integration of a regular application into a user interface adaptation engine in the myui project

Integration of a Regular Application into a User Interface Adaptation Engine in the MyUI Project Vctor S nchez (ISOIN); vsanchez@ í á ICCHP 201 2, Linz

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Page 1: Integration of a Regular Application into a User Interface Adaptation Engine in the MYUI Project

Integration of a Regular Application into a User InterfaceAdaptation Engine in the MyUI Project

Vctor S nchez (ISOIN); vsanchez@ isoin.esí á ICCHP 201 2, Linz

Page 2: Integration of a Regular Application into a User Interface Adaptation Engine in the MYUI Project


MyUI project overview

• Funding within the FP7 Programme.

• Mainstreaming accessibility through the Synergistic User Modelling

and adaptability

• MyUI aims to improve support to developers and designers in

producing accessible ICT applications.

• 30 months project life time.

• About to finish.

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Accessibility through S elf-learning and self-adaptive interfaces …

• Composition of multimodal

UI patterns

• No or minimal initial


• System is learning to

increasingly adapt to a

specific user and relevant

contexts or situations.

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MyUI: »Eight Treasures«


(1) Extensive adaptations for accessibility • user: physical, perceptual, cognitive

• context

• device

(3) Runtime adaptations•Self learning user profiles

•Interaction monitoring

•Live adaptations

(2) Adaptation rules/mechanisms•modular


•open and extensible

(4) User profile•Diagnostic vs. design-oriented

•Simple and pragmatic

(5) User profile initialization•Games for user profiling

•Intuitive personalization dialogues

(6) Mixed Initiative


•User control

(7) Intuitive application modelling

(8) Control over the resulting UI•Preview

•Customization and simulation

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Framework for MyUI Adaptive User Interfaces

User and context profile

Device / client


interaction situation,


User and context



User profile refinements on the basis of:

sensors and analysis of actual user interaction


e.g. light, noise, …

Application Model

and Content

Current interaction situation from

dialogue manager

General UI features set

by global UI variables,

e.g. font size, contrast,

interaction mechanisms, …






Generic design patterns

Interaction design patterns

Selection of best-fitting design patterns UI



Best-fitting UI solution

• Current device

• Current user state

• Current context

• Current application state

and interaction situation


Generic patterns set

global variables to fit

specific user

requirements and other

features of the session


Interaction patterns

define variants of UI

elements and controls

for specific interaction

situations and UI profiles.

Common design patterns

Common patterns define

stable (not adapted)

features of a UI for a

specific device.

Transition patterns

describe how to switch

from one pattern to

another within a bundle

of related generic or

interaction patterns.

Transition design patterns

Design Patterns Repository

Session Profile User Interface Profile Individual UI


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Universal Design – Design for All

O n e d e s ig n f i t s a l l?


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• Different users will require

different user interfaces

• Visionindividualized user

interfaces for every user


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• ButDeveloping individualized

user interfaces would

mean enormous effort



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• ButDeveloping individualized

user interfaces would

mean enormous effort

• Andmany users

will have difficulties in

personalizing their user

interface on their owns.

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Vision: Adaptive User Interfaces

• No or only minimal

configuration effort for the


• Increasingly better


• Dynamic adaptations to

context changes

• Adaptations to changing

individual needs

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The developer‘s role in MyUI:

Create an Abstract Application Interaction Model

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Abstract Application Interaction Model

•… describes the

interaction between user

and system

•… in an abstract format

which is independent of

the concrete appearance

on the user interface


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Abstract Application Interaction Model

Extended UML 2 S tate Machine Diagram

Major concepts:

•Statecondition of the application which

defines accepted user behaviour

and system actions

•Interaction situationrepresents the user interaction

options in a given state,

e.g. perceiving information,

providing input, selecting options, etc.

•Transitionchanging from one state

to another

•Functions reference to data acquisition functions or application functions (triggered on

transition or state entry)

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Abstract Application Interaction Model

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• The only necessary UI-related

artefact provided by the

developer of a MyUI application

• Basis for UI generation and


• Interface between UI and

application functions (e.g.

manipulate the application data

base and perform transactions)

• Interface between UI and

application databases

The Development Toolkit

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The Development Toolkit

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• Transforming the AAIM into real

CakePHP code

• Use of patterns browser for

choosing among the application

functions available

• Auto-generated code structure

• Completing the codeThe Development


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• Application AAIM

The Development Toolkit – S tate Viewer• Eclipse worksapce

• Patterns browser

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Detailed architecture

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Vctor S nchez, vsanchez@ isoin.esí á

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