intercession & worship services · 2017-05-28 · middlebury chapel bulletin may 28, 2017...

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m. ALSO… Please consider this your personal invitation to join the Middlebury Chapel Ministry Team!! Our next meeting/training will be announced soon. If you are interested in the Ministry Team but would like to know more about what is involved, please see Iman Taylor.

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Page 1: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m.


Please consider this your personal invitation to join the Middlebury Chapel Ministry Team!!

Our next meeting/training will be announced soon. If you are interested in the Ministry Team but would

like to know more about what is involved, please see Iman Taylor.

Page 2: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Please join us for our Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study!!

“The Creator's Calendar” Presented by Tom Gordon

Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m.

in the Youth Room

We will learn how the Bible answers the following questions:

1.) What time is it - What year…month…week…day…and hour?

2.) How can I know the difference between the Creator's Calendar vs. the Gregorian Calendars?

3.) Why does it matter?

4.) Have we been deceived about the true time?

Come and learn the

answers to these and other

“timely” questions…

See you


Page 3: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Update on Larry Inks… Larry is currently in Altercare of Stow, 5000 Sowul Blvd., Room 213 and he is greatly missing

his Middlebury family. Both he and Ann could really use your visits, prayers, encouragement,

and support during this stressful time. Ann has extended a personal invitation to anyone

who would like to visit Larry as he is very lonely and Ann would love company as well.

Attention Community Dinner Chefs,

both seasoned and new:


Page 4: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Hey Middlebury Men!! It’s coming up

next weekend!!!!

2017 Middlebury Chapel Men's Retreat

being held at

Stony Glen Camp June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th!! This year's theme is:


“Take heed, keep on the alert; for you do not know when the appointed time will come.”

- Mark 13:33

The retreat will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday June 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at Camp Stony Glen, 5300 W. Loveland Rd., Madison, OH 44057. Please join us as we come together for a weekend of learning, sharing, fellowship, and fun. The cost of the retreat is $20 for one night or $40 for two nights and food is included.

There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Main Hallway. Please contact Rick Herbert or Stu Davis for more information.

Page 5: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m
Page 6: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Attention – All Middlebury Men - Why should the Ladies have all the fun?? Please join us for our Middlebury Chapel

Men’s Ministry Meetings!! Our next meeting will be this coming

Thursday, June 1st at 6:30 p.m. and we hope that you will join us!!

Also, please don’t forget…

The next Men’s Prayer Breakfast will be held Saturday, June 3rd at the Men’s Retreat

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Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Tithes Needed Last Week: $3200

Tithes Received Last Week: $5129

RU₵2 Funds Last Week: $1.52

Page 8: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017

Something to Ponder… LET ME ANNOINT YOU with My Presence. I am King of

kings and Lords of lords, dwelling in unapproachable

Light. When you draw near to Me, I respond by coming

closer to you. As My Presence envelopes you, you may

feel overwhelmed by My Power and Glory. This is a form

of worship: sensing your smallness in comparison to My


Man has tended to make himself the measure of all

things. But man’s measure is too tiny to comprehend My

majestic vastness. That is why most people do not see Me

at all, even though they live and move and have their

being in Me. Enjoy the radiant beauty of My Presence.

Declare My Glorious Being to the world!

1 Timothy 6:15-16; James 4; Acts 17-28; Psalm


from “Jesus Calling – Enjoying Peace in His Presence” by Sarah Young

Page 9: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

Bob Dyer:

Unless you hate your kids, do this Published: May 17, 2017 - 07:43 PM | Updated: May 18, 2017 - 09:55 AM

I forget about this most of the time, which enables me to function pretty

well day-to-day.

But every so often it sneaks up behind me and kicks me in the head.

Figuratively speaking.

Do you realize we’re all going to die?


What a concept.

We start out in diapers, clueless, and, if we live long enough, we probably

end up in diapers, equally clueless. And then we stop living.

Glad I could brighten your day.

The point is, nobody beats Father Time. Someday, even LeBron will be

unable to dunk. At some point, he will stop running, reduced to simply

ambling along. And in the end he will wind up in the same category as

(almost – Edit Candy’s) every other human being who ever lived.

Regardless of the date we sign off, we likely will leave at least a few family

members behind. And unless you’ve been a real jackass, they will be

grieving. They also will be facing a sizeable burden: wading through

mountains of paperwork to finalize your affairs.

At this point, you already should have created a will and a living will. If not,

50 lashes.

But helping your survivors goes well beyond that. Or should.

About 10 years ago, I sat down and typed four pages of notes for my kids.

I gave them my bank and brokerage account numbers along with the phone

numbers and addresses of those institutions … my safe-deposit box number

and location, and the location of the key … my social security number (I’ll

bet your kids don’t know yours) … life insurance info … contact info for my

lawyer, doctors and the human resources office at work … location of old tax

returns … info on investments, such as 401(k)s … funeral instructions …

Page 10: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

anything else I figured they might be scratching their heads about when I’m

no longer around.

To make things even easier, I got specific: “Deed to house is in middle

drawer on right side of desk beneath computer.”

I’ve given copies to both my kids and I try to update the info every year.

They deserve it.

Whether the mystery-solvers are your kids, your spouse or your best friend,

you’ll want to give them/him/her passwords to your email and to things like

Amazon and eBay accounts. You’ll especially want to list passwords for

things that are automatically deducted from your checking account, such as

a gym membership, satellite or cable TV, a church tithe or your subscription

to the Croquet Gazette. (There really is such a thing.)

Give them the password for your computer. (And maybe the name of a

folder or two they should kill without looking at the contents.)

Have a secret stash of cash? Tell ’em where.

Who has a spare key to your house?

What’s the code for your garage-door keypad?

All of this came to mind the other day because a friend sent me a column by

a nationally syndicated financial writer who has created a “financial

organizer” for exactly the purpose we’re talking about.

It’s free on Terry Savage’s website if you give up your email address and

later verify it. Go to:

The four-page document asks you for most of the basics, but you’ll probably

want to add at least a few of the additional things mentioned above.

My friend would take it a step further. “Heck, if you want to, compose the

‘perfect’ obituary; write it yourself and leave it with the copy of your will.

“And don’t forget to leave a love note for your relative digging through your

stuff to find all this!”

Leaving your relative a financial map will certainly help convey your love.

Bob Dyer can be reached at 330-996-3580 or [email protected].

He also is on Facebook at

Page 11: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt)

RansomWare Attack

As you may have learned over the weekend from national news coverage, a cyberattack using the ransomware known as WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) has impacted organizations and individuals on a worldwide scale. According to the latest reports, the attack was discovered on Friday, May 12 and quickly spread to at least 150 countries including the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France and Japan. What is WannaCry?

WannaCry is the name of a serious strain of ransomware that hit Windows PCs worldwide, starting last Friday and it had spread to an estimated 57,000 computers in more than 150 different countries around the world by the end of the day. European countries were hit the hardest, and business ground to a halt at several large companies and organizations, including banks, hospitals, and government agencies. Those who were infected found their computers locked, with hackers demanding a $300 ransom to unlock the device and its files. What exactly does WannaCry do?

RansomWare like WannaCry works by encrypting most or even all of the files on a user’s computer. Then, the software demands that a ransom be paid in order to have the files decrypted. In the case of WannaCry specifically, the software demands that the victim pays a ransom of $300 in bitcoins at the time of infection. If the user doesn’t pay the ransom without three days, the amount doubles to $600. After seven days without payment, WannaCry will delete all of the encrypted files and all data will be lost.

Page 12: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


This is a screenshot from a computer infected with the WannaCry RansomWare:

Page 13: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


How were people infected?

Like many malware infections, it appears that human error is to blame. According to The Financial Times, someone in Europe downloaded a compressed zip file that was attached to an email, releasing WannaCry onto that person's PC. Many others did the same, and when all was said and done, at least 300,000 devices were affected globally. That’s unfortunate, but it's their problem, right?

Not exactly. Among the affected PCs were those used by the UK's National Health System (NHS). With computers locked, staff were unable to access patient records and other basic services. Appointments and surgeries were cancelled and medical facilities were shut down as NHS tried to stop the spread of WannaCry. Also affected: Germany's rail system, Renault and Nissan factories, FedEx, Spanish telecom Telefonica, and even Russia's central bank. These are examples of how devastating and dangerous this software can be.

During a Monday press briefing, Homeland Security Advisor Tom Bossert said WannaCry had not hit any US government systems.

Is the attack over?

Unfortunately, no, it is not.

What can I do if my computer is infected with WannaCry?

Sadly, there is no confirmed fix for WannaCry available at this time. Antivirus companies and cybersecurity experts are hard at work looking for ways to decrypt files on infected computers, but no means of third-party decryption are available right now. Hopefully affected users have backups of their data available, because the only other option right now that is known to work is to follow the instructions offered in the software to pay the ransom and even that will not guarantee the return of access to their files.

Is my PC at risk?

If you are running Windows 10 you are safe, as WannaCry does not target Microsoft's newest OS.

Page 14: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


If you're running other, supported versions of Windows (Vista, Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016), a patch that Microsoft released in March addressed the vulnerability that WannaCry targets. So hopefully you or your office's IT department installed that update. There are some people, however, who are still running aging versions of Windows; 7 percent still run Windows XP despite the fact that Redmond no longer issues security updates for it. So Microsoft took the unusual step of releasing a WannaCry patch for old versions of Windows it no longer supports, including Windows XP, Windows 8, and Windows Server 2003.

Regardless of which version of Windows you have, make sure you're up to date with your security patches!!!!

Ransomware isn't new; why is this such a big deal?

WannaCry uses an exploit known as EternalBlue developed by the US National Security Agency (NSA), which used it to go after targets of its own. Unfortunately, EternalBlue and other NSA hacking tools were leaked online last year by a group known as the Shadow Brokers, putting these powerful tools in the hands of anyone able to use them. Is this still an issue?

Quite by accident, a UK researcher known as MalwareTech managed to hobble the spread of WannaCry over the weekend. He acquired a sample of the malware on Friday and ran it a virtual environment. He noticed it pinged an unregistered domain, so he registered it himself, as he often does in these types of situations. Lucky for him (and countless victims), WannaCry only locked PCs if it couldn't connect to the domain in question. Before MalwareTech registered the domain, it didn't exist, so WannaCry couldn't connect and systems were ransomed. With the domain set up, WannaCry connected and essentially died, protecting PCs.

Page 15: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


Great, so we're all good now, right?

Not so fast. Reports of new WannaCry variants are emerging, so stay alert and watch where you click. What if my PC was ransomed?

While it appears that many people have paid the ransom demanded by the hackers, security experts warn against handing over your cash. "As of this writing, the 3 bitcoin accounts associated with the WannaCry ransomware have accumulated more than $33,000 between them. Despite that, not a single case has been reported of anyone receiving their files back," Check Point warned in a Sunday blog post. "WannaCry doesn't seem to have a way of associating a payment to the person making it." Bossert echoed that today, saying that approximately $70,000 had been paid out since Friday, but there's no evidence of data recovery. If you've been hit, your best bet is to restore from backup; reputable security firms also have ransomware decryption tools. You can also use a tool like the FixMeStick; just insert the device, boot to its Linux-based environment, and let it take care of the problem. It won't restore files, but it will (hopefully) clean out the malware. When your PC is back up and running, make sure you have a robust antivirus program and the best ransomware protection. How can we stop this from happening again?

Pay attention to emails with attachments or links!! Even if the message appears to be from someone you know, double-check the email address and be on the lookout for any odd wording or attachments you weren't expecting from that person. When in doubt, message the person separately to ask if they did indeed send you an email that requires you to download an attachment.

Page 16: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


Think before you click. Confirm the legitimacy of attachments, even if they come from a friend or known company. Take the extra few seconds to navigate directly to websites instead of clicking on a questionable link. And be suspicious of warnings or aggressive deadlines: Phishers will often try to push you into acting immediately, and may threaten consequences such as account suspension or additional fees if you don't respond right away.

Don't become a phishing victim. Criminals frequently gain access to your computer by getting you to click on a link or an attachment within an email. Known as phishing, this technique can give criminals the opening they need to implant ransomware or other viruses.

Microsoft users: Update your system software!! Microsoft released a patch in March, 2017 that addresses the WannaCry vulnerability. Making sure this patch is installed on your computer will help secure your systems from the threat. Again, Info Line’s computers have the latest patches on the computers. Here is a message from Microsoft concerning system updates: While security updates are automatically applied in most computers, some users and enterprises may delay deployment of patches. Unfortunately, the ransomware, known as WannaCrypt appears to have affected computers that have not applied the patch for these vulnerabilities. While the attack is unfolding, we remind users to install MS17-010 update if they have not already done so. So, even though it is frustrating waiting for updates to load especially when they are still processing when you are ready to get to work, please don’t interfere with the process - the updates need to be completed to keep your PC safe!!

Page 17: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m

FAQs about the WannaCry (or WannaCrypt) RansomWare


This is an excellent opportunity to back up your data on your computer to prevent possible loss from any occurrence, not just ransomware, whether you are at a home, work, or on a school computer. Use either a portable hard drive or any of the many cloud backup services that are currently available to back up your data automatically.

Again, Think Before You Click!! Confirm the legitimacy of attachments, even if they appear to come from a friend or known company. Take the extra few seconds to navigate directly to websites instead of clicking on a questionable link contained within an email. In reality, it is always a best practice to navigate directly to a website and ignore email links. Lastly, be suspicious of ominous warnings and/or aggressive deadlines - Phishers will often try to use fear and intimidation to attempt to force you into acting immediately to provide your sensitive personal information and they may threaten serious and instant consequences such as account suspension or additional fees if you don't respond right away. These tactics should set off immediate red flags and alarms to you and should be ignored. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Page 18: Intercession & Worship Services · 2017-05-28 · Middlebury Chapel Bulletin May 28, 2017 Intercession & Worship Services Friday evenings @ 6 p.m. and Sunday mornings @ 7:00 a.m