internship lesson summary · internship lesson summary observation information candidate: madison...

Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 rd grade (rounding) Observation Time/Date: 10:20 4/8/19 School: Sidney Deener University Supervisor: Dr. Douglass Student Demographic Information (1b) 23 Total # of Students 8-9 Age Range 15 Male students 23 English Language Proficient 8 Female students X Limited English Language Proficiency Ethnicity: Exceptionalities and/or Variances: 7 African American or Black, Non-Hispanic X Blind or visually impaired Asian, Asian-American, or Pacific Islander X Deaf or hearing impaired Mexican American or Chicano 1 Developmentally disabled Native American, Inuit or Aleut X Emotionally or behaviorally disabled Puerto Rican 2 Gifted 1 Other Hispanic 3 Learning disabled 15 White, Non-Hispanic X Physically disabled Other (please specify) X Other (please specify) Demonstrating Knowledge of Students (1b) Clearly explain how you actively show respect for and seek knowledge of students’ backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests, and special needs. Discussion with my CT has given me insight into my students’ backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests and special needs. I am tasked with grading papers and am able to evaluate each student’s work. I was given the substitute binder that provides additional information on special circumstances for several students. I give write students affirmations weekly and place them in their bucket. How have you learned about your students? How has that knowledge affected your teaching? (Provide documentation) I greet the students each morning as they come in the room, as well as say goodbye to them on their way out at the end of the day. On my first day, we conducted a Q and A session so that the students were able each able to ask me at least one question and I was able to hear their answer to the chosen question. During our launch time, several students are chosen to share good things. Most of the learning about my students that I have done comes from my CT and discussions with her as things arise.

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Page 1: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

Internship Lesson Summary

Observation Information

Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz

Grade/Subject: 3rd grade (rounding) Observation Time/Date: 10:20 4/8/19

School: Sidney Deener University Supervisor: Dr. Douglass

Student Demographic Information (1b)

23 Total # of Students 8-9 Age Range

15 Male students 23 English Language Proficient

8 Female students X Limited English Language Proficiency

Ethnicity: Exceptionalities and/or Variances:

7 African American or Black, Non-Hispanic X Blind or visually impaired

Asian, Asian-American, or Pacific Islander X Deaf or hearing impaired

Mexican American or Chicano 1 Developmentally disabled

Native American, Inuit or Aleut X Emotionally or behaviorally disabled

Puerto Rican 2 Gifted

1 Other Hispanic 3 Learning disabled

15 White, Non-Hispanic X Physically disabled

Other (please specify) X Other (please specify)

Demonstrating Knowledge of Students (1b) Clearly explain how you actively show respect for and seek knowledge of students’ backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests, and special needs. Discussion with my CT has given me insight into my students’ backgrounds, cultures, skills, language proficiency, interests and special needs. I am tasked with grading papers and am able to evaluate each student’s work. I was given the substitute binder that provides additional information on special circumstances for several students. I give write students affirmations weekly and place them in their bucket.

How have you learned about your students? How has that knowledge affected your teaching? (Provide documentation)

I greet the students each morning as they come in the room, as well as say goodbye to them on their way out at the end of the day. On my first day, we conducted a Q and A session so that the students were able each able to ask me at least one question and I was able to hear their answer to the chosen question. During our launch time, several students are chosen to share good things. Most of the learning about my students that I have done comes from my CT and discussions with her as things arise.

Page 2: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy (1a) Content Standard(s): (1a) Corresponding Learning Outcome(s): (1c)


Students will be able to use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.

How do these standards and goals” fit in” with the broader curriculum? What prerequisite relations exist between important concepts and what misconceptions might arise? They are directly aligned with the common core standards of number and operations in base ten Mathematics for third grade. These goals fit directly into the common core math standards. Broad concepts of this would be using place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. Key Concept: · Students will use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. The students have already been taught the concept of rounding but have been struggling with it since I arrived. The rounding rollercoaster concept that was originally used has caused several misconceptions with the image used. I hope that this approach to the concept is more concrete. The number “7” on the worksheet looks different because of the font used, so I will make sure to discuss that before allowing them to begin the assignment.

Setting Instructional Goals and Outcomes (1c) Why have you chosen the instructional outcomes? How do they align with the standards and reflect high-level learning?

These outcomes are included in the Third Grade Mathematics Common Core Standards. Students begin to use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic. This skill will be assessed in their ACT Aspire math test at the end of the year. This lesson will require the students to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reasoning abstractly and quantitatively will be required throughout the lesson in the class discussion and assessment. Each student will be required to model with mathematics. They also must use appropriate tools strategically and be precise in the understanding of place value.

Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources (1d) What resources, including appropriate technology, if needed, are available to you through the school, district, or community to enhance your teaching? This could include materials, resources, and people with whom you might collaborate.

Page 3: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

● Ms. Lentz

● Rounding Rollercoaster Anchor Chart

● Projector

What instructional materials will you use in this lesson? What technology will you use?

● Rounding Anchor Chart ● Balloons ● Rounding Worksheet ● Pencils

● Number cards

Designing Coherent Instruction (1e) How are your learning experiences aligned to instructional outcomes?

The students will review the rules of rounding and rounding strategy that they have already learned. I will teach them a new strategy to solve these problems, model the strategy for them, and then allow the students to practice independently by completing a worksheet.

How have you coordinated knowledge of content, of students, and of resources within your lesson design?

This lesson is more of a review of a concept that the students have already been taught, but have obviously been struggling with. While I won’t be teaching an entirely new concept, I will be teaching it in an entirely new way providing the students with a different solving strategy. After discussion with my CT, we realized that the rounding rollercoaster idea has confused many of them, so we plan to use a more kinesthetic activity and new anchor chart after getting feedback from the students on the level of confusion. My knowledge of the content, students and resources within my lesson design allows me to create an activity that will reach all levels of students in my classroom, using the resources provided for me. How will the instruction engage students in significant learning? Explain. (Webb’s DoK, Bloom’s, etc.)

Students will be required to recall, use extended thinking, strategic thinking and use the skills and concepts of place value to complete this activity (each level of the DOK). Students will have to recall information about place value, understand how to recognize each 10 and 100 place value, and use the information to solve the problem.

How will you group students for instruction? Why have you chosen this grouping?

The students will be in whole group for the instruction portion and then will be given their own individual balloon to help the concept really sink in. I will have groups of students coming up to help solve several problems with the whole group helping. I will model how to solve the problems using the new strategy and then allow the students to work independently to complete the rounding practice worksheet. This is a skill that the students have been struggling with and need to be able to complete on an independent basis for testing. What teaching methods have you chosen for this lesson? (What will the teacher do?) Why?

Activate Background Knowledge ● Review rounding rules

● Lead class discussion before the activity discussing the new anchor chart

● Guide helping groups through problem solving

Mini-Lesson ● I will introduce the new rounding strategy to the students and model how to solve practice problems

using their math notebooks.

Page 4: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

● The students will get to explore using their own balloon to solve practice problems.

I have chosen this method because it is in line with the gradual release of learning model. We began as a whole class, refreshing our knowledge on rounding. Gradually, through discussion and group collaboration the students will solve practice problems as I model the strategy and then will complete the worksheet independently. This method allows students to put into practice the new rounding strategy used to round in the 10's and 100's place.

Designing Student Assessment (1f) How and when do you plan to evaluate student learning? (Formative, summative, informal, etc.)

The students will be coming up to help me solve problems using strategies outlined on the anchor chart as I help them model problem solving. The formal assessment will consist of the rounding worksheet that the students will complete individually for a grade.

How are these assessments aligned with the standards and learning outcomes and appropriate for students?

The assessments directly correlate with the standards and learning objectives laid out for this lesson. Students will be given the opportunity to show their understanding of using place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 place.

How will your students self-assess?

The students will be able to self-assess during our teacher-guided group activity. As I am working practice problems on the board with one group, the other students will be able to evaluate their own understanding. While working on the worksheet, students will be able to self-assess and choose the strategy that works best for them to solve the problems.

How will you use the assessment results to inform future instruction?

After grading the rounding worksheet, I will be able to evaluate the level of understanding in the whole group. Based on the level of understanding, I will teach another mini-lesson on rounding that will focus on the main issue that is presented based on the assessment.

Managing Classroom Procedures (2c) What are the most important classroom routines that will be in operation during the observed lesson? Provide a written description

of: classroom discipline policy AND routines that will be used (e.g., collecting papers, reviewing homework, safety, etc.). When at their desks during instruction students are expected to raise their hand and sit quietly during the lesson. The school uses a “time-out” motion that serves as a signal to students to stop talking and put the sign up, waiting for further instruction. The classroom discipline policy includes a social contract warning, 4 questions, clipping down or recess time, parent contact, and then behavior out. One student is chosen as the helper each day and will be asked to complete various tasks for the teacher throughout the day. Once an assignment is completed, the students are expected to place it in the correct basket. The groups are called by the days of the week, beginning with that day and going on.

Are there any special circumstances that the observer should be aware of in order to understand what will occur during the scheduled observation? If so, please explain. (e.g., behavior patterns of students, interruptions, etc.)

Page 5: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

The students will be completing the math lesson after switching from Mrs. Shucker's room. Beginning with a math lesson will be a little out of their normal routine, as they usually come in and begin a writing lesson instead of math. The students are often given a water/restroom break during this time as a whole group if needed. Two students will be leaving for resource at 10:45 and will have to leave during the lesson. The students will likely be working on this assignment until lunch time, but are not expected to finish the math assignment because they are given more time after activity. We got a new student last Wednesday that is still learning the procedures and expectations.

Organizing Physical Space (2e) Is there anything about the physical environment that might affect your students during the observation? (e.g., new class pet, construction, new seating arrangement, etc.)

The math instruction is completed with the students seated at their desks. The projector is located in the front left of the room, to display the worksheet I will have to be seated work on the desk in the front.

**On a separate sheet of paper, provide a simply sketch of the instructional space that will be used during the observation.

Maintaining Accurate Records (4b) How have you kept your personal records up-to-date and accurate? (e.g., your attendance record, forms, etc.)

At the end of each week, I have my CT initial my attendance record that is kept in my teaching binder brought to class with me each day. I have a planner that has each due date for my classes, the syllabus and Canvas all easily at my disposal while at school.

How have you maintained instructional records in an accurate, efficient, and effective way? (e.g., lesson plans, student work, RTI documented, etc.) I have copies of each week’s newsletter, weekly outline and lesson plans ordered in my binder. I am responsible for grading most assignments completed and organizing them by their numbers so they can easily be placed in the gradebook. I am responsible for handling and organizing all folders in the morning and afternoon, collecting anything returned to school such as permission slips, lunch money, and signed papers.

Communicating with Families (4c) How do you communicate with the parents or guardians of students in the class? How and for what reasons? (**Provide artifacts with this submission.)

Page 6: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

One of my jobs is to fill the students’ mailbox each day with their classwork and other various papers sent home to parents. Each morning the students come in and it is my job to check their red folder, which contains a keep at home and return to school side. I make sure to check for any notes from parents in the folder as well as check their monthly calendar that is supposed to be signed and checked by the parent each night. I was able to meet several of the parents at the Muffins with Moms event that the school held in March. I also was able to meet some parents during the Honor's Assembly in March.

Participation in a Professional Community (4d) How do you coordinate learning activities with your cooperating teacher?

I am given a printed copy of the lesson plans for each week just as all the teachers in the grade level have to use to prep for my lessons. I am working to take over various lessons and plan with my CT as to what I am willing to take over. We brief each lesson before teaching to make sure that we are on the same page.

In what ways do you participate in the professional community of the school? (**Provide artifacts.)

I attend every PLC that my CT has to go through. I am a part of the grade level planning meetings that happen each week. I have been a part of a district level meeting for math that took place last month. My CT is a part of the Leadership Committee that meets once a month and I attend those meetings with her. I have also attended a school board meeting in my previous placement in the same school district.

How have you built and maintained positive and productive relationships with colleagues?

I have lunch with my grade level team every day. The team brings me the materials needed for the next week so that I am able to get each of their copies ran for the following week. I learned the procedures of my classroom quickly so that I am able to contribute without constant reminders.

Growing and Developing Professionally (4e) Explain how you have self- assessed and identified your personal learning needs. How have you engaged in opportunities for professional development in this area?

Page 7: Internship Lesson Summary · Internship Lesson Summary Observation Information Candidate: Madison Poen Cooperating Teacher: Wendy Lentz Grade/Subject: 3 r d grade (rounding) Observation

Throughout my placement, I have been teaching lessons randomly and am working toward taking over more lessons on a regular basis in the classroom. I reflect on each lesson that I have taught and have conducted several professional growth plans based on my observation evaluations. I am a part of all professional development meetings that my CT is a part of, as well as completing my own professional development based on my HUFEOS scoring rubric.

Demonstrating Professionalism (4f) How have you displayed a high level of ethics and professionalism while interacting with your students, teachers, and school community? How have you complied with school and district regulations?

I have displayed a high level of ethics and professionalism while interacting with my teachers, students and school community by complying with school and district regulations. I maintain accurate records filing copies of the weekly lesson plans, as well as keeping logging all of my activity on a weekly basis.