international childhood cancer day (iccd) · international childhood cancer day (iccd) has been...

ISSUE 01/2014 NEWSLETTER TRIBUTE TO OUR CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL CHILDHOOD CANCER DAY (ICCD) International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations (ICCCPO) to raise awareness for childhood cancer needs worldwide and to raise funds within each country. This year’s ICCD campaign focused on the importance of childhood cancer early warning signs in improving survival rates of childhood cancer. Children with cancer can be spared from some of the effects of the most intensive treatments if the illness is diagnosed early and if treatment begins promptly. In conjunction with ICCD on 15 February, an art exhibition titled CANCER: RE.DEFINED was held at KKH between 23 and 27 February as well as at NUH between 10 and 14 March 2014. Exhibits comprised of information on common types of childhood cancer and symptoms, as well as art installations and artworks by CCF beneficiaries. Besides viewing the exhibits, visitors participated in the community art segment by decorating paper wings and writing their hopes and wishes for CCF beneficiaries on ‘post-its’. Through the exhibition, CCF hopes to redefine the public’s perspective of childhood cancer. International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) • 1 | CCF New Year Celebrations 2014 • 2 | WIL-Power: Against All Odds • 3 | Service Learning For Survivors • 3 | Caregivers’ Buddy Programme • 4 | Caregivers’ Hospital Visit at CCF@KKH • 4 | PALS Year-end cum Volunteer Appreciation Concert (PALS) • 5 | Having Fun with Manga Art and Digital Photography • 5 | Hospital Events • 6-7 | Community Partnerships • 8-11 | Social & Recreational Activity • 11-12 | Announcements • 12 CONTENT 1

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Page 1: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations



InternatIonal ChIldhood

CanCer day (ICCd)International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations (ICCCPO) to raise awareness for childhood cancer needs worldwide and to raise funds within each country.

This year’s ICCD campaign focused on the importance of childhood cancer early warning signs in improving survival rates of childhood cancer. Children with cancer can be spared from some of the effects of the most intensive treatments if the illness is diagnosed early and if treatment begins promptly.

In conjunction with ICCD on 15 February, an art exhibition titled CANCER: RE.DEFINED was held at KKH between 23 and 27 February as well as at NUH between 10 and 14 March 2014. Exhibits comprised of information on common types of childhood cancer and symptoms, as well as art installations and artworks by CCF beneficiaries.

Besides viewing the exhibits, visitors participated in the community art segment by decorating paper wings and writing their hopes and wishes for CCF beneficiaries on ‘post-its’. Through the exhibition, CCF hopes to redefine the public’s perspective of childhood cancer.

International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) • 1 | CCF New Year Celebrations 2014 • 2 | WIL-Power: Against All Odds • 3 | Service Learning For Survivors • 3

| Caregivers’ Buddy Programme • 4 | Caregivers’ Hospital Visit at CCF@KKH • 4 | PALS Year-end cum Volunteer Appreciation Concert (PALS) • 5 | Having Fun with Manga Art and

Digital Photography • 5 | Hospital Events • 6-7 | Community Partnerships • 8-11 | Social & Recreational Activity • 11-12 | Announcements • 12C





Page 2: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations



CCF new year Celebrations 2014CCF beneficiaries and families ushered in 2014 at the CCF annual New Year Celebrations on Saturday, 4 January.

Held at The Warehouse @ SCAPE, more than 200 beneficiaries, family members, CCF volunteers and staff participated in family games and individual challenges available at many game booths. There were Lego and mechanical fixtures by Robo Academy which tested the participants’ building skills, balloon sculpting, air brush tattooing, canvas painting and a photo booth to capture the happy moments, just to name a few.

The event was graced by CCF Patron, Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee. In his speech, Prof Ho shared comforting words and encouragement with the beneficiaries and their families. He also sportingly led the singing of the ever familiar children song “If You’re Happy and You Know It”.

CCF also invited key cast of local musical production, Brave Maeve, Daphne Lau, to perform at the event. The musical was produced and presented by a group of volunteers in October 2013 with part of the proceeds generously donated to CCF. This talented young lady composed and wrote some of the songs in the musical! With her sweet melodious vocals, her performance tugged at the heartstrings of the many present.

As the event came to an end, CCF made sure no one left empty handed for the New Year! Each family received a goodie bag and 20 participants walked away with lucky draw prizes comprising Takashimaya shopping vouchers and a brand new iPad Mini!

CCF would like to extend our deepest appreciation to the employees of EQuezt Pte Ltd who chose to channel the budget originally designated for their staff retreat towards this event and for helping to plan, organise and execute the entire celebration! CCF would also like to thank other sponsors who provided pro bono services and contributed to the backdrop, decorations, door gifts, games prizes and the sound system. Without all of you, this event would not have been made possible. Thank you sponsors and volunteers for your invaluable support and contributions!


Page 3: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

SerVICe learnIng For SurVIVorS

SurVIVor Story

WIl-Power: against all odds

18-year-old Wilson Jordan Foo, from Swiss Cottage Secondary School, achieved 7 ‘A’s for his GCE ‘O’ Levels despite deferring his studies for a year to battle with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Looking every bit the victorious survivor, this cheeky lad shared with Tribute how he beat the odds with his WIL-power!

Congratulations on your stellar results! How did you do it?I was lucky to have an additional year of educational and mental preparation! My teachers were very encouraging and the lessons in class served as a good refresher for me to prepare for my exams.

Were you worried about returning to school after a year of rest? Surprisingly, I was not afraid to return to school. In fact, I was glad to recover in time for the GCE ‘O’ Levels as I knew that the syllabus would change in 2014! This might be because I already had sufficient preparation for my prelims before my diagnosis in 2012. Hence, despite missing the first 3 months of lesson when I returned to school, I was able to keep up academically.

What were some of your struggles? How did you overcome it?I struggled with fatigue initially as my body was still weak from the treatments but I knew it was a case of mind over matter. Giving up never once crossed my mind. I spent three months at PALS which helped a great deal in my transition back to school. Although I still feel tired easily, it is definitely more manageable.

So, what are your plans for the future?I applied for entry into the Biomedical course at Singapore Polytechnic and am currently awaiting the results. Hopefully I can continue to pursue my interest in the Sciences, especially in stem cell research and laboratory work!

As a cancer survivor, what words of encouragement do you have for those who are still battling cancer?Don’t give up! It WIL get better!

CCF provides service learning opportunities to educate our youths to ‘pay it forward’. The aim is to help our youth survivors transform their self-identify from ‘service recipients’ to ‘service providers’. The service learning experience will enable our youths to see themselves as meaningful contributors to improving not only their lives but the lives of those around them as well. The programme gives them the opportunity to be a support and inspiration to others who are still fighting the illness.

In conjunction with International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) 2014, CCF is glad to collaborate with SCCS for our youths to participate in their “Colour Rush 2.0” event. The event saw ‘colourful’ participants (literally!) from all walks of life completing a 5km run for the childhood cancer cause. Participants had fun colour-bombing each other using edible coloured powder before the run. The colours represent hope, faith and strength for these children.

During the trip to Kuching, Sarawak from 13 to 16 February 2014, our 4 teens also visited the children at the SCCS sheltered home and conducted fun-filled activities to bring cheer to the young residents and their families. Special arrangements were also made for our teens to reach out to two disadvantaged families from the Society For Critically Sick Children.

The four participants shared their reflections on their trip with Tribute:

Service learning at Sarawak Children’s Cancer Society (SCCS)

This opportunity made me more confident about sharing my own experiences with cancer. I will

encourage other youth survivors to participate in future programmes like this. – Siti Nurmahirah, 17

Waking up at 4am and helping out with the

Colour Rush event logistics was indeed exhausting, but I learnt a lot about teamwork and how to

appreciate my team members.

– Abdul Aizat, 17

I am proud to have gone for this trip. I hope to be able to inspire and motivate more people to face the challenges

and live life to the fullest. – Nur Amirah, 18

The experience has changed my mindset and outlook in life. I am very happy to be able to show support towards the kids who are fighting against

cancer in Sarawak. – Nur Azila, 17


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and buddy

The Caregivers’ Buddy Programme aims to provide support to parents of a newly diagnosed child by facilitating mutual support from parents’ of children who have completed treatment. The role of a Parent Buddy is to: • Provide encouragement and peer support to parents with a newly diagnosed child via face to face contact at the hospital or by phone• Share his/her experiences in coping and taking care of a child undergoing cancer treatment

For the past two years, the Caregivers’ Buddy Programme has provided support to over 20 families.The programme received positive feedback as parents of newly diagnosed children shared that it was emotionally comforting to talk to another parent who had similar experiences. They found it extremely helpful to know how their buddy had managed and coped with the challenges faced during their child’s treatment. We are now looking for parents:• Whose child has completed intensive treatment or is in the maintenance phase of treatment• Who are able to commit time to support other parents’ through hospital visits or phone contact• Who are emotionally ready to act as a buddy to another parent If you are interested to join us as a Parent Buddy, please contact Fion Yip at 6229 3751 or email to [email protected] for further discussion.

Caregivers’ hospital Visit at CCF@KKh

I was glad that I could join the CCF Parent Buddy Hospital visit last September despite confirming my attendance only that very morning. My husband joined me for the very first time that day.

It was a privilege for both of us to be able to render emotional support to the parents who were going through the same journey that we had been through. We met parents who were still struggling to accept their children’s diagnosis as well as parents who were coping better. Their stories made us recall how we had coped with our son’s diagnosis in 2009. We felt connected with the people whom we visited.

As we spoke to the parents, we shared how we managed our roles at home, at work and at the hospital. A great takeaway from the session was realising how my husband and I coped rather differently during our son’s first year of treatment.

It was definitely heartening to see parents who stay resilient and strong despite facing complications of their children’s conditions. We are glad to be given a chance to pay it forward.

Contributed by Kueh Li Li, mother of Gabriel Loh, diagnosed with Neuroblastoma (Stage 4) in 2009

Caregivers’ Buddy Programme


Page 5: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

After months of preparation and rehearsals, the hard work of every PALS student, teacher and staff finally paid off on 13 December 2013. It was the day of the PALS Graduation cum Volunteer Appreciation concert. About 100 parents, siblings and volunteers turned up on this happy occasion, eager to watch the performances put up by our students and to share with them their moments of achievement.

The concert kicked off with a skit about how Peter Pan defeated Captain Hook and freed Tiger Lily, the Red Indian princess, and the Lost Boys. Special thanks goes to Ms. Nasrine Hoshaoui Chaoui from the Lion King cast, who volunteered her time to choreograph the performance. This was followed by a song item presented by two ex-PALS students, Dayna Low and Archanna, and PALS Programme Executive, Li Enci.

The festive atmosphere was further hyped up when the students danced energetically to the tune of “All I Want for Christmas is You”. Mascots from the Polliwogs Company also had the audience

The December holidays saw a group of 38 CCF beneficiaries attending the digital photography and digital manga drawing workshops conducted by Popular e-learning Holdings Pte Ltd (PeLH), a subsidiary company of Popular Holdings Pte Ltd.

Participants in the digital photography programme learnt basic techniques and rules on framing and composition while those in the digital manga class learnt idea conceptualisation, illustration skills and colouring techniques. For both workshops, cameras and drawing tablets were provided by the sponsor. Participants ended the day armed with the basic know-how while the trainers were glad to contribute in a meaningful way.

Since August 2012, PeLH has also been organising workshops and providing PALS with Go-Easel 2, an e-assessment content platform to facilitate revision of schoolwork since .

Contributed by Alan Wong Khin Loong, Senior Educational & Training Consultant, Popular e-Learning Holdings Pte Ltd (a member of Popular Holdings)


all excited with the “Chicken Dance” steps during the Meet-and-Greet session.

The proudest moment for all parents came when each student was called up on stage to receive his/her Achievement award from CCF Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Bernadette Ng. Another heart-warming moment followed with the presentation of Graduation Boxes by our Executive Director, Ms. Neo Lay Tin, to students graduating from PALS.

Our volunteers were not forgotten either. Each of them was presented with a CCF diary and a ‘thank-you’ card specially hand-made by PALS students.

“As a volunteer at PALS, I interact with these children and take joy in watching them grow from strength to strength, becoming more sociable and confident day by day. Working with the children injected my life with fulfillment and meaning. The experience is precious!” shared Ms. Goh Li Lin, a volunteer who helps out with experiential learning in PALS.


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Starting this year, CCF launched its art therapy open studio at NUH and KKH. The studio runs exclusively for children and youths, allowing them the space for therapeutic expression through paints and pastels.

Group therapy nurtures collaboration, empathy and interdependence for people with similar experiences. In our open group, sharing of art expression is encouraged be it choosing to speak about our art or to serve as silent witnesses.

Witnessing in group therapy helps to generate a sense of safety and respect towards the individual expression and pay attention to the present moment. The focus lies not in the aesthetic quality of the finished product but in the way one makes associations with images, colours and materials throughout the expressive and meaning-making process. Therapeutic effects unfold through the art-making process as we weave our universal experiences and feelings cohesively, providing support towards one another.

art therapy open Studio at CCF@nUh & CCF@KKh

Bravery Beads at CCF@KKhThe Bravery Beads Programme is a form of resilience-based intervention designed to support and strengthen children with cancer.

When children affected by childhood cancer begin their difficult journeys, they are given a string with their name on it. As they undergo treatment such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, they receive special beads to commemorate these milestones and as a reward for their immense courage to undergo treatment.

Through the programme that commenced in January 2014, children tell their stories using the colourful beads as meaningful symbols along their unique treatment paths. This is a new programme in Singapore initiated by medical students from Duke-NUS, involving multi-agency collaboration between Duke-NUS, SingHealth, KKH and CCF.

Magic Show at CCF@KKh!

On 23 January 2014, the children were expecting a surprise guest who could do cool magic tricks! Adeline the magician arrived at our new resource centre and put up an awesome magic show that left both children and parents in awe!

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Page 7: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

During the week of Chinese New Year, CCF@NUH staff gave goodie bags filled with Chinese New Year goodies to the children and their families. These include oranges, red packets filled with a bar of chocolate and decorative stickers. A short write-up about the festivities was also given together with goodie bags to help children and families of different ethnicities understand the meaning of the celebration. Volunteers and staff also prepared materials for the children to do craft work related to Chinese New Year.

new Family resource and teens room at KKhThe new KKH Family Resource Room and Teens Room opened in Ward 76 on 21 January 2014. Painted with bright colours and decorated with child-friendly furniture, the Family Resource Room runs a variety of regular activities such as art and craft, games, baking and special performances for the beneficiaries and their families. In addition, the Family Resource Room also holds a variety of resources for loan such as toys, books, multi-media and electronic games.

The Teens Room is a space that 11-year-olds and above can call their own. The room is equipped with computers and TV console games such as Wii U, Xbox Kinect and Play Station. There are also musical instruments such as keyboard, guitar and ukulele to allow teenagers to express their musical talents and interact through music.

On 29 January 2014, the children gathered at the Family Resource Centre for a time of Chinese New Year Baking and Craft with their families! They rolled dough to bake cornflake cookies! Thereafter, they made their own Chinese drums to usher in a roaring new year! Everyone definitely felt the joy of Chinese New Year even before the festivities started!

Chinese new year Celebrations at KKh Family resource Centre

Chinese new year Celebrations at CCF@nUh

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Page 8: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

FIJI Water Signature Creations expeditionFIJI Water presented the first-ever “FIJI Water Signature Creations Expedition” on 28 September 2013, a fun and meaningful dining experience that took participants to six of the top restaurants in Singapore to savour star dishes handpicked by leading food critics. Six of Singapore’s most renowned food critics (including Wong Ah Yoke from The Straits Times Life! and Don Mendoza from TODAY Newspaper) visited the restaurants to sample dishes recommended by the chefs, before picking one final creation from each restaurant that best stood out of the menu. Each signature dish was paired with a wine, courtesy of JC Wine. Full proceeds from ticket sales for the event raised a total sum of $7,580 for CCF!

Contributed by FIJI Water

national heritage Board’s adopted Charity!The National Heritage Board, Singapore (NHB) has designated CCF as its adopted charity for 2014 and 2015!

NHB had participated as a Hair for Hope (HfH) satellite partner since 2012, rallying staff and volunteers to make ‘bald statements’ to raise funds and generate awareness on childhood cancer. In 2013, NHB raised more than S$23,000 as a HfH satellite partner.

Rounding up the year, NHB partnered Peter Draw and his ‘Little Draws’ team to organise a fundraiser for CCF at the National Museum of Singapore’s Christmas Open House on 25 December 2013. 21 young artists drew portraits and caricatures of museum visitors, raising a total of $586.

Contributed by Hazel Chee, Manager, Community Institutions & Outreach Division, National Heritage Board

Bujtor’s rUn for a reasonHusband and wife team, Melissa and Andrew Bujtor turned up at the annual Standard Chartered Marathon event on 1 December 2013, to run for the CCF cause. The Bujtor duo raised a total of $4,250 for the Foundation. “We decided that if we are going to get up at 4am on a Sunday morning and run THAT far, it might as well be for a very good reason!” says Andrew.

Ezra Holdings Limited’s global Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative is aimed at generating goodwill within the communities they operate in, but most importantly because as a company, they care. In celebration of its 20th Anniversary in 2012, the company launched the “S$20,000 for 20 Causes Programme”. CCF was selected to receive the donation under this programme in 2013.

“We hope that this donation will make a difference in the quality of life of children under the care of CCF and their families and also serve as an encouragement as the Foundation presses on in this noble mission,” said Mr. Lionel Lee, Group CEO and Managing Director.

In addition, Ezra’s employees showed their support towards CCF through two other fundraising events, ‘Festive Season Blessing to the Children’ and ‘NOVEMBER is now officially MOVEMBER’.

‘Festive Season Blessing to the Children’ saw Ezra’s employees raise a total of $3,960 through the sale of handmade cards. In joint support and endorsement of this charitable movement, the company management generously matched the amount raised, doubling the amount to $7,920. This was used to purchase Christmas and Chinese New Year gifts for the beneficiaries in NUH and KKH. On top of that,



the project team also managed to fulfill the wishlist for NUH Resource Centre and donated an additional five Samsung Galaxy Tab Kids.

‘NOVEMBER is now officially MOVEMBER’ saw 42 men from the Subsea Services Division of Ezra grew and groomed their moustaches to raise funds, all for the CCF cause. The women showed their support by pledging to the candidates that they wished to see grow a mo! This fundraiser helped to raise a total of $4,930 for CCF.

Contributed by EMAS

ezra holdings’ “$20,000 for 20 Causes” Programme


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Singapore thru the lensIn November 2013, Deloitte Singapore organised a photography exhibition, ‘Singapore Thru the Lens’ in support of CCF. The 38-piece photo collection was taken by aspiring photographers from Deloitte that evoked the essence of what Singapore meant to them. S$100,688 was raised from the auction and sale of photos that went towards supporting two CCF programmes: Place for Academic Learning and Support and the Back-to-School Programme.

“It is our privilege to be able to support CCF and we hope our contribution will help provide emotional and professional support for the children and youths,” says Mr. Chaly Mah, Chairman of Deloitte Singapore and Regional Managing Director of Deloitte Asia Pacific.

The fundraising event was inspired by Ms. Belinda Tan, an Executive Director with Deloitte’s Financial Advisory practice, who organised a similar photo exhibition when she was based in Hong Kong.

Contributed by Marie Li, Assistant Marketing and Communications Manager, Deloitte Singapore. Photo credit: Deloitte Singapore

rose to the occasionThe ‘Rose To The Occasion’ initiative was founded by enthusiastic youths to support non-profit causes in fighting against chronic and life-threatening diseases in Singapore. Our inaugural campaign saw us partnering with Singapore Chef’s Association to host four hands-on and demonstration cooking classes by acclaimed veteran chefs. The campaign raised $62,485 for CCF. Special thanks go to Member-of-Parliament (Moulmein-Kallang GRC) Ms. Denise Phua for gracing our opening ceremony.

‘Rose To The Occasion’ hopes to inspire more youths to do good. We look forward to embark on supporting our future beneficiaries. We thank all our contributors for having “Rose to the Occasion”! Contributed by Dexter Sim, Founder, Rose to the Occasion

Pa Pasir ris elias Charity Car Wash & Christmas Celebration

The Pasir Ris West Charity Car Wash and Pasir Ris West Charity Christmas Party “Celebrate Love - A Season of Giving” were held on 24 November and 8 December 2013 respectively at Pasir Ris Elias Community Club to raise funds for CCF. The two events were the first of its kind organised by Grassroots Organisations (GROs) at Pasir Ris West Division.

The meaningful events garnered the support of 150 volunteers from various GROs, residents and students of Pasir Ris West. Through the sale of car wash services, handmade art pieces and homemade cookies by volunteers, both events managed to raise a total of $25,271.55 for CCF. Both events were graced by Deputy Prime Minister and Grassroots Adviser to Pasir Ris - Punggol GROs, Mr. Teo Chee Hean.

This would not have been possible if not for the support from volunteers and sponsors from Loyang Tua Pek Kong, Lee Foundation, Novena Foundation, Shell Singapore, Coca Cola Singapore, McDonald’s and Canadian Pizza at Pasir Ris Elias CC.

Contributed by Chiam See Chye, Senior Constituency Manager (Communications-Social Media), Pasir Ris West Constituency Office



rP’s teCh Fashion CampOn 21 and 22 November 2013, the School of Engineering, Republic Polytechnic, organised a 2-Day TECH-Fashion Camp to promote Technology, Style and Kindness among youths. In this 2-day camp, secondary school students unleashed their creativity in combining engineering with fashion to create their unique technology enhanced apparels. The finished products were sold to raise funds for CCF. A total of $1,168.22 was raised through this event.

Participants found the event to be very meaningful and fruitful for their educational and life learning. Many were touched by the CCF’s corporate video and they truly felt that they had done something very meaningful.

Contributed by Roger Lam, Academic Staff, Republic Polytechnic


Page 10: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

nUS Fundraising eventInstead of the usual ‘Ang Pow Drive’ as with past years, the Community Service Committee of the University Scholars Club sold food and drinks such as bubble tea, bean curd, egg tarts and fruit platters, raising a total of $560.85 for CCF. The highlight for these students was getting to meet a few of CCF’s beneficiaries at PALS.

“Meeting the beneficiaries at PALS was extremely meaningful as it added another dimension to fundraising. The cheerfulness and enthusiasm of the children made me admire their tenacity and resilience in dealing with cancer at such a young age.”

Contributed by Yuting, Deputy Director, Community Service Committee

A mini carnival was set up within the Sunflower Preschool premises for the centre’s students and parents. Various stalls were set up where attendees purchased food, balloon sculptures and artwork by the centre’s students. The generous support from the parents and kind efforts from the teachers in making this event a success raised a total of $1,364.55 for CCF.

SSWa’s annual Charity dinner and dance

The Spanish Speaking Women’s Association’s (SSWA) Annual Charity Dinner and Dance held on 26 October 2013 saw many stylish guests coming together to enjoy an evening of music and great entertainment. Lucky draws and auctions were also held to add excitement to the evening.

The event raised $22,500 for CCF’s young beneficiaries and their families. A big ‘Thank You’ to the team at SSWA for a successful event and support towards CCF.

GIa Swing for Charity reaches out to CCFThe GIA Swing for Charity 2013 was held for the 8th consecutive year at the Tanah Merah Country Club on 4 October 2013 raising $65,997 for CCF.

The 144 golfers had a great time building rapport with their teammates on the 18-hole championship course while doing their part for charity.

Since its inauguration in 2006, the GIA charity golf events have raised a total of $785,000 for 11 charitable organisations. This long standing annual CSR event has evolved to become a signature charity activity supported by the entire general insurance industry in Singapore.

Contributed by General Insurance Association (GIA)

toys“r”Us Christmas Charity Gift WrapBetween 28 November and 31 December 2013, Toys“R”Us held their annual Christmas Charity Gift Wrap for the 7th consecutive year across seven participating outlets island-wide, providing complimentary Christmas gift wrapping services to customers with a minimum donation of $2. The event was well received and raised a total of $63,349.84 for CCF.

Michael for CCFAs a parent of one, I can fully understand the pain and suffering of both the child and the family in their fight against childhood cancer. Hence I was inspired to raise awareness and funds by completing the Standard Chartered Full Marathon with my custom designed flag. I am glad to raise $2,790 for CCF and I want to convey a message to the beneficiaries - “Run and you will complete. Dream and you will achieve.”

During the race, I suffered from severe cramps. I had to stop several times in the race just to relieve the pain. This however did not stop me from completing the race in 5 hours and 38 minutes. What inspired and motivated me to finish the race was the purpose of the run and belief in making a difference to the children.

Contributed by Michael Ng



heart of hope – Sunflower Preschool @ Pasir ris


Page 11: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

Kinect day at Microsoft – 11 dec 2013As part of Microsoft’s ‘12 Days of Giving’ volunteering activities, nine students and their families were invited to the Microsoft office for a day of Christmas fun with Kinect. The children pitted their skills against Microsoft employees in numerous games such as Dance Central 3 and Kinect Sports. The day ended with a wonderful lunch. Microsoft sends their heartfelt thanks to the children and their families for such a great day.Contributed by Jocelyn Koh, Citizenship coordinator, Microsoft Asia Pacific

a Very Special Christmas Party at PorterhouseMore than 50 CCF beneficiaries and their families, along with 10 volunteers, celebrated Christmas in style at a party hosted by Porterhouse Restaurant & Bar.

Held on 14 December 2013, the party started with a sumptuous buffet lunch followed by some art & craft activities, balloon sculpting, Christmas carolling session, a short Christmas skit and lucky draws!

“We wanted to share some festive cheer with the children and honour the parents and their devoted caregivers,” said Porterhouse owner, Mr. Aaron Tan.

This included a separate lucky draw for the parents, with exciting prizes like photography package, shopping vouchers, dining vouchers and handheld massagers!

Everyone also went home with a goodie bag which included free tickets to Kidz Amaze Indoor Playground, stationery sets, cookies, discount vouchers, “Young Parents” magazine & more!

Special thanks and appreciation to all corporate and individual sponsors for making this party a success!

Contributed by Teh Choon Ling, Director, Zoe Communications

SoCIal &



a horsey day out15 CCF beneficiaries and their families enjoyed an exhilarating experience on 28 December 2013 when Ms. Audrey Njoto, a freelance instructor at Bukit Timah Saddle Club and a competitive equestrian, together with her team, hosted the 15 families.

The children and families watched a live demonstration by competitive horses as well as met with Janine Khoo, individual showjumping gold medalist at the 27th SEA Games in Myanmar.

Soon it was time for the children to get into action – Horse and Pony rides! Prior to the actual rides, the children were educated on the behaviour and temperament of horses. More activities followed such as painting and decorating of horseshoes, joyrides on a tractor and a sumptuous lunch.

Special thanks to Audrey and her team for their warm hospitality and in giving the children and families such wonderful memories.

titans of the PastTogether with CCF, Barclays Singapore organised a half day trip to Singapore Science Centre as part of their ‘Make a Difference’ campaign (MAD) in 2013. The trip included a guided tour of ‘Titans of the Past’ exhibition, an insightful discovery of the world of dinosaurs and many other educational attractions. Our key objectives were to promote the intellectual development of the beneficiaries and integration into the community and to give the caregivers a break from their daily routines.

Contributed by Anushka Premachandra, Barclays Singapore

doctor for a dayOn 15 December 2013, 23 beneficiaries and their siblings attended a “Doctor for a Day” programme organised by Mount Elizabeth Novena Hospital.

The children, dressed up with stethoscopes and doctor gowns, visited an operating theatre, took X-rays, performed medical examinations on dummies and administered ‘medicine’.

Thereafter, the children and families were treated to a sumptuous lunch, a cookie decoration session and craft activities.

It was great holiday fun for the children and a wonderful year end activity.

Multico Infracore 40th anniversary Fundraising ProjectAs part of the company’s 40th anniversary

celebrations, Multico Infracore gathered their staff to design and sell greeting cards

to raise funds for a charitable cause. With the strong support from staff, customers and business associates,

the event helped raise a total of $30,000 for CCF.


Page 12: InternatIonal ChIldhood CanCer day (ICCd) · International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) has been established since 2002 by International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations

Under the Sea with CCF ChildrenOn 26 November 2013, Ricoh Asia Pacific brought the beneficiaries of CCF on an educational journey at the S.E.A Aquarium, Resorts World Sentosa.Our volunteers enjoyed the active interaction with the beneficiaries and their families as they ventured through the underwater world. The dolphins proved to be a huge favourite with the children!Apart from goodie bags and polaroids, the children also had a mini quiz where they won prizes, all in the name of fun learning! Contributed by Hernani Nahrawi, Team Leader, Ricoh Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.

On 9 November 2013, Beautiful People organised a trip to the Marina Bay Fire Station for seven CCF beneficiaries and their families. The group embarked on an educational journey personally guided by the station’s firemen. The children even had a chance to get hands on with the facilities, running the fire station and giving commands over the PA system.It was an educational afternoon learning about a day in the life of a fireman and the many hours of training in preparation for any emergency situations. The tour ended with a demonstration on sliding down the fireman’s pole and a photo session, with some wearing bright red firemen helmets and for a couple of lucky ones, uniforms too.The party continued over lunch at Burger King where everyone bonded over storytelling, singing and a Gangnam Style dance-off! The beneficiaries each went home with a hand-made memory book filled with inspirational messages.The girls from Beautiful People successfully fulfilled their mission to spread smiles and positivity to CCF’s beneficiaries and their families.Contributed by Michelle, Beautiful People

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allianz Global@PastaManiaWith zealous hearts, the staff from Allianz Global Investors Singapore spent their Saturday with children from CCF at PastaMania for a morning of pizza making!We spent meaningful hours interacting and bonding with the children where we could feel their enthusiasm in learning the history of pizzas and see their creativity in decorating pizzas. It was a truly amazing experience for everyone and we were glad that we could be associated with the wonderful works of CCF.Contributed by Allianz Global Investors Singapore Limited



Celebrate Christmas @ Mediacorp19 December 2013 was an exciting day for 33 CCF beneficiaries and families who went on a special Mediacorp tour organised by Mediacorp Radio. This rare peek into the world of radio broadcasting was a thrill for children and adults alike. At 938Live studio, some of the beneficiaries enjoyed a few minutes of airtime glory in an interview with Daniel Martin. The children were thereafter, treated to a FAN-tastic Christmas party where they rubbed shoulders, took photos with and received presents from several Mediacorp celebrities. CCF thanks Mediacorp Radio, Mitsubishi Electric and Singapore Cancer Society for making this event possible for our beneficiaries.

Spreading Smiles with Beautiful People

hair for hope is Back!

MCI (P123/10/2013)

Into its 12th year, Hair for Hope 2014 will be held on 26 & 27 July @ VivoCity.

Email us at [email protected] for enquiries.