intel analysis for the sit cell

Intelligence Analysis in the SitCell San Diego & Imperial Counties Chapter Scott Melligan, Instructor [email protected] San Diego Imperial Counties Chapter

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Intelligence Analysis in the

SitCellSan Diego & Imperial Counties


Scott Melligan, [email protected]

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intel Analysis in the SitCell

• This class covers the purpose, function,

and operation of the SitCell, and

• How Government Liaisons interface with it

• And provide vetted information that can be

used as Actionable Intelligence in our

Common Operating Picture

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

At the conclusion of this class the student will

be able to:

1. Describe the Government Liaison Officer and discuss

their role in the SitCell-GLO relationship

2. Describe the SitCell Analyst and discuss their role in the

SitCell-GLO relationship

3. Describe the process of converting information into

actionable intelligence and apply it to the Common

Operating Picture (COP).

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Learning Objectives

Hinrichs Not-So-Secret


• What is the difference

between Intelligence

and Information?

• What is Intelligence


• What is Actionable


San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intelligence + Added Value= Actionable Intelligence

• Everything occurs in cycles!!

• What changes is the operational tempo, but the cycle never stops!!

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

• The field the collection process will primarily be through

your contacts at the ICP

• The EOC may be more reliable and thus require less

vetting- because the EOC is supposed to be THE “brains

of the operation.”

• The CDOC GLO will work his sources using his tools

and techniques until he has exhausted his attempts to

max the intel, at which time it is passed along to the

Fusion Center.

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Government Liaison Officer

Important Factors in the

Intelligence Equation

• HUMINT- HUman INTelligence is

information you receive directly

from a first-person source; “I saw

(heard, etc.)…”

• ELINT- ELectronic INTelligence is

information collected from

electronic sources such as

television, (radio, or phone).

• IMINT- IMagery INTelligence is

information conveyed through

photographs and video


Time Sensitivity

• Critical- MUST TAKE


• Acute- Action must be taken

within this operational period.

• Terminal- Action must be

taken with 72 hours or is


San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Collection Methods

SitCell Analysts

Critical Infrastructure /Key

Resources (CI/KR)

• fuel availability

• power

• water

• sanitation systems

• waste disposal systems

• hospitals

• highway status

• pipelines

• communications systems

• canals/ levees

• HAZMAT issues

• debris clearance

• availability of government


San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

SitCell Analysts

Incident Hazard – Threat / Impact


• weather

• current damage assessment

Incident perimeters

• hot zones

• command locations

• access points

• expanding-stable or contracting


• critical contact lists

• EOC’s open

• incident statistics

• homes damaged

• people displaced

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

SitCell Analysts

Community Resiliency (CR) Life

Sustaining and Business

Resource Analysis

• food stores

• restaurants

• hotels

• fuel

• clothing

• repair centers

• child services

• assistance centers

• temporary housing status

• Business / employer status –


• support requirements

• political implications

• support products for partners

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Community Partners

• Military

• Fire

• Tribal

• Private sector


• City leadership

• County



San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intel Analysis in the SitCell

• At least one SitCell Analyst

should be dedicated to

assembling the “Big Picture,”

taking the pieces of the puzzle

and completing the Common

Operating Picture with

“completely” vetted, or


• Information received from

ARC’s partners should be dealt

with in the same way as any

other information. However,

because the sources should be

more reliable, it may be scored

higher, thus requiring less


San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intel Analysis in the SitCell

Did you know?....San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

• Questions

• Live Exercise

• Questions

San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intel Analysis in the SitCell

[email protected]


San Diego Imperial

Counties Chapter

Intel Analysis in the
