international rice research newsletter vol.17 no.3

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  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3



    The International Rice Rsearch

    Newsletter objective is:

    "To expedite communication

    among scientists concerned with

    the development of improved

    technology for rice and for rice-

    based cropping systems. This publication will report what

    scientists are doing to increase theproduction of rice, in as much as

    this crop feeds the most densely

    populated and land-scarce nations

    in the world . . . IRRN is amechanism to help rice scientists

    keep each other informed of

    current research findings."

    The concise reports contained in

    IRRN are meant to encourage rice

    scientists and workers to com-

    municate with one another. In this

    way, readers can obtain more detailed

    information on the research reported.

    Please examine the criteria,

    guidelines, and research categoriesthat follow.

    suggestions, please write the editor,

    IRRN, IRRI, P.O. Box 933, Manila.

    Philippines. We look forward to your

    continuing interest in IRRN.

    Criteria for IRRN research report

    has international. or pan-national,

    has rice environment relevance

    advances rice knowledge

    uses appropriate research design

    and data collection methodology.

    reports appropriate. adequate data

    applies appropriate analysis. using

    appropriate statistical techniquesreaches supportable conclusions

    If you have comments or


    Guidelines for contributors

    The International Rice Research

    Newsletter is a compilation of brief

    reports of current research on topics

    of interest to rice scientists all over

    the world. Contributions should bereports of recent work and work-in-

    progress that have broad, pan-national

    interest and application. Only reports

    of work conducted during theimmediate past three years should be


    Research reported in IRRN should be

    verified. Single season, single trial

    field experiments are not accepted.

    All field trials should be repeated

    across more than one season, in

    multiple seasons, or in more than one

    location, as appropriate. All

    experiments should include

    replication and a check or contro1


    All work should have pan-national


    Reports of routine screening trials of

    varieties, fertilizer, and cropping

    methods using standard methodolo-

    gies to establish local recommenda-

    tions are not accepted.

    Normally, no more than one report

    will be accepted from a single

    experiment. Two or more items without

    the same work submitted at the same

    time will be returned for merging.

    Submission at different times of

    multiple reports from the sameexperiment is highly inappropriate.

    Detection of such submissions will

    result in rejection of all.

    Please observe the following

    guidelines in preparing submissions:

    Limit each report to two pages of

    double-spaced typewritten text and

    no more than two figures (graphs.

    tables. or photos).

    Do not cite references or include a


    Organize the report into a brief

    statement of research objectives, a

    brief description of project design,

    and a brief discussion of results.

    Relate results to the objectives.


    environment (irrigated. rainfed

    lowland, upland, deepwater, tidal


    Report appropriate statistical

    Specify the rice production

    Specify the type of rice culture

    (transplanted. wet seeded, dry


    weather (wet seasons, dry seasons,

    Specify seasons by characteristics

    monsoon) and by months. Do not

    use local terms for seasons or, ifused, define them.

    recognized terms to describe rice

    environments, management

    practices, etc. Do not use local

    Provide genetic background for

    new varieties or breeding lines.

    For soil nutrient studies, be sure to

    include a standard soil profile

    description, classification, and

    relevant soil properties.

    diseases, insects, weeds, and crop

    plants. Do not use common names

    or local names alone.Quantify survey data (infection

    percentage, degree of severity.

    sampling base, etc.).When evaluating susceptibility.

    resistance, tolerance, etc., report

    the actual quantification of damagedue to stress that was used to

    assess level or incidence. Specify

    the measurements used.Use generic names. not trade

    names. for all chemicals.

    Use international measurements.

    Do not use local units of measure.

    Express yield data in metric tons

    per hectare (t/ha) for field studies

    and in grains per pot (g/pot) or per

    specified length (in meters) row (g/

    row) tor small scale studies.

    Express all economic data in term

    of the US$. Do not use local

    monetary units. Economic

    information should he presented at

    the exchange rate US$:local

    currency at the time data were


    abbreviations, write the name in

    full on first mention. followed by

    the acronym or abbreviation in

    parentheses. Thereafter, use the


    Define any nonstandard abbrevia-

    tions or symbols used in a table orgraph in a footnote or caption/

    Use standard, internationally

    plants parts, growth stages.


    Provide scientific names for

    When using acronyms or


    Categories of research published


    genetic resources


    breeding methods

    yield potentialgrain quality

    pest resistance



    other pestsstress tolerance


    excess water

    adverse temperature

    adverse soils


    rainfed lowland



    tidal wetlands

    seed technology




    soil microbiology physiology and plant nutrition

    fertilizer management

    inorganic sources

    organic sources

    integrated germplasm improvement

    crop management

    integrated pest management



    other pests

    water management

    farming systems

    farm machinery

    postharvest technology

    economic analysis







  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3




    Generic resources

    5 The chromosome number of Oryza schlechteri Pilger

    Genetics5 Combining ability of some rice genotypes for ratooning in diallel mating


    Breeding methods

    6 Influence of type of vessel on regeneration of rice anther calli

    Yield potential

    6 Agrophysiological differences between deepwater rice (DWR) and

    rainfed lowland modern variety (MV) under farmers field conditions

    Grain quality

    7 Relation between rice grain quality and land preparation methods

    7 Rice grain quality as influenced by split application of nitrogenous


    Pest resistance diseases

    7 A new symptom of tungro in rice

    8 Resistance to rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) found in wild Oryza

    9 Performance of a bacterial blight (BB)-resistant rice variety in the


    endemic pockets of Konkan Region, India

    Pest resistance insects

    9 Insecticide-induced resurgence of brown planthopper (BPH) on IR62

    10 Genetic sources of resistance to whitebacked planthopper in scented

    10 Screening Basmati rices for stem borer resistance

    11 Effects of whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) Sogatella furcifera on rice

    quality rices

    varieties in the greenhouse

    Pestresistance others pests

    11 Assessment of rice resistance and susceptibility to stem nematode

    Integrated germplasm improvement irrigated

    12 Yield performance of some new rice hybrids in Indonesia

    13 ZH3, a high-yielding and multiple-resistance rice for single- or double-

    Ditylecnhus angustus

    cropping in South China

    Integrated germplasm improvement water

    13 Three varieties of floating rice released to farmers in Cambodia

    Stress tolerance

    14 Weed competitiveness of upland rice cultivars in Bangladesh


    Physiology and plant nutrition15 Sesbania rostrata and Aeschynomene afraspera effects on crop

    15 Response to different Zn carriers of rice grown on Ustifluvents in India

    establishment of transplanted lowland rice

    Fertilizer management inorganic

    16 Long-term effect of inorganic fertilizers, lime, and straw on lowland rice

    16 Large granule urea (LGU), an efficient and economic source of N for

    in Kerala

    wetland rice

    Crop management

    17 Effect of herbage cutting on deepwater rice (DWR) in acid sulfate soil

    Integrated pest management diseases

    18 Growth and sclerotial production of Sclerotium oryzae on different


    18 Effect of humic acid (HA) on severity of rice blast (B1)

    19 Comparative transmission of three tungro isolates by green leafhopper

    19 Dependence of incubation period and symptoms of rice tungro disease


    (RTD) on infection stage in ricefields

    Integrated pest management insects

    20 Damage by rice thrips and defoliators in southern Bhutan

    20 Effect of foliar spray insecticides on brown planthopper (BPH)

    21 Hourly catches of yellow stem borer (YSB)

    21 Effect of rice stage and GLH density on pipunculid parasitism on green

    22 Evaluating high temperature tolerance in the brown planthopper (BPH)

    23 Sheath rot (ShR) severity due to rice bug infection

    Farm machinery

    23 A simple closed chemical transfer attachment for knapsack sprayers


    resurgence in rice

    leafhopper (GLH) Nephotettix virescens in Bali, Indonesia

    24 Irrigation and drainage congress

    24 Effective irrigation management course

    24 New IRRI publications

    24 New publications

    25 Rice dateline

    25 Call for news

    25 IRRI group training courses for remainder of 1992

    25 Postdoctoral research fellow positions


    26 Guidelines for contributors

    26 A dream that might come true: rice plants that make their own fertilizer

    26 Cambodia team identifies useful breeding lines

    26 Rice Processing Working Group Meeting convenes in Egypt

    27 IARCs and national systems seek alternatives to slash-and- burn farming

    27 France, IRRI plan joint research for the next five years

    27 Laser measures ricefield methane

    27 Upland Rice Research Consortium contacts

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  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3



    Genetic resources~

    The chromosome number ofOryza schlechteri Pilger

    E. Naredo and Vanghan, InternationalRice Germplasm Center, IRRI

    The rare species O. schlechteri was

    recently collected as living plants below

    the Jamu Gorge in the Finisterre Moun-

    tains of Papua New Guinea (PNG). This

    small, stoloniferous wild relative of rice

    is currently known to exist only in three

    other locations: on the island of New

    Guinea above the Jamu Gorge, Madang

    Province, PNG; Baimuru, Kikori, Gulf

    Province, PNG; and along the BeaufortRiver, Irian Jaya, Indonesia.

    O. schlechteri is 2n = 4 = 48 (see

    figure). Of the five other known species are tetraploid, and O. rufipogon and O. morphologically distinct from all other

    from Papua New Guinea, O. officinalis are diploid. The systematic species in the genus Oryza, requires

    longiglumis, O. minuta, and 0. ridleyi position ofO. schlechteri, which is furrher detailed study.

    The somatic chromosome number ofRoot tip cell chromosomes of Oryza schlechteri.

    GeneticsAnalysis of variance revealed that the good general combiners for ratooning

    Combining ability of somerice genotypes for ratooning

    in diallel mating systemS. Arumugachamy, P. Vivekarnuadan, and

    M. Subramanian, Agricultural Botany De-

    partment, Agricultural College and Research

    Institute (ACRI), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India

    Six rice genotypes (Bhavani, MDU3,

    IET6262, IET6709, IET7552, and

    IET9239) and their 30 hybrids obtained

    through complete diallel set were evalu-

    ated for combining ability for the ratoon-

    ing trait. Entries were raised in two 3-m

    rows with 20- 10-cm spacing in a

    randomized block design replicated threetimes during Oct 1988 at ACRI.

    The crop was harvested at maturity,

    cut at 20 cm aboveground. We evaluated

    10 randomly selected parents and 5

    hybrids from each replication. Ratoon-

    ing ability was assessed as the number

    of ratoon tillers generated from the


    variances due to general combining

    ability (GCA). specific combining

    ability (SCA), and reciprocal effects

    (RE) were significant, which indicatedthe difference in ratooning ability

    among genotypes (Table 1).

    were highly significant for all parents:

    from -1.64 (IET9239) to 1.45

    (IET6709). The parents IET6709.

    1ET6262, and IET7552 have positive

    and significant GCA effects and are

    Table 1. Analysis of variance for combining ability.

    Source of DF Sum of Mean Ftable

    The GCA effects for ratooning ability

    variance squares square a (P = 0.01)

    General 5 78.60 15.72** 3.29combiningability (GCA)


    ability (SCA)Reciprocal 15 33.33 2.22** 2.32


    GCA/SCAError 70 5.62 0.08


    a** = significant at 1% level.

    Specific 15 46.21 3.08** 2.32

    ability (Table 2).

    The nature of gene action in deter-

    mining the inheritance of characters is

    important in breeding programs. Thehigher GCA than SCA variance for

    ratooning ability indicates the predomi-

    nance of additive gene action in the

    trait's inheritance. Hence improving

    ratooning ability with parents IET6709,

    IET6262, and IET7552 through the

    pedigree method of breeding will be


    Table 2. Estimate of general combining ability

    effects for ratooning ability.

    Parent GCA effectsa

    Bhavani 0.24**

    MDU3 0.90**

    IET6262 0.76**

    IET6709 1.45**




    Var(gi) 0.01

    LSD (P = 0.05) 0.15SE (gi) 0.08

    a** = significant at 1% level.

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 5

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    Some agrophysiological characteristics of BR11 and Laki under farmers' field conditions.

    Character BK11 Laki t-test a

    Grain yield (t/ha) 4.0 0.45 1.95 0.45 13.12**

    Panicles (no./m 2 ) 207 28 127 28 8.75**

    Filled grain (no./panicle) 102 19 74 11 5.72**

    Sterile grain (%) 21.5 21.7

    1.000-grain wt (g) 24 1 25 0.8

    Harvest indexStraw yield (t/ha) 4.27 .70 7.97 2.3 6.36**

    0.48 .04 0.20 0.04 22.49**

    Sink:source (mg/cm2

    ) 37 28Leaf area (cm 2 /m2) 17.480 10.678 7.13**

    Leaf area (cm 2/tiller) 113.5 19 111.5 17

    Specific leaf weight 4.39 0.31 4.61 0.29 1.79ns

    (mg/cm 2)

    N content (%) 2.22 0.18 1.73 0.10

    a Significant at 1% level (**). ns = nonsignificant.

    We conducted a survey under farmers'

    field conditions to identify the characters

    that explain the difference in yield

    potential between DWR and rainfed

    lowland MVs.

    Twenty 9-m2 plots for both the

    traditional DWR variety Laki and the

    rainfed lowland MV BR11 were selectedat random within a 5-km radius of BRRI,

    Habiganj. Sampling was at flowering and

    maturity stages. The climate at flowering

    was similar for both varieties.

    Laki yielded about 2 t grain/ha and

    BR11, 4 t/ha (see table). Laki produced

    10 t total biomass/ha and BR11, 8 t/ha.

    The harvest index of Laki was less than

    half that of BR11. Panicles/m2 and filled

    grains/panicle were significantly lower in

    Laki than in BR11. These characters limit

    grain yield in Laki. Sink-source ratio was

    also lower in Laki. The 1.000-grain

    weight and sterility percentage were

    similar in both varieties.The two varieties showed large

    differences in leaf area/m2 and N content

    of leaves. The smaller leaf area/m2 of

    Laki was possibly due to its lower panicle

    density. N content of Laki was below the

    critical level; that of BR11 was above the

    critical level for leaf photosynthesis in

    Both photosynthetic capacity and

    ability are limiting in Laki. These

    observations indicate that both sink and

    source prevent Laki from obtaining high

    grain yield.


    Rice anther callus regeneration in 2 types of vessels.

    Calli Plant

    Vessel transferred to regeneration

    regeneration efficiency

    medium (no.) (%) d


    Petri dishes 210

    Class jam jars 252

    4.8 a

    7.9 a

    Rea/Cristallava HIPetri dishes

    Glass jam jars 294

    238 9.2 a

    17.0 b

    Lido/MiaraPetri dishes 748

    Class jam jars 728

    1.2 a

    4.7 b


    Petri dishes 1196

    Glass jam jars 1274

    3.4 a

    8.7 b

    a Comparison of proportions with 2 at 1 df. Means followed

    by a common letter are not significantly different at the 5%


    We studied the effect of type of vessel on

    regeneration of anther-derived calli of

    three F1 hybrids from temperate japonica


    The panicles were pretreated at 8-10C

    for 7 d. The excised anthers were cultured

    in the dark on N6 medium that was

    solidified with 4.5 g agarose/liter, 2 mg (4-

    chloro-2 methylphenoxy) acetic acid/liter

    and 60 g sucrose/liter. After 4-6 wk, we

    transferred the calli for regeneration to

    either 90-mm-diameter disposable petri

    dishes or to glass jam jars of the same

    diameter and 0.5-liter capacity. Fourteen

    calli were placed in each container on

    10 ml of MS medium with 2 mg kinetin/

    liter, 0.5 mg NAA/liter, and 40 g sucrose/

    liter under high light intensity.

    We noted more regenerated green

    plants in jam jars for all the tested

    genotypes. The ratio of albino to green

    plants remained unchanged although the

    number of albino plants increased.

    The increase in air volume in the

    vessel improves the regeneration rate (see

    table) by acting as a thermal buffer that

    limits the internal heating of the vessel's

    atmosphere under high light intensity or

    by permitting only a slow modification of

    the atmosphere inside the jar.

    Calli produce ethylene and carbon

    dioxide. Their simultaneous presence at

    high concentration is unfavorable to

    organogenesis in rice. The concentration

    of these gases builds slowly in larger


    Influence of type of vessel onregeneration of rice anther


    Breeding methods

    B. Courtois, Institut de Recherches

    Agronomiques Tropicales et des CulturesVivrieres/Centre International de Recherche

    Agronomique pour de Developpement, Station

    de Roujol, 97170 Petit-Bourg, Guadeloupe,


    Yield potential

    Agrophysiologicaldifferences betweendeepwater rice (DWR) andrainfed lowland modernvariety (MV) under farmers'field conditions

    A. R. Gomosta, Bangladesh Rice Research

    Institute (BRRI) Regional Station, Habiganj;

    and K. A. Kabir, BRRI, Gazipur, Dhaka,


    Surveys of disease or insect incidence/

    severity in one environment are useful

    only if the information is related to other

    variables (e.g., climatic factors, crop

    intensification, cultivars, management

    practices, etc.). By itself, information on

    incidence in one environment does not

    increase scientific knowledge.

    6 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    Grain quality Effect of land preparation methods on grain quality, 1988-90.a

    Quality attributeComplete Partial Dry land

    puddling puddling preparationRelation between rice grainquality and land preparation 1000-grain weight (g)

    Total milled rice (%)

    Head rice (%)methods

    19.1 a

    71.6 a

    57.0 a

    18.8 ab

    71.1 a

    56.2 b

    70.0 b

    54.7 c

    18.2 b

    Cooked grain length (mm) 12.4 a 12.2 a 11.8 a

    A. Ali, M. A. Karim, L. Ali, S. S. A1i, M. Jamil, Bursting of cooked grains (%)6.0 c 7.2 b 9.7 a

    G. Hassan, and A. Majid, Rice Research Amylose content (%) 29.3 a 3.7 a 29.5 a10.0 a 9.6 a 8.9 b

    Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore, Punjab, Alkali spreading valuePakistan Gel consistency (mm)

    6.8 a

    54.0 a

    6.0 a

    50.0 a

    6.9 a


    Several methods of rice land preparation

    are used in Pakistan depending on availa-

    bility of irrigation water, soil type, and

    ease of preparation.

    We studied the effect of land prepara-

    tion methods on grain quality by compar-

    ing complete puddling (eight cultivation

    and eight plankings under 30 d wet

    conditions); partial puddling (four cultiva-

    tions and four plankings under dry

    conditions, and four cultivations and four

    plankings under 10 d wet conditions); and

    dry land preparation (eight cultivations

    a Results were averaged for 1988-90. In a row, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% level by


    and three plankings under dry conditions grain length. protein content, and gel confollowed by flooding and transplanting). sistency, followed by partial puddling

    We transplanted a medium-grain and dry land preparation methods (see

    variety KS282 on the same day of 1988, table). The reverse trend was observed in

    1989, and 1990. The experiment was laid bursting of cooked grains. The effect of

    out in unreplicated 30- 60-m plots. land preparation method on amylose

    Recommended crop management content and alkali spreading value was

    practices were adopted. nonsignificant. The complete puddlin

    Complete puddling produced the produced the highest quality grain

    highest values for 1,000-grain weight. followed by partial puddling and dry land

    total and head rice recoveries, cooked preparation methods.

    Rice grain quality as Effect of split application of N fertilizer on grain quality, 1989 and 1990. a

    influenced by splitapplication of nitrogenousfertilizer

    Timing of N application

    Quality characteristic

    Basal and 30 DT Basal, 30, and 60 DT

    A. Ali, M. A. Karim, G. Hassan, L. Ali, S. S.1,000-grain weight (g) 18.3 b

    Total milling recovery (%) 70.2 a

    Ali, and A. Majid, Rice Research Institute, Head rice recovery (%) 48.3 b

    Kala Shah Kaku, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Cooked grain length (mm) 14.5 aBursting of cooked grains (%) 8.0 a

    We studied the effect of split N applica-

    tion on fine-grain strain 4048 during

    1989 and 1990 dry seasons. Soil was

    loamy clay, with pH 8.0, ECe 1.95 dS/m,

    0.067% N, 10 ppm available P, and 65

    ppm available K. The experiment was

    laid out in a randomized complete block

    design with three replications in a 4- 9-

    m plot.

    We applied a fertilizer dose of 100-50-

    50 kg NPK/ha. P and K were broadcast

    and incorporated into the soil during thelast puddling. N was applied in two splits

    (half as basal, half 30 d after transplant-

    ing [DT]), or in three splits (one-third

    basal, at 30 DT, and at 60 DT).

    Three splits of N fertilizer produced

    significantly higher 1,000-grain weight

    and head rice recovery, and less burst

    grain during cooking than two splits (see

    Proteinc ontent (%)

    Amylose content (%)

    Gel consistency (mm)

    Alkali spreading value

    8.7 a

    24.8 a

    61.0 b

    4.2 b

    19.0 a

    70.7 a

    53.7 a

    15.1 a6.0 b

    9.0 a

    25.0 a

    64.0 a

    4.5 a

    aResults are averaged for 1989 and 1990. In a row, means followed by the same letter are not significantly different at the 5% leve

    by DMRT.

    table). Values for gel consistency and the same quality groups: soft gel consis-alkali spreading were also significantly tency and intermediate gelatinization

    higher for the three splits but remained in temperature.

    Pest resistancediseasesA new symptom of tungro We tested four accessions ofOryzain rice glaberrima a West Africa cultivated rice

    for resistance to tungro. The accessionsN. Kobayashi, R. Ikeda, D. A. Vanghan IRGC 100139, 100153, 102569, andIRRI; and S. Shigenaga, Kyoto University 103437 all showed severe systemic

    necrosis, a new symptom of tungro

    infection, 2 or 3 wk after inoculation


    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 7

    Protein content (%)

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    (WAI). This is distinct from the usual

    tungro symptoms of stunting, yellow or

    yellow-orange discoloration, and reduced

    tillering observed in susceptible popula-

    tions of other species.

    Fifty 11-d-old seedlings of each

    accession were inoculated with 10

    viruliferous green leafhopper (GLH)

    adults/seedling for 4 h. We caged another10 seedlings of each accession with 10

    virus-free GLH adults/seedling for 4 h to

    check whether necrosis resulted from

    sucking damage by GLH alone.

    ous GLH first showed necrosis at the

    leaf tips 2 WAI. Necrosis advanced

    systemically through the seedlings; few

    survived beyond 3 WAI. Seedlings

    caged with virus-

    free GLH did not showany necrosis. Therefore, tungro viruses

    Seedlings inoculated with virulifer-

    caused the necrosis, which is the most

    severe reaction to tungro we have


    We have systematically been screening

    wild relatives of rice for tungro resistance

    and have also found systemic necrosis in

    O. barthii, the close wild relative ofO.

    glaherrima. This severe systemic necrosis

    may be species specific.

    Resistance to rice tungrobacilliform virus (RTBV)found in wild Oryza spp.

    N. Kohayashi, R. Ikeda, and D. A.

    Vaughan, IRRI; and S. Shigenaga, Kyoto

    University, Japan

    We evaluated wild relatives of rice to

    seek new resistance genes for use inthe control of tungro. A partial core

    collection of 156 accessions, represent-

    ing the genetic diversity in the genus

    Oryza, was used (Table 1).

    Eleven-day-old seedlings were

    inoculated with viruliferous green

    leafhopper (GLH) adults at 10 insects/

    plant for 4 h. Leaves were individually

    sampled 2-3 wk after inoculation to

    test for RTBW and rice tungro spheri-

    cal virus (RTSV) infection by enzyme-

    linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).

    Ten of the 12 accessions, whichwere not infected with RTBV, were

    tested for antibiosis to GLH (Table 2).

    Either a 10-d-old seedling or a leaf tip

    of an adult plant from each accession

    was placed in a test tube with five

    GLH nymphs (2d instar). This was

    replicated 10 times. We graded

    antibiosis of each accession as high,

    moderate, or low by counting the

    surviving GLH nymphs each day for

    3 d. The accessions resistant to any

    virus were determined from the data of

    more than 10 plants.In the O. sativa complex, O. nivara

    and natural hybrids were resistant to

    RTSV; but no accession in O. sativa

    complex was resistant to RTBV infec-


    The accessions, which were not

    infected with RTBV, showed a low

    infection rate with RTSV, except O.

    8 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)

    longiglumis (IRGC 105146) (Table 2). The accessions resistant to RTRV

    O. brachyantha (IRGC 100115), O. of- infection showed a high level of anti-

    ficinalis (IRGC 105100, IRGC 105365), biosis to GLH. Thus it is difficult to dis-

    and O. rhizomatis (IRGC 103421) were tinguish the resistance to virus infection

    not infected by either RTBV or RTSV. from the resistance to the vector.

    Table 1. Screening wild rices for tungro resistance.

    Accessions (no.)

    Species Genome Resistant toTested


    O. brachyantha FF 5 1 0 4O. sativa complex

    O. nivara AA 39 0 0 4

    Natural hybrids AA 25 0 0 3

    O. glaberrima AA 4 0 0 0

    A. meridionalis AA 2 0 0 0

    O. longiglumis Tetraploid 3 0 1 0O. ridleyi Tetraploid 5 0 2 0

    O. officinalis CC 14 2 2 3

    O. rhizomatis CC 6 1 0 00 2

    O. malampuzhaensis BBCC 3 0 0 1O. minuta BRCC 12 0 0 5

    O. rufipogon AA 6 0 0 0

    O. barthii AA 6 0 0 0

    O. ridleyi complex

    O. offinicalis complex

    O. eichingeri CC 5 0

    O. punctata BB, BBCC 7 0 0 2

    O. latifolia CCDD 5 0 1 1

    O. grandiglumis CCDD 2 0 0 0O. alta CCDD 3 0 2 0

    O. australiensis EE 4 0 0 2

    Table 2. Reaction of RTBV-resistant wild rices to RTSV infection and antibiosis.

    Species IRGC Originacc. no.

    Plants Infectedtested with RTSV

    (no.) (%)


    to GLHb

    O. brachyantha 100115 Guinea 29 0 11

    O. ridleyi 100821 Unknown 11 9 11

    O. longiglumis 105146 Indonesia 24 33 11

    O. officinalis 104672 Malaysia 20 5 H101453 Malaysia 30 3

    105100 Brunei 28 0 H

    105365 Thailand 41 0 H

    105376 Thailand 29 3 M

    O. latifolia 105139 Guatemala 25 4 H

    O. alta 100967 Surinam 19 10 H

    105685 Brazil 29 11 H

    O. rhizomatis 103421 Sri Lanka 18 0

    aH = high level of antibiosis, M = moderate level of antibiosis.

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    ance-even when varieties have insect

    resistance. Resurgence of BPH popula-

    tions on susceptible varieties due to the

    destruction of natural enemies is well

    documented. Little information is

    available, however, on the impact of

    these chemical sprays on BPH and

    natural enemy populations on resistant

    rice varieties.

    We established a trial in a farmers

    field in Caloocan, Koronadal, during the1986 wet season (Jul-Sep) to demonstrate

    the effects of broad-spectrum chemical

    applications on BPH and spiders (major

    BPH predators) on resistant variety IR62.

    An area of 800 m2 was planted and

    divided into two equal parts. One part

    was sprayed at 10 days after transplanting

    (DT) with a synthetic pyrethroid

    Wide hybridization between rice and officinalis have been successfully resistance reported are potential donors

    most of its wild relatives is now possible. incorporated into advanced breeding for resistance to the tungro viruses.

    Genes for insect resistance from O. lines. Therefore, the various sources of

    Performance of a bacterialblight (BB)-resistant ricevariety in the endemicpockets of Konkan Region,India

    V. S. Pande and A. M. Mandakhot, Konkan

    Krishi Vidyapeeth (KKV), Dapoli District,

    Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India

    Karjat 1 (Holamaldiga/lR36) is an early-

    maturing rice with high resistance to BB

    at both the vegetative phase and flower-

    ing stage. The variety, released by KKV,

    is specifically for the BB-endemic areas

    of Konkan Region (west coast).

    The variety and susceptible checks

    EK70 (local) and Karjat 184 were tested

    during the five kharif (monsoon)

    seasons of 1985-86 to 1989-90, in

    farmers fields. We recorded BB

    incidence three times using the Standard

    evaluation system for rice (SES) 0-9


    At vegetative phase, Karjat 1 was

    free of BB as foliar and kresek infec-

    tions during all years studied (see table).

    Average incidence of BB at flowering

    and grain filling ranged from 0.12 to

    1.24, with a maximum of 0.4 at flowering

    stage and 1.5 at grain filling. Averageincidence of BB was 3.90-6.72 on

    Karjat 184 and 3.92-7.22 on EK70.

    infection of 3.54 and EK70, 3.64.

    adopt Karjat 1 for cultivation in BB-

    endemic areas of Konkan Region.

    Karjat 184 had an average kresek

    The study indicates that farmers can

    Performance of Karjat 1, Karjat 184, and EK70 in BB endemic areas in Konkan Region, India, 1985-86 to 1989-90.

    Av BB incidencea


    Year Locations

    (no.) Karjat 184 EK70 BB at flowering BB at grain filling Av grain yield (t/ha)

    BB Kresek BB Kresek Karjat I Karjat 184 EK70

    1986-87 50.0 0.1 1.4 2.4 0.4 2.4 6.2

    7.7 7.0 5.0 4.4 0.1 6.2 5.2

    4 5.0 2.4 5.0 3.0 0.1 7.2 7.0

    2 2.4 2.0 3.2 2.4 0.0 4.6 4.9

    6 4.4 6.2 5.0 6.0 0.0 5.6 5.6

    1985-86 5




    Av 3.00 3.54 3.92 3.64 0.12 5.16 5.78

    Karjat 1 Karjat 184 EK70 Karjat I Karjat 184 EK70

    1.0 4.6 7.2 4.2 3.9 2.8

    1.2 6.5 5.4 3.6 1.6 2.6

    1.5 9.0 8.0 4.1 2.8 2.8

    1.0 6.2 6.5 3.7 3.0 2.9

    1.5 7.3 9.0 3.2 2.0 1.8

    1.24 6.72 7.22 3.8 2.7 2.6

    a1976 SES scale for BB: 0 = no BB incidcnce. 9 = 5 100% area of upper 3 leaves showing necrotic symptoms. SES scale for kresek: 0 = no incidence. 9 = 91-100% hills affected.

    bKarjat I had

    no BB at vegetative phase.

    Pest resistanceinsectsInsecticide-inducedresurgence of brownplanthopper (BPH) on IR62

    R. C. Joshi, Food and Agriculture Organiza-

    tion (FAO), P.O. Box 1864, Manila, Philip-

    pines; B. M. Shepard, Clemson University,

    Coastal Research and Education Center, 2865

    Savannah Highway, Charleston, SC 29414,

    USA; P. E. Kenmore, FAO, P.O. Box 1864,

    Manila, Philippines; and R. Lydia, IRRI

    Outreach, Koronadal, South Cotabato,Philippines

    Many farmers in Koronadal, Philippines,

    apply sprays of synthetic pyrethroids to

    their rice as early as 1-2 wk after trans-

    planting (WT) regardless of numbers of

    insect pests or beneficial arthropods.

    These sprays are perceived as insur- Caloocan, South Cotabato, Philippines, 1986 wet season.Total number of BPH and spiders sampled by D-vac.

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 9

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    We evaluated Basmati rices comprising

    19 scented dwarf, 6 scented tall, and 10

    new entries or lines for resistance to stem

    borer Scirpophaga incertulas (Lepidop-tera: Pyralidae) in the field during 1990.

    Each entry was planted in 20-m2 plots at

    20- 15-cm spacing with three replica-

    tions. Total and affected panicles from 10

    random hills in each plot were counted at

    flowering stage to calculate damage.

    Infestation (whiteheads) ranged from

    6.3 to 51 % in the scented dwarfs (see

    Screening Basmati rites for

    stem borer resistance

    K. S. Kushaha, L. R. Bharti, and D. V. S.

    Punwar, Haryana Agricultural University,

    Rice Research Station, Kaul (Kaithal).

    Haryana, India

    (decamethrin) at 8 g active ingredient/ha

    as a foliar application using a knapsack

    sprayer; the other part was untreated.

    Weekly for 6 wk, 10 hills from each

    plot were randomly sampled for BPH and

    spiders using a D-Vac suction sampler.

    Insects and spiders were identified,

    counted, and their numbers plotted to

    show population trends. Rice yields were

    taken from each plot.

    The BPH population in the sprayed

    plot resurged to about 500 insects/20

    Genetic sources ofresistance to whitebackedplanthopper in scentedquality rices

    N. S. Rani, M. B. Kalode, J. S. Bentur,

    D. Pati, and E. A. Siddiq, Directorate of Rice

    Research (DRR), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad500030, India

    Aromatic (Basmati) rices command a

    premium price in international markets.

    They have superfine grains, pleasant

    aroma, and kernel elongation with soft

    texture upon cooking. All of' the tradi-

    tional Basmati types are tall, susceptible

    to many insects and diseases, and low

    yielding. It has been difficult to transfer

    the key quality characteristics of Basmati

    rices into productive dwarfs that have

    pest and disease resistance.We screened 400 scented quality rices

    to identify Basmati types with resistance

    to whitebacked planthopper (WBPH)

    Sogatella furcifera (Horvath), a major

    pest in Basmati-growing areas in India,

    brown planthopper (BPH)Nilaparvata

    lugens (Stl), and gall midge (GM)

    Orseolia oryzae (Wood Mason) under

    artificial infestations in a glasshouse.

    Some important quality traits, such as

    aroma, kernel length (KL), length-to-

    breadth ratio, anti kernel length after

    cooking (KLAC), were also studied.None of the Basmati types were

    resistant to either BPH or GM, but some

    showed varied reaction to WBPH. HBC5

    was the only variety found resistant to

    WBPH (see table). HBC5 has extra-long

    slender grains, KL of 7.42 mm, strong

    scent, and a high KLAC of 13 mm.

    Basmati Kota, with moderate resistance

    10 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)

    hills; that in the unsprayed plot remained

    below 100/20 hills (see figure). In

    contrast, the number of spiders remained

    low in sprayed plots but reached a peak

    of more than 550/20 samples in the

    unsprayed fields.

    Rice grain yields were significantly

    lower in the treated plot (137 kg) than in

    the untreated one (159 kg). The larger

    BPH number clearly reduced yields in the

    sprayed plot, thus negating the possible

    expression of insect resistance in IK62.

    Any effects of a resistant rice variety

    may be masked by unnecessary insecti-

    cide sprays that induce BPH populations.

    Early insecticide spraying kills spiders

    and causes BPH numbers to multiply

    unchecked. This increase of BPH puts the

    varietal resistance of IR62 at risk because

    it induces local BPH populations to more

    quickly adapt to resistant varieties than

    they would without the chemicaltreatment.

    Key quality attributes of scented quality rices and reaction to WHPH. DKR, Hyderabad, India, l990 wet


    Nature of Kernel Length: Kernel length


    Score b Iength b breadth after coolingGraintype

    Aroma d

    (mm) (mm)

    HBC5 R 2.7 7.42 4.21 13.0 LS SS

    Dehradun Basmati MR 5.1 6.07 3.13 10.0 LS SS

    Basmati 397 MU 4.4 6.67 3.83 13.7 LS SS

    Basmati 405 MR 3.6 6.79 3.53 10.8 LS SSHBC85 MU 3.2 7.65 3.98 12.2 LS SS

    HBC98 MU 3.6 6.63 3.83 13.7 LS SS

    Basmati Kota MU 3.5 7.54 3.95 15.0 LS SS

    Lua Nheden MR 4.4 5.74 2.94 8.5 LB MS

    Basmati 370 S 9.0 6.63 3.45 12.5 LS SS

    Mean 6.19 3.65 12.16CV (%) 11.9 18.3 20.0

    a R = resistant, MR =moderately resistant. S = susceptible. b Scored by the by Standard evaluation system for rice scale of 0-9,1988.c LS = long slender, LB = long bold. dMS = mild scent, SS = strong scent.

    to WBPH, has extra-long grains and KLAC. These varieties can be readily

    showed the highest KLAC of 15.0 mm. utilized in breeding programs to develop

    Basmati 397 and HBC98 also had high-yielding dwarf Basmati rices.

    moderate WBPH resistance and good

    Resistance of Basmati entries to stem borer.

    Entry, culture Whiteheads(%)

    HKR86 411BBC19 (check)Bas 370 (check)HKR403HKR239HKR86-40

    HKR240HKR242HKR416HKR86-404HKR401IET120-11HKR236HKR410HKR238Pusa Basmati 1HKR228

    Scented dwarf51.048.8





    Kasturi 8.16.3

    continuation on next page...


  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3






    Reaction of rice varieties to WBPH under green-

    house conditions in 1991 wet season.

    Variety Damage scorea

    A21 3

    IR50404-57-2-2-3 3

    IR32843-92 5

    IR49517-32 5

    IR50404-47 5

    OM746-I3 5

    IR44595-70 5

    IR44592-62 5

    OM44-5 5

    OM201 5

    OM723-11E 5

    IR64 5

    OM723-7 5

    OM723-11M 5

    IR70 5

    OM742-15 5

    lR52280-117-1-1-3 5



    A20A8 5

    24A 5

    Ptb 33 (resistant check) 3

    TN1 (susceptible check)

    a By the Standard evaluation system for rice.

    Table continued

    Entry, culture Whiteheads (%)

    Scented tall

    HBC19 43.9

    HBC143 42.9

    Pak Basmati 41.9

    HBC46 38.3

    Basmati 370 35.1

    HBC28 32.1

    New linesIET12606 50.8

    IET12604 37.3

    Basmati No. 2 25.3

    IET12602 22.7

    IET 12601 21.6

    IET12607 19.3

    IET12605 15.7

    IET12608 12.0

    IET12603 8.6

    IET12609 6.7

    Effects of whitebackedplanthopper (WBPH)Sogatella furcifera on ricevarieties in the greenhouse

    Truong Thi Ngoc Chi, Entomology Depart-

    ment, Cuulong Delta Rice Research Institute,

    Omon, Haugiang, Vietnam

    We screened 42 rice varieties and linesagainst WBPH using the seedling bulk

    test. Test lines were sown 20 seeds/row

    in 10-cm-long rows in 40- 30- 5-cm

    iron seedboxes filled with 3 cm of fine

    soil, in a randomized complete design

    with three replications.

    Seedlings were infested 7 d after

    sowing with second- to third-instar

    WBPH nymphs at 5 nymphs/seedling.

    table). None of the scented tall entries Plant damage was assessed when all

    were promising. plants of susceptible check TN1 had died.

    and IET12608 showed promise for to WBPH with damage score 3, and 21

    New entries IET12609, IET12603, Two lines showed moderate resistance

    resistance to the pest. lines were moderately susceptible with

    damage score 5 (see table).

    Pest resistanceother pests

    Assessment of riceresistance andsusceptibility to stemnematode Ditylenchusangustus

    R. A. Plowright, J. R. Gill, and

    T. E. Akehurst, International Institute of

    Parasitology, 395a, Hatfield Road, St.

    Atbans, Herts. AL4 OXU, United Kingdom

    We examined ways to assess rice

    resistance and susceptibility to stem

    nematode D. angustus, the cause of

    ufra. We screened selections, most of

    which were identified through the

    International Rice Ufra Screening Set

    (1985-89), in successive glasshouse

    trials against an isolate ofD. angustus

    from Haugiang, Vietnam.

    D. angustus nematodes and eggs was

    placed in water 10-12 d after sowing

    (10 cm deep) and confined close to

    each seedling, using a 6-mm-diam

    drinking straw. The straw was removed

    per 7 d. Symptom development was

    monitored daily and nematodes/plant

    Inoculum consisting of 300

    Diagrammatic representation of symptoms of D. angustus: A = susceptible, with severity rated 0-16. and B =


    were counted 28 d after inoculation

    (DAI). This method was reliable,

    giving 100% infection of the suscep-

    tible check NC492 with 1,047D. angustus/plant (mean of 68 plants,

    standard error of mean = 74).

    Symptoms on the most recent leaf

    were classified every 7 d as resistant

    (incompatible) or susceptible (compat-

    ible). Severity of susceptible responses

    was scored on a scale of 0-16 (see fig.,

    A). Some resistant seedlings exhibited

    Proportion of plants of Rayada 16-06 showing

    resistant and susceptible symptoms, 28 d after

    inoculation withD. angustus.

    D. angustus

    Host response Plants

    (%) Mean Range/

    no./plant plant

    Resistant-immune 13 0 0

    Resistant-hypersensitive 49 2 0-13

    Susceptible 38 46 6-572

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 11

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    a hypersensitive response that was visible

    5 DAI. Resistance response was varied:

    leaves showed discrete, small white

    patches bordered by a yellowish halo,

    sometimes over the entire leaf surface, or

    the leaf midrib became yellowish, either

    in discrete areas or along its length (see

    fig., B). In what appears to be a strong

    resistant response, a length of the

    emerging leaf was completely chlorotic

    below a green tip, with the leaf often

    folding in the chlorotic region.

    This response differs markedly from

    the well-described susceptible reaction.

    The necrosis of infected resistant tissue is

    rapid, whereas it is slower in the suscep-

    tible response and usually follows a

    secondary infection by fungi.

    The response was observed in some

    seedlings of Bazail 65, CNL 319, Karkati

    161, Rayada 16-02, Rayada 16-03, and

    Rayada 16-06 to Rayada 16-09. We

    screened 100 seedlings of Rayada 16-06

    to examine interplant variation. We

    observed host responses (see table).

    Within a rice line, or between lines and

    cultivars, the type of response and level

    of susceptibility could be accurately

    judged from visual symptoms. Numerica

    scores of susceptible symptom severity a

    28 DAI were linearly related to numbers

    ofD. angustus/ plant (within Rayada 16-

    06, correlation coefficient r= 0.70, P

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    Table 2. Yield of promising varieties in 5 farmers' fields (OFAT) in Cambodia, 1990. a

    Yield (t/ha)Variety

    Kok Bantey, Trapeang Veng, Trapeang Chan, Toul Koktrap, Mokda, RomeasRolear Phaer, Kampong Kampong Svay Rieng Hek, Svay Rieng


    Don 0.5 0.3 1.2 1.4Khao Tah Petch 0.6 2.1 0.8 4.4 1.0

    Tewada 0.5 1.6 0.7 4.5 1.0Local check 0.8 4.6 0.8 2.1 0.9

    a Farmers' choice variety.

    The floating rice area in Cambodia has

    declined from 390,000 to about 110,000

    ha. Reasons for the decline were the

    policies of the ruling regime from 1974 to

    1979, the security situation after 1979,

    and the loss of floating varieties. An

    urgent system of introducing varieties

    and breeding lines and testing them in

    multilocation trials was adopted in 1986.

    Varieties Tewada, Khao Tah Petch,

    and HTAFR77022-45-3-2-1 (Don) were

    very promising in advanced yield trials

    (AYT) and in on-farm adaptive trials

    (OFAT) during 1989 and 1990 (Table 1).

    In the OFATs, these varieties were given

    to farmers in 1990 to test in their fields

    under their own cultural practices, crop

    management style, and constraints. Five

    of the nine sets of OFAT were success-

    fully completed. Farmers preferred thenew varieties over their old ones (Table

    2) for reasons including better survival,

    stable yield, desired maturity across

    locations, and superior grain type. Seed

    multiplication is under way.

    Table 2. Resistance of ZH3 to B1 and BB. ZhejiangChina, 1989 and 1990. a


    EntryBI BB

    1989ZH3 1Xiushui 48 (check) 3 5


    1990ZH3 1 3

    Xiushui 48 (check) 3 5

    a By the Standard evaluation system for rice.

    Table 1. Yield potential of ZH3 in China. 1989. a

    Double-cropped Single-cropped

    Site Yield Increase Yield Increase(t/ha) over (t/ha) over

    check (%) check (%)

    Hangzhou. 7.9 5.7* 9.1 10.5**Zhejiang

    Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 6.8 3.1 8.8 2.2Wuhu, Anhui 6.7 2.9 8.0 8.7**

    Xiaogan, Huban 6.9 4.2 8.7 5.8*ZH3 is a high-yielding japonica with

    medium duration, resistance to blast

    (BI) and lodging, wide adaptability, and

    moderate resistance to bacterial blight

    (BB). Since its release in 1990, ZH3

    has been planted in double- and single-

    cropped areas of South China.

    ZH3 was selected from a cross

    between medium line 84-35 (Torede 1

    ///Aijing 14/Keqing 3//Jinlei 440) and

    Xiushui 04, a local popular modern

    variety in Zhejiang Province. It yielded

    6.7-7.9 t/ha in double-cropped areas and

    8-9. 1 t/ha in single-cropped areas. These

    yields exceeded those of local check

    Varieties by 2.2-10.5% at four sites in

    South China (Table 1).

    Average growth duration of ZH3 was

    134 d in double-cropped areas and 158 d

    in single-cropped areas in Zhejiang. Its

    gene for BI resistance comes from

    Torede 1, Pi-z t (Table 2).

    ZH3 is semidwarf (about 82.5 cm). It

    has dense panicles that are about 15.2

    cm long, 74.8 grains/panicle, 90.9%

    seed fertility, and 1,000-grain weight of

    26.5 g.

    Bao Genliang, Crop Institute, Zhejiang

    Academy of Agricultural Sciences,

    Hangzhou 310021, China

    ZH3, a high-yielding andmultide-resistance rice forsingle- or double-croppingin South China

    Surveys of disease or insect incidence/

    severity in one environment are useful

    only if the information is related to other

    variables (e.g., climatic factors, crop

    intensification, cultivars, management

    practices, etc.). By itself, information on

    incidence in one environment does not

    increase scientific knowledge.

    a Significant at 5% (*) and 1% levels (**).

    Irrigated germplasm improvementdeepwater

    Three varieties of floatingrice released to farmers inCambodia

    R. C. Chaudhary, IRRI - Phnom Penh.

    Cambodia; D. W. Puckridge. IRRI - Bangkok,

    Thailand; D. HilleRisLambers, IRRI-

    Philippines; and M. Sarom, Agronomy

    Department, Phnom, Penh, Cambodia

    Table 1. Performance of promising varieties in advanced yield trials of floating rice in Cambodia, 1989 and


    Av yield (t/ha) Agronomical character, 1990


    1989a 1990 b Height Panicle length Flowering Duration Grains/ PAcpd

    (cm) (cm) date (d) panicle (no.) score

    Don 1.23 1.87 218 26 30 Nov 201 122 4.2

    Khao Tah Petch 1.29 1.43 207 26 28 Nov 192 104

    Tewada 1.00 1.67 201 25 25 Nov 195 1043.9

    Local check 1.22 1.88 223 24 29 Nov 202 158 3.04.3

    a Av over 4 locations. b Av over 6 locations. c Av over 7 locations. dPhenotypic acceptability.

    Kampong Chhnang Chhnang

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 13

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    Upland rice is generally exposed to

    severe weed infestation. Vegetative

    vigor, large leaf area, plant height, and

    N absorption at early growth stages are

    related to the crop's ability to compete

    with weeds.

    We conducted trials during 1989

    and 1990 aus (wet season) to screen for

    suitable lines or varieties that can

    compete with weeds.

    The soil is silty clay loam, with pH

    6.5-6.8. Test entries in 1989 were

    BR4290-3-3-5, BR4290-3-1-10,

    IR255-88-7-3-1, and varieties

    Hashikalmi, BR20, and BR21. In 1990,

    we discarded BR20 and IR255-88-7-3-

    1 and used Kataktara as local check

    because Hashikalmi was unavailable.

    Test entries were grown under weed-

    free conditions as one treatment.

    The experiment was laid out in a

    randomized complete block design

    with three replications. Seeds were

    sown on 3 May 1989 and 7 May 1990at 100 kg/ha in lines, 20 cm apart, in 3-

    2.5-m plots.

    Recommended fertilizer manage-

    ment practices were followed, with an

    additional 20 kg N/ha as urea applied

    at 58 d after emergence (DE) to meet

    the crop's demand. No insecticide was


    Weed and plant heights were meas-

    ured at 0, 42, 72, and 88 d after seeding

    (DAS). We recorded plant population

    at 39 DE in 1989, but in 1990, only

    140 plants/m2

    were kept. In 1989,weeds were removed from 1 m 2,

    cleaned, oven-dried at 70C for 72 h,

    and weighed, but in 1990, weeds/m2

    were counted. Leaf angle to the culm

    was measured at dough stage.

    Stress tolerance

    Weed competitivenessupland rice cultivars in



    J. C. Biswas, S. A. Sattar, and M. K.

    Bashar, Bangladesh Rice Research Insti-

    iute, Joydebpur, Gazipur 1071, Bangladesh

    Major weeds were Paspalum sp. and

    Echinochloa colona. Minor weeds were

    Cyperus iria, Cyperus rotundus,

    Cynodon dactylon, Fimbristylis

    miliacea, Acanthospermum sp., Eclipta

    prostrata, and Commelina sp.

    Under water stress, rice seedlings did

    not emerge until 13 DAS in 1989; many

    weeds emerged before this, indicating

    their superiority in this condition. At 32

    DE, rice entries were taller than the

    weeds (Table 1). Weed weight was

    lightest with Hashikalmi, possibly

    because the taller plants intercept more

    radiation (36.37%).

    maturity. Although grain yield produc-

    tion was not high under intense weed

    pressure, yield of BR4290-3-1-10 and

    BR21 was comparable to the local

    check (Table 1).

    Plant heights significantly differed at

    In 1990, rice seedlings emerged at 5

    DAS. Weed seedlings emerged in the

    meantime, indicating a speed of germina

    tion higher than that of rice. Plant height

    leaf angles, grain yield, and growth

    duration varied significantly because of

    rice-weed competition (Table 2). Re-

    duced leaf angles in all test entries may

    be due to poor growth. The local check

    and BR21 were more erect, which

    allowed more light to penetrate. BR21

    produced the highest grain yield in the

    weeded plot, but produced only 0.22 t/h

    in the unweeded. BR4290-3-1-10 yield

    (0.51 t/ha) in the unweeded plot was

    significantly higher than that of the

    others. This line also performed well in


    BR4290-3-1-10 is a promising line fo

    uplands under weed stress but is inferior

    to BR21 under weed-free conditions.

    Table 1. Rice yield and some other parameters as affected by weeds, 1989 aus. a


    Rice Height at 32 DE Plant Weed wt Radiation Grai

    plant (cm) height at removed intercep-

    (no./m2) maturity (g/m2) tion (%) (kg/h

    Weed Rice (cm)

    BR4290-3-3-5 176 26 a 35 a 71 b 215 b 27.10 374

    BR4290-3-1-10 181 25 a 31 c 63 c 203 b 31.19 442 a

    BR20 130 26 a 36 b 74 b 225 b 29.64 357

    BR21 167 24 a 36 b 74 b 201 b 34.18 407 a

    Hashikalmi (local check) 296 27 a 46 a 91 a 132 a 36.37 647 a

    CV (%) 25.3 10.4 5.2 6.1 30.2 18.

    Rice leaf angle ()

    Grain yield Growth duration

    BR4290-3-1-10 11 ab 13 a 25 bcd 32 abc 0.51 d 1.39 b 88 d 93

    BR4290-3-3-5 11 ab 13 a 37 ab 41 a 0.25 e 1.09 c 96 a 97 a

    BR21 9 b 11 ab 24 bcd 32 abc 0.22 e 1.89 a 93 bc 96 aKataktara 9 b 10 b 13 d 18 cd 0.22 e 1.04 c 95 ab 95 a

    CV (%) 13.6 12.3 16.2 1.3

    IR255-88-7-3-1 193 19 b 34 bc 57 d 200 b 28.01 359

    a Separation of means in a column by DMRT at P 0.05 level.

    Table 2. Some plant parameters as influenced by weed competition. 1990 aus. a

    Entry Second leaf Flag (t/ha) (d)

    Unweeded Weeded Unweeded Weeded Unweeded Weeded Unweeded Weede

    a Separation of means across two columns weeded and unweeded by DMRT.

    14 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    The experiment was laid out in a

    randomized block design with four

    replications. Urea, diammonium phos-

    phate, and muriate of potash were

    applied at 120 kg N, 27 kg P, and 24 kg

    K/ha.We transplanted 45-d-old seedlings

    of long-duration, short-statured rice

    Crop growth rates and N uptake rates of transplanted IR64 rice as affected by Sesbania rostrata and

    Aeschynomene afraspera GM or urea application. MRRTC. Muoz. Nueva Ecija, Philippines. 1988 dryseason.

    N sourcea

    S. rostrata

    A. afraspera 0.7

    Urea 1.4

    LSD (0.05) 0.3

    No fertilizcr N 1.9

    aN rate: 90 kg/ha as GM basally applied, or as urea applied in 2/3-1/3 split.

    Crop growth rates (g/m2 per d) N uptake rates (mg/m2 per d)

    5-13 DT 13-20 DT 5-13 DT 13-20 DT

    0.8 2.3






    Physiolgy and plant

    25 112

    24 110

    51 245

    61 145

    9 21


    Sesbania rostrata and

    Aeschynomene afrasperaeffects on crop establishmentof transplanted lowland rice

    K. H. Diekmann, S. K. De Datta, Agronomy,

    IRRI; and J. C. G. Ottow, Justus-Liebig-

    University Giessen, Federal Republic of


    Anaerobic decomposition products in

    flooded soils may affect root and shoot

    growth of newly transplanted rice seed-

    lings after organic matter amendment. We

    evaluated the effects of S. rostrata and A.afraspera green manure (GM) amendment

    on crop establishment of transplanted

    lowland rice by conducting a field experi-

    ment at the Maligaya Rice Research and

    Training Center (MRRTC), Muoz, Nueva

    Ecija, Philippines, during the 1988 dry


    5.9. Each kilogram of soil contains 14 g

    organic C, 1.1 g total N, CEC 38 cmol c,

    450 g clay, and 50 g sand. The field was

    irrigated and kept flooded for 2 wk before

    wetland preparation to allow the soil redoxpotential to reach equilibrium. The field

    was plowed once (15- to 20-cm depth) and

    harrowed twice. We broadcast and incor-

    porated single superphosphate, KCl, and

    zinc sulfate heptahydrate at 26-50-4.5 kg

    P-K-Zn/ha before transplanting rice.

    GM plants grown for 45 d outside the

    trial area were harvested, transferred to the

    experimental field, chopped into 5-cm-

    long pieces, and incorporated by hand into

    moist soil after the flooded plots were

    drained 1 d before transplanting. GM was

    basally incorporated at 90 kg N/ha using2.9 t dry matter/ha forS. rostrata (3.2% N,

    C/N = 12) and 2.43 t/ha forA. afraspera

    (3.7% N, C/N = 12). We compared these

    GM treatments with urea N application at

    the same rate and with a zero fertilizer N


    The experimental design was a random-

    ized complete block with four replications.

    The soil is a Vertic Tropaquept with pH

    Twenty-one-day-old IR64 rice seedlings

    were transplanted into water-saturated soil

    at 3-4 plants/hill at 20- 20-cm spacing.

    Plots were 29.4 m2. Floodwater depth was

    kept at 5 cm after transplanting.

    Six rice hills were sampled at 5 d after

    transplanting (DT) and weekly thereafteruntil panicle initiation (PI) to determine

    dry weight, N content, and N uptake. After

    PI, four hills were sampled biweekly until

    crop maturity.

    Yellowing of plants and rice seedling

    death were observed in the first 7 DT.

    Missing hills were replaced. Plant damage

    may have been due partly to transplanting

    shock, but symptoms were more severe in

    GM treatments.

    Crop growth rates and N uptake rates

    were significantly lower (P = 0.05) in GM

    treatments than in urea and control treat-ments (see table). A. afraspera seemed to

    damage rice seedlings more than S.

    rostrata did, but this was not significantly

    reflected in their crop growth rates.

    Exchangeable NH4+-N levels at the

    MRRTC site were high enough (data not

    presented) to provide N for the rice

    seedlings as proven by the higher crop

    growth rate with zero fertilizer N than

    with GM. Therefore, other factors must

    have affected seedling vigor.

    GM decomposition and the release of

    organic acids, phenolic substances, and

    other organic compounds probably

    affected seedling root and shoot growth.

    However, rice plants overcame the

    additional stress caused by GM amend-

    ment and gave the same N uptake at 34

    DT and dry matter at 41 DT as did plants

    fertilized with urea (data not presented).

    In this experiment where missing rice

    hills were replaced. grain yields in urea

    and GM treatments did not significantly

    differ (data not presented). But in farmersfields, where dead rice hills are not

    replanted, farmers should delay trans-

    planting by a few days after GM incorpo-

    ration to avoid problems in establishing

    the crop.

    High concentrations of soil CO2 due to

    Response to different Zncarriers of rice grown onUstifluvents in India

    R. L. Bansol and V. K. Nayyar. Soils Depart-

    ment, Punjab Agricultural University,

    Ludhiana 141004, India

    We studied the relative efficiency of Zn variety Jaya and applied three types of

    carriers applied as foliar sprays for rice Zn in foliar sprays at two concentra-

    on Ustifluvents. Soil was sandy loam tions each (see table). Plants were

    with pH 8.4, EC 0.30 dS/m, 0.45% sprayed 4 wk after transplanting and

    organic C, and 0.45 mg DTPA twice more at a 10-d interval. The crop

    extractable Zn/kg soil. was grown to maturity and the yield

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 15

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    The N-use efficiency of prilled urea (P

    in wetland rice is 20-50%. Rock phos-

    phate-coated urea (RPCU), gypsum-

    coated urea (GCU), and sulfur-coated

    urea (SCU) are costly to produce: urea

    supergranules (USG) are expensive to

    apply. These costs reduce their econom

    benefit although they supply N more

    efficiently than PU. LGU is a new

    Effect of foliar sprays of Zn on the yield and zinc

    uptake by rice.

    Zn source of Zn solution

    Concentration Yield (t/ha) Zn

    (%) Grain Straw (g/ha)


    ZnSO47H2O 0.10 5.3 9.2 3010.20

    Zn-EDTA5.8 10.8 394

    0.01 5.4 9.4 2310.10 6.0 11.5 350

    Zn-chelate 0.02 5.0 9.4 202(with phenolic 0.10 5.6 10.2 310


    LSD (P = 0.05)4.3 7.4 1350.6 1.2 58

    recorded. Grain and straw samples were

    collected, processed, and analyzed for

    Zn content.

    Rice grain yield significantly in-

    creased with foliar sprays of Zn, regard-

    less of Zn source (see table). Higher Zn

    concentrations increased grain yield, but

    the effect was significant only for the

    chelated form.

    Zn-EDTA at 0. 1 % produced the

    highest yield of 6 t grain/ha, which was

    significantly superior to that with

    ZnSO47H2O but at par with Zn-chelate

    A similar pattern of yield response was

    observed for rice straw. Zn uptake in ri

    increased significantly the rates of all t

    tested sources.

    This study suggests that Zn applied

    Zn-EDTA is more efficient at correctin

    Zn deficiency in rice than either ZnSO4

    or Zn-chelate.

    Fertilizer management

    Long-term effect of inorganicfertilizers, lime, and straw onlowland rice in Kerala

    P. P. Joy, E. K. Syriac, P. K. C. Nair, P. J.

    Ittyaverah, and C. A. Joseph Rice Research

    Station, Moncompu, Thekkekara 688503, Kerala, India

    We are conducting a study of the long-

    term effects of continuous application of

    N, P, K, lime, and straw incorporation on

    lowland rice. This interim report covers

    the first consecutive 4 yr from rabi (wet

    season) 1987-88 to rabi 1990-91.

    The field experiment has a permanent

    layout of 40-m2 plots in randomized block

    design with three replications and nine

    treatments. The soil is a hydromorphic

    silty clay with initial pH 4.8, EC 0.1 dS/m,

    3.4% organic carbon (OC), 7 kg available

    P/ha, and 100 kg available K/ha. Treat-

    ments consist of combinations of 90-20-38

    kg NPK/ha and lime, a control, straw

    incorporation, and soil test recommenda-

    tion (STR). STRs were 49-23-40-900 kg

    NPK and lime/ha for the first 2 yr, 82-14-

    35-1450 for the third yr, and 49-16-40-700

    for the fourth yr.

    Rice crop was harvested at about 10 cm

    above ground level. For the straw incorpo-

    ration treatment, straw was returned to the

    respective plots after recording yield.

    Lime was applied at first plowing, when

    the straw was also incorporated.

    Rice variety Pavizham (MO-6, 120 d)

    was wet seeded at 100 kg/ha until 1989

    kharif (monsoon); thereafter transplanting

    at 15- 15-cm spacing was used. Fertiliz-

    ers were applied as urea, mussoorie rock

    phosphate, and muriate of potash as per

    treatment; N and K in two equal splits as

    16 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)


    basal and at panicle initiation stage; and P

    as fully basal. Weeds were controlled by

    herbi-cides and/or hand weeding.

    Pooled analyses of the data revealed

    that the treatments, seasons, years, and

    treatments seasons interactions were

    statistically significant in grain yield.

    Variations in grain yield was not signifi-

    cant during kharif (see table). During rabi,

    all the treatments that provided 90 kg

    N/ha and STR were statistically on par and

    produced significantly higher grain yields

    than the treatments that received no N.

    No interactions were statistically

    significant for straw yield despite signifi-

    cant treatment and seasonal and annual

    Effect of inorganic fertilizers, lime, and straw on rice.

    variations. Straw yield and growth and

    attributes, such as plant height, panicles/

    and panicle weight, varied significantly

    with treatment and followed grain yield

    trends, but had no significant interactio

    Soil analyses data showed that treat-

    ments produced no significant variation

    pH, EC, OC, and available P and K in t


    Results show that in the lowlands of

    Kerala, rice responds to applied fertiliz

    only during rabi. Among the three majo

    nutrients, only N produced a significan

    response. Straw incorporation and lime

    application had no measurable effect on

    yield. STR overpredicts the need for lim

    and hence appears uneconomic.

    Kerala, India, 1987-91.

    (kg NPK/ha)




    Straw alone


    Grain yield (t/ha) Straw Plant Panicles Panicle Availab

    Kharif Rabi Mean (t/ha) (cm)

    yield height (no./m2) weight in the s

    (g) (kg/h

    2.0 2.4 2.3 2.5 71.8 269 1.96 12.4

    2.0 2.5 2.3 2.4 72.2 295 1.89 15.2

    2.2 3.0 2.6 3.1 78.3 315 2.32 9.6

    2.2 3.4 2.8 3.3 77.3 309 2.24 8.8

    2.4 3.1 2.7 3.2 78.0 303 2.27 9.2

    2.0 2.4 2.2 2.4 73.5 270 2.18 8.8

    2.2 2.7 2.5 3.4 76.7 316 2.35 10.8

    1.9 3.1 2.5 3.1 78.9 313 2.27 9.2

    + 600 kg lime/haSoil test 2.1 3.1 2.6 3.4 77.3 317 2.37 8.0recommendation

    LSDa (0.05) 0.6 0.5 0.5 4.6 35 0.28 ns

    a LSD to compare treatments seasons interaction means.

    Large granule urea (LGU), an

    efficient and economic

    source of N for wetland rice

    I. Johnkutty and P. B. Mathew, AICARP-ECF

    Unit, Kerala Agricultural University Man-

    nuthy 680651 Thrissur, Kerala, India

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    material with a diam of 6-8 mm. It Effect of N source on grain yield. On-farm trials, Thrissur, Kerala, India, 1988 and 1989.

    costs the same as PU to produce and

    apply. Its size makes it ideal forGrain yield (t/ha)

    Treat- N level

    roadcast application.

    We compared the performance of

    LGU, RPCU, USG, and PU at eight

    sites, each with four on-farm trials,

    during the 1988 and 1989 kharif (Apr-

    May to Sep-Oct) and rabi (Sep-Oct to

    Dec-Jan) seasons. Soil texture varies

    from clayey loam to loam, pH 5.1-5.4,

    specific conductance 0.08-0.12 dS/m.

    1.0-1.05% organic C, 5.0-6.5 kg

    available P/ha, and 125- I70 kg

    ment and source Kharif Rabi

    no.a (kg n/ha)

    1988 1989 Pooled 1988 1989 Pooled

    1. Control (no N) 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.1 2.9

    2. 84 - PU 3.4 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.2 3.4

    3. 84 - USG 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.9 3.4 3.7

    4. 84 - LGU 3.9 3.8 3.8 4.0 3.4 3.75. 84 - RPCU 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.8

    6. 84 - LGU 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.5 3.7

    7. 112 - PU 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.3 3.5

    8. 112 - LGU 4.1 3.8 3.9 4.1 3.5 3.8

    LSD (0.05) 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.3

    available K/ha. All plots received 45 a 2 = 1/3 basal (B) + 1/3 at tillering (T) + 1/3 at panicle initiation (PI). 3 = full B: 4 = full B: 5 = full B:6 = 1/2 B + 1/2 T: 7

    kg P and K/ha. P was applied basal. 1/3 B + 1/3 T + 1/3 PI: 8 = 1/2 B + 1/2 T: USG point placed at 5 cm depth, all other fertilizers were broadcast.

    and K in two splits: half basal and half

    at tillering. Jyothy was the test variety. equal the yield produced with 84 kg source of N. The nonsignificant differ-

    Rice yielded more grain with N/ha as LGU, USG, or RPCU required ence between PU and LGU at 112 kg

    modified urea materials than with PU 112 kg N/ha as PU. The extra yield N/ha may be due to Jyothys lack of

    at the same N level (see table). To makes LGU an efficient and economic response above 84 kg N/ha.

    Crop managementleaf once in 1988 trials and two times in

    1989 trials.Effect of herbage cutting on treatments (control and cut) weredeepwater rice (DWR) in

    acid sulfate soilarranged in a randomized complete block Average herbage yields, dry weight

    design with 10 replications. Rice was dry basis, on acid sulfate soils ranged from

    S. Taengsuwan, P. Charoendham, and T.

    Kupkachanukul, Prachinburi Rice Research

    Center, Prachinburi 25150, Thailand; and B, applied. Data on agronomic practices and 2). Nonacid sulfate soil areas in

    S. Vergara, IRRI water depth are in Table 1. Prachinburi and Ayutthaya produced

    Acid sulfate soil restricts rice growth, the collar level of the last fully developed matter accumulation might be the cause

    seeded onto plowed soil at 120 kg seeds/ 0.4 t/ha from one cutting in 1988 to 0.6

    ha. No fertilizer or other chemicals were t/ha from double cutting in 1989 (Table

    In the cut plot, leaves were removed at more than 1 t/ha. Low rates of dry

    resulting in low biomass production and

    low grain yield. We assessed the effect

    of herbage cutting on rice herbage and

    grain yield in acid sulfate deepwater

    areas during 1988 and 1989 wet seasons.

    Four farmers fields-three with acid

    soils, one without-planted to different

    local DWR varieties were the experi-

    ment sites. At each location, two


    Table 1. Rice cultivars and agronomic practices in rice herbage experimental plots in acid sulfate deepwa

    areas of Prachinburi, Thailand.



    Location Year sulfate Cultivar dale

    Sowing Cutting date Maximum water Harvestin

    First Second Depth (cm) Datedate

    Bansang 1988 Yes Khao Lopburi 4 Apr 15 Aug - 70 15 Oct 19 DecBansang 1989 Yes Khao Lhong 7 Aug 10 Aug 10 Sep 125 10 Oct 22 DecKlongsong 1989 Yes Khao Lhong 7 Aug 10 Aug 10 Sep 120 10 Oct 25 DecMuang 1989 No HawnTawng 15 Apr 11 Aug 11 Sep 100 20 Sep 5 Dec

    Table 2. Herbage yield, grain yield, and yield components of rice cultivars as affected by herbage cutting in acid sulfate deepwater areas of Prachinburi, Thailand

    Herbage Grain yield Panicles/ Spikelets/ Fertility 1000-grain Dry matter HeightLocation Year Cultivar yield (t/ha) m2 panicle (%) wt (g) (t/ha)



    Control Cut Control Cut Control Cut Control Cut Control Cut Control Cut Control Cut

    Bansang 1988 Khao Lopburi 0.4 1.9 1.7 111 119 69 57 84 85 28.1 27.9 -

    Bansang 1989 Khao Lhong 0.6145 126

    1.6 1.5 105 107 98 93 81 80 26.0 25.9 9.4 7.9 255 230Klongsong 1989 Khao Lhong 0.5 2.0 1.8 87 91 93 89 89 88 25.9 26.0 10.6 9.1 245 235

    Muang 1989 Hawn Tawng 1.1 2.2 2.1 120 125 98 89 79 81 26.7 27.0 15.0 13.7 255 242

    Average 0.6 1.91 1.80 106 111 90 82 83 84 26.7 26.7 11.7 10.2 225 208

    Differences in grain yield and yield components between control and cut plots were not statistically significant. Herbage removal significantly reduced dry matter and plant height,

    IRRN 17:1 (June 1992) 17


  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    of low herbage yields in acid sulfate areas. Plant height and dry matter production and increased cuttings may improve theHerbage cutting did not significantly were significantly decreased by relatively low herbage yield and make it

    affect grain yield and yield components. herbage removal. Fertilizer application more economical.

    Integrated pest managementdiseases

    Growth and sclerotial

    production of Sclerotiumoryzae on different media

    Z. Ali, Plant Pathology Department, Institute

    of Agriculture and Animal Science, Rampur,

    Chitwan, Nepal

    S. oryzae was grown on 15 natural and

    synthetic media in petri plates to test their

    growth and production of sclerotia.

    Fungus colony diameters were measured

    after 5 d of incubation. Petri plates were

    further incubated to observe sclerotial

    production. The plates were examinedevery 5 h to study sclerotial characters.

    Average growth was maximum on

    potato dextrose agar and minimum on

    Backman and Kabana's medium and

    Brown's agar (see table). All of the

    media except Backman and Kabana's

    medium and Neurospora V synthetic

    medium produced sclerotia.

    The results showed no correlation

    among the radial growth of fungus, time

    of initiation, color, size, arrangement, and

    average number of sclerotia per plate.

    Effect of different media on growth and sclerotial production ofS. oryzae.

    Av colony Time until Arrangement of Color of Size of AvMedium diam a sclerotial sclerotia sclerotia sclerotiab sclerotia/

    (mm) initiation (h) (m) plate (no.)

    Backman and 26.7

    Brown's agar 26.7 170 More toward periphery, Black 249.37 4875

    Corn meal agar 50.7 120 More toward periphery, Black 266 13455

    Czapek-Dox agar 63.3 125 Equally scattered Brownish 248.90 17550

    Dextrose marmite 46.7 170 Equally scattered Shiny 266 1346.5

    Neurospora V synthetic 35.7

    Nutrient glucose agar 51.3 125 Equally scattered Black 274.86 4075

    Oatmeal agar 65 145 More toward periphery, Black 248.26 17225.5

    Peptone sucrose agar 51.3 130 More toward periphery, Black 248.30 41471.5

    Potato carrot agar 46.7 120 Equally scattered Shiny black 274.86 45882Potato dextrose agar 73.3 120 Equally scattered Shiny black 274.86 45882Radish root extract agar 30 145 Equally scattered Brownish 268 23075

    Rice polish agar 41.3 125 Equally scattered Black 294.30 12490.5Richard's agar 36.7 130 More toward periphery, Black 248.90 21650

    Sach's agar 35 125 Equally scattered Black 230 12255.5

    aAfter 5 d, based on 3 replications.

    bAv of 100 sclerotia.

    cLSD value of average colony diam (mm) at 5% = 3.98. CV = 5.27.

    Kabana's medium

    less toward center

    less toward center


    agar black


    less toward center

    less toward center


    less toward center

    Effect of humic acid (HA) onseverity of rice blast (BI)

    R. Thangaveli and R. Ramabadran, Plant

    Pathology Department, Faculty of Agricul-

    ture, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu,


    We studied the effectiveness of graded

    levels of HA extracted from lignite on

    the severity of BI in rice varieties IR50(highly susceptible) and IR20 (moder-

    ately resistant) under greenhouse condi-


    HA powder at the rate of 0, 10, 20,

    30, and 40 kg/ha was dissolved in the

    required quantity of 0.01 N KOH to

    obtain pH 7.2. These solutions were

    then mixed thoroughly into pots that

    18 IRRN 17:3 (June 1992)

    Effect of humic acid level on B1 incidence.a

    IR50 IR20

    HA level Mean Angular Decrease Mean Angular Decrease

    (kg/ha) disease transformed from control disease transformed from control

    incidence (%) value (%) incidence (%) value (%)

    0 51.3 45.7 27.8 31.8

    10 25.2 30.1 33.5 15.5 23.2 27.3

    20 22.3 28.2 38.3 13.3 21.3 33.0

    30 36.5 37.2 18.7 19.7 26.4 17.2

    40 40.9 39.8 13.1 22.4 28.2 11.3

    aMean of 3 rcplications.

    already had the recommended dose of Disease incidence was assessed using a

    fertilizer. Seedlings were transplanted; score chart of 0-9.

    treatments were replicated three times. HA application reduced B1 severity.

    artificially inoculated with the B1 ha.

    pathogen Pyricularia oryzae Cav.

    At 50 d after sowing the plants were Reduction was maximum with 20 kg/

    - - - - -

    - - - - -

    - -

  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    Comparative transmission ofthree tungro isolates bygreen leafhopper (GLH)

    G. Dahal, I. Dasgupta, G. Lee, and R. Hull,

    John lnnes Centre for Plant Science Research,

    Colney Lane, Norwish NR4 7UH, United


    We studied the transmission of three

    tungro isolates obtained from the Philip-

    pines, Malaysia, and India by a Philippine

    GLH population. Adult GLHs fed for 3 d

    on plants of rice cultivar TN1 infected

    with rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV)

    and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) of

    the isolates. The GLHs then fed for 1 d on

    nearly 2-wk-old seedlings of 12 rice

    cultivars using mass inoculation at about 4


    In another experiment, we determined

    the reaction of these cultivars to RTBVusing agroinoculation. Test plants were

    injected, 15-20 d after sowing, at the base

    of their stems with 50 l of a viscous

    suspension of Agrobacterium tumefaciens

    A4 (pRTRB 1162) using a Hamilton


    About 4.5 d after inoculation, we

    compared the test plants with the uninocu-

    lated control plants to determine reduction

    in plant height, leaf discoloration, and

    RTBV and RTSV infection, which was

    monitored by enzyme-linked immuno-

    sorbent assay. The relative concentrationsof RTBV-DNA in agroinfected plants was

    determined by nucleic acid hybridization

    method using 32P-labeled full-length

    cloned RTBV DNA (pJIIS2).

    RTSV either singly or together varied

    between the isolates. The Indian isolate

    produced higher proportions of doubly

    infected plants on cultivar TKM6 than did

    the other isolates. The Malaysian isolate

    produced more doubly infected plants on

    cultivars ASD7, Utri Merah, Utri Rajapan,

    Balimau Putih, and TKM6 than did thePhilippine isolate. The Malaysian isolate

    also produced more severe yellow-orange

    leaf discoloration on cultivar ASD7 than

    did the Indian isolate, which was more

    severe than the Philippine isolate. Agroin-

    fected RTBV plants of cultivars ASD7

    and Ptb 18 produced the most severe

    yellow-orange discoloration.

    The transmission profiles of RTBV and

    Reaction of 12 rice cultivars to RTRV and relative concentration of RTRV-DNA in agroinoculated plants.

    Reaction a to Reaction to RTBV RTBV-DNA

    by agroinoculation d concentration in plants

    (% infection) relative to that in TN1 eCultivar

    GLHb Tungroc

    ASD7 R

    Ptb 18 R

    ARC 11554 R

    Gampoi 30-12-15 R

    Pankhari 203 MR

    Utri Merah S

    Utri Rajapan SBnlimau Putih S

    Vikrmnarya f

    FK135 S

    TKM6 S

    TN1 S
































    a IRRI data. b Based on seedling damage rating (IRRI). c Based on percentage infection in mass inoculation in cages.dI (intermidiate) = 31-60%. S. (susceptible) = more than 61 %. e Low = less than 20%. intermidiate = 20-40%. high

    = more than 41 %, - = not determined, N/A = not available. fDr. A. Gosh. Hyderabad. India, pers. comm.

    Results showed that most of the

    cultivars that appeared resistant by

    leafhopper inoculation were apparently

    susceptible by agroinoculation (see table).

    Except for two GLH-susceptible cultivars,

    Utri Merah and Balimau Putih, plants

    infected with RTBV by agroinoculation

    fell into the susceptible category. The

    relative concentration of RTBV-DNA in

    Utri Merah, Balimau Putih, Utri Rajapan,

    ARC11554 was low, while that in TN1,

    ASD7, Ptb 18, and TKM6 was high.

    Our results provide additional evi-

    dence that Utri Merah, Utri Rajapan,

    Balimau Putih, ARC 11554, and Gampai

    30-12-15 show some resistance to RTBV

    when inoculated by GLH. But on agroin-

    oculation, only Utri Merah and Balimau

    Putih show any resistance. Thus, agroin-

    oculation is a promising technique for

    determining true resistance in rice while

    avoiding the effect of leafhopper


    Dependence of incubationperiod and symptoms of ricetungro disease (RTD) oninfection stage in ricefields

    N. S. Astika, N. Suwela and G. N. Aryawan,

    Food Crop Protection Center VII, P.O. Box 88

    Denpasar, Bali; and Y. Suzuki, Directorate of

    Crop Prorection, P.O. Box 7236/JKSPM,

    Jakarta 12072, Indonesia

    For both field epidemiological studies and

    management of RTD, it is essential to

    estimate when and how many hills were

    infected. Diagnosis based on visible

    symptoms is often the most practical

    method to quickly survey fields. To

    improve visual diagnosis, we studied howincubation period and duration of RTD

    symptoms are affected by infection stage.

    Experiments were laid out in a field at

    Celuk Field Laboratory, Bali, late 1989 in

    the dry season when RTD occurrence was

    negligible. Variety Krueng Aceh was

    transplanted 21 d after sowing. For

    inoculation in the field, one outer stem of

    a hill was inserted in a glass tube, sup-

    ported by an erect stick. ANephotettix

    virescens adult was released in it for 1 d

    after 1 d of access to RTD-diseased hills.

    Inoculation 1 d before transplanting (DBT)was made in test tubes. We observed plants

    daily for 5 wk. We graded symptoms and

    confirmed diagnosis by enzyme-linked im-

    munosorbent assay test.

    The incubation period was positively

    correlated with the infection stage except at

    1 DBT (see table). The infection at 1 DBT

    showed inconspicuous, pale-yellow

    discoloration, and prolonged duration of

    incubation, Gr. 1, and Gr. 2. Plants infected

    at 1-5 wk after transplanting (WT) devel-

    oped the typical leaf-yellowing symptoms.

    Duration of Gr. 3 for those infected at 1-3WT lasted less than 2 wk. Stunted leaves

    remained the only visible symptom after

    the yellow ones dropped off.

    in the same hill, it became difficult to

    detect infection unless symptom records

    were available. In contrast, leaf yellowing

    at 5 WT lasted until 10 WT when the

    As healthy plants covered infected ones

    IRRN 17:3 (June 1992) 19



  • 8/4/2019 International Rice Research Newsletter Vol.17 No.3


    We conducted a trial in a farmer's field in

    Banglane, Central Thailand, during 1990

    wet season to determine the effects of

    foliar sprays on BPH. Plots of 12 15 m

    were laid out in a randomized complete block design and direct seeded using

    susceptible variety Suphan 60. Nine

    insecticide treatments were applied at 20

    35, 45, and 60 d after sowing (DAS)

    using 500 liters water/ha with a motor-

    T. Bhudhasamai, P. Silapasorn, and

    C. Shoiwtip, Rice Entomology Research

    Group, Entomology and Zoology Division

    Department of Agriculture, Bangkok 10900,


    Effect of foliar spray

    insecticides on brownplanthopper (BPH)

    resurgence in rice

    We sampled modern rice varieties

    (MVs) BR153, Jaya, and BW293-2 and

    traditional varieties (TVs) Atti,

    Dhursray, and Mashino bhog for rice

    thrip damage during Aug 1989 in 11

    fields in Gaylephug, Bhutan. Crop age

    was 26-60 d after transplanting (DT).

    We recorded damaged leaves from three

    replications of 20 randomly selected

    hills per field.

    Seven fields in four villages were

    sampled for damage by defoliators. Ricevarieties were the same except for

    BW2Y3-2. Crop age was 45-60 DT.

    Thrip damage was 7.2-26.9% in the

    MVs and 1.5-4.7% in the TVs (Table

    1). Defoliator damage was 0.8-6.6% in

    the MVs and 0.4-5.8% in the TVs(Table 2).

    The MV selections appear to be

    more susceptible to thrips than TVs in

    southern Bhutan. Defoliators, however,

    showed no distinct preference.

    Damage by rice thrips anddefoliators in southernBhutan

    RTD symptom development in plants infected at different stages in the field. Bali, Indonesia, 1989 dryseason.

    Stage Plants Plants Mean durationd(d)

    at tested infected

    inoculation (no.) (no.) Incubation b Gr. 1-Gr. 2 Gr. 2 - Gr. 3 Gr. 3 - Gr. 4 Gr. 4 - Gr. 5

    1 DBT 28 14 11.28 b 1.14 c 9.71 d 7.85 a 2.92 a1 WT 27 13 8.92 a 0.00 a 3.30 bc 7.38 a 14.91 c2 WT 27 16 9.18 a 0.25 ab 2.93 b 13.37 b

    27 8 11.12 b 0.37 b 1.50 a 13.37 b 6.87 b6.12 b

    5 WT 27 11 14.54 c 0.27 ab 4.72 c7 WT 27 8 18.37 d 1.62 d -

    3 WT

    a In a column means followed by the same letter are not significant different at the 5% level by DMRT. b Incubation = from

    all discolored leaves dry but stillattached; Gr. 5, leaves stunted but not yellow or dry.infection to Gr. 1.; Gr. 1, 50% of a leaf discolored; Gr. 4,

    observation was terminated. Plants

    infected at 7 WT did not develop Gr. 3

    symptoms. Distinct changes in leaf color

    did not occur, but panicle development

    was affected in plants infected at 9 WT.

    symptoms different from those in the

    laboratory. Many of the hills infected at

    early stages are overlooked if leaf

    yellowing is the basis for diagnosis. We

    confirmed that this holds for many

    susceptible varieties, such as IR36 and


    RTD-infected plants in fields develop

    Integrated pest managementinsects

    G. S. Arida, C. Dorji, and K. L. Heong, IRRI

    Table 2. Damage to rice leaves by defoliators a in

    Gaylephug, Bhutan, August 1989.

    Crop Damaged

    (DT) (% SE)

    Location Variety age leaves

    Bhur Farm Modern 47 6.4 0.84

    Bhur Farm Modern 47 6.6 1.0

    Bhur Farm Traditional 47 5.8 0.6

    Panpani Modern 45 0.8 0.2

    Patabari Modern 60 5.4 0.5Patabari Traditional 60 1.2 0.60

    Surey Traditional 60 0.4 0.1

    aRice leafflolders Morasmia and Cnaphalocrocis, case worm

    Nymphula, and an unidetifilied larva

    aDamaged leaves (%) =

    damage leaves

    tota1 leavesx 100

    Table 1. Damage to rice leaves due to feeding of

    Haplothrips sp. Gaylephug, Bhutan, August 1989.

    Crop Damaged

    Location Variety agea leaves b

    (DT) (% SE)

