intelligent power transmission asset management solutions


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Page 2: Intelligent power transmission asset management solutions

Intelligent management of Power Transmission and distribution


It requires extensive use of ICT based systems for effective management of Power transmission and distribution network Assets

Achieve smarter city imperatives with real time geospatial enabled analytics for effective Citizen services

Complete Asset information and better accountability

Real time operational data for informed decision making

Single Unified view of entire Operations

SmartCities are expected to provide world class services to its Citizens by effective and efficient operations of its Power supply network assets, reducing the power leakages & un-planned Outages, and improving operational performance.

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Role of ICTs in Power Transmission & Distribution


Apart from the increasing gap between demand and supply, the main challenge being faced by Indian power sector is the huge Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses. The national average Aggregate Technical and Commercial losses (AT&C) were reported to around 27.15% in 2009-2010 [CEA Energy Generation Report 2010-11]

In the distribution sub-sector, which is presently the weakest link in the power supply chain, Cost-effective ICT interventions can improve the operational and financial performance of the entire power sector. An important enabler is Government of India’s flagship program R-APDRP

Key ICT interventions in power distribution sub-sector that need immediate attention are: Advanced Metering Infrastructure [AMI], Advanced Distribution Operation including Distribution Automation and advanced controls, Asset management, Improved interfaces and decision support, Regulatory Information Management system, Service Delivery Mechanism

Source: ‘Smart(er) Metering: An Enabler of Transformation’ by Dr. Rahul Tongia, Tech. Advisor, Smart Grid Task Force, Govt. of India [ Feb. 10, 2015]

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Priority areas for ICT Interventions


Major components of power distribution

Opportunities for ICT sector Impact /Benefits

AMI • Smart Meters• Consumer portals• Home Area Network (HAN)• Meter Data Acquisition and Data Management

System• Customer service application and operational

gateway applications

• Assist revenue management• Empower consumers• Reliable supply

Asset management • Developing central database of information of Assets / equipment

• GIS mapping of power line and power system equipment

• Management Information System(MIS)• Resource optimization

• Inventory Management• Process streamlining• Locating leakage and checking• conductor theft• Quick restoring the services post• damage/ outage

Service DeliveryMechanism

• Enabling different modes of billing (e-billing, m-billing) and collection

• Fault Monitoring System• SMS based alerts about services (outages,

maintenance, billing etc.)

• Empower customers• Streamline the service delivery

As per the NASSCOM report, the following are the areas which need immediate ICT interventions

Source: Report ‘Sustainable Tomorrow: Harnessing ICT Potential’ by Business Council for Sustainable Development (TERI-BCSD) and National Association of Software & Services Companies (NASSCOM).

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Role of Ministry of Power, GOI - Integrated Power Development Scheme [IPDS]


Source :

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, launched "Integrated Power Development Scheme" (IPDS) with the objectives of:

• strengthen of sub transmission and distribution system, • metering of distribution transformers / feeders / consumers in the urban areas, and • IT enablement of distribution sector [as per CCEA target laid under R-APDRP]

Source: APDRP Order

The component of IT enablement approved by CCEA in June, 2013 in the form of RAPDRP for 12th and 13th Plans will get subsumed in this scheme and CCEA-approved scheme outlay of Rs.44,011 crore including a budgetary support of Rs. 22,727 crore will be carried over to the new scheme of IPDS.

• The process of sanction of projects shall commence from December 2014• After sanction of projects, contracts for execution of projects are to be awarded by States

Discoms / Power Departments. • The projects shall be completed within 24 months from date of award.

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How State Power companies can take up ICTs


State Government owned power companies can leverage the IPDS scheme to implement ICTs and make the power transmission more efficient

Coverage of Urban Areas: Monitoring Committee approved include the following towns also in addition to the statutory towns as urban area to be covered under IPDS:

• District head quaters (particularly in NE States) if covered under urban category.• Towns covered under urban category as per Census 2011.• Towns notified by State Govt.(as urban / Municipal area).

[Additional Criteria for Towns Approved in 2nd Monitoring Committee on 19-Feb-2015][Inclusion of additional towns beyond Statutory towns for coverage under urban area for sanction of project under IPDS]

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Integrated Power Development Scheme


Scope of ICT under this scheme

Source: APDRP Order

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Need for an Intelligent Operations Management System for Power Transmission & Distribution

Smart Operations Management system enables the Power Distribution companies to overcome challenges with:

Transmission Assets (Transformers, Capacitors, Poles, etc) location & condition,

Preventive Maintenance of assets,

Equipment Theft and

Real time monitor and control of Field force operations.


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Intelligent Transmission Monitoring System

Asset Management

Field Force / Work Management

Inventory & Procurement

Decision Support

Geographic Information System


Asset Usage Monitoring Field force & Work ManagementGIS/GPS based Inventory tracking Real time monitoring of assets

Key Tenets of Intelligent Transmission Management System

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GIS based Tracking of Transmission Assets


The Integrated Asset Management solution extends the capabilities of the Asset Management applications by

adding maps to Asset, Location, Work Order & Service Request applications.

Integrated solution that is linked to GIS and Asset related information is displayed on the Maps

Spatial Analysis of asset deployment

Visualization of consumption Data

Better Decision Making

Assets and Resource Optimization

No Asset Theft

Asset Identification on


Asset Health & Usage Monitor

Location based Outage


Service Assurance &

Theft Detection

Service order Management

GIS based Asset


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Integrated Distribution Operations solution for smart cities


Value proposition

Empowers Cities towards effective information sharing through spatially enabled workflow

Geospatial enabled e-Governance solution to deliver government services and workflows

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Continuous Monitoring of Asset Usage & condition


Key Benefits Real time data for monitor

and control Timely triggers for predictive

maintenance, Work Orders Reduces data discrepancy Reduces loss/lack of crucial


Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): it’s a device which converts the sensor signals to data signals


Supervisory Station


refers to the servers responsible for communications between RTU’s & the Human-Machine Interface

software solution which will handle the alerts raised thro SCADA system till the point of resolution.

Real time operational details from Transmission Asset Monitoring application provides information for Preventive Maintenance Schedules and Condition based Predictive Maintenance defined on critical assets

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Intelligent Outage Management



Mgmt Syste






Leveraging GIS maps, the system diagnose the outage for location, cause, extent of outage, its priority, affected customers, expected restoration time

The outage management system helps in identifying the location of fault (on the GIS Maps) and its causes resulting in improved response time for dispatching crews and improving the service restoration time.

Outage Management system integrates with Geographic Information system (GIS) Enterprise Asset Management (EAM), Customer Information System (CIS), and SCADA

The historical data enables measurement of key performance metrics like Outage Response duration, work back log, frequency

An integrated Outage Management system to manage different types of works and service requests in one application environment. Outage Management System helps to manage outages effectively and efficiently.

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Outage Management Solution…ctd


Network elements affected by the break down of selected element are highlighted in yellow color

Selected network element highlighted in RED color

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Smart Field Force Management


Our Integrated Asset Management contains the Field Force Management capabilities:

Field Force is a combination of labor and tools defined to perform a work.

Field Force Management helps in identification of right resources for the right work

Identify and Map Right Skills and Qualifications for a work

Work allocation based on current location

View ongoing work assignments and priorities

Asset Condition Assessment Solutions

Damage Assessment Solutions

Live field assistance for supporting the crew at work

Flexible interface capabilities for work assignment notifications in real time or near real time based on requirement

Field Navigation

Enterprise GIS Repository

Extract Update

Asset Condition Assessment

Vegetation Management Field Mapping/

compliance Surveys



It enables real time location tracking of crews and dispatch crews to work and manage Work order

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Smart Field Force Management – GIS based


Add Retail Dealer to the Route Planner

Add Warehouse to the Route Planner

Add New Retail Dealer

Get the Route on the map

Change the position of the waypoint along the route

Delete button, meant to delete the way point

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A bird’s eye view of proposed Intelligent Power Distribution Management solution landscape


Power Transmission Company

Work Management Material Management



l R


sts Item


Material Planning

Inventory Receipts

Issues / Returns Transfers

Assets Maintenance

Asset ManagementGIS

Locations Move/Swap



Non Revenue

Field Force Mgmt

Work Plan Work order Dispatch

Route Plan





Asset Accounting O&M Budgeting

Purchase InventoryService Orders Billing

Payments Collections

Customer Service

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Comprehensive Functional Landscape




e Se




Work Management

Asset Management

Material Management

Asset Life CycleAsset Specifications


Asset Maintenance History

Move Swap

Asset and Locations Hierarchy

LocationsReceive and

Setup Dispose



Embedded GIS

Service Address

Spatial Enablement

Availability and Valuation

Issue, Transfer and Returns

Storerooms and Reordering

Items, Tools and Inventory

ProcurementMaterial and Purchase Requests

Contracts, RFQ and PO



Project Request

Assign Planner

Scope, Schedule & Budget

Preliminary Design

Siting & Permitting

Land Acquisition

Final Design


Material Requirements

Procurement (LL)

Site Preparation



Close Out



Chart ofAccountsCondition Monitoring

Service Requests

Work Order Tracking Job Plans

Safety Plans

Failure CodesSchedulingWork Assignments

Work Dispatch

Work Flow andNotifications

Electronic Routing and Approval

Labor Reporting

Preventive Maintenance

Corrective Maintenance

Failure Reporting

Quick Reporting