international normative framework & displacement

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  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    International NormativeFramework & Displacement

    International Humanitarian Law

    Human Rights Law

    Refugee Law

    Guiding Principles on Internal DisplacementRegional and other instruments

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Session Objectives

    Describe the rights of individuals who are

    displacedWork with more confidence in referring to thelegal instruments which protect these rights

    Identify resources & references for furtherexploration of specialized issues

    At the end of this session, you will NOT all be lawyers,but you will be able to:

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    What do they have in common?

    Human Rights Law

    International Humanitarian Law

    Refugee Law

    Security Council Resolutions

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Human Rights Law

    Founded on respect and dignity of the individual

    Universal, inherent, inalienable

    Key documentsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)

    International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights

    International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)

    Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against

    Women (CEDAW)Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

    Convention against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatmentor Punishment (CAT)

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    Non-derogable rights

    Certain rights can be temporarily suspendedor derogated during public emergencies Freedom of movement

    Freedom of assembly

    Core rights can never be suspended (non-derogable) Right to life Freedom from torture, cruel/inhumane treatment

    Freedom from enslavement or servitude

    Freedom of thought, conscience, religion

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    International Humanitarian Law (IHL)

    Applicable in armed conflict.

    Protects those who are not or no longer

    taking part in hostilities.Means and methods of warfare are limited

    Binding on states andorganized armedgroups.

    Key Documents

    Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocols 1977.

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    Geneva Conventions and Protocols

    Four Conventions Amelioration of Wounded and Sick in Armies

    Amelioration of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked

    Treatment of Prisoners

    Protection of Civilians

    Additional Protocol I: Protection of Civilians inInternational Armed Conflict (1977)

    Additional Protocol II: Protection in Non-International Armed Conflict (1977)

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    IHL: Common Article III

    Considered a treaty in miniatureIn case of armed conflictnot of an international

    characteroccurring on the territory of one of thehigh contracting parties, each party to the conflictshall be bound to apply, at a minimum, the followingprovisions

    Protection of those taking no active part in hostilities

    Prohibition of violence, murder, hostage-taking,degradation, extra-judicial punishment of civilians orthose hors de combat

    Care of prisoners and wounded

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    Two branches of International Law:Complementary but applied differently


    Protect human dignity

    In war timeProtect against actionby adversary

    No derogation


    Protect human dignity

    At all timesProtect against arbitraryaction by State

    Limited derogation in

    case of emergency

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    IHL and Human Rights Law



    Freedom of Expression

    Freedom of Assembly

    Right to Marry

    Right to Education


    Right to Life

    Prohibition against Torture

    Prohibition against Ill-


    Family unity

    Fair Trial


    Protection of

    wounded, sick and


    Protection of POWs

    and civilian internees

    Conduct of Hostilities

    Common Goal : Protection of the individual

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Application in Context

    Categories of Conflict Peacetime

    Civil disturbance, riots,disasters

    Public emergency

    Non-international armedconflicts (between govt

    forces and organized armedgroup or 2+ organized non-

    govt groups)

    International armed conflictbetween two or more States

    Relevant Bodies of Law Human rights law HR law; rarely justifies


    HR law; limited derogation

    IHL applicable, no derogation HR also applicable but may

    be possible to derogate certainrights

    IHL applicable HR law applicable domestically

    but possible to derogatecertain rights

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Refugee Law

    Specific protection regime for Someone who, as a result ofa well-founded fear of being persecuted for

    reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular socialgroup, or political opinion, isoutside the countryof his nationality and isunable or owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection

    of that country.

    Right to seek asylum

    Principle ofnon-refoulement

    Key Documents

    Refugee Convention of 1951

    OAU Convention of 1969, Cartagena Declaration of 1984

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Guiding Principleson Internal Displacement

    Identify rights of IDPs

    Consistent with IHL, HR

    Restates relevant norms for IDPs

    Delineates rights and guarantees asrelate to different phases of


    Not a treaty

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    1) Every human being has the right to liberty andsecurity of person. No one shall be subjected toarbitrary arrest or detention

    Derived from:

    UDHR articles 3 and 9

    CCPR article 9 (1)


    How are the principles derived?

    Example, Principle 12

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    Principle 121) Every human being has the right to liberty and security of

    person. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest ordetention

    2) To give effect to this right for internally displaced

    persons, they shall not be interned in or confined to acamp. If in exceptional circumstances such internment orconfinement is absolutely necessary, it shall not lastlonger than required by the circumstances.

    3) Internally displaced persons shall be protected from

    discriminatory arrest and detention as a result of theirdisplacement.

    4) In no case shall internally displaced persons be takenhostage.


    ApplicableTo IDPs


    To IDPs

    Applicableto IDPs

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Guiding Principles

    General principles


    Reference to IHL, HR, and domestic law

    Reiterates responsibility of State Affirms right of IDPs to request/receive protection

    and assistance

    Protection from displacement

    Prohibits arbitrary displacement

    Minimize adverse effects, assure proper conditions

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Guiding PrinciplesProtection during displacement Physical security

    Movement-related rights

    Family unit and community

    Economic, social, cultural rights

    Humanitarian assistance State responsibility

    Humanitarian access and transport of suppliesReturn, reintegration, resettlement Voluntary, in safety and dignity

    Monitoring and humanitarian access

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement


    Other instrumentsConvention on the Rights of the Child + 2Optional Protocols

    ILO Convention 182 on Elimination of Worst Formsof Child Labor

    CEDAW: Convention on the Elimination of all formsof Discrimination Against Women

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

    Pinheiro Principles on Land and Property Rights

    National legislation?Regional instruments? African Charter, European Convention, American

    Convention, etc.

  • 8/3/2019 International Normative Framework & Displacement



    With the group at your table, identifythe violations contained in the case

    study with reference to the GuidingPrinciples.

    Prepare a flip chart:

    Situation Guiding Principle

