inteliius suit


Upload: hairysalmon

Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Paul Cook & Naveen Jain of Intelius are a couple of the biggest scam artists alive. They make ponzi schemes look like absolutely nothing, Bernie Madoff has nothing on these guys and they are about to launch an IPO for their current scam company intelius. Paul Cook is the CFO, Naveen Jain is the companies CEO. They both have a history of scamming investors out of millions of dollars and they must be stopped. Attached in this pdf is a copy of their last lawsuit and you can check out more on this lawsuit here. story short, Paul Cook & Naveen Jain, Jain is a billionaire, fund their dreams by crushing others. They run scam subscriptions on consumers and then on the back end, Naveen and Paul, screw investors and leaving them high and dry. They are launching an initial public offering for intellius very very soon and its important that people are warned and know what they could be potentially getting into.


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