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Post on 09-Dec-2015




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Instagram marketing and social media




THE TABLEThe Table Of Contents.

INTROA little about Why I wrote this book.

My name is Myka. This short book is something I wrote to motivate, inspire, and hopefully, help someone to be the best they can be, and get exactly what they desire.

I hope, as you read this book, you can pick up some helpful tips along the way, that you can pick up and start using in your daily life, to help you reach your goals and aspirations, and make you a better, more confident person overall.

I want you to go through this book, and as you read, use it as fuel to build your internal fire, your drive, your vehicle, that is going to drive you to your success. I want you to have a fire so big that you won’t stop at any costs to get what you want. I want you to have a desire SO POWERFUL that you will get EXACTLY what you DESIRE and no one, I repeat, NO ONE, is going to stop you because you aren’t taking any BS from people, they won’t bring you down, you will get hit, and stand right back up, and bring you down, you will get hit, and stand right back up, and charge through everything with such a force that there will be nothing that can stop you and you will get everything, because no one can say otherwise!

Though, you won’t get what you desire, without fighting for it… You have to want to fight for what you want! You have to be able to take negativity, from your friends, family, and everyone around you. Because your ideas will sound crazy to the people around you.

People are scared of change, of risk, and new ideas. Nobody wants to step up for what they believe, and tell everyone about their ideas, their dreams, and aspirations! They are to afraid of being criticized!

But you must step out of that mindset, and make sure that no matter what people may say to you, how they might crush you, step on your dreams, and make you seem like a fool, you must stand up for you ideas and beliefs, don’t let anyone make up your mind for you.

You have a mind of your own.

Use it!

Don’t let others make your decisions.

THE BASICSCreating & Setting up your Instagram account. For the “Noob”.

First, downloadInstagram.

Then, you can openInstagram.

Upload a niceProfile Pic

Of Yourself!

I’d just Skipthis is...

Now you havea new account!

Now you’ve got tocreate a description.

Click on“Edit Your Profile”

Exit Instagram& Open “Notes”

Now you need toCreate a New Note

Make sure toClick “Enter” to Stack

Hold down, then let go& hit “Select All”

Then Hold down, let go & hit “Copy”

Go back to Instagramand Paste into “Bio”

Now you’ve got theperfect Bio!

Next, you’ll need toput your URL in.

TRAININGCreating a full-time income through Instagram.

Keywords & Hashtags. Two of the most important things for your business today. This opens the door to tons of people, products, services, potential buyers, and customers. You connect with people who are looking for what you have to offer! Essentially, your marketing runs off of these two things… So how do we go about using Keywords and Hashtags?

First of all, lets start off with finding people that are looking for what you have got to offer them. We’ll find the perfect customer.

Lets look at what you have to offer… Examine what you have.

Say for example, you are selling a product on Weight Loss. You go to your family (Because for some reason, this is what everyone thinks you should do when you start off) and you offer your product. To yourself, your product is perfect. It’s working for you, you’ve seen the results of others, and the product just screams value and quality in your eyes, but for some reason no one is taking a bite at your offer… This is where most people fail.

First of all, your target market IS WAY OFF. Your cousin is most likely not even looking for a Weight Loss training course!

What is your Avatar? An Avatar is your perfect customer. A person already looking for your product/service, that vibes with you, has the money to buy your product/service, and is out there, looking for you.

See, the thing is, most of you don’t know who your Avatar is… You don’t know your target market, and that’s why you’re failing so hard. You’ve got to know who it is that will buy your product, and you have to know that market like the back of your hand.

So how can you find your Avatar?

If you’ve already had some success, this is easy. All you have to do is look at who your current customers/clients/buyers are. Look at the people who have already bought from you. Find their interests, find out why they connected with you, and how they are relevant to you in your life.

Also, look at the people already following you. Regardless if they’ve bought from you.

So why would you look at your followers, even if they have never bought from you? If someone is following you, that person most likely has something in common with you, or something in common with another person they’re following, that is following you.

Let’s say you’re a Personal Trainer… There’s a lot of people that are looking for a Personal Trainer. Men, Women, Youth, the Elder-ly, Fit people, Fat people, etc… But that does NOT mean they are looking for YOU. Some people only feel comfortable with certain types of trainers, and/or people, or they might like only one type of training, etc… So what you have to do, is go out and look for YOUR PERFECT CUSTOMER.

We’re going to go deep…

I want you to look at all of these things. Consider each one, even if it doesn’t seem like it may affect you. Trust me, it makes the world of a difference! It all depends on your products, some of this may not apply.

AgeSexRaceReligious BeliefsBackgroundPersonal Opinions and/or BeliefsThe things they The things they LIKEThe things they DISLIKECertain Interestsand Ethnicity

Look At:

The best way to do this is to look at yourself. Look at your product, and your presentation. If you saw that presentation, and that product, while searching for something to help you, would you buy from that?

Your customer should mirror you.

Say I was just starting off, and I’m looking for MY Perfect Customer. What would I do first?

Right off the bat, I see that I’m a young guy. So I want people that are going to be roughly in my Age group… Between 18 & 25 years old. I like to keep it at a 5 to 15 year gap.

For Race, I’m Half Mexican, and Half White… For me, I’d like to get all races! But maybe you would only like to get a following of people that are in YOUR race. Make this decision strongly, and don’t be afraid, you’re not racist if you only target your race! (So long as you don’t exclude anyone that wants your product and they’re from a different race, LOL)

Gender to me is a huge factor. I would like to attract Men to my products mostly. And if you’re a Woman, maybe you’d like to attract mostly Women. For me, my following is naturally Men, so I’ve built a following that is mostly males.

Look at myself.

This is all personal preference, remember, you’re finding your PERFECT customer, so be honest. If you don’t feel like your per-fect customer is a Man, then make sure you’re targeting Women!! You don’t want to attract customers that you don’t want to work with. (For all you women out there using my awesome products, I’m not pushing you out, and I’d love to work with you, just know I’m not directly targeting you gal’s) :P Haha!

If your product goes with your religion, make sure to target people in that religion! For me, I’m open to people of all religions, so this one doesn’t affect my targeting very much.

Target people based on their Interests... You want to make sure these people are interested in the same things as you. A lot of my target market are interested in Business, and they’re Entre-preneurs, so I target just that! Most of my target market is look-ing to build a business, to make money Online, at Home, and/or Traveling!

I think at this point, I’ve listed enough factors for you to get my message.

So if I know that my target market are 18 to 25 year old men, who are interested in building a Business, working at Home, making money Online, and Traveling the world as they make money from their Laptop, then why would I be showing my Products/Services to anyone else but my target market?

Start with what you can, you’ll get better at finding your target market, and it may change for you from time to time!

HASHTAGSResearching Hashtags for your Target Market.

Okay, before we get into this, you’ve got to understand one thing…

You ONLY want to talk to people WHO HAVE MONEY. Why waste your time talking to people who are broke?? You’re only going to waste your own time AND that persons time, and neither of you will take anything positive back from that wasted time.

If you’re trying to build your business, you’re looking for people who have the money to spend on buying your products/ser-vices… Say your products/services are $60, and someone con-tacts you about it, but they don’t have the money to buy your service, than that person is not who you’re looking for! Say you’re selling higher ticket items/products/services, for $1000, $2000, or even $10,000; then you’re looking for a different kind of person! You’ve got to find out where they’re all hanging out at.

So remember, my target market is 18 to 25 year old men, who are interested in building a Business, working at Home, making money Online, and Traveling the world as they make money from their Laptop.

I use hashtags like these:

#Entrepreneur #HomeBusiness #YoungAndRich #Success #Awesome #OnlineBusiness #WorkFromHome #Travel #Blogger #Vlogger

Your hashtags are going to be different, so here’s how to find what suites your target market.

It is as simple as that guys! Search a term relevant to your market, and you find MASSIVE amounts of people!

Though, there are a million tags to search, a lot may not be for you… So how do we find the tags more specific to you?

Though, there are a million tags to search, a lot may not be for you… So how do we find the tags more specific to you?


CHUNKINGNarrowing your Hashtags to find the perfect customer.

Chunking is a way of finding the perfect tags for your target market, whether you want to broaden your market, or narrow it down, this is the way to do it!

Lets go back to the “Weightloss”, say that’s what we’re marketing and selling to people… There are A LOT of people in Weight Loss, so using the Hashtag #Weightloss opens up a HUGE and BROAD door, where everyone resides… But we aren’t looking for everyone, we want a specific market. So we have to “Chunk

To make this really easy, all you’ve got to do is scroll through the list of RELATED HASTAGS, and find a smaller set, such as #WeightlossChallange. As you can see above, the Hashtag #WeightlossChallange only has 56,867 Posts, opposed to the 8,415,276 Posts under the Hashtag #Weightloss.

This was you’re narrowing down your target market to only the types of people you want to work with. Your PERFECT Client/-Customer!

Example of a narrowed down Hashtag list:#WeightlossTips #WeightlossChallange #WeightlossJourney #WeightlossStory


From those Hashtags & Keywords, find the one’s that are for your Target Market.

Guys, this is SO easy, and it’s the MOST valuable thing for your business, because you can find your PERFECT customer, and find out where they’re all hanging out at!

Now that we’ve found your perfect customer, lets move onto how you connect with them!

CONNECTINGMaking a connection with potential Clients/Buyers/Customers

Okay, so we’ve narrowed down your perfect customer. You know what Race they are, sex, background, etc… From that, we have been able to create a list of usable Hashtags to use on our pic-tures, and for finding out where your perfect customers are hanging out...

We want to create a connection! Lets go over how we would go about that… It’s really quite simple. Review the steps, and then make sure you check out the Diagram below the steps for pieces of information you’ll need.

Search a Hashtag relevant to your Target MarketFind a picture you think is something your “Perfect Customer” would postLike the ImageFollow the person who Uploaded the picture! (Important)And leave a cool comment about the picture (NOT ABOUT YOUR PRODUCT/SERVICE)

So what do we do now?

You want to post something cool, something that has nothing to do with you!

Like “Awesome!” - “So true!!” - “Man this is awesome, thanks for the post!” - “Made my day!!!!” - “Love your posts! Keep it up, really inspiring :)”

If you post a comment like “Check out the link in my bio to get awesome muscles” or - “Follow me for the release of my new product!” the first thing someone is going to do is BLOCK YOU, and DELETE your comment… So yeah, that doesn’t work. Plus, you wouldn’t trust someone who did that would you? So why would anyone trust YOU if you did that?

Stick to the awesome comments that have nothing to do with you, and trust me, you’ll get an AMAZING amount of feedback (Followers, Likes, Comments, and LEADS!)

So lets go over this one last time.

The first thing we did was search for Hashtags relevant to your Target Market, for me I found #EntrepreneurLifestyle was an awesome place to find my Perfect Customer. Second thing we did was scroll through the pictures under the tag #Entrepre-neurLifestyle, and clicked on a photo. After finding a photo, we now move on to the most important steps -

Like the Photo -

Follow the person who uploaded the Image -

Post an Awesome comment, something they can connect with! (NO SPAM)

How easy was that?? You just successfully connected with apotential customer! And not just any customer… YOUR PERFECT CUSTOMER!

This stuff is worth Millions of dollars people… USE IT. With hard work, dedication, time, and sheer willpower, I know this will make you MILLIONS. So go out and do it!

CONTENTThe KING of Instagram Marketing. What, When, & How to post.

In this chapter, we will be covering the following:

What to PostWhen to PostWhat to Say when you PostCall to ActionEngagement / Giveaways / Specials

So let’s cover the first topic, “What to Post”.

When you’re posting, you need to make sure that you’re posting content that is going to speak directly to your “Avatar” and your niche.

Say you’re in the Weight Loss niche, you want to make sure you’re speaking to people in that industry, if you’re in Music, you need to speak to people in the Musical Industry, or if you’re a Motivational Speaker, or in Real Estate, etc... Guys you need to make sure to speak to those types to people in your niche!

No matter what you do, you can’t sell meat to a vegetarian… No matter how hard you try, not even if you tell him how juicy your steak is, how delicious your burger is, you’ll never sell that vegetarian meat.

So make sure you’re marketing to YOUR niche!

I’ll tell you something… Most of you, all you need to make your business huge, is just more people in your niche seeing what you have to offer… That’s it! Your product/service is great, you are great, your business is awesome, all you need are more eyes on your Products, Services, Brand & Your Movement. That is IT!

A lot of you probably only have 2 or 3 people checking out what you have a day… But imagine if you had 100 people, or 500, or 1000 people checking out your Products/Services everyday! How would that affect your business right now? What if all you had to do is get more people to see what you have to offer? Well that’s exactly what you have to do right now! You just got to get more people to see what you have to offer that are looking for your PrProducts/Services!

More people need to see you. So how do we do this?

What is a Lead Magnet?

A Lead Magnet is a tool that you use to attract people that are looking for your Products/Services to your Business, Brand, and Movement.

There are TONS of ways to create Lead Magnets, but there’s a specific way to create them for Instagram, which I’ll get to later.

Lets look at some examples of Lead Magnets you could use:

TrainingsSample of your Product/Service

Remember that your goal is to not get 100% of the people that try out your Product/Service, because then you’re Marketing to everyone and no one at the same time…

For example, say I’m trying to sell some shoes, and I’m waving them around saying “Hey guys, come get your Shoes!” and they’re just plain old white sneakers… Nobody's gonna buy my plain white sneakers. Lol most likely if someone were to buy from me, it would probably be because they were sorry for me. When you go out, and market your product to EVERYONE and not a Target Market, you’re just waving around some Plain White Sneakers… Sneakers… You aren’t marketing to anyone! But what if I had a pair of White Sneakers, that had black laces and an awesome logo on the side? The shoes with the Black Laces, and awesome Logo will sell much better than the plain white sneakers. Why?

Because then, you’ll be focusing on the 2-3% of people who are looking for what you have! Now this doesn’t sound like a lot, but trust me guys you can make a lot of money from this 2-3%!

So what you gotta do is make sure that you’re attracting people who are looking for what you have!

So this all depends on how you’re marketing your business.

You can do this through Webinars, Videos, Pictures, Free Reports, PDF’s, Conferance Calls, Sales Videos, Samples of your Products, Free Trials (Or for a SMALL Fee), ETC…

There’s a TON of things you can do with Lead Magnets!

All you gotta do is come up with some Lead Magnets!

You gotta have 1-3 Lead Magnets.

Go out there, and Find the Solutions. The person who finds the solutions always wins.

It can be Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Financial, etc…

Once you get all of this down, and it’s all clear for you, it’s going to be really easy for you to post content for Instagram!

Of course, the content you’ll be posting on Instagram is either a Picture or a Video. It’s so simple!

Once you know who your “Avatar” is, know where they’re hang-ing out, and start speaking their language (Industry: Trends, Latest Gossip, The Newest Strategy, What’s going on Locally, etc…)

Take a look at the diagram below to find out how to get Million Dollar Marketing about your niche for Free, to get the information you need to see what the most popular subjects in your niche are, so you can dominate in your space and make some money!

Unlock your deviceand open yourbrowser.

Now search“Your Market” MagazineUnder Images.

Search somethingyou found froma cover!

And you findcontent to postfor FREE!

If you just look at magazine covers that are related to your Product/Service, you will never run out of content to post.

Lets look at another thing we can do.

Click on the resultmatching your search!

And go throughall the amazingFREE Content!

Click on the resultmatching your search!

And go throughall the amazingFREE Content!


And go throughall the amazingFREE Content!

Once you’ve foundthe perfect photoclick on it.

Then click the“DOWNLOAD”button.

All you gotta do nowis post the Picture!

With the contentwe found from theMagazines of course!!

The more Value you bring to the world, the more money you’ll make. It’s as simple as that! So go crazy with posting Content of Value.

The more Value you bring to the world, the more money you’ll make. It’s as simple as that! So go crazy with posting Content of Value.

Now why is it that you want to make sure that not only are you providing great Content, but bring value as well?

Because once you start teaching someone a skill, and talking about something that not very many people know about or have heard about, you Instantly become the Authority. When you start pre-positioning yourself in your Target Marketplace, you start to become the “Go-To” guy, the “Professional”, and you start becoming a Celebrity in your business. The people having the most success are seen as Experts on a certain subject, and PProfessionals in their Market.

For example, if you’re a Web Designer, designing websites just isn’t enough! You should be going out and looking for the latest trends in Web Design, or make videos on how people can make their website look better without paying thousands of dollars for someone to do it for them, just something to attract people to you and your business! Don’t let my ideas stop you from doing what you think you should do, there are endless possibilities with this, you just gotta figuwith this, you just gotta figure out what works for you!

WHEN & WHATWhat times are best to post & Other forms of Content to Post.

You’ll want to make sure that you are posting either in the Morning, Afternoons, or Night.

The reason you want to make sure not to post early in the morning (Especially on Weekends) is because people are most likely still asleep. And the same goes for late at night, people are most likely going to be asleep, and no one will see your content.

In the Morning you want to post between the hours of 7:00AM - 10:00AM.

In the Afternoon you want to post between the hours of 1:00PM - 4:30PM.

In the Evening you want to post between the hours of 6:00PM - 10:00PM.

So make sure you post at the right times! And experiment for yourself, see what times you get the most engagement out of your followers, and from people searching for your content! Don’t be afraid!

Okay, now we can move onto the second part of this chapter…

Let me give you some ideas, and then I’ll let you come up with some of your own. It’s about time you start taking control of your business, be creative!

And if someone trusts you, they will take your word on anything. So if you share your experience with your Product/Service, brand and movement, they will trust in you that you are providing them with something of value, and that what you’re offering them will not disappoint them.

You can sell to anyone...

So go out, and tell your story.

Or inform people on new things in your Industry/Niche!

Share quotes of Motivation, and Inspiration to get peoples blood flowing, to get them wanting to do something better, to want to change their lives!

And last but not least…

PROMOTIONHow do you Promote your Account & Products/Services?

Such as…

A contest! Make a contest that is related to your Product/Ser-vices or Instagram Account, and hold people accountable to it! Pick a winner, and give them something… Like a Free month of your services, or two of your Products to use for free!

Or if you’re a photographer, do a Free Photoshoot!

If you’re in Network/Internet Marketing, do a Free Webinar teaching them a new strategy in your Niche, or tell your story of success, and let people call in so they can share how they relate to your story!

Go to a Page Relatedto your Target Market.

Browse through theirPhotos until you find

one that catches your eye.

Press & Hold thePower & Home Buttonto take a Screenshot.

Lets Post theImage we found.Hit “NEXT”

Add a Caption, thenmention the user whoyou got the post from!

Lets Post theImage we found.Hit “POST”

Make sure you dideverything correctly!

And there you go!You’ve successfullyre-posted a picture!

Get Creative guys! Come up with your own ways of promoting your Account, and Products/Services! It’s not hard, it just take a little while to figure out what works for you, and what is the least effective. My methods work for me, but just because it works for me, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to work for you… I’m in Internet Marketing, and you might be selling SSkateboards… Even though they both have on thing in common, which is they both need to be promoted, that doesn’t mean that you going and reposting a Motivational quote is going to help boost your account. You could go and repost and picture of someone doing something amazing with a Skateboard, something that would Inspire other Skaters!

Get to know your business inside and out…

ENGAGEMENTHow to Engage with your Target Market.

Alright so lets get some stuff straight here when it comes to Engaging with your Target Market…

I can not stress enough to you how important it is to make sure you reply to everyone that contacts you. Everyone. If someone Emails you, Messages you, or even just posts a comment on one of your posts, Reply to it! Notice in the diagram in the last chapter how I replied to every comment that was left on my post. This is especially important for a Small account, it will boost your accounts growth by 60%!!!!

One thing to note though, if they are negative whatsoever, ignore it. Don’t waste your time, and don’t let it get to you. If there are people saying Negative things about what you’re doing, it’s just a sign that you are heading in the right direction. So ignore it!

Now there are two sides to Engagement. There’s the side above, about Engaging with the part of your Target Market that contacts you, but what about Engagement with other people?

Engagement with other people is absolutely necessary, and must be done on a Daily basis (No matter how huge your account may be). Even if it’s just 30 Minutes a day (See the 21 day 30 Minute Instagram Challenge Worksheet included with your Ebook Package!).

Now this is something you’ve got to ask yourself at this point… How bad do you want success? What are you willing to put in to gain that success? How fast do you want to get to what goal? What is it going to take to reach that goal in the time that you want to achieve it?

I want you to know that any time-frame is possible, whether it’s 90 days, or 2 years, the same amount of success can be achieved within both of those times, but it all depends on how much you are willing to work on reaching that goal everyday.

THE ONEBecome your Industry. Be “The One”.

What does that mean? It means that when your niche is talked about by others, you are the person that comes to everyones mind. When you are the main person that is talked about in your Target Market, THE ONE that everyone knows, the Go-To guy when it comes to your business.

ACTIONHow to deploy a Call to Action.

This is probably the most important thing to focus on… This is what is going to make you or break you in your business… So what is a Call to Action?

A Call to Action is a certain action that you want your Target Market or “Avatar” to take. To take them to your website. It is the action you want them to take when it comes to your Products and/or Services. This is how you will capture Leads (Potential Buyers)

Getting Leads is the objective here.

What’s considered a Lead?

Getting information on a potential buyer from someone in your Target Market that would be considered your “Perfect Customer”. This information could include Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, their Name, Mailing Address, etc…

After you get Leads, you can then Market to them, with your method of choice… It could be Email Marketing, Text Marketing, or any other kind of Marketing you choose to use with your Leads, but essentially when you get a Lead you want to let them know about your Products/Services as much as you can without being Intrusive.

Send them a video about it, and a couple days later send them another, then the next time you send your Leads something include a discount code, etc… Keep in mind these are just ideas off of the top of my head, I want you to use your own creativity too though!

So now lets get into creating a Call to Action.

Check out the example below!!!!

So what’s the main objective here? To get Leads. How? By getting Potential Leads to click the link you’ve placed in your Bio (The link to your Landing Page/Sales Page/Store/ETC…).

Easy right?

BIOAbout Me!

Hey guys, I hope you loved this eBook I produced for you! I know you’ll use the Billion Dollar training and advice in here, and take advantage of the methods to lift your business so high no one can touch you!

So you’ve read my book, taken this awesome content, and you’re gonna apply it… But who am I, and what do I do, you may be wondering?

I help people everyday, and get the privilege of working on my internal success daily.

Best of all though, I am my own boss, so I get to spend all of my time with my Fiance, the love of my life… It wasn’t always like this.

My journey to the success I have accumulated did not come easy.

In fact I dropped out of school at just 12 years old. I couldn’t stand to waste another minute of my life inside of a classroom filling out worthless papers that did not, and would never help me learn to live in the real world, or make the income I wanted to produce for myself to live the life I want.

Since then, I’ve taken on so many jobs it’s crazy!

I’ve been (In Order) an Amazon Ebook Seller, a Server Host (For Video Games), a Video FX designer, a Graphic Designer, a Sales Rep (Cold Calling), a Graphic Designer again, a Web Designer, a Sales Rep again, and a Graphic Designer YET AGAIN...

LOL it’s just insane guys.

Though, I won’t go into detail heThough, I won’t go into detail here about how I came to the success I’ve created now (you can read more about my journey on my Blog -, but I will tell you it was brutal.

But it paid off! So much that now, I am a Lifestyle Coach. Teaching people how to create internal and financial success… I coach each and every person throughout the entire process, every step of the way, I am there, guiding them to their own personal success.

It is amazing to be able to change a persons life so much, I can’t begin to tell you how it feels to be the one that takes a person with no self-esteem, confidence, and/or Financial success, and turn them into an image of complete success in everything they do…

That is why I wrote this book, to inspire, motivate, and push a person to crush through their goals and achieve success!

But this book is only scratching the surface…

Making sure you’re behind the right movement can make or break your success…

For the better part of 3 years, I’ve been a part of an amazing movement… With the right Mentors, and a Vision that would blow your mind, it’s perfect. Not to mention everything is setup for you to ensure your success, and you get your very own PPersonal Training Coach to help you every step of the way on your journey to success, with a community that will keep you motivated and on top 24/7, I can’t help but tell everyone about it. Which is why I’m telling you about it!

FinFinding this system saved my life. It opened the doors to success for me and changed me forever. I finally found something that brought in consistent cash flow, and residual income doing what I love, using the EXACT method I taught you in this eBook.

FinFinding this system saved my life. It opened the doors to success for me and changed me forever. I finally found something that brought in consistent cash flow, and residual income doing what I love, using the EXACT method I taught you in this eBook.

You know what I do all day? Share my life on Instagram.

It’s so freaking easy it’s crazy, but God Damn it works, and AMAZING at that.

I finally found the sysI finally found the system that brings me MASSIVE results, and has created a life of FREEDOM, and SUCCESS for my Fiance and I.