Formatting guidelines:

• 2,500 – 3,000 words

• Double spaced

• Font: Times New Roman; size: 12 pt.

• 2.5 cm page margins

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Form E: Internship Evaluation (to be completed by LUC Student)

Please email this report to [email protected]. This report will be filed for monitoring purposes and

information may be shared with other LUC students seeking internship or research projects. This report must

be completed and submitted to the Internship Coordinator within 4 weeks after the last day of your internship.

Student information

Name _____________________________________________________ Class Year ______________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________

How did you find this internship? _______________________________________________________________

Host information

Name and title of direct supervisor______________________________________________________________

Organisation name __________________________________________________________________________

Address of organisation (street, city, postcode, country) ____________________________________________



Supervisor phone _______________________________ Supervisor email ______________________________

Organisation website ________________________________________________________________________

Project information

Internship/Project title _______________________________________________________________________

Project start date _________________________ Project end date ____________________________________

Days per week ___________________________ Hours per week _____________________________________

Was position or expenses (e.g. housing, transportation) paid? Yes No

If yes, amount_____________

If no, were you able to locate other sources of funding, and from where?

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Describe your internship responsibilities. What skills did you acquire or develop? Compare what you

expected to learn with what you did learn.

What did you learn about yourself from this experience?

How were you able to use your LUC experience (in and out of class) during the internship?

How has the internship affected your future education and career plans?

What advice would you give to a student who is interested in this Internship? Would you recommend this


What proportion of your internship has a clear academic content, whether in the tasks rendered, the subject

knowledge and methodologies practiced, or the outcomes achieved?

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Form F: Internship Performance Evaluation Form (to be completed by the

supervisor at the Host Organisation)

The LUC Internship Programme would appreciate your evaluation of your intern’s performance. Feedback

from supervisors is very valuable to students as they develop their careers. We value your professional and

honest opinion. We kindly ask you to fill in this form and send a copy directly to the LUC’s Internships Office for


Please email this form to [email protected] or send it to

Leiden University College

Internship Office (ATTN: Mr H.W. Lam)

Anna van Buerenplein 301

2595 DG The Hague (The Netherlands)

Intern Information

Name of intern ______________________________________________________________________________

Job title ____________________________________________________________________________________

Host Organization Information

Name and title of supervisor (Mr/Ms/Dr/other) ___________________________________________________

Name and title of direct supervisor (if different from sponsor) _______________________________________

Organisation name __________________________________________________________________________

Address of organisation (street, city, postcode, country) ____________________________________________



Supervisor phone ___________________________________________________________________________

Supervisor email ____________________________________________________________________________

Organisation website _________________________________________________________________________

Signature ______________________________________________

Please rate the intern’s performance on the following areas of competency using the following scale:

5=excellent: this rating should be used to identify performance which consistently exceeds standards and expectations

4=above average: performance consistently meets and occasionally may exceed all goals and objectives and the

expectations of your internship programme.

3=average: performance consistently meets goals and objectives of your internship programme

2=below average: performance meets some but not all of the goals and objectives and expectations of your internship

programme. Further internship experience and coaching may be needed to raise performance to ‘average’.

1=unsatisfactory: performance is consistently below the expectations of your internship programme. Performance fails to

meet goals and objectives that have been discussed and therefore, is at an unacceptable level.

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Adjust to work environment ____


Relationships/Collaboration with co-workers and supervisor(s) ____


Response to supervision and constructive criticism ____


Dependability ____


Communication Skills (both verbal and written) ____


Ability to learn ____


Attendance/punctuality ____


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Do you feel this student has developed skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary to build a career in this field?

What suggestions can you offer the student to enhance his/her career development and future job searches?

Would you recommend this student for permanent or full-time employment? Yes No

Have you reviewed this evaluation with your intern/student researcher? Yes No

Other Comments:

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Checklist Forms and Reports

Prior to the start of the internship

Form To completed by To signed by Send to

A. Internship Proposal Student - LUC Supervisor

- Supervisor Host


Internship Coordinator ([email protected])

B. Cover sheet Internships Student - Student

- Tutor

- LUC Supervisor

- Supervisor Host


Internship Coordinator ([email protected])

C. Internship/Research Host Registration


- student

- Supervisor Host


- student

- Supervisor Host


Internship Coordinator ([email protected])

After the internship

Form To completed by To signed by Send to

D. Final Report* Student N/A - Internship Coordinator ([email protected])

- LUC internship supervisor

E. Internship Evaluation* Student N/A Internship Coordinator ([email protected])

F. Intern Performance Evaluation Form^ Supervisor Host


Supervisor Host


Internship Coordinator [email protected]

or by regular mail to

Leiden University College

Internship Office


Anna van Buerenplein 301

2595 DG The Hague

The Netherlands

* The Final Report and the Internship Evaluation must be submitted within 4 weeks counting from the last day of your


^ The Intern Performance Evaluation Form must be filled in and signed by your Supervisor of the Host Organization and

send directly to the Internship Coordinator (per email or regular mail).