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InternatIonal edItIonsFall 2012

Page 2: InternatIonal edItIons · InternatIonal edItIons Fall 2012 anthropology art & archItecture BIology chemIstry communIcatIon crImInal JustIce earth scIence economIcs engIneerIng englIsh

InternatIonal edItIonsFall 2012


art & archItecture




crImInal JustIce

earth scIence







polItIcal scIence



World hIstory


















Page 3: InternatIonal edItIons · InternatIonal edItIons Fall 2012 anthropology art & archItecture BIology chemIstry communIcatIon crImInal JustIce earth scIence economIcs engIneerIng englIsh

Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 20123

taBle oF contents

01 What Is Anthropology?02 Why Is Evolution Important to Anthropologists?03 What Can Evolutionary Theory Tell Us about Human Variation?04 What Can the Study of Primates Tell Us about Human Beings?05 What Can the Fossil Record Tell Us about Human Origins?06 How Do We Know about the Human Past?07 Why Did Humans Settle Down, Build Cities, and Establish

States?08 How Does the Concept of Culture Help Us Understand Living

Human Societies? 09 How Do Cultural Anthropologists Learn about Contemporary

Ways of Life?10 Why Is Understanding Human Language Important? 11 How Do Symbolic Practices Shape Human Lives?12 How Do Anthropologists Study Economic and Political Relations

in Contemporary Human Societies?13 Where Do Our Relatives Come From and Why Do They Matter?14 What Can Anthropology Tell Us about Social Inequality?15 What Can Anthropology Tell Us about Globalization?

A unique alternative to more traditional, encyclopedic introductory texts, Anthropology: What Does It Mean to Be Human?, International Edition, takes a question-oriented

approach that incorporates cutting-edge theory and new ways of looking at important contemporary issues such as power, human rights, and inequality. With a total of fifteen chapters, this engaging, full-color text is an ideal one-semester overview that delves deep into anthropology without overwhelming students.

I truly love this book. It treats all of the essential elements of an overview course in a sophisticated style with an abundance of maps and photographs.”

—Rosalyn Howard, University of Central Florida

Features• Addresses issues of power and inequality in the contemporary world

• Incorporates cutting-edge theory and gender and feminist anthropology throughout

• Take an explicitly global approach such as discussing how the spread capitalism reshaped how people everywhere live their lives

• Presents new voices and alternative perspectives from non-anthropologist and indigenous peoples through “In the Their Own Words” commentaries

• Provides ethnographic summaries—with maps—of each society discussed at length in the “EthnoProfile” boxes

1AnthropologyWhat does It mean to Be human?International EditionRobert H. Lavenda and Emily A. Schultz2009 560 pp. 978-0-19-539190-9 paper

anthropology | Introduction to General Anthropology (Four-Fields Introduction)01

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 4

taBle oF contents

Part 1. a Place on earth01 The Study of What We Built02 The Cave and the Sky: Stone Age Europe03 The Rise of the City: Architecture in Western Asia04 The Architecture of Ancient Egypt05 Bronze Age Cities: The Aegean and Asia Minor06 The Greek Temple and “Barbarian” Alternatives07 Polis and Akropolis08 The Hellenistic Realm09 Rome: Caput Mundi10 The World at Large: Roman Concurrences

Part 2. Measuring uP11 The Triumph of Christ12 The Mediterranean in the Early Middle Ages13 The Birth of Nations: Europe after Charles14 The French Manner15 The Urbanization of Europe, 1100-130016 Edges of Medievalism 17 The Renaissance: Ideal and Fad18 Spain and the New World19 Istanbul and Venice20 The Popes as Planners: Rome, 1450-165021 Absolutism and Bourgeoisie: European Architecture, 1600-1750

Part 3. the search for the self22 Architecture for a New World23 Architectural Art and the Landscape of Industry, 1800-185024 The American Experience25 Victorian Environments26 The Trials of Modernism27 Architecture and the State: Interwar Years28 The Ends of Modernism29 Designing the Fin-De-Siécle

I nsightful, engagingly written and graced with close to a thousand superb illustrations, A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals, International Second Edition, offers a sweeping narrative

that examines architecture as it reflects the social, economic, and technological aspects of human history.

A magnificent guided tour through mankind’s architecture....This splendid book is that rara avis, a treat for any reader and a first-rate textbook on the subject.”

—The New York Times Book Review

1A History of Architecturesettings and ritualsInternational Second EditionSpiro Kostof2009 800 pp. 978-0-19-539983-7 paper

History of Architecture | art & archItecture 02

World Architecturea cross-cultural historyInternational Edition

avaIlaBle Fall 2013!

Richard Ingersoll and Spiro Kostof2013 832 pp. 978-0-19-994175-9 paper

World Architecture: A Cross-Cultural History is an entirely new, student-friendly text by Richard Ingersoll. Building on Kostof’s global vision and social context, Ingersoll integrates extensive coverage of world and contemporary architecture in order to provide the most comprehensive survey in the field.

Ingersoll has taken up the difficult challenge of updating Kostof’s landmark text. The resulting text is comprehensive, inclusive, and insightful.”

—Mark Hinchman, College of Architecture, University of

Nebraska, Lincoln

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 20125


taBle oF contents

01 Biochemistry: An Introduction02 Living Cells03 Water: The Matrix of Life04 Energy05 Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins06 Enzymes07 Carbohydrates08 Carbohydrate Metabolism09 Aerobic Metabolism I: The Citric Acid Cycle10 Aerobic Metabolism II: Electron Transport and Oxidative

Phosporylation11 Lipids and Membranes12 Lipid Metabolism13 Photosynthesis14 Nitrogen Metabolism I: Synthesis15 Nitrogen Metabolism II: Degradation16 Integration of Metabolism17 Nucleic Acids18 Genetic Information19 Protein Synthesis

B iochemistry: The Molecular Basis of Life, International Fifth Edition, enriches the coverage of chemistry while better highlighting the biological context.

Biochemistry is the best one-semester biochemistry book available.”

—Randolph A. Coleman, College of William & Mary

new to this edition • More relevance: features five new “Biochemistry in Perspective”

essays that show students biochemical principles will be applied in their future scientific careers

• Enhanced problem-solving: approximately 10 percent of the problems in the end-of-chapter problem sets are new

• Increased attention to reaction mechanisms: additional catalytic mechanisms provide students with an enhanced understanding of the means by which biochemical reactions occur

additional resources to aid you in your courseNew International Fifth Edition website (

• Students can take web quizzes for every chapter and view interactive 3-D Jmol illustrations of molecules

• Instructors have access to lecture notes, PowerPoint slides online, and they can request an International Instructor’s Resource CD-Rom (978-0-19-992044-0) to access test bank questions for all chapters

Solutions Manual to accompany the International Fifth Edition (978-0-19-992045-7)

• Provides solutions to all of the exercises not included in the back of the book

1Biochemistrythe molecular Basis of lifeInternational Fifth EditionneW edItIon

Trudy McKee and James R. McKee2012 768 pp. 978-0-19-992046-4 paper

BIology | Introductory Biochemistry

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 6

taBle oF contents

Part i. PrinciPles of oceanograPhy and Marine Biology01 Sounding the Deep 02 The Oceanic Environment 03 Ecological and Evolutionary Principles of Marine Biology

Part ii. Marine organisMs: function and environMent 04 The Chemical and Physical Environment 05 Life in a Fluid Medium 06 Reproduction, Dispersal, and Migration

Part iii. organisMs of the oPen sea07 The Water Column: Plankton 08 The Water Column: Nekton and Other Marine Vertebrates

Part iv. Processes in the oPen sea 09 Critical Factors in Plankton Abundance 10 Productivity, Food Webs, and Global Climate Change

Part v. organisMs of the sea Bed 11 The Diversity of Benthic Marine Invertebrates 12 Seaweeds, Sea Grasses, and Benthic Microorganisms 13 Benthic Life Habits

Part vi. coastal Benthic environMents 14 The Tidelands: Rocky Shores, Soft-Substratum Shores, Marshes,

Mangroves, and Estuaries 15 Sea Grass Beds, Rocky Reefs, Kelp Forests, and Coral Reefs

Part vii. froM the shelf to the deeP sea16 From the Continental Shelf to the Deep Sea 17 Biodiversity and Conservation of the Ocean

Part viii. huMan iMPact on the sea 18 Fisheries and Food from the Sea 19 Environmental Impacts of Industrial Activities and Human


W idely regarded as the most captivating, accessible, and comprehensive text for undergraduate marine biology courses, Jeffrey S. Levinton’s Marine Biology: Function,

Biodiversity, Ecology, International Third Edition, examines marine biology from a unique global and evolutionary perspective. Written in a clear, conversational style, this highly acclaimed volume emphasizes the principles and processes that underlie—and unify—vastly different marine communities.

Levinton’s book is easy to follow yet challenging and is at a perfect level for undergraduate biology majors.”

—Jayson Smith, California State University, Fullerton

new to this edition• Full-Color Format: Captures vibrancy of marine environments in a

stunning new full-color presentation. Features photographs from the world’s finest marine biologists and more than sixty new line drawings. All color images are integrated directly into the body of the text.

• More Real-World Applications: Presents many new “Hot Topics in Marine Biology” essays, each highlighting new developments and real-world applications. Also includes engaging discussions of human impacts on oceans, fisheries, and global climate change.

• Current and Expanded topics: Places students on the cutting-edge with the latest in marine biology research

• Enhanced Pedagogy: Concludes each chapter with a bulleted “Chapter Summary”—an entirely new feature of this edition. “Going Deeper” text boxes provide students with opportunities for further exploration.

1Marine BiologyFunction, Biodiversity, ecologyInternational Third EditionJeffrey Levinton2010 640pp 978-0-19-976661-1 paper

Marine Biology | BIology 03

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 20127

T he Physiology and Biochemistry of Prokaryotes covers the basic principles of prokaryotic physiology, biochemistry, and cell behavior. The international fourth edition features comprehensive

updates that integrate the latest developments in the field, including genomics, microbial diversity, systems biology, cell-to-cell signaling, and biofilms. The book also presents microbial metabolism in the context of the chemical and physical problems that cells must solve in order to grow.

new to this edition:• New coauthors Jim Drummond and Clay Fuqua each contribute

chapters that make this edition the most authoritative and current book in the discipline

• Three new chapters cover RNA and protein synthesis, microbial films, structured multicellular assemblies, and cell-to-cell communication mechanisms

• Comprehensive revisions update the text with the latest research in the discipline

• A new thematic emphasis introduces two themes:

– A comprehensive energetics perspective

– Molecular machinery will be described throughout the text to help create a unifying narrative across biological principles

1Physiology and Biochemistry of ProkaryotesInternational Fourth EditioncomIng soon

David White, James Drummond and Clay Fuqua2012 528pp 978-0-19-984128-8 paper

03 BIology | Microbiology

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 8

T he most up-to-date integrated spectroscopy text available, Organic Structure Analysis, International Second Edition, is the only text that teaches students how to solve structures as they

are solved in actual practice.

Overall this text is more comprehensive and more detailed in introductory descriptions than the classic text in the area, Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Synthesis by Williams and Fleming.”

—David O’Hagen, in Chemistry World

new to this edition• Coverage of the Latest Instrumental and Computational

Advances: Examines the use of modern instruments, data processing, and computer-assisted structure elucidation techniques

• Updated and Expanded Treatment of NMR (Chapters 1-4): An extensively revised Chapter 5 discusses multi-pulse 1D and 2D NMR methods, 1D TOCSY and 2D NOESY sequences, and using NOESY and ROESY in determining relative stereochemistry and solution conformation.

• Additional Coverage of mass Spectrometry: A new chapter (6) expands the discussion of mass spectrometry to three chapters (5-7). Topics include cutting-edge MS instrumentation and new information on tandem MS techniques, combining NMR with MS, large-molecule MS, chemo-informatics, and more.

• More Exercises and Improved Spectra: This edition includes 180 problems. In addition, many of the spectra, including all of those presented in Chapters 10 and 11, have been reprocessed or reacquired for greater clarity.

1Organic Structure AnalysisInternational Second EditionPhillip Crews, Jaime Rodriguez and Marcel Jaspars2010 576 pp. 978-0-19-973322-4 paper

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance02 Interpretation and Use of Proton and Carbon Chemical Shifts 03 Interpretation and Use of Proton and Carbon Coupling

Constants 04 Multiple-Pulse and Multidimensional NMR Techniques 05 Mass Spectrometry: Core Techniques and Ionization Processes 06 Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Small and Large Molecules 07 Fragmentation Processes In Electron Ionization Mass

Spectrometry 08 Infrared Spectroscopy09 Optical and Chiroptical Techniques: Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 10 Strategies of Determining Structure and Stereochemistry:

Spectroscopic Data Translated into Structures11 Problems in Organic Structure Analysis

BIology | Microbiology 03

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 20129

W ritten for students who have completed an introductory course in biology, the international third edition of Daly and Doyen’s Introduction to Insect Biology and Diversity presents

the ideal balance of basic biological principles and in-depth treatment of insect classification, including keys for identifying more than four hundred families.

Daly and Doyen’s is the best entomology text available to students. It achieves the correct balance between general biology and traditional entomology, it is well organized, and the tables and figures are appropriate and effective.”

—Douglas Whitman, Illinois State University

new to this edition:• The latest research on the genetics, development, physiology,

evolution, phylogeny, and systematics of insects

• Three new chapters: “Medical and Veterinary Entomology,” “Insects and Conservation,” and “The Study of Classification”

• Relevant real-world applications that better meet the needs and interests of life science students from a wide variety of majors

• A new thematic discussion of evolution running throughout the text

• A full-color quick reference guide to insect classification and external morphology

1Daly and Doyen’s Introduction to Insect Biology and DiversityInternational Third EditioncomIng soon

James B. Whitfield and Alexander H. Purcell III2013 752 pp. 978-0-19-538067-5 paper

BIology | Organismal Biology 03

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 10

taBle oF contents

01 An Overview of Organometallic Chemistry02 The 18-Electron Rule 03 The Carbonyl Ligand 04 Pi Ligands05 Other Important Ligands06 Organometallic Reactions I: Reactions That Occur at the Metal 07 Organometallic Reactions II: Reactions Involving Modification

of Ligands 08 Homogeneous Catalysis: The Use of Transition Metal

Complexes in Catalytic Cycles 09 Transition Metal-Carbene and -Carbyne Complexes: Structure,

Preparation, and Chemistry 10 Metathesis and Polymerization Reactions 11 Isolobal Groups and Cluster Compounds

D esigned with the needs of both undergraduate and graduate students in mind, Organometallic Chemistry, International Second Edition, covers the fundamentals of organometallic

chemistry by presenting seminal experiments, analyzing real data, and offering the most comprehensive problem sets available.

Since it first appeared in 1997, Organometallic Chemistry by Spessard and Miessler has earned a reputation as a highly readable, thorough text.”

—Craig Jensen, American Chemical Society, Organometallics

new to this edition• Updated coverage of the latest developments in the field

• More extensive treatments of industrial applications

• 50% more in-chapter worked examples and expansive end-of-chapter problem sets

• A new focus on green chemistry

• Introduction of the 18-electron rule (Chapter 2)

• 25% more molecular model illustrations

1Organometallic ChemistryInternational Second EditionGary O. Spessard and Gary L. Miessler2010 480pp 978-0-19-974449-7 cloth

Organometallic Chemistry | chemIstry 04

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201211

taBle oF contents

Part i. PolyMer structure and ProPerties 01 Basic principles 02 Molecular weight and polymer solutions 03 Chemical structure and polymer morphology 04 Chemical structure and polymer properties 05 Evaluation, characterization, and analysis of polymers

Part ii. vinyl PolyMers 06 Free radical polymerization 07 Ionic polymerization 08 Vinyl polymerization with complex coordination catalysts 09 Reactions of vinyl polymers

Part iii. nonvinyl PolyMers 10 Step-reaction and ring-opening polymerization 11 Polyethers, polysulfides, and related polymers 12 Polyesters 13 Polyamides and related polymers 14 Phenol-, urea-, and melamine-formaldehyde polymers 15 Heterocyclic polymers 16 Inorganic and partially inorganic polymers 17 Miscellaneous organic polymers 18 Natural polymers

N ow updated to incorporate recent developments in the field, Polymer Chemistry, International Third Edition, offers an excellent introduction to polymer chemistry. Ideal for

graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and industrial chemists who work with polymers, it is the only current polymer textbook that discusses polymer types according to functional groups. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the chemistry of macromolecular substances, with particular emphasis on polymers that are important commercially and the properties that make them important.

Major topics include polymer synthesis and nomenclature; molecular weight and molecular weight distribution; reactions of polymers; recycling of polymers; methods used for characterizing and testing polymers; morphology; stereoregular polymers; polymer blends; step-growth, chain-growth, and ring-opening polymerization; commercially important addition and condensation polymers; and heterocyclic, inorganic, and natural polymers.

1Polymer Chemistryan IntroductionInternational Third EditionMalcolm P. Stevens2009 574 pp. 978-0-19-539209-8 paper

04 chemIstry | Organometallic Chemistry

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 12

taBle oF contents

Part 1. foundations of interPersonal coMMunication 01 Interpersonal Process02 Culture and Communication03 Communication and the Self04 Perceiving Others

Part 2. creating and resPonding to Messages 05 Language06 Nonverbal Communication07 Listening: Understanding and Supporting Others 08 Emotions

Part 3. diMensions of interPersonal relationshiPs 09 Dynamics of Interpersonal Relationships10 Intimacy and Distance in Relationships11 Communication Climate12 Managing Conflict

W ith its unique blend of compelling topics and rich pedagogy, Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication, International Tenth Edition, shows how scholarship, research,

and theory can introduce students to communication and help them understand their own relationships in everyday life. This edition cites more than 1,200 sources and provides a variety of thought-provoking photos, sidebars, and cartoons that illustrate key points in the text and connect them to everyday life and popular culture.

Interplay makes the ideas behind interpersonal communication come alive through terrific diagrams, tables, and charts, and the use of film really helps students see how communication concepts play out in real life.”

—Kristin Haun, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

new to this edition• Revised and Expanded material examines the relationship between

gender and language use, listening, conflict styles, co-cultures within society, and relational maintenance

• Focus on Research sidebars summarize current research on interesting topics such as cell phone etiquette, unwritten rules for expressing emotions on the job, and the functions of telling secrets in close relationships

1Interplaythe process of Interpersonal communicationInternational Tenth EditionRonald B. Adler, Lawrence B. Rosenfeld, and Russell F. Proctor II2009 480 pp. 978-0-19-532242-2 paper

Interpersonal Communication | communIcatIon 05

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201213

taBle oF contents

Part 1. introductory PersPectives01 Introduction: Communication and Competence02 Interpersonal Communication: Building Relationships

Part 2. sending and receiving Messages03 Nonverbal Competence04 Verbal Competence05 Relational Competence

Part 3. interPersonal Processes 06 Interpretive Competence: Perceiving Social Worlds and

Listening to Others07 Role Competence: Adapting to Social Expectations08 Self-Competence: Establishing Individual Identities09 Goal Competence

Part 4. relational contexts10 Family Interaction Patterns11 Intimate Relationships: Creating Dyadic Identities12 Professional Relationships: Communicating with Colleagues

and Other Strangers13 Cultural and Historical Influences: Communication Competence

in Context

T he International Sixth Edition of Interpersonal Communication continues the tradition of excellence established by this theory-driven text. Its unique learning model, which emphasizes

communication competence, stands at the forefront of the discipline.

Interpersonal Communication continues to be among the most well-written, comprehensive, and user-friendly textbooks available for the interpersonal communication classroom.”

—Randall J. Koper, University of the Pacific

new to this edition• Research in Review boxes provide abstracts of recent, key studies in

the field

• Screening Room boxes look at contemporary films and the interpersonal communication concepts they help to illustrate

• Chapter 3, Nonverbal Competence, updates research and reorganizes discussion of nonverbal codes in three categories—visual, auditory, and invisible

• Chapter 6, Interpretive Competence, includes exciting new research showing connections between the brain and mind, as well as the physical and social.

• Chapter 9, Goal Competence, has been simplified to make explanations of general theories of influence more accessible

1Interpersonal CommunicationInternational Sixth EditionSarah Trenholm and Arthur Jenson2009 464 pp. 978-0-19-539100-8 paper

communIcatIon | Interpersonal Communication05

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 14

taBle oF contents

Part i: eleMents of coMMunication 01 Human Communication: What and Why 02 The Self, Perception, and Perception 03 Language04 Listening05 Nonverbal Communication

Part ii: interPersonal coMMunication 06 Understanding Interpersonal Relationships 07 Improving Interpersonal Relationships

Part iii: coMMunication in grouPs 08 The Nature of Groups09 Solving Problems in Groups

Part iv: PuBlic coMMunication 10 Choosing and Developing a Topic11 Organization and Support12 Presenting Your Message13 Informative Speaking14 Persuasive Speaking

1Understanding Human CommunicationInternational Tenth EditionRonald B. Adler and George Rodman2009 498 pp. 978-0-19-539262-3 paper

F or over three decades, this has been the best-selling text for the introduction to human communication course. Understanding Human Communication is written with one goal in mind: to

provide students with the insights and skills to succeed in our changing world. Ronald B. Adler, George Rodman, and new author Carrie Cropley Hutchinson place communication theory within the context of everyday skills and draw from the latest media, culture, and scholarship, creating a distinctive pedagogy that gives students the tools they need to master–and enjoy–this intriguing and relevant subject.

The most readable and user-friendly yet academically sound hybrid text available.”

—Jennifer Lehtinen, State University of New York, Orange

Community College

new to this edition• “Understanding Technology” boxes incorporate new, incisive

examples that convey key ideas.

• New and updated coverage of culture and technology is integrated throughout

• All-new Sample Speeches include full outlines and commentary from students and the authors

Introduction to Human Communication | communIcatIon 05

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201215

taBle oF contents

01 Journalism Today 02 The Basics: Format, Copy Editing and AP Style03 Grammar and Spelling 04 Newswriting Style 05 Language of News 06 Selecting and Reporting the News 07 Basic News Leads 08 Alternative Leads 09 The Body of a News Story 10 Quotations and Attribution 11 Interviews 12 Writing Obituaries 13 Speeches and Meetings 14 Specialized Types of Stories 15 Feature Stories16 Public Affairs Reporting17 Advanced Reporting18 Writing for Broadcast 19 The News Media and PR Practitioners 20 Libel, Privacy and Newsgathering Issues21 Ethics22 Becoming a Professional

N ow in its international ninth edition, Reporting for the Media continues to be an essential resource for journalism instructors. A sweeping introduction to newswriting and reporting, this

classic text focuses on the basics of reporting--how to become more curious about the world, generate provocative ideas, gather vital information and write incisive stories. The authors emphasize such central topics as grammar basics, and common ethical dilemmas. In addition to its excellent pedagogy and coverage of the converged newsroom, the text also explores a variety of advanced topics including broadcast writing, law, ethics and public relations.

This is a terrific text, one of the best in the field. It is comprehensive, reliable, and useful. The authors provide a simple, easy-to-understand narrative and an ample supply of thoughtful, relevant exercises.”

—Joseph Hayden, University of Memphis

1Reporting for the MediaInternational Ninth EditionneW edItIon comIng soon

John R. Bender, Lucinda D. Davenport, Michael W. Drager, and Fred Fedler2009 688 pp. 978-0-19-539980-6 paper

communIcatIon | Newswriting and Reporting05

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 16

taBle oF contents

01 Theory and Crime 02 Classical Criminology 03 Biological Factors and Criminal Behavior 04 Psychological Factors and Criminal Behavior 05 Crime and Poverty 06 Durkheim, Anomie, and Modernization 07 Neighborhoods and Crime 08 Strain Theories 09 Learning Theories 10 Control Theories 11 The Meaning of Crime 12 Conflict Criminology 13 Marxism and Postmodern Criminology 14 Gender and Crime 15 Developmental Theories 16 Integrated Theories 17 Assessing Criminology Theories

V old’s Theoretical Criminology, International Sixth Edition, presents the most precise, up-to-date, and comprehensive overview of criminological theory available, building on the

foundation of George B. Vold’s Theoretical Criminology, which paved the way for a generation of criminological theorists. Coupled with new, student-friendly features, the sixth edition features expanded discussions of: empirical research within specific theories; the “biosocial” approach; theoretical explanations for gendered differences in crime; low self-control and the general theory of crime; Control Balance Theory; and General Strain Theory. In addition, the text covers such new topical areas as Lonnie Athens’s Theory of “Violentization;” Agnew’s General Theory; Zimbardo’s “Lucifer Effect;” the Cambridge Youth Violence Study; and Coercion and Social Support.

I have been impressed with the previous editions of this highly regarded textbook, and the new, updated edition continues that fine tradition. The reviews of theoretical approaches and associated research are consistently comprehensive, balanced, and highly readable. Vold’s Theoretical Criminology excels at two levels: it works well in the classroom, and it serves as a valuable resource for the professional criminologist.”

—Steven F. Messner, University at Albany, State University of New York

1Vold’s Theoretical CriminologyInternational Sixth EditionThomas J. Bernard, Jeffrey B. Snipes and Alexander L. Gerould2010 384 pp. 978-0-19-976488-4 paper

Criminology | crImInal JustIce 06

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201217

taBle oF contents

Part i. crystallograPhy and crystal cheMistry01 Introduction02 Crystallography03 Crystal Chemistry04 Crystal Structure05 Mineral Growth

Part ii. Mineral ProPerties, study, and identification06 Physical Properties of Minerals 07 Optical Mineralogy 08 Introduction to X-ray Crystallography 09 Chemical Analysis of Minerals 10 Strategies for Study

Part iii. Mineral descriPtions11 Silicates12 Framework Silicates 13 Sheet Silicates 14 Chain Silicates 15 Disilicates and Ring Silicates16 Orthosilicates 17 Carbonates, Sulfates, Phosphates, Tungstates, Molybdates, and

Borates Chapter 18. Oxides, Hydroxides, and Halides 18 Sulfides and Related Minerals 19 Native Elements

I ntroduction to Mineralogy, International Second Edition, consolidates much of the material now covered in traditional mineralogy and optical mineralogy courses and focuses on

describing minerals within their geologic context.

Introduction to Mineralogy’s greatest strengths are its inclusion of a very strong optical mineralogy section and an extensive descriptive mineralogy section.”

—Mark R. Colberg, Southern Utah University

new to this edition• An introduction to biomineralization, geomicrobiology, and

medical mineralogy

• Additional coverage of evaporite deposits that puts carbonates, sulfates, and halides in their geological context

• Additional coverage of carbonate rocks

1Introduction to MineralogyInternational Second EditionneW edItIon

William D. Nesse2012 496 pp. 978-0-19-985976-4 paper

earth scIence | Mineralogy07

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 18

taBle oF contents

01 Light 02 The Petrographic Microscope 03 Refractometry 04 Optics of Isotropic Materials 05 Optics of Anisotropic Minerals: Introduction 06 Uniaxial Optics 07 Biaxial Optics 08 Reflected Light Optics 09 Identification of Minerals 10 Framework Silicates 11 Sheet Silicates 12 Chain Silicates 13 Disilicates and Ring Silicates 14 Orthosilicates 15 Carbonates, Borates, Sulfates, and Phosphates 16 Native Elements, Sulfides, Halides, Oxides, and Hydroxides

T he International edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy has been thoroughly revised and updated to increase reading comprehension and improve the clarity of its illustrations. Author

William D. Nesse continues his detailed discussions of the petrographic microscope, the nature and properties of light, and the behavior of light in isotropic and anisotropic minerals, with detailed coverage of uniaxial and biaxial optics. Ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in optical mineralogy, this accessible text is also an essential resource for petrology and petrography courses.

Nesse’s Introduction to Optical Mineralogy is one of the best books ever written on this topic.”

—Mark R. Colberg, Southern Utah University

Features• Includes a new section on reflected light optics

• Reorganizes material so that silicates are discussed first in order to reflect their abundance and petrologic significance

• Contains numerous photomicrographs and revised illustrations throughout

• Provides step-by-step procedures for using the petrographic microscope and a flow chart detailing the process of identifying unknown materials

1Introduction to Optical MineralogyInternational Third EditionneW edItIon comIng soon

William D. Nesse2009 464 pp. 978-0-19-539115-2 paper

Optical Mineralogy | earth scIence 07

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201219

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01 Regression Models 02 The Geometry of Linear Regression 03 The Statistical Properties of Ordinary Least Squares 04 Hypothesis Testing in Linear Regression Models 05 Confidence Intervals 06 Nonlinear Regression 07 Generalized Least Squares and Related Topics 08 Instrumental Variables Estimation 09 The Generalized Methods of Moments 10 The Method of Maximum Likelihood 11 Discrete and Limited Dependent Variables 12 Multivariate Models 13 Methods for Stationary Time-Series Data 14 Unit Roots and Cointegration 15 Testing the Specification of Econometric Methods

E conometric Theory and Methods, International Edition, provides a unified treatment of modern econometric theory and practical econometric methods. The geometrical approach to least

squares is emphasized, as is the method of moments, which is used to motivate a wide variety of estimators and tests.

Features• Unified Approach: New concepts are linked to old ones whenever

possible, and the notation is consistent both within and across chapters.

• Geometry of Ordinary Least Squares: Introduced in Chapter 2, this method provides students with valuable intuition and allows them to avoid a substantial amount of tedious algebra later in the text.

• Modern Concepts Introduced Early: These include the bootstrap (Chapter 4), sandwich covariance matrices (Chapter 5), and artificial regressions (Chapter 6).

• Inclusive Treatment of Mathematics: Mathematical and statistical concepts are introduced as they are needed, rather than isolated in appendices or introductory chapters not linked to the main body of the text.

• Advanced Topics: Among these are models for duration and count data, estimating equations, the method of simulated moments, methods for unbalanced panel data, a variety of unit root and cointegration tests, conditional moment tests, nonnested hypothesis tests, kernel density regression, and kernel regression.

1Econometric Theory and Methods International EditionRussell Davidson and James G. Mackinnon2009 768 pp. 978-0-19-539105-3 paper

economIcs | Econometrics08

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 20

taBle oF contents

01 Economics and the Environment02 Positive and Normative Analysis03 Making Societal Choices04 Welfare and Markets05 Public Goods and Externalities06 Decision Making and Environmental Protection07 Demand for Environmental Goods 08 Revealed Preference: Pollution, Land Prices, and Wages09 Revealed Preference: Defensive Expenditures and Travel Cost10 Stated Preferences, Experiments, and Referenda 11 Basic Environmental Regulation12 Pricing Emissions 13 Markets and Property Rights 14 Voluntary Measures15 Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Regulation 16 Regulation with Adverse Selection 17 Regulation with moral Hazard and Dynamics18 Risk and Uncertainty 19 Regulation with Multiple Jurisdictions 20 Development and Growth

I ntermediate Environmental Economics, International Second Edition, is the first text to concentrate solely on environmental economics–the problems of earth, air, and water pollution from an

economic perspective–with an emphasis on both government regulation and private-sector anti-pollution incentives.

The best Environmental Economics textbook on the market. No question. Good for advance undergraduate and graduate economics courses. Organization and coverage of material is outstanding. Students need a calculus background. Good problem sets.”

—George Parsons, University of Delaware

new to this edition• Provides an updated treatment of valuation and moves it to the

first part of the text

• Substantially revises coverage of cost-benefit analysis, property rights, and market failure, resulting in greater clarity

• Includes new chapters on voluntary environmental protection and additional sections on discounting and dynamics

• Offers increased coverage of open access resources and fisheries

• The technical level throughout the text is much more consistent from chapter to chapter

1Intermediate Environmental EconomicsInternational Second EditionCharles D. Kolstad2011 480 pp. 978-0-19-973265-4 paper

Microeconomics | economIcs 08

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201221

taBle oF contents

Part i: individual decision-Making 01 Preference and Choice 02 Consumer Choice 03 Classical Demand Theory 04 Aggregate Demand 05 Production 06 Choice under Uncertainty

Part ii: gaMe theory 07 Basic Elements of Non-cooperative Games 08 Simultaneous-Move Games 09 Dynamic Games

Part iii: Market equiliBriuM and Market failure 10 Competitive Markets 11 Externalities and Public Goods 12 Market Power 13 Adverse Selection, Signaling, and Screening 14 The Principal-Agent Problem

Part iv: general equiliBriuM 15 General Equilibrium Theory: Some Examples 16 Equilibrium and Its Basic Welfare Properties 17 The Positive Theory of Equilibrium 18 Some Foundations for Competitive Equilibria 19 General Equilibrium under Uncertainty 20 Equilibrium and Time

Part v: Welfare econoMics and incentives 21 Social Choice Theory22 Elements of Welfare Economics and Axiomatic Bargaining 23 Incentives and Mechanism Design

M any instructors of microeconomic theory have been waiting for a text that provides balanced and in-depth analysis of the essentials of microeconomics. Masterfully combining

the results of years of teaching microeconomics at Harvard University, Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael Whinston, and Jerry Green have filled that conspicuous vacancy with their groundbreaking text, Microeconomic Theory. The authors set out to create a solid organizational foundation upon which to build the effective teaching tool for microeconomic theory. The result presents unprecedented depth of coverage in all the essential topics, while allowing professors to “tailor-make” their course to suit personal priorities and style.

Clear, comprehensive, and deep! The authors’ treatment is both contemporary and probing, covering all aspects of modern microeconomic theory at a level accessible to graduate students, and which goes beyond simple statement of results to underscore the underlying intuition. This text should be a standard for graduate study in microeconomics!”

—Lars Stole, University of Chicago

new to this edition• Extensive revisions to every chapter that consider the consequences

and lessons of the 2008 global financial crisis

• A new Chapter 2: Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium Analysis, to refresh stud ents on relevant principles of economic analysis

• Expanded coverage of spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel, including new appendices and spreadsheet-based problems in every chapter

• Nearly 80 new or completely updated case studies and four new Integrating Case Studies

1Microeconomic TheoryInternational EditionAndreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green1995 1,008 pp. 978-0-19-510268-0 paper

economIcs | Microeconomics08

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 22

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01 Introduction

Part i. gaMes With Perfect inforMation 02 Nash Equilibrium: Theory 03 Nash Equilibrium: Illustrations 04 Mixed Strategy Equilibrium 05 Extensive Games with Perfect Information: Theory 06 Extensive Games with Perfect Information: Illustrations 07 Extensive Games with Perfect Information: Extensions and

Discussion 08 Coalitional Games and the Core

Part ii. gaMes With iMPerfect inforMation 09 Bayesian Games 10 Extensive Games with Imperfect Information

Part iii. variants and extensions11 Strictly Competitive Games and Maxminimization 12 Rationalizability 13 Evolutionary Equilibrium 14 Repeated Games: The Prisoner’s Dilemma 15 Repeated Games: General Results 16 Bargaining

A n Introduction to Game Theory, International Edition, by Martin J. Osborne, presents the main principles of game theory and shows how they can be used to understand economic,

social, political, and biological phenomena. The book introduces in an accessible manner the main ideas behind the theory rather than their mathematical expression. All concepts are defined precisely, and logical reasoning is used throughout. The book requires an understanding of basic mathematics but assumes no specific knowledge of economics, political science, or other social or behavioral sciences.

What distinguishes this book from other texts is its remarkable combination of rigor and accessibility. The central concepts of game theory are presented with the mathematical precision suitable for a graduate course, but with an abundance of wide-ranging examples that will give undergraduate students a concrete understanding of what the concepts mean and how they may be used.”

—Charles A. Wilson, New York University

1An Introduction to Game TheoryInternational EditionMartin J. Osborne2009 560 pp. 978-0-19-532248-4 paper

Microeconomics | economIcs 08

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201223

taBle oF contents

Part one. introduction 01 The Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics 02 Optimization Techniques and New Management Tools

Part tWo. deMand analysis 03 Demand Theory 04 Demand Estimation05 Demand Forecasting

Part three. Production and cost analysis06 Production Theory and Estimation 07 Cost Theory and Estimation

Part four. Market structure and Pricing Practices 08 Market Structure: Perfect Competition, Monopoly, and

Monopolistic Competition 09 Oligopoly and Firm Architecture10 Game Theory and Strategic Behavior 11 Pricing Practices

Part five. regulation, risk analysis, and caPital Budgeting 12 Regulation and Antitrust: The Role of Government in the

Economy 13 Risk Analysis14 Long-Run Investment Decisions: Capital Budgeting

R eflecting the highly globalized nature of tastes, production, labor markets, and financial markets in today’s world, Managerial Economics, International Seventh Edition, is ideal for

undergraduate and MBA courses in managerial economics. Thoroughly adopting a global perspective, it synthesizes economic theory, decision science, and business administration studies, examining how they interact as a firm strives to reach optimal profitability and efficiency in the face of modern constraints.

additional resources to aid you in your course

1Managerial Economicsprinciples and Worldwide applicationsInternational Seventh EditionDominick Salvatore2012 704 pp. 978-0-19-981192-2 paper

economIcs | Microeconomics08

• An updated and expanded Companion Website at featuring student resources: an online study guide, an extra chapter on linear programming, and additional case studies

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international instructor’s manual (978-0-19-993429-4), making this text he perfect choice for your microeconomics courses

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 24

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction and Background02 CMOS Technology03 CMOS Device Modeling04 Analog CMOS Subcircuits05 CMOS Amplifiers06 CMOS Operational Amplifiers07 High-Operational Amplifiers08 Comparators

R espected authors Phil Allen and Doug Holberg bring you the international third edition of their popular textbook, CMOS Analog Circuit Design. Working from the forefront of CMOS

technology, Phil and Doug have combined their expertise as engineers and academics to present a cutting-edge and effective overview of the principles and techniques for designing circuits.

The greatest strength of the book is that it provides a clear learning path-from device, technology, and modeling, to building blocks, subcircuits, and applications.”

—Yun Chiu, University of Texas, Dallas

new to this edition• An updated Chapter 2 that reflects the latest technology on twin-

well shallow-trench-isolation CMOS

• Expanded coverage of such topics as frequency response, feedback, distortion, noise, bootstrapped voltage references, and photosensitivity

• A new appendix on layout techniques

comIng soon!

• Instructor’s Solution Manual (978-0-19-993743-1)

1CMOS Analog Circuit DesignInternational Third EditionPhillip E. Allen and Douglas R. Holberg2012 608 pp. 978-0-19-993742-4 paper

09Analog Circuit Design | engIneerIng

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201225

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction02 Operational Amplifiers03 First-order Filters: Bilinear Transfer Functions and Frequency

Response04 Second-Order Lowpass and Bandpass Filters05 Second-Order Filters with Arbitrary Transmission Zeros06 Lowpass filters with Maximally Flat Magnitude 07 Lowpass Filters with Equal-Ripple (Chebyshev) Magnitude

Response08 Inverse Chebyshev and Cauer Filters09 Frequency Transformation10 Delay Filters11 Delay Equalization12 Sensitivity 13 LC Ladder Filters14 Ladder Simulations by Element Replacement15 Operational Simulation of Ladders16 High-Frequency Filters17 Switched-Capacitor Filters18 Noise

1Design of Analog FiltersInternational Second EditionRolf Schaumann, Haiqiao Xiao, and Mac E. Van Valkenburg2010 848 pp. 978-0-19-537394-3 cloth

I deal for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate courses in analog filter design and signal processing, Design of Analog Filters, International Second Edition, integrates theory and practice in order

to provide a modern and practical “how-to” approach to design.

new to this edition• Includes a chapter on noise (Chapter 18)

• Chapter 16 offers a comparison of active and passive indictor design and a discussion of high frequency active LC filter design using spiral inductors

• Texas Instruments OPA 300 opamps replace the Harris HA2542-2 opamps

additional resources to aid you in your course

09 engIneerIng | Analog Filters

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-977782-2), make this text the perfect choice for your analog filters course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 26

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01 Introduction to Bioproducts and Bioseparations 02 Analytical Methods 03 Cell Lysis and Flocculation 04 Filtration 05 Sedimentation 06 Extraction 07 Liquid Chromatography and Adsorption 08 Precipitation 09 Crystallization 10 Drying 11 Bioprocess Design 12 Laboratory Exercises in Bioseparations

1Bioseparations Science and EngineeringInternational EditionRoger G. Harrison, Paul W. Todd, Scott R. Rudge, and Demetri Petrides2009 432 pp. 978-0-19-973186-2 paper

C urrent, comprehensive, and concise, Bioseparations Science and Engineering, International Edition, covers bioseparations unit operations in greater depth than other texts on this topic. In

each of the chapters, the authors use a consistent method of explaining unit operations, starting with a qualitative description noting the significance and general application of the unit operation. They then illustrate the scientific application of the operation, develop the required mathematical theory, and finally, describe the applications of the theory in engineering practice, with an emphasis on design and scaleup.

Features• Incorporates example problems within the chapters

• Includes basic information about bioproducts

• Provides thorough coverage of analytical methods for bioproducts

• Integrates lab exercises to support lab experiments

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201227

taBle oF contents

Part i: fundaMentals 01 Introduction 02 Reaction Rates, The Batch Reactor, and The Real World 03 Single Reactions in Continuous Isothermal Reactors 04 Multiple Reactions in Continuous Reactors 05 Nonisothermal Reactors 06 Multiple Steady States and Transients07 Catalytic Reactors and Mass Transfer

Part ii: aPPlications 08 Nonideal Chemical Reactors 09 Reactions of Solids 10 Chain Reactions, Combustion Reactors, and Safety 11 Polymerization Reactions and Reactors 12 Biological Reaction Engineering 13 Environmental Reaction Engineering 14 Multiphase Reactors

1The Engineering of Chemical ReactionsInternational Second EditionLanny D. Schmidt2009 640 pp. 978-0-19-539208-1 paper

T horoughly revised and updated in this international second edition, The Engineering of Chemical Reactions focuses explicitly on developing the skills necessary to design a chemical reactor

for any application, including chemical production, materials processing, and environmental modeling. This edition also features two new chapters on biological and environmental reaction engineering that provide an exciting introduction to these increasingly important areas of today’s chemical engineering market.

Features• Provides coverage of growth industries including microelectronic,

food, pharmaceutical, ceramic, and environmental businesses

• Discusses the chemical and petroleum industries along with the major processes for most established products and feedstocks

• Contains examples of carrying difficulty drawn from polymerization processes, oxidation reactions and combustion, processing of solids, environmental reactions and safety, biological reactions, and the petroleum and chemical commodities industries

09 engIneerIng | Chemical Engineering

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 28

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction 02 Signals and Signal Space03 Analysis and Transmission of Signals 04 Amplitude Modulations and Demodulations 05 Angle Modulation and Demodulation 06 Sampling and Analog -to-Digital Conversion 07 Principles of Digital Data Transmission08 Fundamentals of Probability Theory09 Random Processes and Spectral Analysis 10 Performance Analysis of Digital Communication Systems11 Spread Spectrum Communications12 Digital Communications under Linearly Distortive Channels13 Introduction to Information Theory 14 Error Correcting CodesA Orthogonality of Some Signal SetsB Cauchy-Schwarz InequalityC Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization of a Vector SetD Basic Matrix Properties and OperationsE Miscellaneous

1Modern Digital and Analog Communication SystemsInternational Fourth EditionB. P. Lathi and Zhi Ding2009 928 pp. 978-0-19-538493-2 paper

A n ideal first text on communication systems in electrical engineering, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is now in its international fourth edition. Retaining

the superb pedagogical style of the first three editions, the authors first introduce the fundamentals of signals and systems and core communication topics; they then present the tools essential to the design and analysis of digital communications.

new to this edition• New discussion of technological advances and applications

• New chapters (12 and 13) on spread spectrum communications and frequency selective channels and OFDM systems

• New and updated MATLAB examples

• New material on such topics as code division multiple-access (CDMA), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), equalization, soft decoding, turbo codes, and low-density parity check (LDPC) codes

additional resources to aid you in your course

09Communication Systems | engIneerIng

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-538494-9), make this text the perfect choice for your communication systems course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201229

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Part i: nuMBer rePresentation 01 Numbers and Arithmetic 02 Representing Signed Numbers03 Redundant Number Systems04 Residue Number Systems

Part ii: addition/suBtraction 05 Basic Addition and Counting06 Carry-Lookahead Adders07 Variations in Fast Adders08 Multioperand Addition

Part iii: MultiPlication 09 Basic Multiplication Schemes10 High-Radix Multipliers11 Tree and Array Multipliers12 Variations in Multipliers

Part iv: division 13 Basic Division Schemes14 High-Radix Dividers15 Variations in Dividers16 Division by Convergence

Part v: real arithMetic 17 Floating-Point Representations18 Floating-Point Operations19 Errors and Error Control20 Precise and Certifiable Arithmetic

Part vi: function evaluation 21 Square-Rooting Methods22 The CORDIC Algorithms 23 Variations in Function Evaluation24 Arithmetic by Table Lookup

Part vii: iMPleMentation toPics 25 High-Throughput Arithmetic26 Low-Power Arithmetic27 Fault-Tolerant Arithmetic28 Reconfigurable Arithmetic

1Algorithms and Design Methods for Digital Computer ArithmeticInternational Second EditionBehrooz Parhami2011 656 pp. 978-0-19-976693-2 paper

I deal for graduate and senior undergraduate courses in computer arithmetic and advanced digital design, Algorithms and Design Methods for Digital Computer Arithmetic, International Second

Edition, provides a balanced, comprehensive treatment of computer arithmetic. It covers topics in arithmetic unit design and circuit implementation that complement the architectural and algorithmic speedup techniques used in high-performance computer architecture and parallel processing.

Features• Emphasizes both the underlying theories of computer arithmetic

and actual hardware designs

• Carefully links computer arithmetic to other subfields of computer engineering

• Includes 687 end-of-chapter problems, created specifically for the International Second Edition, ranging in complexity from simple exercises to mini-projects

• Incorporated many examples of practical designs

• Uses consistent standardized notation throughout

additional resources to aid you in your course

09 engIneerIng | Computer Arithmetic

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-976694-9), make this text the perfect choice for your computer arithmetic course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 30

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01 Vector Algebra02 Coordinate Systems and Transformations03 Vector Calculus04 Electrostatic Fields05 Electric Fields in Material Space06 Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems07 Magnetostatic Fields08 Magnetic Forces, Materials, and Devices09 Maxwell’s Equations10 Electromagnetic Wave Propagation11 Transmission Lines12 Waveguides13 Antennas14 Numerical Methods

1Elements of ElectromagneticsInternational Fifth EditionMatthew N.O. Sadiku2010 848 pp. 978-0-19-974300-1 paper

E lements of Electromagnetics, International Fifth Edition, uses a vectors-first approach to explain electrostatics, magnetostatics, fields, waves, and applications like transmission lines,

waveguides, and antennas.

new to this edition• New Problem sets, created specifically for the International Fifth

Edition, provide fresh study and assignment options.

• Ample number of illustrations help students visualize phenomena

• Professor Sadiku’s trademark clear, concise explanations help students understand concepts

• New homework problems focus on practical examples and help students connect what they learn in the classroom to real-world applications

• MATLAB exercises in each chapter help students build proficiency with the software and allow them to solve more complicated problems

additional resources to aid you in your course

09Electromagnetics | engIneerIng

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-974323-0), make this text the perfect choice for electromagnetics course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201231

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01 Making Economic Decisions 02 Engineering Costs and Cost Estimating 03 Interest and Equivalence 04 More Interest Formulas 05 Present Worth Analysis 06 Annual Cash Flow Analysis 07 Rate of Return Analysis 08 Choosing the Best Alternative09 Other Analysis Techniques 10 Uncertainty in Future Events 11 Depreciation and Capital Allowances 12 Taxes 13 Replacement Analysis 14 Inflation and Price Change 15 Selection of a Minimum Attractive Rate of Return16 Economic Analysis in the Public Sector 17 Accounting and Engineering Economy

1Engineering Economic AnalysisInternational Tenth EditionDonald G. Newnan, Ted G. Eschenbach, and Jerome P. Lavelle2008 592 pp. 978-0-19-536643-3 paper

T his international eleventh edition of the market-leading Engineering Economic Analysis offers comprehensive coverage of financial and economic decision-making for engineers, with

an emphasis on problem solving, life-cycle costs, and the time value of money.

Engineering Economic Analysis is the best available.”

—Nicholas Sylvester, University of South Alabama

new to this edition• New or revised end-of-chapter problems

• A graphical approach to comparing multiple alternatives (Chapter 8)

• A conceptual introduction to real options and their application to economic analysis

• Chapter 11 (Depreciation and Capital Allowances) now illustrates different methods of depreciation using examples from a number of international jurisdictions

• Chapter 12 (Taxes) has been completely rewritten to include VAT/GST, property, excise and income taxes

• SI units of measurement are used throughout

additional resources to aid you in your course

09 engIneerIng | Engineering Economics

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-538339-3), make this text the perfect choice for your engineering economics course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 32

1Theory of Machines and MechanismsInternational Fourth EditionJohn J. Uicker, Jr., Gordon R. Pennock, and Joseph E. Shigley2011 928 pp. 978-0-19-977781-5 paper

T heory of Machines and Mechanisms, International Fourth Edition, provides the background, notation, and nomenclature essential for students to understand the various independent technical

approaches that exist in the field of mechanisms, kinematics, and dynamics.

new to this edition• Includes more worked examples throughout, and updated end-of-

chapter homework problems

• Coverage of helical gears, bevel gears, worms, and worm gears is now integrated into a single chapter

• Material on planar and spatial dynamic force analysis is now integrated into a single chapter

• A completely new chapter has been added on multi-degree-of-freedom planar linkage analysis

• The chapter on kinematic synthesis has been expanded to include three and four accuracy position graphical methods

• The chapter on static force analysis has been expanded to included coverage of buckling of axially-loaded two-force members under compression

additional resources to aid you in your course

09Kinematics | engIneerIng

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-977793-8), make this text the perfect choice for your kinematics course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201233

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction 02 Mathematical Descriptions of Systems 03 Linear Algebra 04 State-Space Solutions and Realizations 05 Stability 06 Controllability and Observability 07 Minimal Realizations and Coprime Fractions 08 State Feedback and State Estimators 09 Pole Placement and Model Matching

1Linear System Theory and DesignInternational Third EditionChi-Tsong Chen2009 352 pp. 978-0-19-539207-4 paper

A n extensive revision of the author’s highly successful text, this international third edition of Linear System Theory and Design has been made more accessible to students from all related

backgrounds. After introducing the fundamental properties of linear systems, the text discusses design using state equations and transfer functions. In state-space design, Lyapunov equations are used extensively to design state feedback and state estimators. In the discussion of transfer-function design, pole placement, model matching, and their applications in tracking and disturbance rejection are covered. Both one-and two-degree-of-freedom configurations are used. All designs can be

accomplished by solving sets of linear algebraic equations.

Features• Uses simple and efficient methods to develop results and design


• Enables students to employ the results to carry out design

09 engIneerIng | Linear Systems

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01 Signals and Systems 02 Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems 03 Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems 04 Continuous-Time System Analysis Using the Laplace Transform 05 Discrete-Time System Analysis Using the z-Transform 06 Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Series 07 Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Transform 08 Sampling: The Bridge from Continuous to Discrete 09 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals 10 State-Space Analysis

1Linear Systems and SignalsInternational Second EditionB. P. Lathi2009 992 pp. 978-0-19-539256-2 paper

I ncorporating new problems and examples, the international second edition of Linear Systems and Signals features MATLAB® material in each chapter and at the back of the book. It gives clear descriptions

of linear systems and uses mathematics not only to prove axiomatic

theory, but also to enhance physical and intuitive understanding.

new to this edition• Covers new topics such as fourier applications to communication

systems, bode plots, bandpass systems, convergence of an infinite series, group and phase delay, and impulse invariance method of designing analog systems using digital filters

• Offers MATLAB focus sessions at the end of each chapter

• Includes more than 200 NEW worked examples and end-of-chapter problems

• Provides updated and revised illustrations throughout

• Presents historical background notes to stimulate interest in the field

09Linear Systems | engIneerIng

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201235

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction 02 Mechanics of Rigid Bodies 03 Graphical Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms 04 Analytical Kinematic Analysis of Planar Mechanisms 05 Gears 06 Gear Trains 07 Cams 08 Graphical Force Analysis of Planar Mechanisms09 Analytical Force Analysis and Balancing of Planar Mechanisms 10 Flywheels 11 Synthesis of Mechanisms

1Mechanics of MachinesInternational EditionW.L. Cleghorn2009 528 pp. 978-0-19-973400-9 paper

M echanics of Machines, International Edition, is designed for undergraduate courses in kinematics and dynamics of machines. It covers the basic concepts of gears, gear

trains, the mechanics of rigid bodies, and graphical and analytical kinematic analyses of planar mechanisms. In addition, the text describes a procedure for designing disc cam mechanisms, discusses graphical and analytical force analyses and balancing of planar mechanisms, and illustrates common methods for the synthesis of mechanisms. Each chapter concludes with a selection of problems of varying length and difficulty. SI Units and US Customary Units are employed. An appendix presents twenty-six design projects based on practical, real-world engineering situations.

09 engIneerIng | Mechanics of Machines

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 36

taBle oF contents

01 Mechatronics: An Introduction 02 Elements and Analysis of Electric Circuits 03 Diode, Transistor, and Thyristor Circuits 04 Operational Amplifier (Op-Amp) Circuits 05 Digital Logic and Logic Families 06 Microcontrollers and Programming 07 Parallel I/O and Interrupt Mechanism 08 Serial Interface Facility 09 Programmable Timer Facility 10 Analog-to-Digital (A/D) and Digital-to-Analog (D/A) Conversion 11 Sensors and Their Interface 12 Electric Actuators 13 Control Schemes 14 Case Studies

1MechatronicsIntegrated technologies for Intelligent machinesInternational EditionA. Smaili and F. Mrad2007 736 pp. 978-0-19-532239-2 paper

M echatronics: Integrated Technologies for Intelligent Machines, International Edition, synthesizes the disciplines of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering to provide a

comprehensive overview of the various technologies and tools used to develop mechatronic devices. Designed for a first course in mechatronics, this text contains numerous practical, classroom-tested examples, experiments, and simulations using SIMULINK, MATLAB, and LabVIEW, and presents material in a format that lends itself to collaborative, project-based learning.

Features• Presents the basic tools to interface various circuit blocks and

condition different signals

• Provides a brief review of the fundamentals of circuits, analog and digital electronics, and operational amplifiers

• Discusses microcontroller technology, specifically the Freescale HCS12

• Covers different kinds of sensors and electric actuators

• Includes real-world applications of mechatronic devices and simulations of classical and intelligent control schemes

09Mechatronics | engIneerIng

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201237

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction 02 General Principles of Microcontrollers 03 Structured Program Design 04 Introduction to the HCS12 Hardware 05 An Assembler Program 06 The Linker 07 HCS12 Instruction Set 08 Assembly Language Programs for the HCS12 09 Debugging HCS12 Programs 10 Program Development Using C 11 HCS12 Parallel I/O 12 HCS12 Interrupts 13 HCS12 Memories 14 HCS12 Timer 15 HCS12 Serial I/O - SCI and SPI 16 HCS12 Serial I/O - MSCAN 17 HCS12 Analog Input 18 Single-Chip Microcontroller Interfacing Techniques 19 HCS12 Fuzzy Logic 20 Debugging Systems 21 Advanced HCS12 Hardware

1Software and Hardware Engineeringassembly and c programming For the Freescale hcs12 microcontrollerInternational Second EditionFrederick Cady2009 336 pp. 978-0-19-539113-8 paper

S oftware and Hardware Engineering: Assembly and C Programming for the Freescale HCS12 Microcontroller, International Second Edition, provides a general-purpose

view of software and hardware engineering in microcontroller systems and a comprehensive technical reference for the Freescale HCS12 microcontroller. It is ideal for a first undergraduate course in microcontrollers, microprocessors, or microcomputers.

Features• Covers both Assembly and C programming languages and

provides examples in both formats

• Utilizes CodeWarrior ™ Integrated Development Environment, which supports both Assembly and C, the Freescale background debugging mode, and also has an input/output simulator

• Emphasizes good program design with design comments in all examples

• Includes programming hints and recommends practice for debugging

09 engIneerIng | Microcontrollers

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 38

taBle oF contents

Part i. devices and Basic circuits01 Electronics and Semiconductors 02 Operational Amplifiers03 Diodes04 Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)05 MOS Field-Effect Transistors (MOSFETs)

Part ii. integrated-circuit aMPlifiers06 Building Blocks of Integrated-Circuit Amplifiers07 Differential and Multistage Amplifiers08 Frequency Response09 Feedback

Part iii. analog integrated circuits10 Operational Amplifier Circuits11 Filters and Tuned Amplifiers 12 Signal Generators and Waveform-Shaping Circuits13 Output Stages and Power Amplifiers

Part iv. digital integrated circuits 14 CMOS Digital Logic Circuits 15 Advanced MOS and Bipolar Logic Circuits16 Memory Circuits

1Microelectronic CircuitsInternational Sixth EditionAdel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Smith2010 1408 pp. 978-0-19-973851-9 paper

A ll material in the international sixth edition of Microelectronic Circuits is thoroughly updated to reflect changes in technology—CMOS technology in particular. These

technological changes have shaped the book’s organization and topical coverage, making it the most current resource available for teaching tomorrow’s engineers how to analyze and design electronic circuits.

new to this edition• Includes design problems in the end-of-chapter homework problems

and real-world examples in the chapters

• Includes a new Appendix B on Design and Simulation using SPICE

• Op amps are covered in Chapter 2, so you can encounter a real device right away, and start lab experiments

• Short, modular chapters can be rearranged to suit any class organization.

• Provides parallel Treatment of MOSFETs and BJTs so instructors can focus on whichever transistor that they prefer

• Semiconductor primer is in a separate chapter so students who have not taken a prior course in Semiconductor Device Physics can learn the basics necessary to study Microelectronics.

additional resources to aid you in your course

09Microelectronics | engIneerIng

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual in print (978-0-19-976570-6), make this text the perfect choice for your microelectronics course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201239

taBle oF contents

01 Review of Fundamentals and MOSFET Overview 02 The Mos Capacitor03 The Three-Terminal MOS Structure 04 The Four-Terminal MOS Transistor 05 Small-Channel and Thin Oxide Effects 06 Large-Signal Modeling of the MOS Transistor in Transient

Operation 07 Small-Signal Modeling for Low and Medium Frequencies 08 Small-Signal Modeling for High Frequency Operation 09 Substrate Nonuniformity and Other Structural Effects10 Modeling for Circuit Simulation

1The MOS TransistorInternational Third EditionYannis Tsividis and Colin McAndrew2011 736 pp. 978-0-19-982983-5 paper

T he MOS Transistor, International Third Edition, provides a thorough treatment of the MOS transistor—the key element of modern microelectronic chips.

This is an excellent book and one that is very well respected within the Integrated Circuits community.”

—Adel Sedra, University of Toronto

new to this edition• Energy bands and the energy barrier viewpoint

• Expanded discussion of small-dimension effects, including velocity saturation, drain-induced barrier lowering, ballistic operation, polysilicon depletion, quantum effects, gate tunneling current, and gate-induced drain leakage

• Expanded discussion of small-signal modeling, including gate and substrate current modeling and flicker noise

• New chapter on substrate nonuniformity and structural effects, discussing transversal and lateral (halo) doping nonuniformity, stress and well proximity effects, and statistical variability

• A completely re-written chapter on modeling for circuit simulation, covering the considerations and pitfalls in the development of models for computer-aided design

additional resources to aid you in your course

09 engIneerIng | MOSFETs and MOS Transistor

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-983841-7), make this text the perfect choice for your MOSFETs and MOS Transistor course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 40

taBle oF contents

Part i. introduction to seMiconductors 01 Introduction to Crystals and Current Carriers in Semiconductors:

The Atomic-Bond Model02 The Energy-Band Model 03 Drift04 Diffusion 05 Generation and Recombination

Part ii. fundaMental device structures 06 Junctions07 MOSFET08 BJT

Part iii. suPPleMentary toPics 09 Physics of Nanoscale Devices 10 Device Electronics: Equivalent Circuits and SPICE Parameters 11 Photonic Devices 12 JFET and MESFET13 Power Devices

1Principles of Semiconductor DevicesInternational Second EditionSima Dimitrijev2011 576 pp. 978-0-19-989634-9 paper

P rinciples of Semiconductor Devices, International Second Edition, presents the semiconductor-physics and device principles in a way that upgrades classical semiconductor theory and enables

proper interpretations of numerous quantum effects in modern devices. The semiconductor theory is directly linked to practical applications, including the links to the SPICE models and parameters that are commonly used during circuit design.

This book is better than other texts available on this topic because of its straightforward intuitive descriptions combined with the artfully presented, detailed, and quantitatively rendered illustrations.”

—Matthew Grayson, Northeastern University

new to this edition• A new chapter on the physics of nanoscale devices

• A revised chapter on the energy-band model and full reworked material on crystals to include grapheme and carbon nanotubes

• A revised P-N junction chapter to emphasize the current mechanisms that are relevant to modern devices

• JFETs and MESFETs in a standalone chapter

additional resources to aid you in your course

09Semiconductor Devices | engIneerIng

• An extensive instructor ancillary package, including an international solution’s manual (978-0-19-989635-6) and Companion Website (, make this text the perfect choice for lecture-based, online, or hybrid semiconductor devices course

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201241

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction to Signals and Systems 02 Time-Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time Systems 03 Signal Representation by Fourier Series 04 Continuous-Time Signal Analysis: The Fourier Transform 05 Sampling 06 Continuous-Time System Analysis Using the Laplace Transform 07 Frequency Response and Analog Filters 08 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems 09 Time-Domain Analysis of Discrete-Time Systems 10 Fourier Analysis of Discrete-Time Signals 11 Discrete-Time System Analysis Using the Z-Transform 12 Frequency Response and Digital Filters 13 State-Space Analysis

1Signal Processing and Linear SystemsInternational EditionB. P. Lathi2009 864 pp. 978-0-19-539257-9 paper

B ased on B. P. Lathi’s widely used book, Linear Systems and Signals, Signal Processing and Linear Systems features additional applications to communications, controls, and filtering as well as

new chapters on analog and digital filters and digital signal processing. B. P. Lathi emphasizes the physical appreciation of concepts rather than the

mere mathematical manipulation of symbols.

Features• An informal and reader-friendly style

• An emphasis on intuitive and heuristic understanding of concepts

• Real-life problems that solidify students’ physical comprehension of concepts

• Worked examples and exercises with answers

• End-of-chapter problems for practice

09 engIneerIng | Signals and Systems

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 42

taBle oF contents

01 Diffusive Fluxes and Material Properties 02 Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 03 Formulation and Approximation 04 Solution Methods Based on Scaling Concepts 05 Solution Methods For Linear Problems 06 Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 07 Unidirectional and Nearly Unidirectional Flow08 Creeping Flow09 Laminar Flow at High Reynolds Number 10 Forced-Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in Confined

Laminar Flows 11 Forced-Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in UnConfined

Laminar Flows12 Transport in Buoyancy-Driven Flows 13 Transport in Turbulent Flows14 Simultaneous Energy and Mass Transfer and Multicomponent


1Analysis of Transport PhenomenaInternational Second EditionWilliam M. Deen2012 624 pp. 978-0-19-974025-3 paper

Analysis of Transport Phenomena, International Second Edition, provides a unified treatment of momentum, heat, and mass transfer, emphasizing the concepts and analytical techniques

that apply to these transport processes.

Deen is the gold standard for teaching graduate-level transport phenomena to chemical engineers.”

—Yossef Elabd, Drexel University

new to this edition• Expanded coverage of several topics, including: order-of-

magnitude estimation and scaling analysis in model simplification; solution methods for differential equations; simultaneous heat and mass transfer; and electrokinetic phenomena

• 75 more problems and worked examples, ranging from traditional chemical engineering topics in reaction engineering, separations, and heat transfer to applications in bioengineering, chemical kinetics, combustion, electrochemistry, materials processing, and membrane science

• New Appendix B, “Ordinary Differential Equations and Special Functions,” provides a concise review that makes the mathematics more self-contained

additional resources to aid you in your course• New International Instructor’s Resource CD-Rom

(978-0-19-990790-8), available to adopters of the international second edition, includes all of the figures and all of the solutions to the end-of-chapter exercises from the text

09Transport Phenomena | engIneerIng

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201243


taBle oF contents

01 Identifying Verbs Types02 Relating Words, Phrases, and Slots03 Expanding Verb Phrases04 Exploring Noun Phrases05 Rearranging and Compounding06 Constructing Relative Clauses07 Reducing Relative Clauses to Phrases08 Making Noun Clauses, Gerunds, and Infinitives09 Adding Modifiers to Sentences10 What Can You Do Now That You Can Do Grammar?

D oing Grammar is a practical and lively guide to discovering how the English language works. Author Max Morenberg uses modern linguistic theories to build upon traditional frameworks

and provide accessible explanations about the composition of sentences, illustrating them at every step with diagrams and other visual models. Now in its International fourth edition, Doing Grammar retains its unique voice, clarity, and organization, but also demonstrates the author’s commitment to a renewed and streamlined focus on the critical skills necessary for writing effective sentences.

The level of detailed understanding even a beginning student can reach in fifteen weeks with this text is remarkable. I have taught hundreds of students using Doing Grammar, and they consistently remark how much their confidence as writers and readers has improved. It works.”

—Laura Halliday, Southern Illinois University

Features• Provides a thorough yet practical introduction to modern grammar

• Uses real, vivid, and detailed sentences as exercises

• More coverage of parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions)

• Clear diagrams

• An appendix containing answers to half of the exercises

1Doing GrammarInternational Third EditionMax Morenberg2009 352 pp. 978-0-19-973288-3 paper

englIsh | Advanced Grammar

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 44

taBle oF contents

01 An Overview of Technical Writing

Part one. foundations 02 Composing 03 Writing for Your Readers 04 Achieving a Readable Style 05 Writing Ethically06 Writing for International Readers

Part tWo. techniques 07 Gathering, Evaluating, and Documenting Information 08 Designing and Formatting Documents 09 Creating and Managing Text 10 Developing the Main Elements of Reports 11 Creating Tables and Figures

Part three. aPPlications 12 Planning Correspondence and E-mail 13 Creating Reports for Any Occasion 14 Developing Analytical Reports: Recommendation Reports and

Feasibility Studies 15 Developing Empirical Research Reports 16 Writing Proposals and Progress Reports 17 Formulating Instructions, Procedures, and Policies 18 Writing Collaboratively 19 Preparing Oral Reports: The Basics 20 Understanding the Strategies and Communications of the Job


One of the leading texts in technical writing, Reporting Technical Information, International Eleventh Edition, introduces students to all aspects of effective professional communication, including

letters, proposals, progress reports, recommendation reports, research

reports, instructions, and oral reports.

new to this edition• New, broader approach that prepares students in a variety of

sciences, health, business, engineering, and technical majors to write in their prospective work environments

• Strong focus on the rhetorical nature of writing

• Updated coverage of current technology

• New chapters on content management

• Increased coverage of ethics and international and global workplace issues

• Many new document examples and more illustrative figures

• More end-of-chapter exercises, including projects that encourage student interaction and collaboration

1Reporting Technical InformationInternational Eleventh EditionKenneth W. Houp, Thomas E. Pearsall, Elizabeth Tebeaux and Sam Dragga2009 648 pp. 978-0-19-532352-8 paper

10Technical Communication | englIsh

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201245

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction

i. deterMinistic cash floW streaMs 02 The Basic Theory of Interest 03 Fixed-Income Securities 04 The Term Structure of Interest Rates 05 Applied Interest Rate Analysis

ii. single-Period randoM cash floWs 06 Mean-Variance Portfolio Theory 07 The Capital Asset Pricing Model 08 Models and Data 09 General Principles

iii. derivative securities 10 Forwards, Futures, and Swaps 11 Models of Asset Dynamics 12 Basic Options Theory 13 Additional Options Topics 14 Interest Rate Derivatives

iv. general cash floW streaMs 15 Optimal Portfolio Growth 16 General Investment Evaluation

I nvestment Science, International Edition, provides thorough yet highly accessible mathematical coverage of the fundamental topics of introductory investments including fixed-income

securities; modern portfolio theory and capital asset pricing theory; derivatives (futures, options, and swaps); and innovations in optimal portfolio growth and valuation of multi-period risky investments. David G. Luenberger—a prominent scholar and teacher of investment science—uses mathematics to present essential ideas of investments and their applications in business practice, offering students the most comprehensive treatment of the subject.

This book is well written, clear, and cohesive. There is not a single investment textbook that I am aware of that gives such in-depth and organized treatment of the topics chosen by this book. A distinguishing feature is that it gives you every single detail and tool that you would ever need to solve problems.”

—Raymond Kan, University of Toronto

1Investment ScienceInternational EditionDavid G. Luenberger2009 512 pp. 978-0-19-539106-0 paper

11 FInance | Investments

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 46

K nown for its richly diversified styles of repertoire and ensemble pieces and its abundance of creative materials, Contemporary Class Piano, International Sixth Edition, includes the widest-

ranging repertoire of solo and ensemble pieces available in any beginning piano text. Elyse Mach presents an abundant solo and ensemble repertoire—which includes classical pieces and folk, jazz, rock, pop, and blues tunes—providing ample opportunities for students to improvise, transpose, harmonize, and compose accompaniments.

This class piano text is the best available—the introduction generates excitement in the first paragraph! The choice of music is excellent. The procedures are detailed enough without rushing through the basics. The worksheet reviews are comprehensive, but not intimidating. The writing exercises are fun and challenging at the same time.”

—Gwen Threadgill, Troy University

1Contemporary Class PianoInternational Sixth EditionElyse Mach2006 688 pp. 978-0-19-532247-7 paper

Applied Music | musIc 12

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201247

taBle oF contents

Part i: diatonic Materials01 Tonic Triad02 Dominant Triad in Root Position03 Dominant Seventh and Ninth in Root Position 04 Subdominant Triad in Root Position05 Cadential Tonic Six-Four Chord 06 Tonic, Subdominant, and Dominant Triads in First Inversion 07 Supertonic Triad 08 Inversions of the Dominant Seventh Chord 09 Linear (Embellishing) Six-Four Chords 10 Submediant and Median Triads 11 Leading Tone Triad 12 Variant Qualities of Diatonic Triads13 Supertonic Seventh Chord14 Leading Tone Seventh Chord15 Other Diatonic Seventh Chords 16 Complete Pieces for Analysis I

Part ii: chroMatic Materials 17 Secondary (Applied, Borrowed) Dominants18 Modulation to Closely Related Keys 19 Complete Pieces for Analysis II 20 Linear (Embellishing) Diminished Seventh Chords 21 Neapolitan Triad 22 Augmented Sixth Chords, Submediant Degree as Lowest Note 23 Augmented Sixth Chords, Other Scale Degrees as Lowest Note24 Augmented Sixth Chords, Other Uses 25 Other Means of Modulation26 Ninth Chords27 Extended Linear Usages28 Complete Pieces for Analysis III29 Examples of Counterpoint

Part iii: conteMPorary Materials30 Extended and Altered Tertian Harmony 31 Diatonic (Church) Modes32 Pandiatonicism and Additive Harmony 33 Exotic (Artificial, Synthetic) Scales34 Quartal and Secundal Harmony35 Polyharmony and Polytonality36 Free Atonality37 Twelve-Tone Serialism 38 Music Since 1945 39 Complete Pieces for Analysis IV

O ffering 470 pieces of music from the Baroque period to the present, Music for Analysis: Examples from the Common Practice Period and the Twentieth Century, International Sixth

Edition, is the most comprehensive anthology of its kind. It is also the only anthology that organizes a wide range of musical excerpts by harmonic topic and includes complete pieces.

I have never seen an anthology that comes close to this one for extensiveness, playability, variety, and practicality for theory classes.”

—Robert Young McMahan, The College of New Jersey

new to this edition• New complete works, including “Gavea” by Darius Milhaud and a

complete Mozart sonata

• New model analyses help students to achieve a comprehensive analysis of the music

• Includes contrapuntal examples from composers other Bach

• Provides precise measure numbers for all excerpts from larger pieces

• Adds an index of all complete pieces

1Music for Analysisexamples from the common practice period and the twentieth centuryInternational Sixth EditionThomas Benjamin, Michael Horvit and Robert Nelson2009 592 pp. 978-0-19-539102-2 paper

12 musIc | Music Theory

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 48

taBle oF contents

Part i. the nature of Morality: good and evil01 What Is the Purpose of Morality?02 Good and Evil03 Is Everything Relative?

Part ii. Moral theories and Moral character04 Utilitarianism05 Deontological Ethics06 Virtue Ethics07 Virtues and Vices

Part iii. Moral issues08 Ethics and Egoism: Why Should We Be Moral?09 Does Life Have Meaning?10 Freedom, Autonomy, and Self-Respect

Part iv. aPPlied ethics: Moral ProBleMs11 Sex, Love, and Marriage12 Is Abortion Morally Permissible?13 The Morality of Euthanasia14 Our Duties to Animals15 Our Duties to the Environment16 International Justice and the Threat of Terrorism

1Moral Lifean Introductory reader in ethics and literatureInternational Third EditionEdited by Louis P. Pojman and Lewis Vaughn2009 1024 pp. 978-0-19-539110-7 paper

Introduction to Ethics | phIlosophy

L ouis P. Pojman and Lewis Vaughn’s acclaimed The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature, International Third Edition, brings together an extensive and varied collection of

eighty-five classical and contemporary readings on ethical theory and practice. Integrating literature with philosophy in an innovative way, the book uses literary works to enliven and make concrete the ethical theory or applied issues addressed.

I found the text to be first-rate and a pleasure to use as a core volume.”

—Neil Delaney, University of Nevada, Las Vegas


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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201249

taBle oF contents

01 Before Philosophy: Myth in Hesiod and Homer 02 Philosophy before Socrates 03 The Sophists: Rhetoric and Relativism in Athens 04 Socrates: To Know Oneself 05 The Trial and Death of Socrates 06 Plato: Knowing the Real and the Good 07 Aristotle: The Reality of the World 08 Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics: Happiness for the Many 09 The Christians: Sin, Salvation, and Love 10 Augustine: God and the Soul 11 Anselm and Aquinas: Existence and Essence in God and the

World 12 Moving from Medieval to Modern 13 René Descartes: Doubting Our Way to Certainty 14 Hobbes, Locke, and Berkeley: Materialism and the Beginnings

of Empiricism 15 David Hume: Unmasking the Pretensions of Reason 16 Immanuel Kant: Rehabilitating Reason (within Strict Limits) 17 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel: Taking History Seriously 18 Kierkegaard and Marx: Two ways to “correct” Hegel19 The Utilitarians: Moral Rules and the Happiness of All (Including

Women) 20 Friedrich Nietzsche: The Value of Existence 21 The Pragmatists: Thought and Action 22 Analysis: Logical Atomism and the Logical Positivists 23 Ordinary Language: “This Is Simply What I Do” 24 Martin Heidegger: The Meaning of Being 25 Simone de Beauvoir: Existentialist, Feminist26 Postmodernism and Physical Realism: Derrida, Rorty, Quine,

and Dennett

1The Great Conversationa historical Introduction to philosophyInternational Fifth EditionNorman Melchert2009 784 pp. 978-0-19-539108-4 paper

phIlosophy | Introduction to Philosophy13

T his historically organized introductory text treats philosophy as a dramatic and continuous story--a conversation about humankind’s deepest and most persistent concerns. Tracing

the exchange of ideas among history’s key philosophers, The Great Conversation: A Historical Introduction to Philosophy, International Fifth Edition, demonstrates that while constructing an argument or making a claim, one philosopher almost always has others in mind. The book addresses the fundamental questions of human life: Who are we? What can we know? How should we live? and What sort of reality do we inhabit?

This is unquestionably the best philosophy textbook I have ever read. My students love the book. Melchert writes with utter clarity and his examples are superb. His careful choice of primary sources and brilliant use of them in his prose is nothing short of genius. Melchert’s text shatters all of my textbook nightmares.”

—Thomas Bell, Brevard College

new to this edition• A new chapter (25) on Simone de Beauvoir and her contributions

to philosophy

• New material on Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish thinkers, including profiles of the Buddha, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Averroës (Ibn Rushd), and Maimonides (Moses ben Maimon)

• A new profile of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

• Thirteen new images, including seven explanatory cartoons that help students understand key concepts

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 50

taBle oF contents

Part i: PhilosoPhy and the Meaning of lifePart ii: god and evilA A. Why Believe? B B. The Problem of Evil

Part iii: knoWledge and realityA A. Plato and the Concept of KnowledgeB B. Descartes and the Problems of SkepticismC C. Hume’s Problems and Some Solutions

Part iv: Minds, Bodies, and PersonsA A. The Traditional Problem of Mind and Body B B. Minds, Brains, and Machines C C. Consciousness D D. Personal Identity E E. Freedom, Determinism, and Responsibility

Part v: ethics and societyA A. Utilitarianism B B. Kantian Ethics C C. Aristotelian Ethics D D. Justice and Equality E E. Challenges to Morality

Part vi: Puzzles and ParadoxesA A. Zeno’s Paradoxes B B. Metaphysical and Epistemological Puzzles and Paradoxes C C. Puzzles of Rational Choice D D. Paradoxes of Logic, Set Theory, and Semantics E E. Puzzles of Ethics

1Introduction to Philosophyclassical and contemporary readingsInternational Fourth EditionJohn Perry, Michael Bratman and John Martin Fischer2009 840 pp. 978-0-19-539416-0 paper

Introduction to Philosophy | phIlosophy 13

I ntroduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings, International Fourth Edition, is the most comprehensive topically organized collection of classical and contemporary philosophy

available. The text includes sections on God and evil, knowledge and reality, the philosophy of science, the mind/body problem, freedom of will, consciousness, ethics, political philosophy, existential issues, and philosophical puzzles and paradoxes.

The editors are a trio of superb philosophers with more than 100 years of teaching experience among them. Their experience shines through in the selection of readings, the introductions, and the study questions. This is the best anthology I have ever seen for an introductory philosophy course.”

—Alfred R. Mele, Florida State University

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201251

taBle oF contents

I. What is Philosophy? II. Philosophy of Religion II.A. Is Belief in God Rationally Justified? Arguments for the

Existence of God II.B. Why Is There Evil? II.C. Is Faith Compatible with Reason? III. KnowledgeIII.A. What Can We Know? Classical Theories of Knowledge III.B. Truth, Rationality, and Cognitive Relativism IV. Philosophy of Mind: The Mind-Body Problem IV.A. What Am I? A Mind or a Body? IV.B. Who Am I? Do We Have Personal Identity? IV.C. Is There Life after Death? Am I Immortal? V. Freedom of the Will and Determinism VI. Ethics VI.A. Are There Any Moral Absolutes or Is Morality Completely

Relative? VI.B. Ethics and Egoism: Why Should We Be Moral? VI.C. Which Is the Correct Ethical Theory? VII. Political Philosophy VIII. What Is The Meaning of Life?IX. Philosophy in Action IX.A. Is Abortion Morally Permissible? IX.B. Is the Death Penalty Morally Permissible? IX.C. Do Animals Have Rights? IX.D. Is Affirmative Action Morally Justified?

1Philosophythe Quest For truthInternational Seventh EditionEdited by Louis Pojman and Lewis Vaughn2009 736 pp. 978-0-19-539417-7 paper

phIlosophy | Introduction to Philosophy13

P raised for its unique combination of accessibility and comprehensiveness, Philosophy: The Quest for Truth is one of the best-selling textbooks for the introduction to philosophy course.

Now in its international seventh edition, this acclaimed text provides an excellent selection of eighty-nine classical and contemporary readings on nineteen key problems in philosophy.

For more than a decade, this is the only introductory text that I have used. I would not have remained faithful to it if I didn’t believe it to be an excellent collection of problems and responses. It’s the best available text for the type of introductory course that I want to offer our beginning students.”

—H. Scott Hestevold, The University of Alabama

Features• Eleven new readings including selections by David Chalmers,

Roderick M. Chisholm, Jerry A. Fodor, David Hume, Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, Don Marquis, Michael Martin, James Rachels, Betrand Russell, Harvey Siegel, and Judith Jarvis Thomson

• Updated headnotes and bibliographies

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 52

taBle oF contents

introductionPart 1. the World and Beyond 01 Religion02 Reality 03 Knowledge

Part 2. knoW thyself 04 Self05 Mind and Body 06 Freedom

Part 3. the good and the right 07 Ethics 08 Justice

1Introducing Philosophya text with Integrated readingsInternational Tenth EditionRobert C. Solomon, Kathleen M. Higgins and Clancy Martin2012 640 pp. 978-0-19-976484-6 paper

Introduction to Philosophy | phIlosophy 13

I ntroducing Philosophy: A Text with Integrated Readings, International Tenth Edition, is an exciting, accessible, and thorough introduction to the core problems of philosophy and the many

ways in which they are, and have been, answered. The authors combine substantial selections from significant works in the history of philosophy with excerpts from current philosophy, clarifying the readings and providing context with their own detailed commentary and explanation. Organized topically, the chapters present alternative perspectives--including analytic, continental, feminist, and non-Western viewpoints--alongside the historical works of major Western philosophers.

This is undoubtedly one of the best philosophy textbooks available. Among its strengths are its breadth of coverage, the seamless integration of the material along historical and topical lines, the introductions and explanations that accompany the extracts from each author, and the contrastive approach.”

—Christian Coseru, College of Charleston

new to this edition• New selections by William Paley, John Locke, Bertrand Russell, W. V.

O. Quine, St. Thomas Aquinas, John Dewey, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

• Careful revisions to the readings and the author commentary that make the material even more accessible

• More than 100 brief profiles of philosophers interspersed throughout

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201253

1Philosophy Here and Nowpowerful Ideas in everyday lifeInternational EditionLewis Vaughn2013 464 pp. 978-0-19-992218-5 paper

phIlosophy | Introduction to Philosophy13

P hilosophy Here and Now: Powerful Ideas in Everyday Life, International Edition, is a hybrid text/reader that helps students understand, appreciate, and even do philosophy. The book

emphasizes philosophical writing, reinforced with step-by-step coaching in how to write argumentative essays and supported by multiple opportunities to hone critical thinking.

Philosophy Here and Now fully relates philosophy to students’ lives and teaches them how to do philosophy. Students are encouraged to think critically and to write from the standpoint of doing analytic work and structuring argumentation effectively.”

—Michael Sturm, Kishwaukee College

Features• A comprehensive introductory chapter lays the groundwork for

philosophical thinking

• Six types of text boxes—”Philosophy Now,” “Philosophers at Work,” “Philosophy Lab,” “What Do You Believe,” “Writing to Understand: Critiquing Philosophical Views,” and “Writing to Understand: Arguing Your Own Views”—demonstrate the value and relevance of philosophy

• Marginal critical-thinking questions, marginal quotes, a timeline, key terms (boldfaced at their first appearance and listed and defined at the end of each chapter), marginal definitions, and a glossary make the material even more engaging and accessible.

• Fictional or narrative selections—followed by “Probing Questions”—at the end of each chapter explore and dramatize the philosophical issues discussed

• A “How to Write a Philosophy Paper” appendix offers concise, step-by-step guidance in crafting an effective philosophical essay

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 54

taBle oF contents

01 Critical thinking

Part i. thought and language 02 The way words work 03 Language and definition

Part ii. systeMatic reasoning04 Disagreements, claims, and reasons05 Common mistakes in thinking 06 More subtle errors of thought 07 Reasoning in a formal way 08 Patterns of deductive thinking09 Inductive Thinking: Identifying causes, drawing analogies 10 Deriving generalizations, forming hypotheses

Part iii. Modes of Proof11 Discourse Communities 12 Arguments in the Disciplines

1Voice of ReasonFundamentals of critical thinkingInternational EditionBurton F. Porter2009 384 pp. 978-0-19-539986-8 paper

Logic | phIlosophy 13

Lively, comprehensive, and contemporary, The Voice of Reason: Fundamentals of Critical Thinking, International Edition, covers three principal areas: thought and language, systematic reasoning,

and modes of proof. It employs highly accessible explanations and a multitude of examples drawn from social issues and various academic fields, showing students and other readers how to construct and criticize arguments using the techniques of sound reasoning.

The author describes the various rules of evidence, using essays by major figures in each field as examples. An ideal text for courses in critical thinking, informal logic, and reasoning and writing, The Voice of Reason offers numerous pedagogical features including a host of examples; assignments, exercises, and puzzles at both the halfway point and at the end of each chapter; cartoons and quotations throughout; and practical applications of theoretical concepts.

Features• Includes an extensive discussion of thought and language that

identifies the linguistic elements that can produce mistakes in thinking

• Features a unique section on what constitutes proof in different fields—including politics, advertising, law, and social issues—as well as in the academic disciplines of literature, science, history, and ethics

• Provides students with a step-by-step method for using deductive and inductive logic to construct and test everyday arguments

• Incorporates a multitude of examples drawn from various academic fields

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201255

taBle oF contents

Part 1. Basics 01 The Power of Critical Thinking 02 The “Environment” of Critical Thinking 03 Making Sense of Arguments

Part 2. reasons 04 Reasons for Belief and Doubt 05 Faulty Reasoning

Part 3. arguMents 06 Deductive Reasoning: Propositional Logic 07 Deductive Reasoning: Categorical Logic 08 Inductive Reasoning

Part 4. exPlanations 09 Inference to the Best Explanation 10 Judging Scientific Theories 11 Judging Moral Arguments and Theories

1Power of Critical Thinkingeffective reasoning about ordinary and extraordinary claimsInternational Second EditionLewis Vaughn2009 560 pp. 978-0-19-539112-1 paper

phIlosophy | Logic13

T he Power of Critical Thinking: Effective Reasoning About Ordinary and Extraordinary Claims, International Second Edition, presents the broadest range of tools for today’s critical thinking

students to apply in any arena, from everyday life to academia, and from science to the media. Written in a student-friendly style and enhanced by humor, this text is ideal for courses in critical thinking, introduction to logic, informal logic, argumentative writing, and introduction to argumentation.

The Power of Critical Thinking is unique in that it offers a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of critical thinking in an engaging and approachable manner. It is the best book that I have seen for teaching critical thinking and practical logic skills.”

—Daniel Engster, The University of Texas at San Antonio

new to this edition• A new writing module—an annotated sample student paper—and

five additional essays for analysis

• An new section on evaluating news reports and advertising

• Timely discussions of intelligent design and population (nonintervention) studies

• Expanded coverage of experts and authors and reasons to doubt their reliability

• More “Field Problems” and exercise questions

• Chapter objectives and key terms with definitions for each chapter

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 56

taBle oF contents

i. naMes01 Of Names (1881), John Stuart Mill 02 On Sense and Reference (1892), Gottlob Frege 03 Proper Names (1958), John R. Searle 04 From Naming and Necessity (1972), Saul Kripke 05 Meaning and Reference (1973), Hilary Putnam 06 The Causal Theory of Names (1973), Gareth Evans 07 From Frege’s Puzzle (1986), Nathan Salmon

ii. descriPtions08 On Denoting (1905), Bertrand Russell 09 Descriptions (1919), Bertrand Russell 10 On Referring (1950), P. F. Strawson 11 Mr. Strawson on Referring (1957), Bertrand Russell 12 Reference and Definite Descriptions (1966), Keith Donnellan 13 Speaker’s Reference and Semantic Reference (1977), Saul Kripke

iii. ascriPtions14 Quantifiers and Propositional Attitudes (1956), W. V. Quine 15 Quantifying In (1968), David Kaplan 16 On Saying That (1968), Donald Davidson 17 Synonymity (1952), Benson Mates 18 A Puzzle about Belief (1979), Saul Kripke 19 The Import of the Puzzle about Belief (1996), David Sosa 20 Belief Ascription (1992), Stephen Schiffer

iv. coMMunication21 Meaning (1957), H. P. Grice 22 Performative Utterances (1961), J. L. Austin 23 The Structure of Illocutionary Acts (1969), John R. Searle 24 Logic and Conversation (1975), H. P. Grice 25 Conversational Impliciture (1994), Kent Bach 26 A Nice Derangment of Epitaphs (1985), Donald Davidson

v. truth27 Two Dogmas of Empiricism (1951), W. V. Quine 28 In Defense of a Dogma (1956), H.P. Grice and P.F. Strawson 29 “Two Dogmas” Revisited (1976), Hilary Putnam

vi. analyticity30 Two Dogmas of Empiricism (1951), W. V. Quine 31 In Defense of a Dogma (1956), H.P. Grice and P.F. Strawson 32 “Two Dogmas” Revisited (1976), Hilary Putnam

vii. indeterMinacies33 Assertion (1978), Robert Stalnaker 34 Demonstratives: An Essay on the Semantics, Logic, Metaphysics,

and Epistemology of Demonstratives and Other Indexicals (1977), David Kaplan

35 The Problem of the Essential Indexical (1979), John Perry 36 Rule-Following 37 From On Rules and Private Language (1982), Saul Kripke 38 The Rule-Following Considerations (1989), Paul A. Boghossian 39 Vagueness 40 From Blindspots (1988), Roy Sorenson 41 Vagueness without Paradox (1994), Diana Raffman 42 Shifting Sands: An Interest-Relative Theory of Vagueness (2000),

Delia Graff Fara

viii. language43 Of Words (1699), John Locke 44 From Philosophical Investigations (1953), Ludwig Wittgenstein 45 Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance: Problems and Changes

(1950), Carl G. Hempel 46 Languages and Language (1975), David Lewis 47 Toward a Causal Theory of Linguistic Representation (1977),

Dennis W. Stampe 48 Language and Problems of Knowledge (1988), Noam Chomsky

1The Philosophy of LanguageInternational Sixth EditionneW edItIon

Edited by A. P. Martinich2013 752 pp. 978-0-19-979514-7 paper

The Philosophy of Language | phIlosophy 13

W hat is meaning? How is linguistic communication possible? What is the nature of language? What is the relationship between language and the world? How do metaphors

work? The Philosophy of Language, International Sixth Edition, is an excellent introduction to such fundamental questions. This revised edition collects forty-six of the most important articles in the field, making it the most up-to-date and comprehensive volume on the subject.

After nurturing several generations of philosophy of language students, this is arguably still the best sourcebook in the field. It is ideal for, if not indispensable to, the first course in the discipline.”

—Yuri Balashov, University of Georgia

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201257

taBle oF contents

01 What is Game Theory?02 What are Laboratory Experiments?03 Ordinal Utility Theory04 Expected Utility Theory05 Solving for a Nash Equilibrium in Normal Form Games06 Solving for Mixed Strategy Equilibrium07 Extensive Form Games and Backward Induction08 Subgame Perfect Equilibrium09 Imperfect and Incomplete information games10 Bayesian Learning

I deal for social science courses in game theory and research methods, Introduction to Game Theory: A Behavioral Approach, International Edition, explains basic game theory concepts--up to and including

Bayesian Nash equilibrium--using results from laboratory experiments that examine how real people behave in standard modeled games. Working from the premise that the crux of game theory lies in thinking logically about a problem and formulating research questions based on theory, author Kenneth C. Williams takes a nontechnical, behavioral approach that is accessible to students with minimal math skills.

A refreshingly informal and insightful account of the key ideas of game theory.”

—Anna Bassi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

1Introduction to Game Theorya Behavioral approachInternational EditionKenneth C. Williams2012 264 pp. 978-0-19-983741-0 paper

polItIcal scIence | Game Theory14

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 58

taBle oF contents

01 Muhammad and the Quran: Messenger and Message02 The Muslim Community in History03 Religious Life: Belief and Practice04 Modern Interpretations of Islam05 Contemporary Islam: Religion and Politics06 Islam and Change: Issues of Authority and Interpretation 07 Epilogue

N ow in a new edition, this exceptionally successful survey text introduces the faith, belief, and practice of Islam from its earliest origins up to its contemporary resurgence. John

L. Esposito, an internationally renowned expert on Islam, traces the development of this dynamic faith and its impact on world history and politics. Lucidly written and expansive in scope, Islam: The Straight Path, International Third Edition, provides keen insight into one of the world’s least understood religions.

This is an excellent, comprehensive, and highly accessible introduction to Islam and its civilization; Muslims and their societies in the pre-modern to the modern period; and contemporary intellectual and political trends. In my opinion, it really is the single best introduction to Islam and Muslims today. The book keeps getting better and better with each new edition!”

—Asma Afsaruddin, University of Notre Dame

1Islamthe straight pathInternational Third EditionJohn L. Esposito2009 336 pp. 978-0-19-539984-4 paper

Introduction to Islam | relIgIon 15

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201259

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction 02 The Nature of Science

Part i. research design 03 Elements of Research Design 04 Measurement 05 Sampling

Part ii. Methods of data collection06 Experimentation 07 Experimental Designs 08 Survey Research 09 Survey Instrumentation 10 Field Research 11 Research Using Available Data 12 Multiple Methods 13 Evaluation Research

Part iii. data Processing, analysis, and interPretation14 Data Processing and Elementary Data Analysis 15 Multivariate Analysis16 Research Ethics 17 Writing Research Reports

R evised and updated in its International Fifth Edition, Social Research is a rigorous yet clear and engaging introduction to research methods. Covering all of the fundamentals in a

straightforward, student-friendly manner, it is ideal for undergraduate- and graduate-level courses across the social sciences and also serves as

an indispensable guide for researchers.

new to this edition• New examples from an array of disciplines, including the use of

experimental design in political science and economics

• A revised chapter on ethics (Chapter 16)

• Extensively revised chapters on survey research (Chapters 8 and 9) and writing research reports (Chapter 17) that incorporate new developments in methodology and technology

• Visually appealing interior design featuring tables, large text boxes, figures, and charts

1Social Researchapproaches and FundamentalsInternational Fifth EditionBruce C. Straits and Royce A. Singleton, Jr.2010 608 pp. 978-0-19-539461-0 paper

socIology | Social Research Methods16

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 2012 60

taBle oF contents

Part one. the thirty years’ War (1914-1945)01 Germany’s Bid for European Dominance (1914-1918)02 The Peace of Paris and the New International Order03 The Western World in the Twenties: The Era of Illusions 04 The Western World in the Thirties: The Illusions Dispelled05 Germany’s Second Bid for European Dominance (1939-1945)06 The Confirmation of United States Supremacy in Latin America07 The Confirmation of Japan’s Supremacy in East Asia

Part tWo. the cold War BetWeen the suPerPoWers (1945-1985)08 The Formation of the Bipolar World in the Truman-Stalin Era

(1945-1953)09 Coexistence and Confrontation (1953-1962)10 Détente and Multipolarity (1962-1975)11 The Rise of China and the Cold War in Asia12 The Resurgence of East-West Tension (1975-1985)13 Latin America’s Quest for Development and Independence14 Africa: From Independence to Dependency15 The Far East: The Road to the New Co-Prosperity Sphere

Part three. froM cold War to neW World disorder (1985-2000)16 Moscow, Washington, and the End of the Soviet Empire17 Europe: Integration and Disintegration18 Asia at the Crossroads19 Africa on Its Own: Ethnic Conflict, Autocracy, and

Underdevelopment20 The Middle East: The Elusive Quest for Peace, Prosperity, and

Stability21 Latin America: Democracy, Free Markets, and Regional Security22 From the Old to the New Century

T he Twentieth-Century World and Beyond: An International History since 1900 explores the history of modern relations between the U.S., Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the

Middle East. The book’s unique analytical framework--which focuses on the relationships between and among countries rather than on individual histories--helps students easily examine how the nations of the world have interacted since the beginning of the last century. The Twentieth-Century World and Beyond, International Fifth Edition, is ideal for undergraduate and graduate courses in twentieth-century world history, and courses in international relations and international studies.

A leading text on international history since 1900, now updated to include more coverage of the non-Western world, NGOs, humans rights, and environmental issues. Judicious, authoritative, and comprehensive, this work is highly recommended.”

—Erez Manela, Harvard University

1The Twentieth-Century World and Beyondan International history since 1900International Fifth EditionWilliam R. Keylor2009 576 pp. 978-0-19-539979-0 paper

20th Century World History | World hIstory 17

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Oxford University Press Higher Education | International Editions | Fall 201261

taBle oF contents

01 Introduction: Enduring Imprints of the Longer Past

Part 1. crisis of the tokugaWa regiMe02 The Tokugawa Polity 03 Social and Economic Transformations 04 The Intellectual World of Late Tokugawa 05 The Overthrow of the Tokugawa

Part 2. Modern revolution, 1868-1905 06 The Samurai Revolution 07 Participation and Protest 08 Social, Economic, and Cultural Transformations 09 Empire and Domestic Order

Part 3. iMPerial JaPan froM ascendance to ashes 10 Economy and Society 11 Democracy and Empire between the World Wars 12 The Depression Crisis and Responses 13 Japan in Wartime 14 Occupied Japan: New Departures and Durable Structures

Part 4. PostWar and conteMPorary JaPan, 1952-2000 15 Economic and Social Transformations 16 Political Struggles and Settlements of the High-Growth Era 17 Global Power in a Polarized World: Japan in the 1980s 18 Beyond the Postwar EraPostscript: Our severest crisis since World War II: The

Earthquake and Tsunami of 2011

A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present, International Second Edition, paints a richly nuanced and strikingly original portrait of the last two centuries

of Japanese history. The new edition of this acclaimed text places modern Japan within an international context and provides the most comprehensive post-war coverage available.

The book examines Japan’s struggles to define the meaning of its modernization, from villages and urban neighborhoods, to factory floors and middle managers’ offices, to the imperial court. Most importantly, it illuminates the interconnectedness of Japanese developments with world history, demonstrating how Japan’s historical passage represents a variation of a process experienced by many nations and showing how the Japanese narrative forms one part of the interwoven fabric of modern history. This second edition incorporates increased coverage of both Japan’s role within East Asia—particularly with China, Korea, and Manchuria—as well as expanded discussions of cultural and intellectual history.

1A Modern History of JapanFrom tokugawa times to the presentInternational Second EditionAndrew Gordon2011 416 pp. 978-0-19-981208-0 paper

World hIstory | History of Japan17

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17World hIstory