institute fashions l-£j^5 bj* çi 4 xl...

NEWS OF SOCIETY RESORTS ^RT IV SIX -PAC^KS TRIBUNE INSTITUTE FASHIONS IXPAY, OCTOBER' 8, "Í022 SIX PAGES PART IV saw ... *"~~" m yTffl -. ..-.»~..- w**"^^**t*fag_._ -- L-£J^5____bj*___çi_4_xl V^orld Several Weddings Are Among October's First Social Events Miss Church Is Married to Mr. Weston at Great Barringioii ; Miss Armstrong Bride of Mr. Rossiter * mar- THE first week of October closed with several weddings of interest to society. Miss Mary Church, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John H. C. Church, of Great Bsrrington.was married to Mr. Don- aid Mitchel Weston of Pittsfield, son of the late Lieutenant Governor Byron Weston, cf Massachusetts, in St James's Episco-^ii Church, Great Birrington, Mass., last night at 8 .5-át-ck, The chancel was decorated wife chrysanthemums and palms, ¡ ató $sre were white roses on the -ate, Tls# knap, who was given nipt*"¡1er father, wore her mother's .-.ûdinÎKd gown of ivory satin inmuté with real antique lace. The ioarttrain was of gold brocade lined ¦tritScloth of gold. The veil was caught »iti «range blossoms and she carried » ¡t»te bouquet of white orchids and liliet-of-the-vuiU-y. Mrs. Delano de Hindi, of Groat Barrington, her sister .ad matron of honor, wore deep apri¬ cot ehiffon with girdle embroidered in "¦.Id. Miss Louise Durant, of Great Barrington, maid of honor, was in Fr»-r,ch blue chilien with gold girdle. The bridesmaids were Miss Marion .»»«it, of New York; Miss Virginia Ticknor, of Great Barrington; Miss Caroline Hemingway, of Watertown, Ponn., and Miss Dorothy Newton, of Fall River, who wort' pale apricot chif¬ fon with fur and gold girdle. The two attractive little flower girls, Misses Ruth and Mary de Winde, nieces of the bride, wore French voile trimnv.'d with luce and blue velvet ribbonr. They carried tittle muff* of roses. Mrs. Church, the bride's mother, wore a gown <-»! French blue and silver I* rocade. The Kev. Edward C. M. Tower, rec¬ tor of St. James's Church, of Croat Bar- .Mjton. officiated, and Mr. Brenton toe Pometoy, of Pittsfield, «as best » fhe U3hers were Messrs. John iFendlcton and William S. Bacon, <&?'-,'' Mars«-all Rodd Herron, ««Iteíourgh; I). Dwight Douglas, of «t.. Gilbert Shepard and James t\S&>. of.Hartford, Conn.; Philip !>f Pittsiieid; George Church ¡Jjtan de Winnt, of Great Bar- ¡jwtion was held at Bonny Bank, Iia Barrington home of Mr. and 'Wren, ;.,id -Î00 persons promi- N¿R0cliet»v in New York* Bosto" l^*-»« »Berkshire colonies were pres- ¡2»e the guests were Mr. Hale j"*M, Chicago; Mrs. Holden, who j»**". °f the bridegroom, and Miss S Holden; Mr. and Mrs. John ¦JSiiams jr., of Pasadena, Calif., the yl*'*0 a Mstcr of Mr. Weston, Mr. 'Iteí'" Theodore Pomeroy and Miss .¿^ Pomerov, of Greenwich, Q Mr» and Mrs. Winthrop M. Q *". and Mrs. Frederick G. Wi- Rosemary Crane, Mr. Z. Ç^'i Crane, of Dalton; Mr. and t»i-barren Church, of New Ka- £?**.¦, Mrs. George Church and \£ll<! °- Loop, of Great Barring- jj^e bride's two grandmothers. C*rs- Nathaniel Church Scoville, Z?«.^«. Edith and Mary'F. Sco- IV* anii :,-rs- Edward Quintard, I'-C «re1A- Ran?°">. Mr. and Mrs. £äf *}. Ransom, Mrs. John Henry It* ¡Mrs. Charles Post, Mr. and :*»iuel F, Engs, Dr. and John i**., Mr. and Mrs. David Ives .".*. and Mrs. Thomas Turlay Wxfr8* William Hall Walker, '-¡¿-¿^..Arthur E. Whitney, Miss »»W to V10-*** Mrs- L C. Bates Dana, X üJ*T*'Edward P. Davis, Dr. and »Sri B^hlpr' Dr- Charles Gil- '*&«*?'£T- Hamilton Kerr, Mrs. lH.l!Ir,«r' Robcrt S- Hawthorne, '».IdA« n1îrt,horne' Messrs. Ken- Cï'J1«11, Donaldson, Kirby ^ Mr , Bar'-es. of New York. -*¦« Da»nd»,Mrs- »Samuel Gilbert .»»¿ft *c,\Ua Co!t- Mr* and Mrs- Iö***% T«?e11* Mrs- Brenton Crane US!' vVge and Mrs* Charles L. i«4t'Mis2r*tiand Mrs* vViHiam H.1 »** ft? «ope and Wilmot Eaton, S*». CU i nry D* Brigham, Mr. S**», a, Jamos K'tt-redge, Mr. K*iMiS 4leu.?- Wilson* Mr. and K^M* »f i'.*VVh,tU,'s<''>'' Mr. Frank lfe5» P. Ilîffield; Mr- and Mrs- l*V G-L^-H' üf Richmond: Mr. 1 .-".".I'ge Brown, of Honolulu. ?*<&r,,St att,ractivc of yester- V»Ä:'a1 th* »< Miss Lulie 'Hite« » dau«ht<-r of Mr. and ^* «»«nmct Burroughs, i Irvington-on-the-Hudson, to Mr. G. de- Freest Lamer. Mr. Lamer is the son of Mrs. Robert Martin Lamer and the late Mr. Robert Martin Larner, of Washington. He distinguished himself in the war as an ace, serving with the Lafayette Escadrille and later in the 103d Pursuit Squadron, U. S. Air Serv- j ice, with the rank of captain, and being decorated with the Croix de Guerre and the Distinguished Service Cross". The marriage look place in St. Barna- bas Church, Irvington, at 5 o'clock, the ¡Rev. William Neely Colton officiating. The full surpliccd choir attended, and a reception followed at Woodland, the home of thft-.Jasiíhí'.? -parents. Mr. Burroughs gave his daughter in marriage, and the attendants were Mrs. William Montrose Pettis, a sister, as matron of honor, and Miss Olive Irwin and Miss Frances Sacket de ! Valin, of Cape Vincent, N. Y., as brides¬ maids. Mr. Robert Johnson Larnei served as his brother's best man, and the ushers were Mr. Davis Carlisle Burroughs, brother of the bride; Mr. William Montrose Pettis, Mr. Theodore Dewey and Mr. Arthur Kennar. Thomson. i The bride wore a gown of tulle em- j broidered in motifs of pearl and crysta' and mounted on satin. Her veil was held in place by a bandeau of lace anc orange blossoms and fell to the hew of the court train. She carried f shower bouquet of roses, orchids anc valley lilies. Among the guests were Mrs. Robert Marl in Larner, Mrs. L. M. Williams grandmother of the bride; Mrs. T. D j Davis and Mrs. Julian D. Meade. A' the conclusion of their honeymoon which will he spent motoring in th« 1 North, Mr. and Mrs. Larner will liv« I at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club. i Miss Gladys Corlette Armstrong granddaughter of Mrs. Charles B. Arm strong, of Belle Haven, Greenwich, wa married to Mr. Lawrence F. Rossiter son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rossi | ter, of Field Point Road, Greenwich yesterday afternoon, in Christ Episco pal Church, at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. Dr I M. George Thompson, rector of Chris Episcopal Church, Greenwich; officiated The maid of honor was Miss Isabell« Ailing Armstrong, sister of the bride and the matron of honor was Mrs. Ray I mond G. Daly, of Stamford, Conn., sis ter of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were the Misse Dorothy Thompson, Ethel Hays, Eliz abeth Armstrong, of Greenwich; Mis Florence Marsh, of Pasadena, Calif. Miss Ruth Huston, of Coatesville, Fla and Miss Mary Wilkes McKinney, o | Columbia, Tenn. Miss Mary Rose Arm strong and Master John Armstrong children of the bride's uncle, Mi Florenzo D. Armstrong, of Riverside Conn., were flower girls. Mr. Rossite had for his best man Mr. Josiah C Palmer jr., of New York City, and th ushers were Mr. Martin J. Quinn jr Mr. Frederick K. Gaston jr., Mr. Georg W. Helme and Mr. John D. Decker, o Greenwich-, Mr. Howard B. Dean, o Garden City, L. L; Mr. David £ Cowles, of Rye, N. Y.; Mr. Ravmon G. Daly, of Stamford, and Mr. Rayna St. M. Thebaud, of New York City*, j large reception followed the ceremon at the home of the bride. Miss C. Tiffany Lord, daughter o Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lord, o Green Farms, Conn., will be marrie next Saturday to Mr. Arthur Channin Taylor, also of Green Farms. The wed ding will take place in the Church o the Heavenly Rest and a reception wil follow at the Hotel Gotham. Miss Lord will be attended by Mis Martha Taylor, sister of the * bride gropm, as maid of honçr. Her brides maids will include Miss Louise Maslin and Miss Marjorie Shaw. Mr. Taylo will have Mr. LeRoy Sherman, of Ne* York, as best man, and the ushers wi include Mr. Wallace Garland, Mr. Pat Bray, Mr. Theodore Bray and Mi Graham Maheffey, who were all class mates of Mr. Taylor in the class of '2 at Yale. Arrangements for Hunters"' Costume Ball Are Complete« Arrangements have been complete for the hunters' moon costume ball, t be held on Saturday evening, Octobe 14, at the Weatchester-Biltmore Cour try Club, the guests being attired i costumes of fox hunters, Indians, trar pers, Daniel Boones and styles that th zoo sets. At the Westchester-Biltmore ar Mrs. H. S. Redmond, Dr. Charles Wadi worth Schwartz, Mr. Charles Sicar« Mr. Wesley V. E. Terhune, Dr. Mile J Tierney, Mr. George S. Wallen, M: Palmer P. Woods, Mrs. John H. Wrigh Mr. John R. Young, Mr. Martin J. Alge, _ Prince of Wales Leads Return of Society to London Many Prepare for ^Little Season" While Country Houses Are for Fall Shooting Parties Special Cahle to The Tribune Copyright, lflL'î, New york Tribune Inc. j LONDON, Oct. 7..With the Prince of Wales heading the ativance guard, society people are beginning to seep back Londonward from Scotland and the Continent to view the approach of the "little season," while at the same time the country houses are filling up for shooting parties. The prince this week paid a brief visit to his country house, Easton Grey, near Malmesbury, Wiltshire, from where he will hunt with the Duke of Bedford's pack. He spent a few days as the guest of the Duke of Beau¬ fort,, at Badminton, just before going to Scotland, so this is not his first visit to his new hunting country .since his return from the Far East, but it was the first time he has gone there as a householder. There is'every promise that hunting this season will be up to the old pre¬ war standard, and the prince, who is a noted horseman,' is. expected to go training by plenty of cubbing runs be¬ fore the regular hunting season opens. It is being freely discussed in Wiltshiro whether he will be joint master with the Marquis of Worcester of the Duke of Beaufort's pack, but so far the prince has reached no definite decision on this question. The prince, who last Saturday was prespnt at a rally fete given by the British Legion, the counterpart here of the American Legion, had a novel appointment to-day. This afternoon he attended a great Boy Scout rally at Alexandra Palace. In the evening, from his town home, York House, St. i James Palace, he talked by radio to .scouts throughout the kingdom unable to come to London. The Duke of York and Prince Henry are shooting this week over the six- C'ontlniied on Page Three Horse Show Tea Room To Be Unique Featuri Special Committee of Prom inent Women Will Be Announced Soon The tea room of this year's Hors Show November 1.3 to 18 will be striking reproduction of the front o Mount Vernon and the proceeds wil go for the benefit of thé Associatioi for Improving the Condition of th' Poor. The A. I. C. P. is headed b; Mr. Cornelius N. Bliss jr., president. Mrs. John H. Prentice, of New Yorl and Bernardsville, is to be chairmai of the tea room committee of the as sociation, and she will announce with in the next few days the special com mittee of well-known New York womer she is now assembling. Miss Betl Evans will be in direct charge of th« tea room and there will be brought to gether a group of young girls of well known New York families who wil serve as waitresses for lunch and after¬ noon tea. The tea room of the Horse Show was a great success last year. The managers of the A. I. C. P. whe have the direction of the tea room comprise a group of prominent New York men and women and include Mr. Henry G. Barbey, Mrs. Courtlandt D. Barnes, Mrs. August Belmont, Mr, George Blagden, Mr. Cornelius N, Bliss jr., Mrs. Cornelius N. Bliss jr., Mrs. James A. Burden jr., Mr. Charles C. Burlingham, Mr. Thomas Cochran, Mr. R. Fulton Cutting, Dr. Haven fc'in- erson, Mr. Homer Folks, Mr. M. Fried¬ sam, Mr. John Greenough, Mr. John Henry Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Harriman, Mr. Samuel S, Keyser, Mr. John A. Kingsbury, Mr. Franklin B Kirkbride, Mr. Langdon P. Marvin, Mr. Albert G. Milbank, Dr. James A. Miller, Mr. F. P. Moore, Miss Ruth Morgan, Mr. Dwight W. Morrow, Mr. George Mur- nane, Mr. Acosta Nichols, Mr. Robert P. Perkins, Mr. George B. Post. Mr. Percy R. Py*te, Mr. Harry Pelham Rob- bins, Mr. DeWitt J. Seligman, Mr. James Sheldon, Mr. William B, Thomp¬ son, Miss Ruth V. Twon-bly, Dr. Philip Van Ingen and Dr. Hermap-i M. Biggs. Mrs. Coogan before her marriage on September 29 was Miss Jo¬ sephine Adams Osborn. She is a daughter of Professor and Mrs. Henry Fair field Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Coogan have been spending their honeymoon in Canada. Mrs. Reynolds wat married on September 30: She' teas Mits Jean Fletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fletcher. Mrs. Remick before her marriage on September 30 was Miss Eleanor Francke. She is a daughter of Mrs. Lindsley Tappin. Miss Wright is one of this season's debutantes. Her mother, Mrs. W. de Forest Wright, of 52.*» Park Avenue, will give a dance for her at the Ritz-Carlton on November 29. Miss Luce's engagement to Mr. Frank Leslie Montague jr., of Rich¬ mond, Va., was announced recently. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert Luce, of Richmond, formerly of Pelham, N. Y. Asheville Fall Season Sets Record in Gayety Golf Has Been One of Main Attractions, With Two Courses Open ASHEVILLE, N. C, Oct. 7..The Land of the Sky has had the gayest autumn resort season in its history» with numerous receptions, bridge parties and dances at the Asheville Country Club, Biltmore Forest Club an«^ at the various hotels. Golf has been at its zenith on the two attractive courses, while mountain climbing and horseback riding along the unrivaled mountain bridle paths have furnished the more active physical elements so necessary for complete enjoyment. Late registrations at the Manor in¬ clude Miss C. G. Langdon and Mr. Henry Lord, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. George A. Ogden, of Brooklyn, and Mr. Clinton M. Hall, of Old West- bury, L. I. At the Battery. Park are staying Mr. George C. Sutton, Mr. Charles J. Leach, Miss Margaret Hayes, Mr. Robert A. Bovd, Mr. Guy Fisher, Mr. S. P. Blake- man, Mr. John R. Blair, Mr. W. S. Whiting, Mr. George W. Chandler, Mr. Arthur F. Doherty, Mr. Robert H. Chisholm, Mrs. J. M. Wells, Miss Marie Wells and Lloyd Gilbert, of New York; Miss Elsie Stewart and Mr. A. T. Stewart, of Woodbury, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyden and Mr. James N. Boyden."of Ridgewood, ff. J.; Miss Lea Mauri, of Mount Vernon. The Langren is entertaining Miss G. Shannon, Mr. Frank Grinnell, Mrs. Sara Thompson, Mrs. Harry L. Ames, Mr. James E. Souder, Mr. George F, Daniels and Mr. W. S. Johnson, of New York; Mrs. Charles C. Hanby, Miss Jessie Walch und Mrs. J. S. Conway, of Syra¬ cuse; Mr. R. P. Vroom, of Maplewood, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Younger, of New Haven, Mr. A. H. Bomme?, of Brooklyn; Mr. W. A. Pratt, of Walling- ford, Conn.; and Mr. Herbert White. Debutante Group To Sell Programs At Victory Dance List of Patronesses for Bril¬ liant Ball le Well Under Way; Floor Committee Assistants A_*e Named .t The victory ball of the American Legion will be held at the Waldorf- j Astoria on Friday, November 10, Armis¬ tice Eve. Mrs. J. T_rfus Munds is chairman of the débutante committee. She will form à group of twenty-five society girls who will sell programs. The patrones? list of the ball is well under way. The list already includes Mrs. Kinnicuág^raper, Mrs. Harry Harkness F!__8__T Mrs. James W. Gerard, Mrs.^WIliam Pierson Hamil¬ ton, Mrs. Edward McVickar, Mrs. Ar¬ thur Julian Moulton and Mrs. M. Orme Wilson.' Mr. Frank Jefferson, chairman of the floor committee, has announced his assistants, who will include Mr. L. H. Paul Chapin, Mr. Stephen Pell, Mr. Jack Wing, Mr. J. Morgan Wing, Mr. Hache Brown, Mr. Malcolm Hunter, Mr. Karl Behr, Mr. W. Halstead, Mr. S. Oakley Vanderpool, Mr. G. Douglas Green, Mr. L. Garnett Day, Mr. C. Pelham Darlington, Mr. Frederick Suy- dam, Mr. John Tyssowski, Mr. Theo¬ dore Crane, Mr. Donald McKinley, Mr. Theron R. Strong jr., Mr. Elmendorf Cari, Mr. Jack Devereux, Mr. J. Usher Smith, Mr. J. Fahys Cook,. Mr. John J. Schiefflin, Mr. J. Campbell Schmidt and Mr. Latham R. Reed. The general committee includes Mr. Charles C. Auchincloss, Mr. Julian S. Bache,.Mr. Elliot C. Bacon, Mr. Robert L. Bacon, Mr. Herbert P. Barry, Mr. E. Parrar Bateson, Mr. Philip Benkard, .; Mr. A. J. Drexel Biddle jr., Mr. John MS' Billings jr., Mr. John V. Bouvier jr., Dr. Samuel Bradbury, Mr. Kenneth Budd jr., Mr. John J. Brinckerhoff, Mr. Stanley Bulkley, Mr. Henry W. Buxton, Mr. William M. Chadbourne, Mr. L. H. Paul Chapin, Mr. Fred R. Coudert jr., Mr. Henry H. Curran, Mr. Dudley Davis, Mr. Lee Garnet Day, Mr. Charles I. DeBevoise, Dr. Edward B. Deuch.. Campagna-Cerabone Wedding Is Celebrated Ceremony Performed at St. Elizabeth's Church; Recep¬ tion and Dinner Follow» Miss Caroline'H. Cerabone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cerabone, of 340 Northern Avenue, was married to Mr. Michael A. Gampagna last Wednesday. The ceremony was performed at St.! Elizabeth's Church by the\Rev. Father Hayes. Miss Rose Cerabone, the bride's sister, was maid of honor. The four bridesmaids were Miss Marie Palletier, Miss Agnes Lauria. and the Misses Elizabeth and Annette Silvester. Louise Cerabone, youngster sister of the bride, was flower.girl, and Master Jovan Cam-1 pagna, -nephew of the bridegroom, wa3 page. A reception and dinner followed at the Hotel Plaza. Some of the. guests were Mrs. ,-Agata Gampagna, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gampagna, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paterno, of Riverdale-on-the Hudson; Dr. and Mrs. Charles V. Paterno, Mr.. and Mrs, Joseph Faiella, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Paterno, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ciluzzi, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cerabone, Mr. Michael Paterno, Mr. Armiño Gampagna, Miss Christina' Paterno, Mr. John Calhoun, Dr. and Mrs. John Faiella, Professor F. Longo, .Mr. and .Mrs. P.. d'Onofrio, Mr. and Mrs. William Amos, Judge and Mrs. Palmicri, Mr. Di Salvo, Mr. and* Mrs. H. Kimball,. Mr. and Mrs. Sceurle and Mr. Ajello. Mr. and Mrs. Campagna are spend¬ ing their honeymoon in Canada. « Shepherd Dog Club Show To Be Held October 17-181 Society in many parts of the conn- try, and especially in New York City, is greatly interested in the eighth an¬ nual specialty show of the Shepherd Dog Club of America, to be held in the 104th 'Field Artillery Armory, Broadway and Sixty-eighth Street, on October 17 and 18. This breed has be¬ come one of the most popular ¡n the United States since the war und in many shows has r-*d all classes. Bachelors of Tuxedo Park Will Give Dance at Old Club More Than 300 Acceptances Received for Affair Wednesday Night; It Promises to Rival ' Famous Autumn Ball . From a Staff Correspondent TUXEDO, October 7. THE dance to be given by the bachelors of Tuxedo Park next Wednesday night in the Old Club promises to rival the au¬ tumn ball, which is considered the out¬ standing social event of the fall season at Tuxedo. Over three hundred ac¬ ceptances havç feeen received to the invitations «<*rn¦ uut for the dance, and it is thought that many more will added *.o the. lisf'before Wednesday The dance is being given by the bach- Í eUts' in recognition of the entertain- ing they haw received in the various homes during the year. Nearly all the members of the fall colony have returned to the park and an extremely active social season is anticipated. .Mr. and Mrs. David Wag- staff, who recently returned from summer trip abroad and who have been staying with Mrs. Wagstaff's mother, Mrs. Henry M. Tilford, while their house was being put in readiness, have opened their house for the season. Others who opened their Tuxedo homes last week after having spent the sum¬ mer in Europe were Colonel and Mrs. Frank B. Keech and Mr. and Mrs. Her¬ bert T. King. Those who are at the Winter Club for the week end include Mr. and Mrs. James Lowell Putnam, Mr. and Mrs. William Gilman Low, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Livingston Burrill, Mrs. Alfred Kessler. Mr. Lindsley Russell, Mr. An¬ dre Lord, Mr. Frank U. Roche, Mr. .A.lfred E. Dabney, Mr. and Mr». Sprigg D. Camden, Mr. H. Gallatin Pell and Major Pierre Lorillard. who attended many of the polo games at the Mea¬ dow Brook Club during the last week. Among those who will entertain at the bachelors' dance are Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander, who will have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Whit- ridge. Mrs. Ernest R. Adce will enter¬ tain Miss Jeanne Reynal and Mr. John Steams. Mr. and Mrs. Amory Carhart wlï! have as guests Miss Florence Loew Miss Evelyn Loew, Miss Helen Ben i nett, Mr. Brewster Jennings, Mr. Bulkely Wells and Mr. Robert Pavne. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coulter will entertain for Miss Laura Harding, Mr. Waldron P. Belknap jr., Mr. John R. Meeker nn»l Mr. H. Graff Trevor jr. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Davle will have Mrs. Draper Taft as guest. j Mr. Edson Bradley\ guests will in- elude Suffragan Bishop and Mrs. Her¬ bert Shipnian. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L. Wainwright, Mrs. A W. B. Pratt, Count Orlawski and Commander A. B. Cook. Mr. Andre» Lord will entertain Mr. Le- land Hayward, Captain E. E. Steele and Miss.Agnes Duryea. Mr. and Mrs. ¡John Munroe will have Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pell, Mr. Edgar W. Leonard and Mr. P. McCullock Miibe as guests. Others who will entertain will be Mr. and Mrs, Robert r*", Mr. Pierre Lorillard sr., and Major Pierre Loril- lard jr., Mr, and Mrs. Edward J. Haney, Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman Drayton, Mr. and Mrs. Morin S. Hare, Mr. Frederic | A. Juilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L Loomis, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pendleton Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. David WagstarT, Mr. and Mrs. C. Tiffany Richardson, who will have Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bréese as -j-uestf»; Mr. and Mrs. John E. Rogers, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley G. Morti- mer, the Countess Otto Salm, Mr. and Mrs. George St. George, Mr. and Mrs. Julien Shackno, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Stevens and Miss Annette Tilford. Also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van Sinderen, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil¬ liams, Mr. Roger Tuckerman, who will entertain Miss Betty Thompson; Mr. Ludlow Lauman, Mr. Norman S. Walker jr. and Miss Eleanor Kurd; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuckerman, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic O. Spedden, Mr. Lindsay Russell, who will entertain Mr. W. G. Bibb, Mrs. Ann Ellicott, Mrs. Walter Williamson, Miss Dorothy Clemens, Mr. and Mrs, Frederick lliiton and Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Walker jr.; Mr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Tomes, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Carey, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Reed, Mr. and Mrs. William Clear- water, Mrs. Price Collier, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cowdin, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic F. de Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Fal dr St. Phalle and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dins- | more. Newport Autumn Days Marked by Entertaining Dinners, Luncheons and Clam- bake Form Pro*p*am for the Last Week Special Dispatch to The Tribune NEWPORT, R. I., Oct. 7..Frequent entertainments interested members of tho late staying summer colony, with the season being extended because of the ideal weather. Mr. and Mrs. John Asptfgren had two distinguished guests nt Aspen Hall during the week in Vis¬ count d'Alte,'Portuguese Ambassador to the Unitid States, and Sir Gilbert Parker, English novelist, who is relat¬ ed to Mrs. Aspegren. Entertainments- were given for them, and among the others who gave dinners or luncheons were Dr. and Mrs. Ai«_xander Hamilton Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Eppley) Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Bögert, Mr. R. Liv¬ ingston Beeckman, Mrs. James Lenox Banks jr.. Mrs. David Price for Gen- eft.1 and Mrs. George Mclver, Mrs. Charles Mornn, Mrs, John A. Logan and Captain and Mrs. De-Witt Blâmer. In addition, the last bake of the season was given at the Clambake Club. Thursday afternoon a large number heard, Miss Katherine Cortazzb, who recently returned from y trip abroad, speak on the devastation at Rheims and at Verdun, the talk being held in Miss Waring's residence on Catherine Street under the direction of the League of Women Voters. Competition has been started for the Lanfear Norrie Cup, which is awarded by the Outer Foundation Fishing Club for the member who catches the most fish offshore over a period of thro« days. This event was scheduled last week, but was postponed. Mr. Brad¬ ford Norman is president of the club, with Mr. Henry Brevoort Kane as vice- president, and Mr. Hartford W. H, Powel as secretary. The cup has been won by tho lote William R. Hunter and by Mr. Bradford Norman, Mr. Louis Quentin Jones, Mr. Granville Kane an«J Mr. Lispenard Stewart. Amor.'? the summer residents who havñ elosçd ihoir sentón recently Mr. Graft«. D. Cushing, Prince anc Princes-! Miguel tie Braganza, Admiral and Mrs. Cameron M «/Rae Witosiow Mrs. Frederic Neilson, Mrs. Juan M. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Ogden H, Ham¬ mond, Mr. I. Townsend Burden, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Davis, Mr. William E. Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Thaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Le Roy Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Morris, Miss Edna H. Barger and Mr. and Mrs. Maxi¬ milian Agassi'/.. Dr. and Mrs. Seaman, who have been guests of General and Mrs. J. Fred Pierson. have gone to New York. Ad¬ miral Seaton Schroeder, who is crit¬ ically ill, was taken to his Washington residence i h is week. Among the arrivals were Mr. and Mrs. Fitz Eugene Dixon, who are with the Rices at Miramar, as was Mr. W. R. Lewis. Miss Hope Gaston at.d Mr. Edward Bangs, of Boston, were guests of Mr. R. -Livingston Beeckman. Mr. William H. Vanderbilt arrived for a visit with Mrs. Vanderbilt at Tho Breakers, and arranged to open Oak¬ land Farm, which was left to him by hi» father, Mr. Alfred G. Vanderbilt, next month. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Thayer were also visitors. a Miss Dorothy F. Heywood To Be Bride October 14 Arrangements Completed for Marriage to Mr. Ferdinand Meyer, of Baltimore Miss Dorothy Frances Heywood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Heywood, of 324 West 103d Street, of this city, will be married to Mr. iY'iv.inand Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Meyer, Roland Park, Baltimore, on "Saturday, October 14.* The cere- mony will take place at the home of the bride's parents, at 6:30 o'clock, with the Rev. Dr. A. E. Keigwin, of the West End Presbyterian Church, of- iiciating. Mrs. Robert R. Heywood jr., of this * city, will be the matron of honor, and Miss Adelaide Irwin, of East Orange, | will be the flower girl. Mr. Meyer will have as his best man Mr. Lewis W. Lake, of Baltimore. The i ushers will be Mr. Robert, R. Hey\»ood jr., of this city, and Mr. George W. Wagner, «*>f Baltimore. Miss Heywood attended Mrs. Dow's School, Biiarcliff, and Mr. Meyer was praduated' from Joiins Hopkins, class» I of '19.

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L-£J^5____bj*___çi_4_xl V^orld

Several Weddings Are AmongOctober's First Social Events

Miss Church Is Married to Mr. Weston at GreatBarringioii ; Miss Armstrong Bride

of Mr. Rossiter


THE first week of Octoberclosed with several weddingsof interest to society. Miss

Mary Church, daughter of Mr. andMrs, John H. C. Church, of GreatBsrrington.was married to Mr. Don-aid Mitchel Weston of Pittsfield, sonof the late Lieutenant GovernorByron Weston, cf Massachusetts, inSt James's Episco-^ii Church, GreatBirrington, Mass., last night at 8.5-át-ck, The chancel was decoratedwife chrysanthemums and palms,

¡ ató $sre were white roses on the-ate,

Tls# knap, who was givennipt*"¡1er father, wore her mother's.-.ûdinÎKd gown of ivory satininmuté with real antique lace. Theioarttrain was of gold brocade lined¦tritScloth of gold. The veil was caught»iti «range blossoms and she carried» ¡t»te bouquet of white orchids andliliet-of-the-vuiU-y. Mrs. Delano deHindi, of Groat Barrington, her matron of honor, wore deep apri¬cot ehiffon with girdle embroidered in"¦.Id. Miss Louise Durant, of GreatBarrington, maid of honor, was inFr»-r,ch blue chilien with gold girdle.The bridesmaids were Miss Marion.»»«it, of New York; Miss VirginiaTicknor, of Great Barrington; MissCaroline Hemingway, of Watertown,Ponn., and Miss Dorothy Newton, ofFall River, who wort' pale apricot chif¬fon with fur and gold girdle. Thetwo attractive little flower girls, MissesRuth and Mary de Winde, nieces ofthe bride, wore French voile trimnv.'dwith luce and blue velvet ribbonr.They carried tittle muff* of roses.Mrs. Church, the bride's mother, worea gown <-»! French blue and silverI* rocade.The Kev. Edward C. M. Tower, rec¬tor of St. James's Church, of Croat Bar-.Mjton. officiated, and Mr. Brentontoe Pometoy, of Pittsfield, «as best» fhe U3hers were Messrs. JohniFendlcton and William S. Bacon,<&?'-,'' Mars«-all Rodd Herron,««Iteíourgh; I). Dwight Douglas, of«t.. Gilbert Shepard and Jamest\S&>. of.Hartford, Conn.; Philip!>f Pittsiieid; George Church¡Jjtan de Winnt, of Great Bar-¡jwtion was held at Bonny Bank,Iia Barrington home of Mr. and'Wren, ;.,id -Î00 persons promi-N¿R0cliet»v in New York* Bosto"l^*-»« »Berkshire colonies were pres-

¡2»e the guests were Mr. Halej"*M, Chicago; Mrs. Holden, whoj»**". °f the bridegroom, and MissS Holden; Mr. and Mrs. John¦JSiiams jr., of Pasadena, Calif., theyl*'*0 a Mstcr of Mr. Weston, Mr.'Iteí'" Theodore Pomeroy and Miss.¿^ Pomerov, of Greenwich,Q Mr» and Mrs. Winthrop M.Q *". and Mrs. Frederick G.Wi- Rosemary Crane, Mr. Z.Ç^'i Crane, of Dalton; Mr. andt»i-barren Church, of New Ka-£?**.¦, Mrs. George Church and\£ll<! °- Loop, of Great Barring-jj^e bride's two grandmothers.C*rs- Nathaniel Church Scoville,Z?«.^«. Edith and Mary'F. Sco-IV* anii :,-rs- Edward Quintard,I'-C «re1A- Ran?°">. Mr. and Mrs.£äf *}. Ransom, Mrs. John HenryIt* ¡Mrs. Charles Post, Mr. and:*»iuel F, Engs, Dr. and Johni**., Mr. and Mrs. David Ives.".*. and Mrs. Thomas TurlayWxfr8* William Hall Walker,'-¡¿-¿^..Arthur E. Whitney, Miss»»W to V10-*** Mrs- L C. Bates Dana,X üJ*T*'Edward P. Davis, Dr. and»Sri B^hlpr' Dr- Charles Gil-'*&«*?'£T- Hamilton Kerr, Mrs.lH.l!Ir,«r' Robcrt S- Hawthorne,'».IdA« n1îrt,horne' Messrs. Ken-Cï'J1«11, Donaldson, Kirby^ Mr , Bar'-es. of New York.-*¦« Da»nd»,Mrs- »Samuel Gilbert.»»¿ft *c,\Ua Co!t- Mr* and Mrs-Iö***% T«?e11* Mrs- Brenton CraneUS!' vVge and Mrs* Charles L.i«4t'Mis2r*tiand Mrs* vViHiam H.1»** ft? «ope and Wilmot Eaton,S*». CU i nry D* Brigham, Mr.S**», a, Jamos K'tt-redge, Mr.K*iMiS 4leu.?- Wilson* Mr. andK^M* »f i'.*VVh,tU,'s<''>'' Mr. Franklfe5» P. Ilîffield; Mr- and Mrs-l*V G-L^-H' üf Richmond: Mr.1 .-".".I'ge Brown, of Honolulu.?*<&r,,St att,ractivc of yester-V»Ä:'a1 th* »< Miss Lulie'Hite« » dau«ht<-r of Mr. and^* «»«nmct Burroughs, oí

i Irvington-on-the-Hudson, to Mr. G. de-Freest Lamer. Mr. Lamer is the sonof Mrs. Robert Martin Lamer and thelate Mr. Robert Martin Larner, ofWashington. He distinguished himselfin the war as an ace, serving with theLafayette Escadrille and later in the103d Pursuit Squadron, U. S. Air Serv-

j ice, with the rank of captain, and beingdecorated with the Croix de Guerre andthe Distinguished Service Cross".The marriage look place in St. Barna-

bas Church, Irvington, at 5 o'clock, the¡Rev. William Neely Colton officiating.The full surpliccd choir attended, anda reception followed at Woodland, thehome of thft-.Jasiíhí'.? -parents.

Mr. Burroughs gave his daughter inmarriage, and the attendants wereMrs. William Montrose Pettis, a sister,as matron of honor, and Miss OliveIrwin and Miss Frances Sacket de

! Valin, of Cape Vincent, N. Y., as brides¬maids. Mr. Robert Johnson Larneiserved as his brother's best man, andthe ushers were Mr. Davis CarlisleBurroughs, brother of the bride; Mr.William Montrose Pettis, Mr. TheodoreDewey and Mr. Arthur Kennar.Thomson.

i The bride wore a gown of tulle em-j broidered in motifs of pearl and crysta'and mounted on satin. Her veil washeld in place by a bandeau of lace ancorange blossoms and fell to the hewof the court train. She carried fshower bouquet of roses, orchids ancvalley lilies.Among the guests were Mrs. Robert

Marl in Larner, Mrs. L. M. Williamsgrandmother of the bride; Mrs. T. D

j Davis and Mrs. Julian D. Meade. A'the conclusion of their honeymoonwhich will he spent motoring in th«

1 North, Mr. and Mrs. Larner will liv«I at the Sleepy Hollow Country Club.

i Miss Gladys Corlette Armstronggranddaughter of Mrs. Charles B. Armstrong, of Belle Haven, Greenwich, wamarried to Mr. Lawrence F. Rossiterson of Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rossi

| ter, of Field Point Road, Greenwichyesterday afternoon, in Christ Episcopal Church, at 4:30 o'clock. Rev. DrI M. George Thompson, rector of ChrisEpiscopal Church, Greenwich; officiatedThe maid of honor was Miss Isabell«Ailing Armstrong, sister of the brideand the matron of honor was Mrs. Ray

I mond G. Daly, of Stamford, Conn., sister of the bridegroom.The bridesmaids were the Misse

Dorothy Thompson, Ethel Hays, Elizabeth Armstrong, of Greenwich; MisFlorence Marsh, of Pasadena, Calif.Miss Ruth Huston, of Coatesville, Flaand Miss Mary Wilkes McKinney, o

| Columbia, Tenn. Miss Mary Rose Armstrong and Master John Armstrongchildren of the bride's uncle, MiFlorenzo D. Armstrong, of RiversideConn., were flower girls. Mr. Rossitehad for his best man Mr. Josiah CPalmer jr., of New York City, and thushers were Mr. Martin J. Quinn jrMr. Frederick K. Gaston jr., Mr. GeorgW. Helme and Mr. John D. Decker, oGreenwich-, Mr. Howard B. Dean, oGarden City, L. L; Mr. David £Cowles, of Rye, N. Y.; Mr. RavmonG. Daly, of Stamford, and Mr. RaynaSt. M. Thebaud, of New York City*, jlarge reception followed the ceremonat the home of the bride.

Miss C. Tiffany Lord, daughter oMr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Lord, oGreen Farms, Conn., will be marrienext Saturday to Mr. Arthur ChanninTaylor, also of Green Farms. The wedding will take place in the Church othe Heavenly Rest and a reception wilfollow at the Hotel Gotham.Miss Lord will be attended by MisMartha Taylor, sister of the


bridegropm, as maid of honçr. Her bridesmaids will include Miss Louise Maslinand Miss Marjorie Shaw. Mr. Taylowill have Mr. LeRoy Sherman, of Ne*York, as best man, and the ushers wiinclude Mr. Wallace Garland, Mr. PatBray, Mr. Theodore Bray and MiGraham Maheffey, who were all classmates of Mr. Taylor in the class of '2at Yale.

Arrangements for Hunters"'Costume Ball Are Complete«Arrangements have been complete

for the hunters' moon costume ball, tbe held on Saturday evening, Octobe14, at the Weatchester-Biltmore Courtry Club, the guests being attired icostumes of fox hunters, Indians, trarpers, Daniel Boones and styles that thzoo sets.At the Westchester-Biltmore ar

Mrs. H. S. Redmond, Dr. Charles Wadiworth Schwartz, Mr. Charles Sicar«Mr. Wesley V. E. Terhune, Dr. MileJ Tierney, Mr. George S. Wallen, M:Palmer P. Woods, Mrs. John H. WrighMr. John R. Young, Mr. Martin J. Alge,


Prince of WalesLeads Return ofSociety to London

Many Prepare for ^LittleSeason" While CountryHouses Are FillingRapic.lyfor Fall Shooting Parties

Special Cahle to The TribuneCopyright, lflL'î, New york Tribune Inc.

j LONDON, Oct. 7..With the Princeof Wales heading the ativance guard,society people are beginning to seepback Londonward from Scotland andthe Continent to view the approach ofthe "little season," while at the sametime the country houses are filling upfor shooting parties.The prince this week paid a briefvisit to his country house, EastonGrey, near Malmesbury, Wiltshire,from where he will hunt with the Dukeof Bedford's pack. He spent a fewdays as the guest of the Duke of Beau¬fort,, at Badminton, just before goingto Scotland, so this is not his first visitto his new hunting country .since hisreturn from the Far East, but it wasthe first time he has gone there as ahouseholder.There is'every promise that huntingthis season will be up to the old pre¬

war standard, and the prince, who is anoted horseman,' is. expected to gotraining by plenty of cubbing runs be¬fore the regular hunting seasonopens. It is being freely discussed inWiltshiro whether he will be jointmaster with the Marquis of Worcesterof the Duke of Beaufort's pack, but sofar the prince has reached no definitedecision on this question.The prince, who last Saturday was

prespnt at a rally fete given by theBritish Legion, the counterpart hereof the American Legion, had a novelappointment to-day. This afternoonhe attended a great Boy Scout rally atAlexandra Palace. In the evening,from his town home, York House, St.

i James Palace, he talked by radio to.scouts throughout the kingdom unableto come to London.The Duke of York and Prince Henry

are shooting this week over the six-C'ontlniied on Page Three

Horse Show Tea RoomTo Be Unique Featuri

Special Committee of Prominent Women Will Be

Announced SoonThe tea room of this year's Hors

Show November 1.3 to 18 will bestriking reproduction of the front o

Mount Vernon and the proceeds wilgo for the benefit of thé Associatioifor Improving the Condition of th'Poor. The A. I. C. P. is headed b;Mr. Cornelius N. Bliss jr., president.

Mrs. John H. Prentice, of New Yorland Bernardsville, is to be chairmaiof the tea room committee of the as

sociation, and she will announce within the next few days the special committee of well-known New York womershe is now assembling. Miss BetlEvans will be in direct charge of th«tea room and there will be brought together a group of young girls of wellknown New York families who wilserve as waitresses for lunch and after¬noon tea.The tea room of the Horse Show was

a great success last year.The managers of the A. I. C. P. whe

have the direction of the tea room

comprise a group of prominent NewYork men and women and include Mr.Henry G. Barbey, Mrs. Courtlandt D.Barnes, Mrs. August Belmont, Mr,George Blagden, Mr. Cornelius N,Bliss jr., Mrs. Cornelius N. Bliss jr.,Mrs. James A. Burden jr., Mr. CharlesC. Burlingham, Mr. Thomas Cochran,Mr. R. Fulton Cutting, Dr. Haven fc'in-erson, Mr. Homer Folks, Mr. M. Fried¬sam, Mr. John Greenough, Mr. JohnHenry Hammond, Mrs. E. H. Harriman,Mr. Samuel S, Keyser, Mr. John A.Kingsbury, Mr. Franklin B Kirkbride,Mr. Langdon P. Marvin, Mr. Albert G.Milbank, Dr. James A. Miller, Mr. F.P. Moore, Miss Ruth Morgan, Mr.Dwight W. Morrow, Mr. George Mur-nane, Mr. Acosta Nichols, Mr. RobertP. Perkins, Mr. George B. Post. Mr.Percy R. Py*te, Mr. Harry Pelham Rob-bins, Mr. DeWitt J. Seligman, Mr.James Sheldon, Mr. William B, Thomp¬son, Miss Ruth V. Twon-bly, Dr. PhilipVan Ingen and Dr. Hermap-i M. Biggs.

Mrs. Coogan before her marriage on September 29 was Miss Jo¬sephine Adams Osborn. She is a daughter of Professor and Mrs. HenryFairfield Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Coogan have been spending their

honeymoon in Canada.Mrs. Reynolds wat married on September 30: She' teas Mits Jean

Fletcher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fletcher.Mrs. Remick before her marriage on September 30 was Miss Eleanor

Francke. She is a daughter of Mrs. Lindsley Tappin.Miss Wright is one of this season's debutantes. Her mother, Mrs. Forest Wright, of 52.*» Park Avenue, will give a dance for her at the

Ritz-Carlton on November 29.Miss Luce's engagement to Mr. Frank Leslie Montague jr., of Rich¬mond, Va., was announced recently. She is a daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. John Gilbert Luce, of Richmond, formerly of Pelham, N. Y.

Asheville Fall SeasonSets Record in Gayety

Golf Has Been One of MainAttractions, With Two

Courses OpenASHEVILLE, N. C, Oct. 7..The Land

of the Sky has had the gayest autumnresort season in its history» withnumerous receptions, bridge partiesand dances at the Asheville CountryClub, Biltmore Forest Club an«^ at thevarious hotels. Golf has been at itszenith on the two attractive courses,

while mountain climbing and horsebackriding along the unrivaled mountainbridle paths have furnished the more

active physical elements so necessaryfor complete enjoyment.

Late registrations at the Manor in¬clude Miss C. G. Langdon and Mr.Henry Lord, of New York; Mr. andMrs. George A. Ogden, of Brooklyn,

and Mr. Clinton M. Hall, of Old West-bury, L. I.At the Battery. Park are staying Mr.

George C. Sutton, Mr. Charles J. Leach,Miss Margaret Hayes, Mr. Robert A.Bovd, Mr. Guy Fisher, Mr. S. P. Blake-man, Mr. John R. Blair, Mr. W. S.Whiting, Mr. George W. Chandler, Mr.Arthur F. Doherty, Mr. Robert H.Chisholm, Mrs. J. M. Wells, MissMarie Wells and Lloyd Gilbert, of NewYork; Miss Elsie Stewart and Mr. A.T. Stewart, of Woodbury, N. J.; Mr.and Mrs. Robert Boyden and Mr. JamesN. Boyden."of Ridgewood, ff. J.; MissLea Mauri, of Mount Vernon.The Langren is entertaining Miss G.

Shannon, Mr. Frank Grinnell, Mrs. SaraThompson, Mrs. Harry L. Ames, Mr.James E. Souder, Mr. George F, Danielsand Mr. W. S. Johnson, of New York;Mrs. Charles C. Hanby, Miss JessieWalch und Mrs. J. S. Conway, of Syra¬cuse; Mr. R. P. Vroom, of Maplewood,N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Younger, ofNew Haven, Mr. A. H. Bomme?, ofBrooklyn; Mr. W. A. Pratt, of Walling-ford, Conn.; and Mr. Herbert White.

Debutante GroupTo Sell ProgramsAt Victory Dance

List of Patronesses for Bril¬liant Ball le Well UnderWay; Floor CommitteeAssistants A_*e Named

.t The victory ball of the AmericanLegion will be held at the Waldorf-

j Astoria on Friday, November 10, Armis¬tice Eve. Mrs. J. T_rfus Munds ischairman of the débutante committee.She will form à group of twenty-fivesociety girls who will sell programs.The patrones? list of the ball is wellunder way. The list already includesMrs. Kinnicuág^raper, Mrs. HarryHarkness F!__8__T Mrs. James W.Gerard, Mrs.^WIliam Pierson Hamil¬ton, Mrs. Edward McVickar, Mrs. Ar¬thur Julian Moulton and Mrs. M. OrmeWilson.'

Mr. Frank Jefferson, chairman of thefloor committee, has announced hisassistants, who will include Mr. L. H.Paul Chapin, Mr. Stephen Pell, Mr.Jack Wing, Mr. J. Morgan Wing, Mr.Hache Brown, Mr. Malcolm Hunter, Mr.Karl Behr, Mr. W. Halstead, Mr. S.Oakley Vanderpool, Mr. G. DouglasGreen, Mr. L. Garnett Day, Mr. C.Pelham Darlington, Mr. Frederick Suy-dam, Mr. John Tyssowski, Mr. Theo¬dore Crane, Mr. Donald McKinley, Mr.Theron R. Strong jr., Mr. ElmendorfCari, Mr. Jack Devereux, Mr. J. UsherSmith, Mr. J. Fahys Cook,. Mr. John J.Schiefflin, Mr. J. Campbell Schmidt andMr. Latham R. Reed.The general committee includes Mr.

Charles C. Auchincloss, Mr. Julian S.Bache,.Mr. Elliot C. Bacon, Mr. RobertL. Bacon, Mr. Herbert P. Barry, Mr. E.Parrar Bateson, Mr. Philip Benkard,

.; Mr. A. J. Drexel Biddle jr., Mr. JohnMS' Billings jr., Mr. John V. Bouvier

jr., Dr. Samuel Bradbury, Mr. KennethBudd jr., Mr. John J. Brinckerhoff, Mr.Stanley Bulkley, Mr. Henry W. Buxton,Mr. William M. Chadbourne, Mr. L. H.Paul Chapin, Mr. Fred R. Coudert jr.,Mr. Henry H. Curran, Mr. DudleyDavis, Mr. Lee Garnet Day, Mr. CharlesI. DeBevoise, Dr. Edward B. Deuch..

Campagna-CeraboneWedding Is Celebrated

Ceremony Performed at St.Elizabeth's Church; Recep¬tion and Dinner Follow»

Miss Caroline'H. Cerabone, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cerabone, of340 Northern Avenue, was married to Mr.Michael A. Gampagna last Wednesday.The ceremony was performed at St.!

Elizabeth's Church by the\Rev. FatherHayes. Miss Rose Cerabone, the bride'ssister, was maid of honor. The fourbridesmaids were Miss Marie Palletier,Miss Agnes Lauria. and the MissesElizabeth and Annette Silvester. LouiseCerabone, youngster sister of the bride,was flower.girl, and Master Jovan Cam-1pagna, -nephew of the bridegroom, wa3

page.A reception and dinner followed at

the Hotel Plaza. Some of the. guestswere Mrs. ,-Agata Gampagna, Mr. andMrs. Anthony Gampagna, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Paterno, of Riverdale-on-theHudson; Dr. and Mrs. Charles V.Paterno, Mr.. and Mrs, Joseph Faiella,Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Paterno, Mr. andMrs. Ralph Ciluzzi, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Cerabone, Mr. Michael Paterno,Mr. Armiño Gampagna, Miss Christina'Paterno, Mr. John Calhoun, Dr. andMrs. John Faiella, Professor F. Longo,.Mr. and .Mrs. P.. d'Onofrio, Mr. andMrs. William Amos, Judge and Mrs.Palmicri, Mr. Di Salvo, Mr. and* Mrs.H. Kimball,. Mr. and Mrs. Sceurle andMr. Ajello.

Mr. and Mrs. Campagna are spend¬ing their honeymoon in Canada.


Shepherd Dog Club ShowTo Be Held October 17-181

Society in many parts of the conn-try, and especially in New York City,is greatly interested in the eighth an¬nual specialty show of the ShepherdDog Club of America, to be held inthe 104th 'Field Artillery Armory,Broadway and Sixty-eighth Street, onOctober 17 and 18. This breed has be¬come one of the most popular ¡n theUnited States since the war und inmany shows has r-*d all classes.

Bachelors of Tuxedo ParkWill Give Dance at Old Club

More Than 300 Acceptances Received for AffairWednesday Night; It Promises to Rival

' Famous Autumn Ball. From a Staff Correspondent

TUXEDO, October 7.THE dance to be given by the

bachelors of Tuxedo Park next

Wednesday night in the OldClub promises to rival the au¬

tumn ball, which is considered the out¬standing social event of the fall season

at Tuxedo. Over three hundred ac¬

ceptances havç feeen received to theinvitations «<*rn¦ uut for the dance, andit is thought that many more will b«added *.o the. lisf'before WednesdayThe dance is being given by the bach-

Í eUts' in recognition of the entertain-ing they haw received in the varioushomes during the year.Nearly all the members of the fall

colony have returned to the park andan extremely active social season isanticipated. .Mr. and Mrs. David Wag-staff, who recently returned fromsummer trip abroad and who have beenstaying with Mrs. Wagstaff's mother,Mrs. Henry M. Tilford, while theirhouse was being put in readiness, haveopened their house for the season.Others who opened their Tuxedo homeslast week after having spent the sum¬mer in Europe were Colonel and Mrs.Frank B. Keech and Mr. and Mrs. Her¬bert T. King.Those who are at the Winter Club

for the week end include Mr. and Mrs.James Lowell Putnam, Mr. and Mrs.William Gilman Low, Mr. and Mrs.Edward Livingston Burrill, Mrs. AlfredKessler. Mr. Lindsley Russell, Mr. An¬dre Lord, Mr. Frank U. Roche, Mr..A.lfred E. Dabney, Mr. and Mr». SpriggD. Camden, Mr. H. Gallatin Pell andMajor Pierre Lorillard. who attendedmany of the polo games at the Mea¬dow Brook Club during the last week.Among those who will entertain at

the bachelors' dance are Mr. and Mrs.Charles B. Alexander, who will have astheir guests Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Whit-ridge. Mrs. Ernest R. Adce will enter¬tain Miss Jeanne Reynal and Mr. JohnSteams.Mr. and Mrs. Amory Carhart wlï!

have as guests Miss Florence LoewMiss Evelyn Loew, Miss Helen Ben

i nett, Mr. Brewster Jennings, Mr.Bulkely Wells and Mr. Robert Pavne.Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Coulter willentertain for Miss Laura Harding, Mr.Waldron P. Belknap jr., Mr. John R.Meeker nn»l Mr. H. Graff Trevor jr.Mr. and Mrs. Preston Davle will haveMrs. Draper Taft as guest.j Mr. Edson Bradley\ guests will in-elude Suffragan Bishop and Mrs. Her¬bert Shipnian. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll L.Wainwright, Mrs. A W. B. Pratt, CountOrlawski and Commander A. B. Cook.Mr. Andre» Lord will entertain Mr. Le-land Hayward, Captain E. E. Steeleand Miss.Agnes Duryea. Mr. and Mrs.¡John Munroe will have Mr. and Mrs.Clarence Pell, Mr. Edgar W. Leonardand Mr. P. McCullock Miibe as guests.Others who will entertain will be

Mr. and Mrs, Robert r*", Mr. PierreLorillard sr., and Major Pierre Loril-lard jr., Mr, and Mrs. Edward J. Haney,Mr. and Mrs. H. Coleman Drayton, Mr.and Mrs. Morin S. Hare, Mr. Frederic

| A. Juilliard, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred LLoomis, Mr. and Mrs. H. PendletonRogers, Mr. and Mrs. David WagstarT,Mr. and Mrs. C. Tiffany Richardson,who will have Mr. and Mrs. RobertBréese as -j-uestf»; Mr. and Mrs. John E.Rogers, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley G. Morti-mer, the Countess Otto Salm, Mr. andMrs. George St. George, Mr. and Mrs.Julien Shackno, Mr. and Mrs. JosephE. Stevens and Miss Annette Tilford.Also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Van

Sinderen, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wil¬liams, Mr. Roger Tuckerman, who willentertain Miss Betty Thompson; Mr.Ludlow Lauman, Mr. Norman S.Walker jr. and Miss Eleanor Kurd;Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuckerman, Mr. andMrs. Frederic O. Spedden, Mr. LindsayRussell, who will entertain Mr. W. G.Bibb, Mrs. Ann Ellicott, Mrs. WalterWilliamson, Miss Dorothy Clemens,Mr. and Mrs, Frederick lliiton and Mr.and Mrs. Norman S. Walker jr.; Mr.and Mrs. Alexander H. Tomes, Mr. andMrs. F. F. Carey, Mr. and Mrs, CharlesReed, Mr. and Mrs. William Clear-water, Mrs. Price Collier, Mr. and Mrs.John E. Cowdin, Mr. and Mrs. FredericF. de Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Fal dr St.Phalle and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dins-

| more.

Newport Autumn DaysMarked by Entertaining

Dinners, Luncheons and Clam-bake Form Pro*p*am for

the Last WeekSpecial Dispatch to The Tribune

NEWPORT, R. I., Oct. 7..Frequententertainments interested members oftho late staying summer colony, withthe season being extended because ofthe ideal weather. Mr. and Mrs. JohnAsptfgren had two distinguished guestsnt Aspen Hall during the week in Vis¬count d'Alte,'Portuguese Ambassadorto the Unitid States, and Sir GilbertParker, English novelist, who is relat¬ed to Mrs. Aspegren. Entertainments-were given for them, and among theothers who gave dinners or luncheonswere Dr. and Mrs. Ai«_xander HamiltonRice, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Eppley) Mr.and Mrs. Beverly Bögert, Mr. R. Liv¬ingston Beeckman, Mrs. James LenoxBanks jr.. Mrs. David Price for Gen-eft.1 and Mrs. George Mclver, Mrs.Charles Mornn, Mrs, John A. Loganand Captain and Mrs. De-Witt Blâmer.In addition, the last bake of the seasonwas given at the Clambake Club.Thursday afternoon a large number

heard, Miss Katherine Cortazzb, whorecently returned from y trip abroad,speak on the devastation at Rheimsand at Verdun, the talk being held inMiss Waring's residence on CatherineStreet under the direction of theLeague of Women Voters.Competition has been started for the

Lanfear Norrie Cup, which is awardedby the Outer Foundation Fishing Clubfor the member who catches the mostfish offshore over a period of thro«days. This event was scheduled lastweek, but was postponed. Mr. Brad¬ford Norman is president of the club,with Mr. Henry Brevoort Kane as vice-president, and Mr. Hartford W. H,Powel as secretary. The cup has beenwon by tho lote William R. Hunter andby Mr. Bradford Norman, Mr. LouisQuentin Jones, Mr. Granville Kane an«JMr. Lispenard Stewart.

Amor.'? the summer residents whohavñ elosçd ihoir sentón recently a«Mr. Graft«. D. Cushing, Prince ancPrinces-! Miguel tie Braganza, Admiraland Mrs. Cameron M«/Rae Witosiow

Mrs. Frederic Neilson, Mrs. Juan M.Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Ogden H, Ham¬mond, Mr. I. Townsend Burden, Mr.and Mrs. Dudley Davis, Mr. William E.Carter, Mr. and Mrs, Benjamin Thaw,Mr. and Mrs. Herman Le Roy Jones,Mr. and Mrs. Harrison S. Morris, MissEdna H. Barger and Mr. and Mrs. Maxi¬milian Agassi'/..

Dr. and Mrs. Seaman, who have beenguests of General and Mrs. J. FredPierson. have gone to New York. Ad¬miral Seaton Schroeder, who is crit¬ically ill, was taken to his Washingtonresidence i h is week.Among the arrivals were Mr. and

Mrs. Fitz Eugene Dixon, who are withthe Rices at Miramar, as was Mr. W.R. Lewis. Miss Hope Gaston at.d Mr.Edward Bangs, of Boston, were guestsof Mr. R. -Livingston Beeckman. Mr.William H. Vanderbilt arrived for avisit with Mrs. Vanderbilt at ThoBreakers, and arranged to open Oak¬land Farm, which was left to him byhi» father, Mr. Alfred G. Vanderbilt,next month. Mr. and Mrs. SidneyThayer were also visitors.


Miss Dorothy F. HeywoodTo Be Bride October 14

Arrangements Completed forMarriage to Mr. Ferdinand

Meyer, of BaltimoreMiss Dorothy Frances Heywood,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.Heywood, of 324 West 103d Street, ofthis city, will be married to Mr.iY'iv.inand Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs.F. A. Meyer, Roland Park, Baltimore,on "Saturday, October 14.* The cere-

mony will take place at the home ofthe bride's parents, at 6:30 o'clock,with the Rev. Dr. A. E. Keigwin, of theWest End Presbyterian Church, of-iiciating.Mrs. Robert R. Heywood jr., of this *

city, will be the matron of honor, andMiss Adelaide Irwin, of East Orange,

| will be the flower girl.Mr. Meyer will have as his best man

Mr. Lewis W. Lake, of Baltimore. Thei ushers will be Mr. Robert, R. Hey\»oodjr., of this city, and Mr. George W.Wagner, «*>f Baltimore.Miss Heywood attended Mrs. Dow's

School, Biiarcliff, and Mr. Meyer waspraduated' from Joiins Hopkins, class»

I of '19.