international students handbook

ETH ZuricH Handbook for International Students

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Page 1: International Students Handbook

ETH ZuricHHandbook for International Students

PublisherETH Zurich, RectorateText / editingAnnina Wannerconcept / designnull-oder-eins.chPhotosChristian Aeberhard (Cover)Dominique MeienbergMichael Nitschand othersPrinted byDruckerei Goetz AG1st edition4000 copies

ETH ZurichRectorateRämistrasse 101CH-8092

August 2007

Page 2: International Students Handbook

one ---> Eins / Eistwo ---> Zwei / Zweithree ---> Drei / Drüfour ---> Vier / Vierfive ---> Fünf / Foifsix ---> Sechs / Sächsseven ---> Sieben / Sibeeight ---> Acht / Achtnine ---> Neun / Nüünten ---> Zehn / Zääone hundred ---> Hundert / Hundertone thousand ---> Tausend / Tuusig

A quick and funny guide to the Swiss German language can be found

The information in this guide is current as of August 2007. If you notice any changes or mistakes, or would like to send us some feedback, please contact [email protected]

ETH Zurich cannot accept any liability for changes, errors or omissions in this booklet.

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Table of ConTenTs

WELCOME ---> 3

ZURICH ---> 4Switzerland’s «Little Big City» ---> 4Language ---> 5Weather / What to Wear ---> 6

IMMIGRATION AND GETTING SETTLED ---> 7Immigration Procedure and Visa Requirements ---> 7How to Obtain a Student Visa ---> 7Travelling to Zurich ---> 8Residence Permit ---> 9Employment and Work Permits ---> 9Accommodation ---> 10

LIVING IN ZURICH – PRACTICAL INFORMATION ---> 14Getting Around ---> 14Insurances ---> 17Money Matters ---> 19Mail Services ---> 22Telephone / Mobile Phone ---> 23Electricity ---> 24Drinking Water ---> 25Rubbish Disposal ---> 25In Case of Illness ---> 26Public Holidays ---> 28Shopping ---> 29Leisure and Sights ---> 30Excursions and Trips ---> 31

STUDYING AT ETH ZURICH ---> 32ETH Zurich ---> 32Academic Calendar ---> 33Registration / Student Card ---> 33Tuition Fees ---> 33Departments, Programmes and Courses ---> 34Scholarships for Regular Master Students ---> 36Language Courses ---> 38

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�LIFE ON CAMPUS ---> 39E-mail Account ---> 39Computer Facilities ---> 39Catering Services ---> 39Libraries ---> 40Copy Cards ---> 41Stationery Shops ---> 41Student Book Shops ---> 41Zurich Academic Sports Association ---> 41Student Associations ---> 42

CAMPUS MAPS ---> 44ETH Zentrum ---> 44ETH Hönggerberg ---> 45

MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ---> 46Useful Addresses ---> 46Useful Phone Numbers ---> 47Checklist ---> 47Some Words and Phrases in German / Swiss German ---> 48

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� WelCome

Dear Student,It is a great pleasure to welcome you to ETH Zurich.Studying and living abroad is always a big challenge, and we sincerely hope that your stay in Switzerland will be a rewarding and enriching experience both for your academic and personal life. ETH Zurich has always been a truly international university, with students, faculty members and researchers from all over the world. We greatly value the significant contribution this international community makes to all levels of the university. We are committed to making sure that you also get the most from your time spent at ETH Zurich.Studying abroad requires a lot of preparation, and certain steps must be taken before you even leave your home country. This booklet provides you with advice and information on issues such as visa regulations, accommodation, finances, life on cam-pus and life in Zurich in general. Please note that the text was designed for incoming Master and exchange students and that some information may differ for students from other categories.

We look forward to seeing you in Zurich soon.

Prof. Dr. Heidi Wunderli-AllenspachRector

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SWITZERLAND’S “LITTLE BIG CITY”Zurich is well-known as a safe and attractive city – indeed it has been named as the city with the world’s highest quality of liv-ing for several consecutive years. Despite its relatively small size (370 000 inhabitants), the city has an international metropoli-tan flair and offers an extensive range of leisure amenities. While Berne is Switzerland’s political capital, Zurich is consid-ered the business capital. Formerly an industrial town, the focus has shifted to commercial and knowledge-intensive business. With its theatres, concert halls, museums, art galleries, libraries, bookshops, and educational institutions at all levels, Zurich is also a centre of cultural importance.Being directly located on Lake Zurich and within easy reach of the Alps and other places of interest makes Zurich a pleasant place to live. During the summer, the lakeside offers for a wide range of leisure activities. Numerous restaurants, cafés and bars satisfy every culinary taste. The surrounding area with its small lakes and hills offers ample opportunity to hike, climb, bike and pursue other outdoor activities.During winter time and when it cools down in Zurich, the opera, theatres, cinemas, museums, clubs and bars present attractive alternatives. Those who enjoy skiing or snowboarding can reach beautiful snow-covered mountains within an hour or two. Zurich has excellent air, rail and road connections. Eurocity and Intercity trains from all directions stop at the central station. Within the metropolitan area, there is a combined network of public transportation, linking rapid suburban rail, tramways, buses and boats.

Zurich Tourism official

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� LANGUAGESwitzerland is a multilingual country. According to the most recent figures, 64 % of the population speak Swiss German as their main language. The three other national languages are French (Western Switzerland), Italian (Southern Switzerland) and Romansh (South-Eastern Switzerland). German, French and Italian are equally recognised. The language spoken in Zurich is referred to as Swiss German, or “Schwiizertüütsch” as the locals call it. It sounds and looks very different from Standard German. Swiss German is used for almost all oral communication whereas Standard German is the language used for written communication, e.g. in the newspa-pers. Although Zurich is a cosmopolitan city and many people are fluent in more than one language, it is highly recommended that you learn at least some basic (Standard) German during your stay in Zurich. The Language Centre of the University and ETH Zurich offers courses at all levels (see p. 38).

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�WEATHER / WHAT TO WEAR Zurich has a continental climate, i.e., summers tend to be hot and sunny, while winters are cold, damp and wet with occasional snow. Average high temperatures in summer are around 23° – 25°C, but can rise to over 30°C. In winter, temperatures often drop to below zero. During this time of the year, warm clothing, a waterproof jacket and sensible shoes are essential.


41 284.5 km2, of which only 2800 km2 are habitable


7.4 million inhabitants, of which about 20 % are foreigners




63.9 % German, 19.5 % French, 6.6 % Italian, 0.5 % Romansh, 9.5 % other


44 % Catholic, 36.6 % Protestant, 19.4 % other


Swiss Franc (CHF)

Political system

Federal Republic, direct democracy


Federal Council, consisting of 7 members elected by the Federal Assembly

Political structure

26 cantons each with their own constitution, parliament and government

Highest peak

Dufourspitze, 4634 m above sea level

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� immigraTion and geTTing seTTled

IMMIGRATION PROCEDURE AND VISA REqUIREMENTSMost nationals from countries outside the European Union / European Economic Area need a visa to enter Switzerland for study purposes. It is very important that you check the immigra-tion requirements in good time. It usually takes around 3 months from submitting the application to the visa actually being issued!Please use the following link to find out whether you need a visa or (–> ID and Visa provisions for entry)

HOW TO OBTAIN A STUDENT VISAIn case you need a visa, you must apply for it at the Swiss Em-bassy or Consulate General nearest to your place of residence. It is very important to hand in all the required documents right at the beginning in order not to delay the processing procedure. ETH Zurich has no influence on the outcome of your visa

Advice on and guidance with the immigration formalities:

---> InternationalStudentSupport(for regular Master students)Rectorate, FO 21.3, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 20 95, Fax: +41 44 632 11 17, [email protected]

---> StudentExchangeOffice(for exchange students)Rectorate, HG F 23.2, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 20 87, Fax: +41 44 632 12 64, [email protected]

Please do NOT enter Switzerland with a tourist visa! A tourist visa cannot be changed into a student residence permit after your arrival in Switzerland. You would be obliged to leave the country and reapply.

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TRAVELLING TO ZURICHZurich is well served by major road and train links and there is an international airport within easy reach.

By PlaneZurich’s airport is situated about 11 km northeast of the city centre. There is a subterranean train station where trains depart every 10 to 15 minutes to the city’s main station (“Zürich HB”). The journey takes around 10 minutes. The ticket costs CHF 6 and can be bought at one of the ticket machines or at the rail ticket office. The ticket is valid for an hour and can also be used on all local public transport in Zurich.Taxi ranks are located right beside the Arrivals exits of Terminals 1 and 2. The trip to the city centre takes about 20 minutes and costs around CHF 50.

By TrainThe main railway station (“Zürich HB”) is located in the centre of the city. It offers direct and frequent services to all large Swiss cities and major European destinations. A tourist office is situ-ated in the main hall of the train station. Train schedules can be found at

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� RESIDENCE PERMITAnyone who stays in Switzerland for more than three months must obtain a residence permit. This means that you must reg-ister and apply for your permit at the appropriate city district office (“Kreisbüro”) within 8 days of arrival. The city is divided into 12 different districts, each with its own “Kreisbüro”. Your landlord or your flatmates will know which one is responsible for the area in which you live. In case you choose to live outside the city of Zurich, you must register at the appropriate munici-pal administration office (“Gemeindeverwaltung”). A list of all the Kreisbüros and their opening hours can be found

When you register, you must produce the following documents: ---> valid passport or identity card---> proof of registration at ETH Zurich---> confirmation of the Student Exchange Office (exchange

students only)---> 2 passport photographs---> proof of sufficient financial means ---> rental contract for your accommodation---> students from EU-countries: European Health Insurance

Card---> CHF 20.– (administrative charge)A few weeks later, you will receive an official letter requesting you to pick up your residence permit. Once it expires, you can apply for an extension. The annual costs are about CHF 65 (LLP / ERASMUS students: free of charge).Please note that subsequent immigration of family members is not allowed in the case of foreign students.

EMPLOYMENT AND WORk PERMITS As a regular ETH student with a valid residence permit, you are allowed to seek employment for a maximum of 15 hours per week during the semester and 42 hours per week during the semester breaks. A prerequisite, however, is to find an employer who is willing to apply for your work permit.Many departments offer assistantship positions or other kind of employment to their students. We also recommend the follow-ing student job boards:

Page 12: International Students Handbook (ETH / University student job board) (ETH / University whiteboard)

It might be rather difficult to find a job outside ETH Zurich with-out having any knowledge of German. Moreover, you should be aware that the degree programmes at ETH Zurich are designed for fulltime study. It is thus not realistic to study and at the same time have a job to cover your living costs. It is wise to have sufficient funding for your living expenses without having to rely on an outside job.

ACCOMMODATIONThe housing system in Switzerland is a bit different from what you might be used to in your home country: Swiss universities do not usually have on-campus housing, but rather students organise themselves in flat-sharing communities (“WG” or “Wohngemeinschaft”), with three or four flatmates renting a flat together and sharing the rent. For new incoming foreign students with no acquaintances in Zurich, it can be difficult to find a flat to share. If you cannot arrange housing from your home country, you should arrive one or two weeks before the semester begins to try and find a room. ETH Zurich can provide you with some useful information and a limited number of furnished rooms, but, generally, housing is your own responsibility. For student accommodation (furnished or unfurnished single rooms with shared kitchen and bathroom), you should budget between CHF 400 and CHF 600 per month.

Student Housing ServicesETHZurichandtheUniversityofZurichHousingOfficeThe Housing Office is an accommodation brokerage service for students registered at ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich. Please note that they require you to visit in person and arrange-ments cannot be made by phone or e-mail. This service is there-fore only feasible once you have arrived in Zurich. They charge you a registration fee of CHF 8 to access addresses of privately owned flats/studios, etc.

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11 ---> Zimmer-undWohnungsvermittlungSonneggstrasse 27, 8092 Zü

Download the “Wohnbulletin”, a comprehensive list of student housing in

Woko–StudentHousingCooperative(StudentischeWohngenossenschaftZürich)Woko rents out 1400 furnished rooms in student residences, student houses or flats throughout the city. Rooms are available only to students enrolled at ETH Zurich or the University of Zurich. Detailed information and addresses for vacancies are handed out exclusively at their office. As a general rule, Woko does not rent out rooms that you have not viewed in advance. Further, the flat-sharing group has a say in choosing their future house-mates. Contracts can only be concluded at the Woko office.

---> WokoStudentischeWohngenossenschaftLeonhardstrasse 15, 8001 Zü

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1�Housing provided by ETH ZurichETH Zurich provides a limited number of furnished single rooms for international Master and exchange students. Information can be found at the websites below. Please note the deadlines and use the online application forms to apply. These rooms can only be rented for a couple of months. You yourself must look for a new room/flat to move to once your rental contract expires (See websites under ”Private Accommodation”). (exchange students) (regular Master students)

Private AccommodationThere is plenty of privately rented accommodation in Zurich, but normally the landlords or flatmates want to see you in person before they rent out their rooms. Accommodation in the private sector is usually not furnished. However, it is possible to buy second-hand furniture (See p. 30).Useful websites:

On most of these websites you can check out other people’s advertisements and create your own room request even in Eng-lish for free!Accommodation offers can also be found in the local news-papers and on the various notice boards at ETH Zurich, e.g. in the entrance hall of the Main Building or in front of the Main Cafeteria.

Overnight Stay / Short Term Accommodation You can book a room for the first night(s) through Zurich’s Tourist Information Service. They provide a list of hotels, hostels and “Bed and Breakfasts” including an online booking service

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Some of the cheapest options are:---> YouthHostel,Mutschellenstrasse114,8038ZurichPhone: +41 43 399 78

---> CityBackpacker/HotelBiber,Niederdorfstrasse5,8001ZürichPhone: +41 44 251 90

---> Martahaus,Zähringerstrasse36,8001ZürichPhone: +41 44 251 45

---> HotelFoyerHottingen,Hottingerstrasse31/Cäcilienstrasse10,8032ZürichPhone: +41 44 256 19

---> HausJustinus,Freudenbergstrasse146,8044ZürichPhone: +41 44 361 38

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1�living in ZuriCh – PraCTiCal informaTion

GETTING AROUNDApart from walking or cycling, getting around in the city centre is easiest by tram and bus. Daily services are in operation from 5:30 to midnight, and run every 6 minutes at peak hours. For an additional fare, special night buses bring you home on Friday and Saturday nights.

By Tram and BusSingleFareTicketsSingle fare tickets can be purchased at the blue ticket machines located at every tram stop, bus stop and train station. All tickets must be bought before getting on board. A short-distance ticket (up to 5 stops) valid for half an hour costs CHF 2.40: just press the yellow button (“Kurzstrecke”) and insert the amount indi-cated on the display. Tickets valid within the whole city cost CHF 3.90 and you get one by pressing the blue button (“Stadt Zürich Zone 10”).

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1� MonthlyorAnnualSeasonTicket(“Regenbogen”)If you are going to commute within Zurich city (zone 10), it is recommended to buy a “Regenbogen” travel card – a monthly or annual season ticket which pays for itself with as few as three or four journeys per week. You can specify the start date and your ticket is then valid for 30 or 365 days, respectively. If you are under 25, you can get a special reduction (“Regenbogen” Junior Travel Card). The prices are as follows:

Normal price for the city centre (zone 10)

Monthly season ticket* CHF 75 / Annual season ticket* CHF 675

Reduced price (Junior) for the city centre (zone 10)

Monthly season ticket* CHF 55 / Annual season ticket* CHF 495

* Prices valid in August 2007

Monthly and annual travel cards are also available for multiple zones. The travel cards can be bought at any kiosk or vendor which displays the blue and white “Tickets” sign. The company which runs the public transport in Zurich is called VBZ (“Verkehrsbetriebe Zürich”). Their main office is located in Shopville below the main train station, and trams and bus time-tables can be checked online at their website.

---> VBZTicketeriaShopVille-RailCity / Passage Löwenstrasse, 8001 ZürichPhone: +41 44 225 95 95 Opening hours: Monday to Friday 7:00 – 20:00Saturday 8:00 – 20:00Sunday 9:00 –

By TrainHalf-FareCardWould you like to travel around Switzerland during your stay? Then you should consider buying a half-fare card (“Halbtax Abo”). This card entitles you to buy all your train tickets at half price (not applicable on season tickets). You also get a discount on many boat and bus routes, funicular and cable cars, and on local transport in many cities. A half-fare card costs CHF 150 per year and can be bought at the ticket office of any train station in Switzerland. You will need to bring along a passport photograph.

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1�Important: You must at all times be able to produce a valid ticket either on the tram, bus or train. Otherwise you have to pay a fine of CHF 80. And yes, there are frequent controls!

By BicycleHowtogetabikeZurich is a good city for bikers as many of the larger streets have cycling lanes. If you want to buy a second-hand bike, then why not go to the second-hand bike sale at Helvetiaplatz (see p. 29) or try the following (keyword “Velo”) (–> Kleinanzeigen –> Category “Fahrzeuge” –> “Fahrräder”)

Please note that you must take out a special bicycle liability insurance (see p. 19). If you want to take your bike on a tram, bus or train, you have to buy a special ticket for it at the ticket machine.

RentabikeforfreeDo you need a bike now and again in the warmer seasons to get around the city centre? From 7:30 to 21:30 daily (May to Octo-ber), you can borrow a bike by paying a deposit (CHF 20) and presenting a valid ID. Bicycles are available at Gate 18 of the main train station, at the Globus department store (Usteristras-se), the Opera House (Theaterplatz) and Swissôtel Oerlikon (Marktplatz). Bikes must be returned to the same pick-up point.

Between the Campuses ETH Zurich has two locations in Zurich: downtown (“ETH Zen-trum”) and 8 kilometres outside the city centre (“ETH Höngger-berg”). There is a free shuttle bus service between the two cam-puses. Transfer takes 15 minutes and the service is available from Monday to Friday during the semester.The bus leaves hourlyfrom ETH Zentrum 9:15 10:15 … 16:15

from ETH Hönggerberg 8:52 9:52 … 16:52

You do not need an extra ticket for the shuttle bus – a valid stu-dent card is sufficient.Your student card is also valid as a ticket from Monday to Friday (during the semester) between 9:45 and 17:15, on the following lines:

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between ETH Zentrum and Milchbuck trams no. 9 and 10

between Milchbuck and Hönggerberg bus no. 69

INSURANCESHealth Insurance All persons living in Switzerland for more than 3 months have to take out compulsory health insurance for basic medical treat-ment in the case of illness and accidents. You are free to choose from around 90 different health insur-ance schemes. All health insurers provide the same benefits un-der the obligatory insurance plans, but the premiums vary a lot from one insurance company to another. Prices range from about CHF 150 to CHF 350 per month. You can compare premi-ums

Some companies have special offers at reduced prices for inter-national students. For further information, please contact the International Student Support Office or the Student Exchange Office, respectively. More detailed advice is provided by the Students’ Legal Advisory Service “Rebeko” which runs a special health insurance section (“KraBe”).

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1�---> Rebeko/LegalAdvisoryServiceforStudentsStuZ, Leonhardstrasse 15, 8001 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 42 88 (during opening hours)[email protected] Opening hours:Wednesday 12:00 – 14:00 (during the semester only)

Some time after you have registered at your place of residence, the local authorities will remind you by letter that you have to provide proof of health insurance coverage and give you a dead-line within which you should have signed a contract with the insurance company of your choice.

Exemption from Compulsory Health InsuranceUnder certain conditions you may be exempted from the health insurance obligation, e.g. holders of a European Health Insur-ance Card and privately insured non-EU citizens whose insurer is recognised by the Swiss authorities. The students’ Health Insurance Advisory Service “KraBe” pro-vides further information and downloadable guidelines

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1� Private Liability InsuranceWe strongly recommend that you take out a personal liability insurance which covers claims brought against you for any dam-age or injury you may cause to other persons, material or prop-erty. It also covers damage to rented apartments and student rooms. Such insurance is available from around CHF 100 per year for a maximum coverage of CHF 5 million. Likewise recom-mendable is a comprehensive household insurance that also covers theft/burglary, e.g. laptops, bicycles etc.Insurance premiums from the leading providers in Switzerland can be compared

Bicycle InsuranceBicycle liability insurance is mandatory in Switzerland. It covers you for damages and liability in case of an accident with your bike. It is easy and cheap to get: post offices sell it as a sticker that you buy for around CHF 6 and stick onto your bike. Ask for a “Velo-Vignette”. You have to renew it every year before 1st June.

MONEY MATTERS Cost of LivingZurich is a pleasant, but relatively expensive place to live. A typi-cal student budget for one month in Zurich could be:

CHF per month

Tuition and student fees (CHF 644 / semester) 107

Study materials (books, chemicals etc.) 50 to 100

Field trips up to 50

Rent 400 to 600

Food (incl. student restaurant) 500

Public transport 50 to 100

Compulsory health insurance 80 to 300

Total per month 1187 to 1757

Please note that the above list does not include personal ex-penses for clothing, phone bills, hygiene articles, leisure, etc. Switzerland is an expensive country, and you can easily spend up to CHF 2000 a month without living in luxury.

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�0CurrencySwitzerland’s official currency is the Swiss franc (“Franken” in German). The most common abbreviation is “Fr.”, but you may also see “Sfr.”, or the official bank abbreviation “CHF”. Each franc is divided into 100 cents; in German they are called “Rappen” (Rp.).

The units of currency are:

Coins 5, 10, 20, 50 cents and 1, 2, 5 francs

Bank notes 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 1000 francs

Note: Although some retailers accept euros, it is recommended to pay everything in Swiss francs. Paying with euros normally involves a very bad exchange rate. Credit cards such as Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted almost everywhere. And, as the city has a vast number of ATMs (automated teller machines) you’re unlikely to have difficulty withdrawing money using a debit or credit card. Most Swiss ATM machines are also equipped to accept Cirrus and Maestro cards.

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�1 Opening a Bank AccountDepending on the length of your stay in Switzerland, it might be useful to have a Swiss bank account. Most banks offer stu-dent accounts for students up to 30 years of age. These accounts usually have special conditions and you will receive a customer or Maestro card which allows you to draw money out at any cash machine. Banks usually require you to have your residence permit when opening an account. You will also be asked to show your pass-port and your student card. Some banks with special student accounts are:

---> UBSAGParadeplatz 6, 8001 Zü (student account “UBS Campus”)

---> CreditSuisseParadeplatz 8, 8001 Zü (student account “Academica”)

---> ZürcherKantonalbankBahnhofstrasse 9, 8001 Zü (student account “Bildung plus”)

If you need to open an account before you have your residence permit, you can do so at a post office. Bring your passport or ID card and a copy of your student card, and ask for a Yellow Student Account (“Ausbildungskonto”). This special account is designed for people up to 30 years whose studies last for at least one year. The conditions and benefits are similar to those offered by the (–> Young customers)

Paying Your BillsYou will hardly be able to avoid paying bills during your stay in Switzerland. For the rent, tuition fees, phone etc. you will receive a payment slip which you should take to a post office and pay in cash the amount printed on the slip. If you have a Swiss bank or post account, you can apply for online-banking services which enable you to pay your bills online. Bills must usually be paid within 30 days.

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��MAIL SERVICESPost OfficesPost offices are open from 7:30 – 18:00 Monday to Friday and from 9:00 – 12:00 on Saturday. In addition to mail services, the post offices offer banking, telephone and fax services. Zurich’s main post office is located near the main station, with special opening hours even in the evenings and at weekends:

---> SihlpostKasernenstrasse 95 /97, 8004 ZürichOpening hours:Monday to Friday 6:30 – 22:30Saturday 6:30 – 20:00Sunday 10:00 – 22:30

There are several post offices all over the city. Please check the postal services’ website ( to find out the addresses and opening hours. There are small post offices in the ETH Main Building and on the Hönggerberg campus (mail services only).

Receiving and Sending Mail To receive your mail, you need to have an address at which you are officially registered and your name must appear on the mailbox belonging to your apartment. It’s very easy: no name, no mail! Mail is delivered once a day from Monday to Saturday.When sending letters within Switzerland, there are two main mail categories: A-post (arriving next day) and B-post (arriving within 3 – 4 working days). The cost depends on the size and weight, but for a standard C5 letter up to 100 grams the current rates are CHF 1.00 (A-post) and CHF 0.85 (B-post). If you want to send a letter by A-post, make sure you stick an “A Priority” sticker or write a big A on the letter (left of the stamp). Rates for inter-national mail vary according to destination (Europe or other countries), size and weight. If you are not sure about the rate for your letter or parcel, you can ask directly at the post-office

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TELEPHONE / MOBILE PHONEThere are public payphones on campus and in the city. Most of them do not accept coins. You can pay by credit card or Swiss-com phone card, which can be bought at any kiosk or post office. To call within Switzerland, first dial 0, then the local area code (43 or 44 for Zurich and surrounding areas) followed by the 7-digit number. It is rather complicated to get a telephone line installed at your home and you have to pay a deposit of CHF 500 – 1000. Detailed instructions about this procedure can be accessed

Many students decide to just have a mobile phone. The most common providers and their main shops in the city centre are:

---> OrangeCenterLöwenstrasse 69, 8001 Zü

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��---> SwisscomShop(Shopville below the main station)Bahnhofpassage, 8001 Zü

---> MigrosCityLöwenstrasse 31 – 35, 8001 Zü (probably the cheapest solution)

Online phone directory for

ELECTRICITY If you are importing any appliances, computers, stereos, clocks etc., you will need to ensure that their voltage and frequency are compatible. Voltage: 230V; Frequency: 50Hz. Switzerland uses three-pin plugs (round pins) on most electrical equipment. The sockets can also take two-pin europlugs. Adapt-ers can be bought at electronics shops or in larger supermar-kets.

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�� DRINkING WATERThe tap water in your flat or student room as well as in any public building and from the numerous fountains all over Switzerland is of very good quality. This water can be drunk without hesita-tion.

RUBBISH DISPOSALAs an incentive to limit the amount of household rubbish, most communities in Switzerland charge for disposing rubbish by imposing a charge on each rubbish disposal bag. If you live in the city of Zurich, you will need to buy special white rubbish bags (“Züri Sack”). You can buy them at any supermarket – just ask the cashier for a roll. A roll of 10 bags with a capacity of 35 litres costs about CHF 21. All household rubbish must be dis-posed of in such bags. You can be fined for disposing your household rubbish in public waste bins. You must put the bag in the communal rubbish container at your apartment building. In areas without containers, you put the bag out in the morning on which all rubbish bags are col-lected in your area. Usually, rubbish bags are collected once a week. The weekday depends on the place in which you live. Ask your landlord or your flatmates what applies for your district. There are similar rules regarding paper and cardboard for recy-cling. Bundled paper is collected every two weeks, bundled card-board once a month. These services are free of charge. Old glass, batteries, metal, and oil must be brought to special outdoor recycling collection points. There are several such points in every district (big plastic containers marked for different glass colours, tins, etc.). There are also containers for old clothes and shoes. It is illegal to put recyclable materials into the regular rubbish bags. PET drink bottles must be returned to the sales point (e.g. supermarkets). Old batteries are also collected at supermarkets. Old electrical equipment can be taken to any electronics shop for disposal.

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��IN CASE OF ILLNESSAccidents and EmergenciesIn case of accidents or an emergency, you can either call 044 421 21 21 (“Ärztlicher Notfalldienst”) to make an appointment with a doctor or go to the “Permanence”, a medical centre located in the main railway station. There is no need to make an appoint-ment, but you may have to wait before seeing the doctor. An experienced staff of general practitioners and internists with top-class equipment can diagnose and treat most non-hospital conditions. If necessary, patients are referred to specialists in Zurich or admitted to hospital. Should you initially not have any health insurance before going to the doctor, you will have to pay for the consultation in cash.

---> PermanenceHauptbahnhofBahnhofplatz 15, 8023 ZürichPhone: +41 44 215 44 44; Fax: +41 44 215 44 45Opening hours: Daily from 7:00 –

DoctorsandDentistsDoctors and dentists are listed alphabetically in the telephone directories under “Aerzte” or “Zahnarzt”, respectively. You should call during office hours to make an appointment. Most doctors and dentists speak (–> Aerzte; or: –> Zahnarzt)

Please note: dental treatment is very expensive in Switzerland and is not covered by the compulsory health insurance.

PharmaciesThere are plenty of pharmacies in Zurich with opening hours from 8:30 – 18:30 on workdays. The following pharmacies have extended opening hours:

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�� ---> BahnhofApothekeBahnhofplatz 15, 8001 ZürichDaily from 7:00 – 24:00

---> BellevueApothekeTheaterstrasse 14, 8001 ZürichOpen 24 hours daily

---> OdeonApothekeLimmatquai 2, 8001 ZürichDaily from 7:00 – 23:00

Pharmacies providing emergency services can be contacted by phone 24 hours a day.

Other emergency pharmacies are listed at

Page 30: International Students Handbook

��PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2007 2008 2009

New Year’s Day 1 Jan 1 Jan 1 Jan

Berchtold’s Day 2 Jan 2 Jan 2 Jan

Good Friday 6 April 21 March 10 April

Easter 8 / 9 April 23 / 24 March 12 / 13 April

“Sechseläuten”* 16 April 14 April 20 April

Labour Day 1 May 1 May 1 May

Ascension Day 17 May 1 May 21 May

Whitsun 27 / 28 May 11 / 12 May 31 May / 1 June

National Holiday 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug

“Knabenschiessen”* 10 Sept 15 Sept 14 Sept

Christmas 24 / 25 Dec 24 / 25 Dec 24 / 25 Dec

* Local Zürich festivals. Shops and administrative services are closed in the afternoon.

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�� SHOPPINGOpening Hours Most shops are open from Monday to Friday, 9:00 – 18:30, but some stores and shopping centres in the inner city have extend-ed opening hours until 20:00. On Saturdays, shops usually close at 17:00, apart from the shops in Zurich main train station and at Stadelhofen station which are open daily from approx. 7:00 – 21:00.

SupermarketsMigros and Coop are the largest national chains of supermar-kets. Each of them has their own customer card scheme which is why the cashiers always ask you to show either your “Cumu-lus” card (Migros) or your “Supercard” (Coop). Of course, you don’t have to sign up for a customer card! Migros sells neither alco-holic drinks nor tobacco products.If you want to buy exotic food, have a look at the Zurich Tourism website and search for shops that sell food and spices from all over the

(–> Experience Zurich –> Shopping –> Specialities from Other Countries)

Open Air MarketsFlower and vegetable markets: BürkliplatzTuesday and Friday from 6:00 – 11:00

HelvetiaplatzTuesday and Thursday from 6:00 – 11:00

OerlikonWednesday and Saturday from 6:00 – 11:00 (12:00 on Saturdays)

Flea markets: HelvetiaplatzSaturday from 9:00 – 16:00 (all year)

BürkliplatzSaturday from 8:00 – 16:00 (May to October)

Speciality market:MainStationHallWednesday from 11:00 – 20:00 (except December)

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�0Second-hand ShopsDon’t worry if you end up renting a room/studio that is com-pletely bare! You can buy second-hand furniture, crockery, household and kitchen accessories, clothes, electronic equip-ment or even books at the “Brockenhaus”. They sell almost ev-erything at very reasonable prices.

---> ZürcherBrockenhausNeugasse 11, 8031 Zü

LEISURE AND SIGHTSZurich, Switzerland’s largest city, offers visitors a wealth of capti-vating culture. Apart from internationally famous cultural estab-lishments such as the Opera House, Schauspielhaus (Theatre), Tonhalle (Concert hall) and Kunsthaus (Art museum), there are countless museums, small theatres, restaurants, bars, discos etc. where you can enjoy your free time.Please refer to the Zurich Tourism website and the daily news-papers for details. (Zurich Tourism) (daily newspaper) (online supplement to “NZZ”, another daily newspaper) (free daily newspaper) (Thursday supplement to Tages-Anzeiger, event calendar)

Zurich is very popular for its many cinemas. Every Monday eve-ning all the cinemas in Zurich offer reduced price tickets, and in every afternoon you can get a reduction by showing your stu-dent card. Films are usually shown in the original version with German and French subtitles.The online cinema programme is available

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�1 ExCURSIONS AND TRIPSZurich’s location in the heart of Switzerland makes it an ideal starting point for excursions and outdoor activities. Day trips can easily be made to cities like Berne, Lucerne, Basle or Schaff-hausen, and, if you want to see the Alps, you can reach Pilatus, Rigi, Säntis or even Jungfraujoch within a few hours.In winter, the Swiss Railways (SBB) offer special package deals which include a roundtrip train ticket, overnight stay and ski lift tickets at different ski resorts. You can of course also organise your own one-day ski trips. For further information, please con-tact Zurich Tourism who will be happy to help you. Just drop by their office located in the hall of Zurich main train (Zurich Tourism) (Switzerland Tourism) (Train timetables)

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��sTudying aT eTh ZuriCh

ETH ZURICHETH Zurich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, is one of the world’s leading universities in science and technology. Thanks to its focus on quality, its global outlook and excellent infrastructure, ETH Zurich enjoys an outstanding international reputation in education and research. No less than 21 Nobel Prize winners are associated with the ETH, from Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen and Albert Einstein to Kurt Wüthrich.ETH Zurich provides an excellent environment for studying, including state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and a first-rate infrastructure. Three hundred and fifty professors and more than 4000 members of our scientific staff in 16 different depart-ments located at two main campuses ensure that you get the supervision and guidance you need to learn effectively. The close links to research means that teaching at ETH Zurich always reflects the scientific and professional state-of-the-art.

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�� ACADEMIC CALENDARThe academic year at ETH Zurich is divided into two semesters of 14 weeks each. The Autumn Semester runs from mid-Septem-ber to the end of December (calendar week 38 to 51 ) and the Spring Semester lasts from mid-February to the end of May (week 8 to 22). Examinations usually take place during the semester breaks. 2007 2008 2009

Spring Semester 19 March – 22 June 18 Feb – 30 May 16 Feb – 29 May

Autumn Semester 24 Sept – 21 Dec 15 Sept – 19 Dec 14 Sept – 18 Dec

Semester and examination dates can be found online

REGISTRATION / STUDENT CARDOnce you arrive in Switzerland, you must visit the Student Service Centre on the F floor of the ETH Zurich Main Building to register at the Registrar’s Office (Master students) or at the Student Exchange Office (exchange students). You will then receive your student card, and your username and password for your personal e-mail account. You will also get three copies of the confirmation of registration which may be used for different purposes, e.g. applying for your residence permit or opening a bank account.Please note that important study-related news is often commu-nicated by e-mail. Therefore, you should check your ETH Zurich e-mail account regularly or redirect your mails to the e-mail account you most frequently use.Your student card is also your library card, your entrance card to the sports facilities (see p. 41) and it allows you to buy meals at reduced prices at the student restaurants (see p. 39).

TUITION FEESIf you are a student participating in a LLP / ERASMUS exchange or from a university that has signed a bilateral cooperation agreement with ETH Zurich, you are exempted from tuition fees.For all other Bachelor and Master students, the tuition fees are as follows:

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��Compulsory fees (per semester):

Tuition fee CHF 580

Student activity fee CHF 64

Voluntary fees (per semester):

Solidarity Fund for Foreign Students CHF 5

SOSeth membership fee CHF 5

VSETH membership fee CHF 10

Total Semester Fees CHF 664

An invoice for your semester fees is sent to your address in Swit-zerland approximately 5 weeks after the semester begins. The bill can be paid electronically or at any post office, and must be paid within 30 days of receipt. Please note: Tuition fees cannot be paid in advance. No excep-tions can be made.

DEPARTMENTS, PROGRAMMES AND COURSESThe following list provides an overview of the 16 departments and fields of study offered at ETH Zurich.

Department Abbreviation

Agriculture and Food Science D-AGRL

Architecture D-ARCH

Biology D-BIOL

Biosystems D-BSSE

Chemistry and Applied Biosciences D-CHAB

Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering D-BAUG

Computer Science D-INFK

Earth Sciences D-ERDW

Environmental Sciences D-UWIS

Humanities, Social and Political Sciences D-GESS

Information Technology and Electrical Engineering D-ITET

Management, Technology and Economics D-MTEC

Materials Science D-MATL

Mathematics D-MATH

Mechanical and Process Engineering D-MAVT

Physics D-PHYS

An overview of all Master programmes can be found

Page 37: International Students Handbook

�� Degree Programmes, Credits and GradesETH Zurich uses the two-tiered Bachelor-Master system accord-ing to the Bologna agreement signed by the European Ministers of Education. The credit system is based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). According to this system, study achieve-ments are allocated credit points. As a rule, the scope of one semester is 30 credits with one credit corresponding to 30 hours of study.Study achievements are assessed for their quality and are grad-ed. The grading scale ranges from 0 to 6.0, with 4.0 being a “pass” and 6.0 the highest grade.

BachelorProgrammesThe Bachelor is ETH Zurich’s undergraduate degree programme. Bachelor programmes last for six semesters (180 credits) and are completed with a final project or thesis, leading to being awarded with a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or a Bachelor of Arts (BA), depending on the field of study. Bachelor programmes at ETH Zurich are usually taught in German and begin in the Au-tumn

MasterProgrammesThe Master is an international postgraduate degree. Master pro-grammes comprise 90 or 120 credits and are degree programmes following on from a Bachelor degree. The Master degree is the primary professional qualification at ETH Zurich. Consecutive Master programmes follow on thematically from the Bachelor programme of the same subject. Most specialised Masters are interdisciplinary and internationally oriented. More and more programmes at ETH Zurich are taught in English, and some pro-grammes do actually start in the Spring

CourseRegistrationRegistration for courses at ETH Zurich must be done online dur-ing the first weeks of the semester. You will receive detailed in-structions about this at the start of your studies. Online course

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Means-Based ScholarshipsETH Zurich can provide subsidiary financial assistance to stu-dents who cannot otherwise meet the costs of their education. The actual amount of scholarships is calculated on an individual basis, taking into account any other scholarships, grants and further support the applicant receives. ETH Zurich funding always complements other funding sources, so even students who receive a maximum scholarship need to raise at least two-thirds of their living costs through other means. You should budget approximately CHF 18 000 per year for education and living costs. When applying for an ETH Zurich scholarship, you must disclose your financial situation as well as that of your immediate family. You are also required to provide documents (tax assessment bills, salary slips, etc.) to support your application. Scholarship applications must be submitted to the Scholarship Office using the official application form. The application dead-line is 31 May for the following academic year. Students wishing to receive their scholarship decision along with their admissions decision should submit their scholarship application at the same time when they apply for a Master programme. Scholar-ship applications must be renewed annually. If you have been awarded an ETH Zurich scholarship, you are also entitled to a tuition fee waiver. In case your scholarship or grant is from a source other than ETH Zurich, you need to apply for the tuition fee waiver separately. You are required to disclose your financial situation and provide evidence supporting your application.For any questions about financial support, please contact the Scholarship Office:

---> ScholarshipOfficeHG FO 21.1 – 21.2Phone: +41 44 632 20 40/88; Fax: +41 44 632 11 [email protected] application form can be accessed online:

Page 39: International Students Handbook


Merit-Based ScholarshipsUnder the Excellence Scholarship & Opportunity Programme, ETH Zurich awards a limited number of merit-based scholar-ships to excellent students wishing to pursue a Master degree. The scholarship covers both the full study tuition fees and living costs. In addition, the programme offers students the opportu-nity to carry out a research or development project on a topic of their choice.Application for an Excellence Scholarship is open to both ETH Zurich students and students from other universities wishing to pursue a Master degree at ETH Zurich. The scholarship can be awarded to students with a very good performance during the Bachelor programme who belong to the best in their

ETH Zurich scholarships are not open to exchange students.

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LANGUAGE COURSESSome basic knowledge of the language and culture of your host country is essential to get to know the locals. The Language Centre of ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich (“Sprachen-zentrum”) offers intensive German courses before the begin-ning of the semester and regular classes during the semester. These courses are free of charge for international Bachelor, Mas-ter and exchange students.Online pre-registration is required and must be done during a certain time slot prior to the start of the semester. Please see the Language Centre website for detailed information and how to register.

---> SprachenzentrumderUniversitätundderETHZürichRämistrasse71,8006Zü

Page 41: International Students Handbook

�� life on CamPus

E-MAIL ACCOUNTAll ETH Zurich students are assigned an e-mail account ending with You receive your username and pass-word when you register at the Registrar’s Office or the Student Exchange Office, respectively.

COMPUTER FACILITIESComputer RoomsThere are approximately 1000 computer workstations at the disposal of all ETH students. The computer stations provide full internet access. The use of computers and printers is free of charge. In the ETH Zurich Main Building, the computer rooms are located on the ground floor (E). To enter the system, you need your personal “nethz” username and password.Further information about the computer rooms can be found

In case of problems, please contact the helpdesk: [email protected] or 044 632 77 77

Wireless AccessWLAN hotspots are installed on each campus in most public spaces, including lecture halls, seminar rooms, libraries and lounges.

NEPTUN – Your Own Laptop Neptun is the name of a project which actively supports and en-courages the use of portable computers (laptops) at ETH Zurich. Neptun enables students to acquire a laptop at a reduced price. Each semester Neptun selects a range of laptop models suitable for studying at ETH Zurich which can be ordered during a period of 3 – 4 weeks at the beginning of each semester. It is also possi-ble to rent a laptop for a small fee.

CATERING SERVICESETH Zurich has around 15 student cafeterias and student restau-rants (“Mensa”) in different buildings on both campuses. They offer affordable daily menus, sandwiches and self-serve salad buffets. With a valid student card, the menu only costs CHF 5.80.The opening hours and daily / weekly menus are online. ETH

Page 42: International Students Handbook

�0Zurich students are also entitled to the usual student reduc-tions at any University of Zurich student restaurant or (ETH Zurich) (University of Zurich)

LIBRARIESWith about 5.2 million items, the ETH Zurich Library is the Swiss national centre for information regarding technology and natu-ral sciences. Use of the library is free of charge for everybody registered as a user. You can register at the Main Library (Main Building, H-Floor) or at any of the smaller departmental libraries.Once registered, you can order books, documents, maps, discs, etc. via the internet-based NEBIS system and pick up your items at the library of your choice. Some departmental libraries are not accessible via NEBIS (e.g. the Biology and Chemistry Infor-mation Centre), but do have their own web-based information system.Please check the libraries’ web pages for detailed information. Frequently scheduled introduction sessions are held at which the whole range of services offered are presented.

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�1 ---> ETH-BibliothekH-Floor, Main BuildingRämistrasse 101, 8092 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 21 35; Fax: +41 44 632 10

COPY CARDSPublic photocopiers are available in most ETH Zurich buildings. Before you can use them, you need a special copy card which can be purchased at the campus stationery shops, libraries or at special dispensers installed beside some photocopiers (e.g. Main Building, H-Floor, left of the library entrance). Copies cost CHF 0.10 per page.

STATIONERY SHOPSThere are two stationery shops on campus where students can buy office supplies, laboratory coats and supplies, greeting cards, posters etc. One is located next to the main cafeteria at “ETH Zentrum” (MM C 88.1), the other one beside the bus stop “ETH Hönggerberg”

STUDENT BOOk SHOPSThere are two bookshops on campus (“Polybuchhandlung”) where you can find most of the books you will need during your studies. One is located in the ETH Zurich Main Building (MM B96, one floor below the BQM student bar) and the other one is at ETH Hönggerberg (HPI E16.1). Books can also be ordered

ZURICH ACADEMIC SPORTS ASSOCIATIONThe Zurich Academic Sports Association (ASVZ) offers a variety of over 70 sports to students in Zurich. The ASVZ fee is included in the mandatory student fees, so most of the courses are free of charge. You have to register and pay a fee for special out-door activities or camps. ASVZ provides plenty of information on the wide range of courses on their website, or in their spe-cial pocketsize brochure (“Sportfahrplan”) which is sent to all students at the beginning of the semester.

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��ASVZ has several sport centres, two of which are located at ETH Zurich (Polyterrasse and Hönggerberg). In addition to individual training, you can also participate in team sports such as foot-ball, badminton, etc., or take up yoga or jazz dance. The most popular course of all is the fitness training called “Kondi” (Kon-ditionstraining) which runs several times a day during lunch breaks and in the evening. Just show your student card at the entrance and bring a padlock for the lockers.

STUDENT ASSOCIATIONSVarious organisations and services at ETH Zurich may facilitate your daily student life. A small selection is listed below.

VSETHVSETH (“Verband der Studierenden an der ETH Zürich“) is the umbrella organisation of the various ETH Zurich student associ-ations. It represents the students’ interests both inside and out-side ETH Zurich. The VSETH and student associations offer various services, such as a legal advisory service, and they also compile the monthly magazine “Polykum”. They rent out music rooms, a photo labo-ratory, and the student centre for parties.

Student Associations (“Fachvereine”)Students of almost every field of study are organised in various associations within or across the different ETH Zurich depart-ments. They represent the students’ concerns and interests within the departments, give you useful tips and information about your studies and exams, and organise parties and other activities for students following their study programme. A list of all these organisations can be found at the VSETH

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�� ESN – Erasmus Student NetworkESN is a European-wide student organisation, created to sup-port and develop student exchange. ESN aims to promote the social and personal integration of exchange students. They show foreign students how to get along in Zurich and organise all kinds of weekend trips, events and parties. The ETH Zurich section of ESN runs their own mentoring system – an online platform, where every exchange student has the possibility to be linked with a local student who acts as a personal contact and may even fetch them at the airport, and show them around ETH Zurich.

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��CamPus maPs

The following maps give you an overview of the two ETH Zurich campuses. You will find further information and site plans

ETH Zentrum ETH ZürichRämistrasse 101, CH-8092 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 11





Auf der Mauer



Stampfenbachstrasse Bahnhof-Q

u ai




Rudolf Brun-Brücke























Karl Schmid-Strasse









Sternwartstrasse Gloriastrasse



























Main RailwayStation



Uni Spital NordCHN


Milchbuck, Irchel


ETH Zentrum/UniversitätsspitalPolybahn ETH-
















ETH Zentrum


nach ETHHönggerberg








Page 47: International Students Handbook

�� ETH Hönggerberg ETH HönggerbergCH-8093 ZürichPhone: +41 44 632 11 11

Emil – Klöti – Strasse












80 ETH-Shuttle



























Page 48: International Students Handbook

��misCellaneous informaTion

USEFUL ADDRESSES All offices listed below are located in the Student Service Centre, ETH Zurich Main Building, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich

---> AdmissionsOfficeHG F 21.2 – 21.5Opening hours for Master students: Mon – Fri 10:00 – 11:00 and 14:00 – 15:00Phone: +41 44 632 77 35; +41 44 632 61 [email protected]

---> Registrar’sOfficeHG F 19Opening hours: Mon – Fri, 9:00 – 11:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 (during the first two weeks of the semester: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 16:00)Phone: +41 44 632 30 [email protected]

---> StudentExchangeOfficeHG F 23.1Opening hours: Mon – Fri 10:00 – 12.30; during semester breaks: Mon – Fri 11:00 – 12.30Phone: +41 44 632 61 [email protected]

---> InternationalStudentSupportHG FO 21.3 Opening hours: Tue 10:00 – 12:00; Thu 14:00 – 16:00 or by appointmentPhone: +41 44 632 20 [email protected]

---> ScholarshipOfficeHG FO 21.1 – 21.2Opening hours: Mon – Fri 9:00 – 11:00 and 14:00 – 16:00 Phone: +41 44 632 20 40; +41 44 632 20 [email protected]

---> StudentAdvisoryService/AdvisoryServiceforDisabledStudentsHG F 22.1Opening hours: Mon – Thu 14:00 – 16:00 and by appointment Phone: +41 44 632 20 [email protected]

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Police 117

Fire brigade 118

Ambulance 144

Toxicology Emergency Centre 145

Medical and Dental Emergency Services 044 421 21 21

Directory enquiries within Switzerland 1811

Lost property office 044 216 25 50

CHECkLISTBefore Leaving Home---> Passport (incl. a copy of the page with your photo and

personal details)---> Visa (if required)---> Confirmation of Registration at ETH Zurich---> European Health Insurance Card (EU/EEA citizens)---> Letter from your health insurance company verifying your

coverage, and a detailed documentation of that coverage (for non-EU citizens, if applicable)

---> Liability insurance certificate, if you have one---> Proof of sufficient funding (bank statements, scholarship

decisions) ---> Passport photos (can be used for your residence permit,


After Arriving in Zürich ---> Register at the Registrar’s Office or Student Exchange

Office.---> Register at the appropriate city district office

(within 8 days of arrival).---> Organise a health insurance. ---> Register online for your courses.

Before Leaving Switzerland---> Cancel your rental contract. ---> Deregister at the Stadthaus, Stadthausquai 17, 8022 Zürich,

or, if you live outside the city, at the appropriate municipal administration office. (This is important, particularly if you plan to come back to Switzerland at a later date!)

Page 50: International Students Handbook


hello ---> GutenTag/Grüezigoodbye ---> AufWiedersehen/Adieyes ---> Ja/Jano ---> Nein/Neiplease ---> Bitte/Bittethank you ---> Danke/MerciMy name is… ---> MeinNameist…/MinNameisch…How are you? ---> WiegehtesDir?/Wiegaht’s?I’m very well ---> Esgehtmirgut/EsgahtmirguetI feel ill ---> Esgehtmirschlecht/EsgahtmirschlächtHow much does it cost? ---> Waskostetdas?/Waschoschtetdas?Do you speak English? ---> SprechenSieEnglisch?/RededSiÄnglisch?I don’t understand ---> Ichverstehenicht/Ichverstahnödwhere is…? ---> Woist…/Woisch…?entrance ---> Eingang/Iigangexit ---> Ausgang/Usgangdanger ---> Achtung/Achtungopen ---> Offen/Offeclosed ---> Geschlossen/Gschlossetoilets ---> Toilette/WCdoctor ---> Arzt/Arztbicycle ---> Fahrrad/Velohotel ---> Hotel/Hotelrestaurant ---> Restaurant/Restaurantbeer ---> Bier/Bierwine ---> Wein/Wiichocolate ---> Schokolade/Schoggimenu ---> Menü/Menütoday ---> Heute/Hütttomorrow ---> Morgen/Mornyesterday ---> Gestern/GeschterMonday ---> Montag/MäntigTuesday ---> Dienstag/ZischtigWednesday ---> Mittwoch/MittwuchThursday ---> Donnerstag/DunschtigFriday ---> Freitag/FriitigSaturday ---> Samstag/SamschtigSunday ---> Sonntag/Sunntig

Page 51: International Students Handbook

one ---> Eins / Eistwo ---> Zwei / Zweithree ---> Drei / Drüfour ---> Vier / Vierfive ---> Fünf / Foifsix ---> Sechs / Sächsseven ---> Sieben / Sibeeight ---> Acht / Achtnine ---> Neun / Nüünten ---> Zehn / Zääone hundred ---> Hundert / Hundertone thousand ---> Tausend / Tuusig

A quick and funny guide to the Swiss German language can be found

The information in this guide is current as of August 2007. If you notice any changes or mistakes, or would like to send us some feedback, please contact [email protected]

ETH Zurich cannot accept any liability for changes, errors or omissions in this booklet.

Page 52: International Students Handbook

ETH ZuricHHandbook for International Students

PublisherETH Zurich, RectorateText / editingAnnina Wannerconcept / designnull-oder-eins.chPhotosChristian Aeberhard (Cover)Dominique MeienbergMichael Nitschand othersPrinted byDruckerei Goetz AG1st edition4000 copies

ETH ZurichRectorateRämistrasse 101CH-8092

August 2007