inspire 2015 - rentrak: automate to innovate 1000x faster

#inspire 15 Automate to Innovate 1000x Faster Delivering Solutions in 30 Seconds or Less Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Shaye Eller, Director of Analytical Solutions, Rentrak

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Automate to Innovate 1000x FasterDelivering Solutions in 30 Seconds or Less

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Shaye Eller, Director of Analytical Solutions, Rentrak



• Rentrak Overview (5 mins)• Case Study: Producing Sample Data for County

Ratings (5 mins)• Evolution of the Solution (20 mins)• Gaining Support from Stakeholders (5 mins)• Q&A (10 mins)


Rentrak OverviewGranularity, Measurement Stability, and Advanced Targeting Capabilities


Rentrak Measures:

• Global Movies• National & Local TV• On Demand TV• Internet TV• Digital Download (EST/iVOD/SVOD)• Mobile TV• DVD/Blu-ray/Video Game Rental• DVD/Blu-ray Retail Sales

Rentrak: Precisely Measuring Movies & TV Everywhere


Rentrak collects viewing from 14 million* U.S. TV Households• Virtually every residential zip


Rentrak Processes 182+ Billion TV Transactions Annually Such granular

measurement produces more stable results• Rentrak vs. sample-based


Source: CNBC, BBC presentation at the Collaborative Alliance, October 5, 2011*21 million by 2016

Approximately 1 in every 8

U.S. households


• Standard demographics are poor proxies for consumer behavior

• Rentrak’s Advanced Targeting combines:

• Demographics

• Behaviors

• Actual purchasing data

Advanced Demographic Targeting

Standard Demographic Target: Men 25-54


Advanced Demographics Data Provider Partners

Partial List


Women 35-64?

If you’re selling cat food, would you rather target… People who own cats!

- OR



Case Study: Producing Sample Data for County Ratings


• 210 Media Markets in U.S.

• Many are geographically large or have multiple principle cities

• Local advertisers need to buy on stations viewed by people in their area

The Need for County Ratings


The Challenge of County Ratings

• Each market must be mapped and loaded individually

• Approximately 16 hours of IT development work per market

• Provide sample data to local stations in support of Sales

• Without Alteryx, producing sample data takes 8 hours per market


Producing Sample Data Without Alteryx

Step Task

Time to Complete

1Download 50+ reports from Rentrak's StationView Essentials 1.5 hours

2Copy, paste and format all resulting data into a single file 1.5 hours

3Manually manipulate 50+ individual data points in Excel 4+ hours

3.5 Lose the will to live .5 hours

4 Format and deliver results .5 hours


Evolution of the Solution


Phase One:Creating an Alteryx workflow to produce results

Reduces completion time to ~2 hours


Spring 2013: Initially building the process in Alteryx

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~half-hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~half-hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4+ hours


Refined workflow with wildcard and dynamic inputs

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~1 hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

This step is essentially unchanged in all iterations

Revised inputs save 1 additional hour


Phase Two:Leveraging direct database connections

Reduces completion time to 10-20 minutes


Mid-2014: Replace input files with database connections

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~1 hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

This step is essentially unchanged from previous iteration

Reading in data directly from database eliminates 1.5 – 2 hours of pulling reports

Reading in data directly from database eliminates 1.5 – 2 hours of pulling reports


Setting up a database connection in Alteryx

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~1 hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

This step is essentially unchanged from previous iteration

Refined inputs save additional half-hour

Reading in data directly from database eliminates 1.5 – 2 hours of pulling reports

1. New ODBC connection

2. ODBC Admin

3. Add data source

4. Select type of connection


Database Connections Revolutionize Productivity

• Used in nearly every Alteryx workflow produced by Rentrak Analytical Solutions

• Saves countless hours downloading and connecting reports

• Next steps: Integrating tools from the Connector menu


Phase Three:Building an analytic app

Reduces completion time to 30 seconds or less


Once the process is production-ready, turn the workflow into an app

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~1 hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

This step is essentially unchanged from previous iteration

Refined inputs save additional half-hour

• Automatically updates variables

• Saves time

• Prevents errors


Build apps using drag-and-drop tools, just like a standard workflow

Messy method of reading in all inputs; speeds up Step 2, saves ~1 hour

The magic happens here: eliminates Step 3, saves 4 hours

This step is essentially unchanged from previous iteration

Refined inputs save additional half-hour

• Interface tools are easy to implement

• Each question can update multiple tools


>30 seconds to open the app, select parameters and produce a file

App Produces Results in Less Time Than an Email

Rating Index

Month Station DaypartCounty 1

County 2

County 1

County 2

3/1/2015 Station A Early Morning 1.09

1.56 60 85

3/1/2015 Station A Daytime 4.54

5.68 98 123

3/1/2015 Station A Early Fringe 2.53

6.65 31 81

3/1/2015 Station A Prime Access 2.26

0.05 53 1

3/1/2015 Station A Prime 1.86

1.94 24 25

3/1/2015 Station A Late Fringe 1.85

2.71 69 101

3/1/2015 Station B Early Morning 0.04

0.00 52 5

3/1/2015 Station B Daytime 0.01

0.12 5 111

3/1/2015 Station B Early Fringe 1.34

1.39 90 93

3/1/2015 Station B Prime Access 0.78

0.53 79 53

3/1/2015 Station B Prime 0.29

0.03 39 3

3/1/2015 Station B Late Fringe 0.34

0.13 110 41

Total time:




Phase Four:Future enhancements

Put tools directly into the hands of stakeholders


Making tools available to stakeholders

• Rentrak upgraded to Alteryx Server

• Building out private Analytic App gallery

• Deploying across a variety of solutions

Future Enhancements


Gaining Support From Stakeholders


How can we help Sales and Account Management realize the benefits of a private app gallery?

• Run apps faster than requesting data from analytics team

• Get results in minutes instead of days

• Greater flexibility for client-facing teams

Gaining Support from Stakeholders


In Conclusion…

• Improving the process through Alteryx saves 8+ hours per project

• Empowers stakeholders to create their own analyses

• Frees analyst time to drive further innovation

Phase ImprovementTime Saved

1 Move Process to Alteryx Workflow 5 – 6 hours

2 Input Data Via Database Connection 1.5 hours

3 Turn the Workflow Into an Analytic App .5 hours

4Create a Private App Gallery Using Alteryx Server .5+ hours


