integrated health care | pharmacy solutions

PharmRx Integrated health care | Pharmacy Solutions

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PharmRx Integrated health care | Pharmacy Solutions

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Integrated health care | Pharmacy


Discover how our patient-centered approach to integrated health care and pharmacy

solutions can help you increase adherence and improve patient outcomes.

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Pharmacy solutions | Comprehensive

pharmacy services | Point of care

PharmRx is an innovative, new approach to pharmacy services at the point of care. Our

model was developed to allow physicians to improve clinical outcomes, patient

satisfaction and increase revenues by incorporating patient-centered pharmacy services

into clinical practices. By incorporating and promoting the role of an on-site pharmacist to

patients, physicians are able to help improve a patient’s understanding of their

medications, increase their compliance and ultimately their satisfaction with the care

received. Unlike a traditional pharmacy, PharmRx is able to provide one on one personal

service, process the patient’s medications, and have it dispensed by the conclusion of a

patients clinical visit, eliminating the need for the patient to travel to a traditional

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pharmacy, saving the patient time and the aggravation of extended wait times. Our goal is

to improve the patient experience and compliance at the point of care through our unique

Medical Therapy Management model. Patients have the option of receiving counseling to

answer any questions and or concerns they may have about their prescriptions.

Our Mission

The mission of PharmRx Group is to bring point-of-care pharmacies to modern clinics for

the benefits they provide to both patients and doctors.

Our Goal

Our goal is to enhance medical outcomes by increasing the level of collaboration between

doctors and pharmacists. We do this by placing a pharmacist and a pharmacy directly at

the point-of-care within the doctor’s clinic.

The doctors we work with will always have the primary responsibility for patient care,

diagnosis and medication prescription. However, by closely collaborating with one of our

in-house pharmacist, doctors can take advantage of the specialized knowledge our

pharmacists have for medication management and optimization. This joint approach not

only helps patients thoroughly understand their medications, how to optimally take them

and what side-effects to look out for, but also allows the doctor and the pharmacist to

collaboratively monitor, review and modify the medications based on the patient’s


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Integrated health care | Workers


Integrated Pharmacies

Member-only pharmacies located in the physician’s office. Each of our locations is

dedicated to a particular clinic, a PharmRx pharmacy is able to provide immediate and

personalized service to each and every patient. To assist patients with regaining or

maintaining good health, the need exists for health care professionals to work

collaboratively with patients as members of a team.

A winning team has three members, each having a critical role: doctor, pharmacist, and

patient. Success is based on the premise that the doctor and pharmacist work

collaboratively with the patient to devise a treatment plan that effectively manages their

medical condition. A patient must not only be confident that the prescribed medications

will work, but must also be willing and able to take them as intended.

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Toxicology Testing

PharmRx Group can administer the toxicology tests which are often required for patients

receiving opioids as well as patients receiving workers compensation. We see this service

as an added benefit for the clinic and the patient because it saves them a trip to a third

party drug testing facility and eliminates administrative functions the clinic currently


Why use drug screening? It’s difficult for a physician to know if a patient is taking

prescription medications from other physicians or self-medicating with prescription

and/or illicit drugs. The initial toxicology testing completed, will provide important

baseline knowledge of the patient, which will help prevent dangerous drug interactions

and develop appropriate dispensing solutions. Additional follow-up testing provides the

physician with confirmation that the patient is following the prescribed medication


Administering a toxicology test for each patient successfully reduces practice liability and

provides key information to better guide and manage the treatment of a patient. It can

also generate additional revenues with no out of pocket costs or risks by eliminating the

need to send patients to an outside drug testing facility.

In many states, Worker’s Compensation Medical Treatment Guidelines have been

adopted that specifically recommend urine drug testing (UDT) for chronic pain patients.

UDT is a proven way to monitor adherence to a prescription drug regiment, prevent abuse

and reduce drug diversion.

We provide all toxicology testing kits, supplies, forms, laboratory tests, reports, and

courier services. Our testing service can provide clinics with a fixed fee per patient tested

and in some cases even increase the clinics current fee received per patient.

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Support Center Services

As a clinic grows the time invested by clinic staff handling prescription renewals can grow

to a level that completely consumes a significant part of one or multiple staff members

daily routines. Calls are routed through PharmRx’s support center, allowing all

communication and prescription transaction information to be synced with the clinics

data base on a daily basis. After hours calls are also handled by the PharmRx support

center eliminating another expense that most medical clinics currently incur.

One of the major advantages of choosing PharmRx is around the clock availability at no

cost to the clinic, a challenge for the average medical clinic to overcome. The availability

for around the clock support ensures patient satisfaction. Additional advantages to

outsourcing your support center services to PharmRx include less administrative

headaches, and higher employee production. With this reduction in traditional

administrative tasks, physicians can reallocate their personnel’s time and resources to

revenue producing functions.

Support Centers can also assist a clinic in developing patient loyalty by developing

relationships with patients that would not be possible in a traditional setting because of

the limited time nursing staff have to spend with each patient.

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Medication therapy management |

Medication adherence

Through our unique Medication Therapy Management (MTM)

model we are able to optimize therapeutic outcomes for each and

every patient.

Our unique point-of-care approach is comprised of 5 core elements:

Medication Therapy Review (MTR)

Personal Medication Records (PMR)

Medication Action Plan (MAP)

Intervention and/or Referral

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Documentation & Follow-up

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Drug therapy | Medication Use |

Medication adherence

PharmRx believes one of the most critical of ancillary services is pharmacy which in 2014

totaled $360 billion or nearly 12% of total health care expenditures. By incorporating a

point-of-care pharmacy directly within their clinic walls doctors stand to gain two critical

benefits –

First, their patients can utilize our consulting, informational or support center services to

significantly improve their adherence to medication therapies. This leads to better

outcomes and fewer visits to clinics or admissions and readmissions to hospitals. which is

the exact kind of “value” that CMS (and everyone else concerned with health care) is

looking for. Second, a partnership with one of our specialty pharmacies is an excellent

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strategy to generate additional revenue or to recapture revenue lost due to the

implementation of the ACA.

2015 Independent Physician Outlook Survey

Nearly all of the physicians surveyed, a full 94%, said the marketplace ought to offer new

practice models to ensure independence and sustainability for the new healthcare

economy. Nearly half of independent specialists expect to sell their practices in the

coming years, but it may not necessarily be because they want to. The pressure to

consolidate is also driving innovation, as independent specialists seek new practice

models that would allow them to sustain their autonomy.

51% of respondents are interested in exploring innovative business models and capital

structures in order to preserve their independence. 28% said they were most interested in

a practice management or shared equity model that allows physicians groups to operate

independently while sharing equity in a combined entity. Another 23% said they were

most interested in pursuing mergers and acquisitions with other practice groups to

achieve scale and increase their leverage with providers and insurers.

Finally, the results show that independent specialists’ self-reliant nature and optimistic

outlook remains intact. Most of those surveyed enjoy owning their practice, and the

majority understand that innovative business models will enable them and their peers to

reassert the autonomy they’re currently losing. This will require independent specialists to

adopt new clinical and administrative systems that allow for seamless integration with

emerging organized systems of care.

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Chronic disease management | Patient compliance

By implementing our patient-centered approach we can assist clinics with effective

distribution, compliance and monitoring of medications prescribed to prevent errors,

unnecessary costs and improve patient adherence to the prescribed medication regiment.

We accomplish this by optimizing automation, technology, personal service and by taking

ownership of the medication use process. A partnership with one of our specialty

pharmacies is an excellent strategy to generate additional revenue or recapture revenue

lost due to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), while simultaneously

reducing medication errors and increasing patient medication compliance.

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Point of care | Collaborative practice

PharmRx believes that a successful medical team has three members, each having a critical role:

doctor, pharmacist and patient. Success is based on the premise that the doctor and pharmacist

work cooperatively with the patient to devise a treatment plan that effectively manages their

medical condition –Our approach helps complete this integration of care for patients, thereby

improving patient health, satisfaction, compliance.

Patients will embrace the enhanced personal service resulting in greater medication regimen

adherence and satisfaction with their course of treatment.

Pharmacists and doctors working together in an integrated and collaborative health practice

environment can significantly improve patient care, health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

A medical clinic that utilizes PharmRx assures that a patient’s healthcare journey will be a

seamless continuum of care provided by health professionals that involves diagnosis, prescribing

and dispensing of medications, medicine therapy optimization, monitoring and patient adherence

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support for prescribed medications.

Improved Patient Care

Studies have shown that pharmacists and doctors working together reduce side effects and

mistakes using medications. They also show that pharmacists can reduce the number of necessary

doctor and hospital visits for many patients. Pharmacists can help keep patients healthier and

instruct them on how to manage minor drug related side effects; resulting in fewer return visits to

see their doctor less time off from work.

We believe our model will not only help the pharmacist provide better feedback to doctors

between office visits, but it would also provide the patient with more detailed information as well

as time to ask the pharmacist questions about their prescribed medications. It is a win-win-win for

doctors, pharmacists, and patients.

Increased Collaboration

The goal of our approach is to enhance medical outcomes by increasing the level of collaboration

between doctors and pharmacists. We do this by placing a pharmacist and a pharmacy directly at

the point-of-care within the doctor’s clinic. Doctors will always have the primary responsibility for

patient care, diagnosis and medication prescription. However, by closely collaborating with an in-

house pharmacist, doctors can take advantage of the specialized knowledge pharmacists have for

medication management and optimization. This joint approach not only helps patients thoroughly

understand their medications, how to optimally take them and what side-effects to look out for,

but also allows the doctor and the pharmacist to collaboratively monitor, review and modify the

medications based on the patient’s response.

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Collaborative care environment | Health care services

The PharmRx Model – Increased Collaboration

The goal of our approach is to enhance medical outcomes by increasing the level of

collaboration between doctors and pharmacists. We do this by placing a pharmacist and a

pharmacy directly at the point-of-care within the doctor’s clinic.Doctors will always have

the primary responsibility for patient care, diagnosis and medication prescription.

However, by closely collaborating with an in-house pharmacist, doctors can take

advantage of the specialized knowledge pharmacists have for medication management

and optimization. This joint approach not only helps patients thoroughly understand their

medications, how to optimally take them and what side-effects to look out for, but also

allows the doctor and the pharmacist to collaboratively monitor, review and modify the

medications based on the patient’s response.

To optimize its side of this collaboration, PharmRx has developed a unique Medication

Therapy Management (MTM) model designed to improve the patient’s experience and

foster maximum adherence to medication regimens.

Our pharmacists are available to meet with each patient as soon as they leave the exam

room in order to discuss the function, benefits and potential complications of every

medication that has been prescribed.These personal sessions allow the pharmacist to gain

a complete understanding of all medications the patient is using in order to avoid any

harmful drug interactions. If red flags are raised, the pharmacist can immediately consult

with the doctor to determine if the prescription needs to be modified.

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Personal Medication Records

Since we are a member-only group of pharmacies, our pharmacists are able to proactively

develop a personal relationship with patients as well as members of the clinic’s staff. This

allows us to develop an in-depth profile of each patient which can be used to assist the

doctorin monitoring compliance,outcomes and any adverse reactions encountered by the

patient. This profile can also be accessed by the doctor for ongoing considerations

concerning the patient’s care.

Medication Action Plan

One of the practical, patient-centered services we offer is to assist patients in the creation

of a medication action plan to help them take the correct dosage at the correct time and

to monitor whether the medication is working the way the doctor intended.These plans

can be used on a daily basis to help the patient adhere to their medication regimen, as

well as to mark any dosages missed or the onset of adverse reactions.

Intervention and/or Referral

By placing pharmacies within clinics we can eliminate any need for the patient to wait

while controlled substances are verified or illegible handwriting is clarified. This real-time

review by our pharmacists also creates aheightened level of awareness for any medication

errors which, should they occur, can easily be resolved by a quick conversation between

the doctor and the pharmacist. Such intervention by our pharmacists can limit a doctor’s

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exposure to malpractice claims resulting from prescription related errors. In addition,

doctors can immediately consult with the pharmacist should they have any questions

regarding particular medications, optimal regimens, potential adverse interactions or the

availability of new medications.

Documentation & Follow-up

Our point-of-care pharmacies proactively manage prescription refills and handle doctor

approvals as needed. In addition, allcommunications with patients are synced with the

clinics’ data base. In fact, all of our medication reviews, our medication records and our

medication action plans are available to the doctor for therapy monitoring as well as for

ongoing care decisions.

The Results: Improved Patient Care

Studies have shown that when doctors and pharmacists work together there is a

reduction in side effects as well as medication errors, and that pharmacists can also

reduce the number of needed doctor and hospital visits for many patients. Pharmacists

can teach patients how to adhere to their medications as well as how to manage minor

side effects – both of which reduce the need for doctor visits and therefore, reduce

healthcare costs.

PharmRx believes its unique point-of-care pharmacy model is a win-win for both doctors

and patients. Doctors gain an important ally who not only helps patients understand and

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adhere to their medications, but who also looks out for any prescription errors or

potential adverse interactions. Patients gain not only the convenience of a one-stop clinic

for diagnosis, prescription and prescription fulfillment, but also the inclusive benefits of a

doctor-pharmacist team working collaboratively to help them regain their health.

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Point of care diagnostics | Value-based healthcare

A Real Dilemma for Doctors

Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop once made the simple yet profound

statement that: “drugs don’t work in patients who don’t take them.” Studies and polls

about prescription nonadherence conducted by a wide variety of researchers and medical

associations have found some truly disturbing facts:

Overall, nearly 75 percent of adults are nonadherent in one or more ways

Almost one-third of patients stop taking their medicine earlier than instructed

Nearly half (49 percent) said they had forgotten to take a prescribed medication

Nearly one-third (31 percent) had not filled a prescription they were given

Nearly one-quarter (24 percent) had taken less than the recommended dosage

More than one in 10 (11 percent) had substituted an over-the-counter medication instead

of filling the prescription they were given

And to doctors who now have to practice in the ACA age of replacing fee-for-service with

Pay for Performance and Readmissions Reduction Programs the following statistic may be

the most disturbing of all:

65% of hospital readmissions are medication related

Is there anything that doctors can do to ensure that patients actually fill their

prescriptions, much less take the right amount at the right time? Pharmacy groups have

proposed solutions such as discount coupons, vouchers, and online apps for refill

reminders. These may be fine ideas, but is there anything that doctors can do in

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their own clinics to make sure patients actually get their prescriptions and have all the

help they need to take them correctly?We believe there is.

Point-of-Care Pharmacies

PharmRx believes that a successful medical team has three members, each having a

critical role: doctor, pharmacist and patient. Success is based on the premise that the

doctor and pharmacist work cooperatively with the patient to devise a treatment plan

that effectively manages their medical condition. Is there any better way to accomplish

this than by placing the pharmacist directly at the point-of-care? In other words, by

placing a pharmacist and a pharmacy directly within the clinic’s walls?

Imagine a clinic where a patient leaves the exam room with a prescription and walks only

a few doors down to meet with a pharmacist and receive their prescription. Any confusion

the patient may have regarding their prescription can be immediately answered by the

pharmacist or, since the doctor is only a few doors away, by both the pharmacist and the

doctor. The pharmacist can alsoimmediately determine any issues regarding insurance

coverage, as well as make sure that the patient understands the proper dosage, how

often to take it, whether it should be taken with meals, what adverse reactions to look out

for and more.

Surveys show that over two-thirdsof medical consumers believe that pharmacists are

more knowledgeable than other medical professionals regarding prescription medications

and nearly nine out of ten said they would be likely to talk to their pharmacist about their

medications. Over 80% believed the pharmacist could help them correctly adhere to their

prescription regimen.

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Therefore, doesn’t it make sense to bring this critical role that pharmacists provide

directly within the walls of the clinic? This would offer patients a seamless environment of

examination, diagnosis, prescription and prescription fulfillment in one visit to one

location. Patients would leave the clinic not only with their medication, but also with all

their questions answered and with all the information they need to successfully adhere to

their prescribed therapy.

The financial benefits a PharmRx point-of-care pharmacy can offer a clinic will be

discussed later, but some of themany other benefits can be summarized as follows.

Summary of Benefits

Provide maximum convenience to the patient – one visit to one location with no delay

before receiving medications

Foster improved adherence to medications by providing a seamless information

environment where all questions can be answered by both the doctor and the pharmacist

Eliminate errors resulting from illegible handwritten prescriptions – accuracy will be

guaranteed and patients will never have to wait at a remote pharmacy while calls are

made to the prescribing physician

Provide a higher level of security by preventing forged prescriptions being processed from

stolen or duplicated prescriptions

Eliminate patients reporting lost prescriptions.

Improve accuracy of patient information for future reference, stored in a HIPAA-compliant

secure centralized database.

Increase productivity, profitability and patient outcomes through our unique Medication

Therapy Management model.

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Doctors have always gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure the accuracy of their

diagnoses and the efficacy of the medications they prescribe, but they are helpless once

the prescription leaves their hands. Yet in this new age of Pay for Performance or Value

Based Payment their very compensation is dependent on whether their patients actually

use those prescriptions correctly. With hospital readmissions as a critical part of the

performance ratings and with 65% of those readmissions being related to medications,

doctors need every tool they can find to ensure the maximum rate of medication

adherence for their patients. PharmRx believes its unique model of point-of-care

pharmacists and pharmacies can play a critical role in that effort.

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