inspirational mails final

Subject line 1: People having great sex are doing this in secret Subject Line2: Be careful. Good sex is NOT great sex. Subject line 3: Be a thief. Steal this secret Ok. So you are having sex 2 or 3 times a week. That’s good. You love your partner, you still desire her and the sex is OK. Things are becoming a little bit of a routine now, but with work and all, there is really not much time for anything else. Well, the trap has just begun. When things are OK is when things are really not OK. Our mind is trained to protect our EGO, so when things are not going the way we REALLY want them to go is when we create all these defense mechanisms that tell us that things are good, when they actually should be GREAT. We men have been BRAINWASHED into thinking that after certain age we don’t need some things anymore. It´s OK if we start getting sick more often. It´s OK if we don’t exercise that much (or at all), it´s OK if we don’t have as much sex as we used to. Well let me tell you, our body´s natural wisdom dissents. It´s not OK. It´s not OK to NOT live life to the fullest. It´s not Ok because that´s NOT how the body was made to naturally function. And the most accurate indicator of this natural wisdom is Testosterone. Testosterone is the natural hormone in the body that tells you it´s OK to want more. Its OK to push further. Its OK to have GREAT SEX. Testosterone can: Boost your sex life Shield you from disease Increase your physical resistance Restore your fertility And that’s just the beginning. Once you raise those low T-levels you will experience so much more: More assertiveness Risk taking Financial success Fulfilling relationships Stop being a victim. Change your Good to GREAT with a natural Testosterone Booster. Your friend in health, Charlie

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Inspirational Mails Final

Subject line 1: People having great sex are doing this in secret

Subject Line2: Be careful. Good sex is NOT great sex.

Subject line 3: Be a thief. Steal this secret

Ok. So you are having sex 2 or 3 times a week. That’s good. You love your partner, you still desire her

and the sex is OK. Things are becoming a little bit of a routine now, but with work and all, there is really

not much time for anything else.

Well, the trap has just begun. When things are OK is when things are really not OK. Our mind is trained

to protect our EGO, so when things are not going the way we REALLY want them to go is when we create

all these defense mechanisms that tell us that things are good, when they actually should be GREAT.

We men have been BRAINWASHED into thinking that after certain age we don’t need some things

anymore. It´s OK if we start getting sick more often. It´s OK if we don’t exercise that much (or at all), it´s

OK if we don’t have as much sex as we used to.

Well let me tell you, our body´s natural wisdom dissents. It´s not OK. It´s not OK to NOT live life to the

fullest. It´s not Ok because that´s NOT how the body was made to naturally function.

And the most accurate indicator of this natural wisdom is Testosterone. Testosterone is the natural

hormone in the body that tells you it´s OK to want more. Its OK to push further. Its OK to have GREAT


Testosterone can:

Boost your sex life

Shield you from disease

Increase your physical resistance

Restore your fertility

And that’s just the beginning. Once you raise those low T-levels you will experience so much more:

More assertiveness

Risk taking

Financial success

Fulfilling relationships

Stop being a victim. Change your Good to GREAT with a natural Testosterone Booster.

Your friend in health,


Page 2: Inspirational Mails Final

Subject line 1: The One, Definite Trap That Destroys your sex life

Subject line 2: You Know It´s Bad When Even the Mainstream Takes Notice

Dear reader:

If your interest is fading, your confidence is non-existent and your sex life is terminally ill, there could be

a specific villain at work.

And it´s becoming so common that the medical community already has a name for it:

Low-cGMP Synthesis.

And you know it´s bad when even the mainstream takes notice.

But what does it mean?

In plain words, it means that your body is not fully completing the natural cycle that allow hormones to

communicate with each other.

It´s like a short circuit in the natural hormone process which can bring disastrous consequences to your

organs, internal systems and general health.

But there is more to Low-cGMP Synthesis that meets the eye.

The real danger lies in its nature: It´s silent. It´s sinister. And like any other malignant and undiagnosed

illness, it attacks when least expected.

But there is a little known, amazing secret that shields you from this terrible condition and also:

Ensures Infinite Sexual Energy

Enhances Muscle Mass

Stimulates Metabolism

Improves Stamina, Resistance and Endurance

It´s called LJ100 and is a natural marvel considered by doctors to be the greatest herbal contribution to

western medicine in the last 70 years.

The thing is, Tongkat Ali roots (from where LJ100 is derived) take some 20 years to reach a stage of full

potency. Because the shrub is so difficult to cultivate and rain forests capable of sustaining it are being

annihilated, there is no Tongkat Ali plantation anywhere in the world.

The tree only grows on exotic, well-drained jungle slopes, partially protected by a canopy. This makes it

extremely rare, incredibly effective and highly sought-after by the Western world, tired of seeing its

health standards crumble down despite great technical advances and increased lifespan.

Page 3: Inspirational Mails Final

But today, I have the pleasure of introducing this natural miracle at its fullest. No additives, no chemicals

and with all the ingredients that make it a health-must for any man who wants to boost the very

substances that make him, a MAN. GO HERE >>>

Don’t wait for another 20 years, reload your internal hormone communication and take this villain out

for good.

Your friend in health,


Page 4: Inspirational Mails Final

Subject line: There Is So Much More To Life Than This

So you feel tired. Depressed. Irritated. With no ambition. No desire. No passion. And you keep

wondering if this is what life is supposed to be.

And you also feel alone. No one to communicate with and guide you when things get rough.

I understand your concern, but let me assure you, it´s not only you who feels this way. And to cheer you

up I have some good news and even better good news.

The first one is that Life is not supposed to be ANYTHING, other than what we make of it.

There are no scripts, no prior instructions. There is only one thing that can determine how life REALLY

unfolds, and that is the NOW. And it´s in the NOW where decisions are made. Every decision made is

what creates the road ahead.

The second good news is that you are NOT ALONE.

You have a great friend that knows you better that anyone else. An intimate confidant you have walked

away from. The thing is, we have been trained to listen to this friend ONLY when we are in trouble. And

if you ask me, that is a real shame.

Now, before you start rolling your eyes thinking this is another self-help book kind of advice where

everyone´s happy and everything´s perfect, listen to this:

“Testosterone Is The #1 Most Important Hormone In The Body For General Health.”

Yes. This great friend is your body, and Testosterone is the best way to start listening to it.

Scientifically proven and doctor recommended, natural Testosterone provides the perfect setting for

you to tune into your body and start living a healthier, more pleasurable existence.

Experience the NOW and make the decision that will create a new road. A road to happiness.

Your friend in health,
