international biodeterioration bulletin vol 02 1966 - no 1.pdf · b. kimor the survey covers the...


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Vol, 2 SPRING 1966 No.1






Page 2: INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN Vol 02 1966 - No 1.pdf · B. Kimor The survey covers the types of vork and certain specific projects of the ... Wendet man den Elastizitatsmodul,


manufacturers of

mystox* for the preservatwn of

timber, textiles paper, cordage

plastics and specialised applications

* HlfJSlfiX is the registered trade mark of


HERTS., ENGLAND. Telephone: Welwyn Garden 24373/8

,_•, .~

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Page 3: INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN Vol 02 1966 - No 1.pdf · B. Kimor The survey covers the types of vork and certain specific projects of the ... Wendet man den Elastizitatsmodul,

Ahead with CIBA


Anti-rot Protection of cotton by

.[; Arigal

Page 4: INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN Vol 02 1966 - No 1.pdf · B. Kimor The survey covers the types of vork and certain specific projects of the ... Wendet man den Elastizitatsmodul,

Mildew and Rotting

Both can be effectively and permanently prevented by

'Arigal C Arigal PMP Suitable for cotton , jute and ramie

After a year's immersion in the Rhine or twenty weeks ' burial in soil - not a trace of deterioration on treated fibres.

Arigal also affords protection against actinic degradation , chemical corrosion , industrial pollution , exhaust fumes, seawater, maritime atmosphere, manure, etc.

C I BA Limited, Basle, Switzerland C I BA Clayton Limited , Manchester 11


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Vol. 2. Spring 1966





H. 0. W. Eggins, Aston in Birmingham, England

Editorial Board

G. Ayerst, Wolverhampton, England

G. Becker, Berlin, Germany I

D. G. Coursey, Accra, Ghana I

J. J. Elphick, Kew, England I

J. Garrido, Madrid, Spain

H. J. Hueck, Delft, Holland

A. Kaplan, Natick, U.S.A.

Y. LeGrand, Vert-le-Petit, France

B. J. Zyska, Katowice, Poland

Publication Editors

M. J. Pennella, Aston in Birmingham, England

T. Huddleston, Aston in Birmingham, England

No. 1.

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Contents and Summaries) ) in English

Notes to Contributors )


Table des matieres et r~SUillt!s) ) en Francais

Avis aux collaborateurs )


Inhalt und Zusammenfassungen) ) in Deutsch

Hinveise fur Beitrage )


Contenido y resrtmenes ) ) en Espanol

Apuntes para los contribuidores)













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I t

C 0 N T E N T ·s A N D S U M M A R I E S



The survey covers the types of vork and certain specific projects of the main institutes in Israel dealing vith the subject of biodeterioration of materials such as vood, textiles, plastics, leather and marine paints.


1 Page



Frost-killed Bermuda grass is associated vith photo-sensitisation and death of cattle. Samples of the frost-killed grass and pure cultures of fungi isolated from them have been examined for· toxicity using mice, vlthout any success.


In a first article of a series on the laboratory technique of biological test in the field of the biodeterioration of materials the general techniques used in the Central Laboratory TNO are discussed.



It is shown that the melamin resin Arigal C permanently protects cotton against cellulolytic microorganiams and increases its resistance to other factors such as solar light, seavater, bird droppings ~ some chemical products. The agent does not damage the cotton or change its mechanical properties.




Stiffness modulus measurement by torsion gives less scattered values than that of tensile strength and is easier, cheaper and requires the use of smaller specimens which are not destroyed after testing.





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The Editor is pleased to publish the £allowing list o£ current re£erences to work on biodeteriorationvhich have been collected by laboratories co-operating in the OECD scheme :Cor journal scanning. Similar lists will be published regularly in the Bulletin;


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L'article se rapports aux activit~s et ~ certains projets sp~cifiques des principaux instituts en Israel qui traitent le probl~e de biod~t~rioration des mat~riaux tels que bois, textiles, plastics, cuir et peintures maritimes.



Le chiendent provoque la photosensibilisation et la mort de b6tail. Des essais de toxicit~ ont ~t~ r~alis~s sans succ~s sur des souris ~ partir d 'E!chantillons de chiendent geM at de cultures puree de chsmpignons isol~s ~ partir de cas ~chantillons.


Dans un premier article sur des techniques de laboratoire utilhs6es pour les m~thodes biologiques dans le domains de la d~t~rioration biologique des mat~riaux, les techniques g6n~rales utilis~es au Laboratoire Central du TNO sont discut~es.



Il est d6montr~ que la ~sine de m~lamine Arigal C prot~ge le eaton d'une mani~re permanents centre les microorganismes cellulolytiques et augments sa r6sistance ~ d 1autres facteurs tels que la lumi~re solaire, 1 1eau de mer, la fiente d'oiseaux et certains produits chimiques. Ce produit n 1endommage pas le eaton et ne change pas des propri6t~s m6caniques.






La mesure du module de rigidit6 en torsion donne des valeurs mains dispers~es que la m~thode de r~sistance ~ la traction et ella est plus commode mains couteuse et n~cessite !•utilisation d'E!chantillons plus petits qui ne sent pas d6truits apr~s 1 1essai.


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DETERIORATION .BIOLOGIQUE DES MATERIAUX REPERrOIRE DE TITRES L'Editeur est heureux de publier une liste des xef~rences utiles pour

travailler sur la biod~t~rioration, qui ont ~t~ recusillies par lea .laboratoires co-op~rant dans le cadre de l'ECDE II ~tablissement du journal. Des listes similaires se;ront publi~es r~gulillrement dans le bulletin.


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Der Artikel umfasst"die Taetigkeit und verschiedene spezifische Projekte, mit denen sich die Hauptinstitute in Israel befassen, welche Problema der Schaedigung von Werkstoffen durch Organismen behandeln, wie von Holz, Textilien, plastiache Materialen, Leder und Schiffsfarben.





E£frorenes Bermuda Gras ist verbunden init Lichtemfindlichkeit und totet das Vieh. Erfrorenes Gras und Reinkulturen eines Pilzea, isoliert aus dam Gras, hat man .untersucht auf die Giftwirkung an M"ausen, aber ohne Erfolg.


In einem ersten Art.ikel in einer Serienbeschreibung der Laboratorium Arbeitsweise in biologischen Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der biologischen Zerst8rung von Material> die allgemeine, technische Arbeitsweise angewand im Central Laboratory TNO, wird beschrieben.

EXPERIMENTE MIT BIOLOGISCHEN UNTERSUCHUNGEN AUF DEM GEBEITE DER BIOLOGISCHEN 14 ZERSTdRUNG VON MATERIAL 2. Teil: Untersuchungen fur Schimmelpilze an Textilien H. J. Hueck, Miss M. Siebenhar and J. La Brijn


Es ist beweisen, dass Melamin Harz Arigal C gibt Baumwolle dauerhsften Schutz gegen Ze~lulose abbauende Kleinlebewesen; und es erhoht ihren Widerstand gegen andere Factoren zum Beispiel: Sonnenlicht, Seewasser, Vogeldung und einige chemische PI:odukte. Dieser Harz schadet der Baumwolle nicht und verllndert auch nicht ihre mechanischen Eigenschsften.


Wendet man den Elastizitatsmodul, den Verdrehungs modul als Mass an, so erhalt man bessere Resultate als bei der Anwendung der Biegungsfestigkeitsmethode, Es ist ebenso einfacher, billiger, und man gebraucht kleinere Exemplars, die nach dem Versuch nicht zerstort warden.


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BIOLOGISCRE ZERSTORUNG VON WERKSTOFFEN Mit besonderer Freude veroffentlicht der Herausgeber eine Liste mit

Literaturhinweisen aus Arbeiten Uber den Abbau durch Organismen, die von Laboratorian aufgestellt wurde, die :!.In Rahmen eines CiECD-Plans zur Durchsicht von Fachzeitschriften zusammenarbeiten, Ahnliche Listen warden regelmassig in diesem Bulletin veroffentlicht warden,


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El articulo se refiere a las actividadea y a ciertoa prcyectoa specfficoa de los prlncipales ins~itutos de Israel que tratan del problema de biodeterioraci6n de materia.:l,_es, tales como madera, textiles, pl!l:sticos, cuero y pinturas marinas.



La hierba de Bermuda matada per el bielo se asocia con la sensitizaci~n fotogrhl'ica y la muerte del ganado. Mue stras de la bierba matada per el hielo y cul turas puras de bongos sacadas de ellas han side examinadas para la toxicidad, empleando raton~s sin ~xito.


En el primer articulo de una serie sabre la t~cnica laboratoria de la prueba biol6gica en el campo de la biodeterioraci6n de los materiales se discuten la tecnicas generales empleadas en el Laboratorio Central TNO.

EXPERIENCIAS CON PR!JEBAS BIOWGICAS EN EL C:AMRl DE LA BIODETERIORACION DE LOS MATERIALES Parte 2. Pruebas del moho en los tejidos H. J. Hueck, Miss M. Siebenhar y J. La Brijn


Se muestra que la resina melamin Arigal C protege permanentemente el algodon contra los microorganismos celuloliticos y acrecienta au resistencia contra otros elementos tales como la luz del sol, el agua del mar, los excrementos de p!l:jaros y ciertos productos qufmicos. Este agente no dana el algodbn, tampoco cambia sus propiedades mecanincas.


La mensuraci6n del m6dulo de tiesura per la torai6n da resultados menos esparcidos que lade la resiatencia'de tensidn. Sa revela como m!l:s f!l:cil y m!l:s barata y necesita el empleo de muestras menos grandes y que no quedan destruidas despu~s de puestas a prueba


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' ' ' DETERIORACION BIOLOGICA DE LOS MATERIALES INDICE DE TITULOS El redactor tiene mucho gusto en publica~ una lista de referenciss actuales

a las obras sabre la biodetarioraci6n reunidas por los laboratories que han cooperado en el projecto de la OECD para el escudrino de las revistas. Listas parecidas se publicar!!n con regularidad en el bolet!n






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B. Kimor1

The industrial growth of Israel in recent years has made it imperative that more and more attention should be given to the problem of biodeterioration of materials in a country where the prevailing environmental conditions are only too favourable for the rapid development of biodeteriogens.

Along with agricultural research which directed quite a great deal of its scope and efforts to plant and livestock protection against various parasites, chiefly from among the fungi and insect pests, a vigorous line of research has also developed in connection with the control of the biodeterioration of materials.

This type of research, which by its very nature is of a highly applied characte~is carried out at a number of institutes throughout the country and is largely sponsored by Government or by professional and industrial bodies on a contract basis. In addition to that, most of these institutes perform a permanent service to interested parties in serving as consultants and advisers in the field of biodeterioration.

If the losses in the value of materials due to biodeterioration are considered as applying only to such finished products of economic importance as wood, textiles, piastics, leather, paper, paints and building materials, the following institutes are to be included as directly concerned in research and advisory work:-

1. The Institute for Fibres and Forest Products Research, Jerusalem

2. The Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa

3. The Standards Institution of Israel, Tel-Aviv

4. The Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa

5. The Paints Research Laboratory, Haifa.

The general organization of some of these institutes and the names of the scientists directly involved in biodeterioration studies are listed in the International Directory of biological deterioration research recently pUblished by the O.E.C.D. The following survey will deal therefore, with the problems and activities of these institutes, rather than with the organizational aspects, except in cases where the information has not been included in the above publication.

The Institute for Fibres and Forest Products Research in Jerusalem, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has a special section dealing with various aspects of biodeterioration studies. An item which stood high in the institute's activities in recent years has been the study of the decay resistance of fire-proof brominated wood, according to a method developed by Dr. M. Lewin, the Director of the

1. Sea Fisheries Research Station, Haifa, Israel.

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Institute, to wood-destroying fungi. The fungus used as a test organism for this purpose was Poria monticola Murr. The results of soil-test experiments carried out by Dr. Chaja Chabelska-Frydman, the scientist in charge of biodeterioration studies at the institute, showed that 4% lignin-combined bromine provides protection against the fungus. This study is extended now also to e~periments with additional fungus species.

At the same time, protection methods and control measures are developed at the institute for wood protection in general against fungi and insect pests with special emphasis on Lyctus bruneus. Among the most important work is a procedure developed at the institute for mothproofing of wool by the use of an emulsion of halogenated hydrocarbons based on dieldrin under the trade-name of 11Sivin 55". This substance once it is turned into solution by using an organic solvent and adequate dispersing agents, will enable the material to be uniformly applied to the wood surface. The results obtained have shown Sivin 55 to be a perfect mothproofing agent with no detrimental effects whatsoever, either to the handler or to the material itself.

Also in the field of textiles the institute has completed a study on the protection of jute bags from deterioration by microorganisms.

The routine work in the field of textiles includes, of course, ordinary resistance tests of ropes and other materials by the use of standard equipment.

A recent investigation initiated by the institute under the sponsorship of the National Council for Research and Development deals with the deterioration of leather by microorganisms. Both protective and preventive aspects of processed leather for shoe-soles are included in this research project. A survey of the myco-flora causing leather deterioration in the course of production processes preceded the actual experimental work carried out both in vivo and in vitro by using some of these leather-destroying fungi.

In addition to these specific problems, the institute operates an advisory technical service and undertakes testing for industrial firms, government departments and institutions.

A certain amount of work in the field of biodeterioration of materials is carried out by the Standards Institution of Israel (S.I.I.) in Tel-Aviv. This is a public, non-profit making self-supporting organisation which is the officially recognized body for the issue of Israel Standards in a number of fields of which those of textile, rubber and plastic products are of direct relevance to the subject of this article.

. While no actual research projects are undertaken at present, the Standards Institution has Eng. s. Nedler as scientist in charge of carrying out various assignments on behalf of the industries. These include problems of the prevention of rotting in texti.les, moth-proofing of textiles and surveys of mould attacks.

In the past, a special laboratory of the Standards Institution completed a study on the attack of plastic materials by rodents and cockroaches.

One of the chemical laboratories of the institute carries out occasional checks and analyses of the toxic and non-toxic ingredients of marine anti-fouling paints to be used on ships' hulls against fouling.

In Haifa, the Sanitary Engineering Laboratories which form part of the Civil Engineering Faculty of the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, have also carried out ill recent years some very important assignments in the field of biodeterioration of materials. One project dealt with the blocking of pipe-lines by an insect belonging to the order Trichoptera. The pupa of this insect secretes calcareous deposits and in the case investigated, the concretions formed were so thick that flow in the pipes was seriously impeded. Various insecticides were tested and the most successful found to be

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lindane. Ecological control measures (e.g. introduction of insect-larvae-feeding fish) were considered, but the success achieved with chemical measures rendered such action unnecessary.

The second problem investigated concerned corrosion of aviation gasoline in fuel tanks with a bottom layer of water. Corrosion was found to be caused by the sulphate­reducing bacterium Desulphovibrio desulfuricans. Of the numerous bacterial inhibitors examined in the laboratory tests with gasoline stored over Desulphovibrio cultures, the best results were obtained with methyl violet.

Both these investigations were carried out at the request of Israel Government Departments. It may be assumed that research.on other biodeterioration problems would be carried out in future on request by any interested bodies.

The laboratories themselves headed by Professor A. Vacha were established in 1956 with the help of the World Health Organization. They serve the triple function of an education, research and service unit. Research is performed by permanent staff members and by students pursuing studies for master's or doctor's degrees. In addition, research ptojects are carried out on behalf of outside bodies, both overseas and local, on request.

The permanent staff consists of the head of the laboratories, a microbiologist, chemical engineer, biologist, analytical chemist and three qualified technicians. The laboratories are equipped for teaching and research in basic areas of sanitary engineering and environmental sanitation, e.g. a pilot plant with hydraulic apparatus, incubators, centrifuges, research and student microscopes, respirometer and limnological equipment.

In the field of ship-fouling, the Sea Fisheries Research Station at Haifa, a Ministry of Agriculture establishment, affiliated with the Department of Fisheries, has been engaged for many years in the investigation of the resistance to fouling and corrosion of various underwater protective coatings. While the main line of research pursued by the special section of the institute dealing with marine fouling has been the biological aspects involved, such as growth rate and seasonal fluctuations in the settlement of fouling organisms, the scientist in charge, who is also the author of this article, has had the privilege of full assistance and co-operation of the local paint factories and of other scientists working in related fields, chiefly in paint chemistry and corrosion research.

A number of antifouling and anticorrosive protective paints for ships' hulls are now manufactured and marketed by the local paint manufacturers and have proved successful in their performance at sea confirming the results of tests carried out on the rafts used by the Sea Fisheries Research Station, both in Haifa and Kishon Harbours, in co-operation with the Chemical Department of the Israel Navy. The newest addition to the raft-fleet employed for this purpose is an all-plastic raft 5 x 5m. capable of supporting 86 test panels at the standard two depth-levels of 0·5 and 1·5m. Work in this field is carried out in conjunction and in co-operation with the International Co-operative Research Program of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (O.E.C.D.).

While the Sea Fisheries Research Station is chiefly concerned with the performance of underwater protective paints at sea and with all the pertinent biological aspects, the Paints Research Laboratory sponsored by the Paint Manufacturers' Organization and situated in the Technion City Campus on Mount Carmel deals primarily with the technological aspects of production of the paints themselves. It also carries out some raft tests in Haifa Harbour with less emphasis on the biological aspects and with more stress on the assessment of resistance to marine organisms and corrosion.

It may also be mentioned that in the past the Sea Fisheries Research Station with the co-operation of the Scientific Department of the Ministry of Defence has carried out a testing programme based on experimental work on the preservation of fishing nets made of

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natural fibres against deterioration bw cellulose-decomposing bacteria. With the introduction of synthetic materials, however, which largely replaced the former types of nets, the tanning of the fishing nets with various cutch products or their impregnation with copper naphthenate has become unnecessary and the routine precaution of rinsing the net~ after use is adequate.

In summing up, it may be stated that in spite of the serious efforts already made in the field of biodeterioration research, the growing needs from many quarters for additional work in this field to encompass more and more types of materials make it imperative for the institutes and scientists concerned to expand their activities and existing facilities.


T~e author wishes to express his thanks and appreciation to the following scientists who provided him with essential information and data from their own institutes when preparing this survey:-

Dr. Chaja Chabelska-Frydman, Institute for Fibres and Forest Products Research, Jerusalem. Mr, Vered, The Standards Institution of Israel, Tel-Aviv, and Mr. B. Sless, the Sanitary Engineering Laboratories, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.

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1 M. 0, Moss

As the scientific method is applied to the problems of food shortage we are becoming ever more aware of the possible role of fungal contamination of feeding stuffs in animal husbandry, Such contamination may lead to deterioration of the nutritive value, loss of palatability or the production of toxins in the food materiaL An interesting example of this last situation was reported in some detail by Kidder, Beardsley and Erwin, ( 1961). Cattle suffered· a condition of photosensitization following the consumption of green forage mixed with dead Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon) heavily contaminated with fungi after frost damage. The visible symptoms of disease are due to excess photosensitizing break-down products of chlorophyll in the blood as a result of an inability to excrete these compounds because of damage to the liver. The disease is thus primarily an hepatotoxicosis and follows very closely the course of sheep Facial Eczema, a toxicosis associated with grass contaminated with Pithomyces chertarum examined by workers in New Zealand, Kidder, Beardsley and Erwin considered that a particular species of fungus, Periconia minutissima,. was responsible for the toxicosis. Mr. Kidder kindly provided us with samples of frost-damaged Bermuda grass contaminated with fungi.

An examination of the samples resulted in the isolation of cultures of the following fungi:-

Periconia minutissima*

Curvularia intermedia*

Curvularia geniculata"

Helminthosporium cynodontis*

Pithomyces sacchari*

Epicoccum purpurascens*

Cladosporium sp.

Alternaria sp,

Leptosphaerulina trifolii+

Aspergillus sp. (Amstelodami series)

Nigrospora sp.

* Identified by Dr. M. B. Ellis) . ) at the Commonwealth Mycolog~cal + Identified by Dr, C. Booth ) Institute, Kew, Surrey

1, Tropical Products Institute, 56/62 Gray's Inn Road, London, W,C,1., England,

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The isolated fungi were grown in liquid culture, using Czapek-Dox and Raulin-Thom media, sampled at approximate:cy week:cy intervals and both the culture fluid and mycelium tested separate:cy for acute oral toxicity in mice. The mycelium was dried, ground and resuspended in distilled water to give a suspension of 1g/10ml. The culture fluids were adjusted to pH 6-7 and concentrated under reduced pressure to approximately '\Aoth of their original volume.

Indications of acute toxicity were obtained on:cy in the case of Helminthosporium cynodontis and it was possible to demonstrate fairly consistent, though marginal, chronic toxicity on:cy in the case of the mycelium grown on Czapek-Dox medium. Post-mortem examination of mice fed Qn such mycelium showed diminished anaemic spleens and slightly granular livers.

The writer is very conscious of the limited nature of these initial investigations. It is necessary to be able to demonstrate the toxicity of the contaminated grass in the laboratory before extending the investigations on isolated moulds; however, the isolation of a wide range of fungi from Cynodon dactylon would indicate that it is necessary to view the choice of Periconia minutissima as the toxic agent with an open mind, although it must be admitted that circumstantial evidence is in favour of such a choice in connection with the disease in cattle.

A fresh sample of Bermuda grass was received from Mr. Kidder in March of this year and tested for chronic toxicity in mice. It proved to be atoxic despite extensive fungal contamination and extended chronic testing. The grass was administered orally as a fine 10% aqueous suspension in doses of 0•4ml. per mouse every two days for twenty days.

It would seem high:cy probable then that the failure to demonstrate any toxicity associated with Bermuda grass or any moulds isolated from it may -be due to the fact that testing is limited to mice.

Closer examination of the toxicity of sporidesmin, the toxin produced by Pithomyces chartarum and probab:cy mainly responsible for Facial Eczema in sheep, shows it to be virtually atoxic to mice when administered intraperitoneally at 10mg/kg dosage.

The New Zealand workers found that guinea pigs (Thornton and Percival, 1959) and rabbits (Worker and Dodd, 196o) were sensitive to sporidesmin but early work indicated that rats were unaffected. However it has since been shown by Slater, Strauli and Sawyer (1964) that rats are sensitive in a qualitative:cy different manner to higher doses of sporidesmin.

Although the mouse is by far the cheapest and most convenient animal for laboratory testing it is so often atypical in its response to specific toxins that it is necessary to extend the range of an~s in any further work on Bermuda grass toxicosis.

The author would like to acknowledge the help of Miss M. Peck for carrying out the animal tests.


Kidder, R. W., Beardsley, D. W. & Erwin, T. C. (1961). Bull. 630 Florida Agric. Exptl. Sta. Photosensitization in cattle grazing Frosted Common Bermuda grass.

Slater, T. F., Strauli, U. D. & Sawyer, B. (1964). Res. vet. Sci., :i• 450. Sporidesmin poisoning in the rat.

Thornton, R. H. & Percival, J. C. (1959). Nature. Lond., 1§2, 63. A Hepatotoxin from Sporidesmium bakeri capable of producing Facial Eczema Diseases in Sheep.

Worker, N. A. & Dodd, D. C. (1960), N.Z. Jl. agric. Res., ~ 712.

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H. J, Hueck and J, La Brijn1

A wide array of tests pertaining to the biodeterioration of materials is currently used in our laboratory. They serve a dual purpose; on the one hand routine testa on industrial samples are carried out for purposes of acceptance and control and on the other hand the same or similar tests are used in our research, programme aimed· at developing new methods of control of biodeterioration. Our routine methods heve been adopted mainly on the basis of existing descriptions in the literature. Since the acceptance of certain specified military goods depends, among other things, on some of these tests, our laboratory-methods are published (in Dutch) under the common denomination of Vitno-Bio-tests (Hueck, 1958). As such they heve gained a. semi-official status, no other standardized methods being available in the Netherlands in this field of research.

Much of our work is published only in private reports and cannot be made available. The general experience gained with these tests coupled with a certain amount of background research on them, however, may be of interest to others engaged in investigations of the same nature. We thererore propose to dedicate a series of publications to the different aspects of our biological testa. These comprise tests with fungi, bacteria, algae, insects and rodents on all types of vulnerable materials with the exception of wood. This latter material is handled by our colleagues in the Wood Research Instituut TNO.

Furthermore we have to distinguish tests with finished products such as rot-proofed cotton and "in vitro" tests with biocidal agents.

A common feature of our test procedures is that we are used to handling large aeries of samples up to several thousands in one run, This calls for certain organizational measures to facilitate our work.

In this introductory article we wish to describe the laboratory gadgets and apparatus used by us, which enable us to cope with procedures involving such large numbers of samples. In future articles specific biological tests will be analyzed.


In handling large numbers of specimens it makes a difference whether they arrive in a stea:dy flow or as peaks on an otherwise low level. Our laboratory suffers from the last characteristic, Because of this we must make use of the quiet intervals to be prepared for the demand of the peaks in our work. One of the minor problems in this respect is the storage of measured quantities of cultural media, Most of our tests are carried out in Petri-dishes. Usual laboratory practice is thet sufficient medium, prepared in culture tubes, is poured aseptically in heat-sterilized dishes,

1. Centraal Laboratorium TNO, Delft, Holland.

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In our exper1ence these cotton plugged culture tubes were not suitable for storage over long periods because o£ evaporation. We therefore turned to small vials as used in the pharmaceutical industry for injection-fluids ("Penicillin bottles").

These small v:i,als have rubber stoppers and alliminium capsules for closure. They may be sterilized and are eminently suitable for longer storage periods. These vials are available in dilferent sizes. We mainly use the 30ml size in which 20ml of medium is pipet ted.

It was found convenient in the preparation of larger quantities o£ these vials to make use of automatic pipetting·devices. We are using both a fully automatic one (Stuers, Denmark, but others exist) (photo 1) and an inexpensive hand operated semi-automatic device (Pieterman, Schiedam, The Netherlands). Both apparatus can be sterilized if need be, Since, however, the storage vials themselves may be sterilized this is hardly ever necessary.

The aluminium capsules are closed over the rubber stoppers with a sealing-apparatus provided by the £urnisher of the capsules~ which, in our case, is the firm Dr, Francke & Co, K.G., Ludenscheid, Germany (photo 2;. A critical point in this set up lies in the rubber stoppers. Rubber sometimes contains biocides such as tetra methyl thiuram disulfide, a strong fungicide used as an accelerator in the vulcanization process, If the stoppers come into contact with the medium, sufficient of the biocide may be leached out of the stopper to impair the growth of microorganisms on it (photo 3). The toxic nature of some stoppers was also checked by filling the vials with a culture fluid containing about 1000 Staphylococcus aureus cells per ml.

After shaking with dilferent stoppers, plate counts were made, We £ound on an average:

cotton plugs 980

rubber stopper A 630

rubber stopper B 410


Stoppers of synthetic rubber are more suitable, Hellevoetsluis, The Netherlands) which does not two assistants can easily prepare 1000 units of

We now use the brand Vulkollan (Helwet, show the phenomenon, With this equipment sterilized media a day.

The vials may be re-used, as well as the rubber stoppers. It depends, however, on the cost of labour and the efficiency of cleaning whether throwing away should be contemplated, In our laboratory the balance is as follows:

If the vials and stopl"'rs are discarded our costs per unit amount to

1 vial

1 rubber stopper

11-luminium cap

f 0,050


-0, 011

If the visls are cleaned, we must allow for time and overhead. Cleaning 1000 units then costs aboutJ"90,--. Thus we find

cleaning costs of 1 vial J' 0, 090

aluminium cap -0,011

cost ./0,101

total cost -/0,109

These are not total costs as we must allow for depreciation of the vials because of breakage and a limited lile of the stoppers on repeated sterilization, A margin between discarding and cleaning exists ofJ'0,109- /0,101; J'o,008, At a cost of/0,098 for vial and stopper,

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this means that they have to be re-used 13 times before cleaning is cheaper.

There is, however, retaining the stoppers. units is about/10,--.

also a middle way, which consist~ of discarding The latter can be cleaned in a mass procedure.

We then arrive at the following costs:

1 vial (discarded)

1 rubber stopper cleaned

depreciation of 1 rubber stopper, based on 10 fold use

al~ium cap

total cost

!o, 050




.f o, 0758

the bottles and The costs per 1000

Apparently the sensible thing to do, in laboratories witq htgh labour costs, is to throw away the vials and re-use the rubber stoppers. This is O\li' \i§ual practice. Admittedly such rigid economics goes against the grain with our laboratory assistants who hesitate to throw away t~gs that can be re-used. ····

Apart from Petri-dishes, a number of culture-tubes is used, mainly for maintaining the strains of our test-organiams. Providing these tubes wii;h 0.9.-t;ton plugs is a time consuming job. We were lucky to find a laboratory apparatus (Wat. 0, M~t., from Erosette, ·Beekbergen, The Netherlands) (photo 4) which plugs tubes with cotton to our satisfaction. Type S of this apparatus is also able to plug tubes already filled witll culture-fluids. Other brands exist. In our practice we found this machine very convenient.

Autoclaving is carried out with 2 autoclaves with simple programming, which means that sterilization time is controlled by a time-switch working on the electric heating. The apparatus signals when sterilization is finished. This simple device costing about !500,-­saves much time of the attending personnel. More elaborate automation is possible, but the need was not felt in our circumstances.


Though we culture a rather wide range of test organiams, including aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, fungi, algae, storage-insects and rodents we feel that we have made no substantial contributions in the handling of them. We generally stick to standard methods. In the field of the culturing of algae we want to put on record the very convenient space-saving device for the storage of algal cultures we adopted from the laboratory of Prof. G. E. Fogg of London University, which device deserves a wider usage. The problem with these cultures is that they must be illuminated. This is elegantly solved by constructing a revolving platform around a vertical fluorescent tube as the axis. Culture tubes are clipped on the outside of this "mill" (photo 5). In this way we contain 240 culture tubes, evenly illuminated, on the limited floor space of 50 x 50 em.

Many laboratories wrap Petri-dishes containing heavily sporulating fungal cultures, which are to be: kept over long periods (weeks), in paper to minimize contamination. If such cultures have to be inspected regulariy the unwrapping of the P'J'per is a tedious and time consuming activity.

We therefore wrap these Petri-dishes· in a brand of cellophane that can withstand dry sterilization (4 hr. at 1600C) with only a light browning (furnished by U.C.D., Ghent, Belgium). This enables us to inspect these dishes without unwrapping them.

It is well-known that cellophane is rather permeable to both oxygen and water vapour so

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that these wrappings are only of little help in the problem of drying out of the cultures which manifests itself after 3-6 weeks in our Petri-dishes. We found that polyethylene foil (0,03 mm thickness) may be of help, here, It is sufficiently permeable to oxygen to allow a vigorous growth of fungi, whereas evaporation of water is efficiently inhibited, The drawback is that this foil only st~s careful wet-sterilization at 120°C.


A frequently occurring prbbrem in our field of work is that a great number of samples of uniform size has to be prepared from different materials. We found a press with exchangeable knives very convenient if material in sheets is to be handled. We use stamps for circular, square, oblong and halter shaped patterns such as are used for the determination of tensile strength of rubber and plastics. SUch presses are available in the rubber industry. Ours was obtained from Fontyne Ltd., Schiedam, The Netherlands.

If tensile strength of cotton is to be determined, this pattern press is of no use, Ravelled strips are necessary for this purpose. The ravelling is a tedious activity for which some (brilliant) gadget would be very welcome indeed. A partial solution for this problem is the use of a standard fabric with coloured threads according to Shapiro (1956).

In our experience this is a great help in experiments where treatments of this fabric are to be tested, One laboratory assistant can prepare approximately 50 strips per hour of this fabric, whereas he can prepare only approximately 25 strips per hour of ordinary fabric which is to be dimensioned qy counting threads,

There are slight indications that the coloured threads may be more resistant to rotting and mildewing than the blank ones, Rotted pieces of fabric sometimes are held together by the coloured threads only. No inhibitory activity of the coloured threads could be found in Warburg tests. Nevertheless it appears to be advisable to use in the future only undyed threads, distinguishing themselves by texture only as suggested and used by A. M. Kaplan (personal communication).

In the above we have given an outline of some general features of our laboratory set-up which appear to us to be characteristic. In future articles specific test procedures will be discussed.


1. Hueck, H. J. (1958) Voorschriften voor de biologische beproeving van textiel en andere materialen. Report Central Laboratory TNO, CL 58/9, 1-79.

2. Shapiro, S. (1956) A fabric designed for rapid preparation of uniform ravelled test specimens. Text. Res. J, 1 g§_, 620-621.


In a first article of a series on tne laboratory technique of biological test in the field of the biodeterioration of materials the general techniques used in the Central Laboratory TNO are discussed.

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Photo 1.

Automat ic pipetting device used for filling vials with culture medium.

Photo 2.

Capsulating machine for vials with culture medium.

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Photo J.

Bacteriostatical effect of rubber stoppers on Staphylococcus aureus .

Photo 4.

Machine for plugging cotton on culture tubes . Note the sloping position which allows filled tubes to be handled ,

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Photo 5.

A standard for the storage of algal cultures according to Fogg .

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H. J. Hueck, Miss M. Siebenher and J. La Brijn1

For the evaluation of the rotproofness of textiles a number of different types of tests exist (cf. Hueck-van der Pla~, 1965). In the present publication some aspects of the tests with pure cultures of fungi as used in our laboratory'will be considered. Three tests are mainly put into practice, viz.:

( 1) Vitno Bio A 4, a pure culture test with a defined inoculum in which the test specimen is directly inoculated with the test organism and is incubated on a synthetic medium without an additional source of carbon; designated according to the classification of Hueck-van der Plas (ibid).

(2) Vitno Bio A J, a pure culture test with a defined inoculum in which the test specimen is laid out on a previously prepared mycelial mat and is incubated on a synthetic medium containing cellulose as a homologous source of carbon; designated according to classification of Hueck-van der Plas (ibid).

(3) Vitno Bio A 7, a pure culture test with a defined inoculum in which the test specimen is laid out on a previously prepared mycelial mat and is incubated on a synthetic medium containing sugar as a heterologous source of carbon; designated according to the classificati~n of Hueck-van der Plas (ibid).

Further characteristics of the tests are that in Vitno Bio A 4 sterilized test specimens are used, whereas sterilization is not necessary in the mycelial mat tests. The result is expressed in both Vitno Bio A 3 and A 4 as the change in tensile strength in comparison with a blank, whereas Vitno Bio A 7, which test aims at judging the possibility of the test specimens becoming ~vergrown, is only evaluated visually.

Test organisms are: Chaetomium globosum in Vitno Bio A 3andA4

Myrothecium verrucaria in Vitno Bio A 3 Trichoderma viride in Vitno Bio A 3

Aspergillus niger in Vitno Bio A 7

Full descriptions of the test methods at the moment are only available in Dutch, (Hueck, 1958). Comparable descriptions, however, can be found in the following specifications which are identical to a large extent. Vitno Bio A 3 agrees with ASTM D 684-45T; it differs in using 3 separate test organisms instead of only one. DIN Vornorm 53932 is also related; it differs in using a much shorter period of preparation of the mycelial mat. Vitno Bio A 4 agrees with Federal Standard Stock Catalogue CCC-T-191b method 5750. Vitno Bio A 7 is adapted from U.S. Specification MIL-I-2435 "Fungus resistance test".

1. Centraal Laboratorium TNO, Delft, Holland.

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A critical comparison of DIN 53932 with other methods has been offered by Hausam and Rupp (1958, 1959, 1960). They are of the opinion that direct inoculation of the test specimen is to be preferred over a mycelial mat method, because in the latter case the preformation of the enzyme cellulase, already produced in the mycelial mat, may damage the test specimen before the fungicidal treatment may have taken effect, thus producing false negative results. Furthennore, they bold direct inoculation to represent better the "natural conditions of attack". The latter argument lacks definition since it is well-known that textiles are exposed to microbial attac~ in a multitude of conditions which we may not expect to be able to reproduce by one single method. As to the prefonned cellulase it may be said that the qualitative existence of it has been proved by Hausam and Rupp (ibid). The actual quantitative effect of this prefonned cellulase, however, can only be guessed. A loss of 5, 11, and 15% strength found by these authors on treated test samples submerged in the concentrated enzyme of the full mycelial mat is not impressive taking into account that in the actual test the contact of the test specimen with the mycelial mat is only superficial.

In our laboratory we use these tests together because we feel that they serve different purposes. Acceptance testing of rotproofed samples with specified characteristics is mainly carried out with A 4 allowing a rapid establishment of the presence of a rotproofing treatment. Perfonnance testing of new materials or new rotproofing treatments is carried out with a wide array of tests including A 3.

Its main advantage is that the samples do not have to be sterilized. Furthennore, we are of the opinion that the inhibition of vegetative growth of mycelium may be another process apart from the inhibition of spore germination which is a feature of Vitno Bio A 4. Method A 7 only serves as a rapid test for the establishment of the presence of toxic substances. A comparative evaluation of these tests should include a comperision with soil burial tests and weathering tests. Moreover, data on practical perfonnance of the materials under test should be taken into account. Such a vast programme is underway in our laboratory, but it cannot yet be reported upon. In this publication of a more limited scope, we wish to draw the attention to some features of these mildew tests which influence the actual test procedure in the laboratory. As such we want to present some experiences with the sterilization of test specimens, and the influence of the age and size of the inoculum. In a continuation of this publication, the composition of the medium and the growth characteristics of the fungi will be discussed.


Cotton fabric of about 200 g/m2 both unsterilized a~ wet sterilized in the autoclave at 120°C for 20 minutes was used in a mycelial mat test. Tensile strength was detennined 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 days after incuabation on the usual mycelial mat of method Vitno Bio A 3. The results were suitable for mathematical transformation according to the fonnula

logY= b log ,f (Hueck, 1960)

where: A= initial strength of the test fabric

S = residual strength

b = tan a = a constant detennining slope of the curve

T = half-life period = time t at which residual strength = 50%

(cf. Hueck and van der Toorn, 1965).

Results expressed in half-life period and slope are shown in Table 1.

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Table 1.

Breakdown constants of sterilized and unsterilized cotton.

not sterilized sterilized

Fungus half-life )eriod slope half -life period slope

(days (tan a) (days) (tan a:)

Myrothecium verrucaria 2·5 1 • 5 3·6 1·7

Chaetomium globosum 4·2 1· 5 4·7 3·9

Trichoderma viride 2·4 1·3 6·3 1·4

Apparently, the effect of sterilization is mainly a delay in the initiation of the breakdown, Only in the case of C. globosum does the slope become steeper after sterilization.

In a second experiment using M. verrucaria, a comparison was made of the influence of dry and wet sterilization at 120 C for 20 minutes, and formaldehyde sterilization, accomplished by soaking for 8 hours in formaldehyde 4% aqueous solution, rinsing and evaporation of the formaldehyde for 24 hours at 1ooDC. Tensile strength was determined after 0, 2, 4 and 8 days incubation on mycelial mats. Results in Table 2.

Table 2.

Tensile strength of cotton sterilized in different ways under influence of attack by Myrothecium verrucaria.

tensile strength (kg/em) after t days treatment (sterilization) t = 0 t = 2 t = 4 t = 8

untreated 24·0 19·1 4·3 4•4

1200C-20 1 -wet 21·7 24·1 9·2 5•9

120°C-20 I -dry 24•6 18·7 7·0 5·3

formaldehyde 21·3 24·0 24·5 20•0 .

It is apparent from this table that the (limited) application of dry heat does not influence the rate of breakdown, whereas the same temperature applied in an autoclave, wetting the test specimens, indeed gives rise to the delay of the breakdown-process es shown above. The formaldehyde apparently was not eliminated by the after-treatment, It shows, however, that a wet treatment gives rise to a decrease in tensile strength which after some days is regained. It must be remarked that tensile strengths were determined after the

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usual conditioning of 24 hours at 20°C and 65% R.H. The vhole suggests that the influence of vet sterilization is mainly a physical phenomenon coupled vith the svelling of the fibres in the fabric. Why this phenomenon should counteract fungal attack is not clear since it is vell-knovn that imbibition of the cellulosic fibres is a necessar.y preliminary stage in cellulolytic breakdovn,


In mycelial mat tests tvo stages must be distinguished in the inoculation, First of all, the test medium is inoculated, When the test medium is overgrovn the mycelial mat thus acquired is used for inoculation by placing the test specimen on it, In both stages age of the inoculating fungus may be supposed to influence the test, In order to check this, Chaetomium globosum vas used in a Vitno Bio A 3 test varying the age· of both stages from 1 to 4 veeks, Residual strength of strips of untreated cotton vas estimated after 7 days and of strips of the same cotton impregnated vith 1% pentachlorophenol laurate (LPCP) after 2 veeks. Results are shovn in Tables 3 and 4. The experiment vas carried out with 10 replicates ,

Table 3.

Influence of the age of the inoculum on breakdown of untreated cotton estimated as residual strength (%) after 7 days incubation.

age of inoculum of test medium age of mycelial mat sum

1 veek 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 veeks

1 week 18 15 10 16 59

2 weeks 16 14 9 10 49

3 veeks 29 14 11 15 69

4 weeks 25 17 13 23 78

Sum 88 60 43 64 255

The coefficient of variation in the experiment was rather high (about 20%).

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Table 4.

Influence of the age of the inoculum on breakdown of cotton impregnated with 1% LPGP as residual strength (%) after 2 weeks incubation.

age of inoculum of test medium age of mycelial mat sum

1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks

1 week 44 51 50 61 2o6

2 weeks 77 84 80 77 318

3 weeks 75 83 87 98 343

4 weeks 96 93 97 84 370

Sum 292 311 314 320 1237

The coefficient of variation in this experiment was about 10%.

It is apparent from these tables that in the LPCP treated fabric a definite case exists for the use of a young mycelial mat. The aggressivity decreases with the age of the mycelial mat, The age of the inoculum of the medium does not seem to matter much,

With the untreated fabric the influence of age is less clear cut. It must be pointed out, however, thst apparently this experiment was terminated in a later stage of the sigmoid breakdown curve (cf. Graph 1 ), whereas the LPCP treated strips were harvested early in the initial stages of breakdown,

In later stages any differences, if present, are levelled off, This fact coupled with the large variation may have given rise to the present results which does not indicate a major influence of the age of the inoculum either of the medium or the mycelial mat, on blank fabric. At any rate we are led to the conclusion thst standardization of the age of the mycelial mat is desirable, because of the significant influence shown in Table 4. In our laboratory we hsve chosen to use 1 week old inocula and 1 week old mycelial mats,

The influence of the size of the inoculum was studied in experiments with method Vitno Bio A 4 which involves direct inoculation on the test specimen,

In~ preliminary experiment inocula of Chsetomium globosum containing between 6·101

and 6•10 spores/ml were investigated, The breakdown curves obtained with untreated cotton could be analyzed according to the formula given in Paragraph 2. The breakdown constants are shown in Table 5.

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Table 5.

Breakdown constants of cotton fabric inoculated with different concentrations of a spore suspension of Chaetomium globosum.

concentration of inoculum half -life period slope (days) (tanct)

6•10 spores/ml 4•6 3•3

6•102 II 4•2 2'9

6·1o3 II 4'1 3'1

6'1o4 II 3·7 2•7

6·105 II 3·2 2•3

From this table it is apparent that the half-life period decreases with increasing spore concentration, Somewhat contrary to expectations we find a slight decrease in slope with increasing spore concentration. With higher spore concentrations, therefore, breakdown starts earlier but at a slightly slower rate of breakdown, We may imagine that a certain amount of cellulase must be produced before cellulolytic breakdown becomes apparent, With the greater mass of spores this point is reached earlier than with a dilute inoculum, It may be that the older mycelia produce cellulase somewhat faster than younger mycelia (cellulase is an adaptive enzyme), which would explain the above result.

In a further experiment with concentrations up to 107 spores/ml (Graph 1) of Kyrothecium verrucaria, it was found that the effect was still present in this range and with this fungus too, but apparently becomes less important over 105 spores/ml. The graph furthermore shows the levelling off of the differences when breakdown progresses, This is an indication that care should be taken to investigate such phenomena only at the proper level of breakdown, e,g, in the neighbourhood of 50%. Because of such experiences we prefer at the moment to estimate several points of the breakdown curve whenever feasible.

The effect of the concentration of the inoculum is also present with rotproofed cotton as borne out by Table 6,

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Table 6.

Residual strength of cotton :ilnpregnated with different concentrations of DDM after 14 days incubation with inocula of different concentration ( Chaetomium globe sum).

concentration of inoculum, concentration DDM (%)

spores/ml 0 0·1 0•3 • 1·0

105 6 102 97 104

3"1 o5 4 86 99 107

107 3 76 94 105

It can be seen from this table that only borderline concentrations of the fungicide show up the influence of the concentration of the inoculum. In well protected and unprotected fabrics the effect is not recognizable in the usual test which prescribes only one determination of strength after 14 days' incubation. For acceptance testing this factor, therefore, is not very :ilnportant. If the test is used for the evaluation of performance of rotproofed textiles, a rigorous standardization of the inoculum apparently is desirable.


1. Hueck-van der Pla~, E. H. (1965) A survey of biological test methods for materials. Int. Biodet. Bull., ,1 (2), (38-45).

2. Hueck, H. J. (1958) Voorschriften voor de biologische beproeving van textiel en andere materialen. Rapport CL 58/9, p. 1-79.

3. Reusam, W. & Rupp, R. (1958) Die Ausrustung von Textilien mit Konservierungamittel und Impragnierungamitteln und ihre zweckmassige Prufung gegenuber zelluloseangreifenden Mikroben. Melliand Text Bar., .22. (4), 429-433.

4. Hausam, W. & Rupp, R. (1959) Idem 2. Mitteilung. Melliand Text Ber., l.Q (6), 653-660.

5. Hausam, W. (1960) Idem 4. Mitteilung. Melliand Text Ber., ~ (12), 1563-1569.

6. Hueck, H. J. (1960) An analysis of the soil burial test. Free. of the IIIrd Int. Congr. Crop Protection, Hamburg 1957, Braunschweig, 1960, g, 1773-1776.

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J. C. Ginnochio 1

En la destrucci6n de los hilados y tejidos de algod6n expuestos a la intemperie, tanto en la costa como sabre los barcos, intervienen aislada o simultruneamente diversos factores, los cuales podemos clasificar en tres grupos: microbioldgicos, fotoquimicos y quimicos.

La putrefaccidn del algod6n se debe a los microorganismos celul!ticos, es decir a las bacterias y hongos capaces de destru!r la celulosa. El problema de la putrefaccidn de los productos textiles de esta fibra celuldsica se ha tratado de resolver empleando productos que destruyen los microbios o que detienen su propagacidn. Si bien estes preparados fungicidas y bactericidas logran en un principia su propdsito, su permanencia y par consiguiente su efecto son muy·limitados. Estes productos no protegen al algoddn contra la acci6n destructors de otros elementos propios de un ambients mar!timo, como par ejemplo, la luz solar, el ague de mar, el aire marino, las deyecciones de los p~jaros, productos qu!micos en general, etc. Ailil ~s, existen fungicidas y bactericidas, como veremos ~s adelante, que aceleran la deterioraci6n del algod6n par la acci6n de la luz solar.

La CIBA Sociedad An6nima, Basilea, ha efectuado durante muchos anos trabajos de investigacidn sabre la preservacidn del algoddn y fibras similares contra el ataque de los microorganismos y la acci6n corrosiva de ciertos productos qu!micos. Contrariamente a la proteccidn insuficiente que otorgan los agentes bactericidas y fungicidas a los hilados y tejidos expuestos a la intemperie, la CIBA ha desarrollado el ARIGAL C, producto que, aplicado madiante un procedimiento especial patentado par esa firma, evita que el algoddn sea destru!do par las bacterias y hongos celul!ticos, aumentando al mismo tiempo la resistencia de la fibra contra otros·factores que intervienen en su deterioraci6n. Un acabado con el Arigal C es permanents y no cambia pr~cticamente las propiedades mecrunicas del algoddn, su capacidad de hinchamiento, su permeabilidad y otras caracter!sticas ventajosas de esta fibra. Un tratamiento con el Arigal C es f~cil de efectuar y se puede realizar en cualquier f~rica de acabados.

La proteccidn permanents contra la putrefaccidn en un ambiente mar!timo tiene una gran importancia en Espana, un pa!s algodonero con un literal muy extenso. Aproximadamente 75% de la demanda de la industria textil algodonera de Espana se satisface con algod6n cosechado en los campos de esa nacidn. Sin embargo, esta importante industria espanola se ve muchas veces en la necesidad de competir en ciertos sectores del mercado textil contra las fibras resistentes a .la acci6n destructors de los microorganismos. Esto da lugar a que firmas algodoneras estudien la posibilidad de reemplazar su materia prima usual per fibras sinteticas, a pesar de que los productos textiles de estas Ultimas fibras presenten desventajas de otra indole y que tengan un precio ~s elevado que en el case de hilados y tejidos de algoddn.

Un acabado permanents antipdtrido del algoddn y fibras similares asume una importancia incontrastable, si se tiene en cuenta la elevada p~rdida econdmica que ocasiona la putrefaccidn prematura de los hilados y tejidos de fibras celuldsicas. Segilil el Comit~ Nacional Espanol de la Deterioracidn de Materiales, presents en la lera. Reuni6n del Comit~ Internacional respective de la OECD en Par!s (Mayo 1963), se calcula que en Espana se viene

1. Ciba S, A., Basilea, SUiza.

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perdiendo en los Ult:imos aiios la swna de aprox:imadamente 222 millones de pesetas anuales a causa de la putrefacci6n de los productos arriba mencionados. En los paises de la OECD se calcula una p~rdida de 500-1000 millones de ddlares debido a la destruccidn-producida por los microorganismos-de materiales sensibles a au accidn corruptors.

Estamos seguros que en Espana - como en otros estados - gran parte de los gastos ocasionados por la putrefaccidn de los hilados y tejidos de algoddn es soportada por las Fuerzas Armadas, ferrocarriles y otras oficinas estatales, que son grandes consumidores de articulos de algoddn.


La aplicacidn del Arigal C se efectUa en cinco etapas:

a) Preparacidn del bruno b) Impregnacidn de los hilados o tej.idos c) Condensacidn en hdmedo del Arigal C d) Lavado posterior e) Secado

El Arigal C es una resina melaminica f!!cilmente soluble en ague. La preparacidn del baiio consiste en disolver el Arigal C en ague a aprox:imadamente 80°0, completar al volumen requerido con ague fria y finalmente agregar el catalizador. La :impregnacidn de los tejidos se efectUa generalmente en un foulard y la de los hilados en un aparato de bobinas. Se trata de llevar a la fibra 7-12% de Arigal C calculados sabre su peso seco. La condensacidn o fijacidn en hrumedo consiste en pol:imerizar la resina cuando la fibra est!! hinchada, es decir ann hdmeda con el baiio de Arigal. Esta condensacidn se puede efectuar a la temperatura ambients, es decir sin ningdn aparato o maguinaria especial, como tambi~ en un Pad-Roll, en una vaporizadora o en una crunara caliente. El lavado posterior consiste en someter a los hilados

· o tejidos a la accidn de una solucidn hirviente de 1-2 g/1 de carbonate s6dico durante 10 minutes, para luego enjuagar a fonda. Finalmente se realize el secado de la mercaderia tratada en forma normal.

De la descripcidn anterior se puede deducir que la aplicacidn del Arigal C es f!!cil de realizer, no demanda maquinaria especial y por consiguiente puede efectuarse en cualquier firma de acabados.


Muchos son los articulos de algoddn que encuentran aplicacidn en las actividades marit:imas. Entre estes ]:ddemos citar las lonas cubre-mercancias, toldos, lonas para cubrir los bates, bates salvavidas de tejidos recubiertos con caucho, aros salvavidas, mangueras, velas, filtros para ague en los barcos, prertdas de vestir: :impermeables para marines, redes de pesca, articulos de playa, sacos para ague y muebles de cubierta.


El Arigal C protege a los hilados y tejidos de algoddn contra los bongos y bacterias*, como tambi~n contra otros factores, en forma muy superior y en un grade jam!!s alcanzado con los fungicides y bactericidas basta ahara usados. Esto lo podemos comprobar a continuacidn.

Solidez al agua en mov:imiento de un tratamiento con Arigal C

La solidez al ague en mov:imiento y en una inmersidn prolongada de un acabado con Arigal C es muy elevada. Hilados de algod6n tratados con Arigal C fueron sumergidos en el rio Rin en Basilea durante 12 mesas. El lugar donde se realiz6 la inmersidn est!! a una altura donde el


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rio es fangoso y contiene una aerie de impurezas organicas e inorganicas que favorecen la destrucci6n del algod6n. Despu~s de tan largo tiempo de sumersi6n, se pudo comprobar que la cantidad de Arigal C contenida en los hilados no habia pr~cticamente variado con respecto a la concentraci6n original. Los hilados tratados con Arigal C se consarvaron perfectamente y su resistencia dinamom~trica no disminuy6 en absolute.

A c a b a d o

I. sin tratar

II. 2% de un ~ster del pentaclorofenol*

III. 1% de un derivado organico del cobre*

IV. 10% Arigal C

Resistencia dinamom~trica en gramos desp~s de una inmersi6n en el Rin

0 3 12 meses

638 0

636 0

639 0

638 645 671

* Se trata de productos qufmicamente puros y no de preparados comerciales, de los cuales se tendria que usar concentraciones mucho mayore s.

De los resultados anteriores se deduce la extraordinaria solidez del tratamiento con Arigal C y su magnifica protecci6n de los hilados, en comparaci6n a los acabados con fungicidas. Estes productos antimicr6bicos, derivadostiel pentaclorofenol y del cobre, que fueron usados en las pruebas, eran considerados en la industria textil como los majores fungicidas y bactericidas.

Filtros de tej:idos de algod6n-empleados para eliminar las impurezas del agua destinada a los calderas o para ser bebidason destruidos r~pidamente. En nuestros laboratories hemos usado durante des anos un filtro de algod6n tratado con 12% de Arigal c, sin que se haya corrompido despu~s de ese largo tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta que el Arigal C no es t6xico, se pueden emplear telas tratadas con ese producto en la filtraci6n del agua potable en los barcos.

Protecci6n del algod6n contra la acci6n del agua de mar

Aquellos articulos de algod6n, que per raz6n de su empleo deben estar sumergidos en el mar durante largo tiempo, estan sometidos a la acci6n destructora no solamente de los microorganismos sino tambi~n del agua y aire de mar. Una buena protecci6n del algod6n contra el ataque corruptor de esos factores s6lo se puede alcanzar con productos que resisten la acci6n disolvente del agua.

El Institute de T~cnica Pesquera de Hamburgo, bajo la direcci6n del Prof. Dr. von Brandt, ha realizado numerosos ensayos con redes de diferentes fibras. Redes sumergidas durante 16 meses en la parte oriental del Mediterraneo perdieron los siguientes porcentajes de su resistencia original:

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Redes de:

I. poliamida 6 (staple)

II. polietilino

III. polipropileno

P6rdida de la resistencia dinamom~trica de la red

IV. poiiamida 6 (monofil.)





20% V. algod6n tratado con Arigal C

En este caso las redes de algoddn tratadas con Arigal C perdieron menos resistencia que las redes fabricedas con fibras sinMticas.

Sin embargo, la disminuci6n de la resistencia dinamomE!trica de una red deper:de, en general, del lugar donde se efectuaron las pruebas, y en el case particular de redes de algod6n tratado con Arigal C de la concentracidn de este producto en la fibra.

A continuacidn damos a conocer una comparacidn de los comportamientos de diversas redes de algoddn.

Resistencia dinamom6trica en Kgrs. despuE!s de una inmersi6n en el mar

Redes de: 0 12 24 mesas

I. cordel Nm 50/15 sin tratar 6, 1 0

II. cordel Nm 50/15 tratado con cato 6,8 0 y carbolineo

III. cordel Nm 50/15 tra tado con 9% Arigal C 5, 2 4,4 4,5

IV. cordel Nm 50/15 tratado con 12% Arigal C 5, 2. 5,4 5,2

Protecci6n del algod6n contra la acci6n puramente biol6gica

Con el objeto de demostrar la superioridad de la protecci6n* pbtenida con el Arigal C en comparaci6n con aqu6lla otorgada por los productos antimicr6bicos c~sicos, se sometieron los tejidos tratados a la prueba de enterramiento. Esta consists en someter a los tejidos a la acci6n de una corriente de agua a JOOC de 250 cc per minute y durante s6lo 24 horas, pilra luego enterrarlos durante varias semanas en tierra abonada. Esta tierra tiene JO% de humedad y 28-JoOC. La prueba se realiza en un ambients con una humedad relativa de 90-100%.

*contra la acci6n de _los microorganismos

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Tejido de algod6n Resistencia dinrunom~trica despu~s de de 200 g/m2 aprox. un enterramiento de

0 2 8 16 semanas

I. sin tratar 100% 0

II. 2% de un ~ster del pentaclorofenol 100% 50% 0

III. 2% de un derivado org~ico del cobra 100% 100% 0

IV. 10% Arigal C 100% 100% 100% 100%

Debemos hacer presente que estas pruebas de enterramiento son ensayos para determinar lo ~s rdpidamente posible la proiecci6n obtenida contra los microorganismos, aunque en muchas clases de art!culos no exista el peligro de un enterramiento y menos aUn en tierra abonada,

Protecci6n del algod6n recubierto con caucho

Tejidos de algod6n recubiertos con caucho - por uno o por los dos lades - son muy usados en articulos marines, tales como en los impermeables, bates salvavidas, mangueras, etc. Estes tejidos, especialmente en el caso de estar recubiertos de un solo lade, est~ expuestos a una deterioraci6n causada per los microorganismos.

Diversas firmas que se dedican a esta class de recubrimientos han realizado pruebas con tejidos de algod6n tratados con el Arigal C. El primer paso de estas pruebas f~ determinar si la adhesi6n del caucho diaminuia en el case de telas acabadas con el Arigal C. Se efectuaron recubrimientos con diversos tipos de caucho, como caucho natural, de nitrilbutadienp, butilico y de policloropreno, quedando claramente demostrado que la adhesidn del caucho era la miama con tejidos tratados o sin tratar,

Las pruebas de enterramiento (ver pdrrafo 4·3) a las cuales fueron sometidas las telas sin tratar y acabadas con 9% Arigal C - ambas recubiertas con caucho natural per un solo lado - dieron los siguientes resultados:

Tejido recubierto

I, sin tratar

II. tratado con Arigal C

Resistencia dinrunom~trica en kgrs. despu~s de un enterramiento de 0 4 6 semanas




29,8 29,9

Tejidos de algod6n recubiertos por ambos lades con caucho presentan muchas veces senales de corrupci6n por acci6n de los microorganismos o de otros factores. Esto suele presentarse cuando por acci6n mac~ica se elimina el recubrimiento quedando libra el tejido de algod6n. For muy JlEl,quelia que sea la abertura, es suficientemente grande para que los microbios se introduzcan y destruyan el algoddn en una zona mucho mayor que la abertura per donde entraron. Esto puede hacer inservible a todo el articulo.

Proteccidn contra los dcidos

Es posible que bajo ciertas circunstancias, los tejidos de algoddn empleados en los barcos o en la costa sean atacados por dcidos, El Arigal C otorga a los tejidos de algoddn una protecci6n contra la accidn de los dcidos.

Una cretona de 200 g/m2 aproximadamente fu~ tratada con 10% de Arigal C. Este tejido y otro no tratado se impregnaron con 2 g/1 de dcido clorhidrico cone, La absorci6n del baiio

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de dcido per la tela fu6 de 60%. Los tejidos se secaron a la temperatura del medic ambients. Finalmente se cortaron varies muestras y se sometieron a diferentes temperatures durante 5 minutes. El ataque del dcido se midi6 determinando la resistencia dinamom6trica de los tejidos,


I. sin tratar

II. 1 0% Arigal C

Resistencia dinamom~trica en porcentaje Inicial Despu~s de 5 minutes a



10cPc 120°C 18cPc

33% 83%





protecci6n del algod6n contra la acci6n de la luz

El tratamiento con Arigal C no elimina la acci6n destructora de la luz solar perc la retarda notablemente, Esta caracteristica de los tejidos de algod6n tratados con Arigal C de deteriorarse* por la acci6n de la luz, la pddemos confirmar estudiando los resultados de las pruebas realizadas per el Shirley Institute, Didsbury, Manchester, Inglaterra, Estas fueron publicadas en el Journal of the Society of D,yers and Colourists de Octubre 1964 por el Sr. A. H. Little:

I. lone sin tratar

II. lone tratada con Arigal C

Resistencia dinamom6trica despu6s de una exposici6n de 0 4 mesas

128 lbs. (=1 OO%) 73 lbs. (=57%)

115 lbs, (=100%) 105 lbs. (=92%)

Ciertos compuestos antimicr6bicos usados en la industria textil aceleran la destrucci6n del algod6n por la luz solar, A continuaci6n comparamos los comportamientos de tejidos de algod6n de 150 g/m2 sometidos a la acci6n de la luz:


I. sin tratar

II. tratado con 2% de un ~ster del pan­taclorofenol

III. tratado con 10% de Arigal C

Resistenciia dinamom~trica en porcentaje Inicial Despu~s de una exposici6n de

200 300 hera~

100 75 50

100 55 38

100 90 75

Las siguientes pruebas comparativas efectuadas en un aparato Xenotest con tejidos de diferentes fibras demuestran la mayor resistencia a la acci6n destructora de la luz del algod6n tratado con Arigal C. Durante la exposici6n se someti6 el tejido a un minute de lluvia artificial y 29 minutes de luz,

*s6lo lentamente

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Resistencia dinamom6trica en porcentaje Inicial Despu6s de una exposici6n de

Tejido 250 500 horas efectivas

I. Cretona de 200 g/m2 tratada con Arigal C

II. Tejido de poli6ster

III. Tejido de poliamida





74 12




Protecci6n contra la acci6n de la intemperie y de las deyecciones de las aves marinas

Los tejidos de algod6n expuestos a la intemperie en la costa o sabre los barcos se cubren frecuentemente con deyecciones de las aves. Estes excrementos pueden contener haste 20% de ~cido f6sf6rico y 12% de nitr6geno; las sustancias org~icas y el amoniaco alcanzan hasta 50%.

La experiencia nos ha ensenado que las deyecciones de los p~jaros destruyen el algod6n. Su acci6n es doble: a) favorece la ~ropagaci6n de los microorganismos celul!ticos y por consiguiente su efecto corruptor; b) actUa quimicamente en la deterioraci6n de la fibre.

Varies embarcaciones fueron cubiertas con lonas de diversos tipos. Despoos de corte

tiempo se mancharon con excrementos de aves; despu6s de se hab!an cubierto completamente con estes deyecciones. estes lonas fueron las siguientes:

Tipo de lena

I. Lone de algod6n hidrofugada

II. Lena de algod6n tratada con Arigal C

III. Tejido de poli-amide sin tratar

IV. Tejido de poli-amide hidrofugada

Resistencia d inamom6trica inicial en kgrs.


81' 4



echo mesas de exposici6n cont!nua* Las resistencias dinamom6tricas de

Perdida en la resistencia dinamom6trica (8 mesas de ex­posici6n) en %




De los valores anteriores se deduce que un tratamiento con el Arigal C protege al tejido de algod6n contra la intemperie y las deyecciones de los p~jaros. Los tejidos de poliamida quedaron pr~cticamente destru!dos despu6s de los echo mesas de esposici6n.

Protecci6n contra la acci6n de los gases industriales

Muchos tejidos de algod6n se encuentran expuestos a la acci6n combinada de los elementos de un ambiente marino y de aquellos de una atm6sfera industrial, lo que sucede muy frecuentemente en los grandes puertos. El reporte Beaver de Noviembre de 1954 sabre la infecci6n del aire

*las lonas

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por los gases industriales en la Gran Bretaiia, indica q_ue en 1953 la atm6sfera de ese pais se contamin6 concerca de 5'200.000 toneladas de anhidrido sulfuroso. Este gas en un ambiente h15medo se oxida a anhidrido sulf11rico, q_ue se transforma en S:cido sulf11rico. Este S:cido se deposita sobre los tejidos de algod6n destruyt:indolos.

El comportamiento de los tejidos acabados con Arigal C en un a,tnbiente industrial, comparado con aq_US:l de los no tratados, se puede apreciar en el cuadro siguiente:

Tejidos I. Cretona de algod6n

sin tratar II. Cretona de algod6n

tratada con aprox. 8% Arigal C

Resistencia dinamomS:trica en porcentaje Inicial Desput:is de una exposici6n de

3 · 6 12 mesas

100 60 44 22

100 100 90 56

Estos valores demuestran q_ue un tratamiento con Arigal C retards la acci6n destructiva de la intemperie y de los gases industriales.

Comportamiento de los tejidos de algod6n sometidos a una exposici6n a la intemperie seguida de un enterramiento

En el caso de los tejidos de algod6n expuestos a la intemperie, debemos de tomar en cuenta q_ue la lluvia y otras factores eliminan o destruyen rt:ipida o lentamente el tratamiento antiplitrido.

Con el objeto de apreciar si un acabado de este tipo es s6lido a la intemperie, sometimos varios tejidos con diversos tratamientos a exposiciones de 6 y 12 meses y luego a la prueba de enterramiento (ver pt:irrafo 4.3.) durante dos semanas. Estos ensayos demuestran otra vez el excelente comportamiento de los tejidos tratados con Arigal c.

Tejido de algod6n

I. sin tratar

II. tratado con 1% de un derivado orgt:inico del cobra+ 2,5% de una resina

III. tratado con 11% de Arigal C

IV. tratado con 11% de Arigal C + 0,75% de 6xido de cromo*

V. tratado con 11% de Arigal C + 1,5% de 6xido de cromo*

Resistencia dinamomt:itrica Inicial 6 meses de

exposici6n - Enter.

100 76 0

100 74 0

100 97 96

100 102 95

100 104 106

en porcentaje 12 mesas de exposici6n - Enter.

50 0

44,5 0

78 79

98 92

101 102

*Es conocido q_ue ciertos pigmentos inorgt:inicos, en este caso un 6xido de cromo, retardan fuertemente la destrucci6n actinica del algod6n. El empleo de dichos pigmentos - debidamente dispersados - puede efectuarse en el mismo bano del Arigal C.

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La CIBA Sociedad An6nima aporta con el Arigal C una gran ayuda a la industria algodonera, permiti~ndole defenderse en muchos sectores del mercado textil contra la incursi6n y presi6n de las fibras sint~ticas.

El tratamiento con el Arigal C permite tambi~ que grandes consumidores de productos tixtiles de algod6n, como las Fuerzas Armadas, los ferrocarriles, las empresas navieras, etc., ahorren dinero al evitarse la putrefacci6n o destrucci6n prematura de sus tejidos, lo que dart! como resultado un aumento de la confianza en el algod6n y por consiguiente un afianzamiento de los hilados y tejidos de esta fibra.

Tejidos tratados con el Arigal C pueden ser adquiridos en Suiza, Francia, Alemania, Italia, como tambi~n recientemente en Espana, Portugal y en varios paises hispanoamericanos.

Los hilados y tejidos acabados con el Arigal C llevan una etiqueta que garantiza la calidad del tratamiento, siendo ~ste controlado tanto por los acabadores miamos como por la CIBA SOCIEDAD ANONIMA de Productos Quimicos, Barcelona.

Nota. El material fotogrt!fico ha sido seleccionado por el Sr. J. Veenemans (CIBA S.A., Basilea).

Note. This article was previously in the journal "Vida Maritima" edited by the Spanish Navy Authority.

Ref. Fotografias para el articulo 11Arigal C: Protecci6n permanente del algod6n contra la P!ltrefacci6n en un ambiente marino 11

Fotograf!a No. 1

Fotograf!a No. 2

Fotografia No. 3

Fotografia No. 4

Fotografia No. 5

Toldo cubre-mercanc!as de algod6n sin tratar. Esta lona fu~ usada en los muelles de un puerto con numerosas industrias, El tejido se lav6 antes de ser fotografiado. El toldo se encuentra prt!cticamente destruido.

Toldo cubre-mercancias de algod6n tratado con ARIGAL. Esta lona fu~ usada en las miamas condiciones que la ilustrada en la Fot. No. 1. El toldo se encuentra en muy buenas condiciones.

Saco para transporter agua fabricado de lona de algod6n tratada con un derivado del cobre. Despu~s de 2-3 semanas de uso, el saco es inservible debido al ataque de los microorganiamos. Esto nos indica la protecci6n insuficiente de los fungicidas y bactericidas basta ahora empleados.

Toldo de algod6n sin tratsr despu~s de 8 mesas de uso en una exposici6n en la Europa Central. Antes de ser fotografiado se lav6. El tejido se encuentra severamente atacado.

Toldo de algod6n tratado con ARIGAL despu~s de ocho meses de uso en una exposici6n en la Europa Central. Antes de ser fotografiado se lav6. El tejido se encuentra en perfectas condiciones.

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Fotograf:Ia No .

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Fotograf!a No. 2

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Fotografia N o . .3

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Fotografia No. 4

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Fotograf:t:a No . 5

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B. Payen1

1. Mesures de module de rigidit~ en torsion 2.1 Premi~re s~rie d'essais 2.2 Deuxi~e s~rie d 1essais 3 • Conclusion


L'esssi de traction ne paraissant pas convenir, et poisque l'id~e de base ~tait d 1 appr~cier la variation de souplesse, nous avena pens~ effectuer la mesure du module de rigidit~ en torsion (m~thode de Clash et Berg) msis en nous limitant, dans chaque cas, 1t une seule temp~rature, choisie selon les caract~ristiques du mst~riau (a base de poly-chlorure de vinyle msis plastifi~ de diverses facons); deux s~ries de mesures ant ~t~ effectu~es.

2.1 cLa premiere sur des plaguettes, 1t 1 1 ~tude alors, sous la d~signation 11plasticit~ 1011

n° 11 1t 20 (le n° 11 ne contient pas d 1antiseptique, les n° 12 1t 14 contiennent 3 doses croissantes d'un antiseptique A; de meme les n° 15 1t 17 et 18 a 20, pour lea antiseptiques B et G) et soumises pend~t 1 an a 1 1essai d'envahissement, selon NF X 41 514; les mesures ont ~t~ effectu~es a+ 20 G dans l'air; les ~sultats sent donn~s dans le premier tableau annex~.

Les remarques suivantes peuvent etre faites:

- les diff~rences de valeurs, aussi bien entre ~prouvettes non expos~es et expos~es correspondantes, qu'entre ~prouvettes de s~ries diff~rentes, sent suffisamment importantes pour etre significatives

- la~ispersion des r~sultats dans chaque s~rie de 2 ou 3 ~prouvettes est peu importante (main~ que dans le cas de 1 1essai de traction) et de ce fait on peut se baser valablement sur les valeurs des "variations %" calcul~es 1t partir des moyennes (a signaler cependant que lea "variations %11 des ~chantillons n° 11 et 12, respectivement 68,8 et 74,5%, paraissent pouv.oir etre assimil~es: la pr~sence d'antiseptique A 1t la dose faible ne semble done pas favorable et meme l~g~rement d~favorable, a la protection du mat~riau, comma dans l'essai traction)

- le classement, dans chaque groupe correspondent a un antiseptique donn~, est logique ••• ceci n'est sans doute pas un argument scientifique, msis il est plus satisfaisant pour l'esprit de constater que l'action d'un antiseptique est fonction de la dose introduite, que le contraire, ou, pire encore, l'absence de relation.

Il est done possible de repr~senter cas r~sultats par un graphique permettant l'~valuation de la d6t6rioration des mst~riaux par les microorganismes, et de l'efficacit~ compar~e des divers antiseptiques essay6s pour lea prot6ger ( Gourbe I) .

1. Produits Chimiques Pechiney Saint Gobain, Centre de Recherches de la Croix de Berny, Station de Biologie Agricola, 182-184 Av. Aristide-Briand, Antony (Seine) France.

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·~ so

~ a ., lo ' II ' ~ 60 II

"" so






On voit ainsi que:

1,. 2.• 2,7-i t:i'anh~ftft'y<te. ("/.

" ,., • • a c: (I) IWC\lft

3,• "u ~>·r"'"'<-"" f•i<I•J

- l'antiseptique A n 1est pas efficace h la dose de 1 partie pour 100 parties de m~lange mais le deviant aux doses plus fortes;

- l 1antiseptique B samble le plus efficace;

- aucun des antiseptiques essay~s n'a une action totale aux doses essay~es, etc •••

Dans ces conditions, ces mesures semblent apporter une solution inMI·essante au problllme pos~; ce point de vue est confirm~ par

2.2 la deuxillme s~rie d'essais que nous rapportons

Il s'agit cette fois d'aprouvettes provenant de la comparaison internationals des m~thodes d'essai, effectu~e en 1963 en vue de leur normalisation; la taille des ~prouvettes utilis~es pour cela n'a permis de fairs ces mesures que sur celles de l'essai par enfouissement (m~thode Vitno-Bio A1, 1bre partie, ~prouvettes fich~es~1) - et 21lme partie S'prouvettes couch~es; durS'e d 1exposition 3 mois). •

Leur faible section et la souplesse0du mat~riau (contenant un fongicide et un colorant

rose) ont oblig~ ~ faire les mesures h 0 C (dans un m~lange eau + alcool ~thylique (1) par cons~quent identique ~ la partie correspondante de la NF X 41 514

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+ ~thyHme glycol - :iJnmersion 5 minutes). Les ~sultats sont donn~ a dans le 2rune tableau annex~.

Il s' en d~gage:

-que l'action des conditions ambiantes de l 1essai (contr8le aseptique: sol st~rilis' par la chaleur, ~prouvettes d~sinfect~es par une solution de chlorure mercurique) n•est pas nulle (augmentation de la rigidit~ de 17% environ)

-que l 1action des microorganismes du sol est nettement plus importante, surtout dans le cas des ~prouvettes fich~es; ce dernier point s 1explique sans doute par le fait que !';importance de l 1attaque varia selon les niveaux, et que la disposition 11fich-*'" des ~prouvettes permet une int~gration de ces diverses valeurs,


Il serait p~matur~, aprbs cette seule s~rie d'essais sur PCV plastifi~s, d'affirmer que la mesure du module de rigidit~ en torsion permet de r~soudre la problbme dans tous les cas et pour toutes lea matibres plastiques,

N~anmoins, nous pensons qu' elle p~sente un grand int~ret et qu' il y aurait lieu de poursuivre des essais avec cette m~thode h l 1occasion d'autres programmes d'essai de r~sistance des matibres plastiques aux microorganiames sur diverses matibres plastiques,

La mesure du module de rigidit~ a lea avantages pratiques suivants:

- elle est simple et n'exige pas un manipulateur specialis~

- peu couteuse ni du point de vue appareillage (comparativement h l'essai de traction), ni en temps de manipulation

- non destructive, ce qui pennet de refaire des mesures ~ventuellement en cas de doute

- Elle utilise des petites ~prouvettes, ce qui est avantageux dans le cas d'essai de r~sistance aux microorganismes qui s'effectuent presque toujours sur des plaquettes de dimensions ~duites

- Elle est applicable h toutes les matibres plsstigues souples ou rigides, Dans ce dernier cas, il suffit d'op~rer sur des ~prouvettes trbs petites ou d'utiliser un appareil plus robuste (appareil de M. LESAVRE)

-La dispersion est relativement faible par rapport h d'autres m~thodes d'essais ~caniques et ceci est important dans le cas consid~r~ car on ~vite ainsi d'ajouter h ls dispersion, due h l 1 inhomog~n~it~ vraisamblable de l 1attaque par lea microorganismes, cella de la m~thode,

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--- .....-. __ --..-r-'"-...~ ._. -~



R6f6rences antiseptiques dose module de rigidit6 en torsion ~ 20°0 (+) (++}

6prouvettes 6prouvettes variation % non expo sE!e s expos6es entre moyennes

11 sans - 40, 8 .4Q,_§_ 40,8

68,8 72,7 68,8 64,8

+ 68,8

34,4 59,5 12 A 1 34,4 .2!t..l 59,5 22...2. + 74,5

33,4 59,5

32,5 44,6 13 A 2 33,0 .:u.i! 44,9 !8.2 + 42,1

33,4 51,2

31,9 45,9 14 A 3 34,4 .:&...:! 40,8 .41...1 + 29; 1

30,8 38,6

15 B o, 75 40,0 kQ,_Q 40,0

57' 3 21....1 57,3 + 43,3

36,7 48,1 ~ 16 B 1' 50 35,5 36,1 + 33,2

36,1 48,1

38,2 .2!h_g 45,4 17 B 2,25 47,2 !8.2 + 22,8 38,2 48, 1

36,7 57,3 18 0 0,5 37,3 .:&..1 ~H 2§..k + 53,7


31,9 48,7 19 0 1 31,9 32,0 48,7 !±!?....2 + 52,2

32,4 48,7

31,0 44,1 M.J. 20 0 1' 5 32,0·;g,_Q + 37,8

33,0 44,1

(+) r6f6rences A, B et 0

(++) en partie pour cent parties du mE!lange plastifie

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en kgf/cm2 de section, h 0°C (dans un m~lange glycol-alcool-eau) 4cm entre mars sur PCV plastifi~ de faible ~paisseur, avec fongicide (rose)

T~moin Controls Vitno-Bio Vitno-Bio (non expos~es) (expos~es A 1 -1bre partie A 1 -2eme partie


654 804 830 932 628 789 1 268 875

Mesures ' 619 672 1 430 963 \ ) 604 654 1 276 963

611 1 081

Moyenne 623 730 1 201 963

Variation en % du: - controle - - + 57,5 + 32,5 - Mmoin - + 17,2 + 93 +48

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.--~-~-c--~~-------------~-------- -·-·-~


1 A. 0. Lloyd

Following a recent discovery in Walwyn, by the Lockleys Archaeological Society, of timber from the base of a Romano-British well, Catamance Limited of Welwyn Garden City are .undertaking conservation treatment in their Bio:j.ogical Laboratories prior to the finds being passed into the ·care of a museum.

Although the uppe~ structures of the shoring timbers had almost completely disintegrated, the massive formwork of oak recovered from the bottom of the well, which is of late Third Century construction, was found to be in remarkably good condition probably due to the anaerobic environment prevailing at the base of the well, some 18 feet below ground level. Some of the bronze coins found at this depth were still in bright condition. They were mainly dated between AD 270 and 274.

The conservation treatment, which is expected to take at least a year, aims at replacing the water from the waterlogged timber with inert material and thus to avoid warping, due to shrinkage, when the wood is dried oU:t. Concurrently inhibitors are being applied to prevent biological deterioration.

I hope to report on this work in due course.

1. Catomance Ltd., Bridge Road East, Welwyn Garden City, Jierts., England.

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A B S T R A C T S 0 F C U R R E N T 1 Y P U B 1 I S H E D P A P E R S

In view of the fact that lists of references to work on biodeterioration are to be regularly published in the International Biodeterioration Bulletin the Editor feels that the Author Abstracts section is now obsolete. We are, however, very grateful for the work of some of our associates in abstracting and translating articles published in languages other than the international languages used in this Bulletin, and we shall continue to publish such abstracts. The following was sent to us by Dr, B. J. Zyska, our regional editor in Poland,



Dolll8.l1ski, S, (1965). Acta Soc, Bot. Polen., ,2l., (.3), 491-5.31

2.3 specimens of fungi included hitherto to Cerioporiopsis r.sensu J, Erikss./Dolll8.l1ski, Poria monticola Murr. , Poria carnicolor Baxt. , Poria incarnate Alb, & Schw, ex Fr, sensu Bres./Dolll8.l1ski have beeliStirlied and found that they all belonged to the same species, which according to the rules of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature should be named as yet Ceripo~iopsis placenta/Fr.sensu J,Erikss/Dolll8.l1ski, Using the intercollection pairings it has also been found that cultures of Poria vaporaria/Fr./Bres. sensu Liese from Eberswalde and Reinbeck, Germany, used for evaluation of toxicity of wood preservatives, must be cultures of Ceroporiopsis placenta, but in the haploid condition, The tests for the rate of growth at various temperatures, oxidase reaction and intensity of wood decomposition were due to bring additional evidence of identity of the cultures tested and of the carpophores from which they were isolated. Details on the typical culture, the hyphae and the carpophore of Q.. placenta/Fr.sensu J. Erikss./Dolll8.l1ski are given,

B. J, Zyska

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Blahnik, R •. and Zimova, V. /1965/. Izdatelstwo 11Chimija 11 , Moskwa· and Leningrad,. Russian translation from Czech •.

The authors deal with problems of microbiological degradation of organic materials in 12 chapters. General chapters deal with moulds and their environs, biochemistry of moulds and method's of investigation of microbiological degradation of materials. The following chapters are devoted to the susceptibility to mould and prevention against them of textiles, leather,. paper,. plastics, natural and synthetic· rubber, paints and asphalts, electrotechnical equipment and optical instruments. The last chapter deals with volatile fungicides for mouldproofing of materials in the transport and storage. The book, written in 1963 is based on 430 references of the subject up to 1962, completed by the translator with some Russian references.

1 B. J. Zyska

1. Glowny Instyut Gornictwa, Katovice, Plac Gwarkow 1, Poland.

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If there is sufficient demand, the Editor is prepared to consider reprinting back numbers of the International Biodeterioration Bulletin. A small charge, the amount of which will depend on the demand, will be necessary. If you wish to purchase either, or both, of these copies would you please let the Editor know as soon as possible.

- oOo -


The attention of readers is drawn to the 1st International Directory on Biological Deterioration Research recently published in English and French by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation end Development. This Directory lists over 100 laboratories engaged in research on the biological deterioration of materials and gives for each information on current end past research, equipment end recent publications. Two reference lists are annexed, giving in one the names of research workers in alphabetical order end the laboratories in which they work, end in the other a list of research topics and the laboratories working on these items. This directory will certsinly be of interest to all concerned directly or indirectly with biological deterioration research end can be obtained by sending the following order form to the O.E.C.D. Publication Office, 2 rue Andr~ Pascal, Paris 16~me.

PI'ice: 24 FF. 24 SF. 20 DM 35/- #6.00

Nom/Name ••....••...•••••.•••....•.•••••••••••••••••••••..•

Adresse/Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0


wishes to receive .••• copies of the publication International Directory of Research on the Biological Deterioration of Materials

d~sire recevoir •••• exemplaires de l'ouvrage R~pertoire International de Recherches sur la D~t~rioration Biologique des Mst~riaux

To be completed and returned to:-

A remplir et renvoyer a:-o.c.D.E., Service des Publications, 2 rue Andre Pascal, Paris 16e, France,


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Due to lack of space we are not publishing a review article in this issue of the Bulletin. The following review articles will be subsequently published in the International Biodeterioration Bulletin or in special issues of supplements.

The Isolation of Cellulolytic Microorganisms.

W. Hazen and H. D. W. Eggins

British and Foreign Test Specifications on Biological Deterioration of textiles, timber, plastics, etc.

A. D. Lloyd

The Deterioration of Substrates by Actinom,ycetes.

S. T • Williams

The Deterioration of Timber by Marine Fungi.

E. B. G. Jones

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Financial support for the International Biodeterioration Bulletin from the following organisations is gratefully acknowledged:

BAKELITE LIMITED, Tyseley, Birmingham.

BEECHAM GROUP LIMITED, Toiletry Division, Beecham House, Great West Road, Brentford, Middlesex,

BORAX CONSOLIDATED LIMITED, Borax House, Carlisle Place, London, S,W,1. (Tel, VICtoria 9070); miners, refiners and suppliers of borax, boric acid, boron ores, boron products and allied chemicals.

THE BRITISH DRUG HOUSES, LIMITED, B.D.H. Laboratory Chemicals Division, Poole, Dorset; manufacturers of Laboratory Chemicals, Biochemicals, Industrial Fine Chemicals and Microbiocides.


CADBURY BROTHERS LIMITED, Bournville, Birmingham; manufacturers of cocoa, chocolate, cake and milk products. •

CATOMANCE LIMITED, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire; manufacturers of speciality chemicals for the textile, paper, timber, leather industries etc., including fungicides, bacteriocides and insecticides,

COMMERCIAL PLASTICS GROUP OF COMPANIES, Industrial Division, Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, W. 1 • ; specialists in the production of film and sheeting in PVC, polythene and high impact polystyrene for all types of applications.


CUPRINOL LIMITED, Adderwell, Frome, Somerset; manufacturers of Preservatives for Wood, Textiles, Cordage, Paper, Adhesives, Paints, Leather, Plastics and Paint Driers.

ELDER DEMPSTER LINES, LIMITED, India Buildings, Water Street, Liverpool, 2,

FISONS PEST CONTROL LIMITED, Saffron Walden, Essex; makers of agricultural chemicals, Research on control of weeds, plant diseases, spoilage organisms, and agricultural and livestock pests.


Page 61: INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION BuLLETIN Vol 02 1966 - No 1.pdf · B. Kimor The survey covers the types of vork and certain specific projects of the ... Wendet man den Elastizitatsmodul,

GALLOWAY & BARTON-WRIGHT, Haldane Place, London, S.W.18.; consultants in Industrial Microbiology and Microbiological Deterioration.

J. R. GEIGY S.A., Basle 21, Switzerland; manufacturers of Dyestuffs, Industrial Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Agricultural Chemicals.


IMPERIAL CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES LIMITED, Agricultural Division, Billingham, Co. Durham.

ARTHUR D. LITTLE LIMITED1 with offices at Berkeley Square House, Berkeley Square, London, W.1. and offices and laboratories at Inversk Gate, Musselburgh, Midlothian; indepandent sponsored research organisation.

MAY & BAKER LIMITED, Dagenham, Esse;><; chemical manufacturers,

MONSANTO CHEMICALS LIMITED, Monsanto House, 10-18 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.; manufacturers of Chemicals and Plastics.





TELEPHONE MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED; Head office: Martell Road, West Dulwich, London, S.E.21; manufacturers of Telecommunication Apparatus and Equipment; Relay and Switching Componentry; Professional Grade Capacitors; Marine and Pri·rate Telephone Apparatus and Master and Slave Clocks.

YARSLEY LABORATORIES LIMITED, Clayton Road, Chessington, Surrey; independent Research and Testing Facilities.

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The Editor is pleased to publish the following list of current references to work on Biodeterioration which have been collected by laboratories cooperating in the O.E.C.D. scheme for journal scanning. Similar lists will be pt\blished regularly in the International Biodeterioration Bulletin. The journal abbreviations are as sent in by the contributors and no attempt has been made to standardise them according to the World List.

The list of journals perused may be obtained from:-

Mrs. E. Hueck-van der Plas (Technical Secretary to the Biological Deterioration of Materiels Group of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development),

Economic Technical Department, TNO, ~.o. Box 778, The Hague, The Netherlands.


ABBOTT, D.C. & de FAUBER, M.J. Chern. & Ind. (London), (2), 82-83, (1965) A simple electron-capture detector for the Gas chromatographic determination of pesticides. D.S.I.R.,Laboratory of the Government Chemist, London.

ALEXANDER, M. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc. 22, l - 7 (1965). 6 figs. 28 refs. Persistance and Biological reactions of Pesticides in soil. Department of Agronomy, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

ANOGNOSTOPOULOS, G.D. & WOODBINE, M. Chern. & Ind. (London) (22), 948,(1965). 3 Figs.,






3 refs. A Simple Device for Measuring the Thickness of Agar in a Petri Dish. City Laboratory, Western Regional Hospital Board, Glasgow, & Microbiological Unit, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences, University of Nottingham.

Ind. Fin.(U.S.A.), &Q (9), 69-70 (1964) Mildew is a problem~even in Industrial Finishes.

Review of current literature on the paint+ allied industries, (272),137,

(Feb. 1965)

Corr. prev. & control, 12, (3), 17-18, (1965) The battle against barnacles.

Corr. prev. & control, 12, (5), 16, (1965) Fungitoxic corrosion inhibitors.

Appl. plastics, a, 14, (Sept. 1965) Moths damage polYthene.

APPERLEY, T.W.J. Text. Recorder, 82, (982), 58-59, 61,63,65 (1965), 23 Refs. Developments in Textile-chemicals and Auxiliaries. Bradford Inst. of Technology.

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A~I, P.C., COCHRANE, C.G. & GRAY, J.D. J. appl. Chem. l2, (7), 305-313 (1965). 20 figs, 7 tables, 18 refs.

The emission of corrosive vapours rr,rwood. I. Survey of the.acid-release properties of certain freshly felled hardwoods and softwoods. Inveresk Gate, Musselburgh, Midlothian.

ARNOLD, A.J. J. Sci. Instr., g, (5), 350-351, (1965).3 figs, 1 table, 5 refs. A High Speed Automatic Micrometer Syringe. Dept. of Insecticides & Fungicides, Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts.

ASCHER, K.R.S. & NISS.IM, S. Tin and Its Uses, (66), 1 - 5, (1965). 1 table. A Review of Organotin Compounds in the Control of Pests. Toxicology Dept., Volcani Inst. of Agricultural Research, Israel.

ASHWORTH, R. de B. Chem. & Ind. (London), (10), 430-432, (1965). 6 refs. International Collaboration on Analytical Methods & Specifications for Pesticides. Plant Pathology laboratory, Harpenden, Herta.

AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE SCIENTIFIC SERVICE. Can. paint & var, :r?,, (12), 17; (1963) .• Review of current literature on the paint and allied industries, (271),70,

(Jan.l965) Cuprous oxide/sodium silicate paints offer outstanding perfo~ce as anti­fouling paints in marine service.


BACON, R.L. Soap Chem. Specialities, il, (6), 46, 86, (1965). Foam Generation Method for Evaluating Biodegradability. Research & Development Division, Wyandotte Chemicals Corp., U.S.A.

BAINES, C.R. & SHEWAN, J.M. lab. Practice, ~' (2), 160-163, (1965). 8 tables. Sensory Methods for Evaluating the Quality of White Fish. Torry Research Station, Aberdeen.

BENDA, M. & FOSTER, W .H. Jr. Trans. Faraday Soc. Ql, 159-169, (1965). 2 tables, -- 8 illustrations, 21 refs.

Diffusion and sorption in cellulose. American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N.J.

BENNETT, W.H. Journal of Economic Entomology, 58, (2), 358, Baltimore, (1965) Benzene hexachloride emulsion for controlling black turpentine beetle in logging areas.

BEVERIDGE, E.G. & HUGO, W.B. J. Appl. Bact. 28, 291-308, (1965). 4 tables, 5 illustrations, 10 refs.

The degradation of gallic acid and its alkyl eaters u,r Pullularia pullulans Department of Pharmacy, The University, Nottingham.

BIELE. M. Farbe. U. lack., 'ZQ., (5), 355-7, (1964). Review of current~terature on the paint and allied industries,(274),303,

(April 1965). Principles for the scientific formulation of ship bottom paints.

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BOARD, R.F. J. Appl. Bact. 28, 197-205, 2 tables, 5 illustrations, 14 refs. (1965)

Penetration of the shell membranes of the hen's egg. Department of Bacteriology, School of Agriculture, Edinburgh.

BOOCOCK, D. News Sheet, Brit. Wood Pres. Ass., (48), l- 2, (1965).



Coal tar oil types of wood preservatives other than creosote to B.S.l44:1954 B.W.P.A.

K.A., DAUGHERTY, K.E., DUPRE, J. & HAGLER, A.T. Soap Chem. (1), 60-63, 116-119, (1965). ll refs., l table, 6 figs. Degradation studies on.branched chain EO surfactants Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia.

Specialities, !&

M.C.,CARTER,R.L. & SCHECHTER, M.S. 2 figs. 6 tables, 15 refs.

J. Agri. Food Chern. JJ., 360-365,(1965).

Behaviour of Chlorinated Insecticides in a broad spectrum of soil types. Entomology Research Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Tifton, Ga

BRADBURY, J.F. Can. J. Microbial. ll, 473-481, (1965), 4 figs. 3 tables, 7 refs. The role of the emulsifier ~the fungitoxic action of polybutene emulsion. Research Station, Canada Department of Agriculture, Vineland, Ontario.

BRANNON, D.R., MARTIN, J., OEHLSHLAGER, A.C., DURHAM, N.N. and ZALKOW, L.H. J. Org. Chern., JQ, (3), 760-762, (1965). 14 refs. Transformation of progesterone and related steroids qy Aspergillus tamarii. Dept. of Chemistry and Microbiology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater,


BRIMACOMBE, J.S. & PORTSMOUTH, D. Chern. & Ind. (London) (ll), 468, (1965). 7 refs.


A Synthesis of Chromose D (3-0-Acetyl-2,6-dideoxy-D-lyxo-hexose) Department of Chemistry, University of Birmingham.

H.D. & GAMMELL, M.E. Bulletin of Entomological Research, (London), 55., 313-325, (1964). 12 tables. -­Effect of temperature and humidity on Trogoderma anthrenoides (Sharp) (Coleoptera, Dermestidae) and comparisons with related species.


BUTIN, H. Far~e u., 1l (5), 373-374,(1965). 2 figs. 2 refs. Verscharfte Mundener btreifenmethode. Verfahren zur Bewertung der Blauehemmenden Eigenschaft 8liger Grundiermittel. Severer MUnden strip method for assessing the mould resistant properties of oily primers.


Inst. flir Forstpflanzen krankheiten de Biologischen Bundesanstalt Hann, MUnden, Germany.

CAMPBELL, L.L. & POSTGATE, J.R. Bacterial. Rev. 22, 359-362, (1965). 27 refs. Classification of the spore-forming sulfate-reducing bacteria. Department of Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, and A.R.C. Unit of Nitrogen Fixation, University of Sussex, Falmer, Sussex, England.

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" 'j I,

ii I' I


CANCElA DA FONSECA, J.P. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 55. (4), 697-707, (1965). 7 tables

Oviposition and length of adult life in Caryedon Gonagra (F.). (Col.,Bruchidae)

CAVETH, J.J., DRING, G.J., & KM~, A.W. J. Appl. Bact,,28, 241-251,(1965). 7 tables~2 illustrations, 13 refs.

Bacterial spoilage of thawed frozen peas. Unilever Research laboratory, Shambrook, Bedford.

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SADASIVAN, T.S. J. Sci. Industr. Res. ~ (3),lll-ll3, 5 refs. Root and its environment. University Botany Laboratory, Madras.

SALT, P.D. Chem. & Ind. (London) (11), 461-462, (1965). 1 fig., 1 table, 1 ref. An Apparatus for Measuring Losses of Ammonia from Decomposing Plant Materials. Rothamstead Experimental Station, Harpenden, Herts.

SCHAFER, M.L. & KING, K.W. J. Bacterial. .62, 113-116, (1965). 1 fig., 3 tables, 13 refs.


Utilisatio~ of cellulose oligo-saccharides by Cellvibrio gilvus. Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Materials Protection & (5), 24- 28, (1965). 1 table, Bacterial Corrosion In water-flooding systems. Magna Corporation, Anaheim, Cal.

6 illustrations, 8 refs.

SETZKORN, E.A. & HUDDLESTON; R.L. Soap Chem. Specialties, &1 (7), 57-58, (1965). U2traviolet spectroscopic analysis for following~he biodegradation of hydrotropes. Continental Oil Co., Ponca City, Oklahoma.

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SHARPE, M.E. & FRYER, T.F. Lab. Practice, l& (6), 697-701, (1965), 3 tables, 74 refs.

Media for Lactic Acid Bacteria. National Inst. for Research in Dairying, Shinfield, Reading.

SPILLER, D. Bulletin of Entomological Research, (London), 22 (2), 305-311 (1964) Numbers of eggs laid by Anobium puncta tum (Degeer).


RAO B. Indian J. tech., .£.(4), 142-6l (1964). Rev. current literature, (274J, 305, (April 1965).

Studies on marine fouling organisms tolerant to low salinity and copper at Bombay Harbour.

TABER, W.A. & TERTZKAKIAN, G. Applied Microbiology, ll (4), 590-594, (1965). 1 table, 3 graphs, 13 refs.

Sequential Primary and Secondary Shunt Metabolism in Penicillium chrysogentun. National Research Pouncil of Canada, Prairie Regional Laboratory, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

TAKAO, S. Applied Microbiology, l1 (5), 732-737 (1965). 3 graphs, 4 tables,24 refs. Organic acid production by Basidiomycetes. I. Screening of Acid­producing strains.


Laboratory of Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.

E. Prace Inst. Tech. Drewna, 11 (3), 3 - 46 (1964). 21 refs. The Effect of some environmental factors on the development of Discula pinicola, the main cause of bluestain. Polish; Russian, English ~nd Polish summaries.

TAYLOR, C.G. J. Appl. Chem., 12, 232-236, (1965). 1 fig. 2 tables, 4 refs. The loss of mercury from fungicidal paints. Dept. Appl. Sci., Wolverhampton & Staffs. College of Technology, Wulfrona.Street, Wolverhampton.

TRUDINGER, P.A. J. Bacterial. ~, 617-625 (1965). 3 figs. 7 tables. 26 refs. Effect of thiol-binding reagents on the metabolism of thiosulfate and tetrathionate by Thiobacillus neapolitanus. Division of Plant Industry, Commo~ealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.

TUYNENBURG MUYS, G. Chem. & Ind. (London), (28), 1245-1250, (1965). 2 tables, 9 figs., 9 refs.


Microbiological Quality of Edible Emulsions during manufacture & storage. Unilever Research Laboratories, Vlaardingen, Netherlands.

U.S. FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONS BOARD. Rev. current literature, (278), 666, (Aug.l965). Paint, anti-fouling, shipbottom, interim federal specification 1964. No.TT - P - 00ll8 (G.S.A.-FSS) 4 pp.

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VGRBECK, M.L. & MARINETTI, G.V. J. Lipid Res., g'(l),3-6, (1965) 17 refs.3 graphs. Separation of glycosyl diglycerides from phosphatides using silicic acid column chromatography. Dept. of Biochemistry, Univ. of Rochester, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, N.Y.

WAGG, R.E. Chern. & Ind. (London), (44), 1830-1834, (1965), 5 figs., 1 table, 18 refs. Disinfection of Textiles in Laundering and Dry Cleaning. British Launderers' Research Association, Hendon, London,

WALCHI, 0. Schweiz Z Forstw, 111, 215-33• Environmental effects, Rev. current literatUre, (272\, 141, (Feb. 1965).



Requirements for wood preservatives for the control of fungus and insect damage.

WALTERS, A.H. Manuf. chem., 36 (9), 77-9, (Sept. 1965). Disinfectants - Progress report.

WALTERS, A.H. Lab. Practice, 1& (9), 1037-1041, (1965), 3 figs., 2 refs. Investigations on Bacterial Colony Development. The Manor House, Marylebone Road, London, N.W.l.

WALTERS, A.H. Manuf. chem., 36 (12), 50-51, 55, (Dec. 1965). Aspects of disinfection Science.

WALTERS, A.H. & WORTH, V.A. Lab. Practice, l& (3), 284, 288, (1965). An Emergency Method for Cleaning and Chemical Sterilisation of Used Bacteriological Plastic Petri Dishes. Diversay (U.K.) Ltd.

WEAVER, P.J. Soap Chern. Specialties,~ (7), 45-49, 95-97, (1965). 8 refs., 10 figs. Testing detergent biodegradability. Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati.

WERTHAN, S. Amer. Paint J., 42 (47), 68-90, (1965). 10 figs. Mildew and exterior latex paints. American Zinc Institute.

WHITELEY, P. J. Oil Col. Chern. Assoc.~ (2), 172-204, (1965). 12 figs., 10 tables, 11 refs.

Mould resistant decorative paints for the tropics. Building Research Station, Garston, Watford, Herta.

WILLIS, A.T. Lab. Practice, 1A (6), 690-696, (1965). 7 figs., 62 refs. Media for Clostridia. Reader in Microbiology, Monash University Medical School, Melbourne,Australia.

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Australian J. Marine Freshwater Res., ~. 44-59, (1963). Environmental effects, M (4) 172, (1964). Rev. current literature:-(274J, 306, (April 1965). Effects of anti-fouling paints on settling larvae of the bryozoan 11Bugula ·Neritina11 •

Australian J. Marine Freshwater Res.~. 60-9, (1963). Environmental effects, kA (1) 15, (1964). Rev. current literature:-(272J, 149, (Feb. 1965). Detection and avoidance of a cuprous oxide anti-fouling paint ~ bivalve and gastropod larvae (Mollusca).

HERR, R.R., MACKELlAR, F.A. & ARGOUDELIS, A.D. J. Org. Chern., .3Q (7), 2330-2334, (1965). 10 refs. -Three chemically related metabolites of Streptomyces. II. Structural studies. Research Laboratories, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan.

WOLF, P.A. & RILEY, W.H. Appl. microbiology, lJ (1), 28-33, (1965). Rev. current literature, 1a (277), 583, (1965).


Fungistatic performance of 10,10·- (hydrJ-oxbisphenoxarsine in exterior Latex and Asphalt coatings.

ZINNEMANN, K. & ~R, G.C. Lab. Practice, ~ (6), 707-711, (1965). 87 refs. Media for Parvobacteria. Dept. of Bacteriology, School of Medicine, Leeds.

A Bibliography of papers on Aflatoxin is available from the Tropical Products Institute, 56 - 62, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C.l.

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The Bulletin is produced twice yearly, in the Spring and Autumn. Typescript contributions in triplicate should be sent to the Editor, Dr. H. 0. W. Eggina, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Aston in Birmingham, Gosta Green, Birmingham, 4., England, or to one of ths following:

Professor G. Becker,

Mr. D. G. Coursey,

Dr. J. Garrido,

Dr. H. J. Hueck, . Dr. A.M. Kaplan,

Monsieur Y. LeGrand,

Dr. B. J. Zyska,

Bundesanstalt flir MaterialprUfung, BerlincDahlem 45, Unter den Eichen 86/87, Germany,

Department of Biochemistry, Nutrition end Food Science, University of Ghana, Legan, Accra, Ghana.

Director, Departmento de Fermentaciones Industriales, Castello 25, Madr~, Spain.

Central Laboratory TNO, Julianalaen 134, P.O.B. 71, Delft, Holland.

Head, Fungicides and Germicides Laboratory, Pioneering Research Division, U.S. ~Natick Laboratories, Massachusetts, u.s.A. Centre d'Etudes du Bouchet, Vert-le-Pstit (S & 0), France.

Glowny Instyut Gornictwa, Katowice, Plac Gwarkow 1, Poland:

The Bulletin will act as a vehicle for the publication of work on all aspects of biodeterioration generally, i.e. the deterioration of materials of economic importance by microorganisms,. insecta, rodents etc., It is primarily a news bulletin and therefore if permission to quote from articles is to be obtained from authors this should be indicated on ths manuscript by en asterisk, An appropriate indication will then be made when published.

Each contribution is to be submitted on quarto paper (10ins. by Sins., or 25.5cm. by 20.25cm.) end, except for the review article, is not to exceed five pages containing approximately 500 words per page, including tables and illustrations.

Manuscripts should be typewritten in triplicate, double-spaced, on one side of the paper only. They may be submitted for publication in either English, French, German o~ Spanish, with a brief summary in English of approximately 25 words.

Illustrations should be clearly drawn in Indian Ink or should be photographed. The reJuction 4esired should be clearly indicated; illustrations when reduced are not to exceed 21cm. by 15cm.

For figures to be inserted in the text ths approximate place for each one should hs marked in ths typescript.

The biblopgraphic references are to be indicated as, e.g., Reese and Levinson {1952) in the text, and in the bibliography: Reese, E. T., end Levinson, H. G. (1952). Comparative study of the breakdown of cellulose by microorganisms: P!Jysiol. Plant • .?,. 354-366.

Proofs will not be sent to authors before final publication.

A limited number of reprints will be available free to authors.

Copies of the Bulletin will be sent free of charge to anyone interested in the field of biodeterioration; it is hoped thst ths recipients will send to the Editor names of any othsr people who may be interested.

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Le bulletin est publi~ deux fois par an, au printemps et ll 1 1 automne. Les textes dactylographi~a doivent etre envoy~s en triple exemplaire au ~acteur, Dr. H. o. W, Eggins, Department of Biological Sciences, T.he University of Aston in Birmingham, Gosta Green; Birmingham, 4., England (Angleterre) ou ~ l 1une des pereonnes suivantes:

Dr, A. M. Kaplan,

Monsieur Y. LeGrand,

Dr. B. J. Zyska,

Head, Fungicides and Germicides Laboratory, Pioneering Research Division, U.S. ~Natick Laboratories, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Centre d 1etudea du Bouchet, Vert-le-Petit (S & 0), France.

Glowy Instyut Gornictwa, Katowice, Plac Gwarkow 1, Poland,

Le bulletin servira d'organe de diffusion des travaux traitant taus lea aspects de la ddtdrioration biol9gique en gdndral, c'est-h-dire 1a ·d6tdrioratian par lea microorganismes, lea insectes,.les rongeurs etc. . . de matt!riaux ayant una impo~artce ES'conomique.

Nous espdrons qu'i1 sera possible de signaler lea noms des collaborateurs avec lea ~drances dans cheque bulletin.

C1est en premier lieu un bulletin d'infor.mation et par cons6quent, s'il faut oOtenir des autoriaations de citer des articles de 1a part de leurs auteurs, il faudra l'indiquer par un astES'rique sur le texte et uoe indication appropri~e sera faite ll la publication,

Chaque texte devra etre pr~senW sur papier in quarto (10in, par Sin. ou 25.5cm. par 20.25cm) et, sauf pour l 1article analytique, ne .devra pas d~passer cinq pages comportant 500 mots environ par page y compris les tableaux et les figures.

Lea textes devront etre dactylographi~s en trois exemplaires avec double espacement et tap~s sur un saul cStE!i seulement. Ils devront etre prE!isentE!is pour· 1a publication en angla:is, francais, allemand ou espagno1 avec un bref rdSllii16s en anglais de 25 mots environ.

Lea figures devront etre clairement dessinE!ies a 1 1encre de chine ou photographiE!ies. La rE!iduction d~sin!e devra etre clairement llldiquE!ie; apres rE!iduction, lea figures ne devront pas dE!ipasser 21Cm. par 15cm.

Lorsque des figures devront etre insE!irE!ies dans le texts, laplace de chacune d 1elle devra etre approximativement marqu~e dans le texte dactylographi~.

Lea rdfE!irences biblopgraphiques devront etre indiquE!ies salon 1.1example suivant: Reese et Levinson (1952) dans le t~xte et dana la biblopgraphie Reese, E. T. et Levinson, H. G. (1952) -Etude comparative de la Mgradation de la cellulose par les microorganismes: Physiol. Plant. J., 354-366.

Lea E!ipreuves ne seront pas envoyE!ies aux auteurs avant 1a publication dE!ifinitive.

Un nombre limit~ de r~impressions sera a la disposition des auteurs.

Des exemplaires du bulletin seront envoy~s gratuitement h ceux qui s 1 int~ressent h la d~t~rioration biologique; nous esp~rons que les destinataires voudront bien exp~ier au Reduacteur les noms des personnes susceptibles d 1etre int4ress~es.

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Das Bulletin erscheint zwe:!.mal jiihrlich, und zwar iJn Friihjahr und Herbst. Richten Sis bitte Ihre maschinengeschriebenen Beitriige an den Herausgeber, Dr. H. 0. W. Eggins, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Aston in Bimingham, Gosta Green, Bimingham, 4., England, oder an sine dar folgenden anschriften: ·

Professor G. Becker,

Dr. B. J, Zyska,

Bundesanstalt fiir Materialpriifung, Berlin-Dahlem 45, Unter den Eichen 86/87, Germany.

Glowny Instyut Gornictwa1 Katowice, Plac Gwarkow 1, Poland.

Das Bulletin soll der Veroffentlichung von Arbeiten iiber alle Aspekte des Abbaues durch Organismen iJn allgemainen dienen, wie z. B. die Zerstorung von Materialien von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung durch Mikroorganismens, Insekten, Nagetiere usw. Das Bulletin wird vorwiegend Neues bringen. Deshalb, wenn die Erlaubnis, aus Arbeiten zu zitieren, vom Autor eingeholt warden m~, ist dies durch ein·sterchen auf dem Manuskript zu kennzeichen, so d~ eine diesbeziigliche Anmerkung bei der Veroffentlichung gemacht werdenkenn,

Jeder Beitrag soll iJn Quart-Format eingereicht warden .(25. 5cm. x 20,25cm.) und ainschli.lllich der Tabellen und Bilder 5 Seiten mit je ungefiihr 500 Wortern nicht Uberschreiten,

Die Manuskripts sollen in 3facher Ausfertigung, maschinengeschrieben mit 2zeiligem Abstand und nur auf einer Seite des Papiers, eingesandt warden. Z"tDD. Abdruck kOnnen sie in Englisch, Franz"6sisch, Deutsch oder Spanisch vorgelegt warden, mUssen aber eine kurze englische Zusammenfassung von ungerabr 25 W6rten enthalten,

Abbildungen warden mit Ausziebtusche gezeichnet oder ala Photographien erbeten. Der gewtinschte VerkleinerungSIIIB,8steb ist deutlich anzugeben. Verkleinerte Abbildungen sollten sin Format von 21cm. x 15cm. nicht i.tberschreiten. Fiir in den Text einzufiigende Bilder ist der ungefiihre Platz fiir jedes einzelne· in dem Manuskript klar zu kennseicbnen.

Fiir die. bibliographischen Hinweise gilt folgendes Beispiel: Reese und Levinson ( 1952) iJn Text, im Literaturverzeichnis: ~ese, E. T. und Levinson, H. G. (1952). Vergleichende Untersuchting tiber den Abbau von Cellulose durch Mikroorganismen: Physiol.Plant. ~ 354-366.

Vor dar endgiiltigen Veroffentlichung erhalten die Autoren keine Korrekturabziige,

Eine begrenzte Anzabl von Sonderdrucken wird koatenlos an die Autoren abgageben.

Jeder, der sich fur das Gebiet des Abbaues durch Organismen interessiert, kann den Bulletin unentgeltlich erhalten. Die Empfanger Adressen von anderen interessierten Personen an den Herausgeber zurlickzuacbicken.

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El Boletfn se produce dos veces al ano, en la primavera y en el otono {abril y octubre), Las contribuciones escritas a la mdquina y par triplicada deben ser enviadas al Redactor Dr. H. 0. W. Eggins, Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Aston in Birmingham, Costa Green, Birmingham, 4., England, o a uno de loa aiguientea:

Dr. J. Garrido,

Dr. A. M. Kaplan,

Director, Departmento de Fer.mentaciOnea Industriales, Castello 25, Madrid, Spain,

Head, Fungicides and Germicides Laborator;y, Pioneering Research Division, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, MasSachusetts, U.S.A.

Ele Boletfn servird de veh!culo para la publicaci6n de obraa de toda clase sobre todos loa.aspectos de la biodeterioraci6n en general, es decir, ~a deterioraci6n de los materiales de importancia econ6mica par los microorganismos, i.nsectos, roedores (ratas) etc. Es en primer lugar un boletin de nuevas y par conaiguiente, si se necesita obtener de ciertos autores el per.miso de citar de sus articulos, se debar~ indicarlo par un asterisco en el manuscrito y se har~ una observaci6n apropiada al publicarlo.

~ Gada contribuci6n debe estar presentada en pdg~s de papal en cuarto (10 por S,pulgadas, o sea 25.5cm. per 20,25cm.) y, con excepcion del articulo de reviata, debe limitarse a c~co p~ginas de unas 500 palabraa per pdgina, incluidas las tablaa e iluatracionea,

Las contribuciones deben estar escritas a la mdquina por triplicado, a dos espacioS, en un lado de ~ hoja solamente. Pueden se presentadas para la publicaci6n en ingl4s, franc4s, ale~ o espanol, con un breve reSlnD.en en ingl~s de 1mas 25 palabras.

Hay que pre sen tar las ilustraciones distintamente trazadas en tinta china o fotgrafiadas. La deseada reducci6n debe indicarse cla~nte, y cuando reducidas las ilustraciones no deben exceder 21 em, por 15cm.

Cua.nd.o bay que introducir cifras en el texto, hay que indicar en el documento el lugar aproximado donde deben ponerse.

Las referencias bibliogr!U'icas deben indicarse as:[ - por ejemplo "Reese and Levinspn (1952)'rr en el texto, yen la bibliograf!a "Raese, E. T. and Levinson, H. G. {1952), Comparative Study of the breakdown of cellulose by microorganisms, !hysiol, Plant, ~ 354-366.

No se devolveran las prubas a los autores antes de la publicaci6n definitive.

Se pondr~ gratis a la disposicion de los autores una cantidad limitada de reimpresiones.

Se mandar!fn gratis ejemplares del boletfn a quienquirera que ae intereae por los estudios de la biodeterioraci6n. Se espera que los reciban enviardn al redactor los nombres de otros individuos que puedan intareaarae per este tema.

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Published by the Biodeteriorotion Information Centre. Printed by Harris and Sheldon Lta.