internet business plan: part i-iii -...

Consulting Wi! Tue Internet Business Plan: Part I-III Nina Stockman Internet Business • Columbia College Chicago • May 10, 2013

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Page 1: Internet Business Plan: Part I-III - Business Plan: Part I INTRODUCTION • MISSION STATEMENT • VALUE PROPOSITION

Consulting Wi! TulleInternet Business Plan: Part I-III

Nina StockmanInternet Business • Columbia College Chicago • May 10, 2013

Page 2: Internet Business Plan: Part I-III - Business Plan: Part I INTRODUCTION • MISSION STATEMENT • VALUE PROPOSITION

Consulting Wi! TulleInternet Business Plan: Part I


Introduction to Business

Consulting With Tulle is a blog that will cover wedding trends, including analysis

and a comprehensive understanding of the latest movements within the industry.

Furthermore, this blog will provide wedding advice and information for couples, both

pre- and post-marriage. Topics to be discussed will range from the early planning stages

of the ceremony and reception, following through the actual execution of the celebration

as well as what to do after the conclusion of the wedding into the beginnings of married

life. It is, at its core, strictly a service as opposed to a product-based business. Most

importantly, however, is that the blog will chronicle my personal experience within the

bridal industry. One of the most effective ways to establish oneself in the wedding

profession is by building an online reputation associated with the internet bridal

community. As I intend to pursue a career in this industry, having an online following

would be incredibly beneficial. While I don’t intend for this blog to be a major source of

income (as will be discussed within this outline), it would still help further me on both a

professional and personal level.

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Business Mission Statement

Consulting With Tulle is dedicated to providing inspiration for weddings, as

well as giving an inside look at working within the bridal industry. With an

emphasis on individuality, creativity, and practicality, this blog follows the

experiences of a young bridal consultant as she makes her way through the

wedding industry, while she shares her knowledge and insight with brides as

they work to plan their own weddings.

Online Value Proposition

The online value proposition statement for Consulting With Tulle is

straightforward: “Bridal inspiration and advice from a young consultant as she makes

her way in the wedding industry.” This OVP summarizes the intention of the site in a

concise manner to effectively convey the purpose of the blog to potential readers. It also

works to differentiate Consulting With Tulle from other wedding blogs. Whereas most

wedding blogs’ OVPs will simply mention “wedding advice” or “bridal inspiration,” the

Consulting With Tulle OVP includes the factor of this being advice from someone

actively working within the bridal industry. This automatically sets this blog apart as an

expert source of wedding insight, which will attract readers looking for a more

personalized and trustworthy reference as opposed to a business-oriented blog.

Finally, this OVP will also appeal to anyone looking to begin their own career in

the wedding industry. As it’s not a field as straightforward as, say, chemical engineering,

it can be difficult to break into. The fact that this blog will follow my own progress in

starting my wedding career makes it useful to others intending to do the same. Even if

they’re only considering it, the insight into what it’s like to work in bridal will aid them

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in making their decision. This targets a demographic of college students that is typically

ignored in bridal blogs, thus significantly expanding my potential audience.

Business Model

The model for Consulting With Tulle is a cross between an Advertising Platform

and Personal Establishment. As mentioned, this blog is not intended to be a fully-

profitable e-business. It is meant for building my online reputation and establishing a

following within the online wedding community.

Any revenue will be acquired via advertising. Most likely, this will be done using

Google AdSense, as it’s a service I’ve grown familiar with through running my YouTube

channel. Ads will be tailored towards bridal and fashion, as well as home goods,

particularly those for which brides can register. However, the blog will not have ads to

begin with. I want to maintain a simplistic, clean design to make the blog more

appealing to readers; overcrowding it with ads at the beginning can make a website look

cheap and ill-maintained. Therefore I’ll be waiting until I have a significant readership

before introducing advertisements to the site. By that point, my audience will hopefully

be loyal to reading my blog, and the introduction of ads won’t turn them away.

As my blog continues to grow, I may consider adding a personal consulting

service. Brides could contact me through my website to request design and planning

advice for their weddings, possibly for a reasonable fee. This service could also

potentially include online chat sessions, where I will set a time and date during which

I’ll be online, and then readers can speak with me directly about anything they want in

relation to weddings. During this sessions, I could provide advice relating to personal

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weddings, breaking into the industry, and so on. This would establish direct interaction

with my readers, making me appear more reachable, instead of some invisible face

behind a computer screen. The value of starting this service would depend largely on

whether or not my blog is successful, so for the time being, it is only a speculative idea.

I will also use the site to acquire freelance writing projects, such as articles, or

perhaps even speaking engagements at bridal expos or similar events.

Online Revenue Model

The revenue model for Consulting With Tulle is based on CPM advertising. Most

blogs make money via advertising, specifically through impressions. As readers are on

the blogs with the intention of reading the content, they’re less likely to click on

advertisements that would distract them from their purpose of visiting the site in the

first place, therefore making an impression-based advertising model more practical.

While a CPC model would increase revenue, it would not be the logical choice for my

blog, especially during its early stages. As my audience grows, I may consider switching

to the CPC model if I feel that the ads are appealing enough for readers to click on them,

but for the moment, a CPM system will be effective enough.

Marketplace Evaluation

The main target audience for Consulting With Tulle will be young women,

particularly those who are engaged or expecting to become engaged in the future and are

thus seeking wedding inspiration. An additional target audience will be college students

or others interested in pursuing a career in the bridal industry.

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Soon-to-be-brides are constantly looking for tips and inspiration for their

upcoming weddings. The internet has become their main source for findings these

things, and bridal blogs are especially popular for this purpose (Copage). Brides are

always looking for a second opinion when it comes to every aspect of their weddings

plans, and by providing advice and insight to the industry, they will be able to get that

from my blog.

That being said, the competition is certainly steep. The bridal blogging

community tends to be a bit over-saturated. In order to garner attention, I will

differentiate myself by the fact that I’m young, therefore possessing unique insight as

opposed to the women who have been either involved in the industry for many years, or

those already working in it who “know the game.” Despite being young, I also have an

education in fashion, and I have first-hand experience working with bridal fashion,

which makes me a reputable source instead of the typical lifestyle blogger.

As far as potential partners are concerned, the most appropriate partners for me

would be other bridal and lifestyle bloggers. By establishing networking connections

within the community, I can expand my own audience by gaining readers from the

audiences of those blogs.

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Consulting Wi! TulleInternet Business Plan: Part II


Business Strategy

The strategy for Consulting With Tulle is very straight-forward. The main

channels that will be utilized to build an audience will be Facebook and Twitter. To

begin with, I will use my own personal social networks to promote my blog, and as my

audience grows, I will create specific profiles for the blog (i.e. a Facebook Fan Page and a

dedicated Twitter feed).

I will also make use of sites such as Blogluvin’ to encourage people to follow my

blog; through this service, I can track how many followers my blog has, as well as see

what other blogs my audience reads in order to determine potential partners or other

ways to differentiate my content. WordPress also offers services to track consumer

statistics, such as demographics, which I can use to focus on my target audience.

In order to prevent being overextended between different focuses (as the act of

starting a blog involves many steps and can be overwhelming), I have created an outline

of tasks, beginning with the most immediate priorities:

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• Develop a cohesive design and identity for the blog. This includes title,

layout, graphics, etc.

• Create content. Aim for 10-15 quality posts so the blog has a good amount

of content as a base.

• Purchase domain name. (Technically this should be done at the

beginning, but I personally don’t want to make a monetary investment until

I’m 100% certain that this blog is an endeavor I want to continue long-


• Set up Google Analytics.

• Begin promoting blog through social networks, such as Facebook

and Twitter.

• Establish a consistent posting schedule. Aim for 1-2 times per week to

begin with, i.e. every Tuesday and Friday.

• Network through specific blogging sites (WordPress, Blogluvin’).

• Contact similar blogs about establishing promotional relationships/


Throughout all of these stages, the most important priority is differentiation. It

is vital that I demonstrate how my blog offers my audience value that they can’t find

anywhere else - specifically, my personal insight to the wedding industry and the

insider’s look I can provide for them. The only way to do this is by consistently

producing new, original content.

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- unique perspective (young, working within the industry, educated in fashion)

- quality writer- experienced in design

and website functionality

- still a student; not working consistently/on a daily basis

- age (may not be viewed as “reliable”)

- procrastination (may fall behind in posting schedule)

- low income (not enough financial support to invest in promotional services)

- blogging is a consistently growing industry

- many connections on social networks; can be used for initial promotional strategies

- several friends with lifestyle blogs; can utilize them as affiliates

- online wedding community is over-saturated


MY BLOG: A new start-up blog can offer more personalized advice and content, as the author has a smaller audience that s/he can connect with. Thus, the blog can be tailored specifically to the audience’s needs, and the audience can feel as if they have an influence on the content and are active participants. The bridal community is always looking for new sources of inspiration and innovation on tried-and-true traditions.

MY BLOG: A new start-up blog can offer more personalized advice and content, as the author has a smaller audience that s/he can connect with. Thus, the blog can be tailored specifically to the audience’s needs, and the audience can feel as if they have an influence on the content and are active participants. The bridal community is always looking for new sources of inspiration and innovation on tried-and-true traditions.

MY COMPETITION: Well-established sites such as The Knot and WeddingBee are seen a reputable sources of knowledge within the wedding community. These are go-to websites for all members of the bridal industry and, especially in the case of The Knot, are viewed as the ultimate experts. This is where brides will go for the majority of their wedding planning, while individual blogs like mine are used more for the detail inspiration.

MY COMPETITION: Well-established sites such as The Knot and WeddingBee are seen a reputable sources of knowledge within the wedding community. These are go-to websites for all members of the bridal industry and, especially in the case of The Knot, are viewed as the ultimate experts. This is where brides will go for the majority of their wedding planning, while individual blogs like mine are used more for the detail inspiration.

Customer Relationship Management Strategy

Communication on Consulting With Tulle will occur primarily via comments on

entries. Customers will use names and emails when commenting, as well as optionally

linking to their own websites, which will allow me to identify them as potential, regular,

and loyal customers. If they choose to include a link to their own website, it can further

help me identify them by their marital status, occupation, and so on.

As most of my readers will be in the same general demographic, the best way to

differentiate them will be via their marital status and life cycles. Additional factors

include their preferences in wedding designs, budgets, location, and religion. I will be

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sure to tailor my content to a variety of these groups (i.e. posts about wedding planning

for those who are engaged; lifestyle content for those who are married; industry

information for students).

Because Consulting With Tulle is a blog, the site itself will not be customizable.

However, customers can control how they receive updates, whether it’s via a blog reader,

email, etc.

The easiest method for me to gain customer info will be via polls and surveys.

When it comes to blog audiences, they do not require much incentive to participate.

That being said, offering giveaways, sweepstakes, and discount codes from partners to

those who participate in these surveys is certainly an option.

A potential extension for loyal customers is that once I have a specific idea of who

my customers are, I can offer them personalized wedding advice and content.

Due to the nature of blogging, there are not many opportunities for re-selling/

cross-selling/etc. strategies. However, I could possibly incorporate a promotion-based

referral system where my readers can mention my blog when purchasing or using

services from my partners and receive a discount. This will attract both readers and

business partners to Consulting With Tulle.

Customer Acquisition & Supply Chain Management

The majority of my advertising will be done through social media platforms that

require little to no monetary investment. As such, the cost per acquisition of my

customers will be very low. Most blogs rely on word-of-mouth, affiliation, and search

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engine optimization in order to expand their audience, and I will be using these methods

to their fullest extent before considering any alternatives. At most, I may run a handful

of Facebook ad campaigns, but that acquisition technique will be postponed until my

blog is better established. At this stage, if I make any sort of financial investment in

terms of advertising, it will be to improve my SEO ranking so that I reach more potential

readers via sites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

The main “product” of Consulting With Tulle is bridal advice, inspiration, and

industry insight in the form of blog posts. The content is not a physical product,

therefore it does not require any materials. The only investment is my time (which does

incur some form of opportunity cost but requires no monetary contribution or

contractual agreements to obtain).

There is currently only one person necessary to create the blog’s product - myself,

being the sole author. I function as both the writer and manager of the content. In the

future, perhaps more contributors may be added as the blog grows and the audience

expands, but for now, the only contributor is myself.




A simple way to incorporate a pull strategy is by having my readers suggest blog

topics that they are interested in reading about, or having them request advice or an

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editorial on a specific subject. This enables me to precisely target my audience’s

demands so that the content is tailored to things they are interested in reading about,

rather than just blindly assuming that a post will be pertinent to their interests.

My blog will benefit especially from technology oriented towards social media.

Any new developments in networking promotions on sites such as Facebook and Twitter

will be helpful, but new features on Pinterest and widgets on WordPress will be the most

beneficial, as those sites are the ones most prevalently utilized by the online wedding


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Consulting Wi! TulleInternet Business Plan: Part III


Content Strategy & Schedule

In terms of content, I will have several different subjects that are featured within

my blog posts:

•Career stories from my experiences working at the

bridal boutique.

•Design inspiration in the form of inspiration

boards and collages.

•Trend reports from bridal expos and the industry as

a whole.

•Commentary on cultural aspects and changes within

the wedding industry and bridal blogging community.

•Sponsored posts featuring products and services for

brides to utilize during their wedding planning process.

• Consultation posts requested by readers to their specific weddings.

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My posting schedule will be one weekly post

every Tuesday, with additional posts on Friday as

needed. This will create a reliable schedule for

readers to follow, so they know when to expect


To ensure that I don’t miss a day due to

something like work or a vacation, I can also

schedule posts ahead of time.

Business Design

Consulting With Tulle will contain several different sections in order to further

organize content.

•Home: the main blog where the majority of the

content will be posted. This will be updated

consistently and will be the “main attraction” of the

website. Content will be organized in reverse

chronological order. Categories will also be used to

help readers easily find the content they are

interested in. Examples of categories include Bridal,

Culture, Inspiration, Marriage Trends, My Life, and

more. Additional categories will be added as needed.

Finally, a tagging system will be included for easy and

specific navigation.

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• About: This section will contain a

short biography so that readers will have a

better idea of who I am, and why they can “trust”

me in terms of wedding advice. This will include

information on my education, career, and

hobbies. I want my readers to feel like they have

a personal connection to me; I want to be

someone they think of as a friend, not simply

some anonymous entity behind a blog.

•30 by 30: This is a popular trend

amongst lifestyle bloggers. In this section,

I will have a list of 30 goals that I wish to

accomplish by the time I turn 30. Not only

does this give readers a better idea of my

interests and what I’m most passionate

about, but it will also be proof that I am

self-motivated, a dreamer, and

adventurous, all of which are attractive

qualities for a lifestyle role model to have.

• Contact: This page will contain a contact form that readers can use in order

to submit questions or requests for advice, inspiration, or posts about

specific topics. My email address will also be provided if they would prefer

to contact me directly.

• Affiliate: This section will show information on how to affiliate with my

blog. Affiliates will be featured on the sidebar; readers will see their

advertisements while looking at the main content of my site. This page will

also contain the HTML code for my own site button that other bloggers can

copy and paste onto their website if they would like to feature my blog.

My overall website design will feature a header, a sidebar, and the main content

section. The sidebar will contain another short biography, social networking links, a

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search function, subscription links, a list of recent posts, and finally navigation via tags,

categories, and the archives.

Online Customer Experience

As previously stated, the OVP of my website is to provide inspiration, advice, and

an inside-look at the wedding industry. The site will be tailored to novice users; most

blog readers are not incredibly tech-savvy, so I aim to make it very easy to use and



The primary message I wish to convey to my audience is one of inspiration and

creativity, as well as personalization. While trends are important to be aware of,

ultimately I would like my readers to realize that their weddings should be based on

their personal desires, not what the industry deems as in vogue.

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As mentioned, my overall goals for the website are to establish myself in the

wedding industry to improve my professional reputation. I will differentiate my blog

through my own experiences within and knowledge of the bridal economy. The key

reasons why people will choose to read my blog are that I can provide them with

wedding inspiration from the perspective of someone who actively works within the

wedding industry.


When perceiving my website, I would like readers to think of the words unique,

personal, and informative. There are several challenges incorporated with establishing

this sort of reputation, but the main challenge is addressing the idea of being unique

within such an over-saturated community.

I believe that the best way I can do this is by creating dialogue with my readers.

Many bridal blogs simply feature posts without engaging the reader, but with each of my

posts, I will end by asking questions that the reader can answer in order to expand on

the topic and generate discussion.


The primary action I would like for my visitors to take from the main page of my

site would be to subscribe to my blog, either via WordPress, a blog reader, or email. The

option to do so will be available in the sidebar.

Before leaving the site, I would like them to explore the other sections of the

website. At the very least, I would prefer that they look at the About and 30 by 30

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sections, but the most practical would be for them to use to Contact and Affiliate pages,

as the actions visitors can take from those page will help to expand my network.

The key items that I would like to be available on every page of my website are the

header, page navigation, and the sidebar. These elements will make it possible for the

user to navigate the website easily, no matter what page they go to. To put it simply,

there will not be any “dead ends.”


For the time being, my short-term marketing goals are to use my blog to brand

myself when applying for jobs or interacting with industry professionals. This site will

show both my knowledge and passion for weddings, as well as my skills with branding

and managing social media.

In order to promote this site, I will continue to share posts on my current social

media pages, such as my Facebook page, my Twitter feed, and my Pinterest boards.

Once my blog starts to receive more attention and my audience expands, I will create

new social media accounts specifically for Consulting With Tulle to help solidify my

brand image. At this point, I will most likely transition from a account

to a account, giving me more extensive control over the aesthetics and

functionality of my website. Having my own domain will also make it easier for me to

brand my site.

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Charlie. "Tips for Bloggers & How to Start a Wedding Blog." Fifties Wedding. N.p., 20 May 2011. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Copage, Eric V. "Blogging Brides." The New

York Times. N.p., 10 Sept. 2010. Web. 10

May 2013.

Dichoso, Melvin. "5 Reasons Why Blogging Is the Best Industry Ever." Famous Bloggers. N.p., 3 May 2010. Web. 27 Mar. 2013.

Preston, Leo. "How Can You Establish Yourself As An Influential Blogger?" Web log post. Inspiration Feed. N.p., 26 Sept. 2012. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.

Reitmeyer, Jennifer. "How to Start a Wedding Planning Business." Event Planning. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2013.