internet safety

Internet Safety Internet Safety Tips to Keep Students safe while Exploring the ‘net Robin Nappi EdTech 541 Fall 2011

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Page 1: Internet safety

Internet SafetyInternet SafetyInternet SafetyInternet SafetyTips to Keep Students safe while

Exploring the ‘net

Robin Nappi

EdTech 541

Fall 2011

Tips to Keep Students safe while

Exploring the ‘net

Robin Nappi

EdTech 541

Fall 2011

Page 2: Internet safety

Internet SafetyInternet Safety

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Page 3: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…Should I join this site?What should I think about before setting

up my account?

Should I join this site?What should I think about before setting

up my account?

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Page 4: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…Once I have a page, who should I let see


Once I have a page, who should I let see it?

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Page 5: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…What information about myself should I


What information about myself should I post?

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Page 6: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…What should I use for a screen name?What should I use for a screen name?

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Page 7: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…Are there limits as to what I should put

on my page?

Are there limits as to what I should put on my page?

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Page 8: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…But I can take this stuff down before I

apply to college, right?

But I can take this stuff down before I apply to college, right?

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Page 9: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…It’s safe to chat with anyone online,


It’s safe to chat with anyone online, right?

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Page 10: Internet safety

With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…With Social Networking, Your Safety’s at Sake…What if I feel uncomfortable with

someone who contacts me online?

What if I feel uncomfortable with someone who contacts me online?

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Page 11: Internet safety

Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What are viruses?What are viruses?

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Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What is spyware?What is spyware?

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Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What are botnets?What are botnets?

Image source:screenshot, rnappi

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Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

How do I protect myself?How do I protect myself?

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Page 15: Internet safety

Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What does Anti-Virus software do?What does Anti-Virus software do?

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Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What does a Firewall do?What does a Firewall do?

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Safety Concerns in General…

Safety Concerns in General…

What does Anti-Spyware do?What does Anti-Spyware do?

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Page 18: Internet safety

The Case of the Cyber Criminal

The Case of the Cyber Criminal

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Page 19: Internet safety

Where Do I Find More Information?

Where Do I Find More Information?