intellect saas paper launch

Intellect SaaS Group launching “The business case for Software as a Service” David Terrar – Chairman (acting), D2C and WordFrame

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Post on 08-May-2015




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My vanilla/D2C version of the slides I used for the intro for the launch of the Intellect SaaS Group's first deliverable - a white paper explaining the Busniess case for SaaS which can be downloaded at:


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Intellect SaaS Grouplaunching

“The business case for Software as a Service”

David Terrar – Chairman (acting),

D2C and WordFrame

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Intellect SaaS Group

• To act as an independent point of contact for anyone interested in SaaS.

• Publicly raise awareness about the benefits of SaaS.

• Connect with media and industry leaders to enhance their understanding of SaaS.

• To act as a forum to meet and network with others with an interest in SaaS

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Cloud Computing stack

SaaS, Huddle, Mimecast


IaaS Amazon EC2 + S3, SunGard

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NY Times use of EC2 and S3

• 11 million articles from 1851-1922 • 4TB of scanned image data• Converted to PDFs in 24 hours using a supercomputer• Served to the public from Amazon S3• All provisioned instantly with a credit card

“I then began some rough calculations and determined that if I used only four machines, it could take some time to generate all 11 million article PDFs. But thanks to the swell people at Amazon, I got access to a few more machines and churned through all 11 million articles in just under 24 hours using 100 EC2 instances, and generated another 1.5TB of data to store in S3. (In fact, it work so well that we ran it twice, since after we were done we noticed an error in the PDFs.)”

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Jaguar Land Rover

• JLR separating IT services from Ford

• Microsoft Outlook to Google Mail and calendar

• Rolling out Google Apps to 15,000 users

• JLR already a user

"When faced with cloning an entire Microsoft Exchange environment across the whole enterprise, I thought – here was a golden opportunity to do something different" - JLR CIO Jeremy Vincent

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Cloud services versus Business priorities



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The business case for Software as a Service

• Introduction • What is Software as a Service? • What are the benefits of Software

as a Service? • How is Software as a Service

different? • Implementation process • Cost differentiations • Data security and risk • Legal issues to consider • Software as a Service checklist • Conclusion • Case studies • Contributors • Intellect’s Software as a Service


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A user’s view

1. It is more flexible2. It enables 24/7 access – anytime anywhere.3. It is generally cheaper4. It reduces internal infrastructure costs and requirements5. It facilitates collaboration and6. It’s greener.

“The subject was simple enough – what are the business benefits of Cloud Computing. However, left to the main Vendors that were speaking, the subject could just as easily been “Quantum physics for beginners” – Richard Messik, Partner – Vantis plc

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“I believe, over time, more and more

software will be delivered as a

service. I totally believe that... We

have to be good at this, or we have

a problem”- Larry Ellison CEO Oracle

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Contact details

David TerrarCEO – D2Cand Executive Director - ITBrix / WordFrame

p: +44 (0)1727 866309 (direct)m: +44 (0)7715 159423

e: [email protected] and [email protected] w: and skype: david_terrartwitter: DTlinkedin: blog: