internal recruitment procedure for managerial positions


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Page 1: Internal Recruitment Procedure for Managerial Positions
Page 2: Internal Recruitment Procedure for Managerial Positions

Internal Recruitment Procedure for

Managerial PositionsZasadanie ministrov

Bratislava, 30.11.2016

Page 3: Internal Recruitment Procedure for Managerial Positions


Self-assessment by the CAF model - genesis.

Choice of the improvement action: „Internal recruitment

procedure for managerial positions.”

The rules of internal recruitment for the positions, which

involve leading a team in the Tax Chamber in Wroclaw and

tax offices of Lower Silesia.


Description of the prioritisation approach that led to the

chosen project.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

Page 4: Internal Recruitment Procedure for Managerial Positions

Self-assessment by the CAF model

– genesis

Self-assessment by the CAF model is conducted regularly since

2009. The last self-assessment with the CAF 2013 model in

took place in XI.2013 r. and led the assessment results to

choose as improvement action: „Internal recruitment procedure

for managerial positions.”

The self-assessment process in the Wroclaw Tax Chamber is

regulated by the Instructions I/017/2 “The self-assessment

according to the CAF model in the process of organization


Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Self-assessment by the CAF model

– genesis

It is important to notice that these procedures are still in force

although significant organisational changes faced by the tax

administration in Poland in the mid-2015.

After consolidation of the fiscal services, by a decision of the

Director of Tax Chamber, the instruction concerning the CAF

self-assessment was repealed. The next CAF self-assessment

of the organization is planned after the joining of the fiscal and

custom services, planned by the Polish government in 2016.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Choice of the improvement action

The internal recruitment procedure for managerial positions,

implemented as a result of the CAF self-assessment in the Tax

Chamber, has improved the satisfaction and motivation of the

employees at work.

The questionnaire, separate for employees and managers, was

placed in the system “Qasystent”, i.e.: the knowledge base

available for each member of the organisation.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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The survey was planned and conducted as a questionnaire

study on the basis and in accordance with the regulations

included in the dedicated instructions titled “The investigation of

the satisfaction and expectations of the employees”.

The form was distributed among the persons via the Qasystent


Participation in the survey, directed to all employees of the Tax

Chamber in Wroclaw (except of the Director and Vice-Directors

of the Tax Chamber), was voluntary and fully anonymous. The

desirable questionnaire return rate was not established.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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In 2012 the satisfaction level of the employees in the survey

was 67.58 %; within the employees group the satisfaction level

amounted to 65.3 %. It was lower by 12.96 percentage points

when compared to that achieved in the group of managers

(78.33 %). In comparison to the previous investigation, the

satisfaction level of all employees increased by 0.98 percentage


Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.


Chart - satisfaction of employees and managers

2012 2013

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Respondents (the whole of the

employees) evaluated best the

following items:

their own competences (85.96%; an increase by 1.33

percentage point in comparison to previous investigation),

good professional relations with the co-workers (85.70 %; a

decrease by 0.56 percentage points in comparison to previous


the employment stability (80.72 %; an increase by 1.62

percentage point in comparison to previous investigation).

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Respondents evaluated worst:

a possibility of the professional promotion (42.43 %, an increase

by 0.66 percentage point in comparison to previous


the housing conditions of the Office, the work safety and health

conditions (50.83 %, a decrease by 0.4 percentage point in

comparison to previous investigation ),

the perception of the Office by the customers (47.76 %; an

increase by 1.99 percentage point in comparison to previous

investigation ).

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As regards the motivation – in 2012 respondents assessed their

own commitment to work performance and organization on the

level of 86.67 %. The employee group assessed their own

commitment on the level of 85.42%, with a slight decrease in the

ratings compared to 2012. The manager group assessed their own

commitment on the level of 92.81%, with a slight increase in the

ratings compared to 2012.

The team for CAF indicated this action as thesecond most

important one in the ranking. During the meeting of the Tax

Chamber top management, after presentation of the self-

assessment results and the proposals of improvement actions, the

Tax Chamber Director accepted 3 out of 5 proposed actions for

realization. One of them was “Internal recruitment procedure for

managerial positions”.

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The participation rate of employees in the survey

(Survey - Survey of satisfaction and expectations of employees)

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2012 2013

Managers Employees Altogether

2012 2013

Managers 78,80% 76,50%

Employees 58,60% 62,80%

Altogether 61% 64,40%

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In 2016 another survey referring to the employees’ satisfaction and

motivation was conducted. Although content of the some

questions and methodology of the study has been changed,

according to the achieved result of the survey, employee

satisfaction indicator was improved and amounted to 76 % (an

increase by 8.42 percentage point in comparison to 2013).

These results allow to assume that the direction of changes are

correct and implemented improvements as INTERNAL


brings the desired effect.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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In sum

The main reason for designing and implementing of the internal

recruitment procedures for management position was information

obtained in 2013 from the analysis of the satisfaction and

expectations of the Tax Chamber employees in terms of the

professional promotion – employees’ perception of professional

promotion possibilities in the TCH was one of the lowest value.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Designing of the internal recruitment

procedures took place in 3 stages:

January / February 2014 – analysis of the internal law.

February 2014 r. – designing of the internal recruitment rules for

managerial positions titled: "The principles of internal recruitment for

the positions that involve leading a team in the Tax Chamber in

Wroclaw” and submitting them for the acceptance to the Director of

the Tax Chamber.

02.24.2014 r. - acceptance of the internal recruitment rules and their

publication in the application Ǫasystent and Intranet.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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The rules of internal recruitment for the positions,

which involve leading a team in the Tax Chamber in

Wroclaw and tax offices of Lower Silesia:

“Manager” is understand as the person in charge or supervising

the work of the organizational unit, which is a separate part of the

Chamber or the tax office (e.g. unit, department, division, an

independent division, an independent section, section, multi-

person position) established to implement the tasks defined in the

organizational rules of the Chamber or organizational regulations

of tax offices.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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In order to fill the vacancy for the position of manager, the

Director of the Tax Chamber of Wroclaw may announce an

internal recruitment for the vacant post.

An employee of the HR unit prepares the announcement for the

vacancy, including, among others, the necessary and additional

requirements resulting from the job description, the conditions of

submission of an application for a managerial position, the

duties and rights of the manager and the deadline for

submission of applications, and submit it for approval to the

Director of the Tax Chamber in Wroclaw.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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The announcement of vacancy is transmitted to employees of

the Tax Chamber in Wroclaw and the tax offices province Lower

Silesia by: applications Qasystent, Internet,e-mail boxes of all


The effectiveness of the communication is at the highest level.

Candidates submit their offer, including the description of their

qualifications and motivation to take up the job, in the manner

specified in the announcement.

The director of the Tax Chamber of Wroclaw decides on the

composition of the recruitment committee, which includes

minimum 3 persons.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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The employees of the HR unit verify if the submitted offers meet

the formal requirements. Offers that do not meet the

requirements are rejected.

Uniform rules are applicable to all participants of the process.

Applicants are invited for an interview.

The Commission documents its work.

The director of the Tax Chamber of Wroclaw makes the final

decision on the selection of a candidate for the managerial


Employees of the Tax Chamber in Wroclaw are informed of the

outcome of recruitment process in any standard form (by e.g.:

Qasystent applications, Intranet IS, e-mail).

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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ExamplesExamples of internal recruitment processes, conducted in

accordance with the implemented solution:

- Senior Specialist Managing III Multi-person IT position.

- Senior Specialist Managing Multi-person Communication


- Managing of the Multi-person Internal Audit position.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Description of the prioritisation

approach that led to the chosen project.

The approach that led to the chosen project is based on general

rules related to the CAF self-assessment and implementation of

the improving action plan binding in the Tax Chamber in Wroclaw.

According to these principles:

After the self-assessment, the CAF coordinator prepares the

meeting aiming to select the improving actions.

The CAF coordinator, in consultation with the head of office,

calls the meeting in order to develop the draft improvement

action plan.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Participants of the meeting reformulate all areas to be improved

into the improving actions proposal in accordance with the form:

“Planning the improving actions on the basis of the self-

assessment of the office operation functioning”.

Next, the participants of the meeting attribute to each improving

action two scores in the scale from 1 up to 10, i.e. they assess

the possible effect of the action on the execution of the priorities,

established by the management and the office capacity to

implement the action.

After completion of the assessment of all the improving actions

proposed, they are organized in decreasing order according to

the number of points obtained.

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The list of at least 5 proposals of improving actions, that gained

the highest score, is presented to the office management.

The head of office approves at least 3 improving actions from

the list for realization in the current year.

The information about the improving actions assumed for

realization in the given year is disseminated among the

employees, in the mode accepted in the office.

The key results in relations with employees were decisive in the

selection of improvement actions, proposed by the CAF team.

The assessment of the evidence in this regards, with the use of the

Deming cycle, indicated the lowest values, hence the choice of this

action and the desire to improve relationships in the workplace.

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

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Polish team CAF

Internal Reguitment Procedure for Managerial Positions, Wrocław, 08. 11. 2016

Thank you for your attention.

The Polish team CAF.