intellectual property code and amendment

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  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment






    PART I

    The Intellectual Property Office

    SECTION 1.Title. This Act shall be k!" as the #Itellect$al P%!&e%t' C!(e!) the Phili&&ies.#

    SECTION 2.Declaration of State Policy. The State %ec!*i+es that a e))ecti,e

    itellect$al a( i($st%ial &%!&e%t' s'ste- is ,ital t! the (e,el!&-et !) (!-estic

    a( c%eati,e acti,it' )acilitates t%as)e% !) tech!l!*' att%acts )!%ei*i,est-ets a( es$%es -a%ket access )!% !$% &%!($cts. It shall &%!tect a(

    sec$%e the e/cl$si,e %i*hts !) scietists i,et!%s a%tists a( !the% *i)te( citi+es

    t! thei% itellect$al &%!&e%t' a( c%eati!s &a%tic$la%l' "he bee)icial t! the

    &e!&le )!% s$ch &e%i!(s as &%!,i(e( i this Act.

    The $se !) itellect$al &%!&e%t' bea%s a s!cial )$cti!. T! this e( the State shall

    &%!-!te the (i))$si! !) k!"le(*e a( i)!%-ati! )!% the &%!-!ti! !) ati!al(e,el!&-et a( &%!*%ess a( the c!--! *!!(.

    It is als! the &!lic' !) the State t! st%ea-lie a(-iist%ati,e &%!ce($%es !)%e*iste%i* &atets t%a(e-a%ks a( c!&'%i*ht t! libe%ali+e the %e*ist%ati! ! the

    t%as)e% !) tech!l!*' a( t! ehace the e)!%ce-et !) itellect$al &%!&e%t'

    %i*hts i the Phili&&ies. 0

    SECTION 3.International Conventions and Reciprocity. A' &e%s! "h! is a

    ati!al !% "h! is (!-icile( !% has a %eal a( e))ecti,e i($st%ial establish-et i

    a c!$t%' "hich is a &a%t' t! a' c!,eti! t%eat' !% a*%ee-et %elati* t!

    itellect$al &%!&e%t' %i*hts !% the %e&%essi! !) $)ai% c!-&etiti! t! "hich the

    Phili&&ies is als! a &a%t' !% e/te(s %eci&%!cal %i*hts t! ati!als !) thePhili&&ies b' la" shall be etitle( t! bee)its t! the e/tet ecessa%' t! *i,e

    e))ect t! a' &%!,isi! !) s$ch c!,eti! t%eat' !% %eci&%!cal la" i a((iti! t!

    the %i*hts t! "hich a' !"e% !) a itellect$al &%!&e%t' %i*ht is !the%"ise etitle(

    b' this Act. 0

    SECTION .Definitions. .1. The te%- #itellect$al &%!&e%t' %i*hts# c!sists


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    aC!&'%i*ht a( Relate( Ri*hts4

    bT%a(e-a%ks a( Se%,ice 5a%ks4

    c6e!*%a&hic I(icati!s4

    (I($st%ial 7esi*s4


    )La'!$t7esi*s 0T!&!*%a&hies !) Ite*%ate( Ci%c$its4 a(

    *P%!tecti! !) U(iscl!se( I)!%-ati! 0 TRIPS.

    .2.The te%- #tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-ets# %e)e%s t! c!t%acts !% a*%ee-ets

    i,!l,i* the t%as)e% !) s'ste-atic k!"le(*e )!% the -a$)act$%e !) a &%!($ct

    the a&&licati! !) a &%!cess !% %e(e%i* !) a se%,ice icl$(i* -aa*e-et

    c!t%acts4 a( the t%as)e% assi*-et !% licesi* !) all )!%-s !) itellect$al

    &%!&e%t' %i*hts icl$(i* licesi* !) c!-&$te% s!)t"a%e e/ce&t c!-&$te%

    s!)t"a%e (e,el!&e( )!% -ass -a%ket.

    .3.The te%- #O))ice# %e)e%s t! the Itellect$al P%!&e%t' O))ice c%eate( b' this Act.

    ..The te%- #IPO 6a+ette# %e)e%s t! the *a+ette &$blishe( b' the O))ice $(e% this

    Act. 0

    SECTION .Functions of the Intellectual Property Office (IPO). .1. T!a(-iiste% a( i-&le-et the State &!licies (ecla%e( i this Act the%e is he%eb'

    c%eate( the Itellect$al P%!&e%t' O))ice 0IPO "hich shall ha,e the )!ll!"i*


    aE/a-ie a&&licati!s )!% *%at !) lette%s &atet )!% i,eti!s

    a( %e*iste% $tilit' -!(els a( i($st%ial (esi*s4

    bE/a-ie a&&licati!s )!% the %e*ist%ati! !) -a%ks *e!*%a&hic

    i(icati! ite*%ate( ci%c$its4

    cRe*iste% tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-ets a( settle (is&$tes

    i,!l,i* tech!l!*' t%as)e% &a'-ets c!,e%e( b' the

    &%!,isi!s !) Pa%t II Cha&te% I: ! ;!l$ta%' Licesi*

    a( (e,el!& a( i-&le-et st%ate*ies t! &%!-!te a(

    )acilitate tech!l!*' t%as)e%4

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    (P%!-!te the $se !) &atet i)!%-ati! as a t!!l )!% tech!l!*'


    eP$blish %e*$la%l' i its !" &$blicati! the &atets -a%ks $tilit'

    -!(els a( i($st%ial (esi*s iss$e( a( a&&%!,e( a( the

    tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-ets %e*iste%e(4 c(asia

    )A(-iist%ati,el' a(iacial a( Pe%s!el Se%,ices B$%ea$.

    =.3.The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al 7e&$ties 7i%ect!% 6ee%al 7i%ect!%s a( Assistat

    7i%ect!%s shall be a&&!ite( b' the P%esi(et a( the !the% !))ice%s a( e-&l!'ees

    !) the O))ice b' the Sec%eta%' !) T%a(e a( I($st%' c!)!%-abl' "ith a( $(e%

    the Ci,il Se%,ice La". 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION ?.The Director eneral and Deputies Director eneral. ?.1.

    Functions. The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al shall e/e%cise the )!ll!"i* &!"e%s a(


    a5aa*e a( (i%ect all )$cti!s a( acti,ities !) the O))ice

    icl$(i* the &%!-$l*ati! !) %$les a( %e*$lati!s t!i-&le-et the !b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    ?.2.!ualifications. The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al a( the 7e&$ties 7i%ect!% 6ee%al

    -$st be at$%al b!% citi+es !) the Phili&&ies at least thi%t')i,e 03 'ea%s !)

    a*e ! the (a' !) thei% a&&!it-et h!l(e%s !) a c!lle*e (e*%ee a( !) &%!,e

    c!-&etece ite*%it' &%!bit' a( i(e&e(eceProvided That the 7i%ect!%

    6ee%al a( at least !e 01 7e&$t' 7i%ect!% 6ee%al shall be -e-be%s !) the

    Phili&&ie Ba% "h! ha,e e*a*e( i the &%actice !) la" )!% at least te 01 'ea%sProvidedfurther That i the selecti! !) the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al a( the 7e&$ties

    7i%ect!% 6ee%al c!si(e%ati! shall be *i,e t! s$ch @$ali)icati!s as "!$l(

    %es$lt as )a% as &%acticable i the balace( %e&%esetati! i the 7i%ect!%ate

    6ee%al !) the ,a%i!$s )iel(s !) itellect$al &%!&e%t'.

    ?.3.Ter" of Office. The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al a( the 7e&$ties 7i%ect!% 6ee%al

    shall be a&&!ite( b' the P%esi(et )!% a te%- !) )i,e 0 'ea%s a( shall be eli*ible

    )!% %ea&&!it-et !l' !ceProvided That the )i%st 7i%ect!% 6ee%al shall ha,e a)i%st te%- !) se,e 0? 'ea%s. A&&!it-et t! a' ,acac' shall be !l' )!% the

    $e/&i%e( te%- !) the &%e(ecess!%.

    ?..The Office of the Director eneral. The O))ice !) the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al shall

    c!sist !) the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al a( the 7e&$ties 7i%ect!% 6ee%al thei% i--e(iatesta)) a( s$ch O))ices a( Se%,ices that the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al "ill set $& t! s$&&!%t

    (i%ectl' the O))ice !) the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al. 0

    SECTION 8.The #ureau of Patents. The B$%ea$ !) Patets shall ha,e the

    )!ll!"i* )$cti!s

    8.1.Sea%ch a( e/a-iati! !) &atet a&&licati!s a( the *%at !) &atets4

    8.2.Re*ist%ati! !) $tilit' -!(els i($st%ial (esi*s a( ite*%ate( ci%c$its4 a(

    8.3.C!($ct st$(ies a( %esea%ches i the )iel( !) &atets i !%(e% t! assist the

    7i%ect!% 6ee%al i )!%-$lati* &!licies ! the a(-iist%ati! a( e/a-iati! !)&atets. 0

    SECTION 9.The #ureau of Trade"ar$s. The B$%ea$ !) T%a(e-a%ks shall ha,e

    the )!ll!"i* )$cti!s c(

    9.1.Sea%ch a( e/a-iati! !) the a&&licati!s )!% the %e*ist%ati! !) -a%ks*e!*%a&hic i(icati!s a( !the% -a%ks !) !"e%shi& a( the iss$ace !) the

    ce%ti)icates !) %e*ist%ati!4 a(

    9.2.C!($ct st$(ies a( %esea%ches i the )iel( !) t%a(e-a%ks i !%(e% t! assist the

    7i%ect!% 6ee%al i )!%-$lati* &!licies ! the a(-iist%ati! a( e/a-iati! !)

    t%a(e-a%ks. 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 1.The #ureau of %egal &ffairs. The B$%ea$ !) Le*al A))ai%s shall

    ha,e the )!ll!"i* )$cti!s

    1.1.ea% a( (eci(e !&&!siti! t! the a&&licati! )!% %e*ist%ati! !)

    -a%ks4 cacellati! !) t%a(e-a%ks4 s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0A ass$%ace t! %ei-b$%se the c!-&laiat the e/&eses

    a( c!sts ic$%%e( i &%!sec$ti* the case i the

    B$%ea$ !) Le*al A))ai%s.

    The 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s -a' als! %e@$i%e the

    %es&!(et t! s$b-it &e%i!(ic c!-&liace %e&!%ts a( )ile ab!( t! *$a%atee c!-&liace !) his $(e%taki*4

    0iiiThe c!(e-ati! !% sei+$%e !) &%!($cts "hich a%e s$bi,e th!$sa( &es!s 0P

    !% -!%e tha Oe h$(%e( )i)t' th!$sa( &es!s0P1. I a((iti! a a((iti!al )ie !) !t -!%e tha

    Oe th!$sa( &es!s 0P1 shall be i-&!se( )!% each (a'

    !) c!ti$i* ,i!lati!4

    0,iThe cacellati! !) a' &e%-it licese a$th!%it' !%

    %e*ist%ati! "hich -a' ha,e bee *%ate( b' the O))ice !%

    the s$s&esi! !) the ,ali(it' the%e!) )!% s$ch &e%i!( !) ti-e

    as the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s -a' (ee- %eas!able "hich

    shall !t e/cee( !e 01 'ea%4

    0,iiThe "ithh!l(i* !) a' &e%-it licese a$th!%it' !%

    %e*ist%ati! "hich is bei* sec$%e( b' the %es&!(et )%!-the O))ice4

    0,iiiThe assess-et !) (a-a*es4

    0i/Ces$%e4 a(

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0/Othe% aal!*!$s &ealties !% sacti!s. 0Secs. = ? 8 a( 9

    E/ec$ti,e O%(e% N!. 913 D1983a

    1.3.The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al -a' b' Re*$lati!s establish the &%!ce($%e

    t! *!,e% the i-&le-etati! !) this Secti!. 0

    SECTION 11.The Docu"entationInfor"ation and Technology Transfer #ureau.

    The 7!c$-etati! I)!%-ati! a( Tech!l!*' T%as)e% B$%ea$ shall ha,e

    the )!ll!"i* )$cti!s

    11.1.S$&&!%t the sea%ch a( e/a-iati! acti,ities !) the O))ice th%!$*h

    the )!ll!"i* acti,ities

    0a5aitai a( $&kee& classi)icati! s'ste-s "hethe% the' be

    ati!al !% ite%ati!al s$ch as the Ite%ati!al Patet

    Classi)icati! 0IPC s'ste-4

    0bP%!,i(e a(,is!%' se%,ices )!% the (ete%-iati! !) sea%ch


    0c5aitai sea%ch )iles a( sea%ch %!!-s a( %e)e%ece lib%a%ies4


    0(A(a&t a( &acka*e i($st%ial &%!&e%t' i)!%-ati!.

    11.2.Establish et"!%ks !% ite%-e(ia%ies !% %e*i!al %e&%esetati,es4

    11.3.E($cate the &$blic a( b$il( a"a%eess ! itellect$al &%!&e%t'

    th%!$*h the c!($ct !) se-ia%s a( lect$%es a( !the% si-ila% acti,ities4

    11..Establish "!%ki* %elati!s "ith %esea%ch a( (e,el!&-etistit$ti!s as "ell as "ith l!cal a( ite%ati!al itellect$al &%!&e%t'

    &%!)essi!al *%!$&s a( the like4

    11..Pe%)!%- state!)thea%t sea%ches4

    11.=.P%!-!te the $se !) &atet i)!%-ati! as a e))ecti,e t!!l t!)acilitate the (e,el!&-et !) tech!l!*' i the c!$t%'4

    11.?.P%!,i(e techical a(,is!%' a( !the% se%,ices %elati* t! the

    licesi* a( &%!-!ti! !) tech!l!*' a( ca%%' !$t a e))iciet a( e))ecti,e

    &%!*%a- )!% tech!l!*' t%as)e%4 a(

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    11.8.Re*iste% tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-ets a( settle (is&$tes

    i,!l,i* tech!l!*' t%as)e% &a'-ets. 0 c(ta

    SECTION 12.The 'anage"ent Infor"ation Services and DP #ureau. The

    5aa*e-et I)!%-ati! Se%,ices a( E7P B$%ea$ shall

    12.1.C!($ct a$t!-ati! &lai* %esea%ch a( (e,el!&-et testi* !)

    s'ste-s c!t%acts "ith )i%-s c!t%acti* &$%chase a( -aiteace !)

    e@$i&-et (esi* a( -aiteace !) s'ste-s $se% c!s$ltati! a( the like4


    12.2.P%!,i(e -aa*e-et i)!%-ati! s$&&!%t a( se%,ice t! the O))ice.


    SECTION 13.The &d"inistrativeFinancial and u"an Resource Develop"ent

    Service #ureau. 13.1. The A(-iist%ati,e Se%,ice shall 0a P%!,i(e se%,ices%elati,e t! &%!c$%e-et a( all!cati! !) s$&&lies a( e@$i&-et t%as&!%tati!

    -esse*e%ial "!%k cashie%i* &a'-et !) sala%ies a( !the% O))ices !bli*ati!s

    !))ice -aiteace &%!&e% sa)et' a( sec$%it' a( !the% $tilit' se%,ices4 a(

    c!-&l' "ith *!,e%-et %e*$lat!%' %e@$i%e-ets i the a%eas !) &e%)!%-ace

    a&&%aisal c!-&esati! a( bee)its e-&l!'-et %ec!%(s a( %e&!%ts4

    0bRecei,e all a&&licati!s )ile( "ith the O))ice a( c!llect )ees the%e)!%4 a(

    0cP$blish &atet a&&licati!s a( *%ats t%a(e-a%k a&&licati!s a( %e*ist%ati!!) -a%ks i($st%ial (esi*s $tilit' -!(els *e!*%a&hic i(icati! a( la'!$t

    (esi*s !) ite*%ate( ci%c$its %e*ist%ati!s.

    13.2.The Patet a( T%a(e-a%k A(-iist%ati! Se%,ices shall &e%)!%-

    the )!ll!"i* )$cti!s a-!* !the%s

    0a5aitai %e*iste%s !) assi*-ets -e%*i*s liceses a(

    bibli!*%a&hic ! &atets a( t%a(e-a%ks4

    0bC!llect -aiteace )ees iss$e ce%ti)ie( c!&ies !) (!c$-ets i

    its c$st!(' a( &e%)!%- si-ila% !the% acti,ities4 a(

    0c!l( i c$st!(' all the a&&licati!s )ile( "ith the !))ice a( all

    &atet *%ats ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati!s iss$e( b' the !))ice

    a( the like.

    13.3.The >iacial Se%,ice shall )!%-$late a( -aa*e a )iacial

    &%!*%a- t! es$%e a,ailabilit' a( &%!&e% $tili+ati! !) )$(s4 &%!,i(e )!% a

    e))ecti,e -!it!%i* s'ste- !) the )iacial !&e%ati!s !) the O))ice4 a(

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    13..The $-a Res!$%ce 7e,el!&-et Se%,ice shall (esi* a(

    i-&le-et h$-a %es!$%ce (e,el!&-et &las a( &%!*%a-s )!% the &e%s!el

    !) the O))ice4 &%!,i(e )!% &%eset a( )$t$%e -a&!"e% ee(s !) the

    !%*ai+ati!4 -aitai hi*h -!%ale a( )a,!%able e-&l!'ee attit$(es t!"a%(s

    the !%*ai+ati! th%!$*h the c!ti$i* (esi* a( i-&le-etati! !)

    e-&l!'ee (e,el!&-et &%!*%a-s. 0

    SECTION 1.*se of Intellectual Property Rights Fees +y the IPO. 1.1. >!% a-!%e e))ecti,e a( e/&e(iti!$s i-&le-etati! !) this Act the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al

    shall be a$th!%i+e( t! %etai "ith!$t ee( !) a se&a%ate a&&%!,al )%!- a'

    *!,e%-et a*ec' a( s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 1?.Pu+lication of %a,s and Regulations. The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al shall

    ca$se t! be &%ite( a( -ake a,ailable )!% (ist%ib$ti! &a-&hlet c!&ies !) this

    Act !the% &e%tiet la"s e/ec$ti,e !%(e%s a( i)!%-ati! ci%c$la%s %elati* t!

    -atte%s "ithi the

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    2.=.#P%i!%it' (ate# -eas the (ate !) )ili* !) the )!%ei* a&&licati!

    )!% the sa-e i,eti! %e)e%%e( t! i Secti! 31 !) this Act. 0



    SECTION 21.Patenta+le Inventions. A' techical s!l$ti! !) a &%!ble- ia' )iel( !) h$-a acti,it' "hich is e" i,!l,es a i,eti,e ste& a( is

    i($st%iall' a&&licable shall be &atetable. It -a' be !% -a' %elate t! a &%!($ct

    !% &%!cess !% a i-&%!,e-et !) a' !) the )!%e*!i*. 0Sec. ? R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 22..on/Patenta+le Inventions. The )!ll!"i* shall be e/cl$(e(

    )%!- &atet &%!tecti!

    22.1.7isc!,e%ies scieti)ic the!%ies a( -athe-atical -eth!(s4

    22.2.Sche-es %$les a( -eth!(s !) &e%)!%-i* -etal acts &la'i*

    *a-es !% (!i* b$siess a( &%!*%a-s )!% c!-&$te%s4

    22.3.5eth!(s )!% t%eat-et !) the h$-a !% ai-al b!(' b' s$%*e%' !%

    the%a&' a( (ia*!stic -eth!(s &%actice( ! the h$-a !% ai-al b!('. This

    &%!,isi! shall !t a&&l' t! &%!($cts a( c!-&!siti! )!% $se i a' !) these


    22..Plat ,a%ieties !% ai-al b%ee(s !% essetiall' bi!l!*ical &%!cess )!%

    the &%!($cti! !) &lats !% ai-als. This &%!,isi! shall !t a&&l' t! -ic%!!%*ais-s a( !bi!l!*ical a( -ic%!bi!l!*ical &%!cesses.

    P%!,isi!s $(e% this s$bsecti! shall !t &%ecl$(e C!*%ess t! c!si(e%

    the eact-et !) a la" &%!,i(i*sui generis&%!tecti! !) &lat ,a%ieties a(

    ai-al b%ee(s a( a s'ste- !) c!--$it' itellect$al %i*hts &%!tecti!

    22..Aesthetic c%eati!s4 a(

    22.=.A'thi* "hich is c!t%a%' t! &$blic !%(e% !% -!%alit'. 0Sec. 8

    R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 23..ovelty. A i,eti! shall !t be c!si(e%e( e" i) it )!%-s &a%t

    !) a &%i!% a%t. 0Sec. 9 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 2.Prior &rt. P%i!% a%t shall c!sist !)

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    2.1.E,e%'thi* "hich has bee -a(e a,ailable t! the &$blic a'"he%e

    i the "!%l( be)!%e the )ili* (ate !% the &%i!%it' (ate !) the a&&licati!

    clai-i* the i,eti!4 a(

    2.2.The "h!le c!tets !) a a&&licati! )!% a &atet $tilit' -!(el !%

    i($st%ial (esi* %e*ist%ati! &$blishe( i acc!%(ace "ith this Act )ile( !%e))ecti,e i the Phili&&ies "ith a )ili* !% &%i!%it' (ate that is ea%lie% tha the

    )ili* !% &%i!%it' (ate !) the a&&licati!Provided That the a&&licati! "hichhas ,ali(l' clai-e( the )ili* (ate !) a ea%lie% a&&licati! $(e% Secti! 31 !)

    this Act shall be &%i!% a%t "ith e))ect as !) the )ili* (ate !) s$ch ea%lie%

    a&&licati!Providedfurther That the a&&licat !% the i,et!% i(eti)ie( i

    b!th a&&licati!s a%e !t !e a( the sa-e. 0Sec. 9 R.A. N!. 1=a c(t

    SECTION 2..on/Pre0udicial Disclosure. 2.1. The (iscl!s$%e !) i)!%-ati!

    c!taie( i the a&&licati! ($%i* the t"el,e 012 -!ths &%ece(i* the )ili*

    (ate !% the &%i!%it' (ate !) the a&&licati! shall !t &%e

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 28.Right to a Patent. The %i*ht t! a &atet bel!*s t! the i,et!%

    his hei%s !% assi*s. Fhe t"! 02 !% -!%e &e%s!s ha,e


    SECTION 29.First to File Rule. I) t"! 02 !% -!%e &e%s!s ha,e -a(e thei,eti! se&a%atel' a( i(e&e(etl' !) each !the% the %i*ht t! the &atet shall

    bel!* t! the &e%s! "h! )ile( a a&&licati! )!% s$ch i,eti! !% "he%e t"! !%-!%e a&&licati!s a%e )ile( )!% the sa-e i,eti! t! the a&&licat "h! has the

    ea%liest )ili* (ate !% the ea%liest &%i!%it' (ate. 03%( setece Sec. 1 R.A. N!.


    SECTION 3.Inventions Created Pursuant to a Co""ission. 3.1. The &e%s!

    "h! c!--issi!s the "!%k shall !" the &atet $less !the%"ise &%!,i(e( i the


    3.2.I case the e-&l!'ee -a(e the i,eti! i the c!$%se !) his

    e-&l!'-et c!t%act the &atet shall bel!* t!

    0aThe e-&l!'ee i) the i,eti,e acti,it' is !t a &a%t !) his

    %e*$la% ($ties e,e i) the e-&l!'ee $ses the ti-e )acilities

    a( -ate%ials !) the e-&l!'e%.

    0bThe e-&l!'e% i) the i,eti! is the %es$lt !) the &e%)!%-ace

    !) his %e*$la%l'assi*e( ($ties $less the%e is a

    a*%ee-et e/&%ess !% i-&lie( t! the c!t%a%'. 0

    SECTION 31.Right of Priority. A a&&licati! )!% &atet )ile( b' a' &e%s!

    "h! has &%e,i!$sl' a&&lie( )!% the sa-e i,eti! i a!the% c!$t%' "hich b'

    t%eat' c!,eti! !% la" a))!%(s si-ila% &%i,ile*es t! >ili&i! citi+es shall be

    c!si(e%e( as )ile( as !) the (ate !) )ili* the )!%ei* a&&licati!Provided That0a the l!cal a&&licati! e/&%essl' clai-s &%i!%it'4 0b it is )ile( "ithi t"el,e 012

    -!ths )%!- the (ate the ea%liest )!%ei* a&&licati! "as )ile(4 a( 0c a ce%ti)ie(

    c!&' !) the )!%ei* a&&licati! t!*ethe% "ith a E*lish t%aslati! is )ile( "ithi

    si/ 0= -!ths )%!- the (ate !) )ili* i the Phili&&ies. 0Sec. 1 R.A. N!. 1=a


    Patent &pplication

    SECTION 32.The &pplication. 32.1. The &atet a&&licati! shall be i >ili&i!

    !% E*lish a( shall c!tai the )!ll!"i*

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0aA %e@$est )!% the *%at !) a &atet4

    0bA (esc%i&ti! !) the i,eti!4

    0c7%a"i*s ecessa%' )!% the $(e%sta(i* !) the i,eti!4

    0(Oe !% -!%e clai-s4 a(

    0eA abst%act.

    32.2.N! &atet -a' be *%ate( $less the a&&licati! i(eti)ies the

    i,et!%. I) the a&&licat is !t the i,et!% the O))ice -a' %e@$i%e hi- t!

    s$b-it sai( a$th!%it'. 0Sec. 13 R.A. N!. 1=a c(tai

    SECTION 33.&ppoint"ent of &gent or Representative. A a&&licat "h! is !t

    a %esi(et !) the Phili&&ies -$st a&&!it a( -aitai a %esi(et a*et !%

    %e&%esetati,e i the Phili&&ies $&! "h!- !tice !% &%!cess )!%

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 3?.The &+stract. The abst%act shall c!sist !) a c!cise s$--a%' !)

    the (iscl!s$%e !) the i,eti! as c!taie( i the (esc%i&ti! clai-s a(

    (%a"i*s i &%e)e%abl' !t -!%e tha !e h$(%e( )i)t' 01 "!%(s. It -$st be

    (%a)te( i a "a' "hich all!"s the clea% $(e%sta(i* !) the techical &%!ble-

    the *ist !) the s!l$ti! !) that &%!ble- th%!$*h the i,eti! a( the &%ici&al $se

    !% $ses !) the i,eti!. The abst%act shall -e%el' se%,e )!% techical i)!%-ati!.0

    SECTION 38.*nity of Invention. 38.1. The a&&licati! shall %elate t! !e

    i,eti! !l' !% t! a *%!$& !) i,eti!s )!%-i* a si*le *ee%al i,eti,e


    38.2.I) se,e%al i(e&e(et i,eti!s "hich (! !t )!%- a si*le

    *ee%al i,eti,e c!ce&t a%e clai-e( i !e a&&licati! the 7i%ect!% -a'

    %e@$i%e that the a&&licati! be %est%icte( t! a si*le i,eti!. A late%

    a&&licati! )ile( )!% a i,eti! (i,i(e( !$t shall be c!si(e%e( as ha,i*bee )ile( ! the sa-e (a' as the )i%st a&&licati!Provided That the late%

    a&&licati! is )ile( "ithi )!$% 0 -!ths a)te% the %e@$i%e-et t! (i,i(e

    bec!-es )ial !% "ithi s$ch a((iti!al ti-e !t e/cee(i* )!$% 0 -!thsas -a' be *%ate(Providedfurther That each (i,isi!al a&&licati! shall !t

    *! be'!( the (iscl!s$%e i the iitial a&&licati!.

    38.3.The )act that a &atet has bee *%ate( ! a a&&licati! that (i(!t c!-&l' "ith the %e@$i%e-et !) $it' !) i,eti! shall !t be a *%!$( t!

    cacel the &atet. 0Sec. 1? R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 39.Infor"ation Concerning Corresponding Foreign &pplication for

    Patents. The a&&licat shall at the %e@$est !) the 7i%ect!% )$%ish hi- "ith the

    (ate a( $-be% !) a' a&&licati! )!% a &atet )ile( b' hi- ab%!a( he%ea)te%

    %e)e%%e( t! as the #)!%ei* a&&licati!# %elati* t! the sa-e !% essetiall' the sa-e

    i,eti! as that clai-e( i the a&&licati! )ile( "ith the O))ice a( !the%

    (!c$-ets %elati* t! the )!%ei* a&&licati!. 0


    Procedure for rant of Patent

    SECTION .Filing Date Re-uire"ents. .1. The )ili* (ate !) a &atet

    a&&licati! shall be the (ate !) %ecei&t b' the O))ice !) at least the )!ll!"i*


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    0aA e/&%ess !% i-&licit i(icati! that a Phili&&ie &atet is


    0bI)!%-ati! i(eti)'i* the a&&licat4 a(

    0c7esc%i&ti! !) the i,eti! a( !e 01 !% -!%e clai-s i>ili&i! !% E*lish.

    .2.I) a' !) these ele-ets is !t s$b-itte( "ithi the &e%i!( set b'

    the Re*$lati!s the a&&licati! shall be c!si(e%e( "ith(%a". 0

    SECTION 1.&ccording a Filing Date. The O))ice shall e/a-ie "hethe% the

    &atet a&&licati! satis)ies the %e@$i%e-ets )!% the *%at !) (ate !) )ili* as

    &%!,i(e( i Secti! he%e!). I) the (ate !) )ili* ca!t be acc!%(e( the

    a&&licat shall be *i,e a !&&!%t$it' t! c!%%ect the (e)iciecies i acc!%(ace

    "ith the i-&le-eti* Re*$lati!s. I) the a&&licati! (!es !t c!tai all theele-ets i(icate( i Secti! the )ili* (ate sh!$l( be that (ate "he all the

    ele-ets a%e %ecei,e(. I) the (e)iciecies a%e !t %e-e(ie( "ithi the &%esc%ibe(

    ti-e li-it the a&&licati! shall be c!si(e%e( "ith(%a". 0

    SECTION 2.For"ality 1a"ination. 2.1. A)te% the &atet a&&licati! has

    bee acc!%(e( a )ili* (ate a( the %e@$i%e( )ees ha,e bee &ai( ! ti-e i

    acc!%(ace "ith the Re*$lati!s the a&&licat shall c!-&l' "ith the )!%-al

    %e@$i%e-ets s&eci)ie( b' Secti! 32 a( the Re*$lati!s "ithi the &%esc%ibe(

    &e%i!( !the%"ise the a&&licati! shall be c!si(e%e( "ith(%a".

    2.2.The Re*$lati!s shall (ete%-ie the &%!ce($%e )!% the %ee/a-iati! a( %e,i,al !) a a&&licati! as "ell as the a&&eal t! the 7i%ect!%

    !) Patets )%!- a' )ial acti! b' the e/a-ie%. 0Sec. 1= R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 3.Classification and Search. A a&&licati! that has c!-&lie( "ith

    the )!%-al %e@$i%e-ets shall be classi)ie( a( a sea%ch c!($cte( t! (ete%-ie

    the &%i!% a%t. 0

    SECTION .Pu+lication of Patent &pplication. .1. The &atet a&&licati!

    shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette t!*ethe% "ith a sea%ch (!c$-et establishe(

    b' !% ! behal) !) the O))ice citi* a' (!c$-ets that %e)lect &%i!% a%t a)te% thee/&i%ati! !) ei*htee 018 -!ths )%!- the )ili* (ate !% &%i!%it' (ate.

    .2.A)te% &$blicati! !) a &atet a&&licati! a' ite%este( &a%t' -a'

    is&ect the a&&licati! (!c$-ets )ile( "ith the O))ice.

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    .3.The 7i%ect!% 6ee%al s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    e" -atte% !$tsi(e the sc!&e !) the (iscl!s$%e c!taie( i the a&&licati! as )ile(.


    SECTION .rant of Patent. .1. I) the a&&licati! -eets the %e@$i%e-ets

    !) this Act the O))ice shall *%at the &atetProvided That all the )ees a%e &ai( !


    .2.I) the %e@$i%e( )ees )!% *%at a( &%iti* a%e !t &ai( i ($e ti-e

    the a&&licati! shall be (ee-e( t! be "ith(%a". c(ta

    .3.A &atet shall take e))ect ! the (ate !) the &$blicati! !) the *%at

    !) the &atet i the IPO 6a+ette. 0Sec. 18 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 1.Refusal of the &pplication. 1.1. The )ial !%(e% !) %e)$sal !) the

    e/a-ie% t! *%at the &atet shall be a&&ealable t! the 7i%ect!% i acc!%(ace "ith

    this Act.

    1.2.The Re*$lati!s shall &%!,i(e )!% the &%!ce($%e b' "hich a

    a&&eal )%!- the !%(e% !) %e)$sal )%!- the 7i%ect!% shall be $(e%take. 0

    SECTION 2.Pu+lication *pon rant of Patent. 2.1. The *%at !) the &atet

    t!*ethe% "ith !the% %elate( i)!%-ati! shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette

    "ithi the ti-e &%esc%ibe( b' the Re*$lati!s.

    2.2.A' ite%este( &a%t' -a' is&ect the c!-&lete (esc%i&ti! clai-s

    a( (%a"i*s !) the &atet ! )ile "ith the O))ice. 0Sec. 18 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 3.Contents of Patent. The &atet shall be iss$e( i the a-e !) the

    Re&$blic !) the Phili&&ies $(e% the seal !) the O))ice a( shall be si*e( b' the

    7i%ect!% a( %e*iste%e( t!*ethe% "ith the (esc%i&ti! clai-s a( (%a"i*s i) a'

    i b!!ks a( %ec!%(s !) the O))ice. 0Secs. 19 a( 2 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION .Ter" of Patent. The te%- !) a &atet shall be t"et' 02 'ea%s

    )%!- the )ili* (ate !) the a&&licati!. 0Sec. 21 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION .&nnual Fees. .1. T! -aitai the &atet a&&licati! !% &atet

    a a$al )ee shall be &ai( $&! the e/&i%ati! !) )!$% 0 'ea%s )%!- the (ate thea&&licati! "as &$blishe( &$%s$at t! Secti! he%e!) a( ! each s$bse@$et

    ai,e%sa%' !) s$ch (ate. Pa'-et -a' be -a(e "ithi th%ee 03 -!ths be)!%e

    the ($e (ate. The !bli*ati! t! &a' the a$al )ees shall te%-iate sh!$l( the

    a&&licati! be "ith(%a" %e)$se( !% cacelle(.

    .2.I) the a$al )ee is !t &ai( the &atet a&&licati! shall be (ee-e(

    "ith(%a" !% the &atet c!si(e%e( as la&se( )%!- the (a' )!ll!"i* the

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    e/&i%ati! !) the &e%i!( "ithi "hich the a$al )ees "e%e ($e. A !tice that

    the a&&licati! is (ee-e( "ith(%a" !% the la&se !) a &atet )!% !&a'-et

    !) a' a$al )ee shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette a( the la&se shall be

    %ec!%(e( i the Re*iste% !) the O))ice.

    .3.A *%ace &e%i!( !) si/ 0= -!ths shall be *%ate( )!% the &a'-et!) the a$al )ee $&! &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( s$%cha%*e )!% (ela'e(

    &a'-et. 0Sec. 22 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION =.Surrender of Patent. =.1. The !"e% !) the &atet "ith the

    c!set !) all &e%s!s ha,i* *%ats !% liceses !% !the% %i*ht title !% ite%est i

    a( t! the &atet a( the i,eti! c!,e%e( the%eb' "hich ha,e bee %ec!%(e( i

    the O))ice -a' s$%%e(e% his &atet !% a' clai- !% clai-s )!%-i* &a%t the%e!) t!

    the O))ice )!% cacellati!.

    =.2.A &e%s! -a' *i,e !tice t! the O))ice !) his !&&!siti! t! thes$%%e(e% !) a &atet $(e% this secti! a( i) he (!es s! the B$%ea$ shall

    !ti)' the &%!&%iet!% !) the &atet a( (ete%-ie the @$esti!.

    =.3.I) the O))ice is satis)ie( that the &atet -a' &%!&e%l' be

    s$%%e(e%e( he -a' acce&t the !))e% a( as )%!- the (a' "he !tice !) his

    acce&tace is &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette the &atet shall cease t! ha,e

    e))ect b$t ! acti! )!% i)%i*e-et shall lie a( ! %i*ht c!-&esati! shall

    acc%$e )!% a' $se !) the &atete( i,eti! be)!%e that (a' )!% the se%,ices !)

    the *!,e%-et. 0Sec. 2 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION ?.Correction of 'ista$es of the Office. The 7i%ect!% shall ha,e the

    &!"e% t! c!%%ect "ith!$t )ee a' -istake i a &atet ic$%%e( th%!$*h the )a$lt !)

    the O))ice "he clea%l' (iscl!se( i the %ec!%(s the%e!) t! -ake the &atet

    c!)!%- t! the %ec!%(s. 0Sec. 2 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 8.Correction of 'ista$e in the &pplication. O %e@$est !) a'

    ite%este( &e%s! a( &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( )ee the 7i%ect!% is a$th!%i+e( t!

    c!%%ect a' -istake i a &atet !) a )!%-al a( cle%ical at$%e !t ic$%%e(

    th%!$*h the )a$lt !) the O))ice. 0Sec. 2= R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 9.Changes in Patents. 9.1. The !"e% !) a &atet shall ha,e the%i*ht t! %e@$est the B$%ea$ t! -ake the cha*es i the &atet i !%(e% t!

    0aLi-it the e/tet !) the &%!tecti! c!)e%%e( b' it4

    0bC!%%ect !b,i!$s -istakes !% t! c!%%ect cle%ical e%%!%s4 a(

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0cC!%%ect -istakes !% e%%!%s !the% tha th!se %e)e%%e( t! i lette%

    0b -a(e i *!!( )aithProvided That "he%e the cha*e

    "!$l( %es$lt i a b%!a(ei* !) the e/tet !) &%!tecti!

    c!)e%%e( b' the &atet ! %e@$est -a' be -a(e a)te% the

    e/&i%ati! !) t"! 02 'ea%s )%!- the *%at !) a &atet a(

    the cha*e shall !t a))ect the %i*hts !) a' thi%( &a%t'"hich has %elie( ! the &atet as &$blishe(.

    9.2.N! cha*e i the &atet shall be &e%-itte( $(e% this secti!

    "he%e the cha*e "!$l( %es$lt i the (iscl!s$%e c!taie( i the &atet *!i*

    be'!( the (iscl!s$%e c!taie( i the a&&licati! )ile(.

    9.3.I) a( t! the e/tet t! "hich the O))ice cha*es the &atet

    acc!%(i* t! this secti! it shall &$blish the sa-e. 0

    SECTION =.For" and Pu+lication of &"end"ent. A a-e(-et !%

    c!%%ecti! !) a &atet shall be acc!-&lishe( b' a ce%ti)icate !) s$ch a-e(-et !%

    c!%%ecti! a$theticate( b' the seal !) the O))ice a( si*e( b' the 7i%ect!%

    "hich ce%ti)icate shall be attache( t! the &atet. N!tice !) s$ch a-e(-et !%

    c!%%ecti! shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette a( c!&ies !) the &atet ke&t !%

    )$%ishe( b' the O))ice shall icl$(e a c!&' !) the ce%ti)icate !) a-e(-et !%

    c!%%ecti!. 0Sec. 2? R.A. N!. 1=


    Cancellation of Patents and Su+stitution of Patentee

    SECTION =1.Cancellation of Patents. =1.1. A' ite%este( &e%s! -a' $&!

    &a'-et !) the %e@$i%e( )ee &etiti! t! cacel the &atet !% a' clai- the%e!) !%

    &a%ts !) the clai- ! a' !) the )!ll!"i* *%!$(s

    0aThat "hat is clai-e( as the i,eti! is !t e" !% &atetable4

    0bThat the &atet (!es !t (iscl!se the i,eti! i a -ae%

    s$))icietl' clea% a( c!-&lete )!% it t! be ca%%ie( !$t b'a' &e%s! skille( i the a%t4 !%

    0cThat the &atet is c!t%a%' t! &$blic !%(e% !% -!%alit'.

    =1.2.Fhe%e the *%!$(s )!% cacellati! %elate t! s!-e !) the clai-s !%

    &a%ts !) the clai- cacellati! -a' be e))ecte( t! s$ch e/tet !l'. 0Secs. 28

    a( 29 R.A. N!. 1=a

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION =2.Re-uire"ent of the Petition. The &etiti! )!% cacellati! shall be

    i "%iti* ,e%i)ie( b' the &etiti!e% !% b' a' &e%s! i his behal) "h! k!"s the

    )acts s&eci)' the *%!$(s $&! "hich it is base( icl$(e a state-et !) the )acts

    t! be %elie( $&! a( )ile( "ith the O))ice. C!&ies !) &%ite( &$blicati!s !% !)

    &atets !) !the% c!$t%ies a( !the% s$&&!%ti* (!c$-ets -eti!e( i the

    &etiti! shall be attache( the%et! t!*ethe% "ith the t%aslati! the%e!) i E*lishi) !t i the E*lish la*$a*e. 0Sec. 3 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION =3..otice of earing. U&! )ili* !) a &etiti! )!% cacellati! the

    7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s shall )!%th"ith se%,e !tice !) the )ili* the%e!) $&! the

    &atetee a( all &e%s!s ha,i* *%ats !% liceses !% a' !the% %i*ht title !%

    ite%est i a( t! the &atet a( the i,eti! c!,e%e( the%eb' as a&&ea%s !) %ec!%(

    i the O))ice a( !) !tice !) the (ate !) hea%i* the%e! ! s$ch &e%s!s a( the

    &etiti!e%. N!tice !) the )ili* !) the &etiti! shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette.0Sec. 31 R.A. N!. 1=a c(

    SECTION =.Co""ittee of Three. I cases i,!l,i* hi*hl' techical iss$es

    ! -!ti! !) a' &a%t' the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s -a' !%(e% that the &etiti! be

    hea%( a( (eci(e( b' a c!--ittee c!-&!se( !) the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s aschai%-a a( t"! 02 -e-be%s "h! ha,e the e/&e%iece !% e/&e%tise i the )iel(

    !) tech!l!*' t! "hich the &atet s!$*ht t! be cacelle( %elates. The (ecisi! !)

    the c!--ittee shall be a&&ealable t! the 7i%ect!% 6ee%al. 0

    SECTION =.Cancellation of the Patent. =.1. I) the C!--ittee )i(s that a

    case )!% cacellati! has bee &%!,e( it shall !%(e% the &atet !% a' s&eci)ie(

    clai- !% clai-s the%e!) cacelle(.

    =.2.I) the C!--ittee )i(s that taki* it! c!si(e%ati! the

    a-e(-et -a(e b' the &atetee ($%i* the cacellati! &%!cee(i*s the

    &atet a( the i,eti! t! "hich it %elates -eet the %e@$i%e-et !) this Act it

    -a' (eci(e t! -aitai the &atet as a-e(e(Provided That the )ee )!%&%iti* !) a e" &atet is &ai( "ithi the ti-e li-it &%esc%ibe( i the


    =.3.I) the )ee )!% the &%iti* !) a e" &atet is !t &ai( i ($e ti-e

    the &atet sh!$l( be %e,!ke(.

    =..I) the &atet is a-e(e( $(e% S$bsecti! =.2 he%e!) the B$%ea$

    shall at the sa-e ti-e as it &$blishes the -eti! !) the cacellati! (ecisi!

    &$blish the abst%act %e&%esetati,e clai-s a( (%a"i*s i(icati* clea%l' "hat

    the a-e(-ets c!sist !). 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION ==.ffect of Cancellation of Patent or Clai". The %i*hts c!)e%%e(

    b' the &atet !% a' s&eci)ie( clai- !% clai-s cacelle( shall te%-iate. N!tice !)

    the cacellati! shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette. Uless %est%aie( b' the

    7i%ect!% 6ee%al the (ecisi! !% !%(e% t! cacel b' 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s shall

    be i--e(iatel' e/ec$t!%' e,e &e(i* a&&eal. 0Sec. 32 R.A. N!. 1=a


    Re"edies of a Person ,ith a Right to a Patent

    SECTION =?.Patent &pplication +y Persons .ot aving the Right to a Patent.

    =?.1. I) a &e%s! %e)e%%e( t! i Secti! 29 !the% tha the a&&licat is (ecla%e( b'

    )ial c!$%t !%(e% !% (ecisi! as ha,i* the %i*ht t! the &atet s$ch &e%s! -a'

    "ithi th%ee 03 -!ths a)te% the (ecisi! has bec!-e )ial

    0aP%!sec$te the a&&licati! as his !" a&&licati! i &lace !) thea&&licat4

    0b>ile a e" &atet a&&licati! i %es&ect !) the sa-e i,eti!4

    0cRe@$est that the a&&licati! be %e)$se(4 !%

    0(Seek cacellati! !) the &atet i) !e has al%ea(' bee iss$e(.

    =?.2.The &%!,isi!s !) S$bsecti! 38.2 shall a&&l' "utatis "utandis t!a e" a&&licati! )ile( $(e% S$bsecti! =?.10b. 0

    SECTION =8.Re"edies of the True and &ctual Inventor. I) a &e%s! "h! "as

    (e&%i,e( !) the &atet "ith!$t his c!set !% th%!$*h )%a$( is (ecla%e( b' )ial

    c!$%t !%(e% !% (ecisi! t! be the t%$e a( act$al i,et!% the c!$%t shall !%(e% )!%

    his s$bstit$ti! as &atetee !% at the !&ti! !) the t%$e i,et!% cacel the &atet

    a( a"a%( act$al a( !the% (a-a*es i his )a,!% i) "a%%ate( b' the

    ci%c$-staces. 0Sec. 33 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION =9.Pu+lication of the Court Order. The c!$%t shall )$%ish the

    O))ice a c!&' !) the !%(e% !% (ecisi! %e)e%%e( t! i Secti!s =? a( =8 "hich

    shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette "ithi th%ee 03 -!ths )%!- the (ate s$ch!%(e% !% (ecisi! beca-e )ial a( e/ec$t!%' a( shall be %ec!%(e( i the %e*iste%

    !) the O))ice. 0

    SECTION ?.Ti"e to File &ction in Court. The acti!s i(icate( i Secti!s

    =? a( =8 shall be )ile( "ithi !e 01 'ea% )%!- the (ate !) &$blicati! -a(e i

    acc!%(ace "ith Secti!s a( 1 %es&ecti,el'. 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment



    Rights of Patentees and Infringe"ent of Patents

    SECTION ?1.Rights Conferred +y Patent. ?1.1. A &atet shall c!)e% ! its

    !"e% the )!ll!"i* e/cl$si,e %i*hts

    0aFhe%e the s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    te-&!%a%il' !% acci(etall'Provided That s$ch i,eti! is $se( e/cl$si,el'

    )!% the ee(s !) the shi& ,essel ai%c%a)t !% la( ,ehicle a( !t $se( )!% the

    -a$)act$%i* !) a'thi* t! be s!l( "ithi the Phili&&ies. 0Secs. 38 a( 39

    R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION ?3.Prior *ser. ?3.1. N!t"ithsta(i* Secti! ?2 he%e!) a' &%i!%$se% "h! i *!!( )aith "as $si* the i,eti! !% has $(e%take se%i!$s

    &%e&a%ati!s t! $se the i,eti! i his ete%&%ise !% b$siess be)!%e the )ili*(ate !% &%i!%it' (ate !) the a&&licati! ! "hich a &atet is *%ate( shall ha,e the

    %i*ht t! c!ti$e the $se the%e!) as e,isa*e( i s$ch &%e&a%ati!s "ithi the

    te%%it!%' "he%e the &atet &%!($ces its e))ect.

    ?3.2.The %i*ht !) the &%i!% $se% -a' !l' be t%as)e%%e( !% assi*e(

    t!*ethe% "ith his ete%&%ise !% b$siess !% "ith that &a%t !) his ete%&%ise !%

    b$siess i "hich the $se !% &%e&a%ati!s )!% $se ha,e bee -a(e. 0Sec.

    R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION ?.*se of Invention +y overn"ent. ?.1. A 6!,e%-et a*ec' !%

    thi%( &e%s! a$th!%i+e( b' the 6!,e%-et -a' e/&l!it the i,eti! e,e "ith!$t

    a*%ee-et !) the &atet !"e% "he%e

    0aThe &$blic ite%est i &a%tic$la% ati!al sec$%it' $t%iti!

    health !% the (e,el!&-et !) !the% sect!%s as (ete%-ie( b'

    the a&&%!&%iate a*ec' !) the *!,e%-et s! %e@$i%es4 !%

    0bA !% the &$%&!se !) (ete%-ii* the e/tet !) &%!tecti! c!)e%%e(

    b' the &atet ($e acc!$t shall be take !) ele-ets "hich a%e e@$i,alet t!

    the ele-ets e/&%esse( i the clai-s s! that a clai- shall be c!si(e%e( t!

    c!,e% !t !l' all the ele-ets as e/&%esse( the%ei b$t als! e@$i,alets. 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    &%!cess a( the !"e% !) the &atet has bee $able (es&ite %eas!able e))!%ts t!

    (ete%-ie the &%!cess act$all' $se(. I !%(e%i* the (e)e(at t! &%!,e that the

    &%!cess t! !btai the i(etical &%!($ct is (i))e%et )%!- the &atete( &%!cess the

    c!$%t shall a(!&t -eas$%es t! &%!tect as )a% as &%acticable his -a$)act$%i* a(

    b$siess sec%ets. 0

    SECTION ?9.%i"itation of &ction for Da"ages. N! (a-a*es ca be %ec!,e%e(

    )!% acts !) i)%i*e-et c!--itte( -!%e tha )!$% 0 'ea%s be)!%e the istit$ti!!) the acti! )!% i)%i*e-et. 0Sec. 3 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 8.Da"ages4Re-uire"ent of .otice. 7a-a*es ca!t be %ec!,e%e(

    )!% acts !) i)%i*e-et c!--itte( be)!%e the i)%i*e% ha( k!" !% ha(

    %eas!able *%!$(s t! k!" !) the &atet. It is &%es$-e( that the i)%i*e% ha(

    k!" !) the &atet i) ! the &atete( &%!($ct !% ! the c!taie% !% &acka*e i

    "hich the a%ticle is s$&&lie( t! the &$blic !% ! the a(,e%tisi* -ate%ial %elati* t!

    the &atete( &%!($ct !% &%!cess a%e &lace( the "!%(s #Phili&&ie Patet# "ith the$-be% !) the &atet. 0Sec. R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 81.Defenses in &ction for Infringe"ent. I a acti! )!%

    i)%i*e-et the (e)e(at i a((iti! t! !the% (e)eses a,ailable t! hi- -a'sh!" the i,ali(it' !) the &atet !% a' clai- the%e!) ! a' !) the *%!$(s !

    "hich a &etiti! !) cacellati! ca be b%!$*ht $(e% Secti! =1 he%e!). 0Sec.

    R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 82.Patent Found Invalid 'ay +e Cancelled. I a acti! )!%i)%i*e-et i) the c!$%t shall )i( the &atet !% a' clai- t! be i,ali( it shall

    cacel the sa-e a( the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s $&! %ecei&t !) the )ial

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    8?..Th!se that establish a )$ll !% &a%tial &$%chase !&ti! i )a,!% !) the


    8?.=.Th!se that !bli*ate the licesee t! t%as)e% )!% )%ee t! the lices!%

    the i,eti!s !% i-&%!,e-ets that -a' be !btaie( th%!$*h the $se !) the

    licese( tech!l!*'4

    8?.?.Th!se that %e@$i%e &a'-et !) %!'alties t! the !"e%s !) &atets )!%

    &atets "hich a%e !t $se(4

    8?.8.Th!se that &%!hibit the licesee t! e/&!%t the licese( &%!($ct


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    88.1.That the la"s !) the Phili&&ies shall *!,e% the ite%&%etati! !)

    the sa-e a( i the e,et !) liti*ati! the ,e$e shall be the &%!&e% c!$%t i

    the &lace "he%e the licesee has its &%ici&al !))ice4

    88.2.C!ti$e( access t! i-&%!,e-ets i techi@$es a( &%!cesses

    %elate( t! the tech!l!*' shall be -a(e a,ailable ($%i* the &e%i!( !) thetech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-et4

    88.3.I the e,et the tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-et shall &%!,i(e )!%

    a%bit%ati! the P%!ce($%e !) A%bit%ati! !) the A%bit%ati! La" !) the

    Phili&&ies !% the A%bit%ati! R$les !) the Uite( Nati!s C!--issi! !

    Ite%ati!al T%a(e La" 0UNCITRAL !% the R$les !) C!ciliati! a(

    A%bit%ati! !) the Ite%ati!al Cha-be% !) C!--e%ce 0ICC shall a&&l' a(

    the ,e$e !) a%bit%ati! shall be the Phili&&ies !% a' e$t%al c!$t%'4 a(

    88..The Phili&&ie ta/es ! all &a'-ets %elati* t! the tech!l!*'

    t%as)e% a%%a*e-et shall be b!%e b' the lices!%. 0 c(t

    SECTION 89.Rights of %icensor. I the absece !) a' &%!,isi! t! the

    c!t%a%' i the tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-et the *%at !) a licese shall !t

    &%e,et the lices!% )%!- *%ati* )$%the% liceses t! thi%( &e%s! !% )%!-

    e/&l!iti* the s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    "ith a' !) the &%!,isi!s !) Secti!s 8? a( 88 h!"e,e% shall a$t!-aticall'

    %e(e% the tech!l!*' t%as)e% a%%a*e-et $e)!%ceable $less sai( tech!l!*'

    t%as)e% a%%a*e-et is a&&%!,e( a( %e*iste%e( "ith the 7!c$-etati!

    I)!%-ati! a( Tech!l!*' T%as)e% B$%ea$ $(e% the &%!,isi!s !) Secti! 91

    ! e/ce&ti!al cases. 0


    Co"pulsory %icensing

    SECTION 93.rounds for Co"pulsory %icensing. The 7i%ect!% !) Le*al

    A))ai%s -a' *%at a licese t! e/&l!it a &atete( i,eti! e,e "ith!$t the

    a*%ee-et !) the &atet !"e% i )a,!% !) a' &e%s! "h! has sh!" his

    ca&abilit' t! e/&l!it the i,eti! $(e% a' !) the )!ll!"i* ci%c$-staces

    93.1.Nati!al e-e%*ec' !% !the% ci%c$-staces !) e/t%e-e $%*ec'4

    93.2.Fhe%e the &$blic ite%est i &a%tic$la% ati!al sec$%it' $t%iti!

    health !% the (e,el!&-et !) !the% ,ital sect!%s !) the ati!al ec!!-' as

    (ete%-ie( b' the a&&%!&%iate a*ec' !) the 6!,e%-et s! %e@$i%es4 !%

    93.3.Fhe%e a

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 9.Re-uire"ent to O+tain a %icense on Reasona+le Co""ercial

    Ter"s. 9.1. The licese "ill !l' be *%ate( a)te% the &etiti!e% has -a(e

    e))!%ts t! !btai a$th!%i+ati! )%!- the &atet !"e% ! %eas!able c!--e%cial

    te%-s a( c!(iti!s b$t s$ch e))!%ts ha,e !t bee s$ccess)$l "ithi a %eas!able

    &e%i!( !) ti-e.

    9.2.The %e@$i%e-et $(e% S$bsecti! 9.1 shall !t a&&l' i the

    )!ll!"i* cases

    0aFhe%e the &etiti! )!% c!-&$ls!%' licese seeks t! %e-e(' a

    &%actice (ete%-ie( a)te%

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    9?.1.The i,eti! clai-e( i the sec!( &atet i,!l,es a i-&!%tat

    techical a(,ace !) c!si(e%able ec!!-ic si*i)icace i %elati! t! the )i%st


    9?.2.The !"e% !) the )i%st &atet shall be etitle( t! a c%!sslicese !

    %eas!able te%-s t! $se the i,eti! clai-e( i the sec!( &atet4

    9?.3.The $se a$th!%i+e( i %es&ect !) the )i%st &atet shall be !

    assi*able e/ce&t "ith the assi*-et !) the sec!( &atet4 a( c(asia

    9?..The te%-s a( c!(iti!s !) Secti!s 9 9= a( 98 t! 1 !) this

    Act. 0Sec. 3C R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 98.For" and Contents of Petition. The &etiti! )!% c!-&$ls!%'

    licesi* -$st be i "%iti* ,e%i)ie( b' the &etiti!e% a( acc!-&aie( b'

    &a'-et !) the %e@$i%e( )ili* )ee. It shall c!tai the a-e a( a((%ess !) the&etiti!e% as "ell as th!se !) the %es&!(ets the $-be% a( (ate !) iss$e !) the

    &atet i c!ecti! "ith "hich c!-&$ls!%' licese is s!$*ht the a-e !) the

    &atetee the title !) the i,eti! the stat$t!%' *%!$(s $&! "hich c!-&$ls!%'

    licese is s!$*ht the $lti-ate )acts c!stit$ti* the &etiti!e%s ca$se !) acti!

    a( the %elie) &%a'e( )!%. 0Sec. 37 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 99..otice of earing. 99.1. U&! )ili* !) a &etiti! the 7i%ect!% !)

    Le*al A))ai%s shall )!%th"ith se%,e !tice !) the )ili* the%e!) $&! the &atet

    !"e% a( all &e%s!s ha,i* *%ats !% liceses !% a' !the% %i*ht title !% ite%est

    i a( t! the &atet a( i,eti! c!,e%e( the%eb' as a&&ea%s !) %ec!%( i theO))ice a( !) !tice !) the (ate !) hea%i* the%e! ! s$ch &e%s!s a(

    &etiti!e%. The %esi(et a*et !% %e&%esetati,e a&&!ite( i acc!%(ace "ith

    Secti! 33 he%e!) shall be b!$( t! acce&t se%,ice !) !tice !) the )ili* !) the

    &etiti! "ithi the -eai* !) this Secti!.

    99.2.I e,e%' case the !tice shall be &$blishe( b' the sai( O))ice i a

    e"s&a&e% !) *ee%al ci%c$lati! !ce a "eek )!% th%ee 03 c!sec$ti,e "eeks

    a( !ce i the IPO 6a+ette at a&&licats e/&ese. 0Sec. 3E R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 1.Ter"s and Conditions of Co"pulsory %icense. The basic te%-s

    a( c!(iti!s icl$(i* the %ate !) %!'alties !) a c!-&$ls!%' licese shall be)i/e( b' the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    11..The sai( 7i%ect!% shall ca$se the a-e(-et s$%%e(e% !%

    cacellati! i the Re*iste% !ti)' the &atetee a(G!% the licesee a( ca$se

    !tice the%e!) t! be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette. 0Sec. 37 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 12.%icensees 1e"ption fro" %ia+ility. A' &e%s! "h! "!%ks a

    &atete( &%!($ct s$bstace a(G!% &%!cess $(e% a licese *%ate( $(e% this

    Cha&te% shall be )%ee )%!- a' liabilit' )!% i)%i*e-etProvidedho,ever That

    i the case !) ,!l$ta%' licesi* ! c!ll$si! "ith the lices!% is &%!,e. This is

    "ith!$t &%e

    ack!"le(*e( be)!%e a !ta%' &$blic !% !the% !))ice% a$th!%i+e( t! a(-iiste% !ath

    !% &e%)!%- !ta%ial acts a( ce%ti)ie( $(e% the ha( a( !))icial seal !) the !ta%'

    !% s$ch !the% !))ice%. 0Sec. 2 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 1=.Recording. 1=.1. The O))ice shall %ec!%( assi*-ets liceses

    a( !the% ist%$-ets %elati* t! the t%as-issi! !) a' %i*ht title !% ite%est i

    a( t! i,eti!s a( &atets !% a&&licati! )!% &atets !% i,eti!s t! "hich

    the' %elate "hich a%e &%esete( i ($e )!%- t! the O))ice )!% %e*ist%ati! i b!!ks

    a( %ec!%(s ke&t )!% the &$%&!se. The !%i*ial (!c$-ets t!*ethe% "ith a si*e(

    ($&licate the%e!) shall be )ile( a( the c!tets the%e!) sh!$l( be ke&t

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    c!)i(etial. I) the !%i*ial is !t a,ailable a a$theticate( c!&' the%e!) i

    ($&licate -a' be )ile(. U&! %ec!%(i* the O))ice shall %etai the ($&licate %et$%

    the !%i*ial !% the a$theticate( c!&' t! the &a%t' "h! )ile( the sa-e a( !tice !)

    the %ec!%(i* shall be &$blishe( i the IPO 6a+ette.

    1=.2.S$ch ist%$-ets shall be ,!i( as a*aist a' s$bse@$et&$%chase% !% -!%t*a*ee )!% ,al$able c!si(e%ati! a( "ith!$t !tice $less

    it is s! %ec!%(e( i the O))ice "ithi th%ee 03 -!ths )%!- the (ate !) sai(ist%$-et !% &%i!% t! the s$bse@$et &$%chase !% -!%t*a*e. 0Sec. 3 R.A. N!.


    SECTION 1?.Rights of 3oint O,ners. I) t"! 02 !% -!%e &e%s!s

    a( i,eti! !% b' %eas! !) the s$ccessi! i title t! s$ch sha%e each !) the

    !"e%s shall be etitle( t! &e%s!all' -ake $se sell !% i-&!%t the i,eti! )!%his !" &%!)itProvidedho,ever That eithe% !) the


    Registration of *tility 'odels

    SECTION 18.&pplica+ility of Provisions Relating to Patents. 18.1. S$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    19.3.A $tilit' -!(el %e*ist%ati! shall e/&i%e "ith!$t a' &!ssibilit' !)

    %ee"al at the e( !) the se,eth 'ea% a)te% the (ate !) the )ili* !) the


    19..I &%!cee(i*s $(e% Secti!s =1 t! = the $tilit' -!(el

    %e*ist%ati! shall be cacele( ! the )!ll!"i* *%!$(s

    0aThat the clai-e( i,eti! (!es !t @$ali)' )!% %e*ist%ati! as a

    $tilit' -!(el a( (!es !t -eet the %e@$i%e-ets !)

    %e*ist%abilit' i &a%tic$la% ha,i* %e*a%( t! S$bsecti!

    19.1 a( Secti!s 22 23 2 a( 2?4

    0bThat the (esc%i&ti! a( the clai-s (! !t c!-&l' "ith the

    &%esc%ibe( %e@$i%e-ets4

    0cThat a' (%a"i* "hich is ecessa%' )!% the $(e%sta(i* !)the i,eti! has !t bee )$%ishe(4

    0(That the !"e% !) the $tilit' -!(el %e*ist%ati! is !t the

    i,et!% !% his s$ccess!% i title. 0Secs. = a( ? R.A.N!. 1=a

    SECTION 11.Conversion of Patent &pplications or &pplications for *tility

    'odel Registration. 11.1. At a' ti-e be)!%e the *%at !% %e)$sal !) a &atet

    a a&&licat )!% a &atet -a' $&! &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( )ee c!,e%t hisa&&licati! it! a a&&licati! )!% %e*ist%ati! !) a $tilit' -!(el "hich shall be

    acc!%(e( the )ili* (ate !) the iitial a&&licati!. A a&&licati! -a' be c!,e%te(!l' !ce.

    11.2.At a' ti-e be)!%e the *%at !% %e)$sal !) a $tilit' -!(el

    %e*ist%ati! a a&&licat )!% a $tilit' -!(el %e*ist%ati! -a' $&! &a'-et !)

    the &%esc%ibe( )ee c!,e%t his a&&licati! it! a &atet a&&licati! "hich shall

    be acc!%(e( the )ili* (ate !) the iitial a&&licati!. 0Sec. 8 R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 111.Prohi+ition &gainst Filing of Parallel &pplications. A

    a&&licat -a' !t )ile t"! 02 a&&licati!s )!% the sa-e s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 112.Definition of Industrial Design. A i($st%ial (esi* is a'

    c!-&!siti! !) lies !% c!l!%s !% a' th%ee(i-esi!al )!%- "hethe% !% !t

    ass!ciate( "ith lies !% c!l!%sProvided That s$ch c!-&!siti! !% )!%- *i,es a

    s&ecial a&&ea%ace t! a( ca se%,e as &atte% )!% a i($st%ial &%!($ct !%

    ha(ic%a)t. 0Sec. R.A. N!. 1=a

    SECTION 113.Su+stantive Conditions for Protection. 113.1. Ol' i($st%ial

    (esi*s that a%e e" !% !%i*ial shall bee)it )%!- &%!tecti! $(e% this Act.

    113.2.I($st%ial (esi*s (ictate( essetiall' b' techical !% )$cti!al

    c!si(e%ati!s t! !btai a techical %es$lt !% th!se that a%e c!t%a%' t! &$blic

    !%(e% health !% -!%als shall !t be &%!tecte(. 0

    SECTION 11.Contents of the &pplication. 11.1. E,e%' a&&licati! )!%%e*ist%ati! !) a i($st%ial (esi* shall c!tai

    0aA %e@$est )!% %e*ist%ati! !) the i($st%ial (esi*4

    0bI)!%-ati! i(eti)'i* the a&&licat4

    0cA i(icati! !) the ki( !) a%ticle !) -a$)act$%e !% ha(ic%a)t

    t! "hich the (esi* shall be a&&lie(4

    0(A %e&%esetati! !) the a%ticle !) -a$)act$%e !% ha(ic%a)t b'

    "a' !) (%a"i*s &h!t!*%a&hs !% !the% a(e@$ate *%a&hic

    %e&%esetati! !) the (esi* as a&&lie( t! the a%ticle !)

    -a$)act$%e !% ha(ic%a)t "hich clea%l' a( )$ll' (iscl!sesth!se )eat$%es )!% "hich (esi* &%!tecti! is clai-e(4 a(

    0eThe a-e a( a((%ess !) the c%eat!% !% "he%e the a&&licat is

    !t the c%eat!% a state-et i(icati* the !%i*i !) the %i*htt! the i($st%ial (esi* %e*ist%ati!.

    11.2.The a&&licati! -a' be acc!-&aie( b' a s&eci-e !) the a%ticle

    e-b!('i* the i($st%ial (esi* a( shall be s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    the a&&licat t! be establishe( a( a %e&%esetati! !) the a%ticle e-b!('i* the

    i($st%ial (esi* !% a &ict!%ial %e&%esetati! the%e!).

    11=.2.I) the a&&licati! (!es !t -eet these %e@$i%e-ets the )ili* (ate

    sh!$l( be that (ate "he all the ele-ets s&eci)ie( i Secti! 1 a%e )ile( !%

    the -istakes c!%%ecte(. Othe%"ise i) the %e@$i%e-ets a%e !t c!-&lie( "ithithe &%esc%ibe( &e%i!( the a&&licati! shall be c!si(e%e( "ith(%a".

    11=.3.A)te% the a&&licati! has bee acc!%(e( a )ili* (ate a( the

    %e@$i%e( )ees &ai( ! ti-e the a&&licat shall c!-&l' "ith the %e@$i%e-ets !)

    Secti! 11 "ithi the &%esc%ibe( &e%i!( !the%"ise the a&&licati! shall be

    c!si(e%e( "ith(%a".

    11=..The O))ice shall e/a-ie "hethe% the i($st%ial (esi* c!-&lies"ith %e@$i%e-ets !) Secti! 112 a( S$bsecti!s 113.2 a( 113.3. 0

    SECTION 11?.Registration. 11?.1. Fhe%e the O))ice )i(s that the c!(iti!s

    %e)e%%e( t! i Secti! 113 a%e )$l)ille( it shall !%(e% that %e*ist%ati! be e))ecte( i

    the i($st%ial (esi* %e*iste% a( ca$se the iss$ace !) a i($st%ial (esi*

    ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! !the%"ise it shall %e)$se the a&&licati!.

    11?.2.The )!%- a( c!tets !) a i($st%ial (esi* ce%ti)icate shall be

    establishe( b' the Re*$lati!sProvided That the a-e a( a((%ess !) the

    c%eat!% shall be -eti!e( i e,e%' case.

    11?.3.Re*ist%ati! shall be &$blishe( i the )!%- a( "ithi the &e%i!(

    )i/e( b' the Re*$lati!s.

    11?..The O))ice shall %ec!%( i the %e*iste% a' cha*e i the i(etit'

    !) the &%!&%iet!% !) the i($st%ial (esi* !% his %e&%esetati,e i) &%!!) the%e!)

    is )$%ishe( t! it. A )ee shall be &ai( "ith the %e@$est t! %ec!%( the cha*e i

    the i(etit' !) the &%!&%iet!%. I) the )ee is !t &ai( the %e@$est shall be (ee-e(

    !t t! ha,e bee )ile(. I s$ch case the )!%-e% &%!&%iet!% a( the )!%-e%

    %e&%esetati,e shall %e-ai s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    Secti!s = t! =S$%%e(e% C!%%ecti! !) a( Cha*es i Patet4

    Cha&te% ;IIRe-e(ies !) a Pe%s! "ith a Ri*ht t! Patet4

    Cha&te% ;IIIRi*hts !) Patetees a( I)%i*e-et !) Patets4 a(

    Cha&te% :IAssi*-et a( T%as-issi! !) Ri*hts.

    119.2.I) the essetial ele-ets !) a i($st%ial (esi* "hich is the


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    !the% c!--! cha%acte%istic icl$(i* the @$alit' !) *!!(s !% se%,ices !)

    (i))e%et ete%&%ises "hich $se the si* $(e% the c!t%!l !) the %e*iste%e(

    !"e% !) the c!llecti,e -a%k4 0Sec. R.A. N!. 1==a

    121.3.#T%a(e a-e# -eas the a-e !% (esi*ati! i(eti)'i* !%

    (isti*$ishi* a ete%&%ise4 0Sec. 38 R.A. N!. 1==a

    121..#B$%ea$# -eas the B$%ea$ !) T%a(e-a%ks4

    121..#7i%ect!%# -eas the 7i%ect!% !) T%a(e-a%ks4

    121.=.#Re*$lati!s# -eas the R$les !) P%actice i T%a(e-a%ks a(

    Se%,ice 5a%ks )!%-$late( b' the 7i%ect!% !) T%a(e-a%ks a( a&&%!,e( b' the

    7i%ect!% 6ee%al4 a(

    121.?.#E/a-ie%# -eas the t%a(e-a%k e/a-ie%. 0Sec. 38 R.A. N!.1==a

    SECTION 122.o, 'ar$s are &c-uired. The %i*hts i a -a%k shall be

    ac@$i%e( th%!$*h %e*ist%ati! -a(e ,ali(l' i acc!%(ace "ith the &%!,isi!s !)

    this la". 0Sec. 2A R.A. N!. 1==a

    SECTION 123.Registra+ility. 123.1. A -a%k ca!t be %e*iste%e( i) it

    0aC!sists !) i--!%al (ece&ti,e !% sca(al!$s -atte% !% -atte%"hich -a' (is&a%a*e !% )alsel' s$**est a c!ecti! "ith

    &e%s!s li,i* !% (ea( istit$ti!s belie)s !% ati!als'-b!ls !% b%i* the- it! c!te-&t !% (is%e&$te4

    0bC!sists !) the )la* !% c!at !) a%-s !% !the% isi*ia !) the

    Phili&&ies !% a' !) its &!litical s$b(i,isi!s !% !) a'

    )!%ei* ati! !% a' si-$lati! the%e!)4

    0cC!sists !) a a-e &!%t%ait !% si*at$%e i(eti)'i* a &a%tic$la%

    li,i* i(i,i($al e/ce&t b' his "%itte c!set !% the a-e

    si*at$%e !% &!%t%ait !) a (ecease( P%esi(et !) the

    Phili&&ies ($%i* the li)e !) his "i(!" i) a' e/ce&t b'"%itte c!set !) the "i(!"4

    0(Is i(etical "ith a %e*iste%e( -a%k bel!*i* t! a (i))e%et

    &%!&%iet!% !% a -a%k "ith a ea%lie% )ili* !% &%i!%it' (ate i

    %es&ect !) c(

    0iThe sa-e *!!(s !% se%,ices !%

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0iiCl!sel' %elate( *!!(s !% se%,ices !%

    0iiiI) it ea%l' %ese-bles s$ch a -a%k as t! be likel' t!

    (ecei,e !% ca$se c!)$si!4

    0eIs i(etical "ith !% c!)$si*l' si-ila% t! !% c!stit$tes at%aslati! !) a -a%k "hich is c!si(e%e( b' the c!-&etet

    a$th!%it' !) the Phili&&ies t! be "ellk!"

    ite%ati!all' a( i the Phili&&ies "hethe% !% !t it is

    %e*iste%e( he%e as bei* al%ea(' the -a%k !) a &e%s! !the%

    tha the a&&licat )!% %e*ist%ati! a( $se( )!% i(etical !%

    si-ila% *!!(s !% se%,icesProvided That i (ete%-ii*

    "hethe% a -a%k is "ellk!" acc!$t shall be take !) the

    k!"le(*e !) the %ele,at sect!% !) the &$blic %athe% tha

    !) the &$blic at la%*e icl$(i* k!"le(*e i the

    Phili&&ies "hich has bee !btaie( as a %es$lt !) the&%!-!ti! !) the -a%k4

    0)Is i(etical "ith !% c!)$si*l' si-ila% t! !% c!stit$tes a

    t%aslati! !) a -a%k c!si(e%e( "ellk!" i acc!%(ace"ith the &%ece(i* &a%a*%a&h "hich is %e*iste%e( i the

    Phili&&ies "ith %es&ect t! *!!(s !% se%,ices "hich a%e !t

    si-ila% t! th!se "ith %es&ect t! "hich %e*ist%ati! is a&&lie(

    )!%Provided That $se !) the -a%k i %elati! t! th!se

    *!!(s !% se%,ices "!$l( i(icate a c!ecti! bet"ee

    th!se *!!(s !% se%,ices a( the !"e% !) the %e*iste%e(-a%kProvidedfurther That the ite%ests !) the !"e% !)

    the %e*iste%e( -a%k a%e likel' t! be (a-a*e( b' s$ch $se4

    0*Is likel' t! -islea( the &$blic &a%tic$la%l' as t! the at$%e

    @$alit' cha%acte%istics !% *e!*%a&hical !%i*i !) the *!!(s!% se%,ices4

    0hC!sists e/cl$si,el' !) si*s that a%e *ee%ic )!% the *!!(s !%

    se%,ices that the' seek t! i(eti)'4

    0iC!sists e/cl$si,el' !) si*s !% !) i(icati!s that ha,e bec!-ec$st!-a%' !% $s$al t! (esi*ate the *!!(s !% se%,ices i

    e,e%'(a' la*$a*e !% i +ona fidea( establishe( t%a(e



  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    &$%&!se ,al$e *e!*%a&hical !%i*i ti-e !% &%!($cti! !)

    the *!!(s !% %e(e%i* !) the se%,ices !% !the%

    cha%acte%istics !) the *!!(s !% se%,ices4

    0kC!sists !) sha&es that -a' be ecessitate( b' techical )act!%s

    !% b' the at$%e !) the *!!(s the-sel,es !% )act!%s thata))ect thei% it%isic ,al$e4

    0lC!sists !) c!l!% al!e $less (e)ie( b' a *i,e )!%-4 !%

    0-Is c!t%a%' t! &$blic !%(e% !% -!%alit'.

    123.2.As %e*a%(s si*s !% (e,ices -eti!e( i &a%a*%a&hs 0

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0)Fhe%e the a&&licat clai-s the &%i!%it' !) a ea%lie% a&&licati!

    a i(icati! !)

    iThe a-e !) the State "ith "h!se ati!al !))ice the

    ea%lie% a&&licati! "as )ile( !% i) )ile( "ith a !))ice

    !the% tha a ati!al !))ice the a-e !) that !))ice

    iiThe (ate ! "hich the ea%lie% a&&licati! "as )ile( a(

    iiiFhe%e a,ailable the a&&licati! $-be% !) the ea%lie%


    0*Fhe%e the a&&licat clai-s c!l!% as a (isticti,e )eat$%e !) the

    -a%k a state-et t! that e))ect as "ell as the a-e !%

    a-es !) the c!l!% !% c!l!%s clai-e( a( a i(icati! i

    %es&ect !) each c!l!% !) the &%ici&al &a%ts !) the -a%k"hich a%e i that c!l!%4

    0hFhe%e the -a%k is a th%ee(i-esi!al -a%k a state-et t! that


    0iOe !% -!%e %e&%!($cti!s !) the -a%k as &%esc%ibe( i the



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  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    c!$t%ies shall be c!si(e%e( as )ile( as !) the (a' the a&&licati! "as )i%st )ile(

    i the )!%ei* c!$t%'.

    131.2.N! %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k i the Phili&&ies b' a &e%s! (esc%ibe(

    i this secti! shall be *%ate( $til s$ch -a%k has bee %e*iste%e( i the

    c!$t%' !) !%i*i !) the a&&licat.

    131.3.N!thi* i this secti! shall etitle the !"e% !) a %e*ist%ati!

    *%ate( $(e% this secti! t! s$e )!% acts c!--itte( &%i!% t! the (ate ! "hich

    his -a%k "as %e*iste%e( i this c!$t%'Provided That !t"ithsta(i* the

    )!%e*!i* the !"e% !) a "ellk!" -a%k as (e)ie( i Secti! 123.10e !)

    this Act that is !t %e*iste%e( i the Phili&&ies -a' a*aist a i(etical !%

    c!)$si*l' si-ila% -a%k !&&!se its %e*ist%ati! !% &etiti! the cacellati! !)

    its %e*ist%ati! !% s$e )!% $)ai% c!-&etiti! "ith!$t &%e

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 13=.Issuance and Pu+lication of Certificate. Fhe the &e%i!( )!%

    )ili* the !&&!siti! has e/&i%e( !% "he the 7i%ect!% !) Le*al A))ai%s shall ha,e

    (eie( the !&&!siti! the O))ice $&! &a'-et !) the %e@$i%e( )ee shall iss$e the

    ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati!. U&! iss$ace !) a ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! !tice

    the%e!) -aki* %e)e%ece t! the &$blicati! !) the a&&licati! shall be &$blishe( i

    the IPO 6a+ette. 0Sec. 1 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 13?.Registration of 'ar$ and Issuance of a Certificate to the O,ner or

    his &ssignee. 13?.1. The O))ice shall -aitai a Re*iste% i "hich shall be

    %e*iste%e( -a%ks $-be%e( i the !%(e% !) thei% %e*ist%ati! a( all t%asacti!s i

    %es&ect !) each -a%k %e@$i%e( t! be %ec!%(e( b' ,i%t$e !) this la".

    13?.2.The %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k shall icl$(e a %e&%!($cti! !) the

    -a%k a( shall -eti! its $-be%4 the a-e a( a((%ess !) the %e*iste%e(!"e% a( i) the %e*iste%e( !"e%s a((%ess is !$tsi(e the c!$t%' his a((%ess

    )!% se%,ice "ithi the c!$t%'4 the (ates !) a&&licati! a( %e*ist%ati!4 i)

    &%i!%it' is clai-e( a i(icati! !) this )act a( the $-be% (ate a( c!$t%'

    !) the a&&licati! basis !) the &%i!%it' clai-s4 the list !) *!!(s !% se%,ices i%es&ect !) "hich %e*ist%ati! has bee *%ate( "ith the i(icati! !) the

    c!%%es&!(i* class !% classes4 a( s$ch !the% (ata as the Re*$lati!s -a'

    &%esc%ibe )%!- ti-e t! ti-e. c(asia

    13?.3.A ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k -a' be iss$e( t! theassi*ee !) the a&&licatProvided That the assi*-et is %ec!%(e( i the

    O))ice. I case !) a cha*e !) !"e%shi& the O))ice shall at the "%itte %e@$est

    si*e( b' the !"e% !% his %e&%esetati,e !% b' the e" !"e% !% his

    %e&%esetati,e a( $&! a &%!&e% sh!"i* a( the &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe(

    )ee iss$e t! s$ch assi*ee a e" ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! !) the sai( -a%k i

    the a-e !) s$ch assi*ee a( )!% the $e/&i%e( &a%t !) the !%i*ial &e%i!(.

    13?..The O))ice shall %ec!%( a' cha*e !) a((%ess !% a((%ess )!%

    se%,ice "hich shall be !ti)ie( t! it b' the %e*iste%e( !"e%.

    13?..I the absece !) a' &%!,isi! t! the c!t%a%' i this Act

    c!--$icati!s t! be -a(e t! the %e*iste%e( !"e% b' ,i%t$e !) this Act shallbe set t! hi- at his last %ec!%(e( a((%ess a( at the sa-e at his last %ec!%(e(

    a((%ess )!% se%,ice. 0Sec. 19 R.A. N!. 1==a

    SECTION 138.Certificates of Registration. A ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! !) a

    -a%k shall bepri"a faciee,i(ece !) the ,ali(it' !) the %e*ist%ati! the

    %e*ist%ats !"e%shi& !) the -a%k a( !) the %e*ist%ats e/cl$si,e %i*ht t! $se the

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    sa-e i c!ecti! "ith the *!!(s !% se%,ices a( th!se that a%e %elate( the%et!

    s&eci)ie( i the ce%ti)icate. 0Sec. 2 R.A. N!. 1=

    SECTION 139.Pu+lication of Registered 'ar$s4Inspection of Register. 139.1.

    The O))ice shall &$blish i the )!%- a( "ithi the &e%i!( )i/e( b' the

    Re*$lati!s the -a%ks %e*iste%e( i the !%(e% !) thei% %e*ist%ati! %e&%!($ci* allthe &a%tic$la%s %e)e%%e( t! i S$bsecti! 13?.2.

    139.2.5a%ks %e*iste%e( at the O))ice -a' be is&ecte( )%ee !) cha%*e

    a( a' &e%s! -a' !btai c!&ies the%e!) at his !" e/&ese. This &%!,isi!

    shall als! be a&&licable t! t%asacti!s %ec!%(e( i %es&ect !) a' %e*iste%e(

    -a%k. 0

    SECTION 1.Cancellation upon &pplication +y Registrant4&"end"ent orDisclai"er of Registration. U&! a&&licati! !) the %e*ist%at the O))ice -a'

    &e%-it a' %e*ist%ati! t! be s$%%e(e%e( )!% cacellati! a( $&! cacellati!the a&&%!&%iate et%' shall be -a(e i the %ec!%(s !) the O))ice. U&! a&&licati!

    !) the %e*ist%at a( &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( )ee the O))ice )!% *!!( ca$se -a'

    &e%-it a' %e*ist%ati! t! be a-e(e( !% t! be (isclai-e( i &a%tProvided That

    the a-e(-et !% (isclai-e% (!es !t alte% -ate%iall' the cha%acte% !) the -a%k.A&&%!&%iate et%' shall be -a(e i the %ec!%(s !) the O))ice $&! the ce%ti)icate !)

    %e*ist%ati! !% i) sai( ce%ti)icate is l!st !% (est%!'e( $&! a ce%ti)ie( c!&' the%e!).

    0Sec. 1 R.A. N!. 1==

    SECTION 11.Sealed and Certified Copies as vidence. C!&ies !) a'%ec!%(s b!!ks &a&e%s !% (%a"i*s bel!*i* t! the O))ice %elati* t! -a%ks a(

    c!&ies !) %e*ist%ati!s "he a$theticate( b' the seal !) the O))ice a( ce%ti)ie(

    b' the 7i%ect!% !) the A(-iist%ati,e >iacial a( $-a Res!$%ce

    7e,el!&-et Se%,ice B$%ea$ !% i his a-e b' a e-&l!'ee !) the O))ice ($l'

    a$th!%i+e( b' sai( 7i%ect!% shall be e,i(ece i all cases "he%ei the !%i*ials

    "!$l( be e,i(ece4 a( a' &e%s! "h! a&&lies a( &a's the &%esc%ibe( )ee shallsec$%e s$ch c!&ies. 0

    SECTION 12.Correction of 'ista$es 'ade +y the Office. Fhee,e% a

    -ate%ial -istake i a %e*ist%ati! ic$%%e( th%!$*h the )a$lt !) the O))ice is clea%l'

    (iscl!se( b' the %ec!%(s !) the O))ice a ce%ti)icate stati* the )act a( at$%e !)

    s$ch -istake shall be iss$e( "ith!$t cha%*e %ec!%(e( a( a &%ite( c!&' the%e!)shall be attache( t! each &%ite( c!&' !) the %e*ist%ati!. S$ch c!%%ecte(

    %e*ist%ati! shall the%ea)te% ha,e the sa-e e))ect as the !%i*ial ce%ti)icate4 !% i the

    (isc%eti! !) the 7i%ect!% !) the A(-iist%ati,e >iacial a( $-a Res!$%ce

    7e,el!&-et Se%,ice B$%ea$ a e" ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! -a' be iss$e(

    "ith!$t cha%*e. All ce%ti)icates !) c!%%ecti! he%et!)!%e iss$e( i acc!%(ace "ith

    the Re*$lati!s a( the %e*ist%ati! t! "hich the' a%e attache( shall ha,e the sa-e

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    )!%ce a( e))ect as i) s$ch ce%ti)icates a( thei% iss$ace ha( bee a$th!%i+e( b'

    this Act. 0

    SECTION 13.Correction of 'ista$es 'ade +y &pplicant. Fhee,e% a -istake

    is -a(e i a %e*ist%ati! a( s$ch -istake !cc$%%e( i *!!( )aith th%!$*h the )a$lt

    !) the a&&licat the O))ice -a' iss$e a ce%ti)icate $&! the &a'-et !) the&%esc%ibe( )eeProvided That the c!%%ecti! (!es !t i,!l,e a' cha*e i the

    %e*ist%ati! that %e@$i%es %e&$blicati! !) the -a%k. 0

    SECTION 1.Classification of oods and Services. 1.1. Each %e*ist%ati!

    a( a' &$blicati! !) the O))ice "hich c!ce%s a a&&licati! !% %e*ist%ati!

    e))ecte( b' the O))ice shall i(icate the *!!(s !% se%,ices b' thei% a-es *%!$&e(

    acc!%(i* t! the classes !) the Nice Classi)icati! a( each *%!$& shall be

    &%ece(e( b' the $-be% !) the class !) that Classi)icati! t! "hich that *%!$& !)

    *!!(s !% se%,ices bel!*s &%esete( i the !%(e% !) the classes !) the sai(


    1.2.6!!(s !% se%,ices -a' !t be c!si(e%e( as bei* si-ila% !%

    (issi-ila% t! each !the% ! the *%!$( that i a' %e*ist%ati! !% &$blicati! b'

    the O))ice the' a&&ea% i (i))e%et classes !) the Nice Classi)icati!. 0Sec. =R.A. N!. 1==a

    SECTION 1.Duration. A ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! shall %e-ai i )!%ce )!%

    te 01 'ea%sProvided That the %e*ist%at shall )ile a (ecla%ati! !) act$al $se

    a( e,i(ece t! that e))ect !% shall sh!" ,ali( %eas!s base( ! the e/istece !)!bstacles t! s$ch $se as &%esc%ibe( b' the Re*$lati!s "ithi !e 01 'ea% )%!-

    the )i)th ai,e%sa%' !) the (ate !) the %e*ist%ati! !) the -a%k. Othe%"ise the

    -a%k shall be %e-!,e( )%!- the Re*iste% b' the O))ice. 0Sec. 12 R.A. N!. 1==a

    SECTION 1=.Rene,al. 1=.1. A ce%ti)icate !) %e*ist%ati! -a' be %ee"e(

    )!% &e%i!(s !) te 01 'ea%s at its e/&i%ati! $&! &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( )ee

    a( $&! )ili* !) a %e@$est. The %e@$est shall c!tai the )!ll!"i* i(icati!s

    0aA i(icati! that %ee"al is s!$*ht4 aisa(c

    0bThe a-e a( a((%ess !) the %e*ist%at !% his s$ccess!%i

    ite%est he%ea)te% %e)e%%e( t! as the #%i*ht h!l(e%#4

    0cThe %e*ist%ati! $-be% !) the %e*ist%ati! c!ce%e(4

    0(The )ili* (ate !) the a&&licati! "hich %es$lte( i the

    %e*ist%ati! c!ce%e( t! be %ee"e(4

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0eFhe%e the %i*ht h!l(e% has a %e&%esetati,e the a-e a(

    a((%ess !) that %e&%esetati,e4

    0)The a-es !) the %ec!%(e( *!!(s !% se%,ices )!% "hich the

    %ee"al is %e@$este( !% the a-es !) the %ec!%(e( *!!(s !%

    se%,ices )!% "hich the %ee"al is !t %e@$este( *%!$&e(acc!%(i* t! the classes !) the Nice Classi)icati! t! "hich

    that *%!$& !) *!!(s !% se%,ices bel!*s a( &%esete( i the!%(e% !) the classes !) the sai( Classi)icati!4 a(

    0*A si*at$%e b' the %i*ht h!l(e% !% his %e&%esetati,e.

    1=.2.S$ch %e@$est shall be i >ili&i! !% E*lish a( -a' be -a(e at

    a' ti-e "ithi si/ 0= -!ths be)!%e the e/&i%ati! !) the &e%i!( )!% "hich the%e*ist%ati! "as iss$e( !% %ee"e( !% it -a' be -a(e "ithi si/ 0= -!ths

    a)te% s$ch e/&i%ati! ! &a'-et !) the a((iti!al )ee he%ei &%esc%ibe(.

    1=.3.I) the O))ice %e)$ses t! %ee" the %e*ist%ati! it shall !ti)' the

    %e*ist%at !) his %e)$sal a( the %eas!s the%e)!%.

    1=..A a&&licat )!% %ee"al !t (!-icile( i the Phili&&ies shall be


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    a-es a((%esses &se$(!'-s a *e!*%a&hical a-e !% e/act i(icati!s

    c!ce%i* the ki( @$alit' @$atit' (estiati! ,al$e &lace !) !%i*i !% ti-e

    !) &%!($cti! !% !) s$&&l' !) thei% *!!(s !% se%,icesProvided That s$ch $se is

    c!)ie( t! the &$%&!ses !) -e%e i(eti)icati! !% i)!%-ati! a( ca!t -islea(

    the &$blic as t! the s!$%ce !) the *!!(s !% se%,ices. 0

    SECTION 19.&ssign"ent and Transfer of &pplication and Registration.

    19.1. A a&&licati! )!% %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k !% its %e*ist%ati! -a' beassi*e( !% t%as)e%%e( "ith !% "ith!$t the t%as)e% !) the b$siess $si* the -a%k.


    19.2.S$ch assi*-et !% t%as)e% shall h!"e,e% be $ll a( ,!i( i) itis liable t! -islea( the &$blic &a%tic$la%l' as %e*a%(s the at$%e s!$%ce

    -a$)act$%i* &%!cess cha%acte%istics !% s$itabilit' )!% thei% &$%&!se !) the*!!(s !% se%,ices t! "hich the -a%k is a&&lie(.

    19.3.The assi*-et !) the a&&licati! )!% %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k !% !)

    its %e*ist%ati! shall be i "%iti* a( %e@$i%e the si*at$%es !) the c!t%acti*

    &a%ties. T%as)e%s b' -e%*e%s !% !the% )!%-s !) s$ccessi! -a' be -a(e b' a'

    (!c$-et s$&&!%ti* s$ch t%as)e%.

    19..Assi*-ets a( t%as)e%s !) %e*ist%ati!s !) -a%ks shall be

    %ec!%(e( at the O))ice ! &a'-et !) the &%esc%ibe( )ee4 assi*-et a(

    t%as)e%s !) a&&licati!s )!% %e*ist%ati! shall ! &a'-et !) the sa-e )ee be&%!,isi!all' %ec!%(e( a( the -a%k "he %e*iste%e( shall be i the a-e !)

    the assi*ee !% t%as)e%ee.

    19..Assi*-ets a( t%as)e%s shall ha,e ! e))ect a*aist thi%(

    &a%ties $til the' a%e %ec!%(e( at the O))ice. 0Sec. 31 R.A. N!. 1==a

    SECTION 1.%icense Contracts. 1.1. A' licese c!t%act c!ce%i* the

    %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k !% a a&&licati! the%e)!% shall &%!,i(e )!% e))ecti,e c!t%!l

    b' the lices!% !) the @$alit' !) the *!!(s !% se%,ices !) the licesee i c!ecti!

    "ith "hich the -a%k is $se(. I) the licese c!t%act (!es !t &%!,i(e )!% s$ch

    @$alit' c!t%!l !% i) s$ch @$alit' c!t%!l is !t e))ecti,el' ca%%ie( !$t the licesec!t%act shall !t be ,ali(.

    1.2.A licese c!t%act shall be s$b-itte( t! the O))ice "hich shall

    kee& its c!tets c!)i(etial b$t shall %ec!%( it a( &$blish a %e)e%ece the%et!.

    A licese c!t%act shall ha,e ! e))ect a*aist thi%( &a%ties $til s$ch %ec!%(i*

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    is e))ecte(. The Re*$lati!s shall )i/ the &%!ce($%e )!% the %ec!%(i* !) the

    licese c!t%act. 0

    SECTION 11.Cancellation. 11.1. A &etiti! t! cacel a %e*ist%ati! !) a

    -a%k $(e% this Act -a' be )ile( "ith the B$%ea$ !) Le*al A))ai%s b' a' &e%s!

    "h! belie,es that he is !% "ill be (a-a*e( b' the %e*ist%ati! !) a -a%k $(e% thisAct as )!ll!"s

    0aFithi )i,e 0 'ea%s )%!- the (ate !) the %e*ist%ati! !) the

    -a%k $(e% this Act.

    0bAt a' ti-e i) the %e*iste%e( -a%k bec!-es the *ee%ic a-e

    )!% the *!!(s !% se%,ices !% a &!%ti! the%e!) )!% "hich it is

    %e*iste%e( !% has bee aba(!e( !% its %e*ist%ati! "as!btaie( )%a$($letl' !% c!t%a%' t! the &%!,isi!s !) this

    Act !% i) the %e*iste%e( -a%k is bei* $se( b' !% "ith the&e%-issi! !) the %e*ist%at s! as t! -is%e&%eset the s!$%ce

    !) the *!!(s !% se%,ices ! !% i c!ecti! "ith "hich the

    -a%k is $se(. I) the %e*iste%e( -a%k bec!-es the *ee%ic

    a-e )!% less tha all !) the *!!(s !% se%,ices )!% "hich it is%e*iste%e( a &etiti! t! cacel the %e*ist%ati! )!% !l' th!se

    *!!(s !% se%,ices -a' be )ile(. A %e*iste%e( -a%k shall !t

    be (ee-e( t! be the *ee%ic a-e !) *!!(s !% se%,ices

    s!lel' beca$se s$ch -a%k is als! $se( as a a-e !) !% t!

    i(eti)' a $i@$e &%!($ct !% se%,ice. The &%i-a%'

    si*i)icace !) the %e*iste%e( -a%k t! the %ele,at &$blic%athe% tha &$%chase% -!ti,ati! shall be the test )!%

    (ete%-ii* "hethe% the %e*iste%e( -a%k has bec!-e the

    *ee%ic a-e !) *!!(s !% se%,ices ! !% i c!ecti! "ith

    "hich it has bee $se(. 0

    0cAt a' ti-e i) the %e*iste%e( !"e% !) the -a%k "ith!$t

    le*iti-ate %eas! )ails t! $se the -a%k "ithi the

    Phili&&ies !% t! ca$se it t! be $se( i the Phili&&ies b'

    ,i%t$e !) a licese ($%i* a $ite%%$&te( &e%i!( !) th%ee

    03 'ea%s !% l!*e%.

    11.2.N!t"ithsta(i* the )!%e*!i* &%!,isi!s the c!$%t !% the

    a(-iist%ati,e a*ec' ,este( "ith

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    !% a*ec' )%!- ass$-i*

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    1.1.Use i c!--e%ce a' %e&%!($cti! c!$te%)eit c!&' !%

    c!l!%able i-itati! !) a %e*iste%e( -a%k !% the sa-e c!taie% !% a (!-iat

    )eat$%e the%e!) i c!ecti! "ith the sale !))e%i* )!% sale (ist%ib$ti!

    a(,e%tisi* !) a' *!!(s !% se%,ices icl$(i* !the% &%e&a%at!%' ste&s

    ecessa%' t! ca%%' !$t the sale !) a' *!!(s !% se%,ices ! !% i c!ecti!

    "ith "hich s$ch $se is likel' t! ca$se c!)$si! !% t! ca$se -istake !% t!(ecei,e4 !%

    1.2.Re&%!($ce c!$te%)eit c!&' !% c!l!%abl' i-itate a %e*iste%e(

    -a%k !% a (!-iat )eat$%e the%e!) a( a&&l' s$ch %e&%!($cti! c!$te%)eit

    c!&' !% c!l!%able i-itati! t! labels si*s &%its &acka*es "%a&&e%s

    %ece&tacles !% a(,e%tise-ets ite(e( t! be $se( i c!--e%ce $&! !% i

    c!ecti! "ith the sale !))e%i* )!% sale (ist%ib$ti! !% a(,e%tisi* !) *!!(s

    !% se%,ices ! !% i c!ecti! "ith "hich s$ch $se is likel' t! ca$sec!)$si! !% t! ca$se -istake !% t! (ecei,e shall be liable i a ci,il acti! )!%

    i)%i*e-et b' the %e*ist%at )!% the %e-e(ies he%eia)te% set )!%thProvidedThat the i)%i*e-et takes &lace at the -!-et a' !) the acts state( i

    S$bsecti! 1.1 !% this s$bsecti! a%e c!--itte( %e*a%(less !) "hethe% the%e

    is act$al sale !) *!!(s !% se%,ices $si* the i)%i*i* -ate%ial. 0Sec. 22 R.A.

    N!. 1==a

    SECTION 1=.&ctionsand Da"ages and In0unction for Infringe"ent. 1=.1.

    The !"e% !) a %e*iste%e( -a%k -a' %ec!,e% (a-a*es )%!- a' &e%s! "h!

    i)%i*es his %i*hts a( the -eas$%e !) the (a-a*es s$))e%e( shall be eithe% the

    %eas!able &%!)it "hich the c!-&laii* &a%t' "!$l( ha,e -a(e ha( the

    (e)e(at !t i)%i*e( his %i*hts !% the &%!)it "hich the (e)e(at act$all' -a(e!$t !) the i)%i*e-et !% i the e,et s$ch -eas$%e !) (a-a*es ca!t be %ea(il'

    asce%taie( "ith %eas!able ce%tait' the the c!$%t -a' a"a%( as (a-a*es a

    %eas!able &e%ceta*e base( $&! the a-!$t !) *%!ss sales !) the (e)e(at !%

    the ,al$e !) the se%,ices i c!ecti! "ith "hich the -a%k !% t%a(e a-e "as

    $se( i the i)%i*e-et !) the %i*hts !) the c!-&laii* &a%t'. 0Sec. 23 )i%st &a%.R.A. N!. 1==a

    1=.2.O a&&licati! !) the c!-&laiat the c!$%t -a' i-&!$( ($%i*

    the &e(ec' !) the acti! sales i,!ices a( !the% (!c$-ets e,i(eci*

    sales. 0

    1=.3.I cases "he%e act$al itet t! -islea( the &$blic !% t! (e)%a$( the

    c!-&laiat is sh!" i the (isc%eti! !) the c!$%t the (a-a*es -a' be

    (!$ble(. 0Sec. 23 )i%st &a%. R.A. N!. 1==

    1=..The c!-&laiat $&! &%!&e% sh!"i* -a' als! be *%ate(


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    19.3.Fhe%e the i)%i*e-et c!-&laie( !) is c!taie( i !% is &a%t !)

    &ai( a(,e%tise-et i a e"s&a&e% -a*a+ie !% !the% si-ila% &e%i!(ical !% i

    a elect%!ic c!--$icati! the %e-e(ies !) the !"e% !) the %i*ht i)%i*e(

    as a*aist the &$blishe% !% (ist%ib$t!% !) s$ch e"s&a&e% -a*a+ie !% !the%

    si-ila% &e%i!(ical !% elect%!ic c!--$icati! shall be li-ite( t! a i

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    SECTION 1=3.3urisdiction of Court. All acti!s $(e% Secti!s 1 1 1=

    a( 1== t! 1=9 shall be b%!$*ht be)!%e the &%!&e% c!$%ts "ith a&&%!&%iate

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    hi- !% i "hich he (eals !% his b$siess !% se%,ices )!% th!se !) the !e

    ha,i* establishe( s$ch *!!("ill !% "h! shall c!--it a' acts calc$late( t!

    &%!($ce sai( %es$lt shall be *$ilt' !) $)ai% c!-&etiti! a( shall be s$b

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    )alse !% -islea(i* (esc%i&ti! !) )act !% )alse !% -islea(i* %e&%esetati! !)

    )act "hich

    0aIs likel' t! ca$se c!)$si! !% t! ca$se -istake !% t! (ecei,e as

    t! the a))iliati! c!ecti! !% ass!ciati! !) s$ch &e%s!

    "ith a!the% &e%s! !% as t! the !%i*i s&!s!%shi& !%a&&%!,al !) his !% he% *!!(s se%,ices !% c!--e%cial

    acti,ities b' a!the% &e%s!4 !%

    0bI c!--e%cial a(,e%tisi* !% &%!-!ti! -is%e&%esets the

    at$%e cha%acte%istics @$alities !% *e!*%a&hic !%i*i !) his

    !% he% !% a!the% &e%s!s *!!(s se%,ices !% c!--e%cial

    acti,ities shall be liable t! a ci,il acti! )!% (a-a*es a(


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    1?1.2.A #c!llecti,e "!%k# is a "!%k "hich has bee c%eate( b' t"! 02

    !% -!%e at$%al &e%s!s at the iitiati,e a( $(e% the (i%ecti! !) a!the% "ith

    the $(e%sta(i* that it "ill be (iscl!se( b' the latte% $(e% his !" a-e a(

    that c!t%ib$ti* at$%al &e%s!s "ill !t be i(eti)ie(4

    1?1.3.#C!--$icati! t! the &$blic# !% #c!--$icate t! the &$blic#-eas the -aki* !) a "!%k a,ailable t! the &$blic b' "i%e !% "i%eless -eas

    i s$ch a "a' that -e-be%s !) the &$blic -a' access these "!%ks )%!- a &lacea( ti-e i(i,i($all' ch!se b' the-4

    1?1..A #c!-&$te%# is a elect%!ic !% si-ila% (e,ice ha,i*

    i)!%-ati!&%!cessi* ca&abilities a( a #c!-&$te% &%!*%a-# is a set !)

    ist%$cti!s e/&%esse( i "!%(s c!(es sche-es !% i a' !the% )!%- "hich is

    ca&able "he ic!%&!%ate( i a -e(i$- that the c!-&$te% ca %ea( !) ca$si*

    the c!-&$te% t! &e%)!%- !% achie,e a &a%tic$la% task !% %es$lt4

    1?1..#P$blic le(i*# is the t%as)e% !) &!ssessi! !) the !%i*ial !% a

    c!&' !) a "!%k !% s!$( %ec!%(i* )!% a li-ite( &e%i!( )!% !&%!)it

    &$%&!ses b' a istit$ti! the se%,ices !) "hich a%e a,ailable t! the &$blic

    s$ch as &$blic lib%a%' !% a%chi,e4

    1?1.=.#P$blic &e%)!%-ace# i the case !) a "!%k !the% tha a

    a$(i!,is$al "!%k is the %ecitati! &la'i* (aci* acti* !% !the%"ise

    &e%)!%-i* the "!%k eithe% (i%ectl' !% b' -eas !) a' (e,ice !% &%!cess4 i

    the case !) a a$(i!,is$al "!%k the sh!"i* !) its i-a*es i se@$ece a( the-aki* !) the s!$(s acc!-&a'i* it a$(ible4 a( i the case !) a s!$(

    %ec!%(i* -aki* the %ec!%(e( s!$(s a$(ible at a &lace !% at &laces "he%e

    &e%s!s !$tsi(e the !%-al ci%cle !) a )a-il' a( that )a-il's cl!sest s!cial

    ac@$aitaces a%e !% ca be &%eset i%%es&ecti,e !) "hethe% the' a%e !% ca be

    &%eset at the sa-e &lace a( at the sa-e ti-e !% at (i))e%et &laces a(G!% at

    (i))e%et ti-es a( "he%e the &e%)!%-ace ca be &e%cei,e( "ith!$t the ee()!% c!--$icati! "ithi the -eai* !) S$bsecti! 1?1.34

    1?1.?.#P$blishe( "!%ks# -eas "!%ks "hich "ith the c!set !) the

    a$th!%s a%e -a(e a,ailable t! the &$blic b' "i%e !% "i%eless -eas i s$ch a

    "a' that -e-be%s !) the &$blic -a' access these "!%ks )%!- a &lace a( ti-e

    i(i,i($all' ch!se b' the-Provided That a,ailabilit' !) s$ch c!&ies hasbee s$ch as t! satis)' the %eas!able %e@$i%e-ets !) the &$blic ha,i*

    %e*a%( t! the at$%e !) the "!%k4

    1?1.8.#Retal# is the t%as)e% !) the &!ssessi! !) the !%i*ial !% a c!&'

    !) a "!%k !% a s!$( %ec!%(i* )!% a li-ite( &e%i!( !) ti-e )!% &%!)it-aki*


  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    1?1.9.#Re&%!($cti!# is the -aki* !) !e 01 !% -!%e c!&ies !) a "!%k

    !% a s!$( %ec!%(i* i a' -ae% !% )!%- 0Sec. 1 0E P.7. N!. 9 a4

    1?1.1.A #"!%k !) a&&lie( a%t# is a a%tistic c%eati! "ith $tilita%ia

    )$cti!s !% ic!%&!%ate( i a $se)$l a%ticle "hethe% -a(e b' ha( !%

    &%!($ce( ! a i($st%ial scale4

    1?1.11.A #"!%k !) the 6!,e%-et !) the Phili&&ies# is a "!%k c%eate(

    b' a !))ice% !% e-&l!'ee !) the Phili&&ie 6!,e%-et !% a' !) its

    s$b(i,isi!s a( ist%$-etalities icl$(i* *!,e%-et!"e( !% c!t%!lle(

    c!%&!%ati!s as a &a%t !) his %e*$la%l' &%esc%ibe( !))icial ($ties.


    Original 5or$s

    SECTION 1?2.%iterary and &rtistic 5or$s. 1?2.1. Lite%a%' a( a%tistic "!%ks

    he%eia)te% %e)e%%e( t! as #"!%ks# a%e !%i*ial itellect$al c%eati!s i the lite%a%'

    a( a%tistic (!-ai &%!tecte( )%!- the -!-et !) thei% c%eati! a( shall icl$(e

    i &a%tic$la%

    0aB!!ks &a-&hlets a%ticles a( !the% "%iti*s4

    0bPe%i!(icals a( e"s&a&e%s4

    0cLect$%es se%-!s a((%esses (isse%tati!s &%e&a%e( )!% !%al

    (eli,e%' "hethe% !% !t %e($ce( i "%iti* !% !the% -ate%ial)!%-4


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    "!%ks !% ete%tai-et i ($-b sh!"s4

    0)5$sical c!-&!siti!s "ith !% "ith!$t "!%(s4

    0*F!%ks !) (%a"i* &aiti* a%chitect$%e sc$l&t$%e e*%a,i*lith!*%a&h' !% !the% "!%ks !) a%t4 -!(els !% (esi*s )!%

    "!%ks !) a%t4

    0hO%i*ial !%a-etal (esi*s !% -!(els )!% a%ticles !)

    -a$)act$%e "hethe% !% !t %e*ist%able as a i($st%ial

    (esi* a( !the% "!%ks !) a&&lie( a%t4

  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    0iIll$st%ati!s -a&s &las sketches cha%ts a( th%ee(i-esi!al

    "!%ks %elati,e t! *e!*%a&h' t!&!*%a&h' a%chitect$%e !%



  • 8/13/2019 Intellectual Property Code and Amendment


    $se !) the !%i*ial "!%ks !% t! sec$%e !% e/te( c!&'%i*ht i s$ch !%i*ial

    "!%ks. 0Sec. 8 P.7. 94 A%t. 1 TRIPS

    SECTION 1?.Pu+lished dition of 5or$. I a((iti! t! the %i*ht t! &$blish

    *%ate( b' the a$th!% his hei%s !% assi*s the &$blishe% shall ha,e a c!&'%i*ht

    c!sisti* -e%el' !) the %i*ht !) %e&%!($cti! !) the t'&!*%a&hical a%%a*e-et !)the &$blishe( e(iti! !) the "!%k. 0


    5or$s .ot Protected

    SECTION 1?.*nprotected Su+0ect 'atter. N!t"ithsta(i* the &%!,isi!s !)

    Secti!s 1?2 a( 1?3 ! &%!tecti! shall e/te( $(e% this la" t! a' i(ea

    &%!ce($%e s'ste- -eth!( !% !&e%ati! c!ce&t &%ici&le (isc!,e%' !% -e%e (ata

    as s$ch e,e i) the' a%e e/&%esse( e/&laie( ill$st%ate( !% e-b!(ie( i a "!%k4e"s !) the (a' a( !the% -iscellae!$s )acts ha,i* the cha%acte% !) -e%e ite-s

    !) &%ess i)!%-ati!4 !% a' !))icial te/t !) a le*islati,e a(-iist%ati,e !% le*al

    at$%e as "ell as a' !))icial t%aslati! the%e!). 0

    SECTION 1?=.5or$s of the overn"ent. 1?=.1. N! c