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Institutional Repository: A Case Study of IISER Pune Ms. Tanuja Sapre & Dr. Umeshareddy Kacherki Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune.

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Institutional Repository: A Case Study of IISER Pune

Ms. Tanuja Sapre & Dr. Umeshareddy Kacherki Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune.

•  Best way to make knowledge free is Open Access.

•  Open Access has got two major components, firstly Open Access Journals and secondly Open Access Institutional repositories

•  This presentation showcases the institutional repository developed at IISER Pune named IISER Digital Library(IDL)

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free …..”

Guru Rabindranath Tagore

What is an Institutional Repository •  An IR is a service that a Research Organization offers to its community for

the management and dissemination of research materials created by the community members.

•  The Institutional Repository can be a collection of any digital material, which

is managed, retained or guarded and shared by any institution irrespective of whatever the purpose.

•  An institutional repository (IR) is an online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital content of the intellectual output of an institution, particularly a research institution

•  Currently it is used by leading academic and research institutions worldwide for providing improved access to their research publications

Institutional Repository (IR) Definition: •  An Institutional repository is an Organization based set of services which the

organization offers to the members of its community for the management and dissemination of digital materials created by the institution and its community members. It is most essentially an organizational commitment to the stewardship of these digital materials, including long-term preservation, where appropriate, as well as organization and access or distribution” (Clifford Lynch 2003).

•  Institutional repositories: “digital collections that preserve and provide access to the intellectual output of an institution.”

•  “Digital archives of intellectual products created by the faculty, staff and students of an institution or group of institutions accessible to end users both within and outside the institution.”

Why Institutional Repository •  For the Individual:

•  Provides a central archive of their work •  Increases the dissemination and impact of their research •  Acts as a full CV

•  For the Institution: •  Increases visibility and prestige •  Acts as an advertisement to funding sources, potential new faculty and

students, etc.

•  For Society: •  Provide access to the world’s research. •  Ensures long-term preservation of institutes’ academic output.

Crucial Elements an IR should have •  Institutionally based

•  Scholarly material in digital formats

•  Cumulative and perpetual

•  Interoperable and Open Access - But not necessarily free!

Advantages of IR •  Makes available the Institutional scholarly output

•  Collection and preservation of digital material

•  Manages and Measures research and teaching activities

•  Enables and encourages an interdisciplinary approach to research.

•  Increases visibility, prestige and standard

•  Contents are easily searchable

•  Allows to administer the intellectual property rights

•  Stores different types of materials that may not be necessarily published

•  It can turn out to be best cost saving practices

•  Offers greater flexibility over websites with better security and preservation

Type of Material in an IR Published Research Material Ex: Journal articles, Book chapters, Conference papers Unpublished Research Material Ex: preprints, working papers, Thesis/dissertations, technical reports,

progress/status reports, committee reports presentations, teaching materials, audio/video clips

Supporting Research material Ex: Data sheets, models, blue prints

IR Technology & its Pre-requisites The Basic Requirement for setting up an IR :

•  IR software (Open Source/Commercial)

•  OAI-PMH harvesting protocol/software (Free)

•  Intel/Pentium servers for IR

•  Linux/Red Hat OS, MySQL/PostGress DBMS, Apache/Tomcat web server,

Perl/Java (Free)

•  Man Power

•  Funds

IR-Technical Benefits  •  Free software, therefore appropriate for low- income countries

•  Easy to establish, technical help available

•  All IRs are interoperable, conforming to OAI- MPH international


•  Distributed network, shared costs

•  Searchable by Google, Yahoo and specialised

•  Search programs (eg OAIster, SHERPA searches)

•  Usage (impact) statistics available

•  If embargo, immediate deposit gives email options

IR Software •  Key component of an IR is the repository management software

•  Several software's are now available under open source license

•  Comply with OAI metadata harvesting protocol

•  Released and publicly available

•  The most commonly used software's are, Dspace, Eprints & Fedora


•  One of the 7 IISER’s dedicated to research & teaching in the basic sciences.

•  Established in 2006 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development

•  Declared as an Institute of National Importance by an Act of Parliament.

•  One of the unique initiatives in science education in India;

•  Autonomous institutions which have Integrated Masters programme and a

Post-Masters PhD programme in Integrated Sciences.

•  IISER Pune has just completed 10 glorious years in Science & Research



IISER- P Library & IISER Digital Library (IDL) IISER Pune Library •  IISER Pune Library’s has been developed to support teaching, learning and

research activities of the institute •  Library’s helps in achieving institute's aim to become a science Institute of

maximum competence. •  Library has gone through a lot of changes with respect to its collection & the

services it provides to its user’s. •  Library is fully automated & has adopted modern ICT in all possible

operations and services of the library to improve its service quality. IISER Digital Library (IDL) IISER has set up its own digital library named IISER Digital Library (IDL) to preserve, manage and give access to the Information generated & research output of IISER community.

IDL is operating as institutional repository and has all full text resources Dspace is the open source software Documents deposited in IDL may be accessed, downloaded and used by the registered users IDL administrator authenticates the users for submission . After submission the administrator verifies and archives the submitted document and takes it in the Collection. Along with hardware and software setup, library has also established Policies for IR with the help of Library committee members.

IISER  Pune  Digital  Library  (IDL)Home  Page  

IDL  Policies  Information & Data Policy: •  Anyone may access the metadata free of charge. The metadata may be re-

used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes provided the OAI Identifier or a link to the original metadata record are given

•  The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.

•  The  Repository   is  not   the  publisher,   it   is  merely   the  online  archive  maintained  by  IISER  Pune  Library  

Submission Policy:

•  Items may only be deposited by the accredited members of the institute

•  Authors may submit only their own work for archiving

•  Administrator of only vets for items eligibility of authors, relevance to the

scope of repository, valid layout, format & exclusion of Spam

•  Validity and authenticity of the content of submission is the sole responsibility

of the depositor

•  Embargo policy is defined

•  Copyright Violations are entirely the responsibilities of the authors/depositors

•  If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item is

removed immediately

Document Submission in IDL •  To  Submit    Publica<ons/documents  to  IDL,    Users  have  to  register  by  clicking  on  My  IDL  (authorized  users)  at  the  leF  hand  side  of  the  IDL  homepage.  

User’s have to register only with their IISER Pune email Id’s [email protected] for registration, user’s cant upload their documents using any other private email id’s.

User Registration in IDL.

•  After completing the registration process, IDL administrator authorizes the

user to submit their publications.

•  To submit publication(s) to IDL,it has to be ensured that at last one of the

author is affiliated with IISER Pune

•  Users are requested to deposit only those publications which are free from

copyright restrictions.

•  For more information/help or details regarding the submission process in IDL

users can access the DSpace help files, which are kept at the left hand

corner of the IDL's home page

•  Once the submission process is complete IDL administrator work starts.

•  For New item submitted the metadata needs to be checked to ensure

compliance with the collection's standards, and edited if necessary.

•  Administrator then verifies the record submitted for proper formats,

Standards & then Archive’s the document.

•  If at all there are any queries patrons can contact IDL Administrator @

[email protected].

Work Flow in IDL

Collection in IDL As of now the IR contains 490 Documents The bifurcation as follows.

It’s been since7 years since IR has been established in IISER Pune & Users have given very good feedback appreciating the usefulness of IR.

Conclusion •  It is vital that institutions recognize Institutional Repositories as need of the


•  We can develop a network of institutional repositories, that presents every

institutions intellectual work in distributed manner.

•  With the help of an IR an institution can show its intellectual work to the

world, which can be an indicator to the quality of work done, thus increasing

its status visibility and valued long-lasting commitment to the community.