international cash management_1

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  • 8/8/2019 International Cash Management_1


    International Cash ManagementInternational Cash Management


    South-Western/Thomson Learning 2003

  • 8/8/2019 International Cash Management_1


    A21 - 2

    Chapter Objectives

    To explain the difference between asubsidiary perspective and a parent

    perspective in analyzing cash flows;

    To explain the various techniques used tooptimize cash flows;


    o explain common complications inoptimizing cash flows; and

    To explain the potential benefits and risksof foreign investments.

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    A21 - 3

    Cash Flow Analysis:

    Subsidiary Perspective

    The management of working capital has adirect influence on the amount and timing

    of cash flow : inventory management

    accounts receivable management

    cash management

    liquidity management

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    A21 - 4

    Subsidiary Expenses

    International purchases of raw materialsor supplies are more likely to be difficult

    to manage because of exchange rate

    fluctuations, quotas, etc.

    If the sales volume is highly volatile, largercash balances may need to be maintained

    in order to cover unexpected inventory


    Cash Flow Analysis:

    Subsidiary Perspective

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    A21 - 5

    Subsidiary Revenue

    International sales are more likely to bevolatile because of exchange rate

    fluctuations, business cycles, etc.

    Looser credit standards may increase

    sales (accounts receivable), though oftenat the expense of slower cash inflows.

    Cash Flow Analysis:

    Subsidiary Perspective

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    A21 - 6

    Subsidiary Dividend Payments

    Forecasting cash flows will be easier if thedividend payments and fees (royalties and

    overhead charges) to be sent to the parent

    are known in advance and denominated in

    the subsidiarys currency.

    Cash Flow Analysis:

    Subsidiary Perspective

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    A21 - 7

    Subsidiary Liquidity Management

    After accounting for all cash outflows andinflows, the subsidiary must either invest

    its excess cash or borrow to cover its

    cash deficiencies.

    If the subsidiary has access to lines ofcredit and overdraft facilities, it may

    maintain adequate liquidity without

    substantial cash balances.

    Cash Flow Analysis:

    Subsidiary Perspective

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    A21 - 8

    Centralized Cash Management

    While each subsidiary is managing its ownworking capital, a centralized cash

    management group is needed to monitor,and possibly manage, the parent-

    subsidiary and intersubsidiary cash flows.

    International cash management can besegmented into two functions: optimizing cash flow movements, and

    investing excess cash.

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    A21 - 9

    Centralized Cash Management

    The centralized cash management divisionof an MNC cannot always accurately

    forecast the events that may affect parent-subsidiary or intersubsidiary cash flows.

    It should, however, be ready to react to

    any event by considering any potential adverse impact on cash

    flows, and

    how to avoid such adverse impacts.

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    A21 - 10

    Techniques to Optimize

    Cash Flows

    Accelerating Cash Inflows

    The more quickly the cash inflows arereceived, the more quickly they can be

    invested or used for other purposes.

    Common methods include the

    establishment oflockboxes around theworld (to reduce mail float) and

    preauthorized payments (direct charging

    of a customers bank account).

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    A21 - 11

    Minimizing Currency Conversion Costs

    Nettingreduces administrative andtransaction costs through the accounting

    of all transactions that occur over a period

    to determine one net payment.

    A bilateral netting system involvestransactions between two units, while a

    multilateral netting system usually

    involves more complex interchanges.

    Techniques to Optimize

    Cash Flows

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    A21 - 12

    Managing Blocked Funds

    A government may require that fundsremain within the country in order to

    create jobs and reduce unemployment.

    The MNC should then reinvest the excess

    funds in the host country, adjust thetransfer pricing policy (such that higher

    fees have to be paid to the parent), borrow

    locally rather than from the parent, etc.

    Techniques to Optimize

    Cash Flows

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    A21 - 13

    Managing Intersubsidiary Cash Transfers

    A subsidiary with excess funds canprovide financing by paying for its

    supplies earlier than is necessary. This

    technique is called leading.

    Alternatively, a subsidiary in need offunds can be allowed to lag its payments.

    This technique is called lagging.

    Techniques to Optimize

    Cash Flows

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    A21 - 14


    in Optimizing Cash Flows

    Company-Related Characteristics

    When a subsidiary delays its payments to

    the other subsidiaries, the othersubsidiaries may be forced to borrow until

    the payments arrive.

    Government Restrictions

    Some governments may prohibit the use of

    a netting system, or periodically prevent

    cash from leaving the country.

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    A21 - 15

    Characteristics of Banking Systems

    The abilities of banks to facilitate cash

    transfers for MNCs may vary amongcountries.

    The banking systems in different countries

    usually differ too.


    in Optimizing Cash Flows

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    A21 - 16

    Investing Excess Cash

    Excess funds can be invested in domesticor foreign short-term securities, such as

    Eurocurrency deposits, bills, andcommercial papers.

    Sometimes, foreign short-term securities

    have higher interest rates. However, firmsmust also account for the possible

    exchange rate movements.

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    A21 - 17

    Centralized Cash Management

    Centralized cash management allows formore efficient usage of funds and possibly

    higher returns.

    When multiple currencies are involved, a

    separate pool may be formed for eachcurrency. The investment securities may

    also be denominated in the currencies that

    will be needed in the future.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 18

    Determining the Effective Yield

    The effective rate for foreign investments

    rf = (1+if) (1+ef) 1

    where if = the quoted interest rate on theinvestment

    ef = the % ( in the spot rate If the foreign currency depreciates over

    the investment period, the effective yield

    will be less than the quoted rate.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 19

    Implications of Interest Rate Parity (IRP)

    A foreign currency with a high interestrate will normally exhibit a forward

    discount that reflects the differential

    between its interest rate and the investors

    home interest rate.

    However, short-term foreign investing onan uncovered basis may still result in a

    higher effective yield.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 20

    Use of the Forward Rate as a Forecast

    If IRP exists, the forward rate can be usedas a break-even point to assess the short-

    term investment decision.

    The effective yield will be higher if the

    spot rate at maturity is more than theforward rate at the time the investment is

    undertaken, and vice versa.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 21

    Use of Exchange Rate Forecasts

    Given an exchange rate forecast, theexpected effective yield of a foreign

    investment can be computed, and then

    compared with the local investment yield.

    It may be useful to use probabilitydistributions instead of point estimates, or

    to compute the break-even exchange rate

    that will equate foreign and local yields.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 22

    Diversifying Cash Across Currencies

    If an MNC is not sure of how exchangerates will change over time, it may prefer

    to diversify its cash among securities that

    are denominated in different currencies.

    The degree to which such a portfolio willreduce risk depends on the correlations

    among the currencies.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 23

    Use of DynamicHedging to Manage Cash

    Dynamic hedging refers to the strategy ofhedging when the currencies held are

    expected to depreciate, and not hedging

    when they are expected to appreciate.

    The overall performance is dependent onthe firms ability to accurately forecast the

    direction of exchange rate movements.

    Investing Excess Cash

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    A21 - 24

    Impact of International Cash Managementon an MNCs Value

    ? A











    =V l

    E (CFj,t) = expected cash flows in currencyjto be received

    by the U.S. parent at the end of period t

    E (ERj,t) = expected exchange rate at which currencyjcan

    be converted to dollars at the end of period t

    k = weighted average cost of capital of the parent

    Returns on InternationalCash Management

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    A21 - 25

    Cash Flow Analysis: SubsidiaryPerspective

    Subsidiary Expenses Subsidiary Revenue

    Subsidiary Dividend Payments

    Subsidiary Liquidity Management

    Centralized Cash Management

    Chapter Review

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    A21 - 26

    Chapter Review

    Techniques to Optimize Cash FlowsAccelerating Cash Inflows

    Minimizing Currency Conversion Costs Managing Blocked Funds

    Managing Intersubsidiary Cash Transfers

    Complications in Optimizing Cash Flows Company-Related Characteristics

    Government Restrictions

    Characteristics of Banking Systems

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    A21 - 27

    Chapter Review

    Investing Excess Cash How to Invest Excess Cash

    Centralized Cash Management Determining the Effective Yield

    Implications of Interest Rate Parity

    Use of the Forward Rate as a Forecast

    Use of Exchange Rate Forecasts

    Diversifying Cash Across Currencies

    Use of Dynamic Hedging to Manage Cash

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    A21 - 28

    Chapter Review

    Impact of International Cash Managementon an MNCs Value