internet paducah.kythursdayevening.may24.lixki, 10centsperweek...

THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 24. liXKi, 10 CENTS PER WEEK PADUCAH. KY VOL. XVIII. NO. 127 The circulation of Ttw Sui for llie month of April waa 4,0IH, a tiny average. Business Inntinrt tella you that It in the paper that telU lu rlrrulatloa daily that merlin your confidence. THE WEATHER. Probably sti'mers nml local tliuiMler storm* tonight ami !>!• •lay. Tlic highest tenqs-rature reueliiil yesterday nan INI, and the lowest today was 117. Oovrrninent Encouraging Peas ant* In Opposition Occupants in Trap Await Ap- proach of Train. J. E. Chittenden, of Crittenden Record Held. V McCreary Says Kentucky Can Support Greater Population. Mm. diaries Khuon, Thrown Out Sustains severely Spraiucil Hack, Itut la Saveli. Case fiiewr Out of Ritter I'olllical War Itct w celt Democrats and Fusion Isis. I'lot KiikwiI awl Kiustrateil to Assa*. simile Ring liiiinauiiel of Italy. Oration Will lie Delivered By Presl •lent At Oyster Hay. Over Quarter Million las-aled In New Turk East TearSO Hundred Caine South. New York, May 24. President Roosevelt, has accepted the Invita- tion of the clerRymen ami business men of Oyster Hay to speak at the Fourth of July celebration in the opera house liters , In which Sunday and public school children will take part. Boston. May 24.hobbyist Walter J. Bullock,, who aided in killing the overtime bill before the state legisla lure, last night cynteally clasalflisl the members of that body. He says 15 per cent an* "good fellows, Mlt. Kill ON AND GATE TENDER DISORIIKRS IN MAHTINIQI E LIVINGSTON COI'NTV AFFAIR who can be readied by dinners, theater tickets an I "Jollies;" 20 per cent can be bought outright or Influenced, and 65 per are honest. Mullock says lie has never A cut of freight cars struck a bug- gy In whlth t'haiUs Khuon aud wife, an aged couple, residing on West Broadway, Just beyond Twenty-flfth street, w re riding this morning at 6:50 o'clock at 11th and Broad- way and Mrs. Khuon Is lying at her home with a severely sprained back, the horse Is bruised and the buggy partly demolished. Caught In betw- eu two automatic railroad gates, unable to go back- ward or forward, and with a string of freight cars bearing down on them was i ho unnerving situation in which the aged couple found themselves, and but for their pr actice of mind in keeping their seats, both might liave been ground to death under the wheels of the cars. The cans of the. accident la at- tributed to the carelessness of both Khuon and the gate ‘tender, J. F. Wright, but both claim they exercis- ed due caution. “I waa riding to town with my wife," Khuon related shortly after the accident,” and we were coming from our home. I did not hear any warning bell ring from the gate tow- er and did not hear or see the ap- proaching cars. I com. by this street daily and have never been in danger of an accident before, depending on the gates for protection. When I got under the first gate I noticed the one on the cast side of the crossing being rapidly lowered. I looked aside hasti- ly and saw the ears eontlng. I struck my mare and she started forward at a more rapid pace. The. gate came down struck her on top of the head and she jumped back. My mare is gentle and tint for this fact both my- salt and wife might not be living to tell the story. "The rear of my buggy was on Ilia tracks and I could not force my mare an Inch ahead on account of the gale. The west gate was down and I could not back, so I held the auiinal in this position until struck. Held Ily Gates. The question of getting out of the way waa not to be considered. My wife sat with me and when the bug- gy was struck was thrown out. 1 left the vehicle and assisted h- r. She sustained a severely sprained back and is now at home unable to move. The buggy was partly demolished and my loupe slightly bruised. but un- hurt. Had we attempted to back, or hud tire mare been wild, she might have pulled us directly In tile path of the cars. I consider our escape mi- raculous. and wilt say that I heard no warning bell from either gate tower or engine." The engine was a switch engine, No. 182, In charge of Foreman Hen- ry Lewis, and Engineer Tim Austin. It was pushing the cars west and the engine, r was unable to see' the bug- gy oh account of the length of the string, and a turn in the tracks. The gale lender. J. F.Wrlght, slat- ed that he did ring his bell, and did every thing h could to warn the aged couple. "I rang my bell several times and let the gates down. I did not see the driver attempt to cross until too late. I thought he know the train was com- ing and did not see him again until my gales were down.. I was busy with the mechanism. It was then too late to avert the accident." Tlic eng. tie waa stopped as soon as the accident waa seen by the crew. Mrs. Khuon waa resting well after the acrldent but on account of her age and the nature of the Injury, may be seriously hurt. The result of the sprain can not be told for some time. It may be permanent. J. E. Chittenden, editor of the Crittenden Record, a paper at Marl- on. Crittenden county, K.V., Is ia jail at Smith land, Mvlngston county, awaiting trial on the charge of con- p tup*. of court. He will tie tried to- morrow. Chittenden is alleged to have printed uncomplimentary and dam- aging articles against Judge J. F. Gordon, circuit Judge in that cir- cuit, nnd was indicted at Smith land. The publications grew out of an elec- tion, nnd although tbs indictment was found some time ago. arrest did not follow, until Monday. Chitten- den waa taken to Southland yester- day and In failing to give bond, was locked up. His case Is attracting a great deal of nut ation, Ho is known lure among the politician* aud newspaper nten. St. Petersburg. May 24. Members of the douma are receiving numerous threatening Idlers especially front peasants and Jews who are dissatis- fied with the course of events. The government is encouraging opposition to the duutna In every form in which It presents itself. Even the socialists are becoming, where extrem \ 'initials Destroy Htsls. Hopkinsville, Ky., May 2 4.— A to barco plant bed containing about 450 square yards, on the faint of L. L. I.eavlll, one of the largest Tarmers of this county was visited last night by unknown parties nnd the plants total- ly destroyed by being dug up with hoes. Some clues have been secured aud Mr. I.eavlll says he knows all the liar t las were white men. Frit hi Cleveland. Cleveland, O., May 2 4. An earth- quake shock, lasting forty-eight sec- ond*. was reworded here today on the seismograph at Dt. Ignatius college Plot Frustrated. Geneva, May 24 Facts were male known today concerning an attempt Saturday during the ceremonies In connection with the opening of the Simplon tunnel at Demmossola. Italy to assassinate King Victor Immanue' by anarchists. It was frustrated only t h rough the watchfulness of detec- tives. Political Disorders. Port De France Martinique May 24 Demonstrations continue here duo to nattral race hatred stimulated for election purposes. Random shots are fl-ed and Insults are being offere 1 to whites, who maintain a Judicious calm, closely guarding their property Horton Will \<>t Resign. Washington, Muy 24.-- Senator Burton, of Kansas, convicted of prac- ticing before the post office depart men l for personal gain, announc’d he will not resign from the senate Maze Damages House and 4'onlci Extent of FAINI Before It Is Extinguished. Many Attorneys Present and HI art ling Reii-lnpnirnl* Arc l.ookcd For. liny Material At ll»mr. Washington. May 24. The »n- afo on finance today fa- vorably reported a resolution direct- ing that materials for the Panama canal slrall be of domestic production and niaiiutaelurc. unless tie president es-ina Uie b.d« for the same exorbl lent. The Nos. 1 and 3 fire companies were called to the residence of I’apt. George O. Hart, at 913 Jefferson street, this morning at 8:30 o'clock. 1‘u.latrrs weie working on the house using gasoline fire blowing puls to clean the paint from the weather boarding. They set the house afire and the flames spread from between (be weather boards and walls to the cornice ami lo the roof. The blaze was first fought by the painters un- til it got beyond their eonlrol, and the fire department was then called into service. Tlic damage will amouul to about >500. The loss ia fully covered by Insurance Cleveland. May 24. Tito inter- state commerce commission began an iuvi-stlgaliou of the Standard Oil company h- re today. Many witnesses are ml Illumined and K is expected there will be eoniu atartllug develop- ments. A iIozki Htaudurd Oil und rail- way attorney* are In attendance. liaise Post lo EmlMimy. Washington. May 24 Senator Knox yesterday gave notice of an ntiondimn-l lo the diplomatic *ud consular appropriation hill lo raise the diplomatic post at CoustaMiuo- pi* from legation ut au embassy lane's Position. Cleveland, May 24. W E. Judd, former manager of the Republic Oil company, has lost his position. His haul I sen I followed the usk no w I- dae- mon t of the ownership of the Re- public by the Standard company. Judd Is summoned to appear before tli* Interstate comm- res commission Felled Willi t'tinir and Juiii|m Off Two Story Huilding With- out Injury. London Papers Rctiort s Itcmnrliahlc Method of Operating In Hospitals of City. Eltnyra, N. Y., May 24. Leon Kieffcr, insane anil angered at his family because he was lo l>.' removed to an asy- lum today, beat his wife's bind to a pulp with a shovel and hammer, leaving her for d ad and at- tacked his daughter. A nelghfor fell- ed Kieffcr with a chair. The daugh- ter escaped serious Injury. Khffer then crawled to the top of a two sto- ry house ami Jutn|M-d off unhurt. Mrs. Kieffcr Is dying. The man was ar- rested New York May 24. A rablp dis- patch to a morning paper from Lon- don says: Borne of the hospitals here are employing for operations an ua- naincil surgeon who has perfected a method of Incising the skin without leaving a visible scar. Ills success 1s mainly attributable to his skill and ex lierlence, but his method Is based on (he practice of rutting the skin slant- wise, Instead of right anges to the sur- face. He uses hollow-ground scalpels made after his own designs. Some- times massage forms part of the heal- ing treatment, it is said that- o'i sears from operations can lie removed by this mc'hod. which. It I* declared Is one of the most important vlvan.'e* made in surgery In retfeut years. Joe Not on Shelf, Washington, May 21 - Joe Black- liurn. Kentucky's Inimitable cant' palgner. may not after all, pass from tho stump and become a foigotten quasi By. There is reason to liellevc that Representative Frank Hopkins was not indulging In mere spenilatl an the other day when lie stated In an In- lervlew that Senator Hlackburn may yet be in the race for the democrat lc nomination for governor. 4s It. suit of Extortionate I linrgiw for Auto Hire, Danielson, Conn., May 24. No- tices are posted In the cotton mills of a ten per cent increase in wages lo take effect at once. The increase affects 20.11011 operatives in numer- ous Nourishing mills in this section of th state. The cotton manufactur- ing industry was never In a more flourishing condition. San Francisco, May 24. -Extor- tionste charges for automobile hire luting the first two weeks following the tire are likely lo develop into a scandal of huge pro|>ortioiis before the finance committee finishes auditing ac- statement rnuiita. In the tabulsted tiled with the committee there ap|sxir* a charge of >157,599 for automobile hire. Only 129 rlalms were prosenlec to cover this sum. In the same tnb\ is a statement of charges for milk butter, eggs, bread, vegetables, drugs hay, grain nnd clothing. The total rosl of there necessaries does not equa' the cost of hire of automobiles. Two Hoys Drow ned. South Haven. Mich., May 24. Scott Shepherd, of Chicago, aged 19, and Clarence Coleman, of Kalama- zoo. Mich., were drowned today be- fore the eyes of the Shepherd anJ Coleman families, who were having a family pUi-ntr at the lak> . They slip- ped Into the water from a raft and rlulrhing each oilier In the Louisville, Kv.. May 24. -Saloon- keepers at a nns'iMig this morning de- eded to resist the Sunday dosing or- der. which goes into effect Sunday The boartf of public safety will orJet arrests. ITttMaltEKSlYK I'A ICTY Senator Lodge Will Introduce Hill lo Cut Down Coin. Huron Itiiul Named for ITilef of (beige Indians. 24. Lodge an Washington May nounrod In the senate today that he would call up tomorrow the measure authorizing the Philippine commission to lower I he amount of silver in the Philippine coins of that metal to pre- vent exportation for its bullion value The present price of silver is so high that the Philippine peso Is worth more for bullion than its face value. wa ter, sank before aid rould reach them. Tliealrirnl llank IVnJorteG. Chicago. May 24. Tho Theatrical National Rank is the name to be giv- en to a new financial Institution which \ 111 lie opened uext month lit this city The new bank ia thr outcome oi the large theatrical merger recently effeci- d by Klaw & Erlanger, U. F. Kellh nd the managers of the Western Vnu- devllle Managers' Association and will bo financed by the manager. The cap Ital stock will be >1,000.000 und ail pal l up, and the business will lie made tip largely by theatrical managers and professional people. Bartlesville, I. T.. May 24 Thf Progrt -rive party of the Osage Indians in a caucus at Pawhuxka today, nontl nated Bacon iRInd as their candidate for principal chief and Clies-Sho-Ponka for assistant chief. Cyprian Tayrlen of Bartlesville was name I as one of thr eight candidates for the council Oh-lzi-Hsh-Wslla desired renomlna lion as principal chief, hut was defeat ed. it Is alleged here tha' a special agent of the Indlap department has been at Pawhnska and that sensation- al disclosure* in connection with lease matters were made. The Big Hear, faction of the Osage tribe has yet lo make Its nominations. The election takes place during the payment oflho week of Juue 4. It \4 ‘I NG tXIMMISNKIN I'rlnnss Ena's Farewell. London, May 2 4 Prince** Ena. of Hattenherg, left today for Madrid where her marriage to King Alfonsc takes place next week. All along the route from Kensington Palme to Vic- toria station the future queen was cor dlally sainted by t lie people. The princess Is accompanied by her mother nnd two brothers. lujedned From Inlcrferllig With Dougins Park. Louisville, Ky.. May 24. Judge Evans In the federal court sustained an Injunction against the Kenlnckv raring commission to prevent Interfer- ence with the proposed meet at Dong* las park. Case of Girl Murderer Will 4Jo to Jury laite Tomorrow. laiw Sustained Ily Jury. la-xtagton. Ky.. May 24. The suit of J. Alexander Chliss, a color- 'd attorney of this city to test the right of railroads lo compel negroes to ride In neparste coaches from the white pnple. was tried before a Jury in the circuit routl today ami a ver- dict rendered in favor of the defend- ant company. Will lnt< sliuate 4Tiarge. Philadelphia. May 24.-— Al a meet- ing of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, a committee was appointed to Investi- gate the allegations recently made be- fore the Interstate commerce commit, sloti that certain officers of the Penn- sylvania railroad hold stock In several coal companies. New York. May 21. Further les Union}' that Josephine Terranova was insane when she murdered her aunt and uncle was additr-d today In the trial of the 17-year-old Italian girl. The defense will close today The state will offer expert testimony to ivitiut the plea of the defense of mental Irresponsibility on the part of the girl when the deed was com- mitted. The case probably will go to tlie Jury lats tomorrow'. No Nearer Solution, Louisville. May 24. The detoctlves police anil coroner are Unlay no noar- er a solution to the mystery surround Ing the find of a man's head in the Ohio river near Shawnee park than they were twenty-four hours ago. tNot Ihe slightest clew that would lead to the Identification has so far been found. All rllng to the murder theory aud urs working along that line. Fifty-Two Indicted. Carml, III., May 21. Fifty-two voters were indicted by the White county grand jury today for selling their votes in recent elections. Near- ly every township in the county, was investigated and all candidates were required to disclose the names of voters takliig money. State* Attor- ney Garrison says firm prosecution will follow. Mrs. Davis Is Iklter, New York. May 24. Mrs. Jeffer- son Davis hod a resiles* night but is much better this morning. To Take Party Northward. Pails, May 24. Major H. B. Hor- sey left this evening for Tront.-oe. Norway, where he will ni-et and conduct to Danes Island the first |>ur- ty of the Wellman polar expedition. Eighteen Joiners will accompany Ma- jor Hersey to put togeth.T Ihe tim- ber aud canvass sited In which th» dirigible balloon will bo housed. Detective Will Baker Is seriously ill at his home on the north side. Patrick Hearing Ended. New York, May 24. The hearing before Records r Ooff to determine whether or not Albert T. Pal rick shall be granted a new trial on the charge of causing the death of Wil- liam Marsh Rice was practically con- cluded today. Tbs recorder's deci- sion is exiiecied in a few days. Mutlcurcl, Who ( lung to Vesuvius Through Eruption, Driven Away. KX4 ESSES CHARGED IN STATE PRINTING OF AT LEAST t'JO.IMNI Ret lie Owen Delayed. Delay In getting on the ways will pr-went the I let tie Owen resuinlng Its regular trips to Brookport ami the Illinois side until the middle or last part of next week. The Inactivity of the ferry is not the cause of the owners, blit of work on th* ways here and other places. Naples. May 24. That which the rteent awful eruption of Mount Ve- suvius could not accomplish the tor rents of mud resulting from the floods of the last few days have brought about. The mud has so sur- rounded the royal observatory and obstructed iugress ami egress that Director Matteucci. his assistants and the carbineers under him have been compelled to abandon their post and come lo Naples. Frankfort. Ky.. May 24. Attorney -General Hays charges that state printing xcess charg- es to the amount of at least $20, not) are In question, and that he desires any persona shout' to bid on state printing to know that litigation is likely lo fnllbw any state printing con- tract. He speaks particularly of thx priming of teachers’ record and grade hook*. No more con- tracts can be let, as the stale already has a four years’ supply oa band. * De* Moines, Iowa, May 24. A The Cumberland branch of the V Presbyterian church passed out A of exlsteaoe this morning, when 5' Moderator Hunter Corbett offl- | daily establish- d the union of T Presbyterian rhiirrh. The an A PreabvK IJian church. The an 4 aouiwcment was followed by } cheers. The existing boards of ? the two church,* will carry on their work in harmony this $ year. There will he no actual £ consolidation until 1907. Arrested for Theft. Will Mitchell colored, was arrested this afternoon by Patrolman Cross on the charge of stealing a number of valuables front John K. Hendrick. Mr Hendrick Is moving from Smlthland •o a house on Broadway nnar Eighth street. Several snides of furniture were stolen. Mitchell Is driver for a seconl-hand dealer and said a negro sold the things lo hint and he went out after then). Go to Pen. New Castle, May 24. Peter Bra- ley was given two years for arccaao- ry to his father in killing Len Bal- lard. John Dow ivy , a prominent 'on ng man. wa* given three years for Itorsa stealing. Shot OK'd I’ostoffbc Safe. Newport. Ky.. May 24 Tim big safe at the Fort Thomas posioflire wa, badly shattered by burglars early this morning The discovery was made by Special Clerk Wm. Ross, when he reached the office at 7 a ni. Il« found Ihe door twisted out of shape and wa* Uhable U> open it. Ricliarilson I* Itcnonilluiti'd Owensboro, Ky., May 24. Con- gressman Janies Richardson was re- nominated by the democrats of the Third Kentucky district at Ureenville today. •olcli Beat Jenkins. Kansas City., Mo.. May 24 Frank Gotch defeated Tom Jenkins for the champiouship of America as catrh- as-calcb-can. (Dutch won the Drat and third falls. Lightning clouds are always near the ground. They are seldom at a greater height than 2.000 feet.

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    The circulation of Ttw Suifor llie month of April waa4,0IH, a tiny average.

    Business Inntinrt tella you

    that It in the paper that

    telU lu rlrrulatloa daily that

    merlin your confidence.

    THE WEATHER.Probably sti'mers nml local

    tliuiMler storm* tonight ami !>!••lay. Tlic highest tenqs-rature

    reueliiil yesterday nan INI, and thelowest today was 117.

    Oovrrninent Encouraging Peas

    ant* In Opposition

    Occupants in Trap Await Ap-

    proach of Train.

    J. E. Chittenden, of Crittenden

    Record Held. V

    McCreary Says Kentucky Can

    Support Greater Population.

    Mm. diaries Khuon, Thrown OutSustains severely Spraiucil Hack,

    Itut la Saveli.

    Case fiiewr Out of Ritter I'olllicalWar Itct w celt Democrats and


    I'lot KiikwiI awl Kiustrateil to Assa*.simile Ring liiiinauiiel of


    Oration Will lie Delivered By Presl•lent At Oyster Hay.

    Over Quarter Million las-aled In NewTurk East Tear—SO Hundred

    Caine South.

    New York, May 24.— PresidentRoosevelt, has accepted the Invita-

    tion of the clerRymen ami businessmen of Oyster Hay to speak at theFourth of July celebration in theopera house liters , In which Sundayand public school children will takepart.

    Boston. May 24.— hobbyist WalterJ. Bullock,, who aided in killing theovertime bill before the state legislalure, last night cynteally clasalflisl the

    members of that body. He says 15 percent an* "good fellows,


    who can bereadied by dinners, theater tickets an I"Jollies;" 20 per cent can be boughtoutright or Influenced, and 65 per ce.itare honest. Mullock says lie has never

    A cut of freight cars struck a bug-gy In whlth t'haiUs Khuon aud wife,an aged couple, residing on WestBroadway, Just beyond Twenty-flfthstreet, w re riding this morning at6:50 o'clock at 11th and Broad-way and Mrs. Khuon Is lying at herhome with a severely sprained back,the horse Is bruised and the buggypartly demolished.

    Caught In betw- eu two automaticrailroad gates, unable to go back-ward or forward, and with a stringof freight cars bearing down on themwas i ho unnerving situation in whichthe aged couple found themselves,and but for their pr actice of mind inkeeping their seats, both might liavebeen ground to death under thewheels of the cars.The cans of the. accident la at-

    tributed to the carelessness of both

    Khuon and the gate ‘tender, J. F.Wright, but both claim they exercis-

    ed due caution.

    “I waa riding to town with mywife," Khuon related shortly afterthe accident,” and we were comingfrom our home. I did not hear anywarning bell ring from the gate tow-er and did not hear or see the ap-proaching cars. I com. by this streetdaily and have never been in dangerof an accident before, depending onthe gates for protection. When I gotunder the first gate I noticed the oneon the cast side of the crossing beingrapidly lowered. I looked aside hasti-

    ly and saw the ears eontlng. I struckmy mare and she started forward ata more rapid pace. The. gate camedown struck her on top of the headand she jumped back. My mare isgentle and tint for this fact both my-salt and wife might not be livingto tell the story.

    "The rear of my buggy was on Iliatracks and I could not force my marean Inch ahead on account of the gale.

    The west gate was down and I couldnot back, so I held the auiinal in this

    position until struck.

    Held Ily Gates.

    The question of getting out of theway waa not to be considered. Mywife sat with me and when the bug-gy was struck was thrown out. 1 leftthe vehicle and assisted h- r. Shesustained a severely sprained back

    and is now at home unable to move.The buggy was partly demolishedand my loupe slightly bruised. but un-hurt. Had we attempted to back, orhud tire mare been wild, she mighthave pulled us directly In tile path

    of the cars. I consider our escape mi-

    raculous. and wilt say that I heardno warning bell from either gatetower or engine."

    The engine was a switch engine,No. 182, In charge of Foreman Hen-ry Lewis, and Engineer Tim Austin.It was pushing the cars west and theengine, r was unable to see' the bug-

    gy oh account of the length of thestring, and a turn in the tracks.

    The gale lender. J. F.Wrlght, slat-ed that he did ring his bell, and didevery thing h could to warn theaged couple.

    "I rang my bell several times andlet the gates down. I did not see thedriver attempt to cross until too late.

    I thought he know the train was com-ing and did not see him again untilmy gales were down.. I was busy withthe mechanism. It was then too lateto avert the accident."

    Tlic eng. tie waa stopped as soon asthe accident waa seen by the crew.

    Mrs. Khuon waa resting well afterthe acrldent but on account of her

    age and the nature of the Injury,maybe seriously hurt. The result of thesprain can not be told for some time.It may be permanent.

    J. E. Chittenden, editor of the

    Crittenden Record, a paper at Marl-

    on. Crittenden county, K.V., Is ia

    jail at Smith land, Mvlngston county,

    awaiting trial on the charge of con-

    p tup*. of court. He will tie tried to-morrow.

    Chittenden is alleged to have

    printed uncomplimentary and dam-aging articles against Judge J. F.Gordon, circuit Judge in that cir-cuit, nnd was indicted at Smith land.The publications grew out of an elec-tion, nnd although tbs indictment

    was found some time ago. arrest didnot follow, until Monday. Chitten-den waa taken to Southland yester-day and In failing to give bond, waslocked up.

    His case Is attracting a great deal

    of nut ation, Ho is known lureamong the politician* aud newspapernten.

    St. Petersburg. May 24.—Membersof the douma are receiving numerousthreatening Idlers especially frontpeasants and Jews who are dissatis-fied with the course of events. Thegovernment is encouraging oppositionto the duutna In every form in whichIt presents itself. Even the socialistsare becoming, where extrem

    \'initials Destroy Htsls.

    Hopkinsville, Ky., May 2 4.—A tobarco plant bed containing about 450

    square yards, on the faint of L. L.

    I.eavlll, one of the largest Tarmers of

    this county was visited last night by

    unknown parties nnd the plants total-ly destroyed by being dug up withhoes. Some clues have been securedaud Mr. I.eavlll says he knows all theliar t las were white men.

    Frit hi Cleveland.

    Cleveland, O., May 2 4.—An earth-quake shock, lasting forty-eight sec-ond*. was reworded here today on theseismograph at Dt. Ignatius college

    Plot Frustrated.

    Geneva, May 24 Facts were maleknown today concerning an attemptSaturday during the ceremonies Inconnection with the opening of theSimplon tunnel at Demmossola. Italyto assassinate King Victor Immanue'by anarchists. It was frustrated onlyt h rough the watchfulness of detec-tives.

    Political Disorders.

    Port De France Martinique May24 Demonstrations continue hereduo to nattral race hatred stimulatedfor election purposes. Random shotsare fl-ed and Insults are being offere 1to whites, who maintain a Judiciouscalm, closely guarding their property

    Horton Will \t Resign.

    Washington, Muy 24.-- SenatorBurton, of Kansas, convicted of prac-

    ticing before the post office depart

    men l for personal gain, announc’dhe will not resign from the senate

    Maze Damages House and 4'onlciExtent of FAINI Before It Is


    Many Attorneys Present and HI artling Reii-lnpnirnl* Arc

    l.ookcd For.

    liny Material At ll»mr.Washington. May 24.— The »n-

    afo on finance today fa-vorably reported a resolution direct-ing that materials for the Panamacanal slrall be of domestic productionand niaiiutaelurc. unless tie presidentes-ina Uie b.d« for the same exorbl


    The Nos. 1 and 3 fire companieswere called to the residence of I’apt.George O. Hart, at 913 Jeffersonstreet, this morning at 8:30 o'clock.1‘u.latrrs weie working on the houseusing gasoline fire blowing puls toclean the paint from the weatherboarding. They set the house afireand the flames spread from between(be weather boards and walls to thecornice ami lo the roof. The blazewas first fought by the painters un-til it got beyond their eonlrol, and

    the fire department was then calledinto service.

    Tlic damage will amouul to about>500. The loss ia fully covered byInsurance

    Cleveland. May 24.—Tito inter-state commerce commission began aniuvi-stlgaliou of the Standard Oilcompany h- re today. Many witnessesare ml Illumined and K is expectedthere will be eoniu atartllug develop-ments. A iIozki Htaudurd Oil und rail-way attorney* are In attendance.

    liaise Post lo EmlMimy.Washington. May 24 Senator

    Knox yesterday gave notice of anntiondimn-l lo the diplomatic *udconsular appropriation hill lo raisethe diplomatic post at CoustaMiuo-pi* from • legation ut au embassy

    lane's Position.

    Cleveland, May 24. — W E. Judd,former manager of the Republic Oilcompany, has lost his position. Hishaul I sen I followed the usk no w I- dae-mon t of the ownership of the Re-public by the Standard company.Judd Is summoned to appear beforetli* Interstate comm- res commission

    Felled Willi t'tinir and Juiii|m OffTwo Story Huilding With-

    out Injury.

    London Papers Rctiort s ItcmnrliahlcMethod of Operating In Hospitals

    of City.

    Eltnyra, N. Y., May 24.— LeonKieffcr, insane anil angered at his

    family because he was lol>.' removed to an asy-lum today, beat his wife'sbind to a pulp with a shovel andhammer, leaving her for d ad and at-tacked his daughter. A nelghfor fell-ed Kieffcr with a chair. The daugh-ter escaped serious Injury. Khffer

    then crawled to the top of a two sto-

    ry house ami Jutn|M-d off unhurt. Mrs.Kieffcr Is dying. The man was ar-rested

    New York May 24.—A rablp dis-patch to a morning paper from Lon-don says: Borne of the hospitals hereare employing for operations an ua-naincil surgeon who has perfected amethod of Incising the skin withoutleaving a visible scar. Ills success 1s

    mainly attributable to his skill and exlierlence, but his method Is based on(he practice of rutting the skin slant-wise, Instead of right anges to the sur-face. He uses hollow-ground scalpelsmade after his own designs. Some-times massage forms part of the heal-ing treatment, it is said that- o'i

    sears from operations can lie removedby this mc'hod. which. It I* declaredIs one of the most important vlvan.'e*made in surgery In retfeut years.

    Joe Not on Shelf,Washington, May 21 - Joe Black-

    liurn. Kentucky's Inimitable cant'palgner. may not after all, pass fromtho stump and become a foigottenquasi By. There is reason to liellevcthat Representative Frank Hopkinswas not indulging In mere spenilatl anthe other day when lie stated In an In-lervlew that Senator Hlackburn mayyet be in the race for the democrat lcnomination for governor.

    4s It. suit of Extortionate I linrgiw for

    Auto Hire,

    Danielson, Conn., May 24.— No-tices are posted In the cotton mills

    of a ten per cent increase in wageslo take effect at once. The increaseaffects 20.11011 operatives in numer-ous Nourishing mills in this section

    of th state. The cotton manufactur-ing industry was never In a moreflourishing condition.

    San Francisco, May 24. -Extor-tionste charges for automobile hireluting the first two weeks followingthe tire are likely lo develop into ascandal of huge pro|>ortioiis before thefinance committee finishes auditing ac-

    statementrnuiita. In the tabulstedtiled with the committee there ap|sxir*a charge of >157,599 for automobilehire. Only 129 rlalms were prosenlec

    to cover this sum. In the same tnb\is a statement of charges for milkbutter, eggs, bread, vegetables, drugshay, grain nnd clothing. The totalrosl of there necessaries does not equa'the cost of hire of automobiles.

    Two Hoys Drow ned.South Haven. Mich., May 24. —

    Scott Shepherd, of Chicago, aged 19,

    and Clarence Coleman, of Kalama-zoo. Mich., were drowned today be-fore the eyes of the Shepherd anJColeman families, who were having afamily pUi-ntr at the lak> . They slip-

    ped Into the water from a raft andrlulrhing each oilier In the

    Louisville, Kv.. May 24. -Saloon-keepers at a nns'iMig this morning de-eded to resist the Sunday dosing or-der. which goes into effect SundayThe boartf of public safety will or Jetarrests.

    ITttMaltEKSlYK I'A ICTYSenator Lodge Will Introduce Hill lo

    Cut Down Coin.Huron Itiiul Named for ITilef of (beige

    Indians. 24.—Lodge anWashington Maynounrod In the senate today that he

    would call up tomorrow the measureauthorizing the Philippine commission

    to lower I he amount of silver in thePhilippine coins of that metal to pre-

    vent exportation for its bullion value

    The present price of silver is so highthat the Philippine peso Is worth morefor bullion than its face value.

    wa ter,

    sank before aid rould reach them.Tliealrirnl llank IVnJorteG.

    Chicago. May 24. Tho TheatricalNational Rank is the name to be giv-en to a new financial Institution which\ 111 lie opened uext month lit this cityThe new bank ia thr outcome oi thelarge theatrical merger recently effeci-d by Klaw & Erlanger, U. F. Kellhnd the managers of the Western Vnu-

    devllle Managers' Association and willbo financed by the manager. The capItal stock will be >1,000.000 und ailpal l up, and the business will lie madetip largely by theatrical managers andprofessional people.

    Bartlesville, I. T.. May 24 —ThfProgrt -rive party of the Osage Indiansin a caucus at Pawhuxka today, nontlnated Bacon iRInd as their candidatefor principal chief and Clies-Sho-Ponkafor assistant chief. Cyprian Tayrlenof Bartlesville was name I as one ofthr eight candidates for the councilOh-lzi-Hsh-Wslla desired renomlnalion as principal chief, hut was defeated. it Is alleged here tha' a special

    agent of the Indlap department hasbeen at Pawhnska and that sensation-al disclosure* in connection with lease

    matters were made. The Big Hear,faction of the Osage tribe has yet lomake Its nominations. The electiontakes place during the payment oflhoweek of Juue 4.

    It \4 ‘I NG tXIMMISNKINI'rlnnss Ena's Farewell.

    London, May 2 4 Prince** Ena. ofHattenherg, left today for Madrid

    where her marriage to King Alfonsc

    takes place next week. All along the

    route from Kensington Palme to Vic-toria station the future queen was cor

    dlally sainted by t lie people. Theprincess Is accompanied by her mother

    nnd two brothers.

    lujedned From Inlcrferllig WithDougins Park.

    Louisville, Ky.. May 24.—JudgeEvans In the federal court sustainedan Injunction against the Kenlnckvraring commission to prevent Interfer-ence with the proposed meet at Dong*las park.

    Case of Girl Murderer Will 4Jo toJury laite Tomorrow.laiw Sustained Ily Jury.

    la-xtagton. Ky.. May 24.— Thesuit of J. Alexander Chliss, a color-'d attorney of this city to test theright of railroads lo compel negroesto ride In neparste coaches from thewhite pnple. was tried before a Juryin the circuit routl today ami a ver-dict rendered in favor of the defend-ant company.

    Will lnt< sliuate 4Tiarge.

    Philadelphia. May 24.-— Al a meet-ing of the board of directors of the

    Pennsylvania Railroad company, a

    committee was appointed to Investi-gate the allegations recently made be-fore the Interstate commerce commit,sloti that certain officers of the Penn-

    sylvania railroad hold stock In several

    coal companies.

    New York. May 21.— Further lesUnion}' that Josephine Terranovawas insane when she murdered heraunt and uncle was additr-d today Inthe trial of the 17-year-old Italian

    girl. The defense will close todayThe state will offer expert testimonyto ivitiut the plea of the defense of

    mental Irresponsibility on the partof the girl when the deed was com-mitted. The case probably will go totlie Jury lats tomorrow'.

    No Nearer Solution,Louisville. May 24.—The detoctlves

    police anil coroner are Unlay no noar-er a solution to the mystery surroundIng the find of a man's head in theOhio river near Shawnee park thanthey were twenty-four hours ago. tNotIhe slightest clew that would lead tothe Identification has so far beenfound. All rllng to the murder theoryaud urs working along that line.

    Fifty-Two Indicted.Carml, III., May 21.— Fifty-two

    voters were indicted by the Whitecounty grand jury today for sellingtheir votes in recent elections. Near-

    ly every township in the county, wasinvestigated and all candidates wererequired to disclose the names ofvoters takliig money. State* Attor-ney Garrison says firm prosecution

    will follow.

    Mrs. Davis Is Iklter,New York. May 24.— Mrs. Jeffer-

    son Davis hod a resiles* night but ismuch better this morning.

    To Take Party Northward.Pails, May 24.— Major H. B. Hor-

    sey left this evening for Tront.-oe.Norway, where he will ni-et andconduct to Danes Island the first |>ur-ty of the Wellman polar expedition.Eighteen Joiners will accompany Ma-jor Hersey to put togeth.T Ihe tim-

    ber aud canvass sited In which th»dirigible balloon will bo housed.

    Detective Will Baker Is seriously

    ill at his home on the north side.Patrick Hearing Ended.

    New York, May 24.—The hearingbefore Records r Ooff to determinewhether or not Albert T. Pal rickshall be granted a new trial on thecharge of causing the death of Wil-liam Marsh Rice was practically con-cluded today. Tbs recorder's deci-sion is exiiecied in a few days.

    Mutlcurcl, Who ( lung to VesuviusThrough Eruption, Driven Away.KX4 ESSES CHARGED


    Delay In getting on the ways willpr-went the I let tie Owen resuinlng Itsregular trips to Brookport ami theIllinois side until the middle or lastpart of next week. The Inactivity ofthe ferry is not the cause of the

    owners, blit of work on th*ways here and other places.

    Naples. May 24.— That which therteent awful eruption of Mount Ve-suvius could not accomplish the tor

    rents of mud resulting from thefloods of the last few days havebrought about. The mud has so sur-rounded the royal observatory andobstructed iugress ami egress thatDirector Matteucci. his assistants andthe carbineers under him have beencompelled to abandon their post andcome lo Naples.

    Frankfort. Ky.. May 24. —Attorney -General Hays chargesthat state printing xcess charg-es to the amount of at least$20, not) are In question, andthat he desires any personashout' to bid on state printing toknow that litigation is likely lofnllbw any state printing con-tract. He speaks particularly ofthx priming of teachers’ recordand grade hook*. No more con-tracts can be let, as the stalealready has a four years’ supplyoa band.

    * De* Moines, Iowa, May 24.

    A The Cumberland branch of theV Presbyterian church passed outA of exlsteaoe this morning, when5' Moderator Hunter Corbett offl-

    | daily establish- d the union ofT Presbyterian rhiirrh. The anA PreabvK IJian church. The an4 aouiwcment • was followed by} cheers. The existing boards of

    ?the two church,* will carry ontheir work in harmony this

    $ year. There will he no actual£ consolidation until 1907.

    Arrested for Theft.Will Mitchell colored, was arrested

    this afternoon by Patrolman Cross onthe charge of stealing a number ofvaluables front John K. Hendrick. MrHendrick Is moving from Smlthland•o a house on Broadway nnar Eighthstreet. Several snides of furniturewere stolen. Mitchell Is driver for aseconl-hand dealer and said a negro

    sold the things lo hint and he wentout after then).

    Go to Pen.New Castle, May 24.— Peter Bra-

    ley was given two years for arccaao-ry to his father in killing Len Bal-lard. John Dow ivy , a prominent'on ng man. wa* given three yearsfor Itorsa stealing.

    Shot OK'd I’ostoffbc Safe.

    Newport. Ky.. May 24 —Tim bigsafe at the Fort Thomas posioflire wa,badly shattered by burglars early this

    morning The discovery was made by

    Special Clerk Wm. Ross, when hereached the office at 7 a ni. Il« found

    Ihe door twisted out of shape and wa*

    Uhable U> open it.

    Ricliarilson I* Itcnonilluiti'd

    Owensboro, Ky., May 24.—Con-gressman Janies Richardson was re-

    nominated by the democrats of the

    Third Kentucky district at Ureenville


    •olcli Beat Jenkins.Kansas City., Mo.. May 24—Frank

    Gotch defeated Tom Jenkins for thechampiouship of America as catrh-as-calcb-can. (Dutch won the Drat andthird falls.

    Lightning clouds are always nearthe ground. They are seldom at agreater height than 2.000 feet.

  • Quickly Cufnl In the Privacy u[ Vmir

    Unu Home Wllhimt lti>k orDiiiiKit.

    Anyone fan Easily Tml It ami IVovt*It, for a Free Sample la Kent liy

    Mall Krw to All.Then Pole Sett ins Could lie Keg-

    nlated More Closely.

    Defeat Danville in Close Oame

    l*y 8eore of Two to One.Seven out of ten render* of this pa

    per are tortured with plies or someform of rectal disease. You are, oryou would not he reading this articleThirty years ago doctors rarrlod nlancet In llielr vest pocket and bledpeople for all sorts of diseases and bledthem hard.— sometimes a quart at atime. It was the fashion then. All

    that Is changed nowadays and a doc-tor with a lancet would be considered

    a curiosity.

    Five years ago doctor* "cut out"

    Piles wherever they go: the chsnce

    All that has been changed since themarvelous soothing, healing and rura.

    tlve properties of Pyramid Pile Cure

    have become known.By every mail we get letters like


    “I want to tell you that it was the

    flrst thing that eased the terrible pain

    and Itching and allowed me to have anight's rest for 7 long weeks. My hus-band Immediately went to our drug-

    gist. Mr. Heinbach, and procured a ad-

    rent box. I am now cured and willalways rerommend you highly to every-one. You actually saved my life. Mymind, too. was almost gone from the

    pain. Yours gratefully. Mrs. Rose HStauffer, HJ01! 10th 81., Moline 111.”

    If you want positive proof of this

    send to the Pyramid Drug Company4C2tl Pyramid Building Marshall

    Mich. You will receive a free trial

    package by return mail. Try It. then

    go straight to your druggist, get a

    'Oct. box and get well.

    Dr. limok* S*iw Only One Way Outof Tangle Alxiul t 'Intrglng

    (inwiul Itentnl.

    Ilrnliie PmtCS Ills Metal and K«-|sHits Scattered—Hnlyemsw \nt In

    Hbi Claw.


    The board of public works In advo-cating a rental tax against telephone

    and telegraph companies has awaken-

    ed one of the most vexatious questions

    in municipal affairs, and while it doubtlc*-* will meet with general approval,

    will Involve many complications beforeIt finally Is settled.

    Dr. J. G. Brooks, at one time one

    of the most active members of thecouncil. Is greatly interested In the

    more, not because of the desire of the

    hoard to assess sudh a tax, but because

    It will moan the solving of a prob emwhich has long been a puzzle."Has the city got a right to give

    permission to telephone or telegraph

    companies to tear up pavements which

    are the property of private residents

    and then make the residents pay forrepairing the pavement after it hasbeen torn up for setting up tflepbonepoles?” Dr. Brooks askod. "This Is

    the question that has bothered the

    municipal officers for years. I remem-ber sixteen years ago during IHonCharles Reed's administration. that

    the same question was brouunt upand I supported Mnyor Reed in hisstand. We thought that the pave-meats should be turned over to thecity the same as streets, and then thecity could regulate and make the tele-phone and telegraph companies paythe damages sustained In tearing uppavements for setting out poles.

    “The streets or a portion of themare paid for by the abutting property

    owners. The sidewalk* are entiretypaid for by the ab ating properly owners. The streets are turned over tothe city for public use. but the pave-

    ments are retained as the property of

    the abutting property owners as tar as

    expenses go. Pavements are used bythe public as much as etreets and 1believe, should be turned over to the

    city, t’ntll this is doue (his matter of

    assessing the proposed rental tax will

    never be settled.

    “It does not appear right for the

    city lo grant privileges to corporations

    lo tear up private citizens' pavementsand then not require them to make re-pairs. I say turn the pavements over

    to the city and this matter can be rog

    ulatej) by the municipal boards. Thir

    question lately came Into prominencein Chicago, and I see where tho Chi-cago municipal boards have decided to

    consider the sidewalks public property

    and regulate telephone and telegraphpole setting, aud all other forms ofImprovements that tear up pave-ment*.''

    ' Be Our Guests SfxJToSS?At Our Camp in Maine

    Team standing.

    Paducah .


    VincennesCairoDanville . .



    .Walloon . .


    ay. Lamp anu Other r-xprnsesl oy who goes will be paitl by

    Yesterday's Results.

    Paducah, 2; Danville, 1.

    Cairo, 10; Jacksonville, 5.

    Multoon, 4; Vincennes, 3

    Today's Sctn-dule.

    Viol ui-ah at Danville.

    Cairo at Jacksonville.

    Mattoon at Vincennes.There w ill Ik- Fishitip, Swimmint', Rowinjr, Mountain

    Climbing — plenty of Inn and wholesome, healthylit ing— and u e pay nil the c\|k tm (I Vour parentswill gladly let you go when they h am of our plans foryour hajipiiu v. and our preeautions for your safety.

    Danville. III.. May 24.—By bunch-

    ing hits the Indians defeated the locals

    In the last game of the series yester-

    day. The game was close and exciting

    the Danville team outhiltlng and out-

    fleldlng the visitors, but Brahlc was

    hard to find when most noeJeil, and

    the Soldiers could do little with the

    Paducah boy.The score:


    Batteries— Brahlc andHolycross and Quiesser.

    City Sunday and the batters will be

    Wooldrige and Brahlc.R H E.241. 1 6 U



    0 Of4IN CASH dr Fx*ra Prizes for Boys

    .UU Who Dc Cco& WorK NEXT MONTHThe Curtis Publishing C ropiny. I7SS Arch St, Pni.adcipbli. Pa.

    National League.

    Chicago. May 21.—Chicago-NewYork—Rain.

    Pittsburg. 3: Dos -n, -0. Batter-

    —Lelfletd and Phelps; Lluderman andNeedham.

    St. l>ou!s. 3; Philadelphia, fi. Bat-

    terles—Taylor and Grady; DugglebyMcCloskey and Dooin.

    Cincinnati, 1: Brooklyn 4. Batter

    les—Fraser and Schlol; Pastorlus an.’Ritter.

    HoosSts Get Drubbing.

    Vincennes. Ind„ May 24.—HieHooslera could not stop the banging

    of the Mattoon boys' clubs, aud went

    down in defeat by a score of 3 to 4

    Bob Berry hill pitched for the visitor*

    and did effective work. Berryhill is

    the regular flrst baseman for the Mat-

    toon bunch.The grore:



    Farrell and Matteson,




    American League.Boston. 2; Detroit. 3. Batteries

    Dlneen and Put lesson ; Killian and


    New York, 4; Chicago, 1. Batter-ies—-Newtolf, Leroy and Klelnow;Patterson. Walsh and Sullivan.

    Washington, 7: St. Louis. 10 Bat-

    teries— Smith, Kiteon. Patten, Falkeu-

    berg. Kittridge and Wakefield; Peltv.Rickey and Spencer.

    Philadelphia. 4 ; Cleveland, St TenInnings. -.Butteries Plank and Powers; Hess and Bcmis.

    Durability — Outsidelining protected from brat

    by inside a'r spice Carn ot

    warp out of shape. Solid

    contfiucllcn, ventilatedoven.

    Economy — The airvp ice pi events : inflations oi

    heat, thereby iesming tonomical use of gas Vincmcook a (> pouud roast, fivevegetables and bake a j an

    of biscuit with 1 8 feet of

    gis, costing

    I Cent and 8 Mills.

    This was demonstrated to

    you at on r cooking disjlay.

    Now clinch the propositionby asking us to bitug a gas

    stove (o jour front ^ate .or

    ,yotir Inspection.

    Connections Free Today


    Culm Tunis the Tiililcs.Jacksonville^ 111.. May 24.—The lo-

    cals went down in defeat before Cairoyesterday. The visitors started a bat-ting spasm that could not be stopped

    The score. R H F.Cairo 1017 3Jacksonville 3 6 3

    Batteries—Coombs and Belt; Wag-ner and Searles.

    Case of Negro Youths t liarged WithSnatching I'urvi-s I. < otitinuisl

    hi I'olue Court


    Three defendants faced Police JudgeD. li Danders thla morning. Kiaes

    Hindman, white, who re-! !~« w*i- Wa-ter Talley, carried a r -tol and w* •found with the weapon :i • -I Inhis poikel.

    He had been at Dawson with ttaiWa’or Valley Baptist Sunday srhoolpicnic and Shot the weapon at the lo-cal union depot. Special Officer Put-

    hick Kirk got him. The men failed tokeep the pistol In lit* hand, whichwould have meant a fine of $3 andcosts for breach of ordinance, shoot-ing In the city limits, but the con

    coaled weapon offense carried a he«v-!er penally, 323 and costs and tonlays in jail. He was granted an ap-peal on the Ja.i romance.

    The case against Dennis RowlettSilas Ri^ey, and Bartley Turley, col-ored, charged with snatching pocket-

    book*. was continued until tomorrow

    What They Ajv Saying.Fans believe that thq management

    makes a mistake In releaning WllgusThe tall boy from Ohio is a fast field-ing man and has done good workhere.

    Dick Brahlc showed yesterday that

    he la mill the superior of Holycross

    Holycross never ixmld beat the Padu-

    cah Kid, although he had many trialswith Cairo to do it.

    Big Grover Land writes the sport-ing editor of The Sun, begging for apaper again. Land la sure enough

    home sick. He played Sunday with

    A torpid, Inactive liver itn pro-duce more bodily Ills than almost

    anything else. It Is good to clean the

    system out occasionally. DcWItt's

    Little Early Risers, Reliable, effec-

    tive, pleasant pill* with a reputation.

    Never gripe. Sold by 1-aog Bros.

    The Texas WonderCures all kidney, bladder and rheu-

    matic troubles; sold by J. H. Oehl-

    schlaeger, 601 Broadway, Dr. M. WHall, office 2926 Olive street, St

    Louis, Mo.


    Sir Thomas Upton has had modulimade of the three Shamrocks, whichho will presont to the New York Yachtclub at an oarly date. They are exhibited In I-ondon.




    Modem. Highest Grade.Fireproof Throughout.

    CONVENTION ON JUNE 2K. EUROPEAN PLAN.Rates not excessive though TheLcnux it noted for tl e excellence

    of its cuisine and general service.

    Pith- Delicate Woman and Girls.The Old Standard Grove's Taste-

    less Chill Tonic drives out malaria

    and builds up the system. Sold by all

    dealers for 27 years. Price 50 cents.

    Date on Which Republleaaa Will NameCongrewtloniil Candidate.

    The republican convention to nomi-nate a congressman In the Fifth dis-

    trict will be held in Louisville June 29

    The delegates will be selected at wardconventions to be held June 27.

    Madamoisefle Ismar

    Egyptian Palmist and Clairvoyant.

    A descendant of a rsce of people whohave bceu clairvoyant* for ages, herreading of your piat. pretrnt and fu-

    ture life will stna/e yen. No i ne canflird lobe without the asvittance

    sue ran give, far she advises with sceiUinty higher than human power,Advices girrn on all matters pettiinin* to business, love, speculation,

    etc. Reunites the separated, over-

    roiaei bad lack and sorrow of allkinds. Tells nsmrt and gives de-scriptions without asking a question.

    Her parlo.s are located at The Inn,jr; N. Seventh St. Hours to a, 8 p. m.For one week onty her celebrated

    fi oo readings (or Itoo.




    The Sun offers a prlxe of

    • 10 for the prettiest

    yard In eaeh of the six wards

    of Puduealt, the residents

    within a half mile of the

    city limits being deemed eli-

    gible for the contests.

    Resides these for the

    different wards, an extra prize

    of $15 cash will la* given for

    the prettiest yard In the city

    at large.

    The Sun offers these prizes

    to stimulate an iuterest In

    handsome yards.The contests w ill be decided

    July LA. by a committee to be

    selected at a later date.

    The only condition of thecontest is that entries

    must be suttMcriltern of The


    • 100,000 Fee.Former Senator M. C. Butler, of

    South Carolina, an attorney In theease where about 33,51)0,000 wasturned over to the Cherok-e Ind.aas,It Is said, wUl make a fee of some-thing like $100,000 out of the case.

    Guaranteed Curefor all Kidney andBladder Diseases.


    Two doses give relief, and one boxwill cure any ordinary case of Kid-

    ney or bladder trouble. Remores

    Gravel, cures Diabetes. Seminal

    Emissions, Weak and Lame Back,Rheumatism, and all Irregularities of

    the Kidneys and Bladder In both

    Sold at 60 cents

    Gny Nsncr, Matager, M. Nance, F.mbalmei

    Private Ambulance for Sick and Injured Only

    Mayor Aft

  • Rudy, Phillips $ Co

    Street Work, Lights.' Dogs and

    Saloons Considered.

    Hoard of Public Works Favors

    Idea for City. FRIDAYFRIDAY

    Marly ( IokIiik < >rtlinanrole In the


    city, except city pole*, was adopted.A petition for the extension of wa

    t r main* on North Twelfth and Thir-teenth street*, and l-angstaff avenue,waa referred.A bill for medical attention to Pa-

    trolman Janie* Clark, wbo wa*wounded while on duty, amountingto ftiu was ret, -red to the Joliet fi-nance committee,An opinion from Attorneys Hen-

    drick, Miller and Marble, outliningthe appointive or elective powers ofihe board of public works, was re-ceived and filed. The opinion Is thatt dative to tho appointment of wharf-master, marketiosster and sewer In-spector. say lug tlr ae office* are to be

    filled by the board of public works.The finance committee's report

    wa* received and filed. It toialrd93,elk. 98 for bills, salaries, etc.

    That gd.lMHt.On motion H was ord red that the

    93,nun mid Interest paid to the citysolicitor in attempt to settle tele-phone litigation. Ira placed at the dis-posul of the council at anytime de-al t»d.

    The ordinance for paving Secondstreet from Kentucky avenue toWashington street, and Washing-ton *l reel trout Second street toFirst strvet*. aud First street fromWashington sireet to Kentucky ave-nue. was given first passage.

    An ordinance for Ihe reconstruc-tion of North Fifth street from Jef-ferson to Clay "alrrvt wa* lost.

    A ri Milullon regarding the dispos-al of garbage was given second pus-sago.

    An ordinance giving police powersto the markotmaster, wharfmast.r.milk and nual Inspector. sanitary of-ficers, and other city officer*, waagiven firm passage.

    Ordinance regulating the opera-

    tion of saloous, requiring saloons to

    1-Ion at 13 o'clock at night, mid torematn closed until 5 o'clock ltt the

    morning, wa* given first passage.

    A petition for a six-foot sidewalkon North Filth street from Jeffersonstreet to Clay atretM, waa referred.

    A petition asking for bitulilhlccompound instead of brisk for theNorth Fifth street Improvement,wasreferred.

    A dedication or property In theGlenwood addition to the city forstreet purposes, was received, ac-cepted and ordered spread on theminutes.

    A petition relative lo several badsanitary places on South Secondstreet, was referred to the board ofpublic works.A petition from pioperty own* rs

    on Farley and Meyers street* dedi-cating pioperty for alloy purposes,

    was referred. Condemnation proceed-ings will have to be institutedagainst three property owners, und

    the matter will be bundled by the

    city solicitor.

    The Henry Schmidt heir* wantedto make pavement improvements alEleventh and Caldwell streets, mid

    asked permission to rut dowu thestreet to make the proper grade. Thepetgloners wet* given authority lo

    make tho Improvements.A report of extension of water

    mains on South Ninth ftoni Broad

    way to Kentucky avenue, was receiv-

    ed and fib (I.A report of extension of water

    mains on South Fifth street from

    400 yard* Fancy Luzerne Silk, includin,fancy, black and white checks. Wordfrom $1.00 to 85c yard, in this £“Q9ale at, yard Os\

    700 yarda 19 in. colored Taffeta, all the

    desirable colors. A 75c value

    $00 yards Colored Crepe de Chene, allcolors. A 75c value, for IQ/-.

    700 yards Fancy Check Silks, all colorschecks and black and white. Worthfrom 75c to 59c, in this sale at, AQ^500 yards 30 in. Genuine Rubiate Silk,'

    this season’s most desirable silk. CCc-.A 90c value, for, yard—tiOO yards of 27 in. extra quality pure dye

    Black Taffeta. An 85c value, forHALF PRICEAll silk remnants

    No telephone orders

    cllnmu Duvall voted ‘‘nay.”A motion w as then mode to refer

    the alK»e matter to ih« hoard ofj

    pubile works to nonsuit an engineerIn order lo go about the improve-


    nient Intelligently. The nuttier wasifavorably anted on.

    Snore* Public Work* Hoard.t'ounolhnan Uarnett snor»

    40 Hat—Special lot trimmed hats, this season’s best styles and shapes Half PriceNew lot of Light Chiffon Milene Hats, the latest things in mid-summer

    hats, just received. See this offering early aud get the choice

    if >t>u was to see me coming with ablock of Ice to you lu thv next worldyou’d be so glad to get It lhat youwouldn't have a word to say aboutshort weight."— l.ipplnrotts.

    Soith Africa,!* believed by selenllai*who bave seen him to be the oldestliving human bsitng It la known ab-solutely that over 70 years ago hewaa a very old man. He baa a souwho la over 90.

    The city engineer was ordered torepair drainage In Tyler, by build-

    ing a culvert.A motion id have all concrete

    pavements six feet wide In future

    street Improvement* was lost.

    Burlington Mn-t Answer.Judge F-inlth McPherson, of Iowa,

    sitting In place of Judge John F. Phillips, at Kansas City , ovorrulcd the de-murrer of the Burlington Hallway com-pany, and they must now go on trialThu defendants. In a demurrer filedseveral weeks ago, contended lhat congross was without power to enact leg-islation regulpilng export rates, In the

    giving of alleged rebates hn which theHnrllngUin wa* charged with havingviolated tho interstate commerce act.

    Sturman. a btishinan who lives inthO'^’i(cska district of ^gpe Colony,

    DanderineJ. 8. Billingtou, of the Grnhani-vllle section, came to the city > ester-


    day and stirrenders vl, and was re-leases! on a 1100 bond. He is In-dicted on two counts, and In addi-tion is being sued for slander by K.

    B. Woodward, a picture agent, thetrouble originating over Blllington

    missing fll from bis home after avlst-t by Woodward. Millington aus-peefed Woodward of taking the mon-ey, it ta alleg’d, and caught him.ittlllngion by force is said to have

    searched Woodward. The Indictmentscharge unlawful deimMon and flour-ishing a gun.

    GREW EVERY BIT OF ITAnd wo can

    A sellme Is on foot in Spain to pre-si nl Prim' as Elia with a collectionof postcards from Ihe whole of HpultrWith "plropos" dedicated to her. A"ptropo" 1* a short phrase eulogizingthe beamy of women. Prizes will begi,ru for the most lug nions andpleasing postcards. The cards willbe arranged hi special album*. withartistic bindings one for every pro-vince In Spain.

    if this photograph and testimo- E.'rssd,Wp> tv uss &«

  • t Paftucal) Sun. 25SVSTS5-"4 scotts emulsion ltl lt.ll. IIK1.IV Kill.


    >rc than a t'.it f( toil. I -n*u.«.-ci i.y n.» ,4 thc.o*.

    A change in (ho rural free deliver}DV1DK VIIIJ ifj if*' It HI lit' ill- | . . • «> ' llflllAV III UIV i Mini nn Mi nimi;ties lor crossing Island creek, they Compares With It 111 system. which relieves carriers fromroust do more than urg. tholr repre nnttri»;Iiinir muI IiiiiMinrr "'“'"ining every box. il Is said, willtentative* in ihp general council They h ‘ save about nn hour's time 011 the av-

    If Ihp people of Meehanirstmrg real ' I*u4 nietil


    ly demand street rar ##nice. whirh i* There IS HO animal fat ~BY (HE Sl)N PUBLISHING 80. (Mine delayed only by lark of faoili- . . . . • A change in the rural fr*M» delivery

    iHconponaTia tic- lor rrosslng Island creek, they COnipUTCS Wltll it 111 system, which relieves carrier* fromfun M mass, twratdonr tnd Bdiwt. roust do more than urge their repre nnttrixhiniv itnl ImiMinrr ',xan ' | i>l®K every box. il Is said, willnn J. Paxton. Uaeeral Msasc sent stives in ihe general council. They 11 m, p> ,,n 1 ‘ ' Is save about an hour'* time ou the av-UASCRIPTION MTiai n"l!“ ha ' k "p ,he |1'plr rep- up tllC W'astCtl, CIlKU illtcd er* 1"' ro '" p

    tSaveria *• Ma eoatoniM — »-- - H resentaiivea. who are doing everything ... Hy Ihe new ruling, introns will neednoond etias xiatwr.y ' posslblo. Thu Jieople of M-chanlcs- DOtly. 1 IS W'llV tllll- (o display Ihe slgua's on their boxesTHE DAILY SUM burg should organise and consider ihe i . • • i when they deposit mull therein for

    •» aarri.r, per week .» posl means of urging tlielr demands “"vl all. I tllll H'll® . arriers lo collect, antj, the rarrlern will

    S!^ !!! ;£ » ,h« c">- . thrive and i/row fat mx>n bp rw"' lrPd ' hp on ,,aivniii per y«»r, in utun.—

    *,lt — — o ... ‘ i ron?* boxes when they deliver imiilyaw. by



    pntjIn Jaw™ m.m IsW us aave the trees from vandals, it. is wily JUTSOnS Those patron* who nre now maintain-Addroa* TBS SUN, Padaaafc, Ky. wh *ther they be iw t uat«*l by iMiremal* « 4 t 1 . ‘ nR ma^ boxea on whirh there arc no

    ». .... . . - i«e or wanton di*rcgatd of the right* " OOnSUIliptlVC tc IKIC!!* ilfiiai*, will need lo fix up or procure('•non, II* Soulh Third I TaLseeoam. No U- of others. Tho city uiilhorllles irain fli-wli nnrl •ort of device which will serve

    (U B|}K ... M town a* ran inuow nhouW »w to II that cootrad ora' rm- o' ' as a signal to carriers. A simple andme plaois


    ployes are not permitted to cut down strength pnOUch til (.'heck. Inexpensive sort ot arrangement willD Olwnuaw. shade Irees bordering the city streets. , ' . . .. answer.

    Yaa Culls Bras. Property owners ran have llieni ar- the progress ,r feratu ai of all our iBAdlfift**!____jj—j———— a II I 1SALT LAKE CITY IS ORGANIZED.

    Civic Improvement League Formed by Representa-

    tive Citizens-An Example.

    Property owners can have them arrested, that i* trn . but not unlit af-

    ter the damage is done.SCI ITT A POIVNF. .«] I'f.r I Sir... S . .. V




    April 2 . . . SH93April 3...38k3

    April 9... 3911

    April 10. . ,3905April 11. , .3970

    April 12. . .3946

    April 13. . .3984

    April 14 . .3984

    Mb* Ada Matthew*.Miss Ada Matthews, of Unlonviile


    Tho ltd is going to be Jammed downr in Isiuisvidc next Sumlai in such * DDITIIC

    M IV 21. way as to pin. li Mr. flood Oitlien and IJKli I HS.

    . ' l make him think a clos. I Sahbaih la a

    ITATKMENT. nuisance. Every business enterprise —will be suspended, particular nttenllon >lh* Ad* Matthew*.

    April 16 2982b* ;“* P* 1 '1 ,0 ,h '09'’ ,hil1 4,,p h * rn' l for a fgw mimiles todny

    this May, 1, 1906, K. J Paxton, gen-'l* ief °1 H18 0**R* Indians. Bacon Nn ,| n,,. time Ibsi up the system

    eral manager of The Sun. who affirms *ll "d ls now chief ot ,hp Griddle for Imndrods of miles and slopped (raf-

    that the above statement of the cir-,}rcMr»

    _5, In every- direction. Wlih extreme

    c.istios of Th» s„„ for tho month‘ rapidity he dashed off order* lo dls-

    NjrMPm. make an addroiui «*t the mMtiiift. Mr.Scnit U the »wly repr«'«rntAtlve from

    Huntington. Ind . May 2 1 Everett Kentucky invilod to Ira on the proKel am. Insane telegraph operator, sc gram and the honor is a high one IIc il rod possession ot the Wabash rail- t* probable Unit he w4Ji attend.


    that the above statement of the cir-

    culation of The Sun for the month

    .%l Fkimh MhwumI.A very delightful A I Frwco Musi*

    cel will he Riven ibis ev*-ninK on t* »lawn at Mrs. M. K. Hcott’a rfbdme,.AM . V n kT f The European idea of ari .orra. x p.tU Uen in every dic tion. n p ,leriu* v , \ T ^of April. 1906, Is true to ihe best of ronipretl , ;Hk.(, ;ei,.e«. ..f high t .nns to siding- The .1 -pal. -her -I "U ^ atr,'rl:, '‘""’J. 'j" 1

    bis knowledge and belief. t)ir(h America Ihe essential this point had s.nppcd oui g. , hi-,°h ^ y?h*, n™" t i"PETER PURYEAR, high berth lunch,,, Kellum who had .men ad- ^ Ghrlsrian churchykt*< rT..Kiis. - ... the law nwilllx* eli ertiveh decoratedNotary I uhUC. o * j ;daed tn^ne >oirterd«y. was slttiUK , (h , . . '

    Mv ronunlMlon expire* January Fairbanks. Alaska, ia a cold sound ,u the station when ih« a«ent wi»nt 1* 1 ‘ * n '


    an " n.

    '. .. . .. . . .... tractive program will lie rendered

    *-• l!, " x lnR I erhaps H require* oui. and lmmedh.lely t.Kik pu- . -Ion T(lo ,( ukm achoola conflagration to warm up the town of the key. When the dispatcher te- . . .. . .. . .., Tlionglii.“ l “rBud « ’•-nuired the effort* of three

    .Umoi, . Mrs. Jnmc's’ A. Young."He who has pluck need not wait "> arc glad we go: our library be men to overpower Kel am and drag M|u ni) , I)r,fllss MiM A ,|Mh

    for luck " ,ore M was insinuated that Oarnogles him iron, the key Dispatcher Beou- ,lr)uvttnn Miaa(,a Marjorie livingWo are glad w«* got our library he- mon trk. A rousing meet-ing Is to tw hwtd Hat unlay afternoonin the court house ai 2 o'clock atwhich aildmues will ho made byProf. W. II. Hchorflliis on “Com Cul-ture,'* and II. F. HilK nrneyer on"What a Furincrw* Club Hhould 0**."After there nddriwea prac.tUwl aborttalks will (»e made by President Hamllton and others along kindred line*of thought and a concert- d effortwiM 1 1)4 o Im* made to inrreiute themem tiers hip. Preaid^mt HamlUon. intalking of the dub said: "The organizatlon of the club a wo k ago mean*much tp tip* tn,finer* id thjt .^lunty.It m an organization for farmers andall are Invit'd to tic present at ournoxt meeting The pres nt iiHtnber-t*hip Mutes but a nucleus for one

    of the largest Fnrniera* clubs In the.•Mute If the farmer* of this countywill tak* so Interot in M. It costanothing aim! those who attorul willIm greatly Iwncfltcd NN'hat we farmera net*! ntoa»t is orgnntmiion. so asto Im* uMo to act inielligently and•rdfeetively, not «»nly on questions per-taining lo agrMuHure, hut on thiienalso that pertain to the general w«*t-fare of itw* rotmoufilty. Wo shouldput ourselves In |iosition to act In'•onJumtUm, If ne»d lie, with I Ik*chamber of oimmerce of tha city ofIslington, or any oth«M- h«wly in thestato whom* aims are to upbuild the• ountjr or the m*tc. The welfare of(he city and the wtdfnre of the coun-i) an* co ordinate condition* andshut Inure* to th** t>em»flt one ran


    not Nit similarly affect the otter.


    The fanning peoph' are ItaginvUng to


    apprecip4q tht* l*v* ffMta and moreI

    i very day and our aim shall be to'make this r|nb a co-op- rativo one'along nil mi« li lines.'* LcKingtonI 1 easier

    Henrik Isben, the Great Norweigan Poet, Dead.

    and was about 40 >«nr he was

    director of a theater in Ib'rgen II*

    held this po-d Hun sis years, and inIHf»7 became director of Ihe Norwr

    gian theater in Christiana, which po

    h'Uob h nxfaltMMl until IK82. Hew ent to Home the follow Ing year andremained away from his own homoten years, revisiting It only at rare

    period* because of hi* re**ntmcnt

    ngalost hi# country for not aowiallngt In* sister kingdom of |>enmark whenattacke«| by Uornmny

    Hi* hewf known puhlkation* whichhavi* been inuislatcd into Kiigl!*!)ac : "Th# Kiii|s»ror ami the Halil*lean," "Norm, the laid) from th#Bea,"’ "The I’lflur* of S«-"Ohods; a noil's llve’sComedy."

    Thirty-Eight Years for Bishop NcCloskey.

    $‘4.00 4 Tiililien's Huts Huml-siifTererr. and I idiould like to fell yo * **on»«‘ 1 liildrvn's lluts frliime d for 7.V;briefly how. and why, I cao cur# them Huts for $‘J.fM>. iTkrs cut onaj oasily. If you will call. everything.

    Or. 0. B. Froage, BIG Broadway . j . .

    mcnac# in the Fast. aufrerer*. and I should like to tell yo i- o- briefly how\ and why, I can rur# them

    Dr M. K. Allen, health officer of If you will call.

    Loolsvillo, is having his trouble withl>r ^ roa8P

    '',16 Broadway

    temporary sanitary expedients and is “one

    urging the drainage of Bear Grass,

    cre< l(, a catch all for tho short sewers r.NUINKS STALLED IN 'll II. £of a certain district in tho city. Con- tfcorning iho condition ho rays in an in- " Oman Sue* city of Ow for **'

    List of new »ul,»cr iix r- aililol hyHie Kasl li nncracc Tclcphonr com-INiny today:


    terview in (he Herald:

    "The pools formed l>y the const ruc-tion of what is known as Ihe ‘short line

    lass, lo Her l*n>|iorty. HOT IllSt TITS ANDCOKKKK SKIU ED KKEE

    lion ot wliat is known as the ‘short line Owensboro, Ky , May 21 B< - l*J’ XT G\S It'NGJ-: DEM- -J- 1 * * • M*di-onfill.* should lie removed by filling with cause two of the fire eng ti-a became X ONHTIMTION T II I S Like other ronirnndit leg telephoneIresli eai-th. or by the construction of stalk'd in the mild for fifteen min |5* WEEK AT RHODES- *,• ‘ rvire should lie paid for accordinga sewer connecting and emptying into tries on April 7, Mrs. M Hazel has .}« Bl IH-ORD CO. ,!> •

  • People andPleasant Events

    Let Me Show UWhat a Very Fine Line ofIce Cream Freezers,


    Ice Chests,’


    Lawn Sprinklers,

    Hose Reels,

    Gasoline Stoves,

    Steam Cookers,

    Water Coolers,


    Screen Windows,

    Screen Doors,

    Washing Machines,

    Lawn Mowers,

    Lawn Swings,


    Oar Great Stock of White Skirts and Soils, New LineComplimentary German.

    The Cotillion Hub will give a ger-man (wi Ihe evening of Tuesday the29th at the Wallace park dancingPavilion. In compliment to Mias Hen-rietta Kogrr and h« r guests, MiasMay Phelps, of Washington, D. C..Mias Anne Rhea and Miss FrancesHarris of NashvHle, Tenn., and MissMarie Scovell, of Jacksonville. Fla.The list will go on tomorrow at

    Rock's Shoe Store. It will he the firstpnvilllou dance of the season .

    Just Arrived— Som CO.

    R. W. WALKER CO,

    —Big Sale of Millinery Sat unlay atMrs. Chapin's, 210 Broadway.



    The Mother of All DiseasesMother's Medicine Chest,will J*id much in bringing about a normalcondition of the alructum* involved.In sterility and lni»*otenc«* its curativepower la unmistakable, and within a

    i 'tollable time it will restore to health-ful activity all casee not do|«‘nitcnt »i|w*norganic urongt, and in lciirorrha'a anddcfixrtlve menstruation It is a frequentlytussled remedy."The following are among the leading

    indications for Helontas : "Pain or ach-ing In the lack, with lencorrhcea : atonic(weak) conditions of the reproductiveorgans of women, mental deprenslon and

    ’• NHSoclat«Hi with chronic dls-

    ea-es of the reproductive organs ofwomen: constant sensation of heat Inthe region of the kidneys; menorrhagia(flooding*, due to a weakened condi-tion •* *e reproductive system; amenor-rhea «#uppre*>M>d menstruation), arisingfro or accompanying an abnormal con-dition of the digestive organs and an

    mlefthtn blood habit; aragglap aeo-satkrns In the extreme lower part of thaabdomen*

    If more or less of the above symptomsare prewont, no invalid woman can dobetter than take Dr. Pierre's FavoritePrescription, one of the leading and pre-dominating Ingredient* of which Is Uni-corn root, or ilelonlas. associated withother equally efficient medicinal extractsof native roots.

    From the above extracts It will bwunderstood %rhu Doctor Pierce Is so suc-cessful in curing diseases peculiar towomen with a carefully prepared glyc-eric extract of the above mentionedroots In Just th/» right, proportions—thiscompound being called l)r. Pierce’s Fa-vorite Prescription. As a solvent andpreservative, glycerine is superior to alco-hol and is entirely unobjectionable. The"Favorite Prescription " Is the only medi-flne put up for sale through druggistsfor the cure of woman’s peculiar ali-ments that does not contain alcohol andthat too In large quantities. It Is alsoth*- only non-secret medicine for womensold by druggists. Its ingredients areprinted In full on the bottle wrapper andin plain English.

    Dr. Pierce feels that he can afford totake the afflicted into his full roufld'uiceand lav all the . - medi-cines freely before them because theseingredients are such as are endorsed andmost strongly praised by scores of themost eminent medical writers of all theseveral school* of practice as cures forthe diseases for which these nuxllcine*are recommended.Your druggists sell the * FAVOJUT*

    Put ription " and also that famousalterative, blood purifier and stomachtonic, tie* "tioLPux Medical Dim-ov-EBT." tV rite to Dr. Pierce a Unit yourcase. lie is an experienced physicanand will treat your case as confiden-tial and without charge for correspond-ence. Address him at the Invalids’Hotel and Surgical Institute, lit ffalo,N. Y.. of which he Is chief consultingphysician.

    It Is as easy to he well as 111— andmuch more comfortable. Constipationis the cause of many forms of illness.Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure con-stipation. Thev are tiny, sugar-coated

    Uvttivc. two a mild c&tha/Mc. Alldealers in medicines sell them.A good nodical book, written In plain

    English, and frww from technical termsIs a valuable work for frequent consulta-tion. Such a work is Dr. Plfrce’s Com-mon Sense Medical Adviser. It’s a liookof long page*, profusely illustrated. ItIs given away now, although formerlywolif In cloth binding for •!..*). Send 21cents, In one-cent stamps, to pay for costof mailing only for paper-covered copy,addressing Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo,N. Y.; oral cents for an elegantly cloth-bound copy

    When we look back to childhood andthink of what mother adv . -ed. we feelpretty certain that she ad\ .-*sl what w asright from her own experience. SheInherited lat«*rln her Instinct of mother-hood a know Iedge of childish ailments anda certain class of remedies that she knewwell and their efforts. Experience afterall is tin* best teacher. Mknow as wrell as doctors and often letter,what ails a young g!r! on the thresholdof young womanhood and what sheueetl*. For nearly forty years manymothers have rocommended u> ailing

    (iris a prescription made from well-down native, medicinal plants. Lady's

    Slipper root, (tolden Seal root Black Coh.ish root. Unicorn root. Blue Cohosh rootand chemically pure glycerine make oneof the best, prescriptions for the period-ical troubles and affliction* which visitwomankind at one time or another.l*rof. F. Filingwood. M. 1).. of BennettMedical College, says of Lady’s Slipperroot: "It exercises spectal Influence H|H»nnervous conditions, depending upon dis-order* of the feminine organs — relievespain, restlessness and nervousness." Prof.Jno. M. Scudder. M. IK, says of the sameroot, "It Is valuable in all cases ofnervous excitahtlltv or Irritability." Of(Iolden Seal root, Edwin M. Hale. M. IX.Professor of Materut Medim at Hahne-mann Medical College, Chicago, says:"In Its genera! effects on the systemthere is no medicine In use about whichthere is such general unanimity of opin-ion. It Is unlvmallu regarded as atonic useful In all debilitated states."Prof. F. Ellingood. M. P.. author of "ATreatise on Mnterin Metlicn and Thera-peutics," says of Holden Seal root: " It i*cm tm/nntnnt remedy in dbonier* of thetcomb." Of Black Cohosh root. Prof.Jna M. King, M. P.. author of " Womenand Her Diseases." says: "Upon the re-productive organs It exerts a specificInfluence, promoting regularity. In dys-mem»rrh«ea (painful twrioda), it I* sur-passed by no other drug, being of thegreatest utfiity in irritative and conges-tive conditions, for dragging pains re-sembling the pains of rheumatism andfor side ache." Of Unicorn root theAmerica* Dispersatory says: "It isone of our most valuable agents, actingas a uterine tonic, and gradually remov-ing abnormal conditions, while at thesame time it imparts tone and vigor tothe reproductive organs, hence it is muchused In leucorrho'a. amenorrheriodsi. dysmenorrhu*a (painfull"

    Dr. John Frfe, Editor of the "EclecticMedical Review." say? of Unicorn root(lleloiiias Dioica). one of the chief ingre-dients of Dr. Pierce’S Favorite Pro-scription:

    " A remedy w hich Invariably arts nsa uterine invlg*-I

    ness and of the utmost Importance to theg* neral practitioner of ni**dl< in* I iIlelonlas we have a m**dlcainout whichmore folly anawers tie* above purposesthan any other dnuj vHth which I amuerpiainted. In the treatment of diseasespeculiar to women it Is seldom that acase is seen which does not present bOBioIndication for this remedial agent."He continue*: "HeloniasH nlcom root)

    —through its tonic and alterative Influ-ence -act* equally well in inietiorrho a(suppressed menstruation) and In menor-rhagia (floodl ng or profuse menstruation'.It Is especially called for in case* ofamcnorrno a which are accompanied hvgeneral debility and an atonic (weak*condition of the digestive organs, as itIncrease* the appetite and promotes di-gestion and assimilation. When there

    atony fweakne**) of the generativeorgans and a tendency to miscarriage it*tonic influence upon the sexual aysteoi

    Diseased Stomachs have been responsible for

    much of the CRIME of the world, not tomention trouble.

    Averairea Twenty Per Cent, in

    Laid Three Years.

    Col. Frank Murphy Coes |to

    Chicago Toalfht.

    No sufferer from dyspeps ia or indigestion can benormal—because it directly affects the mostimportant functions of the whole body.

    Even as poor coal in a poor furnace means poor heatand combustion, so,



    health , every time.

    Co to any druggist and get a bottle of

    K\iiiuiiiuli*>ii Kiln'iiiv

    1‘ttivr, Surnwful In l-iililicSchools.

    I »»il llctur'iii'luug Will lie« 1 1


    >l. ( her being placed w here it itthought he tan do the most good

    “I find that this eompetHlve exam-

    ination Is a very successful move,” a

    well known school official s'ated thismorning. "The examinations forleathers for tertiflrater will he held

    on Uv lull and With of June, anil

    [ find on looking over the list that wehave 16 white teachers who will takethe examination.Some are now work-ing under extend d certificate* andsome under special certiorates givenafter special examinations. In both

    ease, examinations have to he un-

    dergone after the school rear ia out

    before the teacher can teeeh again.”1 belts ve that thla feature ha>

    done more for the goitdof the schools

    than any other scheme InauguratedIn the last this* yean, and the re-sults show It. Where teachers for-merly got M® a month, they now geiabout t jo. This ia an ln> lease inschool expenses, hut the result Is

    If after taking it according to directions for threedays, you are not satisfied it is what youwant, go to the druggist and get your moneyback without argument or question.

    50c. and $1.00 Per Bottle


    NewA good complexion is Impossible

    with the stomach out of order. Ifpasty sallow people would pay moreattention to their stomachs and lessto the akin on their fares, they wouldhuv* better complexions. K 01)01.COR CrSPKPSIA will digest whatyou eat and put your stomach barkin right shops to do Its own worh.Kodol relieve) palpitation of theheart, flatulence, sour stomach, heartburn, etc. Sold by Lang Bros.

    For Stomach, Bowels, Liver arul Kidney*li on per Ho.t.e, three lot ( 2 .50 , sis for f(,oo

    Payne’s Quick Relief Oil, 25 ctsPayne’s Medicated Soap, 10c. All told by




    i:ii«Ip and active at 82, is liv-

    ing at the Fifth Avenue Hotel. NewYork, Mr. trying la practically the

    uu'.ii n-.m,lining member of the Irvingfamily, of which bo la engaged iu

    writing a lrislory.

    KING FOR A DAY,By W. A. Fraser,

    Formerly The t-*agomnr»lnoWhy take a doxen thing* to cure

    that cough? Kennedy's Laxative Hon-

    ey and Tar allays the congestion,

    stop* that tickling, drive* tho cold

    out through your bowel*. Sold by

    Lang Bros.

    THE UP-TO-DATE STAR LAUNDRYBoth Phones 200. 120 North Fourth St.

    Proprietors and Managers


    By Ray Stanuard Baker.

    This hotel, now under our management, hasbeen improved in every department.

    The dining room will be open day and nightand is in charge of a competent steward.

    All rooms are outside rooms and tlx; sample

    rooms arc htroc.

    rr win- •*" vor toC*)VtK IN AND HKE THK«j\S It WOK DKMON-ktkation •VfllH W'KKKvr IIIIODKH-Ilt liKOHII


    Now located atGlauber’s Stable.

    We are ready for all kinds of hauling.TELEPHONE 499


    By Cecilia A. Lobeatix.]




  • UW. Hteve got tho idfprw) of blnlife. it uld careto have o|i|H»*ed to him; then, sinkingthat there was uo sporting blood lume. ho dev?>ur«*?l my lunch and wentnv y, a cours«* 1 promptly Imitated a*far as 1 could. 1 dep irted.Hitherto I had both liked ami ad-

    mired Hteve. .IDs onoriu?»us strength,coupled with an uuexpwti'd agility audan agreeable way he had of treatingyou as If you were c*t tiling he'd everheard of ami wi*U?'?l lie'll been there to

    New York, May 24.—Now York anjWashington society was startled to-day by the seemlugly well-aut heniicat-


    ed rumor that Mrs. James U Blainewho recently went to Sioux Falls, S.D.. to begin divorce proceedings agalnrt

    the son of th« late republican states-

    man. Intends to avail herself of tho re-cent decision of the supreme court of

    tho United Status touching upon di-|

    vorces in pressiug her suit. MrsBlaine, it is said, will urge, among oth-er things, that since the divorce which 1

    the first Mrs. Blaine secured from barhusband comes within the purview ofthis derision, youmg B'.alne has neverbeen legally separated from his first

    wife, and his second marriage, there-

    fore, in void.

    Tbo first Mrs. Blaine h«ss for someyear* been the wife of l>r. •William TBull, of this city, whom she marriedImmediately after divorcing Blaine. At

    least partial confirmation of -the state-

    ment as given above wus secured last-night from Dr. Bull, who, while admit-ting that he understood 'Mrs. ISlaino

    would seek a separation on tho groundsstated, carefully pointed out that tho

    divorce which his wife secured fromBlaitic does not come within the de-cision.

    foreman Bros. Novelty toIncorporated

    Phone. 7fi7121 - 1 .2.1 .N. Rourtli St

    KENTUCKY IRON AND STEEL CONinth and Harrison Streets

    K.M-ltKSS tOMlWNYWe pay the highest cash prices for scrap Iron, metals, bMe9 ,wool, tallow and junlc of all hinds. Write for ourWeekly Market Uwtter. Ask for special quotations.

    Old Phon. flvfl-a. New Phone IdO

    Run. I^nr for Five YeaiI (in.m N'.-urlj It.acli

    A renewal of the lease of theAmerican Expres* company for thebuilding II now occupies on Broad-way for another live years' occupan-cy, was closed yesterday. The bulld-Inu at. 130 Broadway to he occupiedJointly by the NaahvIBe. Chattanoo-

    ku an I tit. I»ttis ticket office andthe Sou i horn and Adams’ Expresscompanies, will bo ready for occu-

    pancy by ,he end of the month, M. isthouyhl.

    I-Utilic Sale of Franchise.

    Paducah, Ky.. May 7. 1906.I will ofTer for sale, at the city hall

    door, on the 30th day of May, 190tl,

    between the hours of 10 and 12

    o'clock a. tn.. a franchise for operat-

    ing a street railway In the city of

    Paducah, in accordance with an ordi-

    nance recently passed ordering such

    sale, and In accordance with thiterms und conditions reserved t.such ordinance.Toe city reserves the right to re-

    ject at... and ail bids.

    O. B SiAUKS, Acting Mayor, ^Cltyof Paducah, Ky.


    Meet and \p|M>lnl CommitteesCurry Out \V R. Byrnes, Merchant. Dovers-

    ville, Texas, 25c and 50c and $1.00.

    Sold by Alvey & List.

    MOTT'SSafa and rstiixble. theyovercome wcaxkrxooir, lix-crosso vleor, banish pains.No remedy equrxls Ilk.WOT 1 S PENNYROV AI. Drucftlaraan.1 llr U ttlI'liemM al Ca. CloarUrnU. Ohio

    CAMPBELL BLOCKTtlaphoaes: Office. 369 ; Residence, fit


    WAGON YARDruiii^vfl Vm* III* 44 for un-.-tur*.u 1 u t 4 >ilX| r St ttlw. t-- 7S


    Arc Lglit on Osirl House,T. Light foot, county Jtidgo. U y

    considering the advisabi'.Hy of placing

    a big arc light on top of the cup4>Ia at Vthe court house. He thinks it willlight tip the grounds at night an i £beautify the court houre and- yards af- Ater nightfall. Judge Light foot does Tnot desire the beauties of the yu**dj?y

    hidden by night.

    I have leased the Nelson Wagon Yard, ^

    corner Tbitd and Clsik, Best accom-modations in the city. Give me a call,


    Henry Mammen, Jr.liaitTcS ta IVird dil KeaUctj.

    Hook Binding, Hank Work, Legal

    and Library Work a apeclatty

    •Tor or*r nlii** T^r» I luffnrM wlih ehrontc eon-Stlt>at!»n and dnrla« tbli Una I hod t tsk* ontnjrodon nf wmui onco crirrn boars ba/ort*I ooald bora on artioa oo iuy bvwaU. Happily 1Inad l'a»tarrti, amt today I am a wall manDuring tho tuna yaara tx-fora I uavd ?'aa< ar« (a Iuffared untold Blwrjr with tnt For The Sun.


    Th. Bowels D. A. Bailry , Prop.

    METROPOLIS, ILL,Jm. ^ tr>e ooweis

    Newest and beat hotel in the city

    Rates $2.oo. Two large samplerooms. Bath rooms. Jflectilc

    lignta. The only central)* kx a'eJhotel In the city.

    Cwaereiil Palreiigc StliTO'

    ___ /70N50*PTI0I PrlcaS CR I CUGHS antf (Ot a 51.CO

    VOLOS Fra* Trial.Sorest aod Uai. Cure for aitTHROAT Bed LUNG TROUB-LES, or HOWEY BACK.

    Plaaaant. Palatahlu. Potaut. Taitaflrv»d. T>op«o



    Cairo 18.7Chattanooga 3.5Cincinnati 141.4

    Evansville 8.1

    Florence—m i ssl n g.Jobnaonville 3 7

    ML Gartur-1 3.0lamlaville 4.3

    Naahvllle 8.3

    Pittsburg 6.2

    Davis Island Item . . 4.23t. Louis 13 7

    ML V-ernou 7.0Paducah 8.2

    Plans Set On Foot At Meeting HeldAt Murray This W«k By

    Its Delegate*.

    Only ol Unfortunate Man I re. has left the ser-vice. Mrs. Pettitte came here fromOwensboro three years ago and hasbeen one of the most reliable andbest operators on the long distanceboards. She marrieu several monthsago and her husband is In Monroe.Isa., traveling. Bh < will leave Sundaylo Join him. Mrs. Pettitte left the

    -telephone service last night. audwith her the regrets of many friendsaud patrons of the telephone com-pany will go.

    Xof Ire to Contractor*.Bids will !>« opened by the Board

    of Public Works im Wednesday after-noon at 4 o'clock, May 30, 1906, forlire coiMiirurlton of concrete side-walks, curb and gutters on both skiesof Jones otreet from Ninth to Tenthstreet, and from Teo-t h to Eleventhstreet, in acoordam-e wMb plans andspecifics lions on file In the city engi-neer's office, and in accordance wilhthe ordinance governing same.


    Total security to dtquwltoi*. . .. $250 000

    Accounts of Individual* and turn* solicited. Wc appreciatesmall a* well a* large de|x>*itor* and accord lo all the asmacourteous treatment.

    Interest Pwld on Time DepositsOfficial Forecasts.Th - Ohio at Evansville art Mt.

    Vernor, will continue falling duilug

    the next 24 hours. Al Paducah audCairo, will continue falling during

    the next several days.

    The Tennessee front Florence tothe mouth, no material change dur-ing the next 36 hours.

    The Mississippi front Cheater toCairo, will continue falling during

    th. next 3C hours.

    Open Saturday nights (rum seven to eigh* o’clock

    Third and BroadwayMining tmlrr TVIr Farina.

    Four Pennsylvanian* caltod 01* .bepresident fo ask for relief from coaloperators who. it I* claimed, aremining tinder their fur tint and dam-aging the prop. rty. hut were told thatnothin* could be done for then). Alton be present, and every triaduatv

    nf the Paducah schools is requested foattend the meeting or to send in namefor membership and so iudicAte au Ac-tive lutere«t in the organization Themembership fee it small, only $1 ayear.

    The Alumnae Association can domuch (or the city in various ways andIt Is an advance step. A few* cannotcarry It on, however, there mud be an,All-mind co-operation to make it thesucres* desired. Let all graduate*

    be present tomorrow and ovlura theirloyalty and interest In the association :


    AMermen Meet Tonight.

    The aldernianic hoard will meet to-night In regular seaaion. and Its busk

    ness will be principally that of ratify-

    ing the work of the council. he

    meeting will likely last several hours

    there being a great deal of routine

    work to do

    The MKI-Surrejr (England) Golf

    club lia. forbidden 11 a niurnbera to

    play bnJg whist on Sunday* This hanot a religious measure. It waa foundthat bridge -playing "Interfered with

    golf." .

    Purity, ahiolute purity of all ingre-

    dient* is the (irtt consideration of the

    brewing of our now famous beer.

    Alway* iniiit on Belvedere.

    Dis-iIh Recorded.Northvlew Rially company to K

    D. Suell and others, for S' and otherconsideration, property ne^r Twelfthand Ellla streets.

    K W. Whlltemore to II M. Chil-dress, for *1 and other consideration,property In the Worten South Sideaddition.

    P. M. Illehon lo Isora Galvin, for

    S1.2U0. property In the Flournoy andTrimble addition.

    D. N. Dnvla to E.other*, for 8200,

    Hotel Cumberland(Broadway at S4th St.

    NEW YORK CITY. N. V.The noil tuvurtuu«lv ippolntcd hotel Is

    N« w York. Its fumi ah ugi are rare rich•04 lo guosl (am The highly |»oliaheddoors tb'fmMheut the entire ho««e ere cov-ered with nnDd*«>tiie oriental rifl Tiledbath rooaee vaaPlattag lata the open air a•eatute. Tel phone in ever* au te.Thi* h tel offer >ls you want.

    GRAY SUITS are dow si gen-erally accepted ss lieing lathe lead that It Isa’t necessary to

    tell you much eliout them tucptthat in the Caaleiberiy Clothes

    we hsve the ilcbe.t felines andmoat exclusive petteine to befound anywhere. As for etylethey display most markedly the

    taste and ingenuity ol the moderntailorman. They come In .ingleend double breaated style., thevery lat- at cuts, broad shoulders,

    deep vea'e, etc. They ere ofcheviote, caselmeret and worsteds,

    Including 'he new twilight graysThere are also check*, plaids andstripe eBecte. They arc unq-iestlonab'y the beet value! in the city.

    If Yon Are


    Buying a Kodak

    You can save money andtime by calling on us. Wecarry a complete line, vary-

    ing In price from

    For Lawn Mowers and Lawn SwingsSee Us.

    Call and get a free copy ol

    Eastman's Spi lug Catalogue.

    .32 CBROADWAY PADUCAH.KY.McPherson’s

    Drug StorePOWE.IX .ROGERS CO

    Phone 301 Paducah, Ky.Old Phone 1486«a. New Phono 586-