instant car shipping quote

The transportation industry worldwide consists of many mom-and-pop operations who cannot afford real-time quoting and marketing on their website. Using our unique API, they will now be able to log into the carrier-facing portal and manage their accounts, and compete with the larger players who currently own proprietary platforms. Level the Playing Field Value to Vendors Carriers will now have the ability to change DF=79G CB H<9=F CKB 5G H<9M G99 TH !CF example, during slow seasons they can offer discounts to generate more revenue. CAD5B=9G H<5H TB8 =H 8=:T7I@H HC ;9B9F5H9 revenue at new branch locations can leverage our platform and their existing ratings to generate sales quicker. Carriers can also ID@C58 H<9=F 65BB9FG 5:T@=5H=CBG A9A69FG<=D to entice customers Flexible Pricing & Promotions Carriers can now offer themselves for alternate >C6G H<5H H<9M KCI@8 <5J9 CH<9FK=G9 A=GG98 For example, a customer that wants to ship furniture across the country might have been looking for moving-company quotes but Haload can offer cheaper options from freight carriers, truck rentals or even U-Load containers. This opens the doors to additional revenue. Diverse Carrier Marketing 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 1952| Wilmington, DE| U.S.A 19808 Phone : +302-725-0500 Fax : 302-725-0400| Email : [email protected] 9

Upload: sinusejill

Post on 21-Mar-2016




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We were so happy to ship with Briana again, she always does an awesome job. Briana ships our car twice a year without a glitch.


The transportation industry worldwide consists of many mom-and-pop operations who cannot afford real-time quoting and marketing on their website. Using our unique API, they will now be able to log into the carrier-facing portal and manage their accounts, and compete with the larger players who currently own proprietary platforms.

LLeevveell tthhee PPllaayyiinngg FFiieelldd

Value to Vendors


Carriers will now have the ability to change

example, during slow seasons they can offer discounts to generate more revenue.

revenue at new branch locations can leverage our platform and their existing ratings to generate sales quicker. Carriers can also

to entice customers

FFlleexxiibbllee PPrriicciinngg && PPrroommoottiioonnss

Carriers can now offer themselves for alternate

For example, a customer that wants to ship furniture across the country might have been looking for moving-company quotes but Haload can offer cheaper options from freight carriers, truck rentals or even U-Load containers. This opens the doors to additional revenue.

DDiivveerrssee CCaarrrriieerr MMaarrkkeettiinngg

3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 1952| Wilmington, DE| U.S.A 19808Phone : +302-725-0500 Fax : 302-725-0400| Email : [email protected]