insidious 2 - research

Editing: Continuity editing has been used to enable a naturalistic depiction. This allows a seamless piece of initial footage. These first two minutes of the film only include straight cut transitions when going through the different shots. This is in aid of not complicating the very beginning of the film and also keeping viewers interested. As well as this, straight cuts have been used in order to create a clean, cut, professional look. The editing is quite slow, giving the audience a chance to take it all in and a sense of enigma. The titles are in red, red in this format connotes danger/blood/ gore. Mis-en-scene: The costume and make up is casual and modern – implying the films time period, the 21 st century 2013. Low key lighting is used within the first two minutes of the film to give the initial impression of the genre – horror. When considering the lighting, the audience can associate the darkness with death and other haunting connotations. There is little to no dialogue within these first to minutes, possibly implying that something

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Page 1: Insidious 2  - Research


Continuity editing has been used to enable a naturalistic depiction. This allows a seamless piece of initial footage.

These first two minutes of the film only include straight cut transitions when going through the different shots. This is in aid of not complicating the very beginning of the film and also keeping viewers interested. As well as this, straight cuts have been used in order to create a clean, cut, professional look.

The editing is quite slow, giving the audience a chance to take it all in and a sense of enigma.

The titles are in red, red in this format connotes danger/blood/ gore.


The costume and make up is casual and modern – implying the films time period, the 21st century 2013.

Low key lighting is used within the first two minutes of the film to give the initial impression of the genre – horror.

When considering the lighting, the audience can associate the darkness with death and other haunting connotations.

There is little to no dialogue within these first to minutes, possibly implying that something astonishing is about to happen, leaving no words to explain it.

We only see female characters within the first two minutes; no male characters are introduced until after.

Page 2: Insidious 2  - Research

Camera Shots:

Close up shots – These are used to focus in on the subject of each different shot.

Mid shot – These are used to clearly show the subjects facial expressions in the context of their body language.

High angle shot- A high angle shot is an angled shot positioned high on the vertical axis, looking down. These are used to typically give the impression of the subject being ‘swallowed’ up and weak.

Long shot – These are used to typically show the entire object or human figure and are usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings.

Establishing shot – These are used to usually the first shot of a new scene, designed to show the audience where the action is taking place.


There is use of synchronous sound within the shots, meaning sound that matches what is presented in the film.

Diegetic sound – Car engine. Car headlights being switched off, footsteps from female character, opening of door.

Non – diegetic sound – Backing music.

Both have been used to create verisimilitude

Page 3: Insidious 2  - Research


We are introduced to the only ideology that the women are typically the one asking for and in need of the help. This stereotype is reinforced in many horror films as the female gender is allegedly the more vulnerable and danger prone sex.

Narrative:Renai is interrogated by a police detective about the supernatural events in the house. While the police investigate the house, the Lambert family temporarily moves to the old house of Lorraine Lambert. Renai is haunted by a woman in white and Josh has a strange behavior at home. Meanwhile Lorraine seeks out Elise's partners Specs and Tucker expecting to find answers.

Genre: Horror

Within the first two minutes of Insidious we are presented with some very typical conventions that horror movies are known for. In this instance, low key lighting, minimalistic props and uncomplicated locations. There is no use of any special effects that could possibly connote the directors desire in wanting the film to come across and realistic as possible.

Representation: In these first two minutes we are presented with very simplistic frames that have focus on single subjects – for example, the car headlights. And only after those shots are we introduced to the first two characters in which we are given the impression that they are relatively important.