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Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 1 Intech Systems Pvt. Ltd. Employment Policies and Procedures Handbook

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Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 1

Intech Systems Pvt. Ltd.

Employment Policies and Procedures Handbook

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 2


Section 1: Introduction ............................................................................................................ 6

About Intech Systems ............................................................................................................. 6

Introductory Statement........................................................................................................... 6

Right to Revise ....................................................................................................................... 6

Section 2: Employment Practices ........................................................................................... 8

Recruitment ............................................................................................................................ 8

Probation Period ................................................................................................................... 8

Attendance Requirements....................................................................................................... 8

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics ................................................................................... 8

Financial Interest in Other Business ................................................................................. 9

Acceptance of Gifts ............................................................................................................ 9

Work Product Ownership .................................................................................................. 9

Reporting Potential Conflicts ............................................................................................ 9

Compliance .......................................................................................................................... 10

Standards of Behaviour........................................................................................................ 10

Confidentiality...................................................................................................................... 10

Employee Relations .............................................................................................................. 11

Equal Opportunity Employment .......................................................................................... 11

Anti–Harassment Policy ...................................................................................................... 11

Professional Appearance ..................................................................................................... 12

Mobile Phones ..................................................................................................................... 12

Usage of Email and Voicemail ............................................................................................ 13

Performance Management ................................................................................................... 13

Secondary Employment ........................................................................................................ 14

Hiring of Relatives ............................................................................................................... 14

Termination .......................................................................................................................... 15

Section 3: Compensation ....................................................................................................... 16

Compensation Structure....................................................................................................... 16

Gross Salary..................................................................................................................... 16

Basic Pay ......................................................................................................................... 16

House Rent Allowance ..................................................................................................... 16

Conveyance Allowance .................................................................................................... 17

Special Allowance ............................................................................................................ 17

Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme (EPF) .................................................................... 17

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 3

Payment of Salaries ............................................................................................................. 17

Pay Deductions .................................................................................................................... 17

Salary Adjustments............................................................................................................... 18

Salary Advance .................................................................................................................... 18

Job Posting Policy ............................................................................................................... 18

Section 4: Employee Benefits ................................................................................................ 19

Holidays ............................................................................................................................... 19

Earned Leave ....................................................................................................................... 19

Compensatory Off ................................................................................................................ 19

Requesting Time Off ............................................................................................................. 20

Gratuity ................................................................................................................................ 20

Employee Pension Scheme ................................................................................................... 21

Section 5: Leave of Absences ................................................................................................ 22

Qualified Leaves of Absence ................................................................................................ 22

Personal Leave of Absence .................................................................................................. 22

Unapproved Absence ........................................................................................................... 22

Returning from Leave of Absence ........................................................................................ 22

Contact Information during Leave of Absence .................................................................... 23

Earned Leave during Leave of Absence............................................................................... 23

Extension of Leave of Absence ............................................................................................. 23

Notice Period ....................................................................................................................... 23

Section 6: Travel and Conveyance ....................................................................................... 24

Expense Reimbursement ...................................................................................................... 24

Expense Report Submission ............................................................................................. 25

Expense Report Approvals and Processing ..................................................................... 25

Receipts ............................................................................................................................ 25

Section 7: Safety, Health & Security .................................................................................... 26

Maintaining a Safe Work Environment................................................................................ 26

Workplace Violence Prevention ........................................................................................... 26

Substance and Alcohol Abuse .............................................................................................. 26

Smoking ................................................................................................................................ 27

Employee Identity Cards ...................................................................................................... 27

Working during Holidays and Late Hours........................................................................... 27

Employee’s Personal Possessions ....................................................................................... 27

Company Assets ................................................................................................................... 27

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 4

Section 8: General Information ............................................................................................ 28

Forms Location .................................................................................................................... 28

Media Contacts .................................................................................................................... 28

Further Questions ................................................................................................................ 28

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 5

Dear Employees

Welcome to Intech Systems. This Employment Policies and Procedures Handbook is

designed to acquaint you with Intech Systems Pvt. Ltd. (referred to as “Intech” or

“company”) and to provide you with information about our company, culture, working

conditions, employee compensation and benefits, and other policies affecting your

employment with us. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and member

of the Intech team, and outlines the programs developed by Intech to benefit you. We ask that

you read, understand and comply with all provisions of our Employment Policies and

Procedures Handbook.

Take the time to review this handbook. If you have any questions, please speak with your


Ashok Mehta


Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 6

Section 1: Introduction

About Intech Systems Intech Systems is a leading software consulting company focused on ERP implementation

and management services with three decades of experience and global operations. Formed in

1979, Intech is the first IT company in Gujarat.

Today, Intech provides software solutions, specializing in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. In

India, Intech is a reseller and comprehensive implementation consultant. Globally, Intech’s

strategy is to support other Microsoft Dynamics NAV partners by providing development


Our Mission

“Enhance the effectiveness of organizations through the application of appropriate


For three decades, Intech has focused on BPO, Software Development projects, ERP, BI and

Database Management, with its forte being in creating customized ERP solutions for

companies in the manufacturing, retail and pharmaceutical sectors. In 2003, Intech added

Microsoft Dynamics NAV into its portfolio and in 2006, shifted to exclusively working with

vertical solutions on Microsoft Dynamics.

Intech leverages its years of ERP experience coupled with a strong understanding of the

needs of individual business and a dual India/U.S. presence to provide the right mix of cost

effective services. Globally, our partners value high standards for development quality,

consistent adherence to deadlines and comprehensive communication

Introductory Statement Whether you have just joined our staff or have been at Intech for a while, we are confident

that you will find our company a dynamic and rewarding place in which to work and we look

forward to a productive and successful association. We consider our employees to be one of

our most valuable resources. This handbook has been created to work as a guideline for better

productivity and performance and to provide you with information and guidelines about the

various programs, policies and practices at Intech. The policies and programs are meant to be

a tool to ensure all corporate objectives are met along with ensuring employee satisfaction.

The policies described in this Employment Policies and Practices Handbook take effect as of

January 1st 2011 and supersedes all other policies, handbooks, summaries and bulletins

previously distributed by Intech, as well as any verbal representations which may have been

made to you by any representative of Intech. In the event of any inconsistency between this

handbook and the provisions of Intech’s benefit plans and/or the information in your

Appointment Letter, the benefit plans in the handbook shall govern. If you have any

questions concerning eligibility for a particular benefit, or the applicability of a policy or

practice to you, you should address your specific questions to your manager.

Right to Revise We know that our Employment Policies and Procedures Handbook cannot anticipate every

circumstance or question about our work environment, our practices or policies. As the

organization continues to grow, the need may arise to change practices and policies described

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 7

in this handbook. Intech, therefore, reserves the right to change, revise, supplement, or

rescind any policies or portion of the Employment Policies and Procedures Handbook from

time to time as it deems appropriate, and after due feedback and consultation with the

employees and management of Intech. You will be notified of such changes, as they occur, in

writing. Oral statements or any representations will not in any way change or alter the

provisions of this handbook.

This handbook and the information in it should be treated as secret and confidential. No

portion of this handbook should be disclosed to others, except Intech employees and others

affiliated with the company whose knowledge of the information is required in the normal

course of business.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 8

Section 2: Employment Practices

Recruitment The degree of our success is directly linked to the quality of our talent that helps us to reach

our business goals. It is our policy to hire the best qualified person for any open position. In

an effort to meet this goal, we all have certain responsibilities in the hiring process to bring

on talent that will help us in achieving our goals.

We are committed to employ, in its best judgement, the best qualified candidates while

engaging in recruitment and selection practices that are in compliance with all applicable

employment laws. It is our policy to provide equal employment opportunities to all applicants

and employees.

Probation Period Intech has a three (3) months’ probation period to allow every new employee to adjust and

learn about the Company and about their responsibilities. During this time, the company will

evaluate the new employee’s performance and ability to perform in this position. Based on

the evaluation at the end the probation period, the employee may be made permanent, the

probation period may be extended, or the employment may be terminated.

Attendance Requirements Work schedules at Intech vary throughout our organization depending on the needs of the

business and agreements between individuals and their supervisors. Staffing needs and

operational demands may necessitate exceptions in starting and ending times, as well as

variations in the hours worked. The Export group works on a different schedule as outlined

by the needs of the business, and will be communicated internally. However, the typical work

hours for all employees are between 8.30 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, with

the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday Week Off.

As an employee, you will be required to register your attendance each day on biometric

device and failure to do so will automatically be construed as your being absent for that day.

For those employees who are travelling or at a client site, the employee has to log the hours in the

Intech’s HR Portal, to enable us to monitor attendance.

Poor attendance and excessive tardiness are disruptive. Either may lead to disciplinary action,

up to and including termination of employment subject to applicable laws.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics At Intech, integrity and ethics are fundamental to what we do and who we are, while

maintaining high professional and ethical standards in the way we conduct our business

activities. Our reputation for fair and honest dealings has been and remains an essential

element of our success. We place the highest importance on our reputation for honesty,

integrity, and high ethical standards.

As part of our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, it is essential that we comply with all

local applicable laws and with Intech’s policies, guidelines and procedures which are relevant

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 9

to the operation of our business in each of the jurisdictions where we conduct business. In

doing so, we must strive to maintain adherence not only to the letter of the law, but also to the

spirit of the law. Further, it is critical for us to use our expertise, knowledge and our business

processes and guidelines to judiciously conduct our work and make related decisions, and to

protect our physical, financial and intellectual property assets as we use them.

This Code applies to all Intech employees, temporary employees, contractors, consultants,

and vendors including any individual or organization that does business with Intech Systems.

Financial Interest in Other Business

As an employee of Intech, you or your immediate family may not own or hold any significant

interest in a supplier, customer or competitor of the company, except where such ownership

or interest consists of securities in a publicly owned company and those securities are

regularly traded on the open market.

Acceptance of Gifts

You may not solicit or accept gifts of significant value (i.e., in excess of Rs.100), lavish

entertainment or other benefits from potential and actual customers, suppliers or competitors.

Special care must be taken to avoid even the impression of a conflict of interest.

You may entertain potential or actual customers if such entertainment is consistent with the

company’s accepted practices, does not violate any law or generally accepted ethical

standards and the public disclosure of facts will not embarrass the Company. Any questions

regarding this policy should be addressed to the management.

Work Product Ownership

All employees must be aware that Intech retains legal ownership of the product of their work.

No work product created while employed by the company can be claimed, construed, or

presented as property of the individual, even after employment by the company has been

terminated or the relevant project completed. This includes written and electronic documents,

audio and video recordings, system code, and also any concepts, ideas, or other intellectual

property developed for Intech, regardless of whether the intellectual property is actually used

by the company.

Although it is acceptable for an employee to display and/or discuss a portion or the whole of

certain work product as an example in certain situations (e.g., on a resume, in a freelancer's

meeting with a prospective client), one must bear in mind that information classified as

confidential must remain so even after the end of employment, and that supplying certain

other entities with certain types of information may constitute a conflict of interest. In any

event, it must always be made clear that work product is the sole and exclusive property of

Intech Systems. Freelancers and temporary employees must be particularly careful in the

course of any work they discuss doing, or actually do, for a competitor of the company.

Reporting Potential Conflicts

An employee must promptly disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest, in writing, to his

or her supervisor. Approval will not be given unless the relationship will not interfere with

the employee's duties or will not damage the Company's relationship.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 10

Compliance The standards of Intech’ Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, the applicable laws, Intech’s

policies, guidelines and procedures, and business processes, are achieved and sustained

through your actions and conduct in the company. Each and every person associated with

Intech is responsible for conducting him/herself in a manner that ensures adherence to our

policies, any applicable laws and regulations, and our business standards.

Any company executive, employee or agent who violates applicable laws and regulations

pertinent to their responsibilities at Intech, or who ignores or disregards the principles of this

Compliance statement or any other company policies, will be subject to disciplinary action,

leading up to and including termination of employment or affiliation with Intech Systems.

Standards of Behaviour We aim to maintain a secure and pleasant working atmosphere for all our employees, and do

not permit unprofessional, unsafe, or illegal conduct. Although it is impossible to define

every possible type of behaviour that is impermissible, some examples include:

• Unauthorized and/or excessive absenteeism or tardiness

• Habitual late attendance (outside of agreed upon time schedule) and habitual absenteeism

• Sleeping while at work

• Insubordination, failure to perform assigned duties, or failure to comply with the

company health, safety and other rules

• Threats or inference of physical harm to employees or others in any manner including

verbal, written, or telephone threats

• Dishonesty or falsification of company records, including but not limited to, resumes,

applications, timesheets or expense reports

• Theft, fraud, carrying weapons or explosives, or violation of any criminal laws while on

company premises or on company time

• Fighting or disorderly conduct

• Destruction, unauthorized use, disclosure or possession of company material or

equipment and breach of company confidential information

• Sexual or other harassment, including failure to treat other employees, independent

contractors, vendors, or customers with dignity and respect

• Alcohol or drug intoxication while on the job and on company property

• Violation of any company policy

This list is intended to be illustrative only and is not intended to be comprehensive. Further,

any extenuating circumstances beyond your control must be raised with your supervisor

and/or Human Resources.

Confidentiality As an employee of Intech, you will directly or indirectly gain access to confidential

information about the company and its operations. This confidential information includes, but

is not limited to, work product, creative ideas, our modes and methods of conducting

business, our employee, customer, vendor and referral source lists, our techniques of

operation, and financial structure. Employees must keep all such confidential and proprietary

information in confidence during their employment with Intech and thereafter, and will not

disclose any such confidential information to anyone outside of the company without written

permission of management.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 11

We do not encourage nor permit talking about an ongoing project, potential work or business

goals, or client related issues or incidents with family, friends or in a social context. All

information is confidential and needs to be maintained as such.

Due to the nature of the Internet, no privacy or safeguards can be assumed. Therefore,

employees must not send confidential information through the Internet without appropriate

supervisor permission. Upon termination of your employment for any reason, or at any other

time upon request, you will deliver promptly, to the company, any and all property, material

and documentation relating to Intech Systems whether or not of a confidential nature, and

you agree not to retain any document or data containing any confidential information upon

the termination of your employment without the written consent of management.

If you leave Intech Systems employment for any reason, you must continue to treat as private

and privileged any confidential information, including but not limited to the information

described above. You should not use or release any information concerning the company or

its clients to any person, company or individual. While employed at and when you leave the

company, you are governed by the Agreement for Non–Disclosure of Confidential

Information that you signed upon your employment with Intech Systems.

Employee Relations We believe that the work conditions, compensation, and benefits it offers to its employees are

competitive with those offered by other employers in this area and in this industry. If you

have concerns about any issue related to your employment, you are encouraged to voice these

concerns openly and directly to your supervisor.

Our experience has shown that when employees deal openly and directly with supervisors,

the work environment can be excellent, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be


Equal Opportunity Employment Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle at

Intech Systems, where employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications

without any discrimination of race, colour, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or

any other protected characteristic as established by law.

This policy of Equal Employment Opportunity applies to all policies and procedures relating

to recruitment and hiring, compensation, benefits, termination and all other terms and

conditions of employment.

The Management at Intech Systems has overall responsibility for this policy and maintains

reporting and monitoring procedures. Employees' questions or concerns should be referred to

your manager and/or the Human Resources department. Appropriate disciplinary action may

be taken against any employee wilfully violating this policy.

Anti–Harassment Policy Intech’s Anti–Harassment Policy applies to all employees, the management, retainers,

consultants, probationers, independent contractors and trainees of the company, present and


Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 12

We prohibit harassment of any of its employees or independent contractors, or by its

employees or independent contractors, based on an individual’s race, religion, colour, gender,

age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, medical condition, sexual orientation, or

physical or mental disability. Our workplace is not limited to our company facilities, but may

also include anywhere a business-related activity is taking place, or where employees and

their supervisors are together and is likely to be seen as the workplace.

Harassment can take many forms and can include slurs, comments, jokes, innuendoes,

unwelcome compliments, pictures, cartoons, pranks or other verbal or physical conduct.

Harassment is any conduct which:

• Has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working


• Has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work

performance; or

• Otherwise unreasonably affects an individual’s employment opportunities.

Professional Appearance Our success also depends upon how the general public views the company and its employees

who represent it. It is extremely important that the image we personally portray be consistent

with the standard of excellence and highly regarded image we have established for ourselves

and the level of service we offer. Our efforts to look professional and neat at all times in all

business situations will help to support the image of our company, not just to our customers,

but to each other.

Dress, grooming, and your general personal appearance contribute to the morale of all

employees and affect the business image Intech presents to customers and visitors. During

business hours, employees are required to present a neat and clean appearance as best as their

immediate responsibilities allow. Visibility to customers and visitors should be considered at

all times.

Personnel Files We maintain a confidential personnel file on each employee. This file contains

documentation regarding all aspects of an employee’s employment with Intech. This

documentation is comprised of, but not limited to, curriculum vitae, Letter of Appointment,

employee data, performance appraisals, recommendation letter, medical/counselling reports,

emergency contact information and compensation information.

To keep necessary Company records up to date, it is extremely important that you notify the Human

Resources Department of any changes in the name, marital status, dependents, address, contact

number(s), emergency and contacts in a timely manner.

It is our policy to maintain and process employee’s personal data in a fair and lawful manner

and confidentially for business purposes only. Access to the records will be provided to

authorize individuals identified by Intech.

Mobile Phones Intech understands that due to the nature of your responsibilities, you are required to use your

mobile phone to conduct company business. Personal use of mobile during office hours in the

office and at client site is not permissible except emergency.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 13

Usage of Email and Voicemail Intech Systems provides all employees with email, access to the internet and voicemail as

part of the work requirements. While we respect the individual privacy of our employees, all

the equipment, supplies and work product of any type is the property of the company.

• The company provides you with unlimited access to the internet and provides you with

email which you are expected to use for company business only and not for personal use.

• Electronic mail sent from the company should be treated the same as any other

communication that is sent from our facility. All communications represent the company

as a whole, and as such, should be written in a professional and appropriate manner.

• While the Internet is a great resource for the company, it is your responsibility to use this

resource responsibly and respectfully. If you are found spending excessive time in the

personal use of these resources, the access privilege may be immediately revoked.

• Intech’s data security begins at each user’s desktop. To ensure your actions protect our

data, you must ensure the following:

— Never open, execute, or run unsolicited email attachments

— Ensure that the disks and data shared with others are virus free

— Treat each new disk and file with caution, assuming that it might contain a virus, no

matter how trustworthy the source

— Deploy antivirus programs to scan all attachments as new viruses may come through

email undetected

All company supplied technology, including computer systems and company-related work

records and email messages, belong to the company. You should have no expectation of

privacy while using company – owned or – leased equipments. Information passing through

or stored on company equipments can and will be monitored.

Any employee who abuses the privilege of company facilitated access to email, the Internet,

computer equipment and voicemail/communication systems, may be denied access to such

items, and will be subject to disciplinary action, leading up to and including termination.

Performance Management Intech is committed to the professional development of all of our employees. In an effort to

attract and retain strong talent and to provide a formal plan for your career growth and

aspirations while providing tools for your development, we have instituted a performance

management program. This program will endeavour to competitively compensate you and

equitably offer career planning and promotional opportunities.

We are committed to providing a supportive environment designed to encourage all of you to

pursue your professional goals and career objectives through training and advancement.

The performance management program is intended to provide all of you with a formal

appraisal of your performance. Intech believes that it is important to provide feedback in a

consistent and uniform manner. Performance Evaluations are scheduled to be conducted

annually, generally in the first quarter of each calendar year, with an informal review

conducted midyear at the beginning of the third quarter of each calendar year.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 14

While performance evaluations are conducted annually, you should remember that this

review is distinct from a salary increase. Performance may be reviewed outside of the annual

cycle due to other reasons such as a promotion, a change in job responsibilities or to

document a concern related to job performance.

We expect every employee to perform at a level that maximizes your potential. However,

there may be instances when your performance may not be sufficient. Our best interest lies in

ensuring fair treatment of all employees and in making certain that any such performance

issues are addressed in a prompt, uniform, and impartial manner. To address such

performance issues, Intech will take corrective action to remedy any performance related

problems, to prevent their recurrence, and prepare you for better performance in the future.

Corrective action will be taken at the discretion of the management, and depending on the

severity of the issue and the number of occurrences, may take the form of a verbal warning,

written warning, suspension with or without pay, or termination of employment. There may

be circumstances when one or more steps are bypassed and, taking into consideration

applicable Indian laws, an employee may be suspended or terminated in extreme situations.

Eligibility Criteria: Employee who has joined before 6 months of April month of respective

financial year. He/She may eligible for the same.

For Trainee, who has successfully completed his/her training period & get confirmed before

6months of April month of respective financial year. He/She may eligible for the same.

Secondary Employment You are not allowed to hold a secondary or another outside job as an employee of another

company or on a temporary, independent basis as long as you are employed with Intech

Systems. Any violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action, up to and including

termination, as per applicable laws.

Hiring of Relatives The employment of relatives in the same area of Intech Systems may cause serious conflicts

and problems with favouritism and employee morale. In addition to claims of partiality in

treatment at work, personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried into

day-to-day working relationships.

Relatives of persons employed by the company may be hired only if they will not occupy a

position in the same line of authority within the organization. This policy applies to any

relative, higher or lower in the organization, who has the authority to review employment

decisions. Intech employees cannot be transferred into such a reporting relationship.

If the relative relationship is established after employment, the individuals concerned will

decide who is to be transferred. If that decision is not made within thirty (30) calendar days,

the management will make the necessary decision.

In other cases where a conflict or the potential for conflict arises, even if there is no

supervisory relationship involved, the parties may be separated by reassignment, excused

from that activity (e.g., performance review) or terminated from employment.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 15

For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage,

or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood

or marriage.

Termination Employment with Intech Systems is based on an agreement as stated in your Appointment

Letter, and both you and the company have the right to terminate employment at any time, as

per the terms outlined below. We will follow applicable laws for termination of employment.

Both you and the company are required to provide a two (2) month notice in order to

terminate employment. You are also requested to submit your resignation in writing (in hard

copy form or email) including the effective date of resignation, to your supervisor, to enable

us to acknowledge and provide you with a release letter. The company reserves the right to

determine a one (1) month payment in lieu of notice on a case by case basis. This

determination is at the sole discretion of the management.

For all voluntary terminations, you will be requested to conduct an exit interview with the

management prior to your departure. Any information that you provide in the exit interview

will be kept confidential and used as applicable to guide further development of our policies

and procedures.

Prior to the last day of your employment, you are required to return to your manager all items

issued to you by Intech or items in your possession or control, such as, but not limited to, the


• Client lists

• Credit cards

• Equipment, including calculators, computers, and software

• Identification badge

• Keys

• Mobile phone, charger and other attachments

• Passwords

• Security passes

• Tools

• Vehicles

• Written materials

• Business card

You must return all company property immediately upon request or upon termination of

employment. Where permitted by applicable laws, the company may withhold from your pay

check the cost of any items that are not returned when required, and may also take all action

deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 16

Section 3: Compensation

Compensation Structure Intech provides you a salary which includes various components, outlined below in details,

and that is aligned with your position and competitive in the market place.

Salary Component Percentage or Rs

Basic Pay Approx. 25.0% of Gross

House Rent Allowance (HRA) Approx. 10 to 12.5% of Gross

Conveyance Allowance Rs. 3,333.00 per month

Special Allowance Approx. 50 to 55% of Gross

Employer’s Contribution to Provident Fund 12% of Basic salary

Statutory Bonus 8.33% of Basic Salary

Gross Salary Sum of All Elements

Gross Salary

Your Gross Salary consists of Basic Pay, House Rent Allowance, Conveyance Allowance,

Special Allowance, Employer’s Contribution to the Provident Fund and Statutory Bonus.

Variable Salary

Your variable salary consists approx. 10% of your CTC. You will be paid variable salary on

the basis of your performance in the next financial year after your joining. The variable

amount will be calculated for the duration of January to December of respective year. The

supervisor will decide the percentage from 0 to 10%. If you are leaving the company before

18 months or before completing the bond period then you will not become eligible to get this

variable salary though your performance is good. In case if you leave the job before payment

date then also you will not be eligible for variable salary. Eligibility criteria is in employment

during payment is made. Payment will be made by the company at the end of financial year

and in normal case third week of May.

Basic Pay

Basic Pay is your “base” salary which is used to calculate the company contribution to

Provident Fund, and all other allowances and benefits. It constitutes approximately 25% of

your gross salary. Your basic pay is fully taxable.

House Rent Allowance

The House Rent Allowance (HRA) provides tax exemptions as per the provisions of the

Income Tax Act as follows: The least amount of:

• An amount equal to 40% of basic salary,

• The House rent allowance actually received by the employee during which the

accommodation is occupied by him/her during the year, or

• The amount by which the actual rent paid exceeds 10% of basic salary.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 17

In order to claim House Rent Allowance exemption, you are required to submit on a monthly

basis after the payment of rent, the rent receipt signed by the house owner or a person

authorized by the house owner. You may opt to provide a consolidated rent receipt for the

whole year. The company will document this to allow deduction from income tax. The rent

receipt is to be kept for three (3) consecutive years for verification by the income tax


If you are not eligible to receive this allowance, either in part or full, applicable taxes will be

deducted on the allowance.

Conveyance Allowance

The Conveyance Allowance of Rs. 3,333.00 per month is provided to you for the purpose of

meeting the expenditure of local conveyance between your residence and our offices. This

amount is tax exempt.

Special Allowance

The residual of the other Pay portion after allocating all other allowances and reimbursements

will be provided to you. This allowance is fully taxable.

Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme (EPF)

Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme is a contributory fund created for your welfare after your

retirement or for your dependants after your death. The company makes a contribution of

12% of your basic salary, which is allocated to the Provident Fund scheme (EPF) and the

Employee Pension Scheme (EPS). You are also required to contribute a minimum of 12% of

your basic salary to the EPF. You are allowed to contribute over and above the 12%


Statutory Bonus

Your bonus consists 8.33% of your basic pay. It will be deducted from your salary every

month as per the defined percentage and you will get that in the next financial year.

Payment of Salaries You will be paid your salary on 7th of each month during your employment.

Every Intech employee is required to have a bank account with the bank designated by the

company. You must provide this account information to Finance department to ensure direct

deposit of your salary.

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that employees receive the correct amount of pay in

their salary. If there is an error on your check, or if you have a question regarding your pay

rate or any other item, please contact the Finance department for further clarification.

Pay Deductions The law requires that the company make certain deductions from your salary such as

applicable provident fund deductions, income tax, and professional tax, among others. The

company will be responsible for any employer liable taxes and will recover from you any

taxes and/or penalties that may be incurred due to exemptions that you may claim, but are not

allowed, under the Income Tax rules.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 18

If you have any questions concerning the deductions made from your pay check or how they

are calculated, please contact the Finance department.

Salary Adjustments At Intech, salary adjustments are made on annually at the discretion of the management. The

Performance Evaluation is distinct from a salary adjustment. If necessary, management may

require an adjustment to be made in the middle of a particular year.

Salary Advance On case to case basis, depending on situation, the company may, at its discretion, may

provide you with a salary advance.

Job Posting Policy

• Daily job posting is mandatory for all Intech Employees.

• Every Monday the concern person will be checking posting done by all employees. If

posting is pending, the concern person will be marked as IRREGULAR. If posting is

complete, then the concern person will be marked as REGULAR.

• All REGULAR employees will be paid their normal salary on 6th / 7th of every

month as usual.

• All IRREGULAR employees will be paid their normal salary on 15th of every month.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 19

Section 4: Employee Benefits We provide a competitive employee benefits package for its employees. This package is

outlined in detail below.

Holidays Our holiday schedule is determined and communicated at the beginning of each calendar

year. There will be total of ten (10) holidays observed each year. A complete list will be

published and circulated before the end of the first week of every calendar year.

Employees who work at a client site will need to follow the client holiday schedule. On a

case to case basis, compensatory off will be granted.

Earned Leave Under our Earned Leave (EL) policy, you will earn twenty-two (22) days each calendar year.

You accrue 01 day of EL in the month of January, 01 day of EL in the month of February and

02 days of EL for the month, falling from March to December and for employees who joining

on or before 15th of the month, has to follow the same as per above rules. If you join after the

15th of the month, then you will not accrue any EL for the month of joining. Only regular

full-time employees are eligible for EL. Temporary employees, contract employees, summer

interns and consultants are not eligible for EL.

You are allowed to carry over a maximum of eight (08) days, and Max. 14 leave encash

based on basic & remaining leaves are to be used within a calendar year, It cannot be carry

forward in next year.

Calculation of the encashment of EL upon termination will be made as follows:

Basic Pay X Number of leave days to be encashed

30 days

Except in the case of an emergency, use of EL requires advance approval by your immediate


Leave Encashment Leave encashment is to be calculated based on basic. Calendar year is followed for leave

encashment. It’s to be done in month of December (Last Week).

Compensatory Off Compensatory off will be paid in terms of leaves. Supervisor must inform via e-mail 24 hours

in advance to HR & CC to Mr. Ashok Mehta with the list of resource for approval. They also

need to mention whether resource will attend half day or full day. Employees who will be

working on non-working day needs to punch in & out without fail. If you are at Client Site,

you need to do punch in & out via External Link its mandatory; otherwise it will not be


You must work a minimum of four (4) hours to be eligible for a four (4) hour compensatory

off. All compensatory time must be used within the calendar year. It cannot be carried over.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 20

All the managers must send a request to HR in the format given below. Please note that all

the requests should be sent before the month end (i.e. 30th/31st date of respective month).



Names of


(who are

going to








Time Full









Reason for


Requesting Time Off You should complete the Time-Off Request form to request leave, get approval from your

immediate supervisor and submit it to Human Resources for payroll and record keeping. You

should request time off at least ten (10) business days in advance of the requested dates.

While every effort will be made to grant each employee’s requested time off, management

may need to change schedules based on company needs.

In case you need to leave the office for a few hours of personal work, you must inform and

take permission of your immediate supervisor prior to taking time off.

Gratuity All full time employees of Intech Systems are eligible for gratuity payments. To receive

gratuity upon the termination of your employment, as per the Payment of Gratuity Act, you

must have rendered continuous service of at least five (5) years. Gratuity payment is made

when you retire or reach retirement age, resign, or are laid off, disabled or upon your death. If

your unemployment is due to disability or death, the requirement of five (5) years’

continuous service is waived.

We may withhold part or full gratuity payment when employment has been terminated under

circumstances such as, but not limited to the following:

• A result of damage or loss to, or destruction of property belonging to the company as a

result of any wilful omission or negligent act,

• For riotous, disorderly or any other misconduct conduct or any other act of violence on an

employee’s part, or

• Any act which constitutes an offence involving moral turpitude, provided that such

offence is committed in the course of your employment

The gratuity payment is equal to fifteen (15) days of the last month’s pay for every year of

service or service in excess of six (6) months. Pay is defined as basic pay. Gratuity pay is

calculated as follows:

Gratuity Payment = (Monthly Basic Salary X 15)/ 26

The maximum payment that can be made is Rs. 10,00,000/-

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 21

Employee Pension Scheme The Employee Pension Scheme (EPS) works in conjunction with the Provident Fund Scheme

(EPF). 8.33% of company contribution of 12% to the Provident Fund scheme up to a cap of

Rs 6,500 of basic salary is allocated to the Employee Pension Scheme. The Government

contributes 1.16% of your basic earnings up to a cap of Rs 6,500.

All contributions are invested in a government-specified and controlled account and earn a

nominal interest declared by the government.

Loss of Payment (LOP) After joining if you are taking any leaves within a month then Loss of Payment (LOP) will

apply. That amount will be deducted from your salary as per your basic pay. Your leave

balance will be credited from the 2nd month of your joining as per the leave policy.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 22

Section 5: Leave of Absences

Qualified Leaves of Absence We recognize that you may occasionally need time away from work to fulfil certain civic

obligations, due to medical reasons, to provide family care, or due to any other compelling

personal reasons. We approve time off from work on an extended basis. Depending on the

approval, the leave of absence may be unpaid, with limited or no benefits, and with different

reinstatement options.

To request a Leave of Absence, you need to submit a Leave of Absence form with the

requisite information attached, to your supervisor and Human Resources for approval.

Absences of more than five (5) consecutive working days or any additional request for time

off requires prior approval. If granted, a leave of absence is retroactive to the first day of your


Failure to obtain advanced approval for a leave may mean that your absence is unauthorized,

and may subject you to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Should you provide false reasons for leave of absence, or are gainfully employed outside the

company during the period of a leave of absence, we reserves the right to discipline the

employee, up to and including termination of employment.

More than one and half hour late coming to office would be considered as half day (1/2)


Personal Leave of Absence If you require time off from work for reasons that are not covered in this section, you may

apply for a personal leave of absence. When facing such a need, you must discuss it with

your immediate supervisor as far in advance as possible. Such a leave of absence requires

prior approval of the management and will be unpaid in nature.

Personal leave of absence is limited to fourteen (14) calendar days within a rolling calendar

year. Request for personal leave of absence must be approved in writing by your immediate


Unapproved Absence Absence without approval or intimation will be considered as a serious disciplinary issue by

the management. Any absence of over three (3) consecutive days without prior approval or

intimation will lead to disciplinary action.

Returning from Leave of Absence Your Leave of Absence form must indicate the date you intend to return to work. Any change

to that date should be communicated to your supervisor.

If you do not return from a Leave of Absence as scheduled and have not received approval

from Human Resources for an extension, the company may take disciplinary action as

deemed appropriate.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 23

Contact Information during Leave of Absence While on a Leave of Absence, you are expected to notify Human Resources of any change in

contact information such as a change in address, telephone number, dependent status or

emergency contact, as soon as possible.

Earned Leave during Leave of Absence If you are on unpaid Leave of Absence, you are not eligible to accrue any earned leave.

Extension of Leave of Absence To request an extension of an ongoing Leave of Absence, you need to contact Human

Resources at least three (3) working days prior to the scheduled date of return. An extension

requested for medical reasons requires a signed physician’s statement, which must be

received by Human Resources with the requested extension.

Working from Home:

With prior approval from your superior as well as from Director is required. If there is no

approval then it will be marked as absence.

Notice Period If anybody is putting the resignation, then one has to serve the notice period of at least two

months with the company. One has to complete the entire procedure of work handover to his

subordinate or colleague whomsoever it requires.

If the individual takes any leave during this notice period then notice period will be extended

as per leaves taken by that individual.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 24

Section 6: Travel and Conveyance Travel is a way we do our business and work with customers, but it is also a controllable

expense and it your responsibility to keep travel expenses as low as possible for our company.

The Travel and Entertainment policy has been prepared to establish standards that ensure

consistent and fair practices in the use of company funds in the course of business activities. It

is also intended as a guide for those authorized to approve the Expense Reports, and as a means

of informing employees of their privileges.

For an employee who uses his/her own vehicle for any company related work, the

reimbursement will be as follows:

• Use of own car, mileage will be reimbursed at Rs. 7/- per km

• Use of own two-wheeler, mileage will be reimbursed at Rs. 2.5 per km

• Use of a rickshaw, reimbursement will be on actual

For employees who travel outside Ahmedabad, the per diem will be as follows:

• In A class cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore

— Hotel: Handled by front desk.

— Food: Rs. 300 per lunch and dinner meals

— Morning B/F Coffee/Tea : Rs. 100/-

• In B class cities such as Vadodara, Rajkot, Pune

— Hotel: Handled by front desk.

— Food: Rs. 150 per lunch and dinner meals

— Morning B/F Coffee/Tea/: Rs. 75/-

For Peon who travel outside Ahmedabad, the per diem will be as follows:

— Food: Rs. 75 per lunch and dinner meals

— Breakfast: Rs. 30

Format for Ticket booking (Air/ Train) is as below:



Gender Age From To Date Flight/Train Mobile




(To be





Reasonable, actual business expenses incurred by you for the purpose of conducting business

on behalf of the company will be reimbursed upon approval. Employees are expected to

exercise sound, prudent judgment in the disbursement of company funds.

Expense Reimbursement If you incur any business related travel, entertainment and/or similar expenses, you must

prepare an Expense Report to obtain reimbursement within fifteen (15) days of incurring of

the expense. The expense report must be filled in the prescribed format, completing and

submitting the expenses online, and printing a copy for submission, or using hard copy

voucher and submitting for reimbursement.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 25

Expenses are reimbursable to the extent they conform to this policy. For any expenses

incurred during your travels that have been paid directly by the company e.g. air travel, train

travel, pre-paid hotel reservation, etc., you need to include it as a line item on the expense


Expense Report Submission

Expense reports should be submitted within fifteen (15) days from the date of return from

your trip/ expenses incurred. Any reimbursement due to you will be paid within five (5) days

of receipt of a properly completed and approved expense report.

Expense Report Approvals and Processing

Completed expense reports must be submitted to your manager for review and approval prior

to obtaining approval up to the Director level.

It is the responsibility of the appropriate Finance personnel to return your expense report if it

does not conform to company policy and shows a clear indication of discrepancy.

In order to expedite reimbursement of your expenses, you must reference each item

separately and insert the same information on the receipt. For example, if your hotel bill

includes your room charge, breakfast and dinner charge, your expense report should show

three separate line items for that particular day. The same must be done for all days that you

have travelled. Additionally, all receipts must be taped by date to a blank piece of paper to

aid in review and processing.


All original receipts for your expenses such as hotel bills, taxi receipts, restaurant bills, etc.

must be attached to your Expense Report. Receipts must be obtained and submitted for all

expenditures greater than Rs. 100, as far as possible. However, we do encourage you to

obtain and submit receipts for all your expenses.

If for any reason, you cannot obtain a receipt, a separate note detailing the expense and the

reason for the absence of a receipt. You need to sign this note and submit it with your

Expense Report.

If for any reason, you misplace or lose a particular receipt, a dated and signed detailed

description of the expenses is to be submitted. These expenses will be considered for


Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 26

Section 7: Safety, Health & Security

Maintaining a Safe Work Environment Each employee must practice safety awareness by anticipating unsafe situations and

correcting or reporting unsafe conditions immediately.

Good work habits and a clean and neat place to work are essential for job safety and

efficiency. You are expected to keep your work area organized, with your materials and

belongings in order as much as possible. Report anything that needs repair or replacement to

your manager or the Facilities department. You should use, adjust and repair office

equipment and machines only if you are fully trained and qualified to do so, and it is part of

your job responsibilities.

You should understand your job responsibilities and follow safety guidelines. If you are given

instructions and are not sure of the correct procedures to insure safety, do not guess.

Immediately notify your manager or Human Resources for clarification.

You should also know the locations, contents and use of first aid and fire fighting equipment.

For any concerns regarding safety and security of yourself, contact Human Resources.

Workplace Violence Prevention We are committed to workplace safety. As part of this commitment, we are specifically

committed to providing a workplace that is free of threats or acts of violence and to

protecting its employees from such conduct on its premises. In keeping with this

commitment, we have established a strict policy that prohibits any employee from behaviour

that is violent, threatening or intimidating, while on duty or on company business.

This policy applies to all Intech employees, temporary workers, contractors, consultants, and

vendors. For the purposes of this policy, the term “employees” encompasses the preceding

worker categories.

Intech Systems has zero tolerance for employees who make threats, engage in threatening

behaviour, or commit acts of violence against others. Any employee who violates this policy

will be disciplined, leading up to and including termination. In addition, the company is

committed to preventing violent or threatening behaviour on its premises by non-employees,

such as visitors, guests, customers, or family members of its employees.

Substance and Alcohol Abuse We have an obligation to its employees, customers and the public at large to reasonably

ensure safety in our workplace.

Consequently, the use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of illegal or illicit drugs,

alcohol, or controlled substances on company premises or events, or being under the

influence of such substances is against company policy and will result in disciplinary action

leading up to and including, termination.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 27

Smoking We are committed to providing a safe and healthful work environment; smoking is prohibited

throughout the facility. Any violation of this policy will lead to disciplinary action.

Employees will be allowed to take smoking breaks outside company premises. No additional

time will be given to employees who want to smoke.

Employee Identity Cards You are required to wear and display visibly your identity cards at all times while inside the

office premises. If you are unable to carry your identity card for any reason, you may obtain a

temporary identity card from the security for the day.

Working during Holidays and Late Hours If you come in to office before 8 a.m. and leave the office after 9 p.m. or are working in the

office during holidays, you are required to sign the register at the front desk and include your

incoming and outgoing time. This applies to those working in the Exports group and on a

different schedule as well.

Employee’s Personal Possessions The company will not be responsible for any loss of personal possessions of the employee

inside the office premises. You should exercise proper care in safeguarding your possessions.

Company Assets Employees are responsible for the company assets given to them for carrying out their official

responsibilities. In case of loss or theft of company assets entrusted to you by your negligence

and carelessness, you will be required to compensate Intech for the loss of such asset as


In case of loss of assets outside office premises while you are on company work, it is your

responsibility to lodge a complaint with the police and obtain an FIR for insurance claim if

any. You must provide this information on a timely basis to your supervisor.

Intech Systems Employee Policies and Procedures Handbook Version 2.0 January 01, 2020 Intech Systems Proprietary 28

Section 8: General Information

Forms Location All forms have been placed on our intranet for your use. To use a form, you may print it out

or download it to your system, before filling in the applicable information. Please do not

modify the existing forms. If you cannot find a form you need, please contact your supervisor

for assistance.

Media Contacts To ensure appropriateness and accuracy of all information provided to the news media, the

company has designated spokespeople to respond to all inquiries. Except for these designated

spokespeople, you are not to respond on the company’s behalf to inquiries about our

business, policies, employees or any other company matter. If you are contacted by the news

media, you are required to notify your manager.

Further Questions Throughout this handbook we have presented information that will be useful to you as an

employee and to help answer questions that you may have about the company. If you have

any further questions or need clarification, please contact your manager or Human Resources.