institution updates and needs malaysia prof. dr. mohd. shahir … · 2019. 11. 25. · malaysia...

Regional High-Level Summit for University Presidents and Senior Policy Makers on Creating an Enabling Innovation Environment (EIE) for Intellectual Property and Technology Institution Updates and Needs MALAYSIA Prof. Dr. Mohd. Shahir Shamsir Director Innovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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  • Regional High-Level Summit for

    University Presidents and Senior Policy

    Makers on Creating an Enabling

    Innovation Environment (EIE) for

    Intellectual Property and Technology

    Institution Updates and Needs


    Prof. Dr. Mohd. Shahir Shamsir

    DirectorInnovation and Commercialization Centre (ICC),

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

  • Researcher:Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman

    Product:A newly-developed ceramic membrane from agricultural ricehusk waste via phase inversion and sintering technique. Designedas a drinking straw for consumer market.

    Commercialization Journey Through EIE WIPO:Through the EIE Mentoring session, the researcher was seenhave evolved from passive commercialization intention to beingpassionate and committed to starting a company andestablishing a productive business model from mentors. Themonthly meetings with mentors shown remarkable improvementfor this group as they managed to uncover the initial challengessuch as lack of a viable business model, poor productcommercialization plans, unclear management lines, and so on.Consequently, the researcher proactively persuaded one of hisstudents to become the CEO of his upcoming spin-off company.

    Sil-RH Membrane Distillation: From Seawater to Drinking Water

    99.9% bacteria removal with heavy metal (Zn, Fe, Pb, etc) adsorption capabilities up to 99.9%

  • Researcher:Dr. Mariam Firdhaus Binti Mad Nordin

    Product:A novel water based extraction process from wild gingerallows for a more potent skin care products with higherconcentration of active compound.

    Commercialization Journey Through EIE WIPO:The researcher have already commercialized herproducts before participating in this mentoring session.However the mentoring has helped her in identify thehidden weaknesses that need to be addressed beforeany problems arise, including:•Strengthening current business models•Explore production for the global market•Secure sufficient capital for bigger production•Expect customer’s expectations•Raise international funds for business expansionThrough this program, the mentor had also sparked apreviously unrecognized activity for Malaysianuniversities by integrating spin-off companies fromdifferent universities for discussing business strategies.Thus indirectly strengthens the partnership between thetwo companies that are actually competitors in the sameindustry

    HALEA Natural Skin Care

  • Researcher:Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik Malek

    Product:A re-generating zeolite based NPK-fertilizer carrier thatcan be reused.

    Commercialization Journey Through EIE WIPO:For this product, the mentoring journey begins with theadvice of performing market validation, before theresearchers started investing in commercialization.Eventually, market research define its market size is smalland appropriate as a complementary. This has led to aslow progress in through the session hence had thementor to work on providing case examples that canserve as a guide. Nevertheless, researcher is committedto invest in the product by his own pocket money. Thisproject ended without improvement after the 6 monthsof mentoring session

    NPK Zeolite Fertilizer

  • The issues and challenges experienced through the mentoring sessions:

    1) Meetings had to be scheduled outside of office hours due to geographical differencesbetween mentors and mentees (Malaysia Vs. U.S.)

    2) Implementation of the advice provided is sometimes difficult to achieve within amonth's time, which requires outcome updating at the next meeting

    3) Mentors cannot control the whole process of commercialization of a particular projectas they act as advisors (only), and require TTO to monitor the progress of what wasadvised to

    4) Researchers are often busy with teaching and research assignments, resulting in half-focused commercial activities

    5) The program does not cater to the larger group of researchers because it is mentoringto a selected scope only

    6) The TTO could only listen and discuss to the advices given but have to seek decisionfrom the highest management before any execution, especially involving budgetaryallocations

    7) The structure of the program is not yet comprehensive which should involve topmanagement of the university in pursuit of its overall objectives

    Issues & Challenges

  • Thank You