integrated community sustainability plan for the port au ... au port east, port au... · integrated...

Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for the Port au Port Region A collaboration of the Municipalities of: Port au Port East Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Lourdes Cape St. George March 31, 2010

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Integrated Community Sustainability Plan for the

Port au Port Region

A collaboration of the Municipalities of:

Port au Port East Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Lourdes Cape St. George

March 31, 2010

Table of Contents

Introduction Community Assessment Vision Goals and Actions Partnerships Implementation Monitoring Conclusion Appendix A 2010 Municipal Budget for the Town of Port au Port East 2010 Municipal Budget for the Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove 2010 Municipal Budget for the Town of Lourdes 2010 Municipal Budget for the Town of Cape St. George

Introduction Geography The Port au Port Peninsula is situated on the west coast of Newfoundland. It is bound on the south by St. George’s Bay, on the west and north by the Gulf of St. Lawrence and on the east by Port au Port Bay. A tiny isthmus connects the peninsula to the rest of the island. The communities on the peninsula include Boswarlos, Campbell’s Creek, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Abraham’s Cove, Piccadilly and Piccadilly Head, West Bay, Town of Lourdes, Mainland, Three Rock Cove, Black Duck Brook, Winterhouse, Ship Cove, Lower Cove, Jerry’s Nose, Sheaves Cove, Town of Cape St. George, Marche’s Point, Red Brook, and Degrau. The communities of Point au Mal, Fox Island River and the Town of Port au Port East are not on the peninsula itself, but they too are included in the region. It should also be noted that this region falls within the boundaries comprised by The Long Range Regional Economic Development Board – Zone 9. History

During the 16th-17th centuries, French and Basque fishermen used the west coast of Newfoundland, including the Port au Port region, for seasonal fishing settlements, and some began permanently inhabiting the area.

During and after the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713 and Treaty of Paris in 1763, France retained the right to use the west coast of the island. This area came to be known as the "French Shore" and the Port au Port region was at its centre.

Scattered settlement continued in the area until 1904 when France relinquished its right of use to the "French Shore". The Port au Port region represents the most varied ethnic and linguistic mix on the entire island of Newfoundland and Labrador, with the highest proportion of French-speaking settlement on the island (15%).

The French minority is a mix of Acadian, French and Basque and this has had an important influence on the area's culture. Newfoundland and Labrador’s unique folk music has been somewhat influenced by musicians from the Port au Port region. As well, the area's strong Roman Catholic tradition is reflected in the high visibility accorded to churches throughout the region’s communities.

As the centre of the province's Franco-Newfoundlander community, the region has been designated the only bilingual district on the island of Newfoundland and Labrador since 1971.


The Port au Port region's economy is based on natural resources, namely fishing. Limited forestry takes place in the unsettled areas of the interior and a small amount of

subsistence farming takes place along coastal areas. Many residents of the region, particularly the communities at the eastern end near the isthmus, work in nearby Stephenville.

Beginning in 1900 a limestone quarrying operation was established at Aguathuna, near the peninsula's isthmus where the Table Head mountain ridge extends from the Lewis Hills. The limestone was used by Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation at a steel mill in Sydney, Nova Scotia. The quarry was closed in 1966 following DOSCO's financial difficulties.

The construction of the US Air Force Base at Stephenville in 1941 was the biggest single factor to impact on the economy of the area. By 1964, the Earnest Harmon Air Force Base had a total non-military labor force of about 1429 people. Rumors were rampant of the impending Base closure and by 1966 this had become a reality.

In the 1980s, construction of a new fish plant and the establishment of the Shellfish Farming Program were the two major developments of that decade. Neither of these entities is in existence today. From 1981 to 2005, Abitibi Pulp and Paper operated a paper mill in Stephenville and they were the region’s largest employer. In 1985, a major limestone quarry began operating at Lower Cove. Today, Atlantic Minerals Ltd. is employing up to 120 people.

Presently, petroleum companies are exploring the region for oil. Some deposits were discovered in recoverable quantities and limited production wells are in place at some locations. Geologists have estimated that a much larger deposit exists deeper and possibly off shore from the peninsula in the 400-500 million barrel range, however exploration drilling has not yet confirmed this theory.

Today travelers access the area using the Marine Atlantic Ferry service to Channel - Port aux Basques or with Sunwing, Sky Service and Provincial Airlines to the Stephenville Airport.


Population information was obtained from Community Accounts. The Port au Port region has been experiencing a slow population decline. According to Community Accounts, the 2006 Census population for Port au Port was 2,920. This represents a decline of 2.2% since 2001 (2,920 in 2006, down from 2,985). Over the same period, the entire province experienced a population decline of 1.5% since 2001 (505,470 in 2006, down from 512,930).

Unfortunately, additional details or population pyramids are still under construction and are not available at this time. There exists, a great deal of variety among community postal codes assigned by Canada Post. The current system can cause a great deal of confusion and in some instances, additional expense in terms of community communications.

General Outlook

The future of the region is uncertain. In many parts of the region, falling populations are happening as younger people leave and those few women who stay are having fewer children. “Volunteer burn out” will likely occur as the prime age survivors try to maintain community services such as the volunteer fire departments while at the same time taking care of elderly parents, relatives, friends, and neighbors.

However, there is much to be optimistic about. All four Towns recognize the important contribution that tourism and cultural preservation can provide in securing a positive economic future. Tourism provides an effective means to diversify the local economy. Port au Port is able to offer the tourist spectacular scenery as the scenic loop, called the French Ancestors Route, follows the coast and skirts along the edge of the sea cliffs that, in some places, plunge 500 meters into the ocean. In addition to the scenery, the Port au Port region provides a unique cultural experience with a heritage dating back to the French fishing fleets.

As well, the four Towns involved in this ISCP will seek improved public health and better quality of life for all its residents by limiting waste, preventing pollution, maximizing conservation and promoting efficiency, and developing local resources to enhance the local economy. They are committed to only using resources to meet current needs while ensuring that adequate resources are available for future generations

Community Assessment

During the Fall of 2008, each municipality, under the guidance of staff from Municipalities Newfoundland and Labrador, completed a Municipal Sustainability Self- Assessment Tool Kit. The subsequent reports generated by this process helped to identify issues that are detailed in the following tables.

Self Assessment Category

Issues or Needs identified for Port au Port East

Governance There wasn’t a contested election. There are no committees of Council.

Administration There is an adequate number of skilled staff.

Finance and Financial Management

Operating under sound financial practices. Debt levels are low. Able to deliver the current levels of service and meet the requirements of the Municipalities Act.

Service Delivery Waste diversion and reduction activities must be included in any future waste management plans. Recreation programs for all ages must be implemented.

Infrastructure Able to ensure the maintenance and development of the required infrastructure to sustain the services currently provided.

Community Well-Being

Youth retention programs and community building activities may help maintain the population. High unemployment and a shrinking tax base can be mitigated with innovative economic development strategies that capitalize on key assets. Implementing policies to educate people and encourage environmental protection. Supporting the local arts and culture development can enhance community connectivity and the well being of residents.

Regional Cooperation

Increasing regional cooperation efforts can lead to more increased communication, viable governance structures and possibly reduced costs and increased service levels. There needs to be increased regional cooperation in the areas of Service Delivery and Community Well-Being.

Self Assessment Category

Issues or Needs identified for Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Governance There wasn’t a contested election. There are no committees of Council. There is a lack of planning.

Administration There is an adequate number of skilled staff.

Finance and Financial Management

More effective tax collection methods will increase operating budgets and reduce “lost” revenue. Debt levels are low.

Service Delivery Increasing the effectiveness of emergency response. Waste diversion and reduction activities must be included in any future waste management plans. Unable to provide regular preventative maintenance to ensure safe drinking water. Recreation programs for all ages must be implemented.

Infrastructure Struggling to maintain the current infrastructure and enhance service delivery.

Community Well-Being

Youth retention programs and community building activities may help maintain the population. Improving social capital by fostering a strong sense of connection to the community. Implementing policies to educate people and encourage environmental protection. Local initiatives in the areas of Health and Education can supplement a shortage of accessible institutions. Supporting the local arts and culture development can enhance community connectivity and the well being of residents.

Regional Cooperation

Increasing regional cooperation efforts can lead to more increased communication, viable governance structures and possibly reduced costs and increased service levels. There needs to be increased regional cooperation in the areas of Service Delivery and Community Well-Being.

Self Assessment Category

Issues or Needs identified for Lourdes

Governance There is a lack of planning

Administration There is an adequate number of skilled staff

Finance and Financial Management

More effective tax collection methods will increase operating budgets and reduce “lost” revenue Debt levels are low Accountability must become a priority, especially PSAB standards

Service Delivery Waste diversion and reduction plans must be included in any future waste management plans Recreation programs for all ages can be expanded upon

Infrastructure Able to ensure the maintenance and development of the required infrastructure to sustain the services currently provided

Community Well-Being

Youth retention programs and community building activities may help maintain the population Improving social capital by fostering a strong sense of connection to the community Implementing policies to educate people and encourage environmental protection Local initiatives in the areas of Health and Education can supplement a shortage of accessible institutions Supporting the local arts and culture development can enhance community connectivity and the well being of residents

Regional Cooperation

Proactively taking advantage of the benefits of regional cooperation, which could enhance long-term sustainability

Self Assessment Category

Issues or Needs identified for Cape St. George

Governance There wasn’t a contested election. There is a lack of planning.

Administration There is an adequate number of skilled staff.

Finance and Financial Management

Operating under sound financial practices. Debt levels are low. Able to deliver the current levels of service and meet the requirements of the Municipalities Act.

Service Delivery Waste diversion and reduction activities must be included in any future waste management plans.

Infrastructure Able to ensure the maintenance and development of the required infrastructure to sustain the services currently provided.

Community Well-Being

Supporting the local arts and culture development can enhance community connectivity and the well being of residents.

Regional Cooperation

Proactively taking advantage of the benefits of regional cooperation, which could enhance long-term sustainability.

In accordance with the ICSP guide and in addition to the self assessment process completed, the basic questions of sustainability are identified and addressed in the following tables.

Basic Questions of Sustainability for Port au Port East

YES NO In general are you able to get candidates to run for municipal council?


Does your council hold at least one public council meeting per month?


Has the municipality been able to avoid an operating deficit continuously in the past 2 years?


Is your debt servicing level within the provincial benchmark of 30%?


Is your municipal plan up to date?

X Do you have adequate municipal buildings to meet your current needs?


Do you currently meet all conditions of your permit to operate your water system?


Are you able to meet all provincial and federal requirements for sewage treatment?


Do you have sufficient water infrastructure to meet the needs of your residents?


Does your council keep at hand, adopted rules of procedure?

X Do you currently employ all the staff you require to meet the operational needs of your municipality?


Is your solid waste collected at least once a week and disposed of at a Department of Environment approved site?


Do you provide, or contract for, adequate emergency response services?


Basic Questions of Sustainability for Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

YES NO In general are you able to get candidates to run for municipal council?


Does your council hold at least one public council meeting per month?


Has the municipality been able to avoid an operating deficit continuously in the past 2 years?


Is your debt servicing level within the provincial benchmark of 30%?


Is your municipal plan up to date?

X Do you have adequate municipal buildings to meet your current needs?


Do you currently meet all conditions of your permit to operate your water system?


Are you able to meet all provincial and federal requirements for sewage treatment?


Do you have sufficient water infrastructure to meet the needs of your residents?


Does your council keep at hand, adopted rules of procedure?

X Do you currently employ all the staff you require to meet the operational needs of your municipality?


Is your solid waste collected at least once a week and disposed of at a Department of Environment approved site?


Do you provide, or contract for, adequate emergency response services?


Basic Questions of Sustainability for Lourdes

YES NO In general are you able to get candidates to run for municipal council?


Does your council hold at least one public council meeting per month?


Has the municipality been able to avoid an operating deficit continuously in the past 2 years?


Is your debt servicing level within the provincial benchmark of 30%?


Is your municipal plan up to date?

X Do you have adequate municipal buildings to meet your current needs?


Do you currently meet all conditions of your permit to operate your water system?


Are you able to meet all provincial and federal requirements for sewage treatment?


Do you have sufficient water infrastructure to meet the needs of your residents?


Does your council keep at hand, adopted rules of procedure?

X Do you currently employ all the staff you require to meet the operational needs of your municipality?


Is your solid waste collected at least once a week and disposed of at a Department of Environment approved site?


Do you provide, or contract for, adequate emergency response services?


Basic Questions of Sustainability for Cape St. George

YES NO In general are you able to get candidates to run for municipal council?


Does your council hold at least one public council meeting per month?


Has the municipality been able to avoid an operating deficit continuously in the past 2 years?


Is your debt servicing level within the provincial benchmark of 30%?


Is your municipal plan up to date?

X Do you have adequate municipal buildings to meet your current needs?


Do you currently meet all conditions of your permit to operate your water system?


Are you able to meet all provincial and federal requirements for sewage treatment?


Do you have sufficient water infrastructure to meet the needs of your residents?


Does your council keep at hand, adopted rules of procedure?

X Do you currently employ all the staff you require to meet the operational needs of your municipality?


Is your solid waste collected at least once a week and disposed of at a Department of Environment approved site?


Do you provide, or contract for, adequate emergency response services?

X Priority issues will be addressed first. The identification of specific goals and projects are highlighted in detail in the strategic goals and actions section of this plan.

Community Vision In order to create a community vision, all four municipal councils met as a group on November 29, 2009. A facilitator guided the group through a visioning session to create a common vision for 2015.

Port au Port Region Vision Statement

“All of the incorporated Municipalities in the Port au Port Region will strive to work together to protect the natural environment and provide for the long term

economic, social and cultural needs of all the region’s residents.”

Efforts to generate community buy-in and support for the plan were achieved through a serious of public meetings held in each municipality in February of 2010. At each meeting, a draft plan was presented and residents were asked to provide feedback and comments. The public meeting dates were advertised in the Western Star on Saturday, March 13, 2010 and Wednesday, March 17, 2010. The public meeting schedule was as follows: Town of Cape St. George French Center March 15, 2010 Town of Port au Port East Council Office March 16, 2010 Town of Port au Port West Aguathuna, Felix Cove Council Office March 17, 2010 Town Of Lourdes Council Office March 22, 2010

Strategic Goals and Actions In order to set priorities to reach the vision, each of the four municipal councils began a goal development process independently. The five pillars of sustainability were considered during the goal setting and given a priority rank. Action plans were then developed to achieve each goal. Priority # 1 April 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012 Priority #2 January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014 Priority #3 January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015

Environmental Sustainability Human health and its social and economic well-being are fundamentally linked to the quality of their environment. Therefore, individuals, businesses and all levels of government have a responsibility to ensure that their actions contribute to a sustainable environment on a local and global level. Sustainable development is defined in federal legislation as "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." To become more sustainable, all four incorporated municipalities will work to reduce and eliminate unsustainable practices with respect to infrastructure, energy and water use, and waste management.

Municipalities in the Port au Port region have not included waste management goals in this Integrated Community Sustainability Plan because there is anticipation that direction regarding this responsibility will be addressed in the Western Regional Waste Management Plan.

The intention is to improve the environmental sustainability of the region by identifying goals and implementing projects. Success will be measured by meeting these goals.

Port au Port East Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority To partner

with Community and Environment groups


Clean up Gravels Pond

$100 000 TBD 3


Implement outcomes of flood study


Environment PAPE ENV 1C

Develop play-ground

$30 000 Budget 2


Discuss the idea of protection status for the Gravels pond

0 Not required



Sponsor a Green Team

$750 Budget – GTF


Goal Description Goal: Partner with Community & Environment Groups Partner: Conservation Corps NL, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of

Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Sustain partnerships and improved environmental stewardship

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

PAPE Env 1A Clean up Gravels Pond

PAPE Env 1B Implement outcomes of flood study

PAPE Env 1C Develop playground

PAPE Env 1D Discuss the idea of protection status for the Gravels Pond

PAPE Env 1E Sponsor a green team

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in youth employment

Qualitative • Improved environmental awareness

• Improved environmental stewardship

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Env 1A

Project Title Clean up Gravels Pond

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Facilitate the clean up of Gravels Pond

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $100 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) To be determined

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Support

Department of Environment and Conservation Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Env 1B

Project Title Implement outcomes of flood study

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Implement the recommendations outlined in the flood zone study upon its


Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost To be determined

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) To be determined

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Env 1C

Project Title Develop playground

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Develop a community playground at the local elementary school

Project lead St. Thomas Aquinas elementary school playground committee

Estimated Cost $ 30 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Playground committee, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove,

Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation, Let Them Be Kids Foundation

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Funding

Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation Experience, knowledge and funding

St. Thomas Aquinas playground committee Funding

Let Them Be Kids Foundation Funding

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Env 1D

Project Title Protection status for Gravels Pond

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Start a diolouge with the adjacent community of Port au Port West, Aguathuna,

Felix Cove in an effort to obtain protection status for the Gravels Pond

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Support, lobby effort

Department of Environment and Conservation Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Env 1E

Project Title Sponsor a Green Team

Associated Goal Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Brief Description Hire a green team to promote environmental strategies that reduce energy use

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 750

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes, Town of Port au Port

West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au Port East

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X______Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

A reduction in energy use will lower green house gases

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Cape St. George Funding partner

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Funding partner

Town of Lourdes Funding partner

Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Partner with

community and environment groups


Discuss the idea of protection status for the Gravels pond

$ 0 Not required


Environment PAPW ENV 1B

Clean up Gravels Pond

$ 100 000 TBD 3


Sponsor a Green Team

$ 750 Budget – GTF


Goal Description Goal: Partner with Community & Environment Groups Partner: Conservation Corps NL, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of

Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Sustain partnerships and improved environmental stewardship

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

PAPW Env 1A Discuss the idea of protection status for the Gravels Pond

PAPW Env 1B Clean up Gravels Pond

PAPW Env 1C Sponsor a green team

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in youth employment

Qualitative • Improved environmental awareness

• Improved environmental stewardship

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Env 1A

Project Title Protection status for Gravels Pond

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Start a diolouge with the adjacent community of Port au Port East in an effort to

obtain protection status for the Gravels Pond

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port East Support, lobby effort

Department of Environment and Conservation Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Env 1B

Project Title Clean up Gravels Pond

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Facilitate the clean up of Gravels Pond

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $100 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) To be determined

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port East Support

Department of Environment and Conservation Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Env 1C

Project Title Sponsor a Green Team

Associated Goal Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Brief Description Hire a green team to promote environmental strategies that reduce energy use

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 750

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes, Town of Port au Port

West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au Port East

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X______Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

A reduction in energy use will lower green house gases

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Cape St. George Funding partner

Town of Port au Port East Funding partner

Town of Lourdes Funding partner

Lourdes Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority To create

Energy efficient Infrastructure


To relocate the Town Office, Fire Hall and Maintenance Depot

$ 400 000 Budget GTF


Environment Partner with community and environment groups


Sponsor a Green Team

$ 750 Budget – GTF


Goal Description Goal: Create energy efficient infrastructure Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Protect the natural environment The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

LOR Env. 1A Relocate the Town office, fire hall and maintenance depot

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Reduction in energy use

• Reduction in water use

Qualitative • Increase environmental awareness

• Reduce impact of non environmentally friendly practices

• Improve environmental stewardship

Project Description

Project & Goal # LOR Env 1A

Project Title Relocate Town office, fire hall and maintenance depot

Associated Goal To create energy efficient infrastructure

Brief Description Relocate the Town office, fire hall and maintenance depot to a more energy

efficient building

Project lead Lourdes

Estimated Cost $ 400 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town of Lourdes - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

An energy efficient municipal building

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Goal Description Goal: Partner with Community & Environment Groups Partner: Conservation Corps NL, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au

Port East, Town of Cape St. George This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Sustain partnerships and improved environment stewardship

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

LOR Env. 2A Sponsor a green team

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Less waste

• Increase in youth employment

Qualitative • Improved environmental awareness

• Greater community pride

• Improve environmental stewardship

• Create greater willingness to change habits that negatively effect the environment and increase Community unity

Project Description

Project & Goal # LOR Env 2A

Project Title Sponsor a Green Team

Associated Goal Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Brief Description Hire a green team to promote environmental strategies that reduce energy use

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 750

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes, Town of Port au Port

West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au Port East

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X______Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

A reduction in energy use will lower green house gases

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Cape St. George Funding partner

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Funding partner

Town of Port au Port East Funding partner

Cape St. George

Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority To create

Energy efficient Infrastructure


Install Energy efficient water pumping systems

$30 000 Budget – GTF


Encourage environmentally friendly actions


Encourage local entrepreneurs to recycle heavy materials

$500 Budget 1

Environment Partner with community and environment groups


Support green groups

$1 000 Budget 1


Allow the recycling of materials during clean up week

0 Not required



Sponsor a Green Team

$750 Budget – GTF


To provide environmentally friendly Municipal operations


Lobby the MMSB to improve services

0 Not required



Increase recycling of MMSB items

$500 Budget 2


Renovate Town building

$8 800 Budget - GTF



Raise awareness of recycling

$200 Budget 1


Establish an environment committee

0 Not required


To have Boutte






du Cap Parc and adjoining limestone barrens recognized as a protected area


Government to recognize the area as a protected area


Goal Description

Goal: Create energy efficient infrastructure Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Protect the natural environment The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Env. 1A Install energy efficient water pumping systems

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Reduction in energy use

• Reduction in water use

Qualitative • Increase environmental awareness

• Reduce impact of non environmentally friendly practices

• Improve environmental stewardship

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 1A

Project Title Install energy efficient water pumping systems

Associated Goal To create energy efficient infrastructure

Brief Description To reduce the amount of energy presently being used to maintain the community

water supply

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 30 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

_______ Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Increased energy efficiency

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Goal Description

Goal: Encourage environmentally friendly actions Partner: Private sector This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Protect the natural environment The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Env. 2A Encourage local entrepreneurs to recycle heavy materials

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of items being recycled

• Waste diversion from landfill site

• Reduce the amount of toxic substances leeched into the soil

Qualitative • Cleaner community

• Increased community pride

• Improve environmental stewardship

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 2A

Project Title Encourage local entrepreneurs to recycle heavy materials

Associated Goal Encourage environmentally friendly actions

Brief Description To reduce the amount of waste being directed to the local landfill site

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 500

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

_______ Cleaner Water

Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Private sector Implementation of recycling program

Goal Description Goal: Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Partner: Conservation Corps NL, Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au Port East, Town of Lourdes

This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Sustain partnerships and improved environment stewardship

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Env. 3A Support Green Groups in the Community

CSG Env. 3B Allow “freecycle” during clean up week

CSG Env. 3C Sponsor a Green Team

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Less waste

• Increase in youth employment

Qualitative • Improved environmental awareness

• Greater community pride

• Improve environmental stewardship

• Create greater willingness to change habits that negatively effect the environment and increase community unity

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 3A

Project Title Support Green Groups in the Community

Associated Goal Partner with community & environment groups

Brief Description Facilitate the creation of financial and in-kind partnerships with volunteer green

groups in the community and region

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $1,000.00

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Conservation Corporations NNL Experience/ Knowledge

Surrounding Municipalities/ LSD Community Co-operation

Other Environmental Groups Experience/ Knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 3B

Project Title Implement a “freecycle” program

Associated Goal Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Brief Description Allow the recycling of materials during clean up week

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Residents Co-operation

Surrounding Municipalities/ LSD Community Co-operation

Private sector Co-operation

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 3C

Project Title Sponsor a Green Team

Associated Goal Partner with Community & Environment Groups

Brief Description Hire a green team to promote environmental strategies that reduce energy use

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 750

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George, Town of Lourdes, Town of Port au Port

West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove, Town of Port au Port East

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X______Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

A reduction in energy use will lower green house gases

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Town of Port au Port East Funding partner

Town of Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Funding partner

Town of Lourdes Funding partner

Goal Description

Goal: To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations Partner: MMSB

This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Protect the natural environment

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Env. 4A Lobby the MMSB to improve services to rural communities

CSG Env. 4B Increase recycling of MMSB items

CSG Env. 4C Renovate Town building to be energy efficient

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Waste diversion

• Reduced energy consumption

Qualitative • Improved services to rural communities

• Clean and tidy communities

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 4A

Project Title Lobby the MMSB to improve services

Associated Goal To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations

Brief Description Lobby the MMSB to improve services to rural communities with respect to

recycling and environmental awareness programs

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

______ Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

MMSB Improve service delivery

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 4B

Project Title Increase recycling of MMSB items

Associated Goal To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations

Brief Description Encourage increased recycling of items to divert them from the local landfill site

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 500

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

______ Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Residents Co-operation

MMSB Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 4C

Project Title Renovations to Town building

Associated Goal To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations

Brief Description Renovate Town buildings to be energy efficient

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 8 800

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

An energy efficient municipal building

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 4D

Project Title Raise awareness of recycling

Associated Goal To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations

Brief Description Use the community newsletter to raise awareness of the benefits of recycling

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 200

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Town Council of Cape St. George

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

______ Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Residents Co-operation

MMSB Experience and knowledge

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 4E

Project Title Establish an environment committee

Associated Goal To provide environmentally friendly municipal operations

Brief Description Establish an environment committee of Council

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

______ Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Goal Description Goal: To have Boutte du Cap Parc and adjoining limestone barrens recognized as a protected

area Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way:

Protect the natural environment

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Env. 5A Lobby Government to recognize the park and limestone barrens as a protected area

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Establishment of a protected area

Qualitative • All levels of Government will recognize the value of protecting the natural environment

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Env 5A

Project Title Lobby Government to recognize the Boutte du Cap Parc and limestone barrens

as a protected area

Associated Goal To have Boutte du Cap Parc and adjoining limestone barrens recognized as a

protected area

Brief Description Lobby Government to recognize Boutte du Cap Parc and the adjoining

limestone barrens as a protected area

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 0

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Not required

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

_______ Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

______ Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Legislative Economic Sustainability The main requirement of economic sustainability is that current or future economic activities should not result in an excessive burden on future generations. Economic Sustainability occurs when development, which moves towards social and environmental sustainability, is financially feasible.

Economic sustainability is concerned with the preservation of safe minimum levels of environmental assets in physical terms rather than the dollar value of natural and man-made capital. Safe minimum standards for environmental assets constrain efficiency in order to ensure the sustainability of the economic system. All four Towns have developed feasible goals and projects that will improve the economy without having any adverse effect on future generations. Port au Port East Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Rank Make

improvements PAPE ECO

Upgrade Tourist Chalet

$ 40 000 Budget, Service


to existing resources

1A Canada, Municipal Affairs

Economic PAPE ECO 1B

Develop a walking trail

$ 35 000 Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs


Develop a business friendly town


Update Municipal Plan

$ 3000 Budget 3


Install sidewalks

$ 100 000 TBD 2


Recap side streets

$ 50 000 Budget- GTF



Pave street extension

$ 100 000 Budget- GTF



Upgrades to water system

$ 500 000 Budget- GTF


Goal Description Goal: Make improvements to existing resources Partner: Service Canada, Municipal Affairs This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Improve the economy of the region

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

PAPE Eco 1A Upgrade Tourist Chalet

PAPE Eco 1B Develop a walking trail

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in primary and secondary tourism generators

• Increased revenues for local business

• Increase in the number of visitors

Qualitative • Increased community pride

• Improved service delivery to the visiting public

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco 1A

Project Title Upgrade tourist chalet

Associated Goal Make improvements to existing resources

Brief Description Maintain, expand and improve services at the visitor information center

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 40 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Service Canada Funding

Municipal Affairs Funding

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco 1B

Project Title Develop a walking trail

Associated Goal Make improvements to existing resources

Brief Description Erect signage and formally develop an existing local walking trail

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 35 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Service Canada Funding

Municipal Affairs Funding

Goal Description Goal: Develop a business friendly Town Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up and existing business development

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

PAPE Eco. 2A Update Municipal Plan

PAPE Eco. 2B Install sidewalks

PAPE Eco. 2C Recap side streets

PAPE Eco. 2D Pave street extension

PAPE Eco. 2E Upgrades to water system

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of business start ups

• Increase in existing business development

Qualitative • Improved water quality

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco 2A

Project Title Update Municipal Plan

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Review and update the existing municipal land use plan

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 3000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2015

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Budget

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco 2B

Project Title Install sidewalks

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Install sidewalks in the town

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $100 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) To be determined

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco. 2C

Project Title Recap side streets

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Recap paved side streets within the town

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 50 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

A recap of the side streets will allow traffic to move more freely and thereby reduce greenhouse gas

emissions produced by vehicles slowing and stopping to avoid potholes

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco. 2D

Project Title Pave street extension

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Pave a gravel street extension in anticipation of additional residential


Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $100 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

________Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Improved traffic flow will reduce greenhouse gas emissions produced by vehicles

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco. 2E

Project Title Upgrades to water system

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Explore and develop a new source of groundwater supply

Project lead Port au Port East

Estimated Cost $ 500 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

X Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

At present, surface water is used for the community water supply. Development of a new groundwater well

will improve the quality of the community water supply.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Provide a PAPW Upgrades $ 2 100 Budget 1

business friendly Town


to water system

000 GTF

Economic PAPW ECO 1B

To develop a Municipal plan

$ 25 000 Budget GTF



Develop road network

$ 130 000 Budget 1


Purchase a new Fire truck

$ 300 000 TBD 2

Goal Description Goal: Provide a business friendly Town Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up and existing business development

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

PAPW Eco. 1A Upgrades to water system

PAPW Eco. 1B Develop a municipal plan

PAPW Eco. 1C Develop a road network

PAPW Eco. 1D Purchase a new fire truck

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of business start ups

• Increase in existing business development

Qualitative • Improved water quality

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Eco. 1A

Project Title Upgrades to water system

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Replace and relocate a thirty five year old water main

Project lead Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Estimated Cost $ 2 100 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

X Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

The community water main is over thirty years old and is now leaking in several places. A great deal of the

water main is installed in a marsh area or on private property. Much of the water main is three inches and

too small to accommodate a fire hydrant. Installing a new water main will improve the water quality

throughout the entire town.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Eco. 1B

Project Title To develop a municipal plan

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Develop a municipal land use plan

Project lead Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Estimated Cost $ 25 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Development of a municipal plan will improve the town’s ability to reduce green house gas emissions by

allowing for more energy efficient planning practices.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPE Eco. 2E

Project Title Develop road network

Associated Goal Develop a business friendly town

Brief Description Pave the town streets

Project lead Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Estimated Cost $ 130 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

X Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

At present, the town has 1.8 km of gravel road to maintain. Paving these side streets will reduce the

emissions produced by vehicles travelling over these roads as traffic will be able to move at a more rapid


Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # PAPW Eco. 1D

Project Title Purchase a new fire truck

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description To obtain a new fire truck to provide fire and emergency services

Project lead Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove

Estimated Cost $ 300 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) TBD

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Lourdes Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Provide a

business friendly Town


Improve the water system

$ 1 200 000 Budget GTF


Economic LOR Develop $ 100 000 Budget 3


road network



Purchase a new Fire truck

$ 300 000 TBD 3


To develop a Municipal Plan

$ 30 000 Budget GTF


Goal Description Goal: Provide a business friendly Town Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up and existing business development

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

LOR Eco. 1A Improve the water system

LOR Eco. 1B Develop a road network

LOR Eco. 1C Purchase a new fire truck

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of business start ups

• Increase in existing business development

Qualitative • Improved water quality

Project Description

Project & Goal # LOR Eco. 1A

Project Title Improve the water system

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Explore and develop a new source of groundwater supply, replace deteroriating

water main lines and install additional water main

Project lead Lourdes

Estimated Cost $ 1 200 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

X Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Making improvements to the community water supply will result in cleaner drinking water

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # LOR Eco. 1B

Project Title Develop a road network

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Pave the town’s side streets

Project lead Lourdes

Estimated Cost $ 100 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2014

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

X Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Paving side streets will reduce the emissions produced by vehicles travelling over these roads as traffic will

be able to move at a more rapid pace.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # LOR Eco. 1C

Project Title Purchase a new fire truck

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Purchase a new fire truck to provide fire and emergency services

Project lead Lourdes

Estimated Cost $ 300 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2014

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) TBD

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Cape St. George Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Provide a

business friendly Town


Establish a business awards system

$ 200 Budget 2


Develop road

$ 130 000 Budget 1

1B network GSG


To develop a Municipal plan

$ 25 000 Budget GTF



Upgrades to water system

$ 2 100 000 Budget GTF


Economic Encourage new business opportunities


Welcome new business to the Town

Nil N/A 1


Upgrade Boutte du Cap Parc

$ 100 000 ACOA, Canadian Heritage, Dept. of T & C



Bilingual signage and trail development

$ 50 000 ACOA, Canadian Heritage, Dept. of T & C French Service Unit



Install signage on Route 460 and TCH

$ 4 500 Budget, Dept. of Tourism & Culture Private sector


To make CED a priority


Form a CED committee


None required


Economic CSG EOC 3B

Develop Loretto as a sub-division

$ 20 000 TBD 3


Install electricity at Loretto

$ 50 000 TBD 3

CSG Improve $ 130 000 ACOA 1


road and bridge to Loretto


Goal Description Goal: Provide a business friendly Town Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up and existing business development

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Eco. 1A Establish a business awards system

CSG Eco. 1B Develop a road network

CSG Eco. 1C Develop a municipal plan

CSG Eco. 1D Upgrades to water system

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of business start ups

• Increase in existing business development

Qualitative • Improved water quality

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 1A

Project Title Establish a business awards system

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Present an award for outstanding business service

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 200

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2014

Completion date: December 31, 2015

Funding Source(s) Budget

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas


The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 1B

Project Title Develop a road network

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Pave the town’s side streets

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 130 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

X Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Paving side streets will reduce the emissions produced by vehicles travelling over these roads as traffic will

be able to move at a more rapid pace.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 1C

Project Title To develop a municipal plan

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Develop a municipal land use plan

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 25 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

X Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Development of a municipal plan will improve the town’s ability to reduce green house gas emissions by

allowing for more energy efficient planning practices.

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 1D

Project Title Upgrades to water system

Associated Goal Provide a business friendly town

Brief Description Replace deteroriating water main, install additional water main and a new

holding tank

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 2 100 000

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget - GTF

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

X Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Making improvements to the community water supply will result in cleaner drinking water

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Goal Description Goal: Encourage new business opportunities Partner: ACOA, Canadian Heritage, Department of Tourism and Culture, Private sector This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Eco. 2A Welcome new business to the town

CSG Eco. 2B Upgrade Boutte du Cap Parc

CSG Eco. 2C Bilingual signage and trail development

CSG Eco. 2D Install signage on Route 460 and TCH

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in local business revenues

• Increase in the number of visitors to the region

Qualitative • Improved visitor experience

• Better tourism product

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 2A

Project Title Welcome new business to the town

Associated Goal Encourage new business opportunities

Brief Description Welcome new business start ups to the town

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ Nil

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 2A

Project Title Welcome new business to the town

Associated Goal Encourage new business opportunities

Brief Description Welcome new business start ups to the town

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ Nil

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 2B

Project Title Upgrade Boutte du Cap Parc

Associated Goal Encourage new business opportunities

Brief Description Welcome new business start ups to the town

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 100 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Budget, ACOA, Canadian Heritage, Department of Tourism and Culture

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 2C

Project Title Bilingual signage and trail development

Associated Goal Encourage new business opportunities

Brief Description Install bilingual signage and develop a walking trail

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 50 000

Time line Start Date: January 1, 2013

Completion date: December 31, 2014

Funding Source(s) Budget, ACOA, Canadian Heritage, Department of Tourism and Culture, French

Services Unit

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Project Description

Project & Goal # CSG Eco. 2D

Project Title Install signage on Route 460 and TCH

Associated Goal Encourage new business opportunities

Brief Description Install additional signage on Route 460 and TCH to make motorests aware of

the available services

Project lead Cape St. George

Estimated Cost $ 4 500

Time line Start Date: April 1, 2010

Completion date: December 31, 2012

Funding Source(s) Budget, Department of Tourism and Culture, Private sector

If gas tax the following outcome(s) will be achieved:

Cleaner Air

Cleaner Water

________Lower Greenhouse Gas

_______ Emissions

The outcome(s) will be achieved as follows:

Partner(s) Involved Role of Partner(s)

Goal Description Goal: Provide a business friendly Town Partner: This Goal fits within the community Vision in the following way: Reduce barriers to business start up and existing business development

The following projects are related to the completion of this goal:

CSG Eco. 1A Establish a business awards system

CSG Eco. 1B Develop a road network

CSG Eco. 1C Develop a municipal plan

CSG Eco. 1D Upgrades to water system

This goal may be impacted by the following land use issues: Project Land Use Plan Issue(s)

To measure the success of this goal the following indicators will be used: Quantitative

• Increase in the number of business start ups

• Increase in existing business development

Qualitative • Improved water quality

Social Sustainability For a community to be socially sustainable, the basic needs of its residents must be met. A socially sustainable community must have the ability to maintain and build on its own resources and have the willingness to prevent or address problems in the future.

There are two types or levels of resources in the community that are available to build social sustainability. Those are individual or human capacity, and social or community capacity. Individual or human capacity refers to the attitudes, attributes and resources that individuals can contribute to their own well-being and to the well-being of the community as a whole. Such resources include education, skills, health, values and leadership. Social or community capacity is defined as the relationships, networks and norms that facilitate collective action taken to improve upon quality of life and to ensure that such improvements are sustainable. To be effective and socially sustainable, both these individual and community resources need to be developed and used within the context of four guiding principles - equity, social inclusion and interaction, security, and adaptability. All four Towns have made an effort to engage and support other community based organizations in an effort to build social sustainability. Port au Port East Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Increase

participation PAPE SOC

Support Heritage and

Nil Not required


among youth and seniors

1A Remembrance days at school


Support activities of Seniors Club

$ 5000 Budget 1


Support Canada Day activities

$ 500 Heritage Canada



Upgrade Ball field and install lights and walking track

$ 50 000 Budget, Service Canada, Dept. of Recreation

Social To communicate more effectively with residents


Develop a Town web-site

$ 1 000 Budget 1

Increase participation in municipal activities


Keep residents informed about Municipal changes and activities

$ 500 Budget 1


Establish appropriate non-council seats on committees

Nil Non required


Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Ensure that

community PAPW SOC

Provide direct and

$ 2 000 Budget 1

services are appropriate

1A indirect support to community groups and projects

Social Increase participation among youth and seniors


Support activities of Seniors Club

$ 5000 Budget 1


Support Canada Day activities

$ 500 Heritage Canada


Lourdes Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Ensure that

community LOR SOC

Provide direct and indirect

$ 2 000 Budget 1

services are appropriate

1A support to community groups and projects

Social Increase participation among youth and seniors


Support Canada Day activities

$ 500 Heritage Canada


Cape St. George Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Ensure that

community CSG SOC

Provide direct and indirect

$ 2 000 Budget 1

services are appropriate

1A support to community groups and projects


Establish a social gathering place

$ 500 Budget 1


Support food bank services

$ 200 Budget 1

Social To make the Town more Senior friendly


Lobby for consistent medical services

0 Not required



Establish snow clearing services for seniors

$ 10 000 Health and Community services, Budget



Evaluate completed senior surveys.

0 Not required



Support the hiring of a part-time recreation director to build community activities with emphasis on Seniors

$ 25 000 ACOA, Service Canada


To increase community pride


Establish an annual award for outstanding property upkeep

$ 100 Budget 1


Feature award winner in newsletter

0 Not Required


Cultural Sustainability

Culture is a creative and dynamic process between people and their environment, including both material and immaterial aspects. A community’s vitality and quality of life is closely related to the vitality and quality of its cultural engagement, expression, dialogue, and celebration. The contribution of culture to building lively communities where people want to live, work, and visit is very important.

Through word, song, display and building, culture is preserved through many avenues, some of them being community memory, historic places and activities that have been carried on throughout the years so that they become identified with a specific set of community values.

Port au Port East Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Collect

and display local history


Partner with Twilight Seniors Club to prepare a living record

$ 5 000 Budget, Service Canada, Heritage Canada


Cultural PAPE CUL 1B

Develop a car museum

$ 250 000 Budget, Service Canada Heritage Canada


Promote local culture


Install Bilingual signs and Lobby Provincial Government to install Bilingual signage

$ 25 000 Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs


Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Support

traditional activities


Sponsor Community events

$ 2000 Budget 1

Cultural Promote local culture


Install Bilingual signs and Lobby Provincial Government to install Bilingual signage

$ 10 000 Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs



Support Heritage recognition for OLOM Church

$ 0 Not Required


Lourdes Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Support

traditional activities


Sponsor Community events

$ 2000 Budget 1

Cultural Promote local culture


Install Bilingual signs and Lobby Provincial Government to install Bilingual signage

$ 5 000 Budget, Service Canada, Municipal Affairs


Cape St. George Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Support

traditional activities


Explore the creation of a working museum fishing exhibit

0 Not required



Expand the open air signage museum

$ 5 000 Canadian Heritage, ACOA


Cultural CSG CUL 1C

Organize weekly summer music nights

$ 3 000 Budget 2


Develop a traditional seasonal events schedule

$ 10 000 TBD 3


Sponsor Community events

$ 5000 Budget 1


Support local heritage in a local business

$ 1 500 TBD 2

Cultural Celebrate local history


Construct an enclosed sports/recreation/ cultural Center

$ 2 000 000 Budget GTF


Host an artist in residence


Feasibility study for artist in residence

$ 30 000 ACOA. ITRD


at Boutte du Cap Parc


Port au Port East Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Ensure staff

level is appropriate


Implement alternative employment structure

Nil Non required


Governance PAPE GOV 1B

Write job descriptions

Nil None required


Develop documented Policies and Procedures


Implement official rules of procedure

Nil Non required


Secure appropriate financial resources


Review tax and fee structure

Nil Non required


Port au Port West, Aguathuna, Felix Cove Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Increase

financial capacity


Review tax structure

0 Not required



Explore other funding opportunities

0 Not required


Ensure staff level is appropriate


Implement alternative employment structure

Nil Non required


Governance PAPE GOV 2B

Write job descriptions

Nil None required


Develop documented Policies and Procedures


Implement official rules of procedure

Nil Non required


Secure appropriate financial resources


Review tax and fee structure

Nil Non required


Lourdes Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority Ensure staff

level is appropriate


Implement alternative employment structure

Nil Non required


Governance LOR GOV 1B

Write job descriptions

Nil None required


Increase financial capacity


Review tax structure

0 Not required



Explore other funding opportunities

0 Not required


Develop documented Policies and Procedures


Implement official rules of procedure

Nil Non required


Secure appropriate financial resources


Review tax and fee structure

Nil Non required


Cape St. George Pillar Goal # Project Cost Funding Priority To increase

and improve communication with residents


Publicize all public Council meetings in advance

$ 500 Budget 1


Produce a regular newsletter

$ 200 Budget 1

Increase financial capacity


Review tax structure

0 Not required



Reduce rebates

0 Not required



Impose a utility tax

0 Not required


Governance CSG GOV 2D

Explore other funding opportunities

0 Not required


To maintain an appropriate level of staff


Examine opportunities to share resources

0 Not required


To document policies and procedures


Develop an operational policy

0 Not required


manual CSG


Complete an annual evaluation of employees

0 Not required



Develop job descriptions

0 Not required


Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation All four Towns realize that if the ICSP is to be a useful document, the implementation process has to be well-planned and well-managed. Successfully meeting the goals outlined in the plan requires strong leadership to support implementation. Effective implementation requires a structure and process with clear roles and responsibilities. Change and adjustments will be an ongoing part of the monitoring and evaluation process. Evaluation is a tool that will enable all four Towns to determine if they are on track and achieving the results that will move them towards their vision. The following is monitoring and evaluation schedule: Every Year Review and revise goals and projects Allow an opportunity for public comment Every Five Years Review and revise community vision Conclusion This ICSP outlines the goals and projects for the next five years for the Port au Port region. It has been developed and based on respecting people, improving the quality of living, appreciating and supporting cultural differences and being good stewards of the land, water and wildlife.

All four Towns are excited to begin implementation of the plan and to take collective action and generate solutions to common problems.