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Page 2: International TEFL Academy International TEFL Academy ... the skills you need to succeed as a professional English teacher in your TEFL/TESOL Certification course

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International TEFL Academy

Have you ever wanted to get paid to live and work in a foreign country?

Would you like to spend a year or two in Tokyo, Shanghai or Buenos Aires?

Do you dream of a life where you walk to work every day along the cobblestone streets of Prague or Florence, or through the colorful street markets of Bangkok or Saigon?

Do you want the satisfaction of performing a valuable public service and assisting others in achieving their own life goals, all while traveling the world and experiencing the adventure of a lifetime?

If the answer to any of these questions is “yes” and you are a fluent English speaker, then teaching English abroad could be for you!

As English takes hold as the international tongue of commerce and culture, hundreds of millions across the globe are engaging in English language classes each year, creating an unprecedented demand for trained instructors from Seoul and Shanghai to Milan and Santiago. While young people and other workers in the U.S. and

elsewhere confront the most challenging job market in generations, teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) provides not only viable and accessible job opportunities, but also once-in-a-lifetime possibilities to see the world and gain invaluable international work experience.

A globally recognized TEFL/TESOL Certification from International TEFL Academy can be your ticket to an exciting and rewarding overseas experience by providing

you with qualification to work in thousands of schools and language institutes around the world. From Asia and Europe to South American and the Middle East, more than 250,000 English teachers are practicing their craft, providing instruction to nearly 1 billion English learners across the world. By gaining your TEFL / TESOL Certification through International TEFL Academy, you will be ready to join them and live your dream of going abroad to teach, travel and explore!

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Welcome to International TEFL

Academy Based in Chicago, Illinois, International TEFL Academy is employee-owned institution training over

3,500 new teachers a year. We are founded on the principle that everyone should have the opportunity to live and work abroad as a professionally trained English teacher. We offer the most state-of-the-art online course available as well as onsite courses in more than 25 fantastic destinations around the world, all of which meet or exceed the highest international standards and are recognized by the field’s leading accrediting bodies.

In addition, we provide personal pre-enrollment advice to every student to assist them in achieving their

certification and all of our students and graduates also receive free lifetime job search guidance. Our highly trained and experienced staff, all of whom have lived, traveled and worked abroad extensively. Each one

of us are dedicated to providing you with the expertise and guidance you need to live your dream of going abroad to teach, travel and explore. International TEFL Academy proudly uses curriculum our ITA professors have published and our courses all meet the requirements set by the British Council (the world’s largest employer of English teachers) for classwork, student teaching and external accreditation. Our online course, ITA run onsite courses and those operated in cooperation with our international affiliates and partners, are all internationally accredited by a variety of leading academic bodies, including the TQUK, College of Teachers, IATQuO, ACCET, SIT, CELTA and others. As a U.S.-based training school, we are also held to U.S. educational, ethical and professional standards.


The field of TEFL/TESOL is one of the fastest growing educational fields in the world, presenting thousands of excellent professional opportunities in all corners of the globe to native and fluent English speakers who achieve their TEFL/TESOL certification.

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Teach English and See the World!

By earning your TEFL/TESOL certification from International TEFL Academy, you will gain a

highly marketable and mobile professional qualification that will enable you to work, live and travel in all corners of the globe. Teaching opportunities vary widely and chances are that you can find a position that suits your own needs and goals. If you prefer working with younger learners, you can teach children and adolescents. Or, if you seek a corporate

environment, then “Business English,” which is in extremely high demand across the globe, might be a perfect avenue for you; while those with a humanitarian inclination can also find rewarding volunteer opportunities on every continent. Most standard contracts throughout the world are 12 months; however six -month contracts can be found in numerous countries and for those looking for even shorter endeavors, summer camps and schools offer a bo unty of opportunities. Teaching English is also a profession you can undertake on a part -time basis and private tutoring offers great opportunities to earn additional income, create your own flexible schedule and to work with students on a personal basis. The world of English teaching is easily summarized in the following:

1) World demand for English language instruction 2) Demand for English teachers across the globe 3) Where the jobs are 4) How you get jobs abroad and how we can help 5) How do you become trained to Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) 6) Selecting the best TEFL certification class for you

Index About us: P. 3

Classes – Adult students: P. 13 Job search guidance: P. 21

Can I teach abroad: P. 5

Children students: P. 14 Hiring process: P. 22

How big is the job market? P. 6

Schools to teach at: P. 15 Finding jobs & Interviewing: P. 23

Why are there so many jobs? P. 7

Making money teaching: P. 16 TEFL training overview: P. 25

Where can I teach? P. 8

Job responsibilities: P. 17 Certification features: P. 26

Asia teaching jobs: P. 9

Do I need a TEFL Certification? P. 18 Online TEFL class: P. 28

Europe teaching jobs: P. 10

Why choose us for training? P. 19 Onsite locations worldwide: P. 29

Central & S. America jobs: P. 11

Profile of our TEFL student: P. 20 Startup costs: P. 30

Middle East jobs: P. 12

Registration: P. 31

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Can I teach English Abroad?

All native and fluent English speakers, regardless of their academic, ethnic, or socio-economic background have an opportunity to share in this experience. The common factor bringing our graduates together is the desire to experience new cultures and to travel the world. What if I don’t speak the local language, can I still teach English in a foreign country? YES! You will be hired because you are a trained English teacher, not because you do or don’t speak the native language of your students. In fact, you want to avoid speaking their language in the classroom as immersion during an all-English environment is a key component to building their English skills.

I have no teaching experience or background in education – will I be hired to teach English abroad? YES! 95% of those who earn a TEFL/TESOL Certification from International TEFL Academy and go abroad to teach English have no background in education, or a degree in English. You will gain all of the skills you need to succeed as a professional English teacher in your TEFL/TESOL Certification course.

But I don’t have a college degree – can I still teach English abroad?

YES! Certainly having a college degree will avail more

opportunities to you, but even without a four-year college degree, a native English speaker who earns their TEFL/TESOL Certification from International TEFL Academy can still work as an English teacher in dozens of countries around the world, including Spain, Thailand, Russia, China, and many countries in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Will I be able to teach English abroad even if English is not my first language?

YES! While many schools will only hire certified teachers from native English-speaking countries, if you are fluent in both written and conversational English, demand for English teachers is so high that you too can find opportunities around the globe, particularly if you are an E.U. citizen looking to teach in Europe, or if you wish to teach in your home country.

What can I gain by earning my certification and teaching English abroad?

A rare

opportunity to truly immerse yourself in a foreign culture, where you will be a valued and integral member of the local community.

Make a positive and life-changing impact on your students’ lives by providing them with an educational experience that will enable them to succeed in achieving their personal, educational, and professional goals.

The ability to be fully immersed in a new language on a day by day basis.

Earning potential and a highly marketable skill in economically uncertain times.

The ability to adapt to a new environment and culture where the language, religion and traditions may be different from your own.

Build friendships around the world.

Invaluable international work experience, increasingly desired by

employers in the globalized economy of the 21

st century.

Experience new foods, music and other cultural interests.

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How big is the market for English teachers around the world?

More than 500 million (some estimates approach 1 billion) non-native English speakers take some form of English class each year, including more than 100 million in China alone.

An estimated 250,000 English speakers work abroad as English teachers in more than 40,000 schools and language institutes around the world.

80% of English teachers in non-native English speaking countries – particularly in public schools – are not native English speakers themselves because there are simply not enough native English speaking teachers to meet the demand.

In each major

European city like Prague, Madrid and Milan, approximately 3,000 – 5,000 English teachers are working at any given time; each of these cities host 30-50 private language institutes with each school typically employing between 5-20 teachers at a time. These numbers are typically 4-5 times larger in major Asian cities like Tokyo and Shanghai.

An estimated 15,000 native English speakers work as English teachers each year in Seoul, Korea alone.

Take some time to consider your motivations for teaching

Research a variety of destinations

& weigh the pros and cons.

Don’t be afraid to consider countries or regions of the world you may not have previously considered or thought about.

Is it important to make enough money to save, or do you just need enough to get by?

Do you want to live in a country with 4 seasons like Korea, Japan and most European nations, or do you prefer the tropics like Costa Rica, Vietnam or Thailand?

Do you want to live in a country where you can work on your language skills, such as Spanish, Russian or Chinese?

Are you interested in a country that is “off the beaten track” that remains untouched by mass tourism?

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Why are there so many job openings and how do I know I can get a teaching position?

Well over 100,000 English teaching positions open worldwide each year!

The key to getting an English teaching job is turnover and knowing the hiring seasons.

Typical contracts run 6 or 12 months, 50% of teachers decide to renew at the end of their contract, while or 50% do not – these jobs must be filled!

Job markets for English teachers are cyclical. Think of how universities turn over 30% of students every year and the army must replace 20% of its force annually. The English teaching markets operate on the same principle.

Teachers do not hold their jobs for 5 or 10 years as a

public school teacher in your home town might. Most stay for one year, possibly two, before moving on to a new adventure in a new location, or returning home. Ask yourself how long you want to teach in one location, and the answer will likely be the same.

Off season Hiring: Jobs do open during the off season as not all schools fill every job and employees do not always stay for their full term. However, the number of jobs available is substantially less, and you may find yourself having to work part time at 2 different schools until the star t of a new hiring seasons.

Follow our professional advice regarding hiring seasons and the interview process and you will find opportunities. Examples: If you search for jobs in Europe during August, you will find empty towns and closed schools as the entire continent is on a month long holiday. Go in September when language schools need to replace 50% of their staff and you will find opportunities. Also, don’t think you will find a job during the last weeks of December in South America, as 99% of the population is Christian and on break. Show up two months later and you will find a vibrant job market .

Hiring seasons and turnover for private language schools in various regions of the world:

Europe: Main: September/ October Secondary: January Main will be about 50-60% turnover. Secondary about 25%

Central America: Main: June/July Secondary: January/February Main: about 60% turnovers. Secondary 40%.

Asia: Year Round The population density, children market, affluence and emphasis on education has approximately 10 times the demand as other regions

South America: Main: February/March Secondary: July/August Main: about 60% turnover. Secondary 40%. (keep in mind their seasons are opposite of northern hemisphere

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Where can I Teach English Abroad?

Each year hundreds of thousands of Americans, Britons, Canadians, New Zealanders, and Australians, in addition to thousands of fluent non-native speakers, can be found teaching English in nearly every major city across the globe.

A native English speaker with a four-year degree and a

TEFL/TESOL Certification from

International TEFL Academy can find opportunities in as many as 100 countries around the world from Asia,

Europe and the Middle East to South and Central America, and North Africa.

Very popular English teaching spots: Europe: Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Cyprus. Asia: Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia. Central and South America: Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, Chile. Middle East: Morocco, Egypt, Qatar, Tunisia, UAE, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Even without a four-year degree, a native English speaker with a TEFL/TESOL Certification from International TEFL Academy can realistically find exciting opportunities in dozens of countries around the world including Spain, Russia, Cambodia, China, Brazil and many nations in Latin America and Eastern Europe. Please check out our country chart and read the country profiles on our website to learn more about teaching in particular countries.

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Asia Combining an enormous population, a deep-rooted commitment to education and widespread economic prosperity, Asia is far-and-away the largest market on the globe for English language instruction.

Nearly half of all English teaching opportunities can be found here as tens of thousands of teachers are employed each year in Japan, China, Taiwan, and South Korea. In addition, newly ascendant Southeast Asian

“Economic Tigers” like Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia represent some of the fastest growing job markets on Earth. Steeped in history, deep-rooted cultures and exquisite natural beauty, Asia also offers some of the most lucrative opportunities in the world as a typical native-speaking English teacher with a TEFL/TESOL Certification from International TEFL Academy can expect to save 30%-50% of their salary after expenses.

Some points about teaching English in Asia:

In Korea, English teachers typically save between $10,000 and $15,000 a year after expenses, while in China, Japan and

Taiwan, savings often range from $5,000 to $8,000 annually. You can also save a substantial amount of your salary in many Southeast Asian countries like Thailand and Vietnam, which offer alluring combinations of culture, cuisine, history and natural beauty.

A four-year degree is typically required (though not always in China or Cambodia), and teachers from native English speaking countries are strongly preferred.

Most positions in developed Asian countries like Japan, Korea,

Taiwan, and China, are obtained by interviewing in advance from your home country, so most teachers have a job lined up before departing for the region.

Asia offers more opportunities to teach children than any

other region in the world.

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The English teaching market in Europe has always been strong, but with the economic and cultural integration brought on by the

emergence of the European Union, the use of English as a common language of culture and commerce has increased several times over, and with it, the demand for certified English teachers.

Job markets are also booming in Central and Eastern Europe

where countries like the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, and Hungary (to name just a few), are still working to reintegrate with the rest of world after decades behind the Iron Curtain, and have made learning English a top priority for students, workers and business professionals.

Some points about teaching in Europe:

Many jobs entail 10 to 12 month contracts. September, October and January are busy hiring periods for most countries in Europe, with many contracts ending in early July. January is a secondary season to start employment.

A typical English teacher will make enough to support himself/herself comfortably, but should not expect to save substantial sum.

Summer camps in Europe offer great opportunities for those looking for shorter commitments.

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Central & South America

From the life-filled depths of the Amazon Rain Forest and

the tropical beaches of Costa Rica to the pulsing streets of Buenos Aires and the soaring peaks of the Andes, Latin

America offers a mind-boggling combination of spectacular natural beauty, diverse cultures and exciting cities.

In addition, a surge in demand for English language instruction has made the region one of the most popular destinations for recently

certified English teachers include San Jose, Costa Rica; Santiago, Chile; Buenos Aires, Argentina, and the great cities of Brazil like Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Living in Latin

America offers opportunities to work on your Spanish (or your Portuguese should you teach in Brazil), learn the Tango and explore the mystical Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. While salaries are not as high as they are in Asia or the Middle East, the low cost of living makes the region attractive from a financial perspective.

Some points about teaching in South & Central America

Those looking to work on their Spanish or Portuguese skills (in Brazil) may consider setting up a "language exchange" with a local, whereby you meet at a cafe, bar or some other venue and spend

some time speaking in Spanish and some time speaking in English so that both of you can improve your language proficiency.

Most hiring in South American countries is conducted in February/March (primary) and July/August (secondary); in Central America hiring seasons are in June/July (primary) and January/February (secondary).

It possible to find great teaching opportunities in many South and

Central American countries without a four-year degree (see our country

chart for more details).

Private tutoring opportunities abound & provide a great way to earn extra money & make local friends.

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Middle East Schools in Egypt, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle Eastern nations all seek certified English teachers. In many Arab nations, university

classes are taught in English and the region’s location at the crossroads of East and West has made cities like Dubai major hubs of commerce and leisure where English is the norm. In wealthy Gulf States in particular, most positions are offered to experienced teachers with a degree and/or prior experience in education, in addition to a TEFL / TESOL certification.

Those who qualify for such positions will enjoy some of the highest salaries in the field as pay can range from $ 2,500 - $ 6,000 a month, plus free housing and flights to and from the teacher’s home country. Jobs are somewhat easier to come by for those with just a four-year degree (or even less) and a TEFL/TESOL Certification in Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Turkey, where the pay may be less lucrative, but the cost of living is low and the opportunities for immersion in one the world’s great regions for culture and history are innumerable.

The vast majority of positions in the Gulf

Countries (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman)

are obtained through interviews in advance.

Teachers should expect to adhere to local cultural norms, which can vary dramatically from what you

may be used to in the West. Within the region, restrictions on

personal freedoms like style of dress and the right to consume alcohol can vary widely from country to country, or even from region to region within a particular country.

The presence of large expatriate communities, where teachers can socialize with other westerners makes the transition for newcomers to the region much smoother.

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What types of classes will I be teaching & who will my students be?

English students around the globe hail from all backgrounds, ages and walks of life. Depending on where you teach and which school you work for, you may teach corporate

executives from Fortune 500 corporations, clerks from the local hotel, or university students. Or, you may find yourself tutoring local housewives or possibly teaching children in public schools. Bear in mind that your International TEFL Academy certification course will provide you with the skills necessary to teach a broad variety of students.

Adult Students Adult learners represent the largest segment of students that most English teachers work with when they go abroad to teach English. This is particularly the case in

Europe and Latin America where foreigners do not typically teach in public schools, where most young learners conduct their English studies.

Types of business professionals,

corporate executives and employees – some companies will

contract with a local language school to bring a teacher onsite to provide instruction to employees; others will send their employees to a class at the school.

Adult students: Small business owners who conduct business with

foreign firms in English, or who work extensively with English-speaking customers.

Those working in tourism and the hospitality industry.

University students looking to study abroad, who

are conducting research in fields dominated by English or are looking to obtain employment in an English-speaking country.

IT and the Web- Anybody working in technology or

looking to take full advantage of the Internet.

Entertainment - Those looking to enjoy English-

language movies, books, music, television and other media.

Most adult English language learners either work or go to school, so be prepared to teach classes in the late afternoon and evenings, and possibly on weekends as well. Many adult learners also seek private lessons, which offer teachers a great opportunity to earn additional income and work with students on a more personal level.

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Teaching English to Children:

Asia is a booming market for those looking to teach children, as public and private schools are increasingly

seeking native English teachers to provide high quality English language instruction. In addition, in countries like Korea, many parents enroll their children in language classes at private language institutes after school to supplement the instruction they receive in school.

Should you work with such students in a private language institute setting, expect to be giving most of your lessons in the late afternoon and early evening. In Latin America and Europe where foreigners do not typically teach in public schools where most young learners conduct their English studies, there are fewer opportunities, however it certainly is possible to work with younger learners.

Many parents will seek private lessons for their children to get a head-start on their English proficiency or to assist them in passing a college entrance exam in English known as the TOEFL exam. English language summer camps are another popular venue where language training is provided to younger learners in Europe, Latin America and Asia as well.

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What sort of school will I teach in?

Private language schools: As foreigners are not typically hired to teach children in public schools in most countries, the majority of opportunities for TEFL/TESOL graduates will be in private language schools. These are generally privately owned enterprises specializing in language training (usually English), and can range in size and scope from mom-and-pop businesses with a single classroom, to large multi-national chains of schools operating dozens of branches in multiple countries. Large cities in Europe, Asia and Latin America typically host anywhere from 30-100 schools. Mega cities of Asia such as Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai can boast 3,000 – 5,000 language schools! Some will specialize in areas such as business English or young learners, while others may offer general classes to students of all levels and abilities. Many classes taught in such venues focus on conversational English, which many students find difficult to master and which they need for professional reasons, but as a teacher you must be prepared to cover all aspects of the English language. Schedules vary, but on average you will teach for 25 - 30 hours a week with 12-15 hours of prep work. A common shift is from 2 – 9 p.m. with some weekend work to accommodate students looking to study English after a standard work or school day. Class sizes vary, but typically range from 2 – 15 students.

Public Schools: In many Asian countries, public school systems hire native

English speakers to work in grade schools and junior high schools. Classes typically run from Monday through Friday, averaging 25 to 30 hours a week of classroom time, and 12 to 15 hours a week of lesson planning. Expect an average workday to begin at 8 a.m. and last until 4 p.m.

Private Tutoring Opportunities: Private lessons are in high demand in

most locales around the world and offer great opportunities to earn extra income and to get to know students on a more personal level than is possible in a typical classroom setting.

Universities: Experienced TEFL / TESOL teachers with advanced degrees

may find openings at the university level. These positions provide opportunities to work with advanced students and typically pay higher than positions in private language institutes or public schools.

Volunteer Positions: Non-governmental organizations, including

charitable organizations and mission-based groups often sponsor TEFL / TESOL teachers to travel abroad to teach English.

Summer Jobs: Summer camps in Europe and Asia offer four to six week summer teaching jobs in language camps

for school aged children and adolescents. These opportunities are great for those looking for shorter stints overseas as well as those who enjoy working outdoors with children and teenagers.

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How much money can I make? Your income as an English teacher will depend on your position,

qualifications and the country where they teach. Wages are typically, though not always, paid in local currency. Check out our

country chart and country profiles on our website for more detailed information for particular countries.

Europe and Latin America - Foreign

English teachers in these regions typically earn a wage that allows them to live comfortably in an apartment, purchase groceries, dine out, commute by public transportation and have some extra money to travel and pursue other interests. In both regions, private lessons are in high demand and provide excellent opportunities for teachers to earn additional income.

Asia - English teachers typically save between 30%-

50% of their salary, with savings ranging from $ 200-$ 300 a month in a country like Thailand to $ 1,000 or more a month in Korea after expenses.

Middle East – TEFL/TESOL

graduates with extra experience and qualifications (typically a Master’s degree and some professional background in education) will enjoy some of the highest salaries in the field as pay can range from $ 2,500 - $ 6,000 a month, plus free housing and flights to and from the

teacher’s home country. In less developed countries like Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Turkey, foreign English teachers typically earn enough to support themselves comfortably, but should not expect to save much.

Extra Benefits: Some countries provide national health insurance and paid vacation time. In other countries employers

provide free accommodation and utilities to help teachers with

living expenses. Another perk could include the reimbursement of airfare. Offers vary from one destination/country to another. Working with an International TEFL Academy advisor can assist you with researching your job choices in advance to make an educated decision. It is of paramount importance to consider the cost of living in the country where you seek to work.

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What will my job entail and what will my responsibilities be?

Remember your foreign language teacher in high school? Your job as an English teacher will be very similar as you will be expected to instruct your students in all aspects of the

English language from reading, writing, listening and speaking to grammar and


A large part of your job, particularly in the area of conversational English will be to open the eyes and ears of your students to the English language as it is

actually used by native speakers, as opposed to the more theoretical version of English they have probably been learning in school.

For many, they need to learn English so that they can converse with business partners, clients and customers, and this means they need to be exposed to spoken English at its natural speed. You will also be expected in many cases to provide an introduction to the culture of native English speaking

countries like the U.S. and the U.K.

An ability to provide instruction to students of all backgrounds and levels of proficiency.

The ability to design lesson plans, exams, in-class exercises, and homework assignments.

What will be expected of me as an English teacher overseas?

Full mastery of the English language, including

all aspects of reading, writing, grammar and pronunciation, and ability to teach and explain these details to your students.

Expertise in classroom

management. In most

private language schools, class sizes range from 2 – 12 students, while in

public schools, classes can range from 10 to 40


Comprehensive knowledge and understanding of major teaching methodologies and approaches used

throughout the field of TEFL/TESOL – many schools will inquire about your knowledge of these subjects when you interview and you will be expected to implement their curriculum using their preferred methodology.

The ability to accurately monitor and assess

the proficiency and progress of your students.

The skills to address the individual learning needs of all students (visual, auditoria, kinesthetic).

A typical commitment of 25 - 30 hours a week in the classroom with 12-15 hours of prep work.

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I am a native English speaker – do I need to get certified? (The answers are as clear as black and white)

YES! While your abilities to converse in English as a native speaker are critical to your ability to get hired as an English

teacher, earning your certification is more important than ever, not only to gain a certification that many schools require as

a matter of course, but also to succeed in providing your students with a quality educational experience that will enable them to reach their own goals and aspirations. Consider the following points:

Examine the job description and ask yourself the following – without

proper training will I have the skills to teach English to beginning, intermediate and advanced students?

Will I know how to design lesson plans, exams and classroom exercises that

will actually enable my students achieve their goal of learning the English language?

Will I be able to manage a class of 10 – 30 students?

Will I be able to explain the ins and outs of English grammar, or even have

the ability to diagram a sentence to help my students understand English syntax?

Reputable schools, both public and private, throughout the world will not even consider you as a teaching candidate if you have not earned an

internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL Certification.

While interviewing for positions, you will be asked to display a strong grasp of basic teaching skills like lesson planning, curriculum

development, and teaching methodology, that can only be gained through taking a quality TEFL/TESOL Certification course.

In this age of tightening job markets, you must give yourself every advantage and

without your TEFL/TESOL certification, you will certainly put yourself at a distinct disadvantage in terms of jobs that will be available to you, your level of pay and benefits, and even your ability to get your visa processed.

I am already a certified teacher – do I still need to get my TEFL/TESOL Certification?

Unless you are a certified ESL teacher, or you have an actual university degree in TESOL, you should definitely get your TEFL/TESOL Certification. Certainly any professional or academic background in teaching and education will give you a huge leg-up in job markets around the world. However just as teachers in the U.S. cannot typically teach ESL without a state-recognized ESL certification, most schools abroad will still want to see proof that you have received professional training specifically in the field of teaching English as a foreign language, which like all fields, requires a specific set of skills and knowledge. In addition, the job search guidance you receive with your training from International TEFL Academy will make all the difference in your ability to navigate international job markets and avail yourself to the sorts of job opportunities that will meet your professional and personal needs.

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Why should I get certified through International TEFL Academy?

Trained American Staff:

Comprehensive pre-enrollment counseling – First and foremost, we are committed to providing all potential students accurate expectations of the world job market, hiring customs, and realistic expectations of living abroad as an English teacher. All members of our staff have been in your shoes, have lived and worked around the world and are trained to anticipate your needs.

Job search guidance and personal customer service for all students and graduates - Lifetime job search guidance, provided by experienced advisors who have lived and/or taught abroad. We are one of the largest TEFL schools in the world with over 3,500 new graduates each year, we know the English teaching job market and so will you.

American owned company and management - A company that lives by the principles of doing the right thing and leads our students with integrity at all times. Each employee puts their personal and professional reputation behind our school and services. Read our company vision statement to learn about our values as a company.

Internationally accredited and recognized certification courses – Our training courses, both

online and onsite meet and exceed the rigorous standards set by the most prestigious accrediting bodies in the field of TEFL and TESOL and will qualify you to teach in thousands of schools and language institutes around the world. Your TEFL / TESOL course must encompass at least 100 hours of academic work and have a minimum of 6 hours of practicum (live practice teaching).

Modern and Practical Curriculum - Designed by the professors of International TEFL Academy, ITA’s

certification courses will provide the comprehensive skill sets required to succeed as a professional English teacher and incorporate a live practicum with ESL students to provide all students with hands-on experience in a live teaching environment.

Highly Qualified and Experienced Instructors - All International TEFL Academy instructors, for

both online and onsite courses, are highly qualified and experienced and very often hold a Masters or a PhD in TESOL or a related field.

International locations worldwide – International TEFL Academy offers

partnerships with some of the most respected international schools and institutes, as well as onsite course locations in over 25 countries spanning the globe. We are not limited to

specializing in only one country or region of the world; we are experts in the entire English teaching market with our locations worldwide.

Alumni Networking: Connect with over 10,000 ITA grads around the world to

make friends, ask questions of their experiences, get country tips and learn of their job referrals.

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Profile of an International TEFL Academy student:

Who takes a TEFL / TESOL certification course

to teach around the world?

Age: Students range from 18 to 88.

Educational background: Approximately 85% have a four -year

degree and five percent have an advanced degree. 15 % of our students have not yet completed a four-year degree.

Gender: 50/50

male to female ratio

Overseas experience: 50 % of our students have never traveled abroad prior to going overseas to teach English. This is their first world adventure.

Previous teaching experience: Less than 10% of

our TEFL / TESOL students have previous teaching experience or an academic background in education. International TEFL Academy training will provide you with the skills you need to succeed as a professional English teacher. The international language teaching market requires a professional foreign language teacher have a professional level TEFL / TESOL certification.

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As you well know, it is hard enough to find a good job these days in your own community, so you can imagine how challenging it might be to master the ins and outs of job markets halfway around the world, in say, Korea or Spain. That is why International TEFL Academy provides comprehensive, lifetime job search guidance to all of our students and graduates encompassing all of the expertise and insight you will need to navigate job markets around the globe. Whether you want to teach in Santiago, Seoul or St. Petersburg, we will show you how you can take advantage of job opportunities that match your goals and qualifications.

How does International TEFL Academy assist you with your job search?

1. Personal guidance from an experienced Job Search Advisor – Our expert Job Search Guidance Advisors are available to speak with you and correspond by email to address all of your questions and to assist you with every aspect of your job search from writing your resume/CV and cover letter, to coaching you on the interview process in different markets, to helping you assess which destinations might be the best fit for you.

2. ESL job search manual: All of our graduates receive a manual of all relevant information for major job markets around the world, including hiring seasons, academic standards, and the interview process as well as templates for resumes and cover letters. This manual also incorporates extensive listings of online resources, including nearly 100 ESL international job boards.

3. ESL worldwide school directory: We will send you a directory of approximately 20,000 schools worldwide that you can contact directly regarding employment opportunities.

4. Referrals to preferred recruiters, placement agencies and language schools: International TEFL Academy enjoys strong relationships with schools, recruiters and placement agencies throughout the world.

5. Job interview assistance for International TEFL / TESOL course participants: For students who take our four-week TEFL / TESOL course at an international location, the site director can arrange interviews or provide local contacts for your job search both during and after the training.

PLEASE NOTE: We do not guarantee jobs as you must qualify and interview for positions yourself; however if you follow our guidance and use the extensive resources that we provide you, there is no reason why you should not be able to find opportunities that meet your goals and qualifications. We are committed to our graduates’ success and you can always count on our assistance and guidance.

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Basics about the hiring process in different job markets around the world

Do I get to pick a certain

country, or am I just sent to one?

Based on your own goals and qualification, you decide where you want to teach! Some TEFL /

TESOL graduates have their hearts set on living and teaching in Madrid, Buenos Aires or Shanghai; others are willing just to experience any destination that is new and different. You may teach for one year in Spain and then one year in Italy, or one year in China and then one year in Thailand. Many newly certified teachers spend a year teaching in Asia saving money and then move on to Europe or Latin America the next year. The opportunities are endless – it’s just up to you to make the effort, follow our guidance and pursue your dreams.

Our professional admission staff will help guide you in the direction of the best options

based on your background, wants and needs.

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Finding English teaching jobs overseas:

How do I actually get a job teaching overseas? There are numerous ways to find jobs and as part of your International TEFL Academy job search guidance you will be shown how to use each one.

Job Boards – There are nearly 100 ESL online job

boards listing tens of thousands of teaching opportunities around the world. Some job boards are general in nature and list jobs all over the world; others are country or region specific. In some cases, you may apply directly through the website, in others, contact information will be provided. As a student and graduate of International TEFL Academy, you will be provided with a comprehensive list of these websites.

Contacting Schools Directly – International TEFL Academy

provides you with an international school directory with contact information for more than 8,000 educational institutions around the globe. In some cases, International TEFL Academy can also provide you with specific references and contacts for schools. Reaching out to specific schools makes good sense if you are looking to work in a very specific region or city. It’s often as simple as calling a school while in town and asking for an interview that day.

Placement Agencies & Recruiters – In some countries and

regions, like Asia and the Arab Gulf countries, a large percentage of teachers are hired through recruiters and placement agencies. International TEFL Academy can refer you to the most reputable agencies.

Networking and Word of Mouth – Contacting other English teachers can be a great way to learn

about schools and job opportunities, particularly if you are on the ground in the city or region where you want to teach.

Interviewing for teaching jobs overseas

1) Interviewing in advance from your home country: On average, for advance interviews you should allow for two to four months (possibly longer in Japan) from the beginning of the interview process to the start date of your job. This procedure is standard for schools in the Arab Gulf countries, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Central and Eastern Europe, and some Latin American countries. Applying for such jobs enables you to pursue multiple opportunities in multiple countries and you will typically have a job lined up prior to your departure overseas.

2) Face-to-face interviews abroad: Schools in many countries, particularly in Western Europe and much of Latin America, will require job applicants to come to their school in-person and interview face-to-face during major hiring seasons. This stems from a philosophy that the best manner to evaluate potential teachers is to interview in -person, and the fact that the local applicant pool is sufficient so schools feel no need to interview potential teachers by long distance . Also, in many cases, schools may not have the resources to engage in global recruiting . In most cases, you will begin teaching almost immediately after your interview, so you should not plan on returning to your home country between your interview and your work start date.

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Expect an in-person interview prior to a contract start date if you want to teach in any of the following locations: - Western Europe - Some schools in Eastern Europe - Most schools in Latin American countries - Many schools in Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia. Again, the country chart that you find on our company website will answer all your questions and act as a blueprint in your selection process.

3) Face-to-Face Interviews prior to going abroad: In-person interviews in the applicant’s home country are common for jobs in Japan and are commonly conducted in major cities in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. A teaching demonstration may be incorporated into the interview process.

PLEASE NOTE: International TEFL Academy does not assign placements and you will interview for positions yourself. This means that you are in full control of who you speak with and which job offer you accept. While it may make you feel nervous not to have a job “set up”, it is best to have control of what job, school, location and environment that suits your needs.

Can I start a job search and interview immediately? You do not need to complete your TEFL course to begin your job search and interview process. Students can start contacting and interviewing with schools immediately after registering for an International TEFL Academy course with the assistance of expert job search advisors in our Student Services Department. If you are looking to work in Europe or Latin America, timing your applications and interviews is critical. Schools in these regions will typically interview over the phone two to three months prior to the hiring period. Those who take our online course may begin the interview process during the class. Those enrolled in an international TEFL / TESOL course may participate in advance interviews with schools, or contact schools during or immediately after the course.

Where will I live while teaching overseas? When housing is not provided by an employer, new teachers will be responsible for finding their own housing, however, it is common for schools to assist their new teachers in finding housing. Often, new teachers will share an apartment with other English teachers upon their arrival, or move into the newly vacated apartment of a recently departed teacher. Some schools—primarily in China and Korea—provide free accommodation in the form of a private or shared apartment, while others may offer to arrange a home stay, particularly if the school is located in a small town.

Pre-Departure Support International TEFL Academy provides free pre-enrollment advice, as well as pre-departure support. You will be provided with detailed information on moving, health insurance, safety, packing and traveling ideas and suggestions for long-term employment. We offer advice and resources to assist you with obtaining the necessary documentation to move and live overseas. Your new employer in your chosen country will also be an essential resource.

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What to consider when looking at TEFL/TESOL certification options?

1. Is the certification course at least 106 hours? 100 hours (100 hours coursework / 6 hours practicum)

is the international minimum standard and thousands of language schools (including most of the most reputable ones with the highest standard, which tend to the best places to work) will not recognize any lesser certification. These standards are recognized by the British Council, Cambridge, Trinity and all major TEFL TESOL accrediting organizations.

All International TEFL Academy courses meet these international standards. Many of the courses incorporate up to 20 hours of practicum, and our 170 hour online course exceeds this academic standard by 50 hours. ***TEFL / TESOL training courses with fewer than 100 hours or no practicum will not provide you with an internationally recognized certification.

2. Is the certification internationally recognized and accredited? International TEFL Academy locations and franchises use

a curriculum designed by ITA professors. Our courses are accredited by TQUK.

This curriculum meets the requirements set by the British Council of 100 hours of coursework and 6 hours of student teaching. Our onsite courses,

operated in cooperation with our international affiliates and partners, are all internationally accredited by a variety of leading academic bodies, including the TQUK, College of Teachers, IATQuO, and ACCET. As a U.S. based institute, we are also held to U.S. educational, ethical and professional standards.

3. Is the course taught by a highly experienced, university-level instructor? International TEFL Academy courses

- including the 170 hour online course - are taught by highly qualified and experienced instructors who have a master’s degree in TESOL or a related field.

4. Are class sizes limited and is the professor accessible? International TEFL Academy’s 170 hour online courses

are limited to 20 students to ensure an intimate learning experience and access to the professor; most onsite courses are limited to a maximum of 12-15 students.

5. Will you receive free job search guidance, including personal attention and service, from experienced career advisors with years of experience in the TEFL field around the world, who will provide you with insight and knowledge regarding every matter related to finding a suitable job from contract and visa issues to writing an international resume and cover letter?

6. Does the job search guidance expire? International TEFL Academy job search guidance is a lifetime

service. This means that if you decide to go abroad later in the future, you will be able to access our expertise and resources to assist you with the process of locating opportunities wherever it is that you decide to go.

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7. Will you receive the attention of an expert Admissions Advisor who will provide honest and straightforward information about courses and working abroad before you even put down a dime for a

course? Investing your time and money in a TEFL/TESOL Certification and going overseas is no small matter, so at

International TEFL Academy we stress the importance of providing honest, accurate, and straightforward information about all aspects of going abroad to teach English – from certification to your job

search – prior to enrollment.

8. Does your TEFL course include a practicum/hands-on element to the class? This is

necessary for two reasons. One, you really need it to actually gain the necessary skills to be an effective teacher, and two; most potential employers around the world will not recognize a certification that does not incorporate a practicum. All International TEFL Academy courses incorporate a practicum.

9. Do you feel that you can receive a university-level educational experience and a legitimate internationally recognized professional teaching certification to teach in more than 80 countries around the

world for only $ 200 or $ 400 or $ 600? If you answered “no,” then you are correct!

10. When looking at different TEFL courses, ask yourself, does this price/offer sound too good to be true? Can I really learn the skills I need to teaching English at a professional level, by taking a self-paced,

solo online course or a two-day weekend course in a hotel room? If I get certified, will I also be provided with the guidance, knowledge and personal assistance that I will require to navigate job markets around the world?

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International TEFL Academy Certification Overview: To earn your certification, enroll in your choice of International TEFL Academy’s internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL training courses, which will qualify you to teach in thousands of language schools and institutes around the world. These courses are available online (170 hours over 11 weeks – part time, with 20 hour practicum) or onsite at one of 25locations around the world (typically 4-week courses). Learn more about all options at our website:

TEFL TESOL Course Components ITA courses are comprised of 3 main components that ensure the student’s success as a professional English language teacher. Teaching Methodology, Language Acquisition, Student Teaching (Practicum). 1) Teaching Methodology:

These are the skills that are essential to each teacher, and they include:

Classroom management

Personality and language


Curriculum development

Lesson planning.

2) Language Acquisition The five components of language learning will be covered:






Phonetics and linguistic analogy

are also thoroughly covered in the


Class Content The following is the content found within the International TEFL Academy online course:

Grammar pre-module

Basic principles of teaching







Classroom management

Lesson planning

Error correction

Visual aids

Bonus TEFL Units:

Young Learners

Business Professionals

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International TEFL Academy 170 Hour Online Course (150 hours of course work and 20 hours of practicum teaching)

This state-of-the-art online course is taught by a university professor and exceeds the highest international

standards required to teach English in thousands of schools around the world. While the course is online, it is extremely interactive and incorporates a 20-hour practicum, which is designed to provide students with an opportunity to gain some practical experience in an ESL classroom setting and to relate what they are learning in the course to an actual classroom environment. In addition to the certification itself and the academic quality of the course itself, the course has two primary benefits. First, with tuition of only $ 1,395, it is the most economical option. Second, because the course is taught online and is stretched over 11 weeks, students can take it while maintaining a full-time job or going to school.

Students will also be given an option of an additional free 30-hour course add-on that caters to the teaching of Business Professionals and Young Learners.

Features of International TEFL Academy’s 170 hour online TEFL/TESOL Certification Course

Meets and exceeds international academic and practicum standards by leading international accrediting bodies.

Instruction provided by a university-level instructor with at least a Masters in TESOL or a related field.

Highly interactive classroom environment with a limited class size of 20 students facilitates extensive interaction between individual students and the professor as well as between students.

The 150 hours of coursework averages to 10-12 hours per week over an 11-week period.

Course materials are accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week and the class is not taught in real time so that students may complete their coursework according to their own schedule and convenience.

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On Site TEFL / TESOL Training:

International 120 Hour TEFL / TESOL Certification: An International TEFL Academy onsite course not only provides a fantastic opportunity to earn your TEFL/TESOL certification in a great foreign location, but also typically provides an excellent inside track on the local job

market where the course is taken.

A typical four-week onsite course features a combination of academic instruction, role playing and hands-on teaching with local students.

Classes are typically held Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with homework and/or student teaching in the evenings.

This is a full time commitment; no other part time work can be fit in during a 4 week course. The amount of work is equivalent to a 9 credit university

course. Weekends are open for exploring the city and surrounding areas. Social gatherings and cultural activities are also

arranged for those who wish to participate.

Local Job Search Assistance The onsite director will also assist in your job search in that country. This all depends on if you are eligible to work there and the proper paperwork can be obtained.

Housing Housing options usually include a home stay, hostel, shared or single hotel room or apartment. Accommodation options vary by location. Housing costs are not included in your tuition; however, the course director will assist you in advance regarding your accommodations.

Our TEFL Course Locations: North America Boston, Chicago, Honolulu, New York, Seattle

Latin America: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru Europe: Czech Republic, Greece, France, Hungary, Italy, Russia, Spain

Asia: Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam

Middle East: Morocco

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What are the start-up costs for getting certified and going abroad to teach?

The tuition of your TEFL / TESOL class (see pricing information below)

1. International TEFL Academy 170 Hour Online Course: $ 1,395

2. International TEFL Academy 4 week on site classes:

a) Europe International TEFL / TESOL Classes: $ 1,695 - $ 1,895 b) North America, Latin America Classes: $ 1,645 - $ 2,980 c) Asia Classes: $ 1,750 - $ 1,850 d) Middle East: $ 1,700 - $ 1,850

If taking an international course:

o Food and housing will represent additional costs at international course locations. (Refer to our website for more details. Accommodation rates typically begin at $ 400 per month for most courses in Asia and Latin America, and $ 800 - $ 1,000 per month in Europe.)

o Your flight and your living expenses for your first month working after the course. You will typically receive your first paycheck at the end of your first month of work. The first month’s expenses vary greatly between Asia, Latin America and Europe; some countries will reimburse flights and provide free housing after accepting a teaching position. See our country chart for estimated startup costs per country.

Personal expenses, i.e. passport, visas if necessary, medical insurance, etc.

Some courses require an extra fee for textbooks – no book purchase is required for the online course.

Class dates, fees and housing costs are located on our website at:

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International TEFL Academy Class Registration International TEFL Academy Requirements: Students must be 18 years or older as well as a fluent English speaker with a high school diploma (or equivalent). Students from any country are welcome to enroll in our online courses. Some of our onsite classes will require a 4 year degree or professional work experience (in any field) to show the level of commitment and maturity to handle an intensive 4 week course. How do I register and pay my tuition? You can register online with a credit card, call an ITA advisor, send a bank wire, cashier’s check or money order, or use Pay-Pal. International courses require either a deposit or full payment at least 90 days in advance to hold a class spot and avoid late fees. Class enrollment is offered on a first -come, first-serve basis. Advance registration is highly recommended to ensure the class date of your choice.

What happens after I register for a course? Your Admissions Advisor will send you an email confirming your enrollment. Our Student Support staff will begin coordinating with you on the specifics of your course and your Job Search Guidance.

For students registering in our online course:

On the day the course begins, you will get your user name and password emailed to you. You will receive the contact information of the instructor assigned to your course. The contact information for tech support personnel will also be included in the event of any login or technical issues.

For students enrolling in an international course:

After registration, you will be provided with the information of the course director in that location. You will discuss the arrival details and housing options with that director.

All online and international location students receive the following from our student services department:

Job Search Manual with information on resume writing, job interviewing, country information and popular ESL job board websites to prepare for your job search

Worldwide directory of over 20,000 ESL schools

Contact person at International TEFL Academy for job guidance assistance, resources and advice

Health and Safety Manual

Travel Manual

References for international health insurance

How do I get started? Give us a call! Before you ever sign up for a course or apply for a job, we highly recommend speaking with an International TEFL Academy advisor. Our advisors have years of experience working with aspiring English teachers of all academic and professional backgrounds and they can assist you in choosing the best certification option and strategy for finding teaching opportunities wherever it is in the world that you want to teach.

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Basic steps to earn your TEFL/TESOL Certification and going abroad to Teach English 1. Speak with your TEFL Advisor, to learn more about eligibility requirements, the certification process and how the English teaching market works around the world.

2. Enroll in an International TEFL Academy internationally accredited TEFL/TESOL certification course and earn your certification. NOTE: Particularly if you earn your certification course online, you DO NOT need to make a final determination where you want to teach prior to beginning your course.

3. Take advantage of International TEFL Academy’s free, lifetime job search guidance and work one-on-one with expert advisors in our Student Services Department on your international resume/CV and cover letter. Research all of the various options that are open to you and begin the interview process with schools in the country or countries where you want to teach. If you are taking an onsite international course, you will work with your onsite instructors on lining up interviews with local schools.

4. Pack your bags and begin your adventure abroad as an English teacher!

Procedure for TEFL / TESOL Class Registration

Stage one: Application Items - to register for International TEFL / TESOL / TESOL Academy Classes

1) Register online at: Registration procedures can be found here: or 2) Call and register with your Admission advisor at 773-634-9900 You will be required to return each of the following:

Tuition Payment

Registration Documents

Terms and Conditions Contract

Stage two - Student Enrollment Confirmation and Support

A confirmation email will be sent, outlining the required procedures to begin your online or international classes.

Throughout your course you will also receive emails that include job search guidance and other pertinent advice.

Stage three: Take a TEFL Class

Stage Four: Interview, find a job and go abroad to Teach. Travel. Explore!