interkulturelles zentrum academy of central european

Information INFORMATION & CONTACT SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS As international school partnerships offer a concrete opportunity for intercultural exchange and coopera- tion aces encourages partnership projects amongst schools in Central and South Eastern European countries. Teachers and students (aged 12–17) of schools in the participating countries are invited to find partner schools and to submit a partnership project proposal with their ideas for cooperation. Call for project proposals 2012 Media products do not only inform and entertain us, they also play an important role in how we view the reality around us. Mass media – and especially digital media – offer broader access to information and new ways of participation but also carry the risk of manipulation. Media literacy is a crucial factor for active citizenship in today’s society. It is a repertoire of competences that enables people to access, analyze, evaluate and create media products, allowing them to become responsible consumers and creative producers. Interkulturelles Zentrum Reinhard Eckert & Christine Gamper, Project Coordination Lindengasse 41/10, 1070 Vienna, Austria T: +43 (0)1 5867544-42, [email protected], [email protected] In order to forster learning about this topic the overall theme of the aces call 2012 is „Reality Check – How we perceive and construct the world through media.” Detailed information on the theme, the contest rules and the straight- forward submission procedure on The deadline for submission is 30 April 2012. An international selection commit- tee then evaluates and awards the best applications. The winners are supported to carry out their cross- border partnership projects. Network events International meetings with delega- tions of the winning project schools, e.g. the Academy, provide a platform for exchange, evaluation and further educational development. aces is an initiative of ERSTE Foundation Knut Neumayer, Programme Director Friedrichstraße 10, 1010 Vienna, Austria in cooperation with VČELÍ DOM Danica Lacová, Executive Director Trenčianska 57, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovak Republic [email protected] Albania / Austria / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Czech Republic / Hungary / Kosovo / Macedonia / Moldova / Montenegro / Romania / Serbia / Slovak Republic / Slovenia Supporting dialogue and cooperation of young people Academy of Central European Schools aces is an initiative of ERSTE Foundation coordinated by Interkulturelles Zentrum in cooperation with VČELÍ DOM

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Page 1: Interkulturelles Zentrum Academy of Central European informacia.pdf · Interkulturelles Zentrum Reinhard Eckert & Christine Gamper, Project



As international school partnerships offer a concrete opportunity for intercultural exchange and coopera-tion aces encourages partnership projects amongst schools in Central and South Eastern European countries.

Teachers and students (aged 12–17) of schools in the participating countries are invited to find partner schools and to submit a partnership project proposal with their ideas for cooperation.

Call for project proposals 2012 Media products do not only inform and entertain us, they also play an important role in how we view the reality around us. Mass media – and especially digital media – offer broader access to information and new ways of participation but also carry the risk of manipulation. Media literacy is a crucial factor for active citizenship in today’s society. It is a repertoire of competences that enables people to access, analyze, evaluate and create media products, allowing them to become responsible consumers and creative producers.

Interkulturelles ZentrumReinhard Eckert & Christine Gamper, Project CoordinationLindengasse 41/10, 1070 Vienna, AustriaT: +43 (0)1 5867544-42, [email protected], [email protected]

In order to forster learning about this topic the overall theme of the aces call 2012 is „Reality Check – How we perceive and construct the world through media.”

Detailed information on the theme, the contest rules and the straight-forward submission procedure on

The deadline for submission is 30 April 2012.

An international selection commit-tee then evaluates and awards the best applications. The winners are supported to carry out their cross-border partnership projects.

Network eventsInternational meetings with delega-tions of the winning project schools, e.g. the Academy, provide a platform for exchange, evaluation and further educational development.

aces is an initiative of

ERSTE FoundationKnut Neumayer, Programme DirectorFriedrichstraße 10, 1010 Vienna,

in cooperation with

VČELÍ DOMDanica Lacová, Executive DirectorTrenčianska 57, 821 09 Bratislava, Slovak [email protected]

Albania / Austria / Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Czech Republic / Hungary / Kosovo / Macedonia / Moldova / Montenegro / Romania / Serbia / Slovak Republic / Slovenia

Supporting dialogue and cooperation of young people

Academy of Central EuropeanSchools

aces is an initiative ofERSTE Foundation

coordinated byInterkulturelles Zentrum

in cooperation with VČELÍ DOM

Page 2: Interkulturelles Zentrum Academy of Central European informacia.pdf · Interkulturelles Zentrum Reinhard Eckert & Christine Gamper, Project



aces is an initiative of ERSTE Foundation.

The programme aims at supporting the establish-ment of a Central European network of schools. It is designed to enable and enhance a sustain-able dialogue and cooperation of young people and to create a continuous network of shared knowledge, mutual learning and innovation.

Partner countriesAlbania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzego vina, Bul-garia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic and Slovenia are involved in the network.

SupportThe initiative is supported by the Ministries of Education from all participating countries. The coordinating unit is Interkulturelles Zentrum in cooperation with VČELÍ DOM.

European citizenship – A Soul for Europeaces supports innovative ways of teaching and learning in Central Europe in order to contribute to the process of European integration and the promotion of European Citizenship.

Schools can play an important role in opening up the perspectives of young people beyond the borders of their own country towards a common Europe, based on joint values like the state of law, personal freedom and human rights.

aces invites schools to contribute to the cross-border dialogue on European values and concepts and to become a vital part of a shared vision of Europe.*

Learning for tomorrowaces offers concrete possibilities to take part actively and to discuss European values and topics with peers from abroad. Young people are supported in establishing personal contacts, developing friendship across borders and becoming acquainted with varying perspectives and different ways of thinking.

Besides stimulating the practical use of foreign languages and the motivation to learn even new ones (e.g. “neighbourhood languages”), aces welcomes the use of modern communication technologies. Students and teachers may profit from it and create a common space for learning and intercultural dialogue from which knowledge and various competencies emerge.

Schools as learning organisationsaces addresses schools with their potential for developing educational quality and innovation. “Learning schools” get inspiration by comparing themselves with others from abroad: different models of school management, the respective role of leadership or unfamiliar approaches and new methods for the classroom may serve as valuable resources for the own development.

Moreover, the “European dimension” exceeds the limited national tradition of education, it raises the awareness for the diversity of positions and attitudes and deepens the understanding of the complexity of Europe and the globalised world.

*Further Information: Council of Europe


European Commission

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Vec: aces – Akadémia stredoeurópskych škôl: výzva pre projektový rok 2012

Vážený pán/Vážená pani,

dovoľujeme si Vás informovať, že od 1. februára 2012 bola spustená nová výzva pre úspešný

medzinárodný školský partnerský projekt aces – Akadémia stredoeurópskych škôl.

V súvislosti s uvedeným si Vás a Vašu školu dovoľujeme pozvať zúčastniť sa tejto

medzinárodnej projektovej súťaže spolu s ďalšou partnerskou školou z niektorej z krajín

Strednej Európy, ktorá je členom aces.

aces je iniciatívou rakúskej nadácie ERSTE Foundation a je organizovaná rakúskym

Interkultúrnym centrom so sídlom vo Viedni (Interkulturelles Zentrum, Vienna) v spolupráci

so slovenským občianskym združením Včelí dom. V rámci nej bola vytvorená sieť škôl

za účelom výmeny a interkultúrneho dialógu medzi mladými ľuďmi a učiteľmi v Strednej


Do projektu je zaangažovaných 15 partnerských krajín: Albánsko, Rakúsko, Bosna a

Hercegovina, Bulharsko, Chorvátsko, Česká republika, Maďarsko, Kosovo, Macedónsko,

Moldavsko, Čierna Hora, Rumunsko, Slovenská republika, Slovinská republika a Srbsko.

Táto iniciatíva je podporovaná ministerstvami školstva všetkých účastníckych krajín.

Medzinárodné partnerstvo škôl ponúka rozličné možnosti učenia sa od seba navzájom, aj

spoločne, možnosti interkultúrnych výmen, ako aj implementácie inovatívnych vyučovacích

metód do škôl. Preto je každoročná súťaž medzinárodných školských partnerských projektov

ústrednou aktivitou aces -u.

Jedna súťaž v oblasti mediálnej gramotnosti – veľa výhercov

Médiá nás nielen informujú a poskytujú nám zábavu, ale hrajú tiež dôležitú úlohu v tom, ako

vidíme a vnímame realitu okolo nás. Masovokomunikačné prostriedky – a sú to najmä

digitálne médiá – nám ponúkajú široký, všeobecný prístup k informáciám a k novým

spôsobom participácie, avšak zároveň so sebou prinášajú riziko väčšej manipulácie s

informáciami. Mediálna gramotnosť sa tak v dnešnej spoločnosti stáva silným a dôležitým

faktorom aktívneho občianstva. Zahŕňa v sebe celý repertoár kompetencií, ktoré nám

umožňujú získavať, analyzovať, hodnotiť i tvoriť mediálne produkty a zároveň sa stať ich

zodpovednými príjemcami a využívateľmi i kreatívnymi tvorcami. Preto je rámcová téma

aces výzvy na rok 2012 „Odraz reality – Ako vnímame a vytvárame svet

prostredníctvom médií”.

Hľadáme slovenské školy!

Vyzývame všetky typy škôl v Slovenskej republike so žiakmi vo veku 12 – 17 rokov, ktoré

majú záujem aktívne sa projektu zúčastniť, aby si v termíne od 1. februára do 30. apríla

Page 4: Interkulturelles Zentrum Academy of Central European informacia.pdf · Interkulturelles Zentrum Reinhard Eckert & Christine Gamper, Project


2012 našli v niektorej z menovaných členských krajín aces -u partnerskú školu a aby

predložili návrh spoločného projektu s vlastnými nápadmi, myšlienkami a návrhmi na

spoluprácu v oblasti, ktorú určuje tohtoročná téma projektu. Následne medzinárodná

výberová komisia vyhodnotí a vyberie najlepšie projekty na ocenenie. Výhercov podporíme

v snahe zrealizovať ich cezhraničné projekty formou grantu a budú pozvaní na medzinárodné

stretnutia s delegáciami zo všetkých ocenených projektov. Pracovným jazykom je angličtina.

Ďalšie informácie, pravidlá na podávanie výzvy a on-line systém na nájdenie partnera, ako aj

on-line prihlášku na predloženie projektu, je možné nájsť na stránke

V prípade akýchkoľvek otázok kontaktujte Interkulturelles Zentrum, pani Rebeccu

Zeilinger: [email protected], tel: +43 (0)1 5867544-20

S pozdravom

PaedDr. Eva Obžerová

Ministerstvo školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu v SR

Stromová 1

813 30 Bratislava

P.S.: Dovoľujeme si Vás požiadať, aby ste o uvedenej vzdelávacej iniciatíve informovali aj

ďalších Vašich kolegov, ktorí by o to mali záujem.