interactions between bacteria and aspen defense chemicals...

Interactions Between Bacteria and Aspen Defense Chemicals at the Phyllosphere Herbivore Interface Charles J. Mason 1,2 & Tiffany M. Lowe-Power 3,4 & Kennedy F. Rubert-Nason 1 & Richard L. Lindroth 1 & Kenneth F. Raffa 1 Received: 11 December 2015 /Revised: 17 February 2016 /Accepted: 20 February 2016 /Published online: 10 March 2016 # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016 Abstract Plant- and insect-associated microorganisms en- counter a diversity of allelochemicals, and require mecha- nisms for contending with these often deleterious and broadly-acting compounds. Trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides, contains two principal groups of defenses, phe- nolic glycosides (salicinoids) and condensed tannins, which differentially affect the folivorous gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar , and its gut symbionts. The bacteria genus Acinetobacter is frequently associated with both aspen foliage and gypsy moth consuming that tissue, and one isolate, Acinetobacter sp. R7-1, previously has been shown to metab- olize phenolic glycosides. In this study, we aimed to charac- terize further interactions between this Acinetobacter isolate and aspen secondary metabolites. We assessed bacterial car- bon utilization and growth in response to different concentra- tions of phenolic glycosides and condensed tannins. We also tested if enzyme inhibitors reduce bacterial growth and catab- olism of phenolic glycosides. Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 utilized condensed tannins but not phenolic glycosides or glucose as carbon sources. Growth in nutrient-rich medium was in- creased by condensed tannins, but reduced by phenolic glycosides. Addition of the P450 enzyme inhibitor piperonyl butoxide increased the effects of phenolic glycosides on Acinetobacter sp. R7-1. In contrast, the esterase inhibitor S, S,S,-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate did not affect phenolic gly- coside inhibition of bacterial growth. Degradation of phenolic glycosides by Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 appears to alleviate the cytotoxicity of these compounds, rather than provide an ener- gy source. Our results further suggest this bacterium utilizes additional, complementary mechanisms to degrade antimicro- bial phytochemicals. Collectively, these results provide in- sight into mechanisms by which microorganisms contend with their environment within the context of plant-herbivore interactions. Keywords Acinetobacter . Lymantria dispar . Condensed tannins . Detoxification . Gypsy moth . P450 . Phenolic glycosides Introduction Herbivorous insects derive a wide range of benefits from mi- croorganisms, such as enhanced nutrition (Gündüz and Douglas 2009; Scully et al. 2014), suppression (Chung et al. 2013), or degradation (Boone et al. 2013; Hammerbacher et al. 2013; Lauzon et al. 2003; Welte et al. 2015) of plant defenses, protection from natural enemies (Oliver et al. 2003), and pheromone synthesis (Xu et al. 2015). Relationships with nonpathogenic microorganisms can range from mutualistic to commensal, and from obligate to incidental (Douglas 2015; Oliver and Martinez 2014). Many of these studies have fo- cused on highly stable systems where these microorganisms are transmitted vertically to offspring, as these provide the strongest opportunities for coevolutionary feedback and spe- cialized mechanisms for maintaining symbiosis. However, * Charles J. Mason [email protected] 1 Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA 2 Present address: Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, USA 3 Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA 4 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA J Chem Ecol (2016) 42:193201 DOI 10.1007/s10886-016-0677-z

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Page 1: Interactions between Bacteria And Aspen Defense Chemicals · Interactions Between Bacteria and Aspen Defense Chemicals at the

Interactions Between Bacteria and Aspen Defense Chemicalsat the Phyllosphere – Herbivore Interface

Charles J. Mason1,2& Tiffany M. Lowe-Power3,4 & Kennedy F. Rubert-Nason1


Richard L. Lindroth1& Kenneth F. Raffa1

Received: 11 December 2015 /Revised: 17 February 2016 /Accepted: 20 February 2016 /Published online: 10 March 2016# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2016

Abstract Plant- and insect-associated microorganisms en-counter a diversity of allelochemicals, and require mecha-nisms for contending with these often deleterious andbroadly-acting compounds. Trembling aspen, Populustremuloides, contains two principal groups of defenses, phe-nolic glycosides (salicinoids) and condensed tannins, whichdifferentially affect the folivorous gypsy moth, Lymantriadispar, and its gut symbionts. The bacteria genusAcinetobacter is frequently associated with both aspen foliageand gypsy moth consuming that tissue, and one isolate,Acinetobacter sp. R7-1, previously has been shown to metab-olize phenolic glycosides. In this study, we aimed to charac-terize further interactions between this Acinetobacter isolateand aspen secondary metabolites. We assessed bacterial car-bon utilization and growth in response to different concentra-tions of phenolic glycosides and condensed tannins. We alsotested if enzyme inhibitors reduce bacterial growth and catab-olism of phenolic glycosides. Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 utilizedcondensed tannins but not phenolic glycosides or glucose ascarbon sources. Growth in nutrient-rich medium was in-creased by condensed tannins, but reduced by phenolic

glycosides. Addition of the P450 enzyme inhibitor piperonylbutoxide increased the effects of phenolic glycosides onAcinetobacter sp. R7-1. In contrast, the esterase inhibitor S,S,S,-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate did not affect phenolic gly-coside inhibition of bacterial growth. Degradation of phenolicglycosides by Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 appears to alleviate thecytotoxicity of these compounds, rather than provide an ener-gy source. Our results further suggest this bacterium utilizesadditional, complementary mechanisms to degrade antimicro-bial phytochemicals. Collectively, these results provide in-sight into mechanisms by which microorganisms contendwith their environment within the context of plant-herbivoreinteractions.

Keywords Acinetobacter . Lymantria dispar . Condensedtannins . Detoxification . Gypsymoth . P450 . Phenolicglycosides


Herbivorous insects derive a wide range of benefits from mi-croorganisms, such as enhanced nutrition (Gündüz andDouglas 2009; Scully et al. 2014), suppression (Chung et al.2013), or degradation (Boone et al. 2013; Hammerbacheret al. 2013; Lauzon et al. 2003; Welte et al. 2015) of plantdefenses, protection from natural enemies (Oliver et al. 2003),and pheromone synthesis (Xu et al. 2015). Relationships withnonpathogenic microorganisms can range from mutualistic tocommensal, and from obligate to incidental (Douglas 2015;Oliver and Martinez 2014). Many of these studies have fo-cused on highly stable systems where these microorganismsare transmitted vertically to offspring, as these provide thestrongest opportunities for coevolutionary feedback and spe-cialized mechanisms for maintaining symbiosis. However,

* Charles J. [email protected]

1 Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI 53706, USA

2 Present address: Department of Entomology, The Pennsylvania StateUniversity, University Park, PA 16802, USA

3 Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, University ofWisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA

4 Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,Madison, WI 53706, USA

J Chem Ecol (2016) 42:193–201DOI 10.1007/s10886-016-0677-z

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environmentally acquired microorganisms can likewise exertstrong effects on herbivore success (Kikuchi et al. 2007;2012), and such relationships are probably more numerous.We currently have less understanding of facultative and envi-ronmentally acquired symbioses. In particular, a key gap inour knowledge concerns interfaces between the various envi-ronments in which microorganisms reside. For example, bac-teria that reside in plants or on plant surfaces encountera radically different environment after their host plant isingested by a herbivore. Bacteria that are consumed byherbivores become exposed to the macerated plant ma-terial, resident gut bacteria, and different pH and oxy-gen environments. Thus, foliar communities contributeto the structure of midgut communities, yet there arepost-ingestive compositional changes influenced by theherbivore environment (Mason and Raffa 2014).Additionally, bacteria that remain on the foliage maybecome exposed to increased chemical concentrationsdue to defensive induction.

Microorganisms that reside in the environment haveadapted various mechanisms to contend with plantallelochemicals. Detoxification mechanisms often are com-plex and multi-faceted, and can include multidrug effluxpumps (Del Sorbo et al. 2000; Nikaido 1996), catabolic deg-radation (Michielse et al. 2012; Singer et al. 2004), and inac-tivation by enzymatic addition of moieties (Matsuzaki andWariishi 2004; Matthews and Etten 1983; Smith andBaker 2002). In many plant - microbe interactions, apathogen’s ability to neutralize phytochemical toxins iscrucial to successful colonization and virulence (Loweet al. 2015; Hassan and Hugouvieux-Cotte-Patte 2011;Michielse et al. 2012; Okmen et al. 2013; Tegtmeierand VanEtten 1982).

Several defense compounds mediate interactions betweenherbivores and Populus (Lindroth and St Clair 2013). The twomajor groups of defense chemicals in Populus, phenolic gly-cosides and condensed tannins, differentially affect insects ofvarious taxa, host ranges, and feeding guilds (Barbehenn andConstabel 2011; Boeckler et al. 2011; Lindroth and St Clair2013; Orians et al. 1997). Phenolic glycosides are distin-guished by a glucose molecule bound to salicyl alcohol andβ-D-glucopyranose moieties, with an ether linkage betweenthe phenolic hydroxyl group and the anomeric C atom of theglucose. Populus produce phenolic glycosides with diversechemical structures (Boeckler et al. 2011), with salicortinand tremulacin being the most prevalent in aspen (Lindrothet al. 1987). Concentrations of defense chemicals in Populusmay increase in response to herbivory (Peters and Constabel2002; Rubert-Nason et al. 2015).

Coadapted lepidopterans detoxify phenolic glycosides bycleaving themwith esterases. Addition of chemicals such as S,S,S,-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate (DEF) and piperonylbutoxide to inhibit detoxification enzymes can increase

Lepidoptera mortality to phenolic glycosides (Lindroth1989; Lindroth and Hemming 1990). Additionally, gut condi-tions and ingested plant enzymes are considered to be media-tors in the activation of and degradation of these compounds(Ruuhola et al. 2003). In comparison to phenolic glyco-sides, condensed tannins are larger and more structurallydiverse compounds (Ayres et al. 1997; De Bruyne et al.1999). Inactivation by lepidopteran herbivores is consid-ered to be related to the alkalinity of the insect gut(Barbehenn et al. 2006; Barbehenn et al. 2009; Martinet al. 1985).

Populus defense chemicals have been shown to mediateseveral processes involving environmental pathogenic andcommensal microorganisms. Condensed tannins can inhibitboth bacteria and fungi (Scalbert 1991). Additionally, con-densed tannins are correlated with antifungal activity in fo-liage (Bailey et al. 2005; Holeski et al. 2009) and influencesoil microorganisms and litter decomposition (Bradley et al.2000; Fierer et al. 2001; Madritch et al. 2007; Madritch andLindroth 2011; Schweitzer et al. 2008). Our understanding ofhow phenolic glycosides can influence microorganismsis more limited than for condensed tannins, but bacteriain insect guts are influenced by phenolic glycosides infoliage and when incorporated into artificial diets(Mason et al. 2014, 2015).

Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L., is a polyphagous herbi-vore that exploits Populus among its most preferred hosts.Gypsy moth appears to acquire the majority of its symbioticgut bacteria from environmental sources (Mason and Raffa2014). Gut bacteria originating from aspen, Populustremuloides, foliage can augment the ability of gypsy mothto contend with phenolic glycosides (Mason et al. 2014). Ofthe bacteria augmenting gypsy moth detoxification, a memberidentified as Acinetobacter exhibits the strongest communityresponses to phenolic glycosides. Acinetobacter are not al-ways detected in colony gypsy moth sources, but are encoun-tered when they consume aspen foliage containing these mi-croorganisms (Mason et al. 2015). Interactions at the foliar -gut interface can be complex and nuanced. For example, as-pen chemistry partially explains bacterial community compo-sition of the larval midguts, but not of communities on thefoliage (Mason et al. 2015). This pattern likely arises fromthe compartmentalization of defenses within intact foliage,resulting in only minimal contact between phyllosphere bac-teria and compounds such as phenolic glycosides. Lysis ofplant tissue initiates contact between bacteria and chemicaldefenses, which may continue post-feeding either in the insector on the foliage. In this study, we investigated how aspenchemical defenses directly affect an Acinetobacter strain iso-lated from gypsy moth consuming aspen foliage. We testedthe ability of Acinetobacter to use these compounds as a solecarbon source, its response to varying concentrations, andpotential mechanisms of detoxification.

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Methods and Materials

Chemical Extractions, Bacterial Strains, and MediaExtracts of phenolic glycosides and condensed tannins wereobtained from aspen foliage. Phenolic glycosides were ex-tracted from field-collected leaves from an early season flushof one to 2-yr. old trees, while condensed tannins were fromfully-grown, mature trees. Crude extract procedures were per-formed according to the methods of Lindroth et al. (1987) andHagerman and Butler (1980), for phenolic glycosides andcondensed tannins, respectively. Extracts of phenolic glyco-sides were predominantly salicortin (40 %) and tremulacin(60 %). Other compounds used in this study were obtainedfrom commercially available sources.

Bacterial strains were isolated from the midguts oflaboratory-reared gypsy moth larvae feeding on aspen as pre-viously described (Mason et al. 2014). Briefly, third instarswere anesthetized by refrigeration, surface sterilized, and dis-sected. Tissues were homogenized in phosphate buffered sa-line (pH 7.4), diluted, and plated onto growth medium.Bacteria were identified by sequences of the 16S SSU rRNAgene. The strain used in our study, Acinetobacter sp. R7-1,was previously shown to degrade phenolic glycosides (Masonet al. 2014). All growth experiments were conducted using thesame protocols and equipment, but various time points ofgrowth were used in the analysis to incorporate day-to-dayvariation in culture conditions.

Bacterial strains were routinely recovered from frozenglycerol stocks for all assays. For experiments requiring min-imal carbon availability, cultures were grown in Boucher’sminimal liquid medium (BMM; per liter: 3.4 g KH2PO4,0.5 g (NH4)2SO. 100 μl 1.25 mg mL−1 stock solutionFeSO4. 7H2O, 517 μl of 1 M MgSO4 solution, pH 5.5) withthe addition of 10mMMES (2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonicacid) (Boucher et al. 1985). For all other experiments, cultureswere grown in casamino acid–peptone–glucose (CPG; perliter: 5 g glucose, 10 g peptone, 1 g casamino acid, pH 7.4)liquid medium. CPG was selected as a medium because phe-nolic glycosides were stable over the course of the experiment(Mason et al. 2014). We conducted our experiments at neutraland acidic pH to minimize phenolic glycoside degradation. Inexperiments assessing culture growth, optical density at600 nm was used as it has a strong relation to cellular growthand number of colony forming units in the culture.

Influence of Single Carbon Sources on Bacterial GrowthBacterial cultures were grown overnight (~18 h) from glycerolstocks in liquid CPG medium. Cells were pelleted by centri-fugation, rinsed in BMM lacking a carbon source, and re-suspended in BMM without carbon to an OD600 nm of 0.2.Aliquots (100 μl) of the cell suspension were added to a clear96-well round-bottomed microplate. Cell suspensions weresupplemented with glucose, succinate, and extracts of

phenolic glycosides (dissolved in DMSO) and condensed tan-nins (dissolved in sterile water) to a total final concentration of1.0 mgmL−1 in 200μl. Themicroplate was incubated at 28 °Cwith shaking in a Bio-Tek Synergy HTX (Winooski, VT,USA) plate reader. Growth was quantified at 15 h post inoc-ulation, and growth of each strain provided with the carbonsources was compared with a negative control containingcells, but lacking carbon source.

Effects of Varying Concentrations of Phenolic Glycosideand Condensed Tannin on Culture Growth Cultures ofAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 were grown overnight (~18 h) fromglycerol stocks in liquid CPG medium. Cells were pelleted bycentrifugation, rinsed, and re-suspended in CPG to an OD600

nm of 0.2. Aliquots (100 μl) of the cell suspension were addedto a clear 96-well round-bottomed microplate. Cell suspen-sions were amended with crude extracts of phenolic glyco-sides or condensed tannins to final concentrations rangingfrom 0 to 5.0 mgmL−1. DMSO and water controls were addedto the 0 mg mL−1 treatment. The plate was incubated withshaking at 28 °C, and growth was quantified by opticaldensity.

Influence of Detoxification Enzyme Inhibitors onBacterial Degradation of Phenolic Glycosides To test ef-fects of enzyme inhibitors on cell growth by Acinetobactersp. R7-1, cultures were amended with phenolic glycosidesand one of two enzyme inhibitors: a cytochrome P450 inhib-itor, piperonyl butoxide (90 % technical grade, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), or an esterase inhibitor, S,S,S,-tributyl-phosphorotrithioate (DEF) (97 %, Chem Service,West Chester, PA, USA). Treatments included: unamendedculture suspensions, cultures containing 5.0 mg mL−1 pheno-lic glycosides, cultures containing 0.5 % v v−1 enzyme, and acombination of both 5 mgmL−1 phenolic glycosides +0.5 % vv−1 inhibitor. Cultures were grown at 28 °C with shaking.

Phenolic Glycoside Culture Catabolism and ChemicalAnalysisBecause piperonyl butoxide interacted with phenolicglycosides to reduce cell growth of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1(see Results), we conducted a separate experiment to deter-mine the effects of varying phenolic glycoside concentrationsand piperonyl butoxide on the degradative ability ofAcinetobacter sp. R7-1. Cells were grown in overnight cul-tures, pelleted, rinsed, and re-suspended in liquid CPG medi-um as previously described. Degradation experiments wereconducted as described previously (Mason et al. 2014).Briefly, bacteria were grown for 24 h at 28 °C with shaking(200 rpm) in 200 μl of media in 5 ml glass culture tubesamended with crude extracts at a rate of 2.5 mg mL−1 and5.0 mg mL−1. Piperonyl butoxide was added to cultures tototal 0.5 % v v−1. Bacterial cells were pelleted and superna-tants were frozen at −20 °C until analysis.

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Phenolic glycoside contents of the bacterial culture super-natants were analyzed using a Waters integrated Acquity I-Class (Milford, MA, USA) ultra-high performance liquidchromatography system with negative electrospray ionizationsingle quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (UHPLC/MS)(modified from Abreu et al. (2011)). Samples (2 μl) wereinjected onto a Waters Acquity CSH C-18 column(2.1 × 100 mm, 1.7 μm) and separated at 40 °C on a gradientof water and acetonitrile acidified with 0.1 % formic acid, witha flow rate of 0.5 mL min−1. The mass spectrometer wasoperated in negative ionization mode, with selective ion re-cording of the salicinoid-formate adduct. The mass spectrom-eter was operated under the following conditions: cone poten-tial, 30 V; capillary potential, 2500 V; extractor potential, 3 V;RF lens potential, 0.1 V; source temperature, 120 °C;desolvation temperature, 250 °C; desolvation gas flow,500 L h−1; cone gas flow, 10 L h−1; infusion rate,5 μL min−1; dwell time, 0.025 s. Calibrations were based oninternal standardization by salicylic acid-d6 (Sigma-Aldrich),using four-point (15–1500 mg L−1), quadratic models for sal-icin, salicortin, and tremulacin. The phenolic glycoside degra-dation products benzoic acid and saligenin also were assessedand quantified. Benzoic acid, salicin, and saligenin calibrationstandards were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, and thetremulacin and salicortin calibration standards were extractedfrom aspen foliage by liquid-liquid extraction and purified bynormal phase liquid chromatography.

Statistical AnalysesAll statistical analyses were conducted inthe R (v. 3.0.1) statistical programing environment. Forassessing effects of sole carbon sources, cell growth datacould not be transformed to meet normality assumptions.Therefore, global comparisons were conducted with aKruskal-Walis test. Growth of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 in re-sponse to phenolic glycoside concentrations met normalityassumptions and was analyzed using a linear model.Likewise, data on growth of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 in re-sponse to phenolic glycosides plus piperonyl butoxide orDEF met normality assumptions and were analyzed with anANOVA using both phenolic glycosides and piperonylbutoxide as fixed effects. Effects of treatment on phenolicglycoside concentrations were analyzed using two differentANOVAs. Phenolic glycoside concentrations were trans-formed to square roots to help achieve normality. The firstANOVA included fixed effects being treatment (control, bac-teria, or bacteria and piperonyl butoxide) and phenolic glyco-side concentration. The second analysis analyzed the two con-centrations separately with treatment (control, bacteria, or bac-teria and piperonyl butoxide) as fixed effects. This secondanalysis was used to conduct pairwise comparisons inTable 1. Pairwise comparisons were conducted usingTukey’s HSD using the R package “agricolae.”


Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 exhibited no growth on the unamend-ed minimal media over the course of the experiment (Fig. 1).Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 grew on media amended with succi-nate and condensed tannins (overall χ2 = 12.32; P = 0.015). Itdid not grow on media amended with either glucose or phe-nolic glycosides.

Phenolic glycosides reduced the growth of Acinetobactersp. R7-1 in rich CPG growth media in a dose-dependent man-ner (Fig. 2) (F1,10 = 27.83; P < 0.001). At 5 mg mL−1, growthof this isolate was reduced by 41 % relative to the controls.Conversely, condensed tannins improved the growth ofAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 by 15 % at the same dose (F1,

10 = 10.32; P = 0.009).Addition of the cytochrome P450 enzyme inhibitor,

piperonyl butoxide, in the growth medium exacerbated thegrowth reduction by phenolic glycosides of Acinetobactersp. R7-1 (Fig. 3a). Statistically significant terms in theANOVA included phenolic glycosides (F1,20 = 122.63;P < 0.001), piperonyl butoxide (F1,20 = 47.23; P < 0.001),and their interaction (F1,20 = 6.50; P = 0.019). Pairwise com-parisons revealed that there was no difference between controlcultures and those amended with piperonyl butoxide.However, phenolic glycosides alone, and combined withpiperonyl butoxide, significantly reduced growth. Comparedwith the controls, phenolic glycosides reduced bacterialgrowth by 38 %, while phenolic glycosides with the addition

Fig. 1 Growth of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 on Boucher’s minimal medium(BMM) containing various sole carbon sources. Bars represent means ±1 se

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of piperonyl butoxide reduced bacterial growth by 71 %. Incontrast, neither the esterase inhibitor DEF (F1,8 = 0.931;P = 0.363), nor its interaction with phenolic glycosides (F1,

8 = 0.769; P = 0.406) influenced Acinetobacter sp. R7-1growth (Fig. 3b).

Both starting concentration of phenolic glycosides and thepresence of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 influenced the amount of

phenolic glycosides remaining in the growth media (Table 1).The presence of this bacteria reduced total phenolic glycosides(F2,12 = 45.19 P < 0.001), salicortin (F2,12 = 20.24;P < 0.001),and tremulacin (F2,12 = 50.035; P < 0.001) compared withcontrols in both doses (2.5 and 5.0 mg mL−1) in CPG.Additionally, Acinetobacter sp.R7-1 increased concentrationsof the breakdown products salicin (F2, 12 = 24.15; P < 0.001),

Fig. 2 Growth of Acinetobacter sp.R7-1 in response to increasing concentrations of phenolic glycoside and condensed tannins included in nutrient-richmedium. Bars represent means ±1 se

A BFig. 3 Growth of Acinetobactersp. R7-1 in response to piperonylbutoxide (PBO) (a), DEF (b) andphenolic glycosides (PGs)included in nutrient-rich medium.Bars represent means ±1 se.Letters represent statisticallysignificant differences within aninhibitor treatment

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benzoic acid (F2,12 = 34.28; P < 0.001), and saligenin (F2,

12 = 7.76; P = 0.002). There was a significant effect of initialconcentration on the amount of phenolic glycosides detected,but no interaction was present with bacterium. Reductions inthe amounts of salicortin and tremulacin caused byAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 were greater when these compoundswere administered at 5 mg mL−1 than 2.5 mg mL−1. Resultsfrom ANOVAs of the separated concentrations had similarpatterns. Pairwise comparisons indicated that salicortin andtotal phenolic glycoside concentrations with Acinetobactersp. R7-1 were significantly different from those withAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 and piperonyl butoxide at the2.5 mg mL−1 concentration. Compared to the control at the2.5 mg mL−1 dose, Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 reduced total phe-nolic glycosides by 59 %, while Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 onlyreduced the concentration by 45 %. The effects of piperonylbutoxide were not present at the 5.0 mg mL−1 dose asAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 with and without the inhibitor onlydecreased the concentration by 48 and 45 %, respectively.


Allelochemicals can have broad effects on herbivores andsymbionts, thus influencing their interactions with one anoth-er. Gypsy moth obtains consortia predominantly from con-suming foliage on and in which the bacteria reside (Masonand Raffa 2014). Bacteria residing in these tissues do notreadily come into contact with plant allelochemicals, but themaceration of these tissues releases the compartmentalizedmetabolites and enzymes. The interaction of environmentallyacquired bacteria, plant chemicals, and internal conditions of

the midgut ultimately structure the community residing in thegypsy moth midgut (Mason et al. 2015). We found that bac-teria responded to aspen compounds differently when theywere incorporated into growth medium, which may affectproliferation and establishment in the insect larval gut.

Bacteria had varying interactions with primary and second-ary compounds of aspen. Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 utilized con-densed tannins, and succinate, as sole carbon sources.However, this strain did not utilize either phenolic glycosidesor glucose as a carbon source. Various strains ofAcinetobacterare known to differ widely in their ability to utilize glucose(Jumi 1978; Nemec et al. 2011). Acinetobacter sp. R7-1responded to secondary compounds amended to nutrient –richmedium in a pattern consistent with their interactions withthe compounds as a sole carbon source. Condensed tanninsincreased Acinetobacter growth in nutrient-rich medium,while phenolic glycosides reduced growth. These results par-allel work in other systems, in which microbial symbiontswere negatively affected by a diversity of plant chemicals,often in a concentration-dependent manner (Adams et al.2011; Bailey et al. 2005; Hammerbacher et al. 2013; Kopperet al. 2005; Lauzon et al. 2003). Phenolic glycosides and con-densed tannins commonly have disparate relationships withherbivores and other microorganisms, with various organismsexploiting or being unaffected by one, but being inhibited bythe other (Bailey et al. 2005; Holeski et al. 2009; Orians et al.1997; Osier and Lindroth 2001).

The contrasting effects of aspen secondary metabolites onAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 growth suggest differing ecologicalinteractions. Because Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 was unable toutilize glucose or phenolic glycosides as a carbon source, wehypothesize that this organism degrades phenolic glycosides

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Table 1 Phenolic glycoside degradation by Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 innutrient-rich growth medium with and without piperonyl butoxide(PBO). Values are mean ± 1 se in mg. Numbers in italics are mean

concentration in nmol. Letters correspond to significant differences (√ytransformed data) between rows

2.5 mg mL−1 5.0 mg mL−1

Control Acinetobacter Acinetobacter + PBO Control Acinetobacter Acinetobacter + PBO

Total phenolic glycosides 1.524 ± 0.037 a 0.627 ± 0.086 b 0.840 ± 0.150 c 3.627 ± 0.143 a 2.025 ± 0.360 b 1.892 ± 0.433 b

3.222 1.635 2.069 7.627 4.556 4.286

Salicortin 0.609 ± 0.040 a 0.289 ± 0.057 b 0.429 ± 0.085 c 1.410 ± 0.048 a 0.872 ± 0.193 b 0.843 ± 0.200 b

1.436 0.682 1.106 3.325 1.95 1.988

Tremulacin 0.884 ± 0.003 a 0.208 ± 0.066 b 0.296 ± 0.081 b 2.153 ± 0.092 a 0.890 ± 0.281 b 0.855 ± 0.274 b

1.674 0.394 0.561 4.078 1.686 1.62

Salicin 0.032 ± 0.003 a 0.130 ± 0.036 b 0.115 ± 0.030 b 0.064 ± 0.003 a 0.263 ± 0.118 b 0.194 ± 0.042 b

0.112 0.559 0.402 0.224 0.92 0.678

Saligenin 0.014 ± 0.003 a 0.010 ± 0.000 a 0.012 ± 0.004 a 0.015 ± 0.001 a 0.010 ± 0.000 b 0.010 ± 0.000 b

0.113 0.081 0.097 0.121 0.081 0.081

Benzoic acid 0.010 ± 0.000 a 0.045 ± 0.004 b 0.045 ± 0.005 b 0.019 ± 0.015 a 0.043 ± 0.005 b 0.043 ± 0.004 b

0.069 0.313 0.313 0.132 0.299 0.299

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to reduce toxicity. The interactions with phenolic glycosidesmay extend to gypsy moth, as gut microbial communitiesenriched with Acinetobacter can increase growth of gypsymoth (Mason et al. 2014). As a symbiont transitions betweenenvironments, its requisite degradation of phenolic glycosidesand utilization of condensed tannins may in some instances beexploited by a herbivore for its own benefit. In other cases,degradation may provide little or no benefit to the insect, suchas the ability of Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 to utilize condensedtannins, which appear to have only minor effects on gypsymoth. The positive effect of condensed tannins onAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 growth is not predicted by previousfindings of reduced Acinetobacter sequence relative abun-dance in the gypsy moth midgut (Mason et al. 2015).However, our experiments do not fully encompass midgutconditions, such as high pH, interactions with other microor-ganisms, and digested plant material, which may influenceAcinetobacter interactions with condensed tannins. It also ispossible that the isolate we evaluated does not fully capturethe metabolic diversity Acinetobacter present in the system(Welte et al. 2015).

The effects of enzyme inhibitors on bacterial cultures var-ied. The esterase inhibitor DEF did not increase the growth-inhibiting activity of phenolic glycosides. Possible explana-tions include that DEF did not fully reduce esterase activitydue to substrate affinity, that the isolate had compensatoryproduction, or that Acinetobacter sp. R7-1 does not degradephenolic glycosides through this mechanism despite its occur-rence in other organisms. In contrast, the P450 inhibitorpiperonyl butoxide exacerbated the negative effects of pheno-lic glycosides on bacterial growth. The presence and activityof P450-like enzymes have likewise been shown in otherstrains of Acinetobacter (Asperger et al. 1981, 1984).Although piperonyl butoxide enhanced the growth-inhibitingeffects of phenolic glycosides, we again found mixed resultsregarding how the inhibitor affects the ability ofAcinetobactersp. R7-to degrade the defense compounds. At low doses, theinhibitor significantly reduced the amount of phenolic glyco-sides in the medium, but this was absent at higher doses. Theeffect of a higher dose of phenolic glycosides may have elic-ited increased enzyme production to contend with the in-creased compounds. Interestingly, while there was a greateramount of degradation of phenolic glycosides in the higherdoses, the proportion of phenolic glycosides reduced byAcinetobacter sp. R7-1 compared to the control was similarat both doses.

Our results characterize interactions of bacteria with plantdefense chemistry at the plant - insect interface. These resultsalso add to our overall understanding of how microorganismsmay serve as a source of detoxification enzymes to insectherbivores (Adams et al. 2013; Scully et al. 2013). Severalcomponents of this interaction deserve further attention.First, the pH conditions of this experiment (5–7.4) were

selected to prevent disassociation of the compounds ratherthan to simulate natural gypsy moth gut conditions. The gypsymoth midgut is highly alkaline (> 9.0), a condition underwhich phenolic glycosides are typically unstable (Ruuholaet al. 2003). Therefore, methods to quantify influences of bac-teria under experimental conditions that remain controlled butalso simulate gypsy moth midguts need to be developed.Additionally, investigations regarding the breadth ofAcinetobacter association and metabolic diversity within andamong gypsy moth populations are needed. Understandingthe extent to which interactions of this nature occur in otherplant-herbivore systems, and how they vary between general-ist vs. specialist herbivores, would likewise improve our over-all understanding of trophic relationships.

Acknowledgments This research was funded in part by UW-MadisonCollege of Agricultural and Life Sciences, USDA Hatch #WIS01598awarded to Kenneth Raffa, and USDA NIFA AFRI Grant No. 2011-67013-30147 awarded to Richard Lindroth and Kenneth Raffa. TiffanyLowe is funded in part by NIH National Research Service Award T32GM07215 and by USDA NIFA AFRI Grant No. 2015-67011-22799.Critical comments by three anonymous reviewers improved the qualityof the manuscript.


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