integrating the core competencies ·...

1 Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and develop their communication, thinking and personal and social skills the Core Competencies need to be seamlessly integrated into all areas of student learning. The “Notice it, Name it, Nurture it” protocol provides a framework to assist with the integration of the Core Competencies in the classroom and in the school. Notice it: Being aware of what the Core Competencies are and when students demonstrate the Core Competencies. Name it: Using language from the Core Competencies to describe them; pointing out to students the specific proficiencies being demonstrated. Nurture it: Considering learning experiences and self-assessment opportunities for students to develop the competency. This document provides an entry point to integrate each of the Core Competencies through the Curricular Competencies. For each section, you will find the information provided in the following manner: Core Competency - a specific facet Curricular Competency specific to the subject area o Possible learning plan task(s) that the students may be asked to do to show their understanding, while concurrently providing opportunities for the teacher to NAME and/or NURTURE the Core Competency Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

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Page 1: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and


Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom

For students to truly understand and develop their communication, thinking and personal and social skills the Core Competencies need to be seamlessly integrated into all areas of student learning.

The “Notice it, Name it, Nurture it” protocol provides a framework to assist with the integration of the Core Competencies in the classroom and in the school.

• Notice it: Being aware of what the Core Competencies are and when studentsdemonstrate the Core Competencies.

• Name it: Using language from the Core Competencies to describe them; pointing outto students the specific proficiencies being demonstrated.

• Nurture it: Considering learning experiences and self-assessment opportunities forstudents to develop the competency.

This document provides an entry point to integrate each of the Core Competencies through the Curricular Competencies. For each section, you will find the information provided in the following manner: Core Competency - a specific facet

• Curricular Competency specific to the subject areao Possible learning plan task(s) that the students may be asked to do to show

their understanding, while concurrently providing opportunities for theteacher to NAME and/or NURTURE the Core Competency

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 2: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate

Communication Reflect on their ability to collaborate to plan, carry out, and review

• Generate ideas from theirexperiences and interests

• Add to other's ideaso i.e. Create a story using

sticks, Coding unpluggedactivities, Create/Buildduring centres/stations

Reflect on their ability to collaborate to plan, carry out, and review

• Generate potential ideas and add toothers' ideas

• Evaluate personal, social, andenvironmental impacts and ethicalconsiderations

o i.e. Work in groups to createRube Goldberg machines

Thinking Reflect on their ability to develop and design

• Use trial and error to make changes,solve problems, or incorporate newideas from self or others

o i.e. Build a boat, buildingduring centres/stations,coding unpluggedactivities

Reflect on their ability to develop and design

• Construct a first version of theproduct or a prototype, asappropriate, making changes totools, materials, and procedures asneeded

o i.e. Design a codingunplugged game, Designand build a boat

Personal and Social

Reflect on their ability to solve problems in peaceful ways

• Reflect on their ability to workeffectively both as individuals andcollaboratively in a group

o i.e. Reflect on ability towork with partner/groupon hands-on activity, suchas coding a robot

Reflect on their ability to solve problems in peaceful ways

• Reflect on their ability to workeffectively both as individuals andcollaboratively in a group

o i.e. Reflect on ability to workwith partner/group onhands-on activity, such ascoding a robot

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 3: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate Communication Reflect on their ability to connect and

engage with others

• Interpret symbols and how they canbe used to express meaning throughthe arts

• Observe and share how artists useprocesses, materials, movements,technologies, tools, and techniques

• Experience, document, and sharecreative works in a variety of ways

Reflect on their ability to collaborate to plan, carry out, and review

• Creation of artistic workscollaboratively

• Personal and collective responsibilityassociated with creating, experiencing,or presenting in a safe learningenvironment

Thinking Reflect on their ability to explore new ideas and generate ideas

• Explore elements, processes,materials, movements, technologies,tools, and techniques of the arts

Reflect on their ability to describe and respond to works of art

• Reflect on creative processes andmake connections to othersexperiences

Reflect on their ability to generate, develop, and design ideas

• Create artistic works collaboratively andas an individual using ideas inspired byimagination, inquiry, experimentation,and purposeful play

Reflect on their ability to analyze and critique ideas

• Describe, interpret, and respond toworks of art and experiences

Personal and Social

Reflect on their ability to identify their personal strengths, abilities, and/or values

• Express feelings, ideas, stories,observations, and experiencesthrough the arts

Reflect on their ability to contribute to the community

• Examine relationships between the artsand the wider world

*Ideas for learning tasks can vary based on content area, such as creating a visual artwork, a musicalperformance, a dance performance, a skit, or a play. Other ideas include, analyzing artwork from various artists,examining the relationship between the artist and the community, responding to artwork, exploring variousartistic elements or tools, and/or reflecting on the connections made during the process of creating or presentingperformances...and much more!

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 4: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate

Communication Reflect on their ability to connect and engage with others

• Share ideas, information, personalfeelings, and knowledge with others

o i.e. Risk-taking (try a newactivity or make a new friend)and its role in self exploration

Reflect on their ability to connect and engage with others

• Question self and others about howtheir personal public identity can haveboth positive and negativeconsequences

o i.e. Digital Citizens; InternetSafety

Thinking Reflect on their ability to generate and develop ideas

• Set and achieve realistic learninggoals for themselves

o i.e. Goal Setting

Reflect on their ability to generate and develop ideas

• Set realistic short- and longer-termlearning goals, define a path, andmonitor progress

o i.e. Goal SettingPersonal and Social

Reflect on their ability to build relationships and contribute to community

• Identify and appreciate the roles andresponsibilities of people in theirschools, families, and communities

o i.e. Explore the Community -roles and responsibilities atschool and at home, jobs inthe local community

Reflect on their ability to build relationships and contribute to community

• Recognize the influence of peers,family, and communities on careerchoices and attitudes toward work

o i.e. Career Project; Leadership

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 5: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Intermediate

Communication Reflect on ability to connect and engage with others

• Exchange ideas and information using complete sentences, orally and in writingo i.e. Ask and answer questions in context

Thinking Reflect on ability to generate ideas

• Share information using more than one mode of presentationo i.e. Find various modes of presentation (create a comic, story, performance,

visual representation, and/or digital presentation with the common elementsof a story in mind while using set terms/language)

Personal and Social

Reflect on ability to understand relationships and various cultural contexts

• Demonstrate basic awareness that there are Francophone communities around theworld

• Identify, share, and compare information about Francophone and Francophone Metiscommunities in Canada

• Identify cultural aspects of Francophone communitieso i.e. Explore Francophone and Francophone Metis communities across Canada

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 6: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate Communication Reflect on ability to share ideas

• Explore oral storytelling processeso Sharing; Special Helper

Reflect on ability to connect and engage with others through storytelling

• Use and experiment with oral storytellingprocesses

o Story-telling

Thinking Reflect on ability to develop ideas

• Use language to identify, create, andshare ideas, feelings, opinions, andpreferences

o Journal; Centres; Share a storyabout their creation in centres ortheir artwork

Reflect on ability to develop and build on ideas

• Use writing and design processes to plan,develop, and create engaging andmeaningful literary and informational textsfor a variety of purposes and audiences

o Story-writingReflect on ability to explain/recount and reflect

• Transform ideas and information to createoriginal texts

o Novel Study; Literature CirclePersonal and Social

Reflect on ability to understand similarities and differences (value diversity)

• Exchange ideas and perspectives to buildshared understanding

o Community members sharestories

o Recognize the importance ofstory in personal, family, andcommunity identity

o All About Me type activities▪ I am▪ I like▪ I would like to improve

o Character Traits - Picture Books▪ What makes the

character unique?▪ What makes me unique?

Reflect on ability to value diversity

• Exchange ideas and viewpoints to buildshared understanding and extend thinking

o i.e. Share stories from variousbackgrounds and experiences

Reflect on ability to understand relationships

• Construct meaningful personal connectionsbetween self, text, and world

o Community members share storieso Students share stories of

significance from theirheritage/family backgrounds

o Character Traits - PictureBooks/Novels

▪ What attributes does thecharacter have?

▪ What attributes do I havethat make me unique?

▪ Describe how others wouldknow that you have theseattributes?

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 7: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate

Communication Reflect on their ability to explain/recount and reflect

• Communicate mathematical thinkingin many ways

o i.e. Number ConceptsReflect on their ability to interpret and present information

• Represent mathematical ideas inconcrete, pictorial, and symbolicforms

o i.e. Shapes, Concrete orpictorial graphs (such as theweather chart)

Reflect on their ability to explain/recount and reflect

• Communicate mathematical thinking inmany ways

o i.e. FractionsReflect on their ability to acquire, interpret, and present information

• Represent mathematical ideas inconcrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

o i.e. Data Collection & Graphing

Thinking Reflect on their ability to develop ideas

• Develop, demonstrate, and applymathematical understandingthrough play, inquiry, and problemsolving

o i.e. Patterns

Reflect on their ability to develop and design

• Develop and use multiple strategies toengage in problem solving

o i.e. Word Problems

Personal and Social

Reflect on their ability to make personal choices

• Connect mathematical concepts toeach other and to other areas andpersonal interests

o i.e. Financial Literacy

Reflect on their ability to make personal choices

• Explain and justify mathematical ideasand decisions

o i.e. Financial Literacy

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 8: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate Communication Reflect on ability to connect and engage

with others

• Develop and demonstrate respectfulbehaviour when participating inactivities with others

o i.e. Safety during activities ingym or outside

Reflect on ability to acquire, interpret, and present information

• Develop and assess strategies forresponding to discrimination,stereotyping, and bullying

o i.e. Presentations for Pink ShirtDay, anti-bullying skits

Thinking Reflect on ability to identify and develop ideas

• Identify and describe a variety ofunsafe and/or uncomfortablesituations

o i.e. Care Program

Reflect on ability to develop, analyze, and design

• Assess and communicate healthinformation for various health issues

• Investigate and analyze influences oneating habits

o i.e. Create a pamphlet orpresentation on health issues

Personal and Social

Reflect on personal awareness towards well-being and ability to self-regulate

• Identify personal skills, interests, andpreferences

• Identify and describe feelings andworries

o i.e. Zones of Regulation,Second Step

Reflect on personal awareness towards well-being and ability to self-regulate

• Describe and assess strategies forpromoting mental well-being, for selfand others

o i.e. Zones of Regulation,Mindfulness

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 9: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate Communication Reflect on ability to explain/recount and


• Observe objects and events infamiliar contexts

• Experience and interpret the localenvironment

• Share observations and ideas orallyo i.e. Nature walk to observe

the local plants and animals

Reflect on ability to collaborate to plan, carry out, and review

• Collaboratively plan a range ofinvestigation types, including field workand experiments, to answer theirquestions or solve problems they haveidentifiedo i.e. Design an experiment using the

scientific method to test if a solutionis an acid or base

Thinking Reflect on ability to question and investigate

• Ask simple questions about familiarobjects and events

o i.e. Investigate the effects ofpushes/pulls on movement(Will the ball bounce, roll, orslide on this surface?)

Reflect on ability to question and investigate

• Demonstrate a sustainedintellectual curiosity about ascientific topic or problem ofpersonal interesto i.e. Inquire into how a well-

balanced healthy lifestyle can belived with connections to thebody systems

Personal and Social

Reflect on ability to understand contributions to the community and caring for the environment

• Express and reflect on personalexperiences of place

o i.e. Explore local FirstPeoples uses of plants andanimals and/or FirstPeoples knowledge ofseasonal changes

Reflect on ability to understand contributions to the community and caring for the environment

• Contribute to care for self, others,community, and world throughpersonal or collaborativeapproacheso i.e. Inquire into the evidence of

climate change over geologicaltime and the recent impacts ofhumans

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies

Page 10: Integrating the Core Competencies · Integrating the Core Competencies – Classroom For students to truly understand and



CC Primary Intermediate

Communication Reflect on their ability to acquire and present information

• Use Social Studies inquiry processesand skills to ask questions; gatherideas; and communicate findings

o i.e. Share the rights, roles,and responsibilities ofindividuals (interviewparent/guardian or amember of communityabout their role andpresent information toclass)

Reflect on their ability to acquire, interpret, and present information

• Use Social Studies inquiry processesand skills to - ask questions; gather,interpret, and analyze ideas; andcommunicate findings and decisions

o i.e. Create a presentation onthe comparison of selectedtechnologies from selectedancient cultures in terms ofmaterials, purpose, andimpact on society and dailylife

Thinking Reflect on their ability to generate ideas

• Explain the significance ofpersonal or local events, objects,people, or places (significance)

o i.e. Share personal andfamily history andtraditions; makeconnections of commontraditions amongst peers

Reflect on their ability to analyze and critique

• Assess the significance of people,places, events, or developments atparticular times and places(significance)

o i.e. Analyze the features andcharacteristics ofcivilizations and factors thatlead to their rise and fall

Personal and Social

Reflect on their ability to value similarities and differences (value diversity)

• Acknowledge different perspectiveson people, places, issues, or eventsin their lives (perspective)

o i.e. Explore ways in whichindividuals and familiesdiffer and are the same

Reflect on their ability to value diversity

• Explain different perspectives onpast people, places, issues, orevents, and compare the values,worldviews, and beliefs of humancultures and societies in differenttimes and places (perspective)

o i.e. Compare various socialroles within a selectedancient culture in terms ofdaily life and how peoplemet their basic needs

Adapted from North Vancouver School District Core Competencies