international cafe network 2

Download International Cafe Network 2

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Upload: allan-niass

Post on 22-Jun-2015




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  • 1. International Cafe Network 2 Allan Niass How to colaborate & communicate, worldwide,face to face

2. Long-term Goal

  • Establish a Cafe / Bakery

3. Provide wifi, contact with friends & associates 4. Big screen&Webcam , linking O'seas Cafes 5. Atmosphere like the sit-com Friends 6. No 6 thcoffee free card free personal password for the internet, for regulars. Regulars can also pay through their Paypal account, weekly 7. Customer Wishes

  • Individuals to be involved content contributed is better than the old favorite beer mug in Pub.

8. Starbucks on Steroids 9. After (or before) a Tourist visit, bring the experienceinto your home . While I am having coffee in my Home-office, I would love to see & hear what in happening in my favorite cafe in London, Bangkok and NY. 10. Coffee Bars are being replaced with Bakeries uTube of Huskisson Bakery to follow. 11. FulfillingCustomer Needs

  • Smart Phones & smart-notebooks?? WiFi

12. Link the product attributes to customer needs 13. Cost Analysis

  • Indicate the financial advantages for the customer

14. Compare quality and price with those of the competition 15. Strengths and Advantages

  • Summarize the special features and advantages of the product being introduced

16. Next Steps of Action

  • Explain the steps that now need to be taken