integumentary system

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  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 1


    Integumentary System

    Lecturer: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN


    Integument Skin

    The skin is the largest organ of the body

    As the external covering of the body, the skin performs the

    vital function of protecting internal body structures from

    harmful microorganisms and substances.


    1. Protection Covers and protects the entire body from


    Protects from UV rays melanin (pigment in the skin)

    Keratin a protein in the outermost layer of the skin waterproofs and toughens skin and protects from excessive water loss, resists harmful

    chemicals, and protects against physical tears

    2. Regulation

    Maintains normal body temperature by regulating sweat secretion and regulating the flow of blood

    close to the body surface.

    Evaporation of sweat from the body surface

    Radiation of heat at the body surface due to the dilation of blood vessels close to

    the skin

    Excessive heat loss causes shivering (contraction of skeletal muscle) increasing heat production and

    goosebumps (contraction of arrector pili muscle)

    pulling hair shaft vertical, creating an insulated air

    space over the skin.

    3. Absorption

    Absorbs oxygen and carbon dioxide and UV rays Steroids (hydrocortisone) and fat-soluble vitamins

    (ie D) are readily absorbed

    Topical medications motion sickness patch etc

    4. Synthesis

    Skin produces melanin, keratin, vitamin D Melanin protects the skin from UV rays; determines

    skin color

    Keratin helps waterproof the skin and protects from abrasions and bacteria

    Vitamin D stimulated by UV light. Enters blood and helps develop strong healthy bones. Vitamin D

    deficiency causes Rickets

    5. Sensory

    Sensory nerve endings tell about environment They respond to heat, cold, pressure, touch,

    vibration, pain


    A. Epidermis

    Avascular outermost layer Stratified squamous epithelium Composed of keratinocytes (produce keratin

    responsible for formation of hair and nails) and

    melanocytes (produce melanin).

    Form the appendages (hair and nails) and glands Epidermis

    Stratum basale Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum lucidum Stratum corneum

    B. Dermis

    Layer beneath the epidermis composed of connective tissues.

    Contains lymphatics, nerves and blood vessels. Elasticity of the skin results from presence of

    collagen, elastin and reticular fibers.

    Responsible for nourishing the epidermis.

    C. Subcutaneous layer

    Layer beneath the dermis. Composed of loose connective tissues and adipose


    Stores fat. Important for thermoregulation.



    Covers most of the body surface (except the palms, soles, lips, nipples and parts of the external


    Hair follicles: tube-like structures, derived from the epidermis, from which hair grows.

    Functions as protection from external elements and from trauma.

    Protects scalp from ultraviolet rays and cushions blows.

    Eyelashes, hair in nostrils and in ears keep particles from entering organ.

    Hair growth controlled by hormonal influences and by blood supply.

    Scalp hair grows for 2 to 5 years. Approximately 50 hairs are lost each day. Sustained hair loss of more than 100 hairs each day

    usually indicates that something is wrong


    Dense layer of flat, dead cells, filled with keratin. Systemic illnesses may be reflected by changes in

    the nail or its bed:

    Clubbing Beaus line


    Eccrine sweat glands are located all over the body and produce inorganic sweat which participate in

    heat regulation.

    Apocrine sweat glands are odiferous glands, found primarily in the axillary, areolar, anal and pubic

    areas; the bacterial decomposition of organic sweat

    causes body odor.

    Sebaceous glands are located all over the body except for the palms and soles; produce sebum.

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 2 ASSESSMENT

    Health History

    Presenting problem Changes in the color and texture of the skin,

    hair and nails.

    Pruritus Infections Tumors and other lesions Dermatitis Ecchymoses Dryness

    Lifestyle practices Hygienic practices Skin exposure

    Nutrition / diet Intake of vitamins and essential nutrients Water and Food allergies

    Use of medications Steroids Antibiotics Vitamins Hormones Chemotherapeutic drugs

    Past medical history Renal and hepatic disease Collagen and other connective tissue diseases Trauma or previous surgery Food, drug or contact allergies

    Family medical history Diabetes mellitus Allergic disorders Blood dyscrasias Specific dermatologic problems Cancer

    Physical Examination

    Color Areas of uniform color Pigmentation Redness Jaundice Cyanosis

    Vascular changes Purpuric lesions

    Ecchymoses Petechiae

    Vascular lesions Angiomas Hemangiomas Venous stars

    Lesions Color Type Size Distribution Location Consistency Grouping

    Annular Linear Circular Clustered

    Edema (pitting or non-pitting) Moisture content Temperature (increased or decreased;

    distribution of temperature changes)

    Texture Mobility / Turgor

    Effects of Aging in the Skin

    Skin vascularity and the number of sweat and sebaceous glands decrease, affecting


    Inflammatory response and pain perception diminish.

    Thinning epidermis and prolonged wound healing make elderly more prone to injury and skin


    Skin cancer more common.


    Blood chemistry / electrolytes: calcium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, sodium

    Hematologic studies Biopsy

    Removal of a small piece of skin for examination to determine diagnosis

    Nursing Interventions Preprocedure

    - Secure consent

    - clean site

    Postprocedure place specimen in a clean container & send to pathology


    - use aseptic technique for biopsy site dressing, assess site for

    bleeding & infection

    - instruct px to keep dressing in place for 8hrs & clean site daily

    - instruct the patient to keep biopsied area dry until healing


    Skin Culture Used for microbial study Viral culture is immediately placed on ice Obtain prior to antibiotic administration

    Woods Light Examination Skin is viewed through a Woods glass

    under UV

    Nursing Interventions

    Preprocedure darken room

    Postprocedure assist px in adjusting to light

    Skin testing Administration of allergens or antigens on

    the surface of or into the dermis to

    determine hypersensitivity

    Types: Patch Prick Intradermal


    Impaired skin integrity Pain Body image disturbance Risk for infection Ineffective airway clearance Altered peripheral tissue perfusion

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 3 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION

    Goals Restoration of skin integrity. The patient will experience relief of pain. The patient will adapt to changes in


    The patient will be free from infection. Maintenance of effective airway


    Maintenance of adequate peripheral tissue perfusion.

    Interventions: Skin Grafts Replacement of damaged skin with

    healthy skin to provide protection of

    underlying structures or to reconstruct

    areas for cosmetic or functional purposes.

    Sources: Autograft patients own skin Isograft skin from a genetically

    identical person

    Homograft or allograft cadaver of same species

    Heterograft or xenograft skin from another species

    Nursing care: Preoperative Donor site: Cleanse with

    antiseptic soap the night before

    and morning of surgery as ordered.

    Recipient site: Apply warm compresses and topical antibiotics

    as ordered.

    Nursing care: Postoperative Donor site:

    Keep area covered for 24 to 48 hours.

    Use bed cradle to prevent pressure and provide greater

    air circulation.

    Outer dressing may be removed 24 to 72 hours post-

    surgery; maintain fine mesh

    gauze until it falls of


    Trim loose edges of gauze as it loosens with healing.

    Administer analgesic as ordered (more painful than

    recipient site).

    Recipient site: Elevate site when possible. Protect from pressure through

    the use of a bed cradle.

    Apply warm compresses as ordered.

    Assess for hematoma, fluid accumulation under graft.

    Monitor circulation distal to the graft.

    Provide emotional support and monitor behavioral adjustments;

    refer for counseling if needed.

    Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning:

    Applying lubricating lotion to maintain moisture on the surface

    of healed graft for at least 6 to 12


    Protecting grafted skin from direct sunlight for at least 6 months.

    Protecting graft from physical injury.

    Need to report changes in graft. Possible alteration in pigmentation

    and hair growth; ability to sweat

    lost in most grafts.

    Sensation may or may not return.


    Healing of burned areas; absence of drainage, edema and pain.

    Relaxed facial expression/body posture. Changes into self-concept without negating self-


    Achieves wound healing Lungs clear to auscultation Palpable peripheral pulses of equal quality

    Disorders of the Integumentary System

    Primary Lesions of the Skin

    Macule is a small spot that is not palpable and is less than 1 cm in diameter

    Patch is a large spot that is not palpable & that is > 1 cm.

    Papule is a small superficial bump that is elevated & that is < 1 cm.

    Plaque is a large superficial bump that is elevated & > 1 cm.

    Nodule is a small bump with a significant deep component & is < 1 cm.

    Tumor is a large bump with a significant deep component & is > 1 cm.

    Cyst is a sac containing fluid or semisolid material, ie. cell or cell products.

    Vesicle is a small fluid-filled bubble that is usually superficial & that is < 0.5 cm.

    Bulla is a large fluid-filled bubble that is superficial or deep & that is > 0.5 cm.

    Pustule is pus containing bubble often categorized according to whether or not they are related to hair


    follicular - generally indicative of local infection

    folliculitis - superficial, generally multiple furuncle - deeper form of folliculitis carbuncle - deeper, multiple follicles


    Secondary lesions of the Skin

    Scale is the accumulation or excess shedding of the stratum corneum.

    Scale is very important in the differential diagnosis since its presence indicates that the

    epidermis is involved.

    Scale is typically present where there is epidermal inflammation, ie. psoriasis, tinea,


    Crust is dried exudate (ie. blood, serum, pus) on the skin surface.

    Excoriation is a loss of skin due to scratching or picking.

    Lichenification is an increase in skin lines & creases from chronic rubbing.

    Maceration is raw, wet tissue.

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 4

    Fissure is a linear crack in the skin; often very painful.

    Erosion is a superficial open wound with loss of epidermis or mucosa only

    Ulcer is a deep open wound with partial or complete loss of the dermis or submucosa

    Distinct Lesions of the Skin

    Wheal or hive describes a short lived (< 24 hours), edematous, well circumscribed papule or plaque

    seen in urticaria.

    Burrow is a small threadlike curvilinear papule that is virtually pathognomonic of scabies.

    Comedone is a small, pinpoint lesion, typically referred to as whiteheads or blackheads.

    Atrophy is a thinning of the epidermal and/or dermal tissue.

    Keloid overgrows the original wound boundaries and is chronic in nature.

    Hypertrophic scar on the other hand does not overgrow the wound boundaries.

    Fibrosis or sclerosis describes dermal scarring/thickening reactions.

    Milium is a small superficial cyst containing keratin (usually

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 5

    Assessment findings: Appearance of lesions is variable and


    Systemic symptoms absent.

    Psychologic problems such as social withdrawal, low self-esteem, feelings of being

    ugly. Pharmacologic Therapy

    Benzoly Peroxide

    Oral Antibiotics: Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline

    Oral Retinoids: Isotretinion (Accutane) Note: commone side effect, is cheilitis inflammation of lips

    Hormone Therapy: Estrogen-progesterone preparation.

    Nursing Management: Elimination of food products associated with a

    flare-up of acne such as chocolate, cola and

    fried foods

    Milk products should be promoted Advise the client to wash face at least twice a

    day with mild soap.

    Provide positive reassurance, listening actively and being sensitive the feelings of the patient.

    Discuss over-the-counter products and their effects.

    Patients are instructed to avoid manipulation of pimples or blackheads. Squeezing merely

    worsens the problem.



    Is a superficial bacterial skin infection most common among children 2 to 6 years old.

    It is primarily caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and sometimes by Streptococcus pyogenes

    Impetigo generally appears as honey-colored scabs formed from dried serum, and is often found on the

    arms, legs, or face.

    The infection is spread by direct contact with lesions or with nasal carriers.

    The incubation period is 13 days. Dried streptococci in the air are not infectious to intact

    skin. Scratching may spread the lesions.

    The lesions begin as small, red macules which quickly become discrete, thin-walled vesicles that

    soon ruptured and become coved with a loosely

    adherent honey-yellow crust.

    Medical Management: Topical or oral antibiotics are usually


    - Benzathine penicillin

    - Penicillinase-Resistant- cloxacillin

    - Penicillin-Allergic- erythromycin

    Treatment may involve washing with soap and water and letting the impetigo dry in the air.

    Mild cases may be treated with bactericidal ointment, such as fusidic acid, mupirocin,

    chloramphenicol or neosporin, which in some

    countries may be available over-the-counter.

    Nursing Management: Good hygiene practices can help prevent

    impetigo from spreading. Those who are

    infected should use soap and water to clean

    their skin and take baths or showers regularly.

    Non-infected members of the household should pay special attention to areas of the

    skin that have been injured, such as cuts,

    scrapes, bug bites, areas of eczema, and

    rashes. These areas should be kept clean and

    covered to prevent infection.

    In addition, anyone with impetigo should cover the impetigo sores with gauze and tape.

    All members of the household should wash their hands thoroughly with soap on a regular


    It is also a good idea for everyone to keep their fingernails cut short to make hand

    washing more effective.

    Contact with the infected person and his or her belongings should be avoided, and the

    infected person should use separate towels for

    bathing and hand washing.

    If necessary, paper towels can be used in place of cloth towels for hand drying. The

    infected person's bed linens, towels, and

    clothing should be separated from those of

    other family members, as well.

    While suffering from impetigo it is best to stay indoors for a few days to stop any

    bacteria getting into the blisters and making

    the infections worse.



    Is the inflammation of one or more hair follicles. Folliculitis starts when hair follicles are damaged by

    friction from clothing, an insect bite, blockage of

    the follicle, shaving or too tight braids too close to

    the scalp traction folliculitis.

    In most cases of folliculitis, the damaged follicles are then infected with the bacteria Staphylococcus

    Symptoms: rash (reddened skin area) pimples or pustules located around a hair


    o may crust over o typically occur on neck, axilla, or

    groin area

    o may be present as genital lesions itching skin spreading from leg to arm to body through

    improper treatment of antibiotics

    Furuncles (Boils)

    Is a skin disease caused by the infection of hair follicles, resulting in the localize accumulation of

    pus and dead tissue.

    The symptoms of boils are red, pus-filled lumps that are tender, warm, and extremely painful. A yellow

    or white point at the center of the lump can be seen

    when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus.

    In a severe infection, multiple boils may develop and the patient may experience fever and swollen

    lymph nodes. A recurring boil is called chronic


    In some people, itching may develop before the lumps begin to form.

    Boils are most often found on the back, stomach, underarms, shoulders, face, lip, eyes, nose, thighs

    and buttocks, but may also be found elsewhere.

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 6

    Sometimes boils will exude an unpleasant smell, particularly when drained or when discharge is

    present, due to the presence of bacteria in the


    The cause are bacteria such as staphylococci. Bacterial colonization begins in the hair follicles

    and can lead to local cellulitis and abscess



    Is an abscess larger than a boil. It is usually caused by bacterial infection, most

    commonly Staphylococcus aureus.

    The infection is contagious and may spread to other areas of the body or other people.

    A carbuncle is made up of several skin boils. The infected mass is filled with fluid, pus, and dead

    tissue. Fluid may drain out of the carbuncle, but

    sometimes the mass is so deep that it cannot drain

    on its own.

    Carbuncles may develop anywhere, but they are most common on the back and the nape of the neck.

    Men get carbuncles more often than women. Things that make carbuncle infections more likely

    include friction from clothing or shaving, generally

    poor hygiene and weakening of immunity.

    Nursing Management Carbuncles usually must drain before they will

    heal. This most often occurs on its own in less

    than 2 weeks.

    Placing a warm moist cloth on the carbuncle helps it to drain, which speeds healing.

    The affected area should be soaked with a warm, moist cloth several times each day.

    The carbuncle should not be squeezed, or cut open without medical supervision, as this can

    spread and worsen the infection.

    Treatment is needed if the carbuncle lasts longer than 2 weeks, returns frequently, is

    located on the spine or the middle of the face,

    or occurs along with a fever or other


    A doctor may prescribe antibacterial soaps and antibiotics applied to the skin or taken by


    Deep or large lesions may need to be drained by a health professional.

    Proper excision under strict aseptic conditions will treat the condition effectively.

    Proper hygiene is very important to prevent the spread of infection.

    Hands should always be washed thoroughly, preferably with antibacterial soap, after

    touching a carbuncle.

    Washcloths and towels should not be shared or reused. Clothing, washcloths, towels, and

    sheets or other items that contact infected areas

    should be washed in very hot (preferably

    boiling) water.

    Bandages should be changed frequently and thrown away in a tightly-closed bag.

    If boils/carbuncles recur frequently, daily use of an antibacterial soap or cleanser containing

    triclosan, triclocarban or chlorhexidine, can

    suppress staph bacteria on the skin.


    Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

    Commonly known as shingles, is a viral disease characterized by a painful skin rash with blisters in

    a limited area on one side of the body, often in a


    The infection is caused by varicella zoster virus. Symptoms

    The earliest symptoms of herpes zoster, which include headache, fever, and


    These symptoms are commonly followed by sensations of burning pain, itching,

    hyperesthesia (oversensitivity), or

    paresthesia ("pins and needles": tingling,

    pricking, or numbness).

    The pain may be extreme in the affected dermatome, with sensations that are often

    described as stinging, tingling, aching,

    numbing or throbbing, and can be

    interspersed with quick stabs of agonizing


    After 12 days (but sometimes as long as 3 weeks) the initial phase is followed by

    the appearance of the characteristic skin


    Later, the rash becomes vesicular, forming small blisters filled with a serous

    exudate, as the fever and general malaise


    The painful vesicles eventually become cloudy or darkened as they fill with blood,

    crust over within seven to ten days, and

    usually the crusts fall off and the skin

    heals: but sometimes after severe

    blistering, scarring and discolored skin


    Medical management: Analgesics


    Acetic acid compresses

    Acyclovir (Zovirax) Nursing interventions:

    Apply acetic acid compresses or white petrolatum to lesions

    Administer medications as ordered. Analgesics for pain Systemic corticosteroids:

    monitor for side effects of

    steroid therapy.

    Acyclovir: antiviral agent which reduces the severity when given

    early in illness.

    Herpes Simplex Virus

    Assessment findings: Clusters of vesicles, may ulcerate or crust Burning, itching, tingling Usually appears on lip or cheek.

    Nursing interventions: Keep lesions dry. Apply topical antibiotics or anesthetic as


  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 7

    Condition Description Illustration

    Herpes labialis


    occurs when

    the virus

    comes into

    contact with

    oral mucosa

    or abraded






    the typical


    of a primary

    HSV-1 or



    infection is

    clusters of


    papules and

    vesicles on

    the outer

    surface of the



    cold sores.


    Types and







    ( Head)

    - Oval, scaling,

    erythematous patches

    - small papules or

    pustules in scalp

    - brittle hair

    - Griseofulvin for 6


    - Shampoo hair 2

    or 3 times with

    Nizoral or

    Selenium sulfide





    - Begins with red

    macule, which spreads

    to a ring of papules

    - lesions found in


    - very pruritic

    - Mild condition:

    Topical antifungal


    -Severe condition:

    Griseofulvin or





    - Begins with small,

    red scaling patches

    which spread to form

    circular elevated


    - very pruritic

    - Mild condition:

    Topical antifungal


    -Severe condition:

    Griseofulvin or


    Tinea Pedis

    athletes foot

    - soles of feet have

    scaling and mild

    redness with

    maceration in toe webs

    - Soak feet in

    vinegar and water


    - Resistant


    griseofulvin or


    - Lamisil daily for

    3 months




    - Nails thicken,

    crumble easily and

    luck cluster

    - whole nail maybe


    - Itraconazole


    Nursing Management

    Keep feet dry as much as possible, including area between the toes.

    Wear clothing and socks should be made of cotton Anti-fungal powder may applied twice a day to keep

    feet dry.

    Instruct the patient to always use a clean towel and washcloth daily

    Each person should have separate comb and hairbrush to prevent spread of tinea capitis..

    Household pets should be examined.


    Parasitic infestation Adult lice are spread by close physical contact such

    as sharing combs, clips, caps, hats, etc.

    Occurs in school-age children particularly those with long hair.

    Medical management: Special medicated shampoos (Lindane). Use of fine-tooth comb to remove nits.

    Assessment findings: White eggs (nits) firmly attached to base of

    hair shafts.

    Pruritus of scalp.

    Nursing interventions: Institute skin isolation precautions. Use special shampoo and comb the hair. Provide client teaching and discharge planning


    How to check self and other family members and how to treat them.

    Washing of clothes, bed linens, etc.; discouraging sharing of brushes, combs and


    Contact Dermatitis

    Irritation of the skin from a specific substance which came in contact with the skin.

    Usually caused by irritants and allergens Contact dermatitis is a localized rash or irritation of

    the skin caused by contact with a foreign substance.

    Only the superficial regions of the skin are affected in contact dermatitis. Inflammation of the affected

    tissue is present in the epidermis (the outermost

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 8

    layer of skin) and the outer dermis (the layer

    beneath the epidermis)

    Symptoms of both forms include the following: Red rash. This is the usual reaction. The

    rash appears immediately in irritant

    contact dermatitis; in allergic contact

    dermatitis, the rash sometimes does not

    appear until 2472 hours after exposure to the allergen.

    Blisters or wheals. Blisters, wheals (welts), and urticaria (hives) often form in

    a pattern where skin was directly exposed

    to the allergen or irritant.

    Itchy, burning skin. Irritant contact dermatitis tends to be more painful than

    itchy, while allergic contact dermatitis

    often itches.

    Nursing Interventions: Apply wet dressings of Burrows solution

    for 20 minutes, 4 times a day to help clear

    oozing lesions.

    Provide relief from pruritus. Administer topical steroids and antibiotics

    as ordered.

    Allowing crusts and scales to drop off skin naturally as healing occurs.

    Avoidance of wool, nylon, or fur fibers on sensitive skin.

    Need to use gloves if handling irritant or allergenic substances.

    Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning:

    Avoidance of causative agent.

    Preventing skin dryness:

    Use mild soaps.

    Soak in plain water for 20 to 30 minutes.

    Apply prescribed steroid cream immediately after bath.

    Avoid extremes of heat and cold.


    Is a chronic, non-contagious autoimmune disease which affects the skin and joints.

    It commonly causes red scaly patches to appear on the skin. The scaly patches caused by psoriasis,

    called psoriatic plaques, are areas of inflammation

    and excessive skin production.

    Skin rapidly accumulates at these sites and takes on a silvery-white appearance.

    Plaques frequently occur on the skin of the elbows and knees, but can affect any area including the

    scalp and genitals. Predisposing factors:




    Changes in climate

    Excessive alcohol consumption


    Familial factors Medical management:

    Topical corticosteroids Coal tar preparations Ultraviolet light Antimetabolites (methotrexate)

    Nursing Interventions: Apply occlusive wraps over prescribed

    topical steroids.

    Protect areas treated with coal tar preparation from direct sunlight for 24


    Administer methotrexate as ordered, assess for side effects.

    Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning:

    Feelings about changes in appearance of skin (encourage client to cover arms

    and legs with clothing if sensitive about


    Importance of adhering to prescribed treatment and avoidance of commercially advertised products.


    Is a chronic disorder that causes depigmentation in patches of skin.

    It occurs when the melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation which are derived

    from the neural crest, die or are unable to function.

    Unknown caused, but there is some evidence suggesting it is caused by a combination of

    autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors.

    Symptom of vitiligo is depigmentation of patches of skin that occurs on the extremities. Although

    patches are initially small, they often enlarge and

    change shape.

    When skin lesions occur, they are most prominent on the face, hands and wrists.

    Depigmentation is particularly noticeable around body orifices, such as the mouth, eyes, nostrils, genitalia and umbilicus

    Skin Cancer

    Types of skin cancers: Basal cell epithelioma most common type

    of skin cancer; locally invasive and rarely

    metastasizes; most frequently located between

    the hairline and upper


    Risk factors: - UV rays - May take several forms: nodular,

    ulcerative, pigmented ad superficial

    Hx and Assessment: - Usually asymptomatic unless

    secondarily infected in advanced


    - Pearly-colored PAPULE - External surface - fine

    telangiectasia and is translucent

    Treatment: - Curettage - Surgical - Cryosurgery - Radiation - prevention - Mohrs micrographic surgery

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 9

    Squamous cell carcinoma (epidermoid) grows more rapidly than basal cell carcinoma

    and can metastasize; frequently seen on

    mucous membranes, lower lip, neck and

    dorsum of the hands.

    Risk factors: - UV rays - Radiation - Actinic keratosis - Immunosuppression - Industrial carcinogens

    History and Assessment: - Slowly evolving - Assymptomatic - Occassionaly bleeding and pain - Exophytic nodules w/ varying

    degree of scaling or crusting

    Diagnosis: - Biopsy- irregular masses of

    anaplastic epidermal celss

    proliferating down to the dermis

    Treatment - Surgical excision - Mohrs micrographic surgery - Radiation

    Malignant melanoma least frequent of skin cancers, but most serious; capable of invasion

    and metastasis to other organs.

    Risk factors: - Sun exposure - Fair skin - Positive family history - Presence of dysplastic nevi

    Hx and Assessment: - Usually asymptomatic until late - Pruritus or mild discomfort - Recent changed in a previous skin


    asymetry border irregularity color variation diameter(large)

    Diagnosis: - Biopsy- melanocytes w/ marked

    cellular atypia and melanocytic

    invasion of the dermis

    Treatment: - Surgical excision - Chemotherapy- metastasis

    Precancerous lesions:

    Leukoplakia white shiny patches in the mouth or on the lip.

    Nevi (moles) junctional nevus may become malignant; compound and dermal nevi

    unlikely to become cancerous.

    Senile keratoses brown, scale-like spots on older individuals.

    Nursing interventions: Limitation of contact with chemical irritants. Need to report lesions that change

    characteristics and/or those that do not heal.

    Protection against UV rays from the sun Wear thin layer of clothing. Use sunblock or lotion

    containing PABA.


    Direct tissue injury due to:

    o Thermal: scald, hot grease, sunburn, contact with flames

    o Electrical o Chemical o Smoke inhalation: fumes, gasses, smoke

    I. TYPES A. Full thickness

    1. First degree burns (superficial) Epidermis Common cause is thermal burn (+) blanching upon pressure and


    (+) pain 2. Second degree burns (deep burn)

    Chemical (+) very painful (+) erythema or fluid filled blisters

    B. Partial thickness 1. Third to fourth degree burns

    Affect all layers of skin, muscle and bones

    Electrical burns Less painful than 1st and 2nd degree


    Dry, thick, leathery texture Eschar devitalized tissue

    A description of the traditional and current

    classifications of burns.

    Nomenclature Traditional

    nomenclature Depth




    thickness First-degree




    minor pain,

    lack of



    thickness superficial






    clear fluid,

    and pain


    thickness deep







    Full thickness

    Third- or



    Dermis and


    tissue and


    fascia, bone,

    or muscle




    purple fluid,

    no sensation


  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 10

    C. STAGES 1. Emergent removal of client from source of


    Thermal smother burn beginning with the head.

    Smoke inhalation ensure patent airway.

    Chemical remove clothing that contains chemical; lavage are with

    copious amounts of water.

    Electrical note victim position, identify entry and exit routes; maintain


    Wrap in dry, clean sheet or blanket to prevent further contamination of

    wound and to provide warmth.

    Assess how and when burn occurred. Provide IV route if possible. Transport immediately.

    2. Shock phase (24-48 hours) shifting of fluids from intravascular to interstitial hypovolemia

    Elevated HCT Tachycardia Metabolic acidosis Low serum sodium Low serum potassium Hypotension

    3. Diuresis Phase/Fluid remobilization phase characterized by the return of fluids from

    interstitial to intravascular

    Assessment findings: Elevated blood pressure, increased

    urine output.

    Hypokalemia, hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis

    4. Convalescent/Recovery phase characterized by continuous wound healing

    Healing starts immediately after injury

    Assessment findings: Elevated blood pressure, increased

    urine output.

    Hypokalemia, hyponatremia, metabolic acidosis

    D. ASSESSMENT FINDINGS 1. Rule of 9s

    Head and neck = 9 Anterior chest = 18 Posterior chest = 18 Upper extremity = 9 x 2 Lower extremity = 18 x 2 Genital = 1

    2. Severity of burns:

    Major: partial thickness greater than 25%; full thickness greater than or equal to


    Moderate: partial thickness 15%-25%; full thickness less than 10%.

    Minor: partial thickness less than 15%; full thickness less than 2%.

    E. MEDICAL MANAGEMENT: 1. Supportive therapy: IV fluid management,


    2. Wound care:


    Debridement (enzymatic or surgical) 3. Drug therapy:

    Topical antibiotics

    Systemic antibiotics

    Tetanus toxoid or hyperimmune human tetanus globulin

    Analgesics 4. Surgery: excision and grafting


    1. Administer medications as ordered Tetanus toxoid Burn surface area is a good source of

    microbial growth


    Tetanospain Tatanolysin

    Narcotic analgesics morphine Systemic antibiotics Cephalosporins Penicillin Tetracyclines Topical antibiotics Silver sulfadiazide Silver nitrate Povidone iodine

    2. Provide relief/control of pain: Administer morphine sulfate and

    monitor vital signs closely.

    Administer analgesics/narcotics 30 minutes before wound care.

    Position burned areas in proper alignment.

    3. Monitor alterations in fluid and electrolyte balance:

    Assess for fluid shifts and electrolyte alterations.

    Administer IV fluids as ordered. Monitor Foley catheter output hourly

    (30 ml/hr desired).

    4. Monitor alterations in fluid and electrolyte balance:

    Weigh daily. Monitor circulation status regularly. Administer/monitor

    crystalloids/colloids/water solutions.

    5. Formula in IVF administration:

    Evans Formula: Colloids: 1 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA


    Electrolytes (saline): 1 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA burned

    Glucose (D5W): 2000 ml for insensible loss.

    Day 1: half to be given in 1st 8 hours;

    remaining half over next 16 hours.

    Day 2: half of previous days colloids and electrolytes; all of insensible fluid replacement.

    Maximum of 10 L over 24 hours.

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 11

    Second and third-degree burns exceeding 50% BSA calculated on

    basis of 50% BSA

    Brooke Army Formula: Colloids: 0.5 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA


    Electrolytes (lactated Ringers): 1.5 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA burned

    Glucose (D5W): 2000 ml for insensible loss

    Day 1: Half to be given in first 8 hours,

    remaining half over next 16 hours.

    Day 2: Half of colloids, half of electrolytes, all

    of insensible fluid replacement.

    Second and third-degree burns exceeding 50% BSA calculated on

    basis of 50% BSA

    Parkland/Baxter Formula: Lactated Ringers:

    4 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA burned

    Day 1: Half to be given in first 8 hours; half to

    be given over next 16 hours.

    Day 2: Varies; colloid is added.

    Consensus Formula: Lactated Ringers:

    2-4 ml x wt (kg) x % BSA burned

    Half to be given in first 8 hours after burn;

    remaining fluid to be given over next 16 hours.

    6. Prevent wound infection. Place the patient in a controlled sterile


    Maintain strict aseptic technique Use hydrotherapy for no more than 30

    minutes to prevent electrolyte loss.

    Observe wound for separation of eschar and cellulitis.

    Apply mafenide (sulfamylon) as ordered: Administer analgesics 30 minutes

    before application.

    Monitor acid-base status and renal function studies.

    Provide daily tubbing for removal of previously applied cream.

    Apply silver sulfadiazine as ordered. Administer analgesics 30 minutes

    before application.

    Observe and report hypersensitivity reactions.

    Store drug away from heat.

    Apply silver nitrate as ordered. Handle carefully: solution leaves

    gray or black stain on skin, clothing

    and utensils.

    Administer analgesics 30 minutes before application.

    Keep dressings wet with solution; dryness increases the concentration

    and causes precipitation of silver

    salts in the wound.

    Apply povidone-iodone solution as ordered.

    Administer analgesics before application.

    Assess for metabolic acidosis/renal function studies.

    Administer gentamicin as ordered: assess vestibular/auditory and renal functions at

    regularly intervals.

    7. Promote maximal nutritional status:

    Diet high in CHO, CHON, VIT C Monitor tube feedings/TPN if ordered. When oral intake permitted, provide high-

    calorie, high-protein, high carbohydrate

    diet with vitamin and mineral


    Serve small portions. Schedule wound care and other treatments

    at least 1 hour before meals.

    8. Prevent GI complications: Assess for signs and symptoms of

    paralytic ileus.

    Assist with insertion of NGT to prevent/control Curlings/stress ulcer; monitor patency/drainage.

    Administer prophylactic antacids through NGT and/or IV cimetidine or ranitidine.

    Monitor bowel sounds. Test stools for occult blood.

    9. If (+) to burn of the head and neck and face Assist in intubation

    10. Assist in hydrotherapy 11. Assist in surgical wound debridement

    Analgesics before debridement 12. Prevent complications

    Infections Septicemia Paralytic ileus Curlings ulcers (H2 receptor


    13. Assist in surgical procedure

    14. Provide client teaching and discharge planning concerning:

    Care of healed burn wound Assess daily for changes.

    Wash hands frequently during dressing change.

    Wash area with prescribed solution or mild soap and rinse well with

    water; dry with clean towel.

    Apply sterile dressing. Prevention of injury to burn wound.

    Avoid trauma to area. Avoid use of fabric softeners or

    harsh detergents (might cause


    Avoid constrictive clothing over burn wound.

    Adherence to prescribed diet. Importance of reporting formation of local

    trophic changes.

    Methods of coping and resocialization.

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 12

    Wound Healing Process

    Wound healing, or wound repair, is an intricate process in which the skin (or some other organ)

    repairs itself after injury.

    In normal skin, the epidermis (outermost layer) and dermis (inner or deeper layer) exists in a steady-

    stated equilibrium, forming a protective barrier

    against the external environment.

    Once the protective barrier is broken, the normal (physiologic) process of wound healing is

    immediately set in motion

    The classic model of wound healing is divided into three or four sequential, yet overlapping, phases:

    (1) hemostasis

    (2) inflammatory,

    (3) proliferative and

    (4) remodeling

    A. Homostasis

    Within minutes post-injury, platelets (thrombocytes) aggregate at the injury site to form a fibrin clot.

    This clot acts to control active bleeding (hemostasis)

    B. Inflammatory Phase

    When tissue is first wounded, blood comes in contact with collagen, triggering blood platelets to

    begin secreting inflammatory factors.

    Platelets, release a number of things into the blood, including ECM proteins and cytokines, including

    growth factors.Growth factors stimulate cells to

    speed their rate of division.

    Platelets also release other proinflammatory factors like serotonin, bradykinin, prostaglandins,

    prostacyclins, thromboxane, and histamine, which

    cause blood vessels to become dilated and porous.

    The main factor involved in causing vasodilation is histamine. Histamine also causes blood vessels to:

    Increased Capillary Permeability causes hyperemia that leads to redness (rubor) and presence of heat

    (calor) and

    Fluid and cellular exudation that causes edemaand presence of exudates

    Within an hour of wounding, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) arrive at the wound site and

    become the predominant cells in the wound for the

    first two days after the injury occurs.They also

    cleanse the wound by secreting proteases that break

    down damaged tissue.

    Neutrophils usually undergo apoptosis once they have completed their tasks and are engulfed and

    degraded by macrophages

    The macrophage's main role is to phagocytise bacteria and damaged tissue and it also debrides

    damaged tissue by releasing proteases.

    Macrophages also secrete a number of factors such as growth factors and other cytokines, especially

    during the third and fourth post-wounding days.

    These factors attract cells involved in the proliferation stage of healing to the area

    C. Proliferative Phase

    Fibroblasts begin to enter the wound site, marking the onset of the proliferative phase even before the

    inflammatory phase has ended.

    Angiogenesis occurs concurrently with fibroblast proliferation when endothelial cells migrate to the

    area of the wound.

    The tissue in which angiogenesis has occurred typically looks red (is erythematous) due to the

    presence of capillaries

    Fibroblasts mainly proliferate and migrate, while later, they are the main cells that lay down the

    collagen matrix in the wound site.

    Fibroblasts begin secreting appreciable collagen. Collagen deposition is important because it

    increases the strength of the wound; before it is laid


    Formation of granulation tissue in an open wound allows the reepithelialization phase to take place, as

    epithelial cells migrate across the new tissue to form

    a barrier between the wound and the environment

    D. Remodeling Phase

    When the levels of collagen production and degradation equalize, the maturation phase of tissue

    repair is said to have begun.

    The maturation phase can last for a year or longer, depending on the size of the wound and whether it

    was initially closed or left open.

    During Maturation, type III collagen, which is prevalent during proliferation, is gradually degraded

    and the stronger type I collagen is laid down in its


    Primary Intention:

    When wound edges are directly next to one another

    Little tissue loss

    Minimal scarring occurs

    Most surgical wounds heal by first intention healing

    Wound closure is performed with sutures, staples, or adhesive at the time of initial evaluation

    Secondary Intention:

    The wound is allowed to granulate

    Surgeon may pack the wound with a gauze or use a drainage system

    Granulation results in a broader scar

    Healing process can be slow due to presence of drainage from infection

    Wound care must be performed daily to encourage wound debris removal to allow for granulation tissue formation

    Tertiary Intention (Delayed primary closure):

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 13

    The wound is initially cleaned, debrided and observed, typically 4 or 5 days before closure

    Pressure Ulcer

    Lesion from unrelieved pressure causing damage of underlying tissue or a localized area of cellular

    necrosis resulting from vascular insufficiency in

    tissues under pressure

    Occurs with limited mobility Once formed, pressure ulcers are slow to heal Result from mechanical forces Occurs most often over bony prominences

    Pressure Points

    Mechanical Forces Pressure Friction Shear

    Risk Factors for Developing Pressure Ulcer

    Prolong pressure on tissue Immobility, compromised mobility Loss of protective reflexes Poor skin perfusion Edema Malnutrition Friction Shearing forces Trauma Incontinence of urine and feces Altered skin moisture Excessively dry skin Advance age Equipment: cast,traction and restraints

    Pressure Ulcers: Wound Assessment

    Appearance changes with the depth of injury Assess for:

    Location, size, color Extend of tissue involvement Condition of surrounding tissue Presence of foreign bodies

    Stages of Ulcer

    Stage I

    Area of erythema

    Erythema does not blanch with pressure

    Skin temperature elevated

    Tissue are swollen

    Patient complains of discomfort

    Erythema progresses to dusky blue-gray

    Stage II

    Skin breaks

    Abrasion, blister or shallow crater

    Edema persists

    Ulcer drains

    Infection may develop

    Stage III

    Ulcer extends into subcutaneous tissue

    Necrosis and drainage continue

    Infection develops

    Stage IV

    Ulcer extends to underlying muscle and


    Deep pockets of infection develop

    Necrosis and drainage continue

    Pressure Ulcers: Key Things to Remember

    Pressure relieving/reducing devices do not take the place of observation of skin color, integrity, and

    temperature at intervals to determine capillary blood


    In some clients pressure can occur in less than 2 hours the actual turning/repositioning schedule should be individualized based upon assessment


    Pressure Ulcers: Nursing Diagnosis

    Impaired skin integrity Pain Disturbed body image Ineffective coping Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements Deficient knowledge

    Nursing Intevention

    Prevention of Pressure: o Turned and repositioned at 1-2 hours


    o Encourage to shift weight actively every 15 minutes

    o Pressure relief and reduction devices: Dynamic vs. Static

    Frequent monitoring of ulcer progress Avoid massaging reddened areas, because this may

    increase the damage

    To avoid shearing forces when repositioning the patient, the nurse lifts and avoid dragging the

    patient across a surface

    Increase protein intake, iron, vitamin C Prevention of infection and wound extension

    o Be alert for classic signs of wound infection

    o Prevent further pressure damage Maintaining a safe environment

    o Meticulous local wound care o Minimize cross-contamination with


    o Standard precautions o Thorough handwashing before and after

    dressing changes

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 14

    Anatomy of the Skin

    Hair / Hair Growth

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 15

    Nail Skin Testing Woods Light Examination

    Secondary Skin Lesion

    Skin Grafting

  • Medical and Surgical Nursing

    Integumentary System Lecture Notes

    Prepared by: Mark Fredderick R. Abejo RN,MAN 16

    Burn Rule of Nine

    Phases of Wound Healing