interface neuronale directe

INTERFACE NEURONALE DIRECTE -Brain computing interface Presented by: P.Anisha M.Rajeshwari INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

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Page 1: Interface neuronale directe



-Brain computing interface

Presented by:





Page 2: Interface neuronale directe

Overview:• Introduction

• History

• BCI technologies

• Component

• Working

• How information is transmitted

• Applications

• Advantages

• Disadvantages

• Future scope

• Conclusion

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• Interface Neuronale Directe is also called as

brain computer interface(BCI)

• It is a mind-to-movement system that allows a

quadriplegic man to control a computer using his


• The system is to help those who have lost control

of their limbs or other bodily functions, such as

patients with spinal cord injury to operate various

gadgets such as TV, computer ,lights, fan etc.

• It monitors brain activity in the patient and

converts the intention of the user into computer


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History• In 1924 Hans Berger, a German neurologist was

first to record human brain activities by means of

EEG(Electroencephalography ).

• In 1970 researchers on BCIs began at the

university of California Los Angeles(UCLA).

• In 1978 a prototype was planted into a man

blinded in adulthood.

• In 2005 Matthew Nagle was one of the first person

to use BCI to restore functionality lost due to


• In 2013 duke university researchers

successfully connected the brains two rats.

It is the first ever brain to brain interface.

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BCI Technology

• BCIs usually connects the brain (or nervous

system) with a computer system.

• A Brain Computer Interface, called as direct

neural interface or brain machine interface is a

direct communication pathway between human or

animal brain and an external device.

• Based on the communicative Pathway BCI is

classified as follows

One Way BCI

Two Way BCI

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BCI Technology (Cont.)

• One Way BCI: Computers either accept

commands from the brain or send signals to it (for

example, to restore vision) but not both.

• Two Way BCI: Brains and external devices can

exchange information in both directions but have

yet to be successfully implanted in animals or


• Brain Computer interface is of three types based

on its features and are

Invasive BCI

Non Invasive BCI

Partially invasive BCI

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Invasive BCI:

• Invasive BCI are directly implanted into the grey

matter of the brain during neurosurgery. They

produce the highest quality signals of BCI devices.

• BCIs focusing on motor Neuroprosthetics aim to

either restore movement in paralyzed individuals

or provide devices to assist them, such

as interfaces with computers or

robot arms.

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Partially Invasive BCI:

• Partially invasive BCI devices are implanted

inside the skull but rest outside the brain rather

than amidst the grey matter.

• Electrocorticography(ECoG) uses the same

technology as non-invasive

electroencephalography, but the electrodes are

embedded in a thin plastic pad that is placed

above the cortex, beneath the duramater.

• Light Reactive Imaging BCI devices are still in the

realm of theory. These would involve implanting

laser inside the skull

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Non Invasive BCI:

• The signals which are used in non invasive BCI

have been used to power muscle implants and

restore partial movement in an experimental


• Easy to wear but it produces poor signals.

• Another substantial barrier used in BCI:

Electroencephalography (EEG)

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

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How does EEG & MEG work


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Animal BCI Research

• Several laboratories have managed to record

signals from monkey & rat cerebral cortex in

order to operate BCIs to carry out movement.

• Monkeys-They have better abilities, skills and

navigated computer cursors on Screen and

Commanded Robotic Arms.

• Rats-Decoded Visual Signals.

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This way Monkeys & Rats used

in laboratory

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Components of BCI:

• The converter: The signal travels to a shoebox-

sized amplifier mounted on the user’s wheelchair,

where it’s converted to optical data and bounced

by fiber-optic cable to a computer.

• The computer: The computer

translates brain activity and creates

the communication output using

custom decoding software.

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• The Neuro chip: A 4-millimeter square silicon chip studded with 100 hair-thin microelectrodes is embedded in the primary motor cortex the region of the brain responsible for controlling movement

• The connector: When the user thinks “movecursor up and down”, the cortical neurons fire ina distinctive pattern: the signal is transmittedthrough the pedestal plug attached to the skull

Components of BCI:

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• The Brain Gate neural interface device is

a propriety brain-computer interface that

consist of an Inter neural signal sensor

and External Processors.

• The sensor consists of a tiny chip

containing 100 microscopic electrodes

that detect brain cell electrical activity.

• The chip is implanted on the surface of

brain in the motor cortex area that

controls movement.

Motor Cortex

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Working (Cont.)

• External Processors convert neural signals into an

output signal under the users own control.

• In the pilot version of the device, a cable connects

the sensor to an external processor in a cart that

contains computers.

• The computers translate brain activity and create

the communication output using custom decoding


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How information is transmitted?

• When a work is done through any

part of body then a potential

difference is created in the brain.

• This potential difference is

captured by the electrodes and is

transmitted via fiber optic to the

Digitizer(external processor).

• The digitizer converts the signal

into some 0’s and 1’s and that is

feed into the computer

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How information is transmitted?

(Cont.)• Thus a new path for

propagation of brain

commands from the brain to the

computer via Brain Gate are


• Now when external devices are

connected to the computer ,then

they work according to the

thought produced in the motor


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• Adaptive BCI for augmented cognition and action.

• BCI offers paralyzed patients improved quality of


• The mental typewriter.

• Provide additional channel of control in Computer

Gaming, Working Memory Encoding, Rapid

Visual Recognition, Error and Conflict


• Provides enhanced control of devices such as

wheel chairs, vehicles or assistance robots for

people with disability

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• Allow paralyzed people to controlprosthetic limbs with their mind.

• Transmit visual images to the mind ofa blind person, allowing them to see.

• Transmit auditory data to the mind ofa deaf person, allowing them to hear.

• Allow gamers to control video gameswith their minds.

• Allow a mute person to have theirthoughts displayed and spoken by acomputer.

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• Research is still in beginningstages

• The current technology iscrude

• Ethical issues may prevent itsdevelopment

• Electrodes outside of the skullcan detect very few electricsignals from the brain

• Electrodes placed inside theskull create scar tissue in thebrain

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Future Scope

• Current new advances include a second-generation interface software M*Power controller that will enable users to perform a wide variety of daily activities without assistances of technician.

• We can expect that humans can easily communicate wireless through thoughts with devices around us.

• Scientist can transplant human brain to the robots.

• Human dreams can easily be visualized as video movie in the computer monitor.

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• Interface Neuronale Directe is a

method of communication based

on voluntary neural activity

• Intensive R&D in future to attain

intuitive efficiency.

• Will enable us to achieve

singularity very soon.

• Conclusively BCI is a boon for the

paralyzed people.

• The results of BCI are spectacular

and unbelievable.

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