instruction manuals 120412

Writing Instruction Manuals The Last Powerpoint of the Semester

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Superstructure for writing an instruction manual


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Writing Instruction Manuals

The Last Powerpoint of the Semester

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Today’s Agenda Writing Instruction Manuals One last chance at Presentations Workshop Time Grade Conferences Course Assessments

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Questions Readers Ask Most Often What will these instructions help me do? Is there anything special I need to know to be

able to use these instructions effectively? If I’m working with equipment, where are the

parts I need to use? What materials, equipment, and tools do I

need? Once I’m ready to start, what – exactly – do I

do? If something isn’t working correctly, how do I

fix it?

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Superstructure for Instructions Introduction Description of Equipment List of Materials and Equipment Needed Directions Troubleshooting

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Preparing Instructions Usability objective is obvious – to enable

readers to perform a procedure Persuasive objective – to read the instructions

at all

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Conducting Research Depends on how well you know the subject For the assignment, show some outside

research from another credible source or diagrams.

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Planning Organize directions hierarchically List all the steps in the process Group together some steps if the instructions

are long Graphics can be extremely effective Page design will help readers find their place. Consider subheadings, for instance. Color can help in some limited instances.

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Drafting and Revising Write clearly and succinctly Use as few words as possible. When revising, consider showing someone

else your draft.

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Crafting - Introduction As short as possible Most don’t need one For this assignment, give a little context “This manual tells you how to…” Purpose Intended Audience Scope Conventions used in the manual

“Left and right refer to a user facing the dashboard.”

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Safety Warning Stand out visually Place them before the action State the nature of the hazard Steps to avoid damage

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Crafting - Equipment Describe what equipment is needed Diagrams List all items needed to perform the task

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Crafting - Directions Give only enough information to perform the

next step Present the steps in a list Use the active voice and imperative mood

Give commands. “Stop the engine” as opposed to “You should stop the engine.”

Highlight key words

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Sample – Make a PB & J Sandwich You’ll need:

Bread PB & J Hunger

Warning: PB & J Sandwich presents a choking hazard. Use caution when eating this sandwich.

Step 1: Get bread Step 2: Spread PB & J on bread Step 3: Put bread together Step 4: Eat sandwich Step 5: Enjoy (and don’t choke)

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Crafting - Directions Help readers locate the next step

Number the steps Leave white space between steps Give one action per step Put step numbers in their own column

Align them separately from the instructions

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Crafting - Directions Distinguish Actions from Supporting

Information Spread PB & J on bread

Bread should be covered in PB & J

Group related steps under headings This helps readers find the portion of the

instructions they need

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Crafting - Directions Use many graphics

Show where objects are How to perform steps What should result

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Crafting - Directions Present Branching Steps Clearly

If PB & J is fresh, continue to step 4 If PB & J is moldy, throw it out and acquire new PB

& J

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Crafting - Directions Explain what to do in case of a mistake or

unexpected result Acquire PB & J

Note: If PB & J is on fire, do not acquire. Call 911.

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Troubleshooting Answers to the various problem Table Format helps

Error Cause Remedy

My PB&J is not tasty

You may not like it. Don’t eat it.

My PB&J is outside the bread.

You closed the bread wrong.

Do it right.

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Sample Instructions Check page 663 for a longer, more serious,


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Presentations? If you haven’t presented, today is the last day

for making one up.